Night at the Sports Bar

By Scott Baird

Published on Apr 19, 2020


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Rick's face still reads the shock as he hands us the shots and mechanically take it. A few moments before, this man was lost in animistic lust for his man and the heady space of afterglow as I kissed his neck and left my mark upon it. He remembers just moments before me eye drinking in his body. Your boys body. And then the hot ball cap dude who had been the subject of lust and drooling just before walks up and tells us that we were on camera. Slowly the shock changes to a feeling of pride. This hot hunk of a man saw us on cam and now wants a bit of the action. Fuck yea.! Rick takes the shot and down it. The fire in it adding to his arousal as he watches him rub his hand over his mans crotch. The look in my eyes reflects a little shock, but into it. Rick knows he would never try to deny his man anything and the thought of the 3 dudes fucking around in his truck has him firing up already. He kisses me and Rick grins licking his lips, watching this man slide one arm under mine, around then around my chest. With the other hand he moves ball cap dudes hand and position it on his ass cheek and then slide it around him.

Letting both of us know that although unexpected, he was in. "I'm game if u r babe" he says.

"The name is Jake" ball cap guy says as his hand caresses my ass. "That feels nice." I say as he grabs my butt, "I like a man who feels like a man. I can fuck a bitch in here with little trouble but to get a man like you buddy." He boasts. Rick suddenly take Jake's hand and pull it away. "Look Jake...let me explain a couple of things before this goes anywhere." I slow down and we stop at the bar and I motion for a round of beers. The bartender sets them on the bar. "Rick, explain to our friend how this is going to wait..." I take a long drink. The pause is planned. "Jake we know you are hot. You know you are hot." I state, "but the road to my buds ass is going through you. What I mean is you are going to get fucked first." I nod and run my hand through Rick's hair. "And Rick, you want a piece of this jock ass?" I look over and give you a long deep kiss. "You see Jake, we can fuck like dogs with no problem." I say as I slide my hand down Jake's chest a pure power move. "We don't need you, but we aren't against going out to your truck and getting it on. But you came to us and if you want to play..." You move over and take the cap off and run your hands through your hair before placing it on your head. "So your ass is what you need to bring to the table if you want to hang. Otherwise we will go back to what we are doing before you came to us." Jake looks at me and I smile. "Non negotiable stud." I say. Jake then takes a long drink of beer and then replies....

"Fine. Let's do this." Jake says as he finishes his beer in one long chug and he sets the empty beer on the bar. He then looks at me and says you're up stud. I lean into my man and give him a kiss. "I will get this piece of meat ready for you. Have a beer. Check out the men. I will be back shortly." I state. You are a little surprised as Jake responds. "One at a time bro. Don't worry bud I can take it." I then take a final swig of beer and head out with Jake. As we get to the door I slap his ass as he points to the edge of the lot. "My truck is over in the corner fucker." I head over as he surveys the lot and heads in the same direction. We get near the truck and I stop and he is on me. His head moves in quickly and hits me up for a kiss. I am taken aback as he tongue drives in hard. I am not expecting this kind of interaction as I thought this would be a suck or fuck and go. The boy tastes good and he knows how to kiss with both desire and intent. His hands slide around me with his hands going right for my ass. "Fuck this guy has game." I think as in a quick move his intent to get us separately was always in his agenda. My hand slide down his front and I move onto the front of his tight jeans that leave nothing to the imagination. "You are packing bud" I say as I break away. Jake starts to pull his t shirt off to reveal a well defined large chest. Jake works out. He takes care of himself. But not too much. His chest has pockets of hair and his arms are tatted up. He is a man that knows how to look good without trying to hard to look good. My tongue moves in on his pecs and my tongue licks his nip. I flick it. Jake moans in delight. I get more aggressive as I bite his pec and nip. He knows his body is desirable and he is not afraid to show it off or flaunt it when he wants to. He pushes me back and takes his hands down my chest and onto my pants as he unbuttons my jeans. Jake looks around and then pulls me around the back of the truck to get me out of the sight of others. "This is just for us." He says as I step out of my pants. "No camera...". And besides I don't need the world watching me fuck you... "wait what?!"

