Night in the Novak

By Darren LeVanelle

Published on May 29, 2000


************************************************************************* NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR Hello there. This is not my first attempt at slash but it'll probably be the first one I post. I love this show! And an episode I saw tonight had an ending that was just perfect for me to slash. My husband would be so proud of me. Anyways, these events take place directly after the episode 'Caged' on Popular and it's a short little one-shot story idea unless I get some positive feedback. This is a story of fiction, the characters are fictional, so I have no worries about trampling on anybody's feet. However I don't own these characters. They are the property of the WB network and their respective creators. However I promise to wash the boys up and place them neatly back on the shelf after I get done playing with them. This story involves Harrison John (My Favorite! Yum Yum!!!) and Josh Ford (Also very yummy nummy if you know what I mean!) and I'm only writing what you know REALLY happened after the episode. Please send comments to I would love to get feedback on this. Also if you're ready and willing to read what will be a long, well written story with plenty of plot and development, please check out my 'N Sync and Backstreet Boys story 'Hearts Out Of Sync - All I Have To Give'. The prelude chapter should be posted on here in a few more weeks with the first chapter soon to follow. So read on! *************************************************************************

A Night In The Novak By Darren LeVanelle (Male/Male, Consensual)

8:12 p.m.

Harrison threw his arms up in defeat. He tried the door several times but it always yielded the same result. "Damnit! We're locked in." He paced back and forth inside the spacious bathroom that was known throughout Kennedy High School as the Novak. This was the perfect cap to an already lousy day.

"Well this turned out to be a great plan didn't it?" the dirty blond haired teen named Josh asked, not really seeking an answer to his question. He already knew things hadn't worked out exactly as planned.

"Yeah. And if I remember correctly you're the one who came up with this brilliant scheme in the first place!" Harrison was on his edge and losing it pretty quickly. If being locked up in the damn bathroom wasn't bad enough, he was locked in with his competition for Brooke McQueen's affection. The two of them were anything but friends. On several occasions they appeared like bitter enemies. But they had also gotten along a few times too. Nonetheless, Josh was still the enemy in his eyes and it didn't make the time pass any easier.

"Sorry. I didn't plan on getting locked in here on purpose as part of it." Josh retorted quickly. "And the prospect of staying in here all night isn't exactly promising." He turned to face Harrison and looked him in the eyes. "And I know you don't want to be here anymore than me."

"Yeah." Harrison started out quietly. "I don't look forward to this either."

"Well Sugar is still here and I'm sure he'll notice we're both gone after a few minutes. I'd say we'll only be in here for an hour at the most." Josh said convincingly, even though he wasn't quite sure of himself.

"I hope you're right."

"Me too."

At the moment Sugar was racing towards home faster than he had ever ran before in his life. The sound of the six of them, Sam, Brooke, Carmen, Nicole, Lily and Mary Cherry, harping like a pack of wild wolves about to make the kill echoing through the Novak and out into the high school hallway still sent shivers throughout his large body. It took him all of 15 minutes to get to his house. He raced through the door, headed to his bedroom and closed the door. Settling down in his bed, he drowned the sounds of the rabid women out of his head as best he could, trying his hardest to fall asleep with the cackle of Mary Cherry cackling in the distance.

9:02 p.m.

Harrison tapped his foot impatiently, his head slightly nodding up and down as drowsiness set in. Josh was lying motionless on the semi-couch that stood out in the middle of the Novak. He was staring blankly at the ceiling to try and help pass the time but it brought little comfort. He leaned his head to the side and stared at the other boy, who sat motionlessly except for the occasional nod of his head. He turned his head back towards the ceiling and continued to zone off, considering it was probably the best thing to do at the time.

He opened his eyes just in time to catch a glimpse of Josh turning his head to look at him. He wondered inside, what that casual stare in his direction was all about. He closed his eyes as quickly as he had opened them and appeared to doze off again. This time it was a farce, unlike previously when he really did doze off. Maybe it was something that was in the air, the two of them trapped inside the Novak for God only knows how long. Every action was exaggerated, every sound amplified. Harrison opened his eyes slightly again, this time noticing Josh turning his head back so that his eyes met the ceiling. He took in every little detail of the moment. The way Josh lazily rolled his head back. The heavy sigh he let out as his eyes re-fixed on the ceiling he was so intently studying. The short and crisp breaths he was taking in and out. Josh was definitely breathing faster than normal. He was a football player, and heavy exertion wouldn't normally cause him to breathe that fast. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to ask.

"Something up Josh?" Harrison finally let out after pondering the idea for a few minutes. Josh slowly sat up from the circular couch and looked over towards the dark haired youth.

