Nifty Tablet

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on May 22, 2009


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated. A great thanks to Pete for all his input and editing.

Nifty Tablet Part Two

Again the young hands retrieved the tablets and removed the large rubber band. He opened the tablet to where he left off and began to read again...

July 3, 1983: To Nifty Tablet from David Samuel Brandt

Highlights for today (for me anyways) is: NY Yankee Dave Righetti no-hits the Red Sox, and the Rangers explode for 12 runs in the 15th inning of a 16-4 win over the A's. Although the real holiday is tomorrow, we were invited to the Morgan's for an Independents Day Party today because it's Sunday. My Mom is nervous; she wants to know, does she look all right? Is her hair nice? Lame! I bring my swim shorts and wonder if Frank and I can get off alone.

He returned to our house a week after the first visit. Wow! That was something. Frank wasn't in my bedroom for more than a minute before he was naked. I'm glad Dad was busy, because if he had walked in seeing his son naked, with a hard dick, on his knees, sucking his first dick, I think he would have died. Yeah I did it and I'm good at it, according to Frank. Man, he is BIG. He has to be over five inches of hard hot rod. His dick is as thick as a golf club and I was picking hair from my teeth into the night.

The door closed, and Frank's first word to me was, "Strip!" I did and he did too. He flopped out soft, but pulled on his dick a few times and it perked up and stared me in the face. When Frank pointed for me to go down, I wanted to do it. I had thought about it for a week. I told Doug I would do it. He thought it was gross. I didn't care. I knew I was in love with Frank and other than the playing around Doug and I did, there would never be another.

On my knees, "Always Something There to Remind Me" by Naked Eyes was playing in the background. I moved forward, Frank held his dick up and drove it into my mouth. Feeling the flesh move over my teeth and along the damp coating of my tongue was mind blowing. The head rolled comfortably towards my tonsils, leaking pre cum along the way. My mouth filled to capacity as I conjured up massive amounts of saliva to wash over my load. Now everything seemed slick and I moved my face inward and back doing my best to reenact the actions I remembered from my first blowjob. It was important to give Frank the best experience I could; after all, he was my love.

I worked it! My eyes caught Frank's expression on each reverse pump. Soon I could feel his body begin to shake and then bam! The sucker blew and I was overwhelmed with cum. I choked and swallowed and a lot ran down my chin, but I did my best to take all I could. Frank was amazing, man I love him; he is the best.

Anyway, let me write about the party today, all kinds of things happened. First, Frank told me to go up to his room and change into my swim shorts. They had a large pool and other kids we already in and splashing around. After changing, I looked out into hall and Frank silently called me into what looked like an office. The door closed and he pulled my shorts down. I stepped out of them and his hands ran all over my body. Just as I was getting nice and hard, a tap at the door, Frank grabbed my arm and shoved me into a deep closet. The door closed behind me and I stood in complete darkness.

I could hear voices on the other side of the door. It sounded like another boy, but who I couldn't tell. Then I heard the barrel voice of Frank's dad. Suddenly the closet door opens enough to blind me and slammed shut. However now behind the door with me was someone else. I don't think the other kid had any idea I was there. Frank and his Dad were talking loudly so I carefully pulled up behind the other kid and put my hand on his bare shoulder. He jumped and turned. His hands went to my face and mine went to his chest. He was damp, like he had been swimming. His hands moved down quickly, feeling my arms and then to my bare butt. He squeezed my cheeks I learned he was nude when his dick poked out and touched mine. We stood close together and explored each other's bodies. This was so hot. I had no idea who this was and neither did he. Frank was getting a lecture while I was feeling warm lips around my dick. My hands caressed his ears and rubbed the short hair on his head. Soon he came up and his hands pushed me down. His body was slim but muscular. Every part seemed hard, especially his dick. His was about the same size as mine, so I knew he must be about my age and wondered if I knew him. Of course, I sure knew him now and whoever he, was I was truly in love. Coming back up he embraced me and our lips came together. That was really weird, but nothing like what happened next. He pushed his tongue into my mouth!

Gosh that was hot. Kissing and glued together from a mutual release of cum, this was the best sex in my life; I loved him, whoever he was.

Soon we heard Frank leave when his father told him to get his skinny ass down to the party. We were together in the closet and had no way out. Surely, I thought, this was it. Frank's dad would find us, hard, naked and sticky. My dad would find out after he was fired from the job and I would be sent to my room for life. That almost happened.

We heard Frank's dad coming toward the closet, my new lover and I held on to each other, because there was nothing else to do. The closet door opened and light came screaming in. Just then Mrs. Morgan came into the office and yelled at Frank's dad.

"Please come down stairs and help me with that crowd of losers! These are your friends not mine!" she screamed.

As the door closed again, "Now honey, don't let them hear you call them that. If I run for office, we're going to need every one of them."

"Fine, I'll pretend I like them, but my goodness, did you see Mary Brandt's hair? What a hoot," she laughed as they walked from the office.

"That's okay; I've always thought your mom was nice," said Thomas Fisher.

Thomas Fisher! Our number one pitcher sucks dick. I guess I better not tell anyone how I know that, huh?