Back in the bar, Rick's eyebrow raises when Jake says its gonna be one on one, but me telling him the reassuring words set him at ease again. "Yea babe, warm that ass up for me" he grins as he pulls the front of Jake's cap down more firmly in my head, making the claim on it like we are gonna claim his ass. And then that slap on Jakes ass playfully as the two of us head towards the door. He watches us go. His thoughts, studying the shape of my sexy as fuck body, the muscular frame and the way the jeans frame that beautiful ass. "Hot damn i am on lucky dude". He says to himself. Leaning back on the bar as the two of us exit, moving slowly but purposefully with the grace of mountain lions on the prowl. Two powerful and magnificent beasts who are about to rut. Mmm it takes his breathe away. A signal to the bartender for a beer and take a long pull as Rick surveys the room again. But its hard for him to really take any of it in cause all he is consumed with is imagining the scene that might be unfolding outside. His thoughts of his sexy man working his power play on that hot muscled up tatted jock. He imagines my hands on Jake's body, working him up into a state where he is just putty in your hands and completely in your power to do as u see fit with him. Much the same effect that passionate strength and confidence has on him. "Mmmmm" as he licks my lips, his bulge back and still tight in his jeans front. "Fuck yea, there is nothing hotter than when wrapped in your manly scent, whiskey, cigar smoke, testosterone and sweat. Your strong body pressed against mine. My lust ignited and the passion blazing in our eyes as we give in to our animalistic urges and do what men do. Fuck. Bond. Dominate." Rick's mind is in overdrive, "Damn working myelf up into a state again and I have only been gone a few minutes." His thoughts are broken as he looks up and around at the screens and then spies the security monitors. Almost choking on his drink, when he sees that the patio camera would have given anyone watchin a front row seat to our escapades. "Holy fuck it's a miracle no one else saw it but Jake." he grins as his eye catches the next screen and he sees us at the corner of the lot, hands moving on each other's bodies as he spots us walking

around the truck and disappear from view. A smile and a raise his beer in a toast to his man and his conquest of Jakes fine ass. With only a small regret that he wont be there to see it, a light up a smoke and take your advice and chill while i wait... not knowing that outside, things arent quite going as planned..

Jake just laughs as the we disappear around the back of his truck, out of view of the parking lot camera. He strikes quickly and powerfully with his kiss, taking the protest that was forming on my lips away with a wave of confident power. Somehow, within seconds Jake masterfully has my jeans unbuckled and around my ankles still and my footing isnt that stable. As Jake continues to wrap his broad muscled torso around me, I find myself forced to lean into him for balance and you losing my strength as leverage. "C'mon big guy, you know u want it. I saw the way you were sucking on yr buds cock and the way he skullfucked your throat. And how into it you were. Now imagine what it will be like taking it from me" and he winks and cradling my face in his hands, he works his tongue deep into my mouth and kisses me with all the skill and passion he has at his disposal. Still reeling and stunned that Jake is getting the upper hand my mind racing as I try to figure out which way this will go. Fight this stud for control, bend him to my will and claim his ass for yourself and me. Or succumb to the thrill of exploring further how it is to be someone else's conquest...

"I am going to fuck you." Jake says as he pushes me down towards his cock. "I watched you suck off your boy". He then pulls his dick out as he asserts himself to take control. "This is how it is going down. Accept it. Whatever you want outside this I don't give a fuck. But I am going to fuck the shit out of you". He pulls me close to him and I have just seconds to think about that I am going to do. Jake is fucking hot and while this is not the plan I had, it is definitely the plan Jake had as he watched us on the security camera. Jake slaps my cheek with first his hand then moves in and grabs my jaw with his grip forcing my mouth open. "You are going to enjoy this. I promise." He says as the tip of his dick enters my mouth. Soon it is in further as he pushes in with his hips and begins fucking my mouth. I am overcome by this stud, his desire and his agenda. My mouth starts to work his cock as he pushes in further. He pulls his shirt off and guides my hands up his stomach and along his chest. "Enjoy the ride" he says as he knows how to engage and share his body that was built to fuck. The taste of his cock is not what I am used to, but it is intoxicating in its own right. "Fuck yea" he moans as my tongue takes every opportunity to survey the meaty thick cock that is pummeling my mouth. My hands exploring the tight body as I push him back and he is leaning up against the truck. My knees on the ground. My head engulfed in the crotch of a man who is both in ecstasy but in control. There are moments where I gasp for breath as he continues his assault. "I knew that you would enjoy this." He said as he pulls out and grabs me at the shoulders up into a kiss. "You are a man that likes it a little rough." He says as he leans in for a kiss and at the same time starts to move his hand across my chest and pulls my shirt at the tails. He pulls back and lifts my shirt over my head. "You are a hot piece of meat" he says as he surveys the man he plans to conquer and shortly fuck.