"Why do ya' ask?" he asserted rather strongly. Harrison glanced about a bit as he tried to search for the right words to say without giving away the fact of his observations.

"We've been in here for over an hour now and you haven't said a word since we realized we were really locked in." Harrison noticed a peculiar expression cross Josh's face momentarily. He thought he saw it, but it could have been his imagination in this minor little crisis.

"If you've haven't noticed before Harrison we're not exactly friends. We don't even really say hi to each other on a daily basis." Josh said trying to reason with him.

"So you'd rather sit in here silently for what could be hours on end rather then talk to somebody you think is un-cool?" Harrison asked with the sarcasm oozing from his words.

"I told you. Sugar is probably going to be looking for us soon."

"You said that an hour ago." He retorted coldly.

"I know." Josh was starting to get a little annoyed.

"You said 15 minutes at the most." Harrison responded.

"So it's taking longer than I expected." Josh realized he had been looking Harrison right in the eyes the entire time. It started to freak him out a bit so he turned away.

"You realize we could be in here all night if he doesn't come back for us." Harrison waited for a few moments to see if Josh would at least respond to him. After Josh just stared off into space again, not saying a thing, he added "I'll take that as a yes." He leaned back into his sitting position against the wall and let his mind wander back just a few hours ago. This hadn't been the best day of his life.

First Sam and the rest of her crowd, Carmen and Lily, got in a bitchfest with Brooke and the rest of her posse, Nicole and Mary Cherry. What would have turned into a major parking lot brawl was instead a botched Novak lock-in with the desperate hope that they could somehow work things out without killing each other. It succeeded, in a way, cause the six girls left the bathroom just the tiniest bit closer, even if it would only last till first period tomorrow morning. Now they were both locked in here, with fewer words being spoken as the time slowly dragged by.

9:55 p.m.

"I never said you were un-cool." The words escaped Josh's lips ever so softly.

"What?" Harrison asked as he slowly re-awoke from the tiny naps he was having. Josh sat up again from the couch and looked at him.

"I never said you were un-cool." He repeated.

"You might as well have said it. Like you said we aren't exactly friends." Harrison tried his best to look away from Josh as the conversation started but he couldn't.

"But we aren't enemies either." Josh stated logically. Harrison hoped off the counter and started to pace about the room a bit. He turned back to face Josh.

"Well then what are we exactly?" Harrison started out in what would become a long conversation piece. "I mean we see each other every day, hardly even acknowledging each others presence. On the few occasions we actually say more than a few words together it's because of some plot by one of the girls or one of us. We're from totally different crowds, we hang out with totally different friends, and on top of all of that you're the major jock Mr. Popularity type while I'm a Mr. Nobody that hardly anybody pays attention to." He stomped around a bit before settling back on the countertop a good distance away from him. "And we have nothing in common so I doubt FRIEND is ever a word we could associate with each other."

Josh sat there and took all of his words in. He was right about it. All of it. There were a few minor details that he needed to correct but he didn't know if he should. I mean, like the boy said, they weren't exactly friends. "So what. Maybe you're right about it all. But like you said earlier," he gave Harrison a smile before continuing, "We may be here all night and a little gabbing is a better alternative then dead silence." Josh motioned Harrison to come on over and take a seat next to him. Harrison thought about it then leapt off the countertop and started to walk over towards him. "Even if you think I think you're totally un-cool dude." Harrison gave him a astonished look just as he was about to sit down. "I'm kidding." Josh smiled brightly and Harrison returned the gesture. He took a seat beside Josh.

"Well what should we gab about?" Harrison asked as a smile crossed his face for the first time in over two hours.

"Anything. It doesn't matter what. Whatever happens never leaves this room or us. Got it?" Josh asked in a friendly tone.

"Got it." Harrison replied.

11:00 p.m.

They had been chatting for quite some time. They talked about everything, from the two major crowds at Kennedy High to the utter nastiness of Mary Cherry's bleach blond job. They laughed together, cringed in fear together, and even shared some good stories about their few adventures in mischief together. They had both said that they weren't exactly friends. But if you had walked into the Novak that evening you would have thought otherwise.

"So they were that mad at you huh?" Harrison asked as Josh finished telling him the story of when he first unlocked the door and saw the girls.

"Yeah." He began. "I can't blame them though. I didn't do the right thing with any of them. Not to Brooke. Not to Sam. Not to Carmen. She wants me to reschedule our date."

"It could be worse." He laughed as he spoke. "You could be dead."