Thomas always has had a body that was lean and mean, you know, the kind of kid where every muscle shows. His blonde hair was closely trimmed and his ears stuck out in a cute way. Those ears should have given him away earlier, but my mind was elsewhere.

Thomas smiled and his dick popped back up and rubbed against mine.

"David, it's you! You have no idea how many times I've had dreams like this. Of course not in a closet, but the thought of making it with you has been my dream forever."

I didn't know what to say, but thanks to Thomas. Thanks to his wild tongue though, speaking was out of the question.

I had to push him away and said, "We better get out of here while we have a chance."

We both found our shorts under the chair. Frank must have kicked them there before his dad came in. Then we joined the other kids, swimming and splashing as the radio blared, "Baby, Come to Me" by Patti Austin & James Ingram and our parent's watched John McEnroe regain the men's singles title at Wimbledon.

When it came time to leave, all the boys headed to Frank's room. Man I have never seen so many dicks. Everyone peeled off their shorts and I did my best to check them all out without being too noticeable. I thought Frank was big. You should have seen Roger Jordan. He's sixteen and I'm not lying, when I tell you he must be six, maybe six and a half inches soft. That sucker was half way to his knees!

Then I kind of blew it, but it turned out cool. Nelson Carter, the kid from Australia, dropped his pants and I dropped my mouth. His dick had no head! It looked like the shaft had eaten it and left an open tube or something.

I blurted out, "Shit! What happen to your dick?"

Everyone laughed at me and Nelson turned a little red, but handled it well. As he looked around the room he said, "It looks like all you blokes had a little cutting done at birth." He smiled at me and continued, "You boys are circumcised, while my family likes to keep things natural."

"Oh," I responded.

Now I wondered if boys from different countries have different dicks. There was so much to learn and I couldn't wait for my next lesson.

As we were leaving, I caught Nelson and I said, "Hey man I'm sorry about that thing about your dick."

"No problem mate, it was interesting looking at yours too. Give me your hand."

I did and Nelson took one of those new Flair Pens out of his pocket and wrote his phone number on my arm, while holding my hand. I know he saw I went hard right there in front of him.

He smiled and said, "Call me and I'll give you a better look."

He walked away and I did my best walking stiff legged to the car.

Wow what a party!

July 31, 1983: To Nifty Tablet

Baseball, Baseball, Baseball. I'm in the summer league and we are killing everyone. We're even doing better than the Orioles, who beat the Texas Rangers today 6 to 0. Their new owner, George Bush, does not like to lose. They say he wants to be the Commissioner of Baseball. Just because his dad is the V.P doesn't mean he can handle a big job like that.

Anyway our team is hot and why not. I play second and I'm good. Doug is shortstop. I don't see Doug other than at the games and even then, all he talks about is Mary Beth. He says he saw her tits. I doubt it, but I think I'm losing him to the other team, if you know what I mean. Our pitcher is none other than Thomas Fisher. He comes over before and after every game. Gosh, he is a sex maniac. All that boy wants to do is suck cock, not that I'm complaining. I have to be careful what I tell him though. He found out that Doug and I messed around and threw a ball right at his dick at practice the other day. I took Doug into the restroom and made sure he was okay. Hey you got get it anyway you can!

I'm kind of nervous about tomorrow. It's the day I said I'd drop by Nelson's house, the Australian kid. I wonder how that's going to go.

August 7, 1983: To Nifty Tablet

Sorry, it's been a busy week. Let's see, about the only thing in the news is France and the US and everyone else seems to be doing nuclear testing. What for, to see who can blow up the world first? What a bunch of num-nuts. The story I love this week is Yankee Dave Winfield accidentally kills a seagull while warming up. The Yankees are num-nuts, too! My new favorite song is "All Night Long" by Lionel Richie. That's because I do it all night long, speaking of num-nuts!

Anyway I gotta fill you in on what happened at Nelson's house! I showed up last Monday after school. Nelson goes to a private school so he had been home for a while when I got there. I rang the bell and the door opened to Nelson standing there with just a towel around his waist. I kind of stepped back, but he pulled me in and I followed him back to his room. Once the door was closed he dropped the towel.

"We're pretty casual around here, Mate, hope you don't mind," he said.

"Ah, no that's fine with me, are we here alone?" I worried.

"No. Katherine, my sister is here and my brother Craig is in his room I think. Don't worry, they are probably nude too. So are you going to join me?"

"Ah, yeah sure," I said and then did nothing.

Nelson came forward. I couldn't take my eyes off his tube like dick with no head. His pubes were the color of straw, not like Doug's or mine, a light brown, or Thomas', blonde. His dick hung over balls covered in peach fuss and his legs from his knees down had the same.

Nelson began by removing my shirt. I pushed off my shoes and he took my jeans. My boxers followed and he tossed them in a pile along with the rest of my things. Someone else undressing me was new, and it made me hard. Nelson took my dick and pulled on it, while moving forward and allowing his dick to push at my hand. I took it in.

He showed me how to push the foreskin back and reveal his head. What a relief to find he had one. I love playing with his skin. I'd push it back and pull it forward, helping Nelson get hard. Just as we were getting into it, the door swung open. I froze!

