Nifty Tablet

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Jun 5, 2009


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated. A great thanks to Pete for all his input and editing.

Nifty Tablet Part Seven

June 03, 1988 to Nifty Tablet David Samuel Brandt

High School is over; I've graduated, so let the parties begin! Tonight we're going to the premiere of the new movie `Big'. Yeah, it's been a long while since I've had time to write. Going into the 1988 season, the Baltimore Orioles weren't sure what to expect, but knew they would struggle. Coming off a season in which they lost 95 games, finished 13th in the American League and ended the season losing 42 of their final 56 games, expectations aren't exactly high.

Life has gotten better, Dad made two nice car purchases in 1986, getting himself new Cadillac Fleetwood and me the1986 Yugo for my sixteenth birthday. Hey, a car is a car!

Lisa and I have been going steady and we've moved past petting and into full body contact. No real sex yet, but I get all I need, thanks to Michael Johnson.

Let me back up a bit a fill in the blanks.

Going back to that New Year's Eve party a couple years back, Mike had shown me a picture of a kid that looked just like me, pumping the ass of a kid that looked a lot like Mike. I asked him if that's what he wanted; he never answered, but pulled his boxers off. This was the first time I had seen Mike naked and hard. I slipped my boxers down as well and I reached for his dick, he pulled away. I rubbed the peach fuzz on his face and he pulled away. I tried to push his head down looking for a blow job and he turned his lips aside. So there was only one thing to do; I slipped it in him. Chad had done this to me, but I had never had the chance to be on top. Mike loved it. I pumped him hard and he took it all.

Later that night he did me. It was very nice having sex again. However with Mike, it was different. All he was interested in was fucking. He told me as things moved along, all that other stuff, you know, kissing and playing with each other and blow jobs, was just too gay for him. Hey, whatever floats your boat, right?

Mike enjoyed having me in him and between him and the time I spent with Lisa, there was no time for anybody else.

It was kind of interesting how Mike and I acted completely straight, we dated and played sports and did well in school, but whenever we could, we'd get naked and screw each other. It worked for us somehow. I enjoyed being with Mike a lot. Don't get me wrong, I still looked forward to Thomas coming over like clockwork every Christmas Eve to give me my blow job, but that was it. Life was all about Mike and of course Lisa.

Now High School is over and last night was the last time Mike and I would see each other for a while. He is heading to Europe with is family and then right to Harvard for college and then med school. Mike wants to be a doctor. I'd let him examine me anytime. However last night was my last chance to get more action with Mike, so listening to "One More Try" by George Michael made me decide this was the time to push him into sucking me off. I wanted to suck him too.

We went into his room together. His suitcase was packed and we removed it from the bed. Mike and I never talked much, he said it was too gay to talk about what we did, this time I didn't get undressed and he looked back at me after pulling his boxers off and his eyes showed he was confused.

"David, my folks told me we had just a little time. We have a lot to do before we get on the plane tomorrow. So get undressed, I'm not sure, we'll ever get another chance to do this."

"No Mike, don't get me wrong, I like doing this, but this time I want more. I want to suck you off and I want you to do the same to me," I demanded.

"Dave that is so gay, please can't we just screw each other, it feels so good."

"Yeah, we can and we will, but you have to give a little this time. I want more."

Mike looked me in the eyes and he told me to get undressed. I did. This time Mike came up to me, we were both naked. He actually hugged me. I felt his dick rub against mine. He kissed my neck. This was hot! Mike was cute and I needed this right then. Mike slipped down caressing my body and his face pushed forward into my pubes. I felt his tongue come out and lick the tip of my dick and then he took it into his mouth. Bobbing his head in and out, he dug his fingers into my ass. He loved doing that; I loved what he was doing. I let go of a spray of cum and Mike took it all.

Later we lay together on the bed and sucked each other before I gave him the best screwing ever. It was great.

Afterwards, he said, "This will be the last time. Now that I'm going to college, I won't be near you and I sure won't do this with anyone else!" I hope he's wrong.

May 5 1992 To Nifty tablet:

I had forgotten about these old tablets. It's kind of funny reading some of the things that I did and all that I learned as I grew up. I guess it would be appropriate to write in them one more time, now that I have graduated from the University and, more important than that, Lisa and I are getting married next weekend.

Yeah, I'm not surprised; she was always the one that was there after I moved from one affair to the next. That stopped my second year of college. My roommate and I had Wednesday night jack sessions. I don't know how Lisa knew, but when I we became engaged, she said, "I'll marry you, but you can't be with anyone else. That means no one." I agreed and we've been faithful ever since, perhaps a bit too faithful. Lisa is pregnant and I think we're having a son. Thanks to that little surprise, we had to move the wedding along, but I'm ready. I've grown up a lot.

Just to fill you in. Both Thomas Fisher and I received baseball scholarships, but Thomas couldn't keep his grades up and when the Scouts offered him a chance in the Minor Leagues, he jumped at it. He offered me a goodbye blow job, but I had to turn him down. I'm sure someone else got mine instead. My knee gave out in my junior year and I am graduating with honors with a degree in Accounting. I'll go for my CPA right after the Honeymoon.