"Well I guess there are far more evil things than being locked in here with you all night." Josh looked over at Harrison again, staring him right in the eyes. He'd done it several times throughout their hour of conversation. He didn't know why but he felt something. He didn't know what but it was there. Harrison let out a yawn and stretched a bit on the couch. "Getting tired?'


"Me too." He looked down at the couch and formulated an idea. "Get up for a minute would ya?" He quickly complied and saw Josh go to work. Turns out that the couch in there was kind of like a fold away bed except it was a fold into bed. A circular bed, but a bed for all intents and purposes. "Brooke showed me this once."

"Uh huh. I bet she did." He cracked a smile as Josh flashed him a shocked look.

"No. Nothing like that. She was just bragging about this place one time. There's even a blanket in here too."

"A blanket?" Harrison was confused at this point.

"Yep. She said this was an emergency crash room for any strange an unusual needs." Josh produced the blanket out of where the middle section use to be. "I take it this qualifies as one."

"True." He looked at Josh and thought how ironic it was for the two of them to be here, caged inside a bathroom for the night. "So are we gonna be able to share this thing without getting on each others nerves?"

"I hope so." Josh hopped back onto the couch that had become a bed and motioned for Harrison to join him. "It's cool. I don't bite." The comment kind of caught Harrison off-guard but he still joined him on the makeshift bed. It took him a few moments to react. Josh noticed but tried not to show that he noticed and that it intrigued him.

11:45 p.m.

They laid together a few inches from each other, covered in a single blanket for about 30 minutes, desperately trying not to say anything to each other. This was an uncomfortable scenario, for the both of them. Neither made a move or made a sound louder then subtle breathing. Josh turned his head to look at Harrison, his eyes still open and looking blankly upward.

"I wouldn't say you're a nobody." Josh easily captured the boy's attention with his words as Harrison turned to look at him. "And I also wouldn't say nobody pays attention to you."

"What makes you say that Josh?" He was definitely interested in what the popular boy had to say.

"They notice you. I mean just look at you. You're a pretty good-looking guy. I've seen how some of the girls look at you."

"It's nothing compared to how they look at you."

"Fair enough." Josh interrupted him. "But still don't think you're a nobody cause it's not true. Not to me anyways."

"I can't believe this." Harrison spoke while softly chuckling. Josh looked over at him again perplexed by his actions.


"It takes the two of us being locked in the fucking bathroom together to get past those preset social boundaries in school and get to really know each become well...friends I guess."

"You guess? You lost me there." Josh didn't quite get it yet.

"It's like I said earlier. We really don't have anything in common. I mean think about it. Can you name one thing we have in common?" He had to think for but a second before he replied. When he did, Harrison couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth.

"Brooke McQueen."

"Brooke? That's your answer, Brooke?" he said in disbelief.

"It's the truth. We both fight for her attention."

"I don't think it's the whole truth." Harrison stated before he realized what just escaped his lips.

"What was that?" Josh asked defensively.

Harrison cursed himself for saying something he should have never said. "I'm not fighting for her attention Josh. I never was." Harrison gulped down hard as he finished his sentence. "I was just trying to make you jealous of me and maybe knock some sense into your head that Brooke isn't a good thing for you."

"Why would you do that?" Josh asked in a dumbfounded voice. Harrison had caught him more off guard then he realized.

"It's cause I like you alright?" Harrison had stated it off towards the ceiling. Josh didn't say anything back and Harrison could tell that he didn't quite grasp the concept. He turned towards Josh and closed the distance between them. They were just a hair-width from each other. "Cause I really...really like you." He lectured himself for being so weak and swept up in the moment like this. But if he would ever be able to tell him it was now or never.

"Why are you telling me this now?" Josh asked, with neither an approving or denying look on his face.

"Cause you said what we say in here stays in this room and between us." He cleared his throat and spoke in a hushed voice. "And I've always trusted your word." Josh's mouth hung open at the comment. "And I trust you." Josh lied there with his mouth still slightly opened as Harrison looked at him with a little fear in his eyes, searching for a response, any response to tell him what to do. His mind told him to hesitate. His heart had another plan. He slowly leaned his head in toward Josh, his lips starting to part, anticipating connecting their mouth together. But his heart couldn't get past that fear of rejection, the pain of having a fools wish and having it denied. He stopped barely an inch from Josh's parted lips, catching himself in his actions. Harrison realized what a fool he could have made of himself. Reprimanding inside, he slowly backed off from the other boy only to have the decision made for him.

Josh leaned in towards Harrison and their lips met in a sweet tender kiss.

