Nicks Secret Desires

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 3, 2022


Hey fans of nick and Joe - it's been a few months since we've looked in on these boys and that's because, well, you'll see. I hope you enjoy the update. Thanks for your patience. Let me know if you like it.

Nick was getting cold feet. There was no question about it. Becky loved being around Joe and he... well, he was getting there. Having sex with Joe was bringing out parts of him he didn't know were there. Yes, he knew he always preferred being the bottom but... just thinking about Joe saying something like "ROLL OVER. I WANT THAT ASS" would make him show wood, often in the middle of a shift at the restaurant. He grinned when he thought about the one time he went to Joe and whispered "tell me what you want to do to me," and Joe did. nick had to run off to the bathroom for a few minutes. At night, nick would have the same dream over and over again: he was lying in bed, underneath Joe, and he looked into his eyes and said "Please Sir. Please cut my hair." nick would wake up from those dreams in a pool of sweat and... semen. Giving up control so completely that he'd give up the link to his brother was... scary, erotic and so many other things. Joe hadn't said "the M word" as Becky put it: marriage, but nick thought he was hinting at it: he'd make comments about how he thought his house could hold all of nick and Becky's possessions without any trouble, and he'd say things like he didn't want to wear a necktie at his wedding, followed by a smile and a comment that nick looked MUCH sexier in an open collar shirt and a tease that he was gonna ask nick's manager to get rid of neckties as part of the uniform. And then... Joe said something nick thought about, often. When they made love, Joe would say something like "I can't wait until we can do this every night and don't have to steal time."

nick couldn't wait either. But... it had all happened so fast, and he didn't think he was ready. He was getting scared. The dream, especially: he never thought he'd be willing to give up his ponytail but... in the dream, when Joe snipped it off, he always shot. "This is the wrong way to do it, but..." nick sat down one day before he went to his shift, and called Joe at his office. "Hey Sir, it's nick." "HEY SEXY. What a nice surprise. What's up?" nick gulped. "Oh shit, I'm gonna hurt him. " "nick, is everything ok?" Joe's voice had a paternal edge of concern to it. "Uh, no, not really Sir. I need... I need for us to stop seeing each other for a while." "HUH? nick, did you meet someone else?" "No, no Sir. No. You're the only one. But... I need to... I need to take a break. " Joe sighed. "I'm sorry you feel that way nick. I really hope I didn't come on too strong." "You didn't Sir. I'm just scared." Another sigh from Joe. "Well, I wish I could do something to make you less frightened. " He made a joke. "I know my dick is scary but..." "Your dick isn't scary Sir. You just need someone who can handle it." "I thought I had found him." "Sir, I gotta go. I'm gonna cry. Take care." nick put down the phone and burst into tears. He burst into tears a lot that day. Joe took a deep breath and repeated the cliche he had heard so often "don't be sad that it's over. Be happy that it happened." "FUCKING BULLSHIT" he yelled. He heard Rebecca's heels coming toward his office. "Yeah, I know it all is. But what caused THAT?" He looked at her, and Rebecca saw a man who never showed fear or sadness, showing both. "Nick just broke up with me." "WHAT? What happened?" "I dunno. I thought things were going well, and... DAMN IT I was gonna go wedding ring shopping next week. I was gonna pop the question. FUCK!" If Joe used the "f bomb" at the office, something was really, REALLY wrong. Rebecca looked at her friend. "You need a night to wallow. Hang on." She came back with a bottle from her office. "I hope you like bourbon. Drink all you want tonight. Drink all of it. I'll assume you'll have 'the flu' tomorrow, but you'll recover enough for the two of us to go and get you bombed a second night in a row. We'll figure this out Joe. " She smiled. "I was planning to be the sister in law to two hot gay guys and an auntie to a niece named after me. I'm not giving up." Joe gave a weak smile. "Neither am I."

