Night and Morning

By Sock L

Published on Jun 6, 2013


Another friend 5 Written by Seth Copyright 2013

This story is spin-off from my night-and-morning series.

Disclaimer - This story is based off a personal experience where the names are changed and the story is modified as saw fit by memory and preference.

A few weeks had passed from our last stay. I had planned on staying over at Alex's place the following week, but he had gotten sick. The last thing I wanted was getting sick myself, so I stayed at my place. It's been pretty boring back at the dorm room. Josh and I still hang out every now and then, but not as much as we used to.

I had asked Alex if he wanted to hold off on cumming for a week, so we can have some fun this weekend. He agreed, but who knows if he kept to his word. I sure kept mine, and boy was it frustrating. While Josh and I don't really do anything together, I still get to see him jerk off in the morning if I ever wake up prior to then. It just pains me every time seeing him cum wishing that I could cum with him, too.

When I arrived at Alex's place, I found him sitting playing video games. He was also only wearing a t-shirt, and had a rock hard cock pointing straight up. Oh, he must have kept to his word.

"About time, I am horny as fuck, " as Alex said without breaking concentration on his game.

"Same here, came here going commando as you can see, " as I showed him the serious tent I was pitching. When I had left my dorm room, even Josh was snickering. He knew I was holding out like I had other times, and I was just being weird walking around with a tent.

"I see, well, shake them off. My balls are aching, so let's cum already." Alex put down the controller and grabbed his dick ready to jerk off.

"Hold your boner--I mean, just hold on, " I started laughing. "Why cut to the chase, the suspense is what makes the experience so intense."

"You serious? Fuck!" Alex certainly wasn't happy. Hell, who was I to stop him from just jerking off right then and there? Yet, he kept his cool.

"We'll wait until tomorrow, " I smiled because I knew he would be pissed.

"Fucking crazy. I need to cum yesterday." He grabbed his dick and began stroking like no tomorrow. It was mere seconds before he was close, but he let go right before. "Fucking shit, " he yelled. He was really hurting because a bunch of precum came pouring out covering his cock. I never saw anything like it. You would almost think he was dribbling piss. "Look at all this. All this free lube, going to waste."

Alex got up to clean himself up. My pants had a small wet spot from the pre I leaked after seeing Alex leak. I stripped off my clothes except for my t-shirt like Alex and sat down on the couch. As Alex came back, "Well, what do want to do now, Alex?"

"Great, now I have your cock to deal with. Can we get dressed because I can't keep thinking about this shit half naked."

"Fine..." I took out a pair of boxer briefs and put those on along with my pants. I realized Alex has said nothing about the blowjobs we had talked about last time I stayed over. I'm sure he is aching for one because I was ready for one myself.

As time went on, we did whatever we could to get our minds off our dicks. Games, movies, TV, and food were all that we could help. We tossed out studying as an idea because there was no way we would be able to concentrate. By the end of the night, I decided the suspense filled its purpose. I stripped off my clothes to reveal my rock hard dick.

"The hell, I thought we were waiting until tomorrow, " questioned Alex. He didn't give it much further thought as he began to strip and reveal his own hard member. "So, who gets to go first?"

"Well, you were the one who said he was going to suck my cock first, so have at it, " I smirked as I held my dick with great pride.

"So be it," Alex knelt before me and without hesitation, he went for it. I didn't know what to think of it, but he was taking me for a ride. I held his head rubbing my fingers through his hair as he slowly sucked me. All good things had to pass, especially, when you've been aching to cum.

"I'm close, Alex, " under my breath as I could feel it coming quick. Alex quickened the pace accepting his reward. My breathing got heavier as I held on to the couch. Shot after shot, Alex took it all. There was no doubt that he was a pro compared to my roommate, Josh. "Damn, that was unreal."

"Like it, eh? Let's see if you can match me, " Alex hopped up back onto the couch as I switched over to him. I could already seem some drops leaking from his cock. "Stop staring and get on with it!"

I took hold of his base and took it in. I started slowly getting a good feel. He was much easier to handle than Josh's dick. Trying to mimic some of the movements Alex did on me, I unfortunately could not compare. I felt him rest his hands on my head slightly pushing me down every pump. I slowly caressed his balls speeding up the pace. If he was anything like me, he'll be cumming soon. His hips began to thrust upward at me as he his breathing became heavier.

Not even a warning was given, but I knew by his actions. Cum flew right into my mouth. I swallowed as soon as it started trying to take it all. "Fuck, " Alex yelled! He was enjoying it.

Some of his cum made its way out, but I took what I could. " it, " as I smirked at Alex?

"You were great, man, " smiled Alex. "Next time though, forget the waiting."

"If you say so, Alex, " I laughed. "I really need a piss." I headed towards the bathroom to take a piss. Since I was still hard and recently came, I had a tough time going. Too lazy to keep pushing, I decided to sit this one down.

Alex comes on in, "What's taking you so long?"