As he pulled back from the sign of affection he'd just given, he looked into Harrison's eyes. That was what he felt, the thing he could feel but didn't know what it was. Could it be that he too 'liked' Harrison in a way he hadn't thought of? Could that be the reason for their mutual tension around each other?

"Wh...why...why'd you do that?" Harrison stuttered, trying to regain his composure, his body still shuddering from the unexpected kiss given to him.

"Like I said. Whatever happens in this room stays between us." Their gazes met, eye into eye and nothing could remain hidden much longer between them. "And cause I'm just now realizing that I really like you too." This time Harrison initiated the kiss. It was another slow, soft and tender moment. He didn't want to kiss him too hard or passionately, or even slip him the tongue. This was more than a crush or a lust to him. He felt so close to this boy, this 'Stud' who wasn't even a distant friend, let alone a close one. Harrison felt secure and relaxed being close to Josh. But this was new territory and he didn't know what to do next. Harrison was excited but a little scared.

The decision was taken out of his hands again as Josh brought his free arm over his body and started to lightly caress Harrison's back. The gesture gave Harrison a little confidence and he too wrapped his free arm around Josh and started to caress his back. In his mind he couldn't get over what was happening. Here they lay together, face to face, kissing so soft and gently. It was almost like a dream come true for Harrison. Still his mind was flushed with doubt. Josh had told him about what the girls were talking about, him in particular. Josh said to them that he was sorry for being a hoe. That was all Harrison needed for his imagination to run wild. 'He's just doing this cause he's lonely and horny and he knows I won't say a word about it.' He thought scolding himself as he continued to let his free hand rub gently up and down Josh's back. 'How could he possibly like me the way I like him?' He let his worries fill his mind then started to relax in the other hands touch and warmth. 'O'well. At least you'll have one night.' But Josh Ford was to be full of even more surprises.

He let his head slowly pull away from the man. His eyes looked deep into Harrison's, almost questioning himself if he was doing 'the right thing' this time. Everything felt all right, but he could almost sense the worry from Harrison's face. Sure he looked content, almost sated, but there was a bit of hesitation in the boy's actions. 'He's thinking about me. I know it.' Josh thought. 'He thinks I'm just doing this cause I'm lonesome and horny and I can get away with it tonight.' Josh placed a kiss on Harrison's forehead before he continued. 'Well I should be a man and show him otherwise.'

He pushed himself back a little bit so he could take in the boy's features better. Harrison was unquestionably cute. How he managed to stay out of the 'in' crowd was kind of a mystery. That didn't matter now. Josh wanted to make him realize this wasn't a horny boy thing. He brought his hands up to Harrison's shirt and slowly started to unbutton it, carefully taking his time with his movements. He looked up and saw the wondering look on Harrison's face. His features still stood out strongly, even thought the light in the Novak was dimmed so they could rest easier. Josh smiled lightly and continued his work on getting the man's shirt off.

"What are you doing?" Harrison asked in uncertainty.

"I'm trying to get your shirt off." He responded softly.

"Why?" Harrison was still puzzled.

"Cause I want to touch you. I want to see you. And I want to make you comfortable with me." Josh gazed at him, doing his best not to have a defensive look on his face. He undid the last button and pulled the shirt off of Harrison. He looked upon the boy's body in wonder. Harrison wasn't extremely defined or muscular but he sure did have a nice toned physique. Josh let his hands run up and down Harrison's torso and chest that made him shiver from the touch. "Am I making you uncomfortable?"

"" he stuttered out again.

"Then why are you stuttering again?"

"Ca...cause I'm nervous." Harrison replied quickly. Josh grabbed a hold of his hand and brought him in closer. Harrison's eyes opened up again and looked upon the jock wonderingly.

"Will this make you less nervous?" As Josh asked his question he brought Harrison's hands to his own shirt and helped him start to unbutton it. This continued through the first three buttons then Josh let his hands slide down his arms and caressed his toned muscles. Harrison looked down at what he was doing, still taking in the reality of what was happening between them. "Look at me."

"Huh?" Harrison said as he drew his gaze up to Josh's face again.

"You don't have to be so nervous. I want you to look at me, see me, and understand that I WANT this." His eyes pleaded with Harrison. "I'm not letting you, I want you too. Ok?"

For the first time since their intimate encounter had begun Harrison produced a smile. "Ok." He had undone the last of the buttons on Josh's shirt and carefully removed the article from his body. As the shirt slid to the floor he looked over at him with a new sense of ease. Josh wanted this and wasn't denying it to him at all. And Josh had always been the truthful kind of guy. What he felt, what he though, he said...unless he didn't want you to know in which case he would say nothing about it. But Harrison knew that he would never lie directly to him. He didn't know why he felt that way he just...did.

