Nifty Tablet

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Jun 3, 2009


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated. A great thanks to Pete for all his input and editing.

Nifty Tablet Part Six

Again the young hands retrieved the tablets and removed the large rubber band. He opened the tablet to where he left off and began to read again...

June 7, 1985: To Nifty Tablet David Samuel Brandt

The first year of High School is behind me. I learned a lot. Yeah, sure I was educated along the way as well, but mostly I learned about people. Roger stayed clear of me and when word got out that I had broken his nose, some guys looked up to me and a few more girls flirted. Lisa would have none of that and was always by my side to see that my thoughts never strayed. I guess we're going steady. We never really said that, but it's pretty obvious that there are no other girls in my life. Not much with guys lately either, bummer! After my birthday party, Kato left early and we just don't see each other anymore, we kind of nod at each other at school, but no more sex. Doug was cool that night and I suggested we get back into a regular thing and he just gave me a smile and hug and nothing more. Bummer!

Our coach wants us to play summer ball so I will, but I won't be able to finish the season. Dad has decided to take us on a trip to a Dude Ranch in July. What the heck I'm going to do out there with cows and horses, I have no idea. The good part is, now that I have my learner's permit for driving, I'll be able to help get us there. Dad has been real cool about teaching me and letting me drive his treasured New Yorker. That sure beats Mom's mini van. The Orioles are doing okay, now that they have fired Manager Joe Altobelli and lured Earl Weaver out of retirement.

Mike Johnson hangs out a lot at my place, I don't know why. I like him and I keep making suggestions, like 'Hey do you want to stay over and just goof around with each other?' It just goes right over his head. I wonder if that boy has even jerked himself off. I'd love to get him, but he leaves and I end up jerking myself, thinking of him. 'I want him, I can't have him, and that is very frustrating,' I think to myself listening to "I Want to Know What Love Is" by Foreigner.

September 3, 1985: To Nifty Tablet

It's Labor Day and Jerry Lewis' 20th Muscular Dystrophy Telethon raised $33,181,652, that's a lot of money. Sorry, but I don't understand why the French think he is so funny. Speaking of the French, a US-French expedition located the wreckage of the Titanic off Newfoundland. Wow I would have loved to have been there, what an adventure.

School begins again tomorrow. Now a sophomore, I'm no longer a little fish, but before I get into all of that, I have to fill you in on the summer. I played summer league right up to the day before we left for Colorado and the Dude Ranch my dad had chosen for our summer vacation. I know I thought it was a lame idea, but looking back, it changed my life and me forever. I found the true love of my life and I'll never ever have another, but maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.

As we drove along, I searched for good music that wasn't country western, I heard "Broken Wings" by Mr. Mister so many times that Dad said I couldn't listen to it again. I was able to refine my driving skills a lot and even drove through some scary mountain passes! Cool. We arrived at the ranch and I told myself to just count the days and nights (6) and it would be over. We were given a small cabin and we all slept in one room, I guess you know that meant no jerking, with Mom and Dad just across the room. Bummer! Once we put all our things away, we had to rush to a meeting. There were other families there and we all began to listen to the Trail Boss. Lame!

As that old cowboy droned on, I vaguely heard something about the teenagers having their own guide. As I conjured up an image of another old cowboy, the scenery changed and I swear it was like a scene from one of those cowboy TV shows. From over the crest came a white horse. Its rider sat tall in the saddle and came in at breakneck speed, then stopped that pony on a dime. He slid off the saddle standing tall, strong and handsome.

I knew my mouth had dropped open, when one of the many bugs flying around found its way to my throat. It made me cough and brought the attention of that young cowboy.

When he came over to me, his hand touched my shoulder and face in a caring way. I thought I would melt right there. He spoke in a quiet voice with just bit of a western twang.

Looking up into his gray eyes, I noticed how smooth his face was and how bright he could smile, once he saw I was ok. I tried to speak, but no words could come. He pulled away and looked up at the crowd and spoke once again.

"Hi, everyone, I'm Chad, and I'm the Senior Counselor in charge of the teenage group. I'm just seventeen my self, but parents please relax, I've been doing this job every summer since I was twelve. I'll take your teens and give them a tour of the place while you relax at the bar, or take a long ride into the woods. Your teens will be safe and will have adventures and a really great experience here at the ranch."

I know what kind of adventure I was hoping for. Then when Chad finished talking, he reached down again and ruffled my hair. His eyes were awesome and sitting on the ground looking up at him, my eyes were at the prefect level to see a nice bulge behind his chaps. I was in lust!

