Night at the Sports Bar

By Scott Baird

Published on Mar 21, 2020


My buddy Rick and I enjoy watching football, hanging out, having a bourbon and a cigar. We are also fuck buddies. Men enjoying men. This is from a night we decided to go out and watch the game at the local sports bar. As I open the door, I take a look at Rick. "Fuck you are one hot dude." My mind says. It isn't often our schedules permit us a boys night out. Having a beer. Then maybe a shot or two. The game is on and the room is in full team gear. The warmth of the whiskey gets the blood rushing. My hand is on your back and neck. My thumb rubbing your neck and lower head pushing in a bit. It is me marking another spot in you that lets you know that you are mine. My fingers work through your hair. The sense of touch is calm and intimate as it couples with the drinks. The room is full with guys enjoying the male bonding over sports and alcohol. Men also share thoughts and fellowship over smoking. Boys being boys. But we take it even further. I lean into you and ask you who here gets you fucking hot. I smile as my hand brings you in close. I am feeling you baby. Testosterone is everywhere. You feel it as do I. What do we do about it?

Rick tells me the beer has him buzzed and the warmth of the shot of whiskey is slowly burnin thru his body, added to the sensation of my strong hand on the back of my neck and head. Rick pops a cigar out and lights it, as I he takes a pull of his smoke he leans back into it and smiles. Enjoying the sensation, intimacy and attention as it broadcasts to the room "this boy is mine". And by accepting it so willingly and proudly, it broadcasts back "i am his". Its a feeling echoed around the smoke filled room. As groups of men drink and cheer as their team scores. Clapping each others backs. High fives go up and shoulders are gripped. The casual yet sensual touch of men to men. Male bonding at its best as the air becomes thick with testosterone. The atmosphere here as well as the reassuring presence of my man and his touch pits me completely at ease and gets him completely aroused and his crotch begins to tighten in his jeans. I pull Rick in close, perhaps a little closer than most in the bar, and feeling my strong arm around him and my body against him. I tell Rickit just gets my fire burnin hotter as I whisper your question in his ear. We both know the answer, you know that the answer is you, but that isnt the question you are asking right now. Rick breathes in my scent and the whisky on our breaths as they mix so close and his eyes sparkle with mischief and lust. There is a slow look around the room, lazily drawing on my smoke again. The room... A few marines eating wings at the bar. A group of jocks gathered attentively around the big screen. A couple of bikers in leather drinkin in a booth and a guy in a backwards ball cap, tattoos showing across his chest is racking up the pool table. Mmmm "u sure dont make it easy" he whispers back, "but damn the ballcap dude at the pool table who just arrived in his silver truck.... now thats hot". Rick gestures round the room with his beer "tho the muscled up biker over there has got my attention as well". Then the lean back against me, his hand firtively seeking out my bulge as he presses myself against my body. I am hot for you and u know it. And I am hot for whatever you have in mind.

I smirk as your hand is working the bulge in my pants. Baby this room is full of sweet new meat but my thoughts are all in you baby. I motion to the bartender for 2 beers as he brings them over. My hand on your back guides you as my other hand grabs the beer bottles and I nod towards the door that heads out to a patio area. You are a little surprised by my thoughts of a change of venue but have no problem with my direction. I guide you out. Holding the door as I check my man out.

Fuck Rick is hot. It's part the alcohol. Part the fuel of men enjoying the day. Part the passion of knowing that I have this fine hunk of man with me that drives this moment. We walk outside and I look around. There are a couple of guys watching a game on a TV. There is a couple of college guys in an intense conversation at one of the tables. But otherwise the energy of inside. The male pheromones from inside are not filling the patio. I know that this is the place I am going to show you my hunger for you. I assess the situation and guide you back to a corner that has a table and some chairs. i hand you a beer and we take a drink as I move in for a kiss. This is for you baby. The heat of this place is making us both hot hard and heavy I say as our faces are close. You take a swig if the beer as I take my finger and slowly move down your chest. My hand pushes in hard enough to feel your body beneath your shirt. I stop at your pants and my hand reaches in and quietly willfully opens your pants. I look around as I push you back against the wall. I talk a drink of the beer as I again survey the room. My hand moves in and takes your cock out of your pants as I lean in. This is for you baby. I slide down and take you cock into my mouth. I am going to give you the release you need. Right here right now....