The pause before....Jakes eyes wander over this body. Drinking in the sight of his conquest. There is no shadow of a doubt in his mind that this ass won't be his. Cool and confident and completely in control as he works his hands over this body and down towards my ass and as second by second there is a thought to start, to relax into the role that is now being played out. Jake grabs my ass cheeks and goes on for a deep rough kiss. Teasing with his tongue as he flexes the muscles of his body pressed against me. He is working that sculpted body hard and it is working despite those initial reservations. And he knows it and smirks. "Take those jeans off and show me the ass I'm gonna fuck" he says, quietly and with the supreme confidence of a man who gets what he wants. And I find myself obeying. Already unbuttoned my jeans we partially down my legs revealing your hard cock, throbbing with need. "That's some fuckstick" he comments, "but i don't have any need for it just now", running his hands across the globes of my ass cheeks, his fingers finding the crack and brushing along its length, seeking and exploring till his finger brushes against the heat of the hole. "Fuck yeah, that's more like it" he says as his fingers begin to massage against the muscles of my hole, working them and warming them, blood racing to the area as he preps it for the assault which is to come. The feel of this man against me, his scent, clean yet slightly musky and the sensations in yr ass that he is eliciting from you have your head pounding and your vision glazing with lust. This stud has everything right where he wants it and he is gonna nail some ass.

Completely oblivious to the fact that his man is about to get cornholed by our new hot friend out in the lot, Rick leans against the bar, taking a long pull of his next beer and let the buzz wash over him. With the few beers he has had as well as the whisky shot, coupled with the glow from his cock being serviced outside, coupled with the thought of his man banging Jake outside, working his hole open and making that muscled up stud moan under the relentless thrusts of that beautiful hard and throbbing cock, all has Rick in a kind of lust dazed stupor. Imagining the scene unfolding in the shadows of the lot lights as well as what might happen after that, when Dave and Rick share his body together. "Mmmmm" Rick runs his tongue over his lips, pulling on the brim of Jakes cap with a smug sense of ownership and lights up a smoke. Lazily checking out the local talent but mind focused keenly elsewhere.

Outside, contrary to the plan Rick and I thought would unfold. Jake watches as I comply with his demand that I remove my pants and he smirks. He knows that I am hesitant to this chain of events that are unfolding. His hand is in my ass his fingers moving into my hole making me aware of his desire to fuck me. While I have been in this position before and I am a man who has given his hole up. It is not something that I usually do and not a position that I do with ease. Jake is confident and knows that he is a man that like myself is born to fuck. But Jake had a plan that I was unaware of. He leans in and demands a kiss as his finger pushes in hard into my hole. "You are going to enjoy this". He says confidently with a bit of charm. The guy knows how to work both attitude and to use his body to get what he wants. He is a conqueror. He pulls away and at the same time jumps into the back of the truck as my pants are down around my knees. I am in a parking lot. Getting ready to be fucked by this guy who just made himself known to me. I am stunned that this is where I am at. Jake pulls a joint out of his shirt pocket which is open but hanging on his body revealing hard pecs and tight body. It is just how this man gets his prey all ramped up for the fuck that they know is going to happen when this man makes his desires known. He grabs a lighter and lights up his joint takes a long toke then hands it to me. "This will make you more amiable to what is going to happen baby". I take a long drag knowing that anything this man gives me I will take. His tongue, his touch, his smoke and eventually his cock. I hand the joint back to him as he takes another pull. "Suck in my dick while I get ready." He states as his lips blow the smoke into my face. I am captivated by his smoke and his control. I lean into his crotch as he sits on the truck bed door and start to suck in his dick. I am overwhelmed by his masculinity and this fuck in a parking lot. Outside. Jake has no hesitation and I am high both by the weed and the adrenaline of being with this hot stud. As my mouth and face are deep in his crotch I am unaware that he has grabbed his phone. Snapped a picture of my mouth fully engaged on his dick he hits send. It has just begun....

Meanwhile as you survey the bar, in comes Dave, a guy we both fucked and threw out like a old cum rag.. The guy we fucked and threw away just a few days before. Rick spots him almost immediately as he does you. "What the fuck is he doing here.."

Propped up at the bar, a bit drunk and horny as all fuck as Rick fantasizes the possibilities of what is happening outside, he almost doesn't take a notice as Dave walks by. Then it hits him as the fuck boy who was over the house a few days ago."WTF is he doing here?" It takes Rick a few moments to process that, yeah, this is a bar and of course a stud like Dave would be out on the prowl at a bar. He shakes his head and grins, remembering that just days ago how hot it was to use that jockbro and how good it felt to be balls deep in his hot ass. Mmmmm, the eyes stray and watch as Dave crosses the room to the bar and orders a drink. "Damn he is one fine piece of meat". As Rick takes a sip of his beer. The buzz is fogging his thoughts and he is getting all worked up and wound up by the minute. Lazily his hand almost unconsciously brushes against his ever more growing bulge. "Damn that was fun when we fucked Dave." he remembers, "Taking that cocky jockbro down a peg or two."

