Nifty Tablet

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on May 28, 2009


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated. A great thanks to Pete for all his input and editing.

Nifty Tablet Part Four

June 30, 1984: Nifty Tablet from David Samuel Brandt

Disney World and the Magic Kingdom is a place onto itself, always full of excitement. That day the big news was the parade celebrating the 50th Birthday of Donald Duck. Big deal. I was much more interested in the tight shorts Carl had decided to wear. He and I went everywhere together. Our parents let us run ahead and even do a few rides without them. I felt very grown up; I also felt Carl's hand dig into my shorts in the darkness of the Haunted Mansion. His fingers were sticky from the cotton candy we had just shared and in a few minutes of pulling on my dick, I gave them another reason to be sticky. Mom told us we should stop drinking so much soda, because we wanted to stop at every restroom. We weren't peeing, but taking the opportunity to fill one of the stalls with our slim, sun-drenched bodies, just exploring the wonders of boyhood. Carl insisted on pulling my shorts down each time, to play around with me. It took well into the afternoon before I convinced him to try giving me a blow job. He made me swear not to pee in his mouth and pushed my pubes back away from his face. I felt his lips encircle my tube and the head pop past his teeth. By that evening he had gotten very good at it and insisted on doing it again and again. I went to bed that night feeling very happy and a bit tender.

July 1, 1984: Nifty Tablet

Baltimore beat the White Sox today, 8 to 3. They aren't the same team as last year with a record of 43-35. Also, the Royals pitcher Paul Splittorff, retired. It was about time. All through EPCOT Carl and I ran ahead, ducking into restrooms whenever we could. In one of them we saw two other boys head into the stall next to the one we took. It was hard to concentrate on what we were doing with all that heavy breathing, so we took turns standing on the toilet and peeking over the top. While Carl took a turn, I took a turn admiring his long thin dick. I was amazed that he had such long hairs on his balls, well over an inch, and the shaft of his dick turned color about half way up. I slid my mouth down over the white part, not being able to get much more in. It was a great day and I learned a lot about what other boys like, too. Watching the boys next to us, I found out that some like to stick their dicks up each others butts. I thought about it, but wasn't quite ready to try that.

July 8. 1984: Nifty Tablet

It was sad today saying goodbye to Carl and his family. I love Carl and told him there'll never be another. As they walked toward their plane, I thought about Thomas, Doug, and Nelson and wondered what they were doing, or rather, what I'd be doing with them when I got home.

August 29 1984: Nifty Tablet

Today Baltimore lost 5-7 to the California Angles. Bummer! President Reagan announced the 'Teacher in Space' project and that makes me think about starting High School in just a few days. I'm scared and excited all at once. I think about all the boys I'll meet, and the dances that Lisa and I can go to and I'm confused about which is more interesting to me. This is the time I'd like to go to my dad, but if he knew how I felt, he'd just look down on me. To him, everything has to add up and what I've been doing, would just add up to being queer for him. I'd handle it differently believe me, but he's an accountant, so I guess I can't blame him. So I go to bed just thinking about the new boys and listening to "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" by Wham!

October 14, 1984: Nifty Tablet

Detroit took the pennant beating San Diego in five games. It wasn't much fun not having Baltimore in the play, but my life has been so busy lately, I haven't had time to write or even think clearly. Maybe if I write about it, I'll feel better. I hate High School. It's not really High School that's bad. It's the people you have to attend it with. Well, in truth, it was my fault. I screwed up the very first day. You know in Junior High, I was smart and everyone knew it and it was cool to be smart. I had no idea how that would change in High School. Right from day one and my first class I made a big mistake. It was English and I'm pretty good in that subject. Actually, I'm pretty good in all of them, but especially Math and English. So the teacher started right off asking questions and I answered everyone one of them. I noticed some of the kids were looking at me, but I just though they were impressed. Little did I know I was making them mad. But what was worse was the teacher gave homework for the first night. It looked easy so I didn't care, I figured, hey it's High School, I can handle it. Well things went down hill right after class. I hadn't really noticed the big guy sitting next to me. I knew he smelled like he hadn't had a bath and he had inked letters on his knuckles that read 'M.E.A.N.'

I had just left the classroom when I felt the large hand on my shoulder. The strength attached to it surprised me. In an instant I was pushed back against the lockers, my shirt ripping along the arm. He stood very close and looked very mean. I didn't dare breathe; he had an odor about him. His hand pulled at the front of my new shirt and it ripped away from the top button. He spoke and spit at the same time. As I heard his voice, I felt the moisture spay onto my face.

"So you're a real smart kid, aren't you? You think you know everything, is that right?"

His gang of three other tough looking boys stood around us. I saw a teacher walk by and as I hoped for help, I watched him turn his head away and keep walking. Welcome to High School.

"Sorry," I said, "I guess I just knew all the answers," I told him.

"What's your name, dickhead?"

I told him 'David.' He pulled again at my shirt and another button went flying.

"Well Davie, you now have a new job. You'll be doing all of my homework in that class and I expect nothing less than an A, do you understand?" he growled.

"Yeah sure, I can do that, no problem," I said in fear.

"Good. Come by my house after school, I want to make sure you understand completely. Got it?" he said, with threat in his voice.

"I'm sorry, I don't know where you live," I said as nice as I could.

His hand pulled again at my shirt and two more buttons ripped away. He pulled my new red Flair pen from my pocket and wrote across my chest. Then he pinched my nipple, I felt the pain and he told me not to sweat too much and make sure I was on time.

