Night Adventure in the City

By Evan

Published on Dec 2, 2006



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This is a work of fiction. It is not to be read by minors. It includes force, homosexuality and racial slurs. If you are offended by this kind of fantasy, please search for something else to read. Having gotten all of that out of the way, let's get on with the story.

It had been a while since my last trip to the city.

I wandered down the dark rainy city streets at night. Bright headlights rushed by; cars splashed muddy water on my pants and sneakers. I shook my fist and cursed the reckless drivers, but I'm sure they didn't give a shit.

I spent the early part of the evening gulping down beer in a local tavern. While I was filling up on the piss-colored liquid I was thinking about what might be in store for me in the porn movie theater. I wish I had given some thought to going to the men's room to take a leak before I left the bar. Now, as I was racing down the grimy alleys toward the movie house I cursed my lackof foresight. I grabbed my crotch to keep from pissing in my pants. I danced from toe to toe looking desperately for a place to relieve myself.

There, in front of me, was a parking garage with a bright Neon sign.

I ducked inside the garage, still clutching my crotch in the bright glow of the florescent lights as I made my way past the vending machines. On the far side of the bright hallway was a scruffy looking metal door marked "Men". I pushed my way inside and raced to the nearest urinal. I had no time to spare. I ripped my pants open and let aforceful flow of fresh hot piss stream into the urinal.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

When I could finally relax and began to shake the excess piss off of the tip of my dick I noticed a soft grunting sound coming from one of the stalls. There was also the rustling sound of clothing. I thought to myself, "I'm sure that this is not what I think it is. Nobody would jerk off in a public men's room."

I zipped myself up and crept over to the stalls. From where I was standing I could see a pair of red and white sneakers pointing straight up. A boy's feet were making jerking motions. I drew closer to the door of the stall and heard a teenager's heavy breathing between deep grunts, and the steady sound of excited stroking. I peeked through the crack in the door of the stall and saw a smooth-skinned black boy pumping his hard cock.

The boy was lost in his own world. His eyes were half-closed and his lips quivered as he anxiously pumped his hard black cock -- it must have been about 8 or nine inches.

I watched as his baggy pants shook with his vigorous strokes. They were bunched around his ankles, revealing his smooth black thighs and firm calves. I pressed my face against the crack in the opening of the door to his stall, but the kid didn't notice me. His thick, moist dark brown lips kept quivering as he leaned back and enjoyed himself.

Suddenly he bolted straight up.

His body became rigid.

He let out a loud sigh.

A thick stream of cum exploded from his cock.

He shot two or three more loads of heavy white cream all over his dark brown thighs.

The boy leaned back, eyes still half closed, and let out a loud sigh, "Lawwd have Mercy!"

I stifled a laugh and slipped out of the room before he realized he was being spied on. As I left the men's room I heard him tugging on the roll of toilet paper and wiping himself off. I felt a rush of excitement in my gut; so this is what it's going to be like tonight in the city!

When I left the garage I was surprised to discover that what began as a trickle of rain had now became a heavy downpour.

I ran down the rain-slicked sidewalk, which reflected light like a black mirror. I noticed a shop just up ahead. It looked like it was still open. The display window was bright, with popular magazines on display. A neon sign in the display window gave off a steady hum and cast a red glow on the dark wet streets. The sign read: "Sex, Sex, Sex."

I ducked inside thestore. It felt good to get out of the rain.

The porn shop smelled of air freshener and cigar smoke. A grey-haired black man behind the counter, with half a cigar clamped between his teeth quickly gave me the once over.

"May I help you find something?"

I guess I was a little intimidated by the man. I thought, "Maybe I shouldn't rush intothis too quickly. What if someone I know sees me here? What if the salesclerk thinks I some kind of pervert?" I eyed the boxed plastic sex dolls hanging on the walls and a line of all kinds of hard rubber dildos. There were big ones and small ones; black ones and white ones; veiny ones and smooth ones. I rubbed my shirt sleeve across my forehead and felt my heart race with anxiety. I looked sheepishly at the man.

"N-no. It's cool. I'm just ducking out of the rain." I shifted nervously on my feet as he continued to stare at me.

"Well you can't duckin here^Å"

"Why not?"