The group of teens amounted to two girls, they were sisters, and three other boys. The boys, although about my age, would normally have had a little of my attention, but Chad took all I had to offer. I followed him around like I was a little puppy. Just walking behind him gave me a hard on and if you think riding a horse is difficult, try doing it with your dick all stiff.

Chad showed us a good time, we had a cookout just for the kids, after he took us for a tour of the place. I had to admit it, Dad had done good! This was nice and we didn't have to hang around with the parents and they seemed to stay busy and happy without us. I know Mom and Dad spent a lot of time in the cabin while I was busy, who knows what for.

After the cookout Chad walked us all back to our cabins, I asked that he take me last and he put his arm around me and pulled me into his side, damn another hard on.

The second day, we rode horses all day and Chad showed us some cool places to ride. It was hot so we stopped at a stream. So this is why we were told to bring swim wear. We changed and all the kids went for a swim. Chad sat up on a rock and watched us play in the water. I had to get to know him better so I left the other kids to splash and went up and sat next to him. He smiled, I adjusted myself.

"Are you having fun David?" he asked.

"Yeah, but why aren't you coming into the water and having fun too?" I asked him.

"Dave, I've got to watch all the kids, for safety reasons, but I'd love to come back later and take a swim, if you'd like to join me," he suggested.

I couldn't wait! Finally at the end of the day, we dropped the other kids off and a Junior Counselor took them in to watch movies.

Chad and I headed back to the stream. This time we tied our horses together in the shade and moved to the water. The first time we changed, we used two out building put there for that reason. This time, Chad slipped off his boots and unbuttoned his shirt right out in front of me. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. As he pulled off his jeans, he seemed to stop and look up at me; I was just standing there watching.

Chad smiled and said, "You don't have to change out here, go inside if you choose, I just like things natural."

"No, I like being here with you," I said as I started to strip. I stopped again when Chad removed his boxers, throwing them on top of the pile of his other clothes.

Chad made the horses blush! His dick hung long and soft, the head was huge and his hair was a soft brown and moved in the breeze. There was a line of thick hair moving up to his navel and I was surprised, he being only seventeen, that he actually had hair on his chest. I felt like I was with a man, not another teenager and suddenly I felt a bit shy. He noticed and smiled warmly and said, "I hope you don't mind, I didn't bring anything to swim in."

I finished stripping and stood next to him, both of us naked. Chad looked at my body and said, "David, you're going to be quite a man, you're already a good looking boy and should be proud of how well you've developed."

I was in love. We swam and splashed and played. It all went fine until I took it a bit too far, damn me; I never want to wait. I took a dive and swam under his legs, reaching up and taking hold of his dick. I felt him move away and as I came out of the water, I could see the concern on his face. That's when he said, "We better go, maybe we shouldn't have done this, I hope we don't get into trouble."

I stayed in the water for a few more minutes, hoping my dick would go down, while watching Chad get dressed. I wondered if I would ever have another chance to see him naked again. 'Why can't I take my time?' I scolded myself.

We didn't talk much on the way back, I could see regret in his eyes. He dropped me of at my cabin and said he'd see me in the morning.

There was no way to whack off, with the parents in the room, so I suffered and the next day it seemed that Chad kept his distance. I feared I had lost him. The fourth day was the same, he assigned me to one of the other counselors and I watched him from afar. I really wanted to be near him, but what could I do?

On the fifth night, Dad made it clear, he wanted some privacy with Mom and so I struck out on my own after dinner. I walked among the cabins and wondered around the ranch finding myself at the door of the last cabin in the row. It was Chad's.

I stood at the door for maybe ten minutes before I had the courage to tap lightly. When the door opened it was Chad. We stood there and looked at each other, not speaking.

It looked like he had just come from the shower. He wore just a pair of shorts and his chest glistened in the moonlight. I decided to be brave and spoke.

"I want to come in." He moved away and I walked past him into the small room.

The door closed and we were alone. I couldn't help it; I ran back to him and threw my arms around him. My face rubbed against his chest and the fuzz was warm and I could feel his heart beat. He hugged me. I looked up into his gray eyes and we both knew where this was going.

Chad carried me to his bed. He gently undressed me and I lay there looking up at him. He could see all of me and I didn't care that I was hard. I wanted him.

