Nifty Tablet

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on May 19, 2009


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated. A great thanks to Pete for all his input and editing.

Nifty Tablet Part One

From the box in the back of the closet, came a stack of spiral bound writing tablets bound with a large rubber band, dust drifts to the floor. To the top of the desk, the cover of the one marked `First' is opened and he begins...

April 18, 1983: Ma says if I write, I'll improve my writing. I don't want to write, but Dad agrees and I convince them that I will write my own private thoughts and no one can read it or check it for errors. They agree as long as I write.

They think they have achieved their goal, I think I have won. Now what to call it? "Dear Diary" sounds so lame. How about "My Journal"? Nah, that's stupid. Hey the brand name is Nifty, it's a tablet, so I'll call it "Nifty Tablet." Yeah that works!

Where to begin, how about the beginning?

To: Nifty Tablet

I am David Samuel Brandt. My Father is Samuel Joseph Brandt; his Dad is Joseph Rudolph Brandt. Do you get it yet? Yeah we each take our Dad's first name and it becomes our middle name. Lame, I know, but I'll make my son do the same.

I was born May 5th 1970; so looking at the calendar, in seventeen days I'll turn thirteen.

Finally a teenager, I really feel like I have learned everything there is to know and I am ready to take charge of my life, however, when I tell my Dad that, he just laughs.

I might as well tell you about my Dad, because he will probably be in here a lot.

Wow, I had to stop and listen to Billie Jean by Michael Jackson. I love that song.

Anyway, Dad is okay; he's an Accountant (boring). He never goes to work; he keeps an office here at the house, which is good if I need to ask him something. However, now that I'm getting older, my questions are no longer just about baseball and bicycles. I don't know how he'll handle my new questions.

You see I finally have hair somewhere other than my head. It just started and along with it, came something else that's new to me. When I play with myself, my dick squirts. I gotta find out more about that. But what I really want to know is, am I the only one? Maybe I can con my buddy Doug into letting me see his dick and maybe I can find out if he squirts too.

April 23, 1983: To: Nifty Tablet

I love Saturdays, especially this one. Doug asked me to spend the night at his house. Yeah, we've done that before, but tonight I have a plan and it includes getting Doug naked. Oh yeah, Ma says I have to include important stuff in my journal because I'll appreciate it later when I come back to read it, yeah right. Anyway, this week's news is, a lone suicide bomber killed 63, at the US Embassy in Lebanon. Those people are crazy. President Reagan signed a $165 Billion bail out for Social Security. Can you imagine an actor for president? His VP is a loser, but I heard his son likes baseball, so he can't be too bad. Nolan Ryan strikes out his 3,500th batter. That's real news. Now I need to get ready for Doug. I want to play with myself so bad, but I also want to squirt a lot tonight so I'll suffer.

April 24, 1983: To Nifty Tablet

Doug's folks made us get up and go to church. I wonder if God knows what we did last night. I know I shouldn't think about that stuff in church, but man I couldn't get it out of my head. We didn't sleep much, so I'm tired, but I'll fill you in and then it's off to bed.

Doug and I played games; his mom is a teacher and brought home an Apple Computer called the Lisa. She had to test it for the school board and she let us play awhile. It was cool, but I don't see any real use for them.

After we played around, I finally got Doug alone in his bedroom, now was my chance. We had changed into pajama bottoms, both leaving our underwear on under them. I left my top off and he did the same. I started wrestling and pushed myself on top of him. I could feel his dick and made sure he could feel mine against his body. I took my shot.

"I think your dick is getting hard, can you grow hair yet," I asked"?

Doug and I had built forts and raced bikes and played a million games of baseball together, but never had either of us talked about sex. This was a big risk, but man I had to know.

"Yeah, I got hair and it just gets hard, I don't know why" he said.

"Mine too, but maybe I should check yours to make sure it's okay," I smiled.

"Yeah, thanks. I though I broke it awhile back; it just started spitting white stuff. Can I check yours too," Doug asked shyly?