"Because this here is an establishment. We're here to make money. We aint no shelter for the homeless."

I bit my lip. My face grew red with anger. I glared at him and stalked toward the door.

His eyes followed me as he chomped on his cigar, "If you wanna stay here you gotta buy some tokens."


"Yeah, so you can go into the back and watch some movies."

By this time I was standing by the glass door andcould hear the torrent of rain pounding the sidewalk.

I didn't want to go back outside in that.

"How much for the tokens?"

"You gotta buy five dollars worth; then you can go in the back."

I pulled out a crumpled five dollar bill and slapped it on the counter. The gray-haired man pulled a silver lever on the token dispenser beside the cash register. He pulled five times, as shiny aluminum coins piled into the palm of his hand.

"Okay." He slapped the tower of coins down on the counter. "You can go watch your movie."

I swallowed hard and barely mumbled, "Thank you."

I brushed past strings of beads that covered the archway leading to the back. I had no idea what to expect; there was no way of telling what might be in store for me.

The backroom smelled of cigarette smoke, urine and cum.

It was dark, except for the dull glow of low lights in the display case outside of each booth. Most of signs read something like this: "Preview Movie 25 cents a Token"

It felt like I was walking into a haunted house in an amusement park. You never know what creatures will jump out at you from the shadows. As I crept past the video booths I noticed that none of them had doors. Somebody later explained to me that this was because it is state law, to discourage sexual activity, but from what I could see, the doorless booths only seemed to make cruising easier.

The booths were laid out in a maze-like design, and the lights were low.

I stumbled down a dark narrow corridor, hoping to find an empty booth where I could sit down and dry off. There was a booth at the end of the corridor, but before I could turn the corner to enter it I noticed a soft moaning sound. I peeked inside the booth and saw two figures bathed in the dim blue light from the TV screen. An old white man, must have been in his sixties, leaned back in the seat. His pale frame glowed in the dim light. His white hair was askew and his face was slick with sweat. His shirt was unbuttoned and open, revealing a shriveled wrinkled body. His pants were also unzipped andopen.

Kneeling at his feet, on the floor, was a black teenager. The boy's mouth was buried in the old man's crotch and he bobbed his head up and down on the white man's cock. The man held the black boy's head between his hands, pushing the boy's face back down each time he tried to come up for air.

The white man hissed at the boy, "Yeah -- suck that dick, nigger." The boy dutifully kept sucking. His lips slurped on the white man's cock. The boy's eyes seemed to flash in the darkness, in contrast to rest of his face.

I stood there transfixed as I watched the young boy service the old white man's cock. The man was clearly enjoying it. He sighed and heaved in his seat.

I slowly pulled out my own cock and quietly stroked it.

Suddenly the older man entered an orgasm. His pelvis jerked wildly in the young boy's mouth. He let out a loud sigh and a series of rapid gasps. The black boygagged and coughed. The old man pressed the boy's face into his crotch. The black boy closed his eyes and took the white man's cum. The man's body continued to shake while the boy choked and coughed. There was thick white cum dripping out of the boy's mouth. It dribbled down the black boy's chin. There was even cum trickling out of the boy's nose.

When the white man relaxed and eased back in his seat the black teenager wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. The older man quickly grabbed the boy by the back of his head and rubbed his face all over his softening white cock and balls. He wiped the side of the boy's face with his cum covered dick and pubes. Some of his cum clung to the boy's nappy hair. The boy looked embarrassed.

The man looked down at him and frowned, "Kiss my dick, boy." The black teenager rolled his eyes and gently kissed the white man's cock. The man hissed with satisfaction, "Yeeeah. Atta boy." He grabbed the black boy's jaw and forced the boy's thick tender lips open. The white man cleaned his shriveling cock off in the black boy's mouth.

I thought I was going to shoot my load right there. I quickly slid back into the dark corridor, searching for another booth where I could be alone.

As I stumbled down the corridor I heard loud dull thumping sounds coming from one of the booths. With my curiosity already piqued I decided to check it out. In the soft glow of the video screen I saw a handsome brown-skinned teenager who was buck naked on the seat of the booth. His legs were stretched up in the air and resting on the shoulders of a fat hairy older white man. The boy was getting his ass plowed -- but good. His head bumped against the wall with every thrust the big white man made in his tight young black ass.

