Nifty Tablet

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on May 25, 2009


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated. A great thanks to Pete for all his input and editing.

Nifty Tablet Part Three

December 25, 1983: Nifty Tablet from David Samuel Brandt

I love Christmas. This one has been better than most. Dad's accounting business has been doing well. I guess if you have to be an Accountant you might as well be a good one. He keeps saying I'd be good at it, but Pro Baseball is my future, you'll see. Anyway I got the new Nintendo Entertainment System. Man, it is so cool! There will NEVER be anything better than this! Now if I can talk Dad into getting me my own television in my room, I can play it all night. Dad bought a New Commodore 64 Computer. The 64 is for 64k of RAM. That's a huge memory bank. It will take a lot of accounting to fill that baby.

Thomas came over and gave me a blowjob for Christmas last night. He wanted me to stick my dick up his butt hole. I said no way I was going to get poop on my dick. He told me Eddie Niles and he do it all the time. Eddie Niles acts like a girl, maybe my Dad was right about Thomas. I'd stop seeing him, but I'd hate to give up his blowjobs.

Mike Johnson is having a party for New Year's Eve and asked me to spend the night. This could be my chance to see him naked; I'd love to get hold of his dick, but not much chance of that. I do have to bring Lisa, but her father said he would come by about 1:00 AM and take her home. My Dad will take us and smile all the way. Dad, of course, thinks I like Lisa and I do, but I wish I could talk to him about the other stuff. We used to be close, but now I turn to my Nifty tablet with all my real thoughts. It's kind of sad, I'd never do that to my son.

January 1, 1984: Nifty Tablet

A New Year and new stuff to report; the party was cool at Mike's. Lisa and I had a good time; we listened to "Like a Virgin" by Madonna and kissed. All the couples sat around and made out. All but Mike and his date, she kept pushing him away. That worked in my favor, because Mike kept sneaking in and drinking beer from the party his folks were having. By the time all the kids went home, Mike was pretty wasted; I almost carried him to his room.

"Davie, you're the best friend I have ever had, man. I love you Davie, I wish my girl was like Lisa, man I love Lisa. I know she's your girl man. I love you Davie, you're the best," slurred Mike.

"Okay Mike let's get you ready for bed. I'm going to take your shirt off, okay?"

"Davie, you can do whatever you want; you're the best friend I've ever had. I can trust you, right Davie?"

"Yeah sure Mike, you can trust me, now I'm going to get your shoes and socks and then your jeans okay?"

"Sure whatever, Davie, just don't tell the other guys that you saw me like this, okay?"

"Yeah, sure Mike," I assured him as I checked out his fine body.

"Okay Mike, last thing is your underwear."


"Mike its okay; it's me Davie, David."

"No, you get undressed first; I want you to be naked before I'm naked, okay?"

"Sure Mike, whatever," I was on the way to glory.

I begin to undress as Mike watches me. First my shirt goes over my head, making a mess of my brown hair, and then I kicked off my shoes and peeled my socks off my feet. Mike is just lying there in his briefs smiling and watching me. I feel my dick begin to grow, I don't care; it looks like his is growing too. I unzip my pants and let them fall. I know he can see the outline of my dick pressing against my boxers. Before I know it, the head finds the opening and springs out and up, so I just peel the boxers down my legs and off my feet. Doug was right last summer, a few months does make a difference. I am a proud five inches and have a full bush above, with little hairs covering my balls. There I am, hard and flat against my belly and Mike is smiling big time.

Phil Collins sings "Against All Odds" as I walked towards him. He sits up like he wants to kiss me and as I lean forward he hurls! Gross! Puke all over my legs and some dripping from my dick!

Mike just laughs once and falls back on the bed, out cold. I find a towel and clean myself off. By that time, Mike is snoring happily. The radio plays "When Doves Cry" by Prince. I turn it off, I hate Prince! I go over to the bed and pull his briefs down, but his soft dick just doesn't do it for me with the smell of puke in the room.

I got dressed and found the couch in the living room for the night.

This morning when I woke, it was to Mike shaking me. He had a look of concern on his face and was wearing a pair of sweats.

"Hey Mike, how you feeling?" I asked.

"Like shit, but what happen last night? I woke up with my underwear around my knees," he asked in a worried voice.

"Oh, you were drunk and just ended up that way I guess. I came in and saw you puked and decided to sleep out here," I lied.

"Okay so nothing queer happened right," his voice shook?

"No Mike, nothing queer happened. I gotta go."

At that, I wrote Mike off as ever being anything but a friend and learned that not all boys do it.

March 17, 1984: To Nifty Tablet

Wow I haven't written since the holidays. I've been busy and the folks are off my back about writing, but I think I'll continue because I like keeping track of things going on in my life, you know, like my sex life. Ha ha. Other than writing in my Tablet, I like a new television show called Cheers; it's about a baseball player who owns a bar. Not a bad show. Dad will watch it with me sometimes, but thinks it's too mature for my taste. If only he knew the truth about my taste.