It was just that easy, I took a deep breath, rolled off Doug and pulled my pajamas and underwear off together. Bong, my dick popped out, all three and a half inches of the monster. Doug took a long look, smiled and pulled everything off his body, throwing it off the bed. There was my first look at my first naked boy. Wow! He was a good four inches and had more hair than me. Suddenly I didn't feel so brave and wished I could just disappear. Doug saw my face and laughed

"Hey, I'm four months older than you remember? No telling how big you'll be in four months," he reassured me.

Doug is cool like that, always a friend, never letting me down, I really like Doug, maybe even love him.

My bravery returned and I moved forward and touched Doug's dick. Holy cow! It was hard, no soft, okay, both. I know I'm not doing a good job describing it, but a dick can feel soft and be hard at the same time. Weird, I know.

When Doug's fingers wrapped around my dick, it was the best feeling I have ever had. Doug let his fingers glide through my hair. He moved his hand down and let my balls lay in his soft hand as he fumbled my balls and stretched my sack out. Then he pulled my dick down and let it go. "Flap," was the sound we heard when it hit my belly. We both laughed.

His mom tapped on the door and both our dicks retreated deep into their caves hidden by hair. She told us to get to bed.

"No problem Mom," we said in unison. In a minute, our dicks were like little towers again, and it was time I played with Doug.

Having your own dick in your hand is cool, but holding another is really weird. My thumb moved slowly along his shaft and my minds eye registered every bump and grove. There were little blue veins running hot under his skin and a hard rod like part under the dick starting at the base and moving right up to the head. Doug's dick head looked like a white mushroom, where mine reminded me of a lion's head. I circled my finger and thumb and moved up and down his staff. Heat returned from the friction and Doug grew. He began to breathe faster and I put my whole self into the job. Doug told me to stop; he had to pee, but I kept moving, now faster still. Doug's eyes closed before he pulled a pillow over his head. His scream was fortunately muffled, but nothing could stop the eruption from his dick. The first shot hit me in the face and I pulled back just for a second. I had to keep going; this is what I needed to see. His dick kept squirting, turning red and he told me later it was really sensitive. Doug had squirt all over himself.

I wiped the moisture off my face and put my sticky finger in my month, salty, yet sweet. I loved it.

Before the night was over we both had several squirts, by morning we were both crusty and sticky. It hurt to pee and Doug said he couldn't even touch his dick it hurt so badly. We both wiggled a lot in church until Doug's Dad gave us the look, which always straightens us up.

Anyway it was great and I can't wait to do it again. I know I love Doug and he loves me. We sure love playing with each other's dicks. I gotta sleep.

April 30, 1983: To: Nifty Tablet

Dad scored three tickets to next week's game. One of the top office guys of the Baltimore Orioles has Dad do his tax work, so we get to go to see the Orioles play pretty often. This year they're doing pretty good. I think Cal Ripken's got a couple more good years in him. Dad called me into the office and asked me who I wanted to take to the game, it's a birthday present kind of thing too so he wants it to be special. Without thinking I said,

"I love Doug, let's take him."

Dad gives me the look over his stack of double ledgers.

"David Samuel Brandt, you don't love Doug, you can't love another boy; do you understand me, young man?"

"No," with tears forming in my eyes, "I do love Doug and I love you Dad. You're a guy, so why can't I love Doug?" I asked with a bit of a sniffle.

"That will be enough of that kind of talk from you David. I will not have you running around talking like that. You may invite Doug to join us for the game, but I don't ever want to hear you say you love another boy again," he lectured me.

I hung my head and left his office. I am confused, he told me I could always come to him and talk about anything. He told me he would always be ready to listen to me no matter what. I love Doug, what's wrong with that? Why can't I love Doug? What would happen if Dad found out what we were doing? Man, that would drive him over the top!

I've always listen to my Dad. Now I need to listen to my heart and I need to find out why I can't love another boy. If I ever have a kid, I'm going to be ready to answer that question. Where else is a kid to go?