It was his brother Craig. He was about seventeen and naked.

"Hey Nelson, have you seen my tennis racket?"

Craig looked at me standing there holding Nelson by the dick and just kind of dipped his head in a hello. Nelson pointed to the closet, Craig retrieved the racket and walked out leaving the door wide open.

I felt uncomfortable being naked with Nelson and the door being open, so I walked over to close it when his sister came by. She was sixteen and completely naked.

Holy cow, I got to see my first naked girl and she was beautiful! She had blonde hair on her head and down there. She had really cute little tits and while I was checking her out, she was checking me, too.

She said, "Hi, you're really cute," with a smile.

I just stood there like a dumb ass with a hard on until she closed the door to her room.

Nelson just started laughing as he closed his door and we proceeded with our exploration. I love Nelson.

I gotta say girls aren't bad; they just don't have anything hanging out there to play with. That's kind of sad.

September 9, 1983: To Nifty Tablet

School started and I've been busy. The Orioles lost to Detroit 9 to 2 today, bummer! They need to pick it up for us to get to the Series. Congress authorized President Reagan to keep 1,600 US Marines in Lebanon. Dad's says they'll bring back the draft if things don't settle down over there. I'd go. It might be fun.

Eighth Grade, King of Junior High; they say enjoy it, High School can be tough. There are kids in our high school doing drugs and carrying knives. I'm glad I have one more year before that crap.

Let's see, in my life, Doug asked Mary Beth to go steady. He never wants to fool around anymore. I asked him about it and he just says that was kid stuff and I had better find a girl and get use to it. There is this one, Lisa Meyers. She is in most of my classes and is always smiling at me. She is cute, but then there is Thomas Fisher. Thomas and I do it at least four times a week. Thomas can suck like a Hover, and he has the softest hands, but I'm not happy how he grabs my ass when I'm at the school urinal. If someone sees that, we would both be in trouble.

Thomas has stayed over a couple times, but mostly I go to his house. I think Dad is suspicious. Dad asked me who I wanted to take to the next game and I suggested Thomas. He frowned and said he thought there was something wrong with that boy. Of course, Dad wants me to take Frank; you know that whole business thing. I'd ask Nelson, but he is a soccer player and you don't mix soccer players with baseball.

I still like going to Nelson's. Last time, we played Nintendo games with his brother. We were all nude and his sister kept coming in naked too. I was hard the whole time.

October 16, 1983: To Nifty Tablet

Wow what a day, Baltimore Orioles beat the Phillies and won the World Series! The whole neighborhood is having a party. Doug came over with Mary Beth, of course, and to my surprise, Lisa Meyers was with them. Of course I was happy to see her, but a little embarrassed when she hugged me.

Let me explain what's been going on. Our history teacher assigned teams for a project. Mike Johnson was on my team, he is really a good-looking kid and I've been hoping for a way to get closer to him, if you know what I mean. Well before I knew what was happening, he picks Lisa as our other team member. I'm okay with that, I like her and all, you know, for a girl. It was really strange, I was trying to get Mike to warm up to me, he was trying to get Lisa to warm up to him and Lisa was trying to get me to warm up to her.

After school Mike asked both Lisa and me to come over to his house so we could get started on the project. I was hoping Lisa wouldn't be able to go, but she showed up just when Mike and I had gotten to his bedroom and he was almost ready to pull his shirt off to change. He of course stopped the strip show right away, darn it, and we stated work on the project. Finally I hung around long enough for Lisa to go home. I don't mean to sound like that; I do think she is nice. Mike and I went back to his bedroom and all he could do was talk about her.

"Man, David, she is so hot, she makes me hard just being near her," Mike said.

I looked down and he had a lump in his jeans I really wanted to see, so I took a chance.

"Yeah well maybe you should take your jeans off and take care of that right now."

"Yeah right, you and I could jack off together like of couple of queers, huh?" he laughed.

I laughed it off too, hoping he thought I was joking. I needed more time.

The next day the three of us met again in Mike's room. We worked hard and most of the project was finished. I took a shot at getting Mike to be a little closer.

"Hey Mike, my Dad has tickets to the Baltimore game this weekend, do you want to go with us?"

"Nah, I hate baseball, but Lisa loves it, don't you Lisa?"

"I think the Orioles rock, but I've never been to a game. I'd love to go!" she said.

Mike looked at me and the silence in the room was deafening.

"Oh, would you like to go to the game with us Lisa?" What else could I do?

Mike said later he would give his left nut to have a date with Lisa. Fine I thought, I'll take your left nut, you take Lisa.

My Dad was all smiles when he learned I was bringing a girl to the game. My Mom made sure I smelled good and everything. Dad smiled through the whole game, especially when Lisa held my hand when the Orioles scored.

To tell you the truth, I did have fun and I had something Mike didn't, so I guess it was okay. On the way home, we held hands and listened to "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Tyler. Dad smiled all the way.

Anyway, Lisa has lunch with me a couple times a week and today she was here in my house celebrating the World Series. That was cool.

His young hands closed the cover and the tablets were hidden again in the rear of the closet.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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