Well let's see, I took Lisa to see the movie, `Beverly Hills Cop,' Friday night, I had seen it before with Thomas, but it is easy to get distracted when you're with him. He made sure we took jackets to the theater so we could cover the fact that he was jacking me off during the whole movie. That was fine, but I was not pleased when I dug my hand down into the popcorn container on his lap and found his dick. I think I got more than butter. Thomas is okay, but we only hang around for one thing anymore, sex. Sex is all he talks about and all he wants to do. I like sex, but there are other things in life.

Lisa and I get along all right, she is nice, but when we double date with Doug and Mary Beth, I always feel like I have to do more than I want to just to keep up. I don't think Lisa wants to go that fast either, because she asked me if the next date could be just the two of us. That would be cool.

May 5, 1984: To Nifty Tablet

Wow I've been writing in this thing for over a year. Looking back it has been a very interesting year. I have learned a lot. It's my birthday. Frank came over yesterday and he and I messed around a little. He likes giving blowjobs and I like getting them. I am tired of Thomas and stay away from him as much as possible. He is always yelling at me at school, "Hey Brandt, Where's the beef?"

At least Frank keeps our little fun between him and me; I'm learning that doing that is important.

Lisa came by and gave me a present and a kiss. Mom and Dad loved watching that, but they were cool and didn't tease me about it. They like Lisa too. We all watched Swale win the Kentucky Derby, and I tried out my new Rollerblades.

June 22, 1984: To Nifty Tablet

School is out and the Baltimore Orioles are slipping for the season, 14 & 14. Not the same team as last year.

I decided not to play summer league this year, I don't want to be with Thomas. Also, Dad made an announcement that we are taking a vacation to Florida. Wow, I wonder how that will be.

June 29, 1984: To Nifty Tablet

We got off the plane and found our luggage. Once the doors opened to the outside you knew you had arrived in Florida. A wall of solid hot steamy air stuck our shirts to our backs and made us glad we were wearing shorts.

The airport was hectic and we were pushed into a Disney bus that would take us right to our hotel. There were families with kids of every age, but the seats that were open put us with another family that had a girl about twelve and a boy about my age, his name is Carl.

I sat next to him and the space was tight so our legs had to press together. The heat coming off Carl was like straight from an iron. His legs were hairy than mine and they rubbed against me as the bus made wide turns moving us towards our hotel.

Carl's parents and my mom and dad hit it off right away as they compared travel plans, discovering that we were all staying in the same hotel.

Carl and his family were here from Fort Worth, Texas. He liked baseball too, claiming that the Rangers were the best. I reminded him that Baltimore won the series last year and he reminded me that that was LAST year!

Once we arrived at the hotel I found Carl to be about my height and maybe a little skinnier than me. He had the same reaction to the bumpy bus ride as I did, as we both adjusted our dicks, hiding their hardness. We watched each other do this and just smiled back at each other. This was going to be interesting.

After unpacking we agreed to meet at the pool. Carl had to bring his sister Karen, but she was nice and looked at me like she already had a crush on me.

I was in the water when they made it to poolside. Carl wore nylon swim trunks not much longer than a pair of boxers. His hairy legs started from the knee down, and he was a shade darker than me. I think they were Irish or something; Murphy was their last name. Carl pulled off his shirt and I was surprised to see a hair line from his navel moving down into his swim trunks. I decided than I was going to see where it ended before we left Florida. His chest was nice and he had a small six-pack and was nicely toned.

Karen joined a few girls down by the steps, leaving Carl and me the chance to get to know each other. We played around. We couldn't really wrestle, thanks to a watchful lifeguard, however we did find ways to rub up close enough to feel each other's dicks through our swimwear.

After awhile we got out of the water and just stretched out on a couple of lounge chairs. It was easy to see his dick laid flat and long inside his wet suit. My view was taken from me when Karen asked us to walk her back to the room. The three of us walked together, Carl and I side by side, seeing Karen to the door. His folks gave him fifteen minutes before bedtime, so we just stood in the hall, out of the light.

I asked, "So what do you want to do tomorrow?"

"I guess we'll all go to one of the parks, but I know what I need to do right now," he said.

"Yeah me too, but with us both sleeping with our parents, I don't know how we're going to do it."

Carl smiled and his hand came up reaching past my waist band. I heard a click and fell into the Ice Room. We locked the door and turned the light off.

I felt a hand on my swim trunks. I reached forward and found a pair of wet ones in front of me. It was pitch black. Almost like my first time with Thomas.

`Is that you?" I asked.

"Maybe. You'll have to feel around and find out on your own," he laughed.

I didn't wait, I just reached out with both hands and pulled his trunks down below his butt, they dropped to his knees and I took his hardening dick into my hands. Carl was really hairy, more than anyone I had touched before, it was cool. I could feel him breathing against my face. I felt his hand reach down and squeeze my dick through the cloth of my swim trunks. I was hard and ready.

Then BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The door vibrated. Carl kissed me and quickly pulled up his trunks, tucking a hard long dick safely away. The lights came on.

It was the guy from the room between us just looking for ice. He gave us a strange look and we headed out the door.

I turned to Carl and said, "Hey when do I get my turn?"

"Tomorrow in the Haunted Mansion."

Carl left me feeling goofy.

His young hands closed the cover and the tablets were hidden again in the rear of the closet.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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