"Wow!" Harrison exclaimed excitedly. "You have a great body."

Josh blushed a bit at the comment. "You have a nice body too. Although I'm surprised to hear us talking about it. We do have PE together. We've seen each other almost butt naked on several occasions."

"I guess we weren't really paying attention before." Harrison added in as his hands rose up and down the definition on Josh's form. His skin felt soft to the touch and he was so warm. He started to take Josh's words to heart and let his hands roam down to his belt. He undid it quickly and then tossed it on the floor. Josh looked down at what was happening and then back up at Harrison. "Tell me if I go too far." Josh nodded as an answer and let him continue his work. The hands tenderly felt his butt, spending a moment to take in their shape and feel before they moved to the button and zipper. "I always thought you had a nice ass." Josh blushed again.

Harrison had shucked away the jeans and stood up as he did it. Josh just stayed put, looking quite cute in Harrison's eyes wearing just his socks and a pair of white Calvin Klein boxers. He looked so innocent. He started to undo his own pants when Josh shot up from the bedding and pulled his hands away.

"Let me do that." He stated as he went to work on getting Harrison's jeans off. "It's only fair." The jeans slid to the floor and he stepped out of them. Josh was also reveling in the sight before him, Harrison standing in only a pair of plaid boxers with a slight red tone in his face. "Don't be embarrassed Harrison." Harrison just looked up at the ceiling. Josh started to ponder why he was acting strange. His sights came back to the dark haired teen and he understood shortly after. A noticeable bulge was protruding from his plaid boxers, an indication to just how aroused Harrison was by Josh. He stood up face to face with him. "You don't have anything to be blushing about." Josh nodded his head downward and Harrison followed the motioning. A bulge was also forming in the white boxers. He looked back up with a sign of relief on his face to which Josh gave an approving smile as a response. He took the man into a hug letting his hands roam over his body.

The flesh-to-flesh contact was intoxicating to him. His embrace was like heaven and he felt so secure and happy. Josh let out a moan as his hands wandered. Harrison then noticed a small push in his pelvic bone. 'Oh my god.' He thought. Josh's penis was fully erect and almost pulsating against his own. He pulled his head slightly back so he could look upon Josh's face again. As he did Josh leaned forward to kiss him. This time the kiss was far more passionate. Josh's tongue lazily crept into his mouth and grazed Harrison's teeth and tongue, exploring the feel of the man's inner body. Josh brought his hands around the boy's waist, touching every curve, feeling every line, and ending the motions with a firm cup on his ass cheeks. Harrison let out a yelp as he did. Josh backed off for a second.

"I hope that not a bad thing?"

Harrison shook his head side to side quickly in response. "Oh no. It's not bad at all." The two boys drifted back onto the couch turned bed in the middle of the Novak and continued their make-out session.

They stayed motionless against each other, their two bodies pressed in closely to one another. There was no hurry, no rush, for them to go any farther if it wasn't what they wanted. Josh slowly licked Harrison's lips and caressed his body as they closed in for another soft and succulent kiss. Harrison's hands continued to massage and rub Josh's back, making quick slips towards his ass cupping the cheeks in his palms and kneading them lightly. As they pulled away briefly to stare at each other there was a moment of reprise. Neither boy spoke a word but both had something on their mind. Harrison was the first one to speak.

"How far do you want this to go Josh?" his soft voice asked of his new companion. He was concerned about Josh's true intentions. He was unaware of exactly what raced through the guys mind. He wanted a response whether it was what he wanted to hear or not.

"Only as far as WE want it to go." Josh replied delicately. There was no over-explanation or unnecessary words from him. He spoke what he felt.

"We?" Harrison stated puzzled.

"That's right...we. Not as far as YOU want to go. Not as far as I want to go. But what we both want, no more." Josh gazed into his eyes trying to convey what he was trying to say. His body did other things and Harrison took immediate notice.

He brought his hand slowly down to Josh's covered bulge, looking at him in expectation of a sign. "It's alright Harrison. You can touch me if you want." Harrison nodded and continued to let his hand drift. He traced the form of the hard organ in his boxers with his finger first, which elicited a small moan from Josh. He then cupped it in its entirety in his hand taking notice of the size. Almost nothing was left to his imagination. He felt a nudge at his own erection and looked down to see Josh's hand mimicking his actions on him. First a finger that traced it shortly replaced with his entire hand. He brought his eyes back to Josh. "I hope it's ok for me to touch you." Harrison again answered with a nod which made Josh smile brightly in the dimly lit bathroom.