As he walked away, I realized my dick had gone hard as a rock, my shirt was ripped almost off my body and I had lost my pen. I ran to the bathroom to hide my hard on and write down the address, looking at it in reverse in the mirror. The rest of the day went downhill. I was late to the next class and received a detention for it, plus everybody looked at me all day like I was weird with my torn shirt. The only two people who seemed to like the look were Lisa and, of course, Thomas Fisher, who couldn't wait to slide his hand against my smooth chest. I went hard again, damn!

That afternoon I tried to get past my mom as I entered the house, but I should have known better. She wanted to hear all about the first day. Her first question was what happened to my shirt and then right after, she wanted to look at my chest. She thought the red was blood. How embarrassing. I, of course, lied to her about the shirt and said my pen leaked. I don't think she bought it, because while I was changing, Dad knocked on my door.

"David Samuel Brandt, open this door," his voice sounded with concern.

I had to face him. If I could just tell him what happened... But he wouldn't listen. He never listens anymore. I don't think he likes me anymore.

"What happen today David?" he asked.

"Nothing Dad, everything is just fine. I need to go meet a new friend. We've got homework to do. Please, may I leave?"

He let me go, but I could see he wasn't happy with me. So what else is new?

I found Roger's house. It was over a mile from our house and the neighborhood got worse as I moved down his street. I tapped lightly at the front door and in a minute a lady smoking a cigarette and drinking a beer opened it and stared out at me.

"What the hell do you want? What ever you're selling we're not buying," she said, as smoke drifted my way.

"No, I'm here to see Roger. Is he here?" I asked her.

"Yeah, he's back there. You're cuter than most the boys he has come around. I'll bet he'll have fun with you," she spoke, as I followed her pointed direction.

The door was open enough for me to see Roger on his bed. His shirt was off and a towel was coving the lower part of his body, but I could see his hand moving and guessed what he was doing. I called out to him, "Roger, it's me, David Brandt."

"Get your ass in here Brandt, you're late and now you'll pay for that," he yelled out to me. I thought about running, but pushed the door open and walked in to his small dingy room. "Hey Roger, what's up?" I asked bravely.

"When you're bad at home, does your old man whip you?" he asked, while sitting up on the bed.

I couldn't help but look as the towel gave way and I could see he wasn't wearing pants.

"No, I get sent to my room. Why?"

"Because, when you don't listen to me, you get whipped. Understand?" he asked me.

"Look, I'm sorry I'm a little late, but, I had a hard time finding you and well, I've never been to this part of town before and..."

"Shut up Brandt and get over here," he demanded.

I walked towards him and he looked at me and said, "Get that shirt off, or do you want me to rip it, too?"

I quickly removed my shirt.

"The jeans too, I need to teach you a lesson," he pointed to my jeans.

I slipped off my sneakers and my jeans fell to the floor, I stepped out of them.

That's when Roger stood and the towel dropped to the floor. His dick was red and looked like he had been playing with it. It was bigger than any I had seen before. Fat and long and he had a lot more hair than even Carl had. He pulled me towards his bed and pushed me down on it, face first. I could smell his body odor in the sheets. I felt him yanking at my underwear and in two good pulls he had them off my body. With just socks on my feet, I lay there on Roger's bed and then I felt the first whack against my butt. The sting brought tears to my eyes. I couldn't help it and by the fourth hard smack I was crying like a baby, begging him to stop. After the fifth one, he did. Roger picked me up off the bed and turned me around and hugged me. My hard dick pushed against his body and I felt him take it in his hand and he pulled on it. Two strokes and I came more than I could ever remember. I cried some more. Roger talked to me like I was his baby and I was in love with his voice. I let him handle me. In a few minutes I was hard again and short bursts of cum trickled from my dick. I was drained and I let him kiss me and his tongue went deep into my mouth. I kissed him back. He let me go and I fell to his bed, looking up at him with water soaked eyes. I can't tell you why, but at that moment he was my hero. He wiped the tears away and told me his homework was on his desk. He then put his clothes on and left the room. I was alone in Rogers's room and felt quite safe. I stayed naked and sat at his desk doing his homework until it was finished. Then I got dressed and went home. I cried again that night, but this time, it was the pain of not having Roger there with me.

Each day after school I reported to Roger's. I did his homework and we had sex. On the third day, he let me suck him off, after he made me beg him first. This kind of sex was different to me. I liked it, but I hated it. It just went on.

November 6, 1984: Nifty Tablet

President Reagan won reelection, taking 49states against Walter Mondale. That same day, Lisa helped me get my life back. She had watched me be bullied by Roger at school and figured out why I had been distracted. This afternoon, she followed me to his place. He had told me that if Reagan won, he was going to fuck me. I hate Mondale, but was hoping he would pull it out. Now that was not to happen. He had me strip and, of course, I had to beg him to do it, or he would whip me. So I begged, "Please Roger, will you fuck me?" I was face first on his bed, not sure if I was going to be whipped first, or just fucked.

Then we could hear yelling in the front of the house and I knew it was Lisa's voice. I rolled over and away from Roger just as the door flew open. He turned to see who it was and raised his fist like he wanted to hurt her. I jumped up on his back. Lisa watched my naked body twist in circles as I pulled Roger's hair. He threw me off his back and onto the bed. He made the mistake of turning his back to take on Lisa. I balled my right hand into a fist and wrapped my left hand around it. I raised my hands over my head and came crashing down on his back with a hammer blow that threw Roger forward. Groggily, he turned and I hit him again in the face. He began bleeding, his eyes closed and he fell to the floor.

I said, "ENOUGH! Leave me alone and NEVER try to hurt Lisa again!" Roger stayed on the floor looking up at me. Lisa handed me my underwear and turned away as I dressed. We left Roger's and just talked about school all the way home. It was nice to be out of there and I don't think he'll bother me or Lisa again.

His young hands closed the cover and the tablets were hidden again in the rear of the closet.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 5

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