The teenager's clothes had been carelessly tossed all over the cruddy porn booth floor. I noticed his balled up FUBU t-shirt, his Timberland boots, and a discarded silk do-rag on the floor. The floor was also covered with sweat, cum and saliva; probably from people who had been in there before. The boy curled his toes and bit his lip while he took his ass-pounding from that thick white cock.

The boy's eyes were closed and his lips quivered, as if he was hoping for the whole thing to end, but the hefty white man never let up. "You like that big white cock in yer black ass, Nigger?"

The boy just sniffed and whimpered. He clutched his seat while his long teenaged cock swung from side to side in rhythm with the pounding he was taking. The boys smooth brown butt cheeks bounced up and down on the plastic seat while the white man dominated his young black ass.

The man drove his dick hard into the boy, giving him a taste of real manhood that he could never find in the ghetto. The man grunted. Sweat dripped from his face and chest onto the boy's smooth brown body. The boy let out a pained moan while he was being thoroughly used by the large whiteman.

Suddenly the man let out a groan. His body shook in wild ecstasy. His dick remained buried deep inside the boy's ass. Then the big white man's ass cheeks clinched and relaxed, clenched and relaxed -- as he pumped his hot semen into the black boy's ass. Long thick strands of white cum oozed out of the boy's ass and made a puddle on the floor below the seat. The boy's mouth hung open as he gasped for air.

The boy stared off into space. I had to get away from there because I was afraid one of them would see me watching them andstroking.

As I made my way further down the corridor I noticed a young brown-skinned Mexican youth. He was leaning against the wall. He barely had a mustache over his youthful red lips. The soft black facial hairs, barely coming in, contrasted against his smooth brown face. He appeared to be chewing on a toothpick as he was talking to an older white man. The Mexican youth clutched his crotch. The white man give him money and they ducked into a booth.

As I crept closer to the booth I heard the boy say, "Yeah, suck on that dick, Papi. Suck it good." I looked inside and saw the Mexican kid with his pants down below his thighs and the older man stooped on one knee, sucking the kid's young thug cock. The boy had thick plumes of black public hair that looked like a wild bush rubbing against the white man's face.

The boy's eyes were aflame as he looked down at the older white cocksucker, serving his dick. The man seemed to be doing a good job -- licking the kid's caramel colored penis and tossing the boy's brown balls with his tongue. He also licked inside theboy's ass. The kid tried to act like he was indifferent to all of this, but his hard Mexican cock told another story.

The man rubbed his hands over the kid's lean rippled abs. Then he moved his hand further up the boy's body until he exposed the boy's smooth brown chest. He played with the boy's soft nipples. The young Mexican let out a sigh of pleasure in spite of himself. The older man slurped on the Mexican kid's dick while the boy dug his fingers into the man's unkempt hair, making the man suck harder.

Without warning the boy heaved and let outa sigh. Loads of hot, Mexican cum shot out of the corner of the older man's mouth. The boy spurted more cum that splattered across the man's face. The white man sheepishly bowed his head and kissed the Mexican kid's balls. When the kid was through shooting his load, he pulled up his pants and left the booth without a second glance -- wads of bills sticking out of his pocket.

By this time I was hidden in the shadows of a corner. The scenes from these dark booths rushed through my head. I stroked my cock hard with reckless abandon. I forget about where I was. I forgot about everything that was going on around me. All that mattered was my throbbing hard cock and the sights, sounds and smells I had just witnessed. Suddenly I felt the dull thump of someone tapping myass with his shoe. I whirled around and looked up to see who it was.

I found myself staring in the face of a young black thug. He leered down at me with his smooth dark brown face. He was wearing a heavy leather jacket and his hand was thrust in his pocket. The boy was silent. He just watched me and smirked. He motioned to the covered hand in his pocket. I swallowed hard.

"T-take whatever you want. You want my wallet? You want my Ipod? You want my cell phone? You want my jacket?"

The boy hissed in a low voice, "I want more than just them things." He bit his lip to suppress a laugh. His white teeth shone against his black face in the darkness.

