Night and Morning

By Sock L

Published on Apr 15, 2013


Another friend Written by Seth Copyright 2013

This story is spin-off from my night-and-morning series.

Disclaimer - This story is based off a personal experience where the names are changed and the story is modified as saw fit by memory and preference.

About a couple months had passed. Nothing new has really changed. Classes were classes, Josh and I occasionally jerked off at the same time, and Jordan was continually a reoccurrence. Nonetheless, whatever Josh and I have is just for fun. My roommate and I share a good friendship, and I don't expect anything more than that.

However, there is Alex. What a guy he is. Only stayed over at his place twice and we already jerked off together. Part of me wants something out this. Alex is a great guy, but I just don't feel a great connection with him. Do I like him, or do I just want to like him?

I stayed the weekend over at his place giving Josh and Jordan some time alone. Alex was cooking some special spicy chicken cheese dip and wings. Who knew he was such a cook for a college guy? Meanwhile, I am doing some class work as the load has apparently increased as I get further in college.

"Food should be done another half-hour or so. So Seth...what do you want to do?"

"Throw this book out the window." I wasn't too keen on gen-ed classes. It felt like I was back in high school again. Nothing short of boring where I want to be learning something relevant.

"I'd prefer that you open said window first. Come on, want to watch a movie, TV, video games?"

I sighed, "I don't know, Josh. Whatever is fine with you."

"You're the guest, but if that's your choice then sexy ladies it is." Alex sat down and browsed the web through his TV searching for some porn.

"Really Alex, going to jerk off right before we eat?"

"Porn isn't just for jerking off. Can't guys watch to just enjoy the view?"

"We'll see how long that lasts, Alex."

Of course with any video of this genre, sexy ladies aren't the only thing you see. We started talking about the guys in the video as well. I think Alex was getting a bit jealous of the guy's cock, "Honestly, look how thick that guy is. There's no way we'd make it in the porn industry with ours compared to that."

"I doubt men do very well in the porn industry as it is, unless it's in the gay porn industry. It's all about the women."

"Yeah, I guess so...Still, can you imagine having to deal with that in your pants? Sometimes, my own can be a pain." Alex dug into his pants to adjust his hard member. "But that would probably drive me crazy."

We continued watch the video. I could see his hand covering his bulge as he gently fondles and squeezes his. It was clear he was getting worked up, so he lifted off his shirt to cool off. I was holding all my restraint to grab my own bulge with the him shirtless and the climax of the video happening. Alex hopped right up when the movie ended to take care of the food he was cooking. I turned back to the TV and grabbed my textbook I was studying before.

"Fuck!" Alex yelled out. I heard something loud drop right after that.

"You alright over there?" I yelled out not giving much concern to him.

"Agh, yeah...Just spilled some boiling cheese dip on my stomach. Judging by the mark, the food is done."

I got up and grabbed a plate of my own while Alex rubbed some aloe vera on his smooth body. We headed back to couch to eat and watch some TV. Alex suggested another sexy video, but I wasn't in the mood of trying to eat while watching sex.

We played games for the rest of the night, and eventually, went off to sleep. I fought off the urge to jerk off as I was sleeping on his couch. Granted we already did jerk off on this couch before, it just didn't feel right. Of course, my dick was burning for a release, but I managed to fall asleep. Until I woke up for the middle of the night piss break.

I walked towards the bathroom only to hear something creaking. It was coming from Alex's room. He must have been humping his bed or something. It was turning me on, and my cock was rock hard again. I decided to sit and piss quietly as it was going to be hard to go anyway. Without flushing, I left to go back to bed. I could hear him going faster until; I heard him finish, "Fuck yeah!". Soon after, I heard him walk out of his room and walk into the bathroom before falling back to sleep.

The next morning, I was awake and in the shower. Again, he comes right in and takes a piss. "We really have to stop meeting like this, Alex."

"Seth, when a guy needs to piss, he's going to take a piss." Alex began pissing in the bowl.

"Which is why I'm pissing in the shower right now." I laughed as my own stream started as well.

"Joke's on you. I piss in there all the time." And to prove that he wasn't lying, he opened the shower curtain and pissed right on me.

"The fuck man!? Fine then!" I turned to him and pissed a little on him as I had finished emptying my bladder.

"Watch it Seth! I'm not in the shower yet. Now, my freakin' boxers are wet." Alex took them off, and jumped in the shower. I finished soaping his piss off of me and got out. Two guys is too many in that small shower.

A little later, Alex came out of his room dressed as I was sitting watching some TV and eating snacks. Alex decided to apologize to me.

"Sorry Seth. I guess I'm just not bothered breaking boundaries like that. I was just playing around."

"It's alright, Alex. It was fun. The only thing you need to apologize for is that outrageous dry humping session last night, haha"

"Shove off. I bet you were jerking off to it anyway."

"Actually, no. It didn't really feel right jerking on your couch without your consent. Besides, even if I did, at least I would have been quiet about it, haha. Even I am more quiet when humping than you."

"Hey now, humpin' is the closest thing to fuckin', and boy was I fuckin'. Seriously, I got these silk shorts that make the experience a dream."