Harrison continued the light stroking and groping motions upon Josh's package and curiosity began to get the better of him. His nature made him want to ask for permission in a way again. But so far Josh had made it clear that he would let him know if he was doing something that he didn't want. So Harrison let his hand slide under the waistband of Josh's Calvin's and made contact with the hard cock that he grasped in his right hand. He could feel it pulsate and swell in his fingers and palm. 'I can't believe this is actually happening' he thought to himself.

"Me neither." Josh had said. Well, Harrison thought he thought to himself.

He lifted Josh's dick out from its restraint and past the waistband, letting it spring to life. His eyes widened at the sight he just witnessed. It was a nice sized cock, about 7 or 8 inches and cut. Not too thick but not too thin, just right. Harrison licked his lips as he gazed upon Josh's exposed erection. Before he could think about it any more he leaned down towards his crotch and brought his mouth upon it.

Josh let out a gasp as Harrison made contact with his flesh. His mouth was so warm and moist. The sensations he felt were brand new. Not even Brooke had ever done something like this with him. She was pretty conservative, the whole 'We're gonna do this the way it was intended to be' so a blowjob was definitely out of the question. His eyes rolled back in his head as those thought were thrown out of his mind while Harrison took more of his dick into his mouth. Inch by inch he swallowed Josh into his mouth until he came to rest his nose at his pubic hairs. He drew himself back up the shaft and let his mouth slide back down again. He did this slowly at first then he started to speed the process up a bit. As Harrison quickened his pace he could feel the cock in his mouth begin to swell even more. He stopped for a second to catch some air and simultaneously pulled Josh's boxers down to his feet that dangled over the side of the couch bed.

Josh looked down at him as Harrison put his lips back around him and caressed the head. He pulled back again and let his tongue swirl around the tip while he looked up into Josh's eyes. He felt his own prick harden and pulse at the sight of Josh looking down on him as he licked his dick. The look on his face would always be a great memory for him. Josh looked so heavenly and passionate; there was a definite desire he saw in his eyes. And it was more than carnal lust. Josh's hand came down from behind his head and softly grazed his face, his fingers running through Harrison's hair then resting on his neck. Harrison looked up at him as he replaced his mouth on the top of his shaft and carefully brought all of it into his mouth. Josh's mouth dropped open and his eyes squinted in pleasure at the picture of Harrison slowly and seductively sucking on him.

He picked up the pace and started to suck more forcefully on him. His hands roamed over his chest as he sucked him deeper and deeper inside his mouth. He looked back up at Josh who appeared like he was trying to say something. He felt the hard cock in his mouth start to pulse and swell more frequently as he continued to suck it. Finally words started to escape the lips of the man he was blowing so madly and he heard him. "Harrison. Harrison I'm...I'm...I'm gonna cum. Oh god!" He pulled back off of his dick just as the first spurts erupted and shot out from the piss slit. The first one went straight up and landed right back on his dick. Josh pointed it towards his own chest and let the remaining surges of fluid cover himself. He panted deeply as the orgasm subsided. He looked down at Harrison who observed the whole act in awe. His other hand grasped his neck and drew his face towards his own. They kissed again for quite a few minutes before Josh let his feelings of passion subside and he let his words take over. "Thank you Harrison. Thank you. That was..." his voice trailed off for a moment. "...that was great!" Josh leaned in for another kiss, his hands roaming over Harrison's body as they did.

He pulled away and walked over to a stall to get some toilet paper so he could clean Josh up. When he returned back to the couch bed he handed them to him. Josh took the TP appreciatively and began to clean himself up. Harrison proceeded to try and sit back down on the bed but Josh stopped him before he could.


"You can't sit down yet." Josh said solemnly.

"Why not?" Harrison's answer came as a hand tugging at his waistband. He looked down at Josh who was trying to peel off his boxer shorts.

"We're not done yet." Josh smiled up at him.

" know you don't have to do that." Harrison tried to reason with him.

"You don't want me to?"

"No. It's not that. I mean...I don't want you to do it if you don't want to." Their eyes met again in the almost surreal moment.

"I want to." Josh pleaded as he pulled the boxers down forcefully. He grasped Harrison's long dick in his hand. Well it wasn't as thick as his cock; it was kinda thin. But what it lacked in width it made up in length being almost nine inches long. "I've never done this before so forgive me if I'm not too good."

"Hey." Harrison began as he leaned down to be eye level with him. "I've never done this before either. That was my first time."

"Really?" Harrison nodded back. This put Josh's mind at ease. What Harrison did felt so great. He was convinced that Harrison had to have done it a lot. Well he knew he was wrong now. But he was certain that he wanted to do this. "Oh god I want you."