"Since you already on yur knees, you kin start by lickin my boots."

He stuck his dirty Timberlands under my mouth. I looked up at the concealed weapon in his pocket and lowered my head. I dutifully licked that boy's dirty boots.

"Thas it. Be a good byatch and lick dis nigga's boots."

I tasted the dirt and leather of his soiled boots. I licked over his toes and thick shoe laces. My face turned bright red with humiliation. The boy let out a softly amused laugh.

"Yeah, get em clean.."

After awhile he motioned for me to move into another booth.

We went into an empty booth where he dumped a handful of silver tokens into the coin slot. He slowly undid his belt and let his sagging pants drop to the floor. He kept the covered weapon pointed at my head. The boy motioned me with his jacket pocket, "Pull my boxers down."

I slid my fingers under the waistband of his silk red boxer shorts and slowly pulled them down to his knees. His long black cock dangled in my face. It was supported by his thick jungle balls. I smelled the heavy scent of pubic ghetto hair and felt waves of heat from the black teenager's groin. Somehow, against my will, my dick grew hard inside my pants.

He glared down at me, "wash dem ballz."

I hesitated, but then he rubbed his hairy balls against my lips.

"I said `wash em,' I aint gonna tell you more den twice."

I stuck out my tongue and tasted his hot musty African baby-makers. I tasted sweat and cum as his balls slid over my tongue. I felt the course hairs of his balls between my teeth. The black thug boy filled my mouth. His testicles gave off smell of masculine teenage sexual potency.

Much as I was humiliated and ashamed I gave that black boy a hot wet tongue bath. I felt the passion for this black ghetto boy's manhood building up inside of me. I licked between his sacs and cleaned his youthful nut-sac off. I tasted every crevice of that black kid's groin and licked between his smooth brown thighs.

He hissed, "Yeah. Kiss dem nutts"

I lifted his thick, hard black cock and gently and pressed my lips against his hairy nut sacs. I kissed them again and again, as if I were in a trance. When I realized what I was doing -- that I had become completely lost in that young black boy's ghetto prowess -- my face flushed with guilt and shame.

I tried to convince myself that I was only doing this because the kid was forcing me to. He looked down at me and gloated while I serviced every private crevice of his young black body.

His hard black cock oozed precum ontomy forehead. He put his hand on my head and guided his dick into my mouth. He barely mumbled, "Suck dis dick." I knew I had no choice but to obey. He stuffed me with a mouthful of his thick black cock and pumped it down my throat. He grabbed the back of my head and worked his cock slowly in and out of my mouth. He moaned deeply while his hairy black balls slammed against my chin.

I held onto his soft, firm thighs as his pelvis push against my face. My face was buried in his thick musty pubes, breathing them in as I chocked on that big black cock. I felt like a helpless ho.

Suddenly the boy tensed and started to tremble. I felt a rush of cum rise up his shaft like a tsunami building momentum before it hits the shore. The boy grabbed my head and held my face in his housing project pubes. He let out a sigh. Thick, hot, salty cum spurted down my throat. He gasped as he let out wave after wave of potent jungle power. I swallowed it all. My mouth tasted of fresh nigger cum.

Shameful as it was, he drained his balls in my mouth. That young black teenaged thug became a part of me. He held my head tight with my face embedded in his pubes. My nose was filled with the scent of his teen boy privates. He eased the pressure off of the back of my head and let me gasp for air.

When I realized what I had just done I tried frantically to spit his cum out of my mouth, but most of it had already gone down my throat. I kept kneeling, bent over with my hands on my knees, breathing heavily -- trying to recover from the fear and the shame.

The boy laughed, amused by my torment. He zipped up his pants and slipped into the darkness.

I stumbled down the main corridor in the dark until I saw a dim sign that read "Men's Room."

The door creaked as I opened it. The restroom was a small -- barely one person could fit in it at a time. I figured this was probably to discourage sexual activity. There was a single porcelain toilet and a dirty sink jammed close together. I locked the door.

After rinsing out my mouth several times, and washing my face thoroughly in the lukewarm city water, I sat on the toilet and put my face in my hands, in exhaustion and shame.

