Nifty News

By Jason Phillip

Published on Apr 29, 2000


Well I decided to interview my favorite author on Nifty. This was done early in the morning like around 3:00. If you have any question you can email me at or you can email Dennis at

air_boy_79>Alright let's get this interview moving. How old are you?

memories_malak>I just turned 19, so I am in my last so-called teen years. (laughs)

air_boy_79>What's your real name?

memories_malak>Dennis Racine.

air_boy_79>Do you have any nicknames?

memories_malak>Yep, let's see there is feathers, bad boy blue, Dennis Neil, Jr and others.

air_boy_79> (laughs) Do you have anyone in your life?

memories_malak>Not really, but I have a few special people that I am close to.

air_boy_79>Besides writing for Nifty, what do you do in your spare time?

memories_malak>Well besides working, I like to draw, rollerblade, go to the Mall/Movies, and making webpages. I also like to chat a lot.

air_boy_79>Do you collect anything?

memories_malak>When I was younger I used to collect comic books. But now I collect music cds. (laughs) I have so many I don't know what to listen to half the time. I mostly collect soundtracks though. I also have all my movie stubs from when I went to see movies.

air_boy_79>Pretty interesting stuff there. Do you have a favorite movie?

memories_malak>Not really, but if I would have to pick it would be a toss up between The Craft and Sixth Sense.

air_boy_79>What type of music do you listen to?

memories_malak>Well, I like to listen to a little bit of everything. It's pretty scary because I never did like rap music, but I'm starting to tolerate some of it. (laughs) I like the oldies, but not all of them, some are very good like Earth Angel, Where The Boys Are, but others need to stay buried (laughs)

air_boy_79>What is your favorite song, group and singer?

memories_malak>Favorite song would have to be, Downtown by Petula Clark. Favorite group is *N Sync. And singer is Alanis Morissette.

air_boy_79>Do you have any pet peeves?

memories_malak>Oh boy do I. (laughs) I don't like to be judged by my station in life. I like to be judged by me. I mean you could pick this beatiful person and he or she could turn out to be the biggest snob.

air_boy_79>When and why did you start to write?

memories_malak>I started writing when I was elementary school. I would rack my mind creating short stories and stuff. I would write stories about The X-Men and He-Man. (laughs) And the reason I write is because it gives my mind work. Instead of just letting sit there and rot. (laughs)

air_boy_79>Do you write just erotica?

memories_malak>Nope. I have other stories that I wrote. I like to write poems, songs, short stories and I just started leanring how to write movie scripts.

air_boy_79>When did you discover Nifty Archives?

memories_malak>Hmm.. I'm not really sure but I think it was in late 98.

air_boy_79>Do you remember what the first story that you read?

memories_malak>Yes, I started to read Bad Boy Brok and Brian And Justin first. This was before JM rewrote Brok Bday and Round Robin. As for the other sections of Nifty I don't remember.

air_boy_79>When did you decide to write your own story?

memories_malak>Well, after reading so many stories on Nifty, I worked on a story called Lost Love which dealt with Justin Timberlake. But I canned that story because I didn't have time.

air_boy_79>Will you ever post Lost Love on Nifty?

memories_malak>Maybe, I have to finish it first. Right now it's just collecting dust. (laughs)

air_boy_79> (laughs) Where did you come up with the name Justin's Real World?

memories_malak>Well I was watching television and The Real World on MTV was on. And at first I thought it would be cool to write a story with celebrites. And I had this infatuation with Justin Timbelake. And created Justin's Real World. At first it was only supposed to deal with Justin Timberlake, Nick Carte, Howie Doruough, Scott Robinson and Ritchie Neville. But I decided to go furhter than that.

air_boy_79> Ok is there any big plans for JRW?

memories_malak>Actually yes. After the wedding I will start a new segment for JRW. It's gona be called Future Expectaions. It's ten years into the future. And will deal with four couples. I'm not going to tell what ones because that will ruin the reamaing chapters of JRW. But one of the couples is Dennis and Justin for ovious reasons. And after that I don't know what's gona happen.

air_boy_79>Do you plan on writing any other stores outside of the Boy Bands Section?

memories_malak>Yes I do. I'm working on a few short stories for the High School and College sections.

air_boy_79>Are there and projects you are working on?