Rick takes the beer I hand him and start to steer outside to the patio area i am surprised that we are leavin this room so full of men and their desires, but i show no hesitation in following you. The subtle pressure of my hand on his back directing me is all he needs to know. Out on the patio Rick also quickly take in the scene of the few people otherwise occupied with their own pursuits as I glance around and continue to guide him to a quiet place near the back wall. He takes a sip of his beer to wet his lips as i look over this sexy stud of a man, me who has claimed his body so thoroughly. Fuck yeah, he thinks to himself. I am one damn lucky son of a bitch. Rick surveys my movement and planning with barely contained lust as we both take a swig of beer and then I go in for a kiss. He meets me in it, lips parted, receiving my tongue as his own begins to explore my mouth and his cock starts to throb hard. I press into his chest and start to move down his body causing him to groan softly. Then you see my look around and then I begin to undo your pants. Eyes widen a bit in shock but there is no way Rick can or would want to stop it and there is no way that be could stop me. Rick knows that when I have intent, so it shall be. He is pressed against the wall, one hand around the neck of his beer bottle and the other pressed flat to the wall beside to show that this man is fully in control. As I pull out your now hard and throbbing cock, a little bit of precum glazes your fingers before my warm wet smokey mouth takes over and draws Rick's dick into its embrace. He looks down to see my face intensely bobbing on the throbbing cock, taking it in, in long slow deep strokes and you moan again. "Oh fuck baby yea" Rick growls. Glancing around to see that no one has paid any notice. Too caught up in their conversation and the game to realize what is happening at the back of the patio. Rick is beginning to get lost in the sensation and in the hotness of the scene and growls again, the beast of lust is waking up and one of his hands moves to cup the back of my head while taking a deep swig from his beer, He is consumed by the alcohol flush and sex rush flood over him. "Oh baby, fuck yeah! I love how u suck my dick" he says. And he begin to buck against my strokes, actively sliding his hard leaking cock in and out of my mouth. Nothing matters in the world except the feel of my cock inside my sexy mans throat. " fuck baby yr gonna make me shoot"...he says.

Rick can't hold back the desire, the pleasure and can barely register that we are out at a bar and in public. So exciting that at any moment someone might notice. A shiver of thrill runs thru his body. The thought of it makes him even harder still as he quickly glance about before lost in lust again. A swig of beer and he starts to fuck his cock down my throat, his hand in the back of my head to get more leverage. That cock just wants to blow so bad. Grunts so loud surely others can hear us but there is just not a care. Rick looks down at his man and wet his lips again as running his hand around the side of my face. "I dont know how much more if this i can take baby" he whispers.

Rick baby. I am feeling you push deep into my mouth and I feel you enjoying me worshiping your hard dick. Damn it has been a while since I had you inside me. I am not used to being taken like this but I knew when I initiated it that it was about you. My mouth slides off for a minute as I catch my breath. Fuck you taste good man. You hand me your beer and I take a swig. My hand moves over your cock and I am taking it in my hand to keep you hard. I stand close to you as I want to keep this between us. But it doesn't take a lot to know what we are doing out here. I smile and hand take another swig and a kiss before I go down to finish you off. I can feel your balls are filling with cum and I know I am going to take it. To get it from you. I am going to earn it today baby. And later I am going to give it to you as hard as you are right now. But that is later and this is now. I move back down as my hand moves up under your shirt to grab your nips and work them a bit. My mouth moves back over your cock as I work hard to extract the seed from you. Yea baby. Feed me. This is about you. My wet mouth and tongue envelope your balls and mouth. Little tongue action just to get you over the top. Come on baby fuck my mouth and give it to me. It's all you baby.