I must have nodded off; I lost track of time. I finally woke up to the sound of commotion, but didn't know where it was coming from. I looked at the graffiti-covered drywall, exposed electrical wiring, and the dingy light bulb dangling from the ceiling. I noticed a closed vent behind the toilet.

The vents were shut, but I plied them open with my fingers and found that I could peek through them to get a clear view into the manager's office. The white manager had a brown-skinned boy bent over the back of his couch. The boy's black ass was bare; he had few tender hairs on his slender legs. I couldn't see his face, just his legs and his feet and his naked black ass.

The manager was a large man with a pot belly. He walked beside the bare-assed boy barking, "You're hard-headed. You don't do what you're told. I never should have hired you off the streets in the first place."

The boy moaned, "Please -- please. Give me another chance. I'll do what you say."

The man grunted. "I need to fire your black ass right now and send you back to the ghetto to be a drug runner!"

The boy was pleading, his voice muffled by the back of the couch, "Please. Please. Give me a second chance. I needs to get paid so's I can buy me some nice clothes some games for my Playstation."

The manager chuckled.

"Damn right you're gonna get paid. You're gonna get paid like you was a plantation slave boy."

The teen's plea turned into a muffled sob behind the couch.

The man unbuckled his belt andslid it off his waist. He stuck his hand inside the boy's ass crack. He felt around inside the boy. That black boy now belonged to him. He was helpless to anything about it.

The white man spread the boy's black ass cheeks and stuck his fingers deeper inside of his crack, finger fucking the boy.

"I know what all you young hard-headed niggers need! You all need an attitude adjustment." The white man continued to fondle the boy's black hole. "You need a whitecock inside that black ass to teach you some humility!"

The manager slowly unzipped his pants and pulled out a thick white cock. He slapped his flabby cock on the boy's smooth ass cheeks a few times. Then he aimed his hardened prick and pushed himself inside of the young boy's hole. The boy wailed.

The manager's back was facing me as he mounted the helpless black teenager. His hairy white ass pumped in and out, picking up speed. The teenaged boy's legs jerked up and down with each thrust of the man'shard cock.

The manager grunted, "Take^Åthat^Åwhite^Åcock."

The boy let out a high-pitched moan, but take that white cock he did. The manager didn't let up. "I'll^Åfuck^Åyour^Åblack^Åass^Ågood. Teach^Åyou^Å good^Åwork^Åhabits." The boy's legs shook with every powerful thrust of that white cock in his tight young black ass. The boy grunted as the superior man took full advantage of him.

I heard the steady slap of flesh against flesh as the manager raped that teenager's ass. The boy let out muffled cries, "Oh shit. Oh muthafuck. Oh shit." The man replied, "Take that white cock, nigger. Take that white cock in your black ass."

Suddenly the man let out a loud gasp. He dumped his hot white load deep inside that wayward youth's ass -- teaching that boy the fundamentals of manhood. The boy sniffled, but took that white cock like a man. He was learning.

The manager let his cock drain in the kid'sass for awhile. He slowly pulled out and the boy's ass was leaking man cum. "That's what you niggers need -- a good attitude adjustment. You need a white man's cum inside your black asses to civilize you."

Streams of cum flowed down the boy's slender brown legs. Maybe the manager was onto something. It was hard for me to imagine that that boy would ever want to be a gang-banger again. He slowly pulled up his boxer shorts, but they were quickly stained with the white man's cum.

I closed the vent and sat back down on the toilet. I was disgusted by thescene. For some reason, however, my dick was stiff as a rock. I slowly stroked my cock. As I stroked myself, faster and faster, I vowed to get out of this madhouse as soon as I could and never to come back again. I knew I didn't want any parts of this nasty scene!

I finished jerking off and shot a thick load all over my thighs, more than I ever recall shooting before. I tore off some toilet tissues to try the clean the sticky goo off. I eased my way out of the men's room and moved quickly down the corridor -- looking for an exit. Unfortunately, I stumbled past another open video booth.

Standing up on the seat of the booth was a completely naked young black man, he must have been in his late teens or early 20s. His head was cramped against the ceiling. An older white man fondled his balls as if he were inspecting a slave to be a stud on his plantation. He bounced the black man's large hanging testicles in his hand.