Josh was a lot less subtle in his actions. He opened his mouth wide and tried to take in all of it on the first swoop. He started choking almost instantly as the sensation of Harrison's hard dick passed his tonsils and hit the back of his throat. He pulled back quickly and started to gasp.

"Don't rush it. Take your time. You don't have to impress me." Harrison's words were like a slap in the face. His mind wandered back just a while ago.

'Is that it? Is that was he was trying to tell me? He knew, he knows, that my relationship with Brooke was more to impress people than to love someone. But he says I don't have to impress him. Could it mean that he likes me more that I can even realize?' With these thoughts running throughout his teenage mind his resolve was strengthened as he made a second attempt on Harrison. This time he took his time slowly lowering his head on him. He let his mouth and throat adjust to the long object he was so intent to suck on.

Josh could hear Harrison whispering as he moved up and down the hard shaft. He tried to keep his pace slow but it quickened within minutes. When he had finally started to really get into it he felt Harrison's hands on his shoulders, massaging them as Josh took his dick deeper into his mouth. "Oh Josh. Oh. Josh." He could hear Harrison whimpering out his name. He felt touched. It was a sign of tenderness, of weakness on Harrison's part. He spoke his name like it was divine or heavenly. He did his best to mimic what Harrison had done, slowly pulling his mouth off of the enlarged cock and gliding his tongue up and down the base. He swirled in around the head and suckled on it again, bringing his nose down to Harrison's pubes. It was not an easy accomplishment and he himself was impressed at it.

He looked up at Harrison. He had his face towards the ceiling in a way. His eyes were closed and squinted. Josh dropped from the bed to the floor while he started to get erect again from sucking on his dick. He grabbed a hold of his own and started to stroke it as he looked up again. He saw Harrison looking down at him, almost a reflection of what he must have looked like earlier, his mouth hung open and his eyes slightly squinted.

"Josh. Oh God Josh. I'm gonna cum man. I'm gonna cum." With that Josh instinctively pulled away. Harrison brought his hand down to his cock and had to stroke it but a few times before his orgasm started. He launched a gob of cum onto Josh's face, which aroused both of them alike. Another volley of semen shot out and Josh could no longer control himself. He wrapped his lips back around Harrison and started to take in his juices as they shot out from his hard dick. Harrison looked in shock as Josh did this and his orgasm continued. While Josh swallowed his load he beat himself off even faster and was soon shooting another load of cum all over his chest and belly.

Harrison had finally stopped shooting but Josh did not appear sated. He still sucked and slurped on his prick, which was becoming sensitive at this point. He slowly pulled it out of Josh's mouth who then rose up on his feet to face him.

"You didn't have to do that." Harrison stated firmly.

"I know. But I wanted to." His hand came across his face and wiped the remaining juices away. Bringing his now cum covered hand to his mouth he licked it clean savoring every last drop. "And besides you taste great." He then leaned in for a kiss. Harrison hesitated, but only for a moment. He was touched at what Josh had done. He wasn't expecting a blowjob from him, much less for him to swallow his load. So he returned the gesture in kind, kissing him with as much passion as they had when this crazy incident had started.

12:53 a.m.

The two of them finished cleaning up and laid back down on the makeshift bed in just their boxers and snuggled up close to one another. They kissed one last time before they fell asleep, cuddled up together looking so peaceful as they slept. Josh's arms were around Harrison's back as his head rested on his chest. He kissed him unconsciously on the forehead before the night would finally end.

2:01 a.m.

"Awwwwwwwwww! How swwwweeeeeeeeeetttt!"

Harrison and Josh both gradually stirred awake. They looked at each other, noticing that they were both cuddled up in each other's arms. After a quick glance between them they looked up to see who their visitor was and prayed for the best.

"When I snagged these keys from Nicole and realized that she had you two locked in here for what could be the night I was wondering what would happen." Sam stated calmly as she gazed down upon the two teenage boys nestled close together. "Um, but this isn't something I imagined."

"SAM!" Harrison practically jumped up from under the blanket. He stood there before her in only his boxers but it took him a second to figure that out. He looked over at Josh who was still on the couch bed and then at Sam. "Uhhhhhhh..." His face turned a bright red as it all set in on him. "Sam. I can explain."

"Harrison. It's ok I'm not looking for any gossip to spread..."

"No Sam. This isn't what you think..."

"Well I think it's exactly what I think considering the bright red on your face, the big grin on Josh's face, you two sleeping cuddled up on a bed only in your boxers." Sam looked over at Josh. "Nice Calvin's Josh."