The feeling of my hot wet mouth on Rick's cock has me raging. I am losing control and all he cares about now is getting his nut. As I come up for a swig of beer and a kiss which Rick passionately returns, kissing strongly and powerfully. His cock throbs in my hand as I stroke it, edging it further and further along. "I am so hot for u babe". As I slide back down his body he can't help but think that he is a lucky guy right now. This handsome stud of a man is seeing to his needs and servicing his cock. "Oh fuck yea baby." He says. He pants. Feeling the strong pinch of my fingers on his nips as he starts to suck me again and Rick begins to buck harder and faster, on hand holding my head. No escape from my throat assault as he lets go of the last of my control and facefuck my throat with no regard to anything other than fillin me with his spunk. Rick goes hard, knowing that I will give it back to me even harder and more intensely when our roles reverse back. This turns him in even more, thinking about how I will extract my pleasure from his body later. Thoroughly dominated and used to satisfy my needs and teach Rick his proper place again. Awwwww fuckkkkk he growls as my tongue flicks over his cockhead and my nuts tighten and my cock stabs deeper down my mans throat till all Rick can do is hold me there and buck reflexively as his nuts unload a massive load of cum. Spurt after spurt into his buddy. There is a shudder, still holding me tight, then slowly let me off my still throbbing dick. He guides me up onto your feet and we kiss - deep. Tasting his cum in my mouth. The fall from Rick back against the wall, holding his body close to mine. Spent and satisfied in the arms of his man. the grin and lick of his lips and take a swig of beer as his cock hangs from the open jeans, slowly dripping spit and cocksnot on the ground between us. He hands me the beer and as I take a swig, Rick starts to fold his dick back inside his pants and fasten them up. His hand moves to my bulging crotch and he rubs it slowly as we kiss you again. "Holy fuck babe, that was so hot" he says in my ear and finally look around to see if anyone has noticed

Awww fuck yeah babe. You know i want u in me deep and hard. I repliy. I take a swig of beer and hand u the last of it as my hands run over your body. "Anytime, anywhere and any way you want it babe", he grins "I am all yours"

You run your hand through your hair as you survey the room. Gaining your composure as you button up your pants. I am right on top of you as my lips are biting your neck. Making a mark on my man showing him that the hunger for him is prevailing even after I took his jizz in a public place. It was unexpected which is how I like to keep things with you baby. Then something that I didn't even see coming. Then suddenly, Guy in baseball cap turns the corner. In his hands are three shots of whiskey. "Guys that was fucking hot." He says s he hands us each a shot. The look of surprise in your face triggers him to explain as I still am working your neck my hand sliding up your shirt as I take every moment to feel your body. Survey my territory. I pull away just enough to take the shot as he hands it to us. He then smiles and nods up to a security camera that we both did not notice. "Fuck!" I sigh as I pull back just a bit. He smiles as we gather our composure a bit more as we realize we have company. "No worries, most people were paying attention to the game. This was far more interesting to me." He holds his glass up and nods as we salute and shoot it back. As he sets his shot down his hand moves over to my crotch and he holds it there just long enough to display intent. "Any chance we can go out to my truck and take this into overtime?" he smiles as he grabs by ball sack just to make sure that is intent is not misunderstood. "He looks over to you as you are not sure about this man coming into our night. "Buddy you may be spent but I promise that we can make it work. He says as he leans in and gives me a kiss. I am shocked at the turn of events. I look at you. "What do you think bud...

Rick's face still reads the shock as this guy hands us the shots and he mechanically takes it. A few moments before, Rick was lost in animalistic lust for his man and the heady space of afterglow as I kissed his neck and left my mark upon it. Your eye drinkin in my body. Your boys body. And then the hot ballcap dude who Rickhad been droolin over before walks up and tells us that we were on camera. Slowly the shock changes to a feelin of pride. This hot hunk of a man saw us on cam and now wants a bit of the action. Fuck yea.! he takes the shot and down it. The fire in it adding to my arousal as i watch him rub his hand over his buddy's crotch. I see the look in your eyes and know that you are a little shocked but into it. It is ou fuck buddy pact that Rick would never try to deny his bud anything and the thought of us 3 in this dudes truck has him firing up already. Ballcap boy leans in for a post shot kiss to seal the deal and Rick grins and licks his lips, sliding one arm under yours, around your chest. With the other hand he moves ballcap dudes hand and position it on his ass cheek and then slide it around him. Letting both know that although unexpected, Rick is in. "I'm game if you are bud."

Next: Chapter 2

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