Dad has a place for me and I accepted gracefully, after all, I'll have a family to feed, yeah, me Lisa and my young son, Bryan David Brandt.

I know when he comes to me with his thoughts and ideas, his hopes and his dreams and problems and questions, no matter what they are, I'll give him a good answer. I won't judge him for who he is, because who he is is My Son!

So Good Bye Nifty Tablets; you've been fun, now it's time to put all that away and bring Bryan David Brandt into this world.

The last tablet closed. The young hands trembled a bit, thinking of all they had seen turning the pages and learning about this life.

A knock at the door and a familiar voice said,

"Bryan David Brandt, get out of that room and come help me set the table."

"Ok, Mom, but give me ten minutes, please. I need to talk to Dad."

Sure Bryan, you can talk to your dad anytime, he's in his office," she replied.

Sept 04, 2006 Nifty Tablet David Samuel Brandt

The US and India signed a nuclear agreement during a visit of George W. Bush to India. More bombs exploded in the streets of Iraq. Maybe we should have made the man Baseball Commissioner.

It has been years since I have even thought about the old Nifty Tablets. This time, I'm writing on my Apple laptop. I'm sitting in my office, my father is across town in his office and yes, I have become an Accountant.

Today an important event happened and that's what brought me back to the Nifty Tablets.

Just before dinner Bryan, my thirteen year old son knocked at my office door. I always take time for Bryan; my father did the same for me. But I knew I wanted to do more if the day ever came where he needed to talk about more than baseball and bicycles. Today was the day and here is how it went:

"Dad, can I talk to you," he asked?

"Sure Bryan, anytime. What's up, Son?"

"Well Dad, this is a hard thing to say, so don't get mad, but I really want to talk to someone about it, and I know you'll listen. You know Billy, right?"

"Sure" I said, "Sometimes I think he lives here. Does he want to spend the night or something?" I asked.

"Maybe, I'll ask him, but well Dad, Billy and I have been messing around a bit," he said shyly.

"What do you mean Bryan," I asked?

"You know dad, we've been playing with each other's thing," he stuttered.

I stopped and looked deep into his green eyes. They were like mine at that age; filled with innocence and wonder. "Do you mean you two have been doing sexual things together?" I asked quietly.

His head hung low, his voice cracked, telling me he had entered puberty and was on his way to manhood. And he answered, "Yeah."

I spoke. "Bryan, Mom and I love you and we will always love you no matter who you become or what you do, you will always find love here. As you grow, you'll still have our love, but you'll have a desire for more, something more personal, something that is special between you and someone else. Remember to choose that other person wisely. Remember to not give your love too freely, because love can hurt when it is rejected or abused. While you look for the right person, you'll want to have experiences that will teach you more about your feelings. Billy and you have been friends for over ten years and if he and you have found pleasure in exploring each other bodies, that's probably a good place to start. Don't worry about it, enjoy it, and learn from it. Bryan, also please remember that there will be others who will want to use your body for their own pleasures. Be careful how you choose those partners and in today's world you'll need to make sure to always use protection, so that you do not harm each other in your zeal to please.

So go have your fun, don't worry about it and in the end, I hope you find someone who loves you as much as your mother loves me. If that person turns out to Billy or Bonnie, I'll still be here and I'll still love you."

Bryan listened closely and smiled. I received one of his really strong bear hugs and he ran out of the door saying he was asking Billy over for the night.

My father had always been good to me... but I wish he had made that speech to me.

I wish all fathers could and would make that speech and let the children of the world find the love they need in the arms of whom they chose. I wish for a lot.

Now thinking back to my younger days, I think about Doug, who is now the Baseball Coach at our old High School. He's got another winning team this year, and I hope he'll be there when Bryan is ready to join his team.

Frank Morgan was not into the hardware business, so he moved to New York City and is a Slum Lord. I can imagine how he collects some of his rent.

Thomas Fisher pitched for a few National League teams and now has sucked his way to an executive position for a California team.

Sometimes when I enter a gay porn site, I can still find pictures of Nelson. He was just that fine and enjoyed showing it to whom ever wished to look at it.

Roger is doing time for Grand Theft Auto. No, not the video game.

I kept in touch with Carl; he owns a Saturn Dealership in a small town in Texas. Good for him, because those cars will be around forever.

Kato tried out for the Olympics, but missed by one stroke. He now runs a swim camp in the Midwest.

I'll never forget Chad and the things he taught me. I can still see him in my minds eye, riding up on that white horse. It still makes me hard.

Michael Johnson became a Proctologist. He always enjoyed that part of the body the most, so that's no surprise to me.

Lisa and I are doing well. She gave me the space I needed to discover the truth about love and where I could find it. Now I want to be the best father I can be for Bryan and no matter where he finds his love, he'll always have our support. Maybe someday I'll go looking for his Nifty Tablets. I'll bet that would be interesting.

The End

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