"Good grief Nick, you look like shit," Rock was as blunt as ever when Nick came to the restaurant that day. "Love you too rockstar," Nick smiled. Rock didn't smile back. "Seriously, Nick. Are you alright because..." "No, I'm not. I don't want to talk about it." "Well, ok, just don't take it out on the customers." "CUSTOMERS. OH SHIT. It was Wednesday. Joe's night. FUCK! What was he gonna do." "Uh, Rock, can I switch sections tonight?" Rock looked up. He didn't say anything. He was surprised that there were relationship problems. Clearly there were. "Oh, sure. I think tonight would be fine. We might need to start mixing up section assignments. And stick around. Join me for a drink after service." Nick smiled. "I think I'd like that." "Now pull that hair tighter. Don't let it get loose." He was about to say something about "you're not in bed with Joe," but held his tongue. Rock had seen stuff like this happen. He knew Joe wouldn't be coming to the restaurant that night. For all of his regularity, he always reserved the table. He had canceled the reservation for that night. Rock just didn't tell Nick. He wanted to observe him during the night.

"Joe didn't come in tonight, Nick. What's going on?" He was sitting with Rock. "By the way, drink all you want. It's on the house and I'll drive you home." Nick took a big swig of gin. "I broke up with him this morning." "HUH? WHAT? The two of you? Geez, I thought... I thought you were gonna come in one day with a ring on your finger bragging." Nick started to cry. "I know. And then.... and then I fucked it up." "WHOA WHOA WHOA. Uncle Rock doesn't think you can chase away Joe that easily. What happened." When Nick told him, he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. "You didn't break up with him, you asked for a break. They're different Nick." "He'll find someone else. The good ones always do." "Nicky.." Rock was the only one who could use that name. "He doesn't want anyone else. He wants you." "And.. I broke his heart." "Well, you may have dented it but I doubt that you broke it. He's an attorney. They're pretty tough." When Nick didn't answer he asked "So. Why did you ask for the break?" Nick needed a few minutes to pull himself together. "It was so intense. I never felt this way before, and... " he told Rock about the dream with his hair. Rock sat there thinking very carefully. "You think he'd do it? You think he'd take your hair? Didn't you tell me he teased about it once, and you didn't fight it?" "Yeah, that happened. " "And he didn't take it. He knows how important it is to you." Again, Nick didn't answer. "You're scared Nick. Any idea what you're scared about? Commitment? " "No, it's not commitment, it's... " He looked up. "Rock, he does things to me that I never thought I'd like. And I LOVE them. I want him to do them all the time." Rock figured it out: Joe was bringing out the sub in Nick. He didn't ask "so what's wrong with that? " He just said "You know, Nick? You're right. A break is probably the right thing. Clear your head. Think about what you want." He got up and hugged Nick from behind. "Let's get you home. You gotta get Beckster's breakfast ready tomorrow even if you have the day off."

Rebecca had come into Joe's office later that day. "I think we should share that bottle tonight. The more I think of the two of you not being together, and the more I think of that poor girl without her auntie's guidance, we gotta get this fixed. " Joe smiled. "We leaving early?" "Damn right. And we're both calling car services because we are going to be smashed."

As they sat down to their first drink, Rebecca asked "any idea why he did this? Think HARD." Joe thought through things. He really didn't have any clue but Nick was an emotional clam sometimes. "We were playing once and... I pretended I was gonna cut his ponytail." "He must have fought you. HARD." Joe shook his head. "No. He just said 'yes sir' and went very still. But I didn't cut it." Rebecca looked at him. "Know what? I think Nick is ready to give in. Completely. He may need a little push. So, this is what I think you should do..." She leaned in and told Joe her ideas. He listened. He was dubious but.. it was worth a try.

