Night in Ottawa

By Jason Lagasse

Published on Feb 3, 2001


A Night In Ottawa Written By: Curlybrok Edited By: Sheldon & Shawn

First off, the usual disclaimer goes here. If you are under the age of 18, if this is illegal where you live, or if you do not like any stories containing gay romance, then leave now. I do not know any of the members of N Sync, nor do I know if they are straight, gay, or bi. This is a fan fiction story I'm writing for some friends of mine. This story is totally fiction and comes from deep with in my imagination.

This story is dedicated to Shawn & Sheldon, two of my best friends. These guys are really cool and are the cutest couple I know. :) (Ok now I'm done kissing butt). To everyone thanks for reading, hope you like the story.

Second I've only visited Ottawa once so far, and a lot of what this story is based on is what I remember from my weekend there. I hope to be going back this summer, and if I made any mistakes, sorry. I'll make a correction in future updates.

A Night in Ottawa Chapter Three - "Back At The Hotel" Curlybrok

Lance and Justin tried to sneak into the hotel and to their rooms without being noticed by any of the hotel or N Sync staff. Lance unlocked his hotel room door and he and Justin quickly sneaked in. Justin closed the door and turned on the lights. "Where have you two been?" Jonathan asked. Lance and Justin both jumped at the sound of Jonathan's voice. "Umm... We were just out for a jog," Justin said. "No, you weren't. Don't lie to me, Justin," Jonathan said sternly. "We went to a club, and stayed at a friend's house," Lance said.

Jonathan nodded before standing. "I don't mind if you guys go out to clubs. However, if you insist on leaving and not letting anyone know where you are going, then your free time well be reduced." Jonathan said. "Look guys, I don't like being the bad guy here, but you have to help me out here.

If you leave and go out, you need to let someone know. We were out looking for you 'til late in the night." Jonathan admonished.

"We're sorry, we'll let someone know next time," Lance said. Jonathan nodded, "Then this is the end of this discussion," "Justin and I are going back out tonight after the concert," Lance said. "Fine, if you stay somewhere besides the hotel, let someone on security know," Jonathan said. Lance and Justin both nodded. "Good, get cleaned up and changed. We have to be at the arena in three hours," Jonathan said, and with that, he left Lance's room.

"I'm going to go back to my room and get ready to go to the arena," Justin said. "Ok, I'll see you later. We can decide when we'll leave to go back to that club," Lance said. "Lance can I ask you a question?" Justin asked. "What's on your mind, Justin?" Lance asked. "What do you think of Shawn?" Justin asked. "He seems like a nice guy. I didn't get to talk with him much, but the little bit that I did lead me to think he's a great guy," Lance said. "I think I'm falling for him," Justin said. "Really?" Lance asked. "I know, I know. We just met them and stuff, but I have this attraction to him, and it's more than just physical appearance. Don't get me wrong, he's hot and sexy, but there's more to him then just his looks and his sex appeal," Justin said.

"Wow! Did that just come out of your mouth, Justin Randall Timberlake? I'm impressed. So I guess Joey was wrong, you're not just a sex crazed pop star!" Lance said with a laugh. "Come on. Seriously Lance, I think I'd like to try being more than just friends with him," Justin said. "Well, if that's how you feel then tell him. Just one question, what about you being on tour and all?" Lance said. Justin sighed, "I know it'll be tough with me on tour, but I really want to give it a shot," "Ok, if that's how you feel, then go for it," Lance said.

"What about you and Sheldon, you two seem to have hit it off well," Justin said. "He's cool! At first it was purely physical attraction, but now I think it's more. We got to talking so much and everything that I felt like I've known him all my life," Lance said. "Are you willing to try being more then friends with him?" Justin asked. "I'm not sure, I'll see how things go," Lance said. Justin nodded. "I should probably go get ready. I'll see you soon," Justin said. "Ok, talk to you later, Just," Lance said.

Sheldon sat at his computer and logged on to AOL Instant Messenger, and logged into his email. A knocking sound came from the speakers, signaling one of Sheldon's buddies had logged on to AIM. A chat dialog box popped up:

HotGuy22: Hey Sheldon how was the concert. Vivios: AWESOME!! We got front row seats from their tour manger, thanks to Lance. HotGuy22: Really?? Vivios: Yeah, and we got to see Justin and Lance at ICON HotGuy22: Ok, the first part was believable the ICON part has to be made up. Vivios: No really. We're going back tonight, and they said they'd be there. HotGuy22: For Real? Wow, that's cool. Vivios: Yeah, I can't wait to see Lance again. HotGuy22: Well if you see them again I want an autograph. Vivios: I'll see what I can do. HotGuy22: Thanks. So how is Shawn? Vivios: He's doing ok, he's hitting it off with Justin. HotGuy22: Damn, all the fun happens when I'm out of town. Vivios: haha, well you should have went in with us on those tickets. HotGuy22: Yeah next time I'll go in with you guys on those. Vivios: So when are you getting back in town? HotGuy22: Tonight. I'm leaving New York in about an hour. Vivios: Cool are you coming to ICON? HotGuy22: I doubt it, I'll probably stay home tonight. Vivios: Come on, I'll introduce you to Lance and Justin. HotGuy22: Tempting offer, but I have to go shopping and run errands in the morning. Vivios: Oh come on, you can come for a drink. HotGuy22: I'll think about it. Vivios: Cool, then we'll see you there? HotGuy22: No promises but we'll see. Vivios: Alright, you'd better come. HotGuy22: I've got to go, I need to check out and get on the road, and maybe I'll see you guys tonight. Vivios: Ok, cool. Have a safe trip HotGuy22: Ok, talk to you later HotGuy22 signed out

Sheldon closed the chat dialog and went back to checking his email. Shawn knocked on Sheldon's door. "Sheldon, I'm making brownies. They should be ready soon if you want any," Shawn said. "Ok, I'll be out in just a few minutes," Sheldon said. "Ok," Shawn said and then went back to the living room to watch Law & Order.

The timer on the oven beeped to signal that the brownies were ready. Shawn got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen to get the brownies out of the oven. He cut up the brownies into squares, got out two bowls, the ice cream, chocolate syrup and two spoons. He made himself a brownie sundae and then made one for Sheldon. Sheldon walked into the kitchen as Shawn was putting the ice cream away. "Here you go," Shawn said as he handed Sheldon one of the sundaes. "Thanks, but I'm still not having sex with you," Sheldon said with laugh. Shawn rolled his eyes and walked back to the living room. "I was just kidding," Sheldon said. "Oh so you will have sex with me?" Shawn asked with obviously faked enthusiasm. "It was a joke, but I'm still not having sex with you," Sheldon said. Shawn faked a pout before turning his attention back to the television.

Sheldon finished his sundae and placed his dishes into the sink and returned to the couch. "I'm going to take a nap before we go out tonight." Shawn said as he stood and walked to the kitchen to put his dishes away. Sheldon nodded, and continued to watch the television. "Oh, Brent said he'd be back in town tonight." "Oh, cool. How did his trip go?" Shawn asked. "He didn't say, but I'm guessing it went well." Sheldon said. "Cool, well I'm off for a nap." Shawn said and walked into his room.

Justin stood before the mirror in his hotel washroom while styling his hair. "There, I think that looks good," he said after spending about ten minutes on his hair. Justin heard a knock on his door. "Just a second," he said. He quickly walked to the door and opened it, to find Lance standing on the other side. "Are you almost ready to go?" Lance asked. "Yeah, just need to grab my wallet and then we can go," Justin said. Lance nodded and waited for Justin to return. Justin quickly grabbed his wallet and headed back to the door. "Ok, I'm ready," Justin said. "Great lets go," Lance replied.

Lance and Justin walked to the elevator, and Justin hit the call button. When the elevator arrived, the doors opened and out walked Jonathan. He looked at Lance and Justin, "Where are you two going tonight?" Jonathan asked in a friendly tone. "We're going out," Lance said. "Where are you going out too?" Jonathan asked. "To a club, we'll be back in a couple of hours," Lance said. "Fine, but no gay clubs," Jonathan said.

"WHAT!" Lance shouted. "You heard me, NO GAY CLUBS!" Jonathan said again raising his voice. "You are not going to tell me where I can and can't go," Lance said in an aggressive tone. "Watch me," Jonathan said. "I'll watch you. Watch you get your ass out of this hotel. You're fired!" Lance screamed. "What, you can't fire me!" Jonathan yelled back. "Don't bet on it, read your contract," Justin stated smugly. JC and Chris came out of their rooms after hearing the yelling and shouting. "What the hell is going on out here?" JC asked. "Jonathan is leaving." Lance replied.

"Huh? What... What's going on?" JC had a confused and slightly nervous look on his face. "Lance fired Jonathan," Justin answered. "Why?" Chris asked. "Because his contract says that if anyone of us is displeased with his work, or if he interferes in our personal lives we can fire him," Lance said. "Wait, don't we have to discuss something like that before we fire someone?" Chris asked. "No, we don't. Lance has every right to fire him if he believes its better for N Sync," JC responded. "Oh, ok. I really should read those contracts," Chris muttered to himself.