"Seriously? You paid, what, fifty bucks just for some shorts?"

"Shut it, they were on sale. Want to see?" Alex went back to his room to grab his.

"I'd rather not see your cum filled shorts!" I yelled out. The next thing I know he throws them at me. "Fuck!"

"I have more than one, Seth." They were blue, soft, and smooth. "Feels nice, doesn't it?" It was indeed so smooth and soft. I held it to my face for a feel.

Later on we headed out for a bite to eat. Alex suggested we take a swim afterward on this hot day since the pool recently opened for the season. I was all for the idea, but I didn't have any swim trunks. When we got home, he tossed me some board shorts telling me that it should suffice. I stripped my shorts and boxer briefs, suited up, and we were off.

"Wow, no one even here. No lifeguard either?"

"Kids are in school, so adults are responsible for swimming on their own. As long as we aren't breaking the rules, the guys inside don't care."

We dropped are stuff and took are shirts off. I couldn't help but look at Alex take his off. I could see his burn mark from last night. We jumped in and relaxed. Soon, we began racing each other, holding breath contests, etc. We started talking as were treading along.

"So how's the dorm life going, Seth?"

"Alright. Josh and I get along pretty well though his girlfriend always seems to be around."

"That sucks."

"I don't know. To be honest, I'm starting to feel some tension between the two. Whatever the case, I'm glad I don't have any relationship drama."

"Yeah," Alex laughed as he agreed. "So you mentioned before that you've jerked off with him?"

"Like I said, it was one time. We still sometimes catch each other in the act. He likes to do it when he wakes up in the morning. I like to do it at night before I go to sleep. Sometimes, we join in, but it's nothing really worth noting."

"Ah. You said he doesn't compare to us. How big is he?" Alex was getting more curious about my roommate and I.

"He said the last time he measured it was 7 and a quarter inches. He's got a bit more girth than you and I. Trust me, I could wrap both my hands around it, haha"

Having his hand in his trunks, "That would be nice to have, but I'm fine with what I got." The next thing I know, I feel a warm spot around me.

"Are you pissing? Seriously, Alex?"

"What, it feels so nice. I've worked at a pool before. Piss doesn't do shit to the water with all these sanitization chemicals they use. It's number 2 that you have to worry about."

I decided what the hell. What could more piss do. I could really feel the warmth spread around "It does feel nice."

"Let's head to the hot tub, Seth. I'm getting tired of swimming around."

We headed into the hot tub and relaxed. Alex set the bubbles and jets to high. He slowly shifted forward and I then heard him moan. I look over to him strangely.

"Oh, my god. You got to try this. Scoot over here where I was." I moved over and felt a jet coming from the bottom straight up to my crotch.

"Oh, come on. We're not kids. Surely, you're more mature than this."

"Correction Seth, we're college kids." he smirked at me as he found another jet for himself. He laid back and enjoyed the sensations as I soon followed. "Man, I'm rock solid."

I sighed in pleasure, "Same here..." It's an experience you have to feel for yourself as it's unlike any other. Soon, I felt the all familiar sensation. It finally clicked in my head, and I snapped out of it by moving away.

"Whoa, you okay there?" Alex was surprised.

"Yeah, yeah. I almost lost myself there is all." I was catching my breath.

"No reason to stop, Seth.

"Piss may blend in like water, but jizz does not. I'm not releasing one here." Alex agreed.

We got out of the hot tub and dried off. I was still pitching a tent, so I pulled it under my waistband and wrapped my towel around me so the workers couldn't see it. We headed to the showers to rinse the chlorine off. We took adjacent showerheads and turned them on.

Alex noticed the straight tent in my pants, "Damn you must be needing a release if you're still rock hard like that." I didn't care, I slipped my hand in my shorts and started jerking off. Alex watched as he rinsed off.

Soon, we heard voices coming in the locker-room, "Shit!" I immediately withdrew my hand and turned the shower to cold by accident. That was enough to settle me down.

"Relax, will you" he chuckled at me. "Alright, let's head on out."

When we got home, Alex ordered some pizza. Alex thought it would be a good joke to put some porn and turn the volume up a bit. The delivery was here, so Alex answered the door. The sounds were quite noticeable.

"Are you guys watching..." The young delivery guy was reacting strangely to the video.

"Some sexy ladies. Come on in, I know you want a sneak peek."

"I...I have more deliveries that need to get done." Alex pressed him on, and he eventually gave in. "Now, that's some hot shit right there. Anyway, I got to go. Try not to get any on the pizza," he left cracking up.

We ate our pizza and played some games until it was time for bed. By now, my balls were aching. I really wanted to cum, but I just couldn't help it. I wanted to keep it for a better moment.

The next morning we headed off to campus and went on to are classes.

"Catch you later, Alex."

"See ya, Seth."

  • to be continued -

If I didn't know any better. Alex was more like my older brother. My brother and I were a bit open with each other. Not sexually, but with are bodies is all. Alex just doesn't have any boundaries, and I can understand that further with it being his own place.

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Next: Chapter 11: The Opportunity

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