His shorts fell to the floor and his dick looked more like a tree trunk. He came to me and his warm hand took hold of my dick and it moved along it slowly. I reached out and held his. I could feel his heart beat. And the tip became slippery. Chad pushed me back gently and pulled my legs apart. His finger went into my ass. I felt him gently rub and prod deeper into my hole. I wanted him. I saw him reach to his nightstand and pick up a jar of saddle soap. He popped the top and dug two fingers into the soft cream. This time his fingers slid smoothly as he spread the cream all around. My legs opened and I watched him move in. The head of his dick tickled the short hairs around my hole, but the tickle stopped as he entered me. I held my breath and stifled a scream... and he was in. It was warm and wonderful, I endured each stroke and as one finished another began and I began to loosen up and let him fill me. His pubes brushed against my bottom and in a few more strokes, I felt his hot cum blow deep inside my internal cavity. I was in love with him and he made me his. After resting and sucking each other, he did it again and we just lay together in a tired pile until it was time to go. He spoke for the first time in an hour, "David, we shouldn't have done all that and I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry, its just we're way out here and you are so beautiful, I had to have you."

"I love you Chad and you didn't hurt me, you showed me what love is and I want more"

"No, we can't, it's just wrong, we can't do it again. No more David, do you understand?"

I sucked him off once more and headed back to a good night's sleep.

We did it again the last night and it was better, or maybe I was better. This time he kissed me and thanked me for the blow job. I cried when we left and my parents looked at each other strangely, but I didn't care. I just don't know how I'm going to live without Chad.

January 2, 1986: To Nifty Tablet

The news; Oklahoma wins Orange Bowl for college football championship and Pakistan restores their constitution. Finally that country can settle down and not be a problem to the rest of the world. Yeah, I know it's been awhile since I have written in this old tablet, but high school life is complicated and time consuming. Anyway I still like writing in here, because it helps me express my thoughts and keep track of my life. So I'm back!

Let's see, I better catch up. As we drove into the driveway of our home after the long trip back from the Dude Ranch, both Lisa and Michael Johnson were there waiting for me. It was a bit awkward when Mike jumped in front of Lisa to give me a hug, but then I got all kinds of kisses and stuff from her, how embarrassing. School began shortly after that, and Mike came over and hung out almost everyday. It was ok, I knew I wasn't getting any action from him, but after Chad, I felt like I didn't want another guy. Well, maybe I was wrong!

Lisa and I went to the Home Coming dance together; we doubled with Mike and his new girl friend. He had a new one about every week. Mike is really cute, blonde, slim, great smile and blue eyes. So getting a girl is easy for him. Keeping one is more difficult, I don't know why.

Christmas was fun; we played this new game called Pictionary, it's really fun. Yeah Thomas came by, but we were interrupted by Mike Johnson, he seems to be here every time I turn around lately. Of course we were invited to his New Year's Eve party and he asked me to stay over. I found out I was the only one, that seemed interesting. Here's where things changed and became very interesting. First, let me tell you, yeah I have been horny. No sex since Chad, not even a good blow job from Thomas, so I could have been persuaded to do anything. Ok?

After everyone left the party, Mike and I headed into his room. He had been next to me all night long. Even Lisa became a little frustrated and said, "Is he ever going to leave us alone?" Anyway, Mike pulls off his shirt and jeans and is in just his boxers, so I do the same thing. I'm not even thinking about sex, I mean this is straight Mike Johnson. Right?

We just talked for a while, but I can see Mike has something on his mind, so I just go for it and say, "Mike you've been acting weird lately, is there something you want to tell me?"

He seemed really nervous, but finally reached down under his bed and pulled out a magazine. It was a Gay magazine showing boy on boy stuff. I had heard about this, but I had never seen one, so I asked him, "Where did you get this?"

"I found it in the closet last summer when we were visiting my cousin. He has a lot of them, so I took this one."

"Why did you pick this one?" I wondered out loud.

He just had this look in his eyes and flipped to a page towards the middle and showed me a picture. It was of a kid about my age. He had the same brown hair and green eyes, like mine. He was about my height and our body shapes were identical. He was naked and hard in the picture, and to tell you the truth, he could have been my twin.

I looked at Mike and said, "That looks a lot like me."

Mike blushed and turned the page and there was the same kid, but this time he was sticking his hard dick up the ass of a blonde kid, who looked a lot like Mike.

As the radio played "That's What Friends Are For" by Dionne & Friends, I looked at Mike and said,

"Is that what you want to do?"

His young hands closed the cover and the tablets were hidden again in the rear of the closet.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 7

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