"Alright, well then if that's what you want Lance I'm sure everyone will support you," JC said. "It is. I don't need our employee's telling me what I can and can't do," Lance said. "Jonathan get your stuff, I'll have the limo bring you to the airport and inform Johnny Wright that you've been released from your contract," JC said. Jonathan was speechless; he just nodded and went to his room. "Alright, we'll deal with the rest of this tomorrow. Right now we need to find a new tour manager," JC said. Lance nodded, "Fine, but we can deal with that tomorrow, too. Right now, Justin and I are going out," Lance said. JC and Chris nodded and head back to their rooms. JC called the front desk and had one of the limos brought out front to bring Jonathan to the airport. Lance and Justin headed out to have a good time.

Lance sat alone at a table, stirring his drink when a young man walked up to him. "Is this seat taken?" The young man asked. "I want to be alone," Lance said lowly. The young man pulled out the chair next to Lance and sat down. Lance was about to get pissed when he looked up and saw Sheldon's face. "Oh Sheldon! I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said, I just thought you were someone else," Lance said. "It's ok Lance, you don't have to apologize," Sheldon said. Lance smiled, and nodded. "Where is Justin?" Sheldon asked. "He is downstairs dancing," Lance said. "Shawn should run into him then, that's where he just went," Sheldon said. He stopped and studied Lance's face for second, "Is something wrong?" Sheldon asked. Lance stayed silent. "I'll take that as a yes. Do you want to talk about it?" Sheldon asked. Lance sighed and said in a near whisper, "I fired Jonathan tonight," "You fired your tour manager?" Sheldon asked in a puzzled tone. Lance nodded. "Can I ask why?" Sheldon requested. Lance responded, "He kept interfering in our personal lives, and I was just sick and tired of him telling me what I could and could not do," "Ah, I see." Sheldon replied in an understanding voice.

"So what are you guys going to do for a tour manager?" Sheldon asked. "I don't know. We're going to meet tomorrow morning about it," Lance answered.

"I hope everything works out for you guys," Sheldon said. "I hope so too," Lance agreed. "I've got an idea," Lance said with a smile. "What's that?" Sheldon asked. "You could be our tour manager," Lance said enthusiastically. "Oh, no. I'm not even qualified to be a tour manager. I don't even know the first thing about managing a tour," Sheldon protested. "I could teach you, please say yes," Lance begged. "I don't know, Lance. We just met, and you don't really know anything about me," Sheldon said, although he seemed intrigued by the idea. "I know you're a nice guy, and that's all the matters," Lance said. "I don't know, this is all very sudden," Sheldon said, although his tone indicated that his resistance was weakening.

"Sheldon please!" Lance begged again. "Let me think about this for a second," Sheldon said, needing some breathing room. "Ok," Lance said. "If I did do this, I don't think it would be fair to Shawn and Justin if Shawn stayed here," Sheldon said. "He could come along too. Mike, out security team leader is leaving next week. Didn't Shawn say last night that he had experience in security? He could take over the position," Lance said. "Alright this is the deal. If Shawn wants to go and takes the job, then I'll take the job as the Tour Manager," Sheldon conceded. "Alright you've got a deal. Lets go ask Shawn," Lance smiled, clearly happy with Sheldon's decision.

Sheldon and Lance headed down stairs to find Shawn and Justin. "I don't see them anywhere, do you?" Lance asked. Sheldon shook his head no. "Maybe they are in the lounge and we missed them," Lance said. "Maybe. I'll go check, you keep looking down here," Sheldon called as he ran up the stairs. He looked in the lounge and didn't see them anywhere. "Ok that's odd, where would they have gone?" Sheldon thought to himself.

Sheldon returned to the dance floor and found Lance, "Still no luck?" Sheldon asked. "Nope, I don't see them anywhere," Lance replied. "Do you think they would have gone back to your place?" Lance asked. "Its possible, but I doubt it," Sheldon answered. "We could go see," Lance suggested. "Ok, good idea," Sheldon agreed, with that they left to go to Sheldon and Shawn's apartment.

"Shawn, Justin are you guys here?" Sheldon called out after opening the door to the apartment. There was no response. "I'll check out Shawn's room," Sheldon said. Sheldon walked over to Shawn's room and knocked, "Shawn, it's Sheldon. Are you in here?" Sheldon asked, again there was no response. Sheldon opened the door slowly, and as he did he saw Shawn and Justin lying on Shawn's bed.

To be continued...

Well another part done. So what do you guys think? Let us know. We'd love to hear your comments, suggestions, questions and so forth. Send your emails to

I have to thank Shawn and Sheldon for being such great editors, and Shawn for asking me to do this, its be a lot of fun to write.

Ok, so what is happening in Shawn's bedroom??? Sheldon has seen Shawn and Justin lying on Shawn's bed. Well I don't know what is going to happen, well at least not yet so if you have a suggestion on what should happen let me know.

The next part should be out in about a week.

Next: Chapter 3

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