"Shut up, I really need to piss, " I replied.

"So do I, so either make room or go, " Alex held his dick ready to piss, so I moved back leaving a hole for him to piss in. Well, a hole with my hard dick. As he started, the stream landed right onto my stomach and lower to my dick as he focused his aim.

"Dude, watch where you're pointing that thing, " I yelled!

"You watch it, " Alex moved his stream right back up at me reaching my chest. I flinched back reaching out for his dick to move it down, but Alex moved it down himself. "That's what you get."

"You know, two can play it that game, " I grabbed hold of my dick and pointed it at him.

"With that piss hard-on, yeah right, " I proved him wrong as a strong stream flew right onto him. I quickly pushed it down into the toilet.

"Hey, fuck you, " he yelled back! He moved his stream right onto my head, but it quickly died down as he finished. He moved away and started the shower.

"Hey, I'm the one soaking in piss because of you. I'm going first, " I got up, but Alex was already inside.

"Too bad, so sad, " Alex took his sweet time knowing that I was soaking with his piss. Once he and I finished our showers, we headed off to sleep.

The next morning I had awoken to Alex standing behind me. It was then I realized he was jerking off. I looked at him to see him smiling as cum shot out over me. I quickly got away with only some of his cum landing on the back of my head. Alex was cracking up.

"Fucking shit, man, " I threw my pillow at him as he was finishing his run. "It's all in my hair. Getting tired of taking multiple showers a day, Alex. All over the couch, too."

"Well, it wouldn't be if you didn't move, " Alex replied as he got a towel to clean it up.

I went off to take a shower to wash up as well as get this gunk out of my hair. Alex walked in as usual, but he decided to open the shower curtains and start pissing on me. "Fuck off, " I yelled as closed the curtain. Alex was being more of a nuisance than ever. He finished up in the toilet and left laughing. When I left the bathroom, Alex was still naked playing games. "Come on, get a move on. I thought we were going to hit up that mall arcade you were talking about."

"Yeah, yeah, " Alex turned the game off and left for the shower. To my surprise he was fully hard again. I haven't the faintest idea how he could be.

Once he was finished, we headed to the mall. The arcade was quite massive supporting two floors. The upper of which would be closed off to underage drinkers at night since there was a small bar up there. I've never seen anything like it. We each got our credits and headed off to play some games. We played some ski-ball, shooters, raced each other, and even got a stuffed teddy bear from the claw machine game. We just gave that to the nearest kid we found.

We took a break and got some food at the food court. "So how many credits do you have left, Alex?"

"About 500 if I remember right. What about you?"

"450, so we still have a bit to play. Might as well use it all now. I got a score to settle with that race."

"You're still on about that? Fine, game on." Alex and I got up and headed back to the arcade. Whether land or water, Alex whooped my ass. I just could not keep up with him this time. "Well, my credits are spent. I think it's pretty clear who the winner is."

"Whatever...Let's head out though I do need to piss." Alex and I headed towards to men's restroom in the arcade. Of course, six urinals and three stalls, and Alex chooses the one next to me. We started relieving ourselves as Alex begins walking back. He wanted to see how far back he could go while pissing. I did the same, and we were able to go back pretty far as our streams carried a high arc. We closed back in to keep from spilling as we finished.

I looked over to Alex to see that he was shaking and pulling his cock to harden up. Soon, he began stroking it. I was hard watching him, so I decided to take care of myself as well. Soon two guys came walking in. Alex and I shuffled around and started to leave, but it was apparent to them.

"Hey, you can keep jerking, " One of the guys said.

"Yeah, no worries. He and I plan on sucking each other off, " as they walked over into the main stall. They were either high school or college freshman students since they appeared younger than us.

"Want to keep going, " I asked Alex?

"Sure." We went back to the urinals and pulled our dicks out again.

"That's the way to do it. Have fun guys, " one of the guys yelled back.

"Hey do you want suck me off, " Alex asked with a smirk.

"What, here? No...I'm good." It's one thing that we were jerking off at a public urinal, but sucking each other in a public stall? Just seems even dirtier than what we were doing. We began jerking our cocks once more, and I decided to take a hold of Alex's cock as he took mine.

We could hear some sucking noises coming from the stall, "Harder...harder, " one of the guys said. I was getting really turned on, so I began quickening the pace. Alex was really feeling it as he began jerking me off faster as well. Alex was the first to cum. He squeezed my cock hard as he came. Once he recovered, he went back to me. The other two guys had already finished and walked out as I began cumming. Shots flew out hard and fast. "Nice, " as one of the guys peered over to see, "Glad you stayed, yeah?" The two guys walked out.

We soon followed and headed back home. Once home we both plopped on the couch and watched some TV shows. I glanced over noticing Alex was slightly rubbing over his crotch. A bulge was hidden under, and he saw me catching a look, "So...want to suck me off now?"