Like Rebecca suggested, he took the next day off. But he didn't sit at home hung over. He poured hot coffee down his throat until he felt really stalwart, and he got in his car. He was driving to Nick's house. He had "equipment" in the car. He had left some at Nick's, but he had no idea what the man had done with it. He banged his fist on the door, hard. "OK OK OK. GEEZ I'm coming..." He heard Nick's footsteps coming to the door. There he was: the denim work shirt, tight . The ratty jeans. Joe felt saliva gathering in his mouth. "Joe. I thought..." "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHAT YOU THOUGHT PUNK. OPEN THE DOOR AND LET ME THE FUCK IN. I CAME BACK FOR WHAT'S MINE." "Uh, yes sir. One minute I'll get the stuff out of the bedroom. " "YOU STAY RIGHT HERE PUNK. I'M TAKING WHAT'S MINE RIGHT NOW." He grabbed nick, and yanked his arms behind him. Nick felt the cuffs go on. Joe walked around in front of him and he was smiling as he ran fingers over nick's nipples. "Now, let's get a fireman's carry going on. You're coming with me, BOTTOM" nick whispered "yes sir." He was hard as a rock as Joe carried him out.

"So, you think we're breaking up, huh fucktoi?" Joe was getting undressed . nick was naked already, chained down to Joe's bed. "THE ONLY PERSON WHO FUCKING BREAKS UP THIS RELATIONSHIP IS ME. GOT IT, BOTTOM?" nick struggled in the restraints, and his dick quivered. "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION BITCH." "yes sir." The answer was soft and low. Joe's cock was rigid. He straddled nick. "GET ME WET FUCKER. GET ME WET FOR THAT GREEK PUSSY." nick had been thinking about how much he was gonna miss that cock, and now... there it was in front of him. He dove for it, and Joe shoved it down his throat, HARD. So hard, nick's eyes bulged. "TOO GODDAMN BAD . EAT ALL OF IT. OR IT'S GONNA HURT EVEN MORE." nick rolled his tongue around Joe's cock the way he knew he liked it. "FUCK YEAH. You're a good cocksucker." nick let out a moan as Joe squeezed his nipples. He pulled his cock out, and ran his hand over nick's chest. "WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU SHAVE? " "Sorry Sir... I ..." nick was about to say he forgot, but then... something kicked in. "I left it for my Master to do." Joe smiled. "DAMN RIGHT DECISION BOY. Now...." He lifted up nick's legs. "DAMN I'm dry already. Gotta get you wet." Joe's tongue dove in and he began to eat nick with a fury nick hadn't experienced before. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT SIR. OH FUCK. OH. DAMN. " He was arching his hips, bucking like a small horse before Joe grabbed his balls and calmed nick down. "GET SET FUCKTOI. THIS IS WHY YOU'RE HERE." He RAMMED into nick HARD. So hard the bed moved. "OH SHIT YES SIR YES . FUCK MY MANPUSSY. FUCK IT HARD." Joe was on top of nick, his tongue now in nick's mouth, his fingers on nick's nipples as he continued to pound the man's ass. "You belong to me, you fucking cocksucker. You seem to have forgotten that." "mmmph." nick shook his head. He could feel Joe getting harder and his pumping getting faster, and faster. The explosive orgasm in nick nearly ripped him in pieces. He shot , and Joe smacked his cock. "DID I SAY YOU COULD DO THAT?" "No Sir. Sorry Sir." "Well, we're gonna have to start getting you trained properly boy. Cumming without permission is NOT acceptable. " Joe saw a far away look in nick's eyes. "OH SHIT did I go too far?" "Can you untie my wrists Sir? Please?" nick looked at Joe pleadingly. "I did. Oh boy. He's gonna run out." "Ok. I will." He undid the restraints and began to get up. "WAIT. WAIT. I wanted to be loose so we could cuddle. Please don't go Sir. PLEASE." nick wrapped himself around Joe and held him tight. He began to cry. "I'm so sorry Joe. I'm so sorry." Joe looked at nick and kissed him. "Don't be sorry. I should be sorry. I wasn't paying attention to what you wanted. What you needed. I'll do better." They hugged for a while and then nick whispered into Joe's ear. "Sir.... would you.. would you cut my ponytail off for me?" Joe looked at him. nick didn't break his stare. Joe answered. "No. That ponytail is part of the nick I love. The nick who won't forget his brother, and who trusts me enough to respect it. So , NO, nick, I will NOT cut that ponytail." nick grabbed him and hugged him tight. And this time, it was Joe's turn to whisper into nick's ear.

"Marry me, sweetheart. Marry me."

Next: Chapter 11

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