Then he had the young man turn around and bend over, pressing against the back wall. The black "captive's" ass jutted out, and the whiteman ran his hand up and down his ass crack, just like the manager had done with the boy in the back room. He parted the young man's ass cheeks. The white man looked like a cop, checking young black boys for drugs in the projects. You never know where a boy will hide those drugs when he sees the heat rolling around. You have to check everything.

The man ran his hands up and down the black youth's muscular dark legs and between his thighs. He turned the young man around and stroked the boy's long black cock like it was this white man's possession. It looked directly into the black boy's eyes while he played with his thick ghetto cock. The boy just stood there like a naked basketball player allowing his coach to fondle him.

The white man pressed up against him and spoke barely above a whisper, breathing heavily in the black boy's face.

"You like to screw lots of black bitches with this, huh nigga?"

The black boy swallowed hard and nodded his head. His dick was rock solid by now.

"You also like to screw that black whore of a mama who raised you, huh nigga?"

The black boy fought down an expression of rage and simply nodded "yes" once again.

"You're a horny jungle monkey, huh?"

Once again the boynodded "yes" and looked away -- trying to avoid eye contact with his tormentor.

"Shoot that nigger cum all over your master's arm. Come on boy. I want to see that nigger cum fire from that hot black cock of yours."

The boy kept swallowing hard in apparent humiliation, but also sexual frustration, as his dick jutted straight up in the tight grip of the white man's hand.

With his free hand the white man rubbed the boy's nappy pubic hair and his muscled abs. Then he ran his hand over the boy's belly button.

He abruptly stopped stroking and feeling the boy, "Get down on your knees!"

The young black man sank to his knees in awkward embarrassment in front of the white man. The man reached in his pocket and pulled out a wad of freshly minted bills. The black youth's eyes brightened. He reached for the bills, but the man drew his hand back. "Not so fast. Not so fast. Open yourmouth."

The black youth opened his mouth. The man stuffed it with the fist full of greenbacks. "Now keep them there while I fuck your nigger ass." The boy dutifully bent over, mouthful of fresh bills, and jutted his bubble butt out for the white man to fuck as long and hard as he desired. The man rubbed his hard white cock up and down the boy's tender ass, then violently thrust his way inside the boy.

"Take that cock, nigger."

The black youth winced, clutching the bills with his teeth.

The man pushed deep between the boy's thick dark buns. He grabbed the boy by his shoulders and pushed further inside of the boy's chocolate channel. The man humped wildly. The black youth's body swayed under the force of the white man's thrusts. The man had full control over the boy's body. That naked black stud belonged to him.

"Oh yeah. I love fucking that firm blackass."

He picked up speed and grabbed the boy by his nappy head, yanking it back while the boy take the man's hard white cock.

"Yeah, Give me that nigger pussy. Give it to me."

The man's thighs slapped against the boy's firm black ass cheeks. The black boy grunted in pain, but didn't protest. He kept the white man's dollars clutchedfirmly between his teeth. He took that man's cock like a good boy. The man grunted as he fucked his young black slave. Sweat dripped from the man's forehead. The boy grunted as his body was ravaged.

"Yeah, nigger. .take it! Take it!"

The man exploded in ecstasy into the boy's black ass. He fired deep inside of the boy, making the youth's eyes grow wide. Still, he kept the dollars clutched between his teeth.

The man collapsed in exhaustion on the black youth's slick sweat covered back. The rest of the man's cum trickle inside of the dark boy's body. The boy just lay there -- bent over -- until he was sure the man was done with him.

Eventually I made it outside. The air on the street seemed fresh and moist after the rain. The night sky wasbeginning to give way to the first signs of sunlight. The sidewalk was still damp.

I noticed a black boy standing on the street corner, absent mindedly clutching his crotch -- and listening to a beat on his Ipod. A bus pulled up across the street. The boy froze and suddenly bolted toward it. As he scampered toward the departing bus he had to grab his pants at the waist to keep them from falling off of his ass.

I had had my fill the city. It was a little more than I had bargained for. I wandered aimlessly between the tall dark buildings in the earlymorning light. The passions of the night throbbed in my memory.

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