"Uhm...thanks Sam." Josh replied while he searched for his jeans and shirt.

Sam smiled at him before she continued. "So yeah I guess it is what I think. Harrison, don't flip out on me. It's all right. Nobody else is gonna find out."

Harrison cocked his head to the side, a strange look on his face. "Huh?"

"Well after I got the keys from Nicole me and Brooke were talking at home. We wanted you two to suffer in here like we did but the two of us are a little more forgiving. That's why I'm here to get you guys."

"I don't understand...Sam what are you talking about?" This time it was Josh asking as he got up tucking his shirt in.

"Well me and Brooke came up with a plan for you two. She's really pissed at Nicole so we decided to let you guys' stay trapped inside here for a few hours. She wanted me to come get you at about 2 a.m., which explains why I'm here, and take you back to our house. You guys can stay in the guest room. But Brooke and I are going to say that both of us came to get you and hopefully Nicole will have a bigger case of PMS tomorrow than she did today." Sam chuckled lightly as she thought of the wonderful ploy. "Nicole is such a jealous bitch. I just don't think this is what Brooke had in mind."

" this means..."

"Oh I'm not gonna say a word. This is your guys business not mine although I wouldn't want to miss the look on Brooke's face when she finds out." The two teenage boys looked at each other in concern. "Well, if she finds out. Like I said, I know nothing." She turned around and headed for the door. "Put the bed back up Josh and get dressed Harrison. I have the car out front and you two still need to get some decent rest. We need to hurry."

"Right!" they replied in unison.

Sam smiled as she opened the door. "And Josh?"

"Yes Sam?" he said looking up from putting the couch back to it's 'normal' form.

"For Harrison's sake..." she started off, her expression turning more grim. "...This better not be another hoe session." She flashed him a wicked smile. "See you outside. And hurry up. We don't have all night."

2:27 a.m.

The drive from school to the McQueen residence was uneventful. Harrison and Josh hadn't spoken a word to each other for the entire trip. Much to Josh's relief, Brooke was already sound asleep by the time they got there. Sam led the two of them to the guest room and brought some towels so they could shower in the morning. While she wished them a good night Harrison pulled her aside.

"Do you think it would be a bad idea if we slept in the same bed together? I mean, I'm not even sure if we will but would it be cool?" Sam had that smile on her face. The bright grin that he always thought made her look more beautiful than she already was.

"Well there is a lock on the door and you have a private bathroom in here. An alarm clock too. It shouldn't be a problem. Just lock the door and be up and ready to go at about 7:30 alright." She walked towards Harrison and the two shared a friendly hug.

"Thank Sam." He said softly as they embraced.

"No problem." She pulled away from him and grasped him on the shoulders. "Y'know I've never seen you this happy. I hope things work out for you two." She cast a look over at Josh. "That is if there's anything to work out. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." He shut the door and locked it turning his attention to the popular boy that was getting undressed as soon as he had closed the door.

"I thought she'd never leave." He started out in a whisper. "We really need to talk."

"Let me guess." Harrison said. "This was all a one night thing and it's never gonna happen again and nothing is gonna come of this between us right?" He looked over at Josh with an angry look. "Right?" he fumed while asking.

"No. That's not it." Josh reached out and grabbed a hold of Harrison's hand. He looked at Josh with disbelief. "I told you I like you too. But it's not going to be easy for me, for US to deal with this. I want to try Harrison. I really want to try and do the right thing for once. You just have to give me a little time to adjust."

Harrison stood there in shock at what Josh was saying to him. His eyes started to tear up as he asked. "So what are you trying to tell me?"

Josh pulled Harrison in his arms and gave him a sweet kiss. "I'm trying to say that I'd like to give this a try, give us a try." He helped Harrison get undressed and they nestled into the bed, both of them oblivious to the fact that Josh would be sleeping in his ex- girlfriends house. That wasn't important to them. Their future, together, was all that mattered. "I think what I'm trying to say is I'd like to be your boyfriend. For us to date. That is if you want to."

Harrison smiled back at him and returned the sweet kiss. "No. If WE want to." They lay down close to each other, bodies intertwined and eyes locked in a gaze. Neither had a clue as to where this could lead them. But in their hearts was a connection that couldn't be denied. The fear of rejection, and moving just a little too quickly, kept them from saying 'I Love You' that night. But in time, who knows what words they would say to one another.

THE END ************************************************************************* SO?!? What did you think??? Sorry, but I'm not one for PWP's so I had to have a good story and all. Like I said please e-mail me your comments. I'd love to hear from all of you to see if I'd like to continue this. So till next season, later! *************************************************************************

Next: Chapter 2

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