memories_malak>Yep. I have a few collaborations that I'm working on. One of them is with like 10 other authors, we are each writing a chapter so that should be really awesome to do. On the other collabs, I'm working on a story with a good friend of mine.

air_boy_79>What are your favorites stories on Nifty?

memories_malak>Well for the College section I really like The Dj. In the High School Section it's Bleeding Hearts. Celebrity Section there is Afflecktion. And finally in the Boy Bands Section, there are a lot I like but my favs are, Justin Makes Jc Ill, Destiny's Decision, Bad Boy Brok, Brian And Justin, Brian's Seven Sea's Of Loneliness and Justin's Dream plus tons of others to list.

air_boy_79>Do you get along with other authors?

memories_malak>Oh yeah. I'm good friend with Leprechaun, Lashrac, Jon and others.

air_boy_79>Do you think there is a big competion with the Boy Band Story Awards?

memories_malak>Not really, I don't think you need a 'award' to know you story is great. If you get an email from a reader praisng you on your work then that good enough for me.

air_boy_79>Have won any awards for your story?

memories_malak>Yes I won two. It was from a reader who gives awards to authors and my story recived two awards.

air_boy_79>Do you have a site for your story?

memories_malak>Yes I do. It's the works right now. But I think we are going to make the message board avaliable to the readers, until the site is finished.

air_boy_79>Ok so you are not doing the site yourself?

memories_malak>Yes and no. My friend Phoenix is doing the site for me but I am providing him with info when he asks for it.

air_boy_79>If an author was to ask for you help on his story and you did and then his story became one of the best stories on Nifty overiding yours. Would you be upset?

memories_malak>Of course not. If that happend, I'd be happy for that person. I wouldn't flame him I'd send him praises of happiness for him.

air_boy_79>Does you story recive a lot of attention?

memories_malak>For me yes it does. I have one reader who takes time to write me after he reads each chapter. Someone like that is really kewl. I don't tons of readers but I have enough.

air_boy_79>If you were to stop reciving emails from readers, would you stop writing your story?

memories_malak>No I wouldn't. I don't really depend on email, don't get me wrong it's nice that they do take time our of their lives and write us. But I think it's kind of rude to demand readers to email you or you will stop writing. You can't demand readers any more than someone can demand friends. I know this one author who has only two readers and he is happy with it. He doesn't write 'If I don't recieve 5 emails I'm stopping my story.'

air_boy_79>Do you look to any author for inspirations?

memories_malak>Not really. I talk to them about ideas. We help each other out and stuff like that. Granted you get ideas from other stories but you can't copy it word for word. Because then there would be no meaning for the word ORGINAL.

air_boy_79>You said you like to make websites, do you have your own website? If so where can it be reached?

memories_malak>Yes I have my own site. The addy is

air_boy_79>What's the perfect mate for you?

memories_malak>Someone who doesn't have a big ego. Not afraid to show affection such as crying, hugging, and other stuff. I tend to go for the bad boy type. You know the ones that look like they could break you into two just by looking at you. But they have a soft side to them.

air_boy_79>Do you have any siblings?

memories_malak>Yes I have two younger sisters and a older step-brother.

air_boy_79>What are their names and ages?

memories_malak>Heather, 17; Amanda, 16; and Kevin, 28.

air_boy_79>Are you an open or closed book?

memories_malak>I can be both, but it all depends on the person. I don't really like to tell just about anybody about my life. And when it comes to problems. I like to solve them on my own, I only really ask for help if I really need it. I don't like to be known as the person who turns to others for help.

air_boy_79>What do you want to do with your life?

memories_malak>I don't really know, but I suppose something with computers would be good. I'm taking a computer course when I go to Maine for college.

air_boy_79>How do you perceive others?

memories_malak>Well I like others when they aren't arfaid to be them selves and not afraid to ask questions.

air_boy_79>Ok last question. Where do you see your self in ten years?

memories_malak>Well let's see I'll be 29. Hopefuly, I will be with a loved one. Living in a nice house with pets and stuff. I hope to have a good job and a nice car. And maybe (thats a BIG maybe) have a son.

air_boy_79>Well thank you for letting me interview you.

memories_malak>Thanks it was fun, I really enjoyed it.

Next: Chapter 16: Boy Bands Forum Weekend 2

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