"Really? You've came twice in less than five hours, and you're still wanting more?" My gosh, was he a sex machine?

"Well, sorry for me being so fucking horny today, so do you want to?" Alex asked again.

"Not really, " I was just trying to stay awake as I was nodding off every ten seconds.

"Fine, " Alex got up and laid back onto his bed. He began jerking himself off again. I ended up falling asleep for a good hour. When I awoke, I saw that Alex had fallen asleep as well. I figured revenge was in order, after all, the nap did provide me the wood needed for it.

I quietly closed in on him already jerking along the way. I approached the left side of his bed where his face was turned. Nearby was his shirt soaked with his cum. If he thought he was going to get away what he nearly did today, he was mistaken. By now, I was stroking fast. I held and caressed my balls to keep the noise down. I could barely keep my composure as I began quietly snickering. As I closed in on the edge, I moved as close as I could and fired my shots. A couple shots landed on his cheek and one near his lips. The rest fell short onto his bed. Surprisingly, he didn't wake up. I slowly went back to the couch and pretended to be asleep. I threw a chap stick into his room to try and wake him up.

"What the, " Alex sat up on his bed and rubbed his face. "The hell is this...Seth!" Alex got up to find me sleeping on the couch. He smeared the cum from his face onto his hands and rubbed it into my face.

"Hey! Quit it, " I yelled trying to break free.

"Yeah, like that? You think it's funny?" Alex wasn't having it.

"And this is any different than what you were going to do to me this morning?" I began cracking up.

"Shut up, " Alex went to the bath room to wash up. "You know I would have gladly taken in that load of yours."

"Yeah, but then I would have to owe you one, and it would probably be a time where I don't really feel like doing it."

"Whatever, " Alex and headed back into the living room and sat down. "Want to do pizza again?"

"Sure, " I replied back again as I found some shows to watch.

Alex ordered up the pizza, double pepperoni and sausage for me and extra cheese and sausage for him. Once he finished the order, he came back and decided to find some porn to watch. "Sexy lady time has come."

"I am amazed by your absolute horniness today, Alex."

"Shut up and enjoy it. Chances are we'll get the same deliverer like that time before, so why not have some fun again." Alex smirked.

Time went on and I was hard with my hand in my pants. I suppose I shouldn't be criticizing Alex so much on his actions when I am pretty much doing the same thing. We heard the knock on the door.

"Hey, Seth, take it out and start stroking. I'm sure he'll get a kick out of it." Alex went to answer the door.

The delivery guy was the same, and once the transaction was made, Alex persuaded him again to catch a look at what we were watching. He walked in to see my with my dick out, "I see you're enjoying yourself?"

"Oh yeah. Who could blame me with these awesome women?" I continued stroking on trying to act as natural as I could. It was a bit odd showing myself to another stranger like that, but hey.

"You got me there. Well, thanks for another sneak peek. Enjoy the pizza guys." The guy left, and Alex handed me my box as he sat down.

"I think he likes your dick, " Alex laughed.

"I'm pretty sure the ladies had him more distracted than my dick, " I replied putting my dick back in my pants.

We switched back to some regular shows as we ate. Something about eating why watching porn just never really seemed appealing, especially, with pizza. After some pizza and a movie, we were ready to hit the hay. Alex asked me one more time if I would suck him off, and I declined once again. Once we went to bed, I decided that now would be a good time. I got up from the couch and headed for his room.

His light was still on, so he had to be awake. To no surprise, he was jerking off again. I hopped onto the bed as he spread his legs open. I took his hard member in my mouth and began blowing him. "Mmm...go faster." Alex was wanting it all now, so I sped up. I reached my hand up and slowly rubbed his stomach. I could feel him pushing up into me. I heard him moaning a bit, as he was getting closer. "Cumming, " Alex said under his breath.

I felt some shots land into my mouth. His load wasn't big since he was spent from today. Still, he was feeling it. I left him to recover as I quickly stripped my pants off revealing my own hard member just waiting for some love. I plopped back next to him, "My turn. Nothing fancy. Just do it hard and fast, so I can cum."

Alex got up and over me as he took in my cock. I felt him stroking the base as he sucked me off. I didn't last long which is what I wanted. My cum shot into his mouth, and Alex took it all. "Ahhh, man," I sighed as he finished up. Not a drop was wasted. With both of us tired, both of us pretty much fell asleep on his bed.

The next morning, Alex woke me up. Realizing it was almost time to go back to classes, I got showered and dressed. I grabbed my things and we headed off.

-- to be continued --

The experiences have been a bit more amped now. While I do like blowjobs as much as the next guy, I didn't really want to go that far. It's one of the best feeling things a guy can get next to intercourse which is the problem. I like doing all the other things, too, like jerking off, jerking each other off, and even the few humping sessions. Once the blowjobs are exchanged, it's all that is ever asked.

For any feedback, comments, etc, feel free to email be at

Next: Chapter 15: Another Friend 6

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