Rick's thoughts turn again to me outside, in his mind he is thinking that I probably tearing open Jakes ass by now. "Fuck i cant wait for my turn." his thoughts progress. His cock aches to be fucking that bubble butt Jake has and his ass twitches at the thought of taking his cock the same way. Its all almost too much for Rick, when watching Dave at the bar. His primal instincts are coming forward and reason he is lazily mozying its way down some dark alley to lose itself. A chug on a beer, put out his smoke and turn alongside the bar to eye off Dave. Rick spots Dave enjoying his beer as he raises his beer, licks his lower lip and grins a mischievous grin his way...

Dave returns the grin and salutes Rick with his beer. In his other hand, his phone goes off and he glances down at it. A self satisfied smirk crosses his face and then he closes it down and puts his phone in his jacket pocket and turns towards Rick. Drunk and horny as all fuck all i can do is smile goofily back at him as i raise a questioning eyebrow.

With the game in play, Dave gestures with his head towards the bathrooms, picks up his beer and heads that way without looking back. He is sure and confident and doesn't need to look back to know that Rick has taken the bait and was following along.

Rick enters the bathroom a few moments after he does. Dave is standing at the urinal, his cock lazily in his hand as he takes a piss. He comes thru the doorway and stop as it closes behind me. Senses fuddled by the drink and horned up so bad he can barely think straight. Watching as his hot yellow piss steams against the cold white porcelain of the urinal, "You like what you see, cocksucker?" he calls over his shoulder. Rick lounges back against the door and his hand moves against his crotch, readjusting it as the cock hardens in his pants. Biting his lower lip the memory of how hot Dave's body is under that shirt and jeans. How satisfying it was to have his dick buried in his hot hole and how much pleasure we took in plundering his body together. "Mmmm" the thoughts again turn to the imagined scene out in the parking lot where surely his stud of a man is now making Jake holler as he cores out his ass so deep. "Oh fuk yeah."

Rick's ass twitches, remembering how damn good that cock feels when it is pounding his ass so deep and hard. "Fuck, well while my man and Jake are fucking, there aint no harm in seeing what I can do to entertain myself until he comes back to tag me in for my turn."

Rick's eyes flash with lust and Dave recognizes the look. He knows when he has one on the line and filled with confidence he says "Yeah, cocksucker, u know what u want ?" As he shakes the last few drops off piss from his now rock hard boner and waves it like a lure in front of him.

Slowly Rick is drawn in his approach fixated on Dave's cock. He finds his own fingers undoing his zipper and fingering for his bulge. The closer he gets enough to smell Dave throws him a look of pure lust as he goes in for a kiss. This is Dave on Dave's terms. Strong and deep and fully taking advantage of the weakened state to get the upper hand. Rick finds his mouth and crotch is on fire his ass aches to be filled.

Breaking the kiss and with just enough forceful pressure to get Rick to comply, Dave pushes him down to my knees. "Thats it, cocksucker. I always knew what you were born to do". The manly scent of his crotch, sweaty, musky and with a hint of fresh piss, hits Rick in the face and it sets him off. Cocksucker. Yup, thats what Rick wants to be right at this minute. To suck that fat jockbro cock. As Dave pushes him down lower onto his knees on that bathroom floor he greedily open his mouth, tongue sliding eagerly out as Dave leans in closer to guide his rock hard jockbro cock into that wet and eager mouth.

Still inside as I am in almost the same predicament, Rick's mouth and nose fill with the intoxicating smell and taste of a man, Dave settles one hand onto the back of his head and guides my movements as he slides inch by inch into the mouth and then throat. "Oh fuk" Rick is so lust crazed right now. After working himself up to a state while waiting for me to finish with Jake, there is no stopping this course of events. Finishing opening his pants and releasing his enraged dick out, jacking it in wild abandon as he suck Dave's cock like it was the last cock on earth. Slobbering on it, taking it deep, letting Dave's smell fill the nostrils. "Fuck yeah so good". "Damn u r one great cocksucker" Dave murmurs as, completely ignorant of anything else happening and totally engrossed in what was going on inside a dank bathroom in a Sports Bar, So oblivious, he doesn't see as Dave slides his phone out of his jacket pocket and starts snapping away a few pics. "Suck my dick u cocksucker" he says, clearer and more powerfully, as he slides his phone to video mode and takes a short vid of the jacking and sucking like an animal on heat for his dick. Dave smiles an evil grin, pushing Rick's head firmly into his crotch as he starts to skullfuck the face. Then he hits send.

Next: Chapter 3

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