Night and Morning

By Sock L

Published on Oct 20, 2011


Night and Morning - 7 Written by Seth Copyright 2011

Disclaimer - This story is based off a personal experience where the names are changed and the story is modified as saw fit by memory and preference.

The semester break was short, but so well deserved. If this is just the beginning, I hate to see what the rest of college is like. Josh and I stayed in touch chatting and playing online games every now and then.

"How's your break been, Josh?"

"Not bad. It's amazing how much louder the house seems compared to just the two of us in our dorm room."

"I know what you mean. I'm glad I have a car to drive around to get away from it all." The reason I wanted to live on campus dorms is to get away from it all and live sort of on my own.

"How about privacy, Seth? It seems I have less here than I did back in the dorms."

"Agreed, but it's great that I have a really comfy bed compared to the dorm beds. I'm more interested in how you are holding up without Jordan."

"It's not too bad, then again we have our ways even in long distance."

"Josh, you sly dog, haha. Well, I'm glad you are holding up. Anyway, I got to get going. I'm hanging out with my bro all day." My brother is nearly five years older. We don't get to hang out often, so we try to dedicate days like these and make the best of it.

"See you later then."

During break, I could only really get myself off in bed or in the shower. My family isn't the best at knocking, so it can be tough to find some alone time. Still, having family, homecooked meals, a comfy bed, etc is all worth it.


The break ended as soon as it started. Time does fly when you're have fun relaxing. Josh wasn't due to arrive until tomorrow. Everything pretty much looked the same as we left it. Even our sheets...If only we had time to wash it before we left.

I did some shopping, got my new textbooks, made some dinner, and played some games. I really wonder why I decided to come a day early. I decided to wash my sheets as well as Josh's sheets.

At night, I decided to jerk off as usual. Unfortunately, as horny as I was, I was also tired. I ended up falling asleep as I was jerking it. I woke up to Josh barging in the room with his stuff. My hands were still holding my dick.

"Umm, haha, sorry if I interrupted you, Seth."

"Huh, oh what, yeah...I was actually sleeping. I guess I must have dozed off. Anyway, what are you doing here? I thought your flight left at six?"

"No, it arrived at six. How did you fall asleep jerking off?"

"I don't know. It's not like I was really going at it."

"Well, you better clean yourself up. Jordan is bound to be here any--"

"Josh!" Jordan came flying in tackling Josh. I quickly grabbed my clothes to cover myself up.

"Oh hey Seth...Oh, sorry about that. I didn't know you, I'll just go. Come on Josh." Jordan pulled Josh out of the room. I let them back in when I was dressed. They were already making out.

"Hey Seth, I was wondering if you could--"

"What already?"

"Well, you don't have to leave, but we're going to do it either way," Jordan replied.

"Screw it, I'll take a shower. Just make it fast." While the idea of watching sex in person was intriguing, I feel like it's much more personal and private.

I showered normally and decided to pass on jerking it because I just wasn't in the mood after all that interruption. Josh knocked on the door for the all clear about 15 minutes later.

"Well, that was quick...What she's gone already?"

"Sorry, didn't want to explain first. She's got a part-time job now, so she wanted to get that done and over with before she had to go."

"I see. Well, it sure was quick, haha."

"Whatever. Sorry again for waking you up so early."

"It's alright."

"So Josh, what do you want to do now? I'm sure you'll want to get your textbooks and supplies, right?

"Yeah, let's go."

We did some collaborative shopping and made some ramen when we got back. Being college, we thought it was the ideal cliche food. Josh and I caught up with each other on what we did one break.

"So Seth, I'm surprised you don't have a girl with you yet."

"I really haven't bothered with it. It's probably because I'm not really interested."

"What, are you saying you're gay?"

"I mean I'm not interested in a relationship. I figured if a girl were to turn around then good for me, but I don't really have any current desire for one."

"What about sex?" I wasn't sure why Josh was so inquisitive today.

"Sex would be great, but with a girl I am ready for. Not some random one-night-stand or fuck-buddy."

Then Josh asked something I didn't expect. "What about us? You seem to really like all the stuff we do."

"The same could be asked of you since you have a girlfriend on top of that. I'm sure you enjoy what we do because it's just two guys enjoying getting off together."

"Yeah...though you have to admit, some of the stuff we did was pretty gay, haha. We've already jerked each other off once."

"Yeah, but it sure felt good though, haha."

I could have told him that I had some interest in guys, but I'm still a bit unsure on it. Besides, why potentially ruin a good roommate/friendship? He'll know when he asks the right question.

"You're still scheduled for that Physics class, right Josh?"

"Yep, nice that we have one class together."

"Better chance that we don't have to have random partners in group projects."

The rest of the day was spent playing video games. Well, Josh was playing his new game, and I just watched and helped out at times. I'm not sure what is about video games, more so watching someone play them, but it always makes me horny.

"Try going back a bit. I think I remember seeing another path." I had one hand in my pants and the other pointing at the screen.

"Where? I don't see it."

"Turn around, no. Go back where you got the last chest."

"Urrgh...Here, you try." He hands me the controller and sees me. "Really, you're doing that now?"

"What, unlike you, I didn't have awesome sex this morning." I grabbed the controller. "Look, just go back here where the chest is, and head upwards. Now, you can play."

"Thanks, now you can go back to touching yourself."

"Hmph, says the guy who is sporting a tent, haha."

"From the guy with the wet spot soaking through his pants."

"What? Oh, dammit." A big wet spot from all the pre was showing on my pants. "Whatever..."

"Ugh, you could have wiped you hands before grabbing the controller." Josh rubbed the controller on his pants dry it off.

Josh continued playing as I continued jerking off. I decided to drop my pants before I soak my pants any more. I was going faster and breathing harder using the pre I had been leaking. Josh decided it was enough.

"Okay, I can't take it anymore. You're making me want to jerk it too. Slow down, I'll join you." Josh seemed frustrated with the himself and the game.

"Screw that, I'm not waiting for you. I'm too close to stop now. I'll take over the game when I'm done.

"Fine..." Josh grumbled. I could see his pants tenting out.

I leaned back further in the chair as the cum began to flow. The first shot hit my chin as the rest landed on my white t-shirt.

"Fuck!" I said under my shallow breath. I took off my shirt, threw it in my laundry basket.

"We're beating this game tonight, so the faster you finish the better, Josh." Josh handed me the controller and we switched seats. "Keep an eye out for me."

Josh stripped down and watched as he began his session. Josh didn't hesitate as he started going to town from the get go. "At least...I won't take as long."

"Oh, shut up. I'm not a big fan of quickies like you." We both laughed.

I could tell Josh was getting close. His breathing gets pretty heavy. I was focused on beating a boss in the game. This is when Josh decided to be an ass. His breathing got faster. When he knew he was about to cum he pointed his dick at me, and let is first shot land on me.

"Aw what the fuck!?" His shot landed on my back and over onto the controller and my knee. Josh just cracked up as his orgasm subsided.

"Oh you think it's funny." I grabbed his shirt and wiped it down.

"Hey, not my shirt!."

"Too late, your fault, haha."

The rest of the night was spent on beating the game. This was the first time we actually hung out naked that didn't involve jerking off. Usually, we would have dressed by now.

When the game was beat, we decided to call it a night. The next day classes would begin.

  • to be continued -

The stories shall keep coming. The timeline based on my actual experiences may be reduced. When things become a norm, it becomes repetitive in the story. More experiences to are certainly to come.

Next: Chapter 8

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