May 6, 1983: To Nifty Tablet

Yesterday was my birthday. Big deal, the US performed a nuclear test in Nevada. My dick exploded all over my shirt, Mom asked what it was. I told her Doug and I were playing around and he threw some jam at me. We had a small party, just Doug and my parents. It was okay until the radio started playing "Beat it" by Michael Jackson. Doug and I couldn't stop laughing and Dad left the room. The game was today, Orioles played Oakland. We killed them; 9 to 2. I think I'll play pro baseball, I sure know I won't be an Accountant like my Dad.

June 1 1983: To Nifty Tablet

Oh man I can't wait to tell you this one. This is bigger than the Philadelphia 76ers sweeping the Los Angeles Lakers in 4 games to be NBA Champs. Today after I got home from school, Dad knocked on my door. I quickly pulled my pants up. Yeah I do it all the time now. Doug and I have done it a million times. It's cool, but maybe Dad was right, I don't love Doug, I love playing with his dick. I think I'll keep that to myself for now.

Anyway, Dad explained that the Morgan's were here. They own the big hardware store over by the mall and they want Dad to do their books. Dad doesn't need to tell me that this is big business for him and I asked what I can do to help. He tells me they have brought along their son, Frank Morgan, and Dad wants me to keep him entertained.

I can't believe it. Frank is like fifteen and already known to be the hottest kid in Junior High. He is tall and really cute. I don't dare talk to him; he is way out of my league. `What the hell am I going to do?' I worried.

Well here is the scoop, Frank came into my room and closed the door. He looks me up and down and smirks,

"So do you like whacking the Willy, Dave?" he asked in a smart ass kind of way.

How does he know?' I wondered. I looked down and saw my underwear on the floor and my dick is hard against my shorts. Hey, what do I have to lose?' I decided.

"Yeah, I guess. I mean sometimes. Do you?"

"Yeah, but I like it whacked for me more. Let's see what you've got," he demanded.

"You want me to show you my dick?" I can't believe this

"Yeah kid, let's see your worm and then I'll show you Russell the one eyed muscle."

"Russell the one eyed muscle?" Who's he talking about?

"Let's go kid, or I'll tell my mom I'm bored and your Dad might lose the account."

Dad, I do this one for you and me. Yeah right. I dropped my shorts and Frank seems impressed.

"So do you cum yet?" he asked with a weird smile.

"Do I what?"

Oh the lessons I learned today! I can't wait to show some of this to Doug. I don't love him anymore, but is there anything wrong with sex without love? Does anyone else do that?

Frank told me about cumming and laughed when I called it squirting. I didn't care if he thought I was dumb, I loved him. He touched me all over. His hands knew where to go and what to do. Just when I thought I was going to squirt, I mean cum, he let up and brought me back down, only to start me back up again.

I though I knew all there was about sex, but Frank showed me I was just a beginner. At first, I thought it was weird him kissing me on my chest and sucking on my nipples. The feel of his tongue in my belly button made me laugh. Frank laughed too and then he did something I'll never forget. His head slipped down like he wanted a closer look at my dick and then he swallowed it. Well not really, but that is how it felt. Frank actually had my dick in his month. I had never felt that sensation before, the warm ocean of saliva washing the tenderness of my shaft, while his tongue lashed at my dick head. In a minute I was all the way in his month and his nose sucked air filtered by my pubes.

Then when his hand moved up and took control of my balls, I lost it. I didn't even think to warn him. I just let go of all the cum in the world. I swear it must have been a gallon of the stuff, and Frank swallowed all of it. Man, I love Frank! Just when I was getting my breath back, there's a tap at the door and my Dad's voice said it was time for Frank to go. Frank helped me get dress telling me that this was our secret and not to tell a soul. I of course promised, assuming that did not include Doug. Then just before he opened the door to leave, Frank turned, pulled down is pants and I got a look at a giant dick. It must have been over five inches long, thick and hairy. Frank said he would be back and next time it was his turn. I thought there would be no way I would be able to get that thing in my month, but I was willing to try.

After the Morgans left, Dad came in and thanked me and gave me a buck. He asked if I liked Frank, and I said, "Yeah, he was fun and I can't wait to play with him next time." Dad smiled.

His young hands closed the cover and the tablets were hidden again in the rear of the closet.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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