Nicks Secret

By moc.liamtoh@3yobyag

Published on Aug 8, 2000


Hello all! This is your standard warning. This is a story about sex between guys. If you don't like it or your too young, go away. To everyone else, enjoy.

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Part III Nick's Secret

The sunsets this time of year were beautiful. The brilliant colors of orange and pink illuminated the western sky, while in the east the night was beginning to claim the sky and the stars and moon started their endless trek across the sky. I stood there peering up. My breath could be seen as I exhaled. There is nothing like a night in December.

I shivered and I looked out across the lake. The cabin was on the far side and I could see the lights glimmering across the dark water. I started walking along the shore of the lake, heading back to the cabin. The frost had fallen and the ground and trees were covered in a sparkling dust. Ice was starting to form on the water around the edges of the lake. The cold wind hit me in the face and my eyes watered and for a moment, it took my breath. I had heard on the news the day before that a weather front was moving through, and with it would be snow. I really enjoyed snow, and this promised not to be such a bad Christmas after all.

It had been two years since I had spoken to anyone from my hometown, excluding my brother. He came to visit and promised to come to Kentucky after the New Year. I was nearing graduation. Despite the drastic turn my life had taken, I had all A's. I got a job at a local engineering firm that built bridges. I was basically a secretary, but my boss often let me go with him to the field with him and I learned so much that way. Jeff had taken some classes at UK, but he wasn't really into it. When his parents threw him out, it did a lot of damage to him emotionally. He was a waiter at a local restaurant. He basically lived off me. We had shared a horrid experience and for some reason I always felt obligated to be with him. Jeff and I had been together two years, but he felt that our relationship was turning bad, so he left. I was hurt, but I was more angry than anything. I was relieved too. I vowed nonetheless to be his friend no matter how ugly things became. Him I could handle, it was that little tramp bitch Robert that infuriated me. Though Jeff went with him willingly, I still blamed him for Jeff's leaving. Besides, it's always easier to hate the other guy.

As I walked along the side of the lake, thinking about my ex and his loser, slob, bitch of a boyfriend, I neglected to watch the ground close enough and I stepped on a patch of ice and felt and extremely painful pop in my ankle. I screamed into the dusk, and my curse words echoed across the lake. I laid on the ground, writhing in agony. After a few moments, the pain subsided enough so that I could think. I was near the dock and the stone walkway that led up to the cabin. I tried to stand, but my foot would have none of that. I could feel the tightness of my shoe as my ankle started to swell. I crawled about twenty feet to the dock; my hands and knees were aching with the wetness and the cold of the ground. Thank God that the stairs leading up to the cabin had a railing. I used it all the way to the front porch. I hopped on one foot over to the door. I leaned my forehead against the glass in the door. I watched the window steam up from the sweat on my brow.

I was completely worn out. I stood there, panting and then suddenly I was falling. I hit the floor with a thud. Matt had heard me and opened the door. I looked up and I saw his feet and I heard him laughing at me. He reached down and grabbed me by the shoulders and drug me the rest of the way in the house. I laid there on the floor, my ankle hurting, my hands numb from the cold and now thanks to my fall I had a bloody lip. What a wonderful Christmas this was turning out to be.

Matt was married to my good friend, Laina. She and I worked together. Since my parents had thrown me out, she and I had become close. She was an orphan and had grown up in state's custody. She knew what it was like to be without a family too. Matt was an average type guy. He was nearly a foot taller than me and he was thin and muscular. He had dirty blonde hair, green eyes and a goatee. He was also straight as an arrow. Laina had accompanied a friend to Switzerland for the holidays and Matt and I decided that we should spend the holiday out at the cabin that belonged to his parents. Matt was initially not accepting of my homosexuality. But over the past two years he had come to realize that I was like any other guy he knew, gay or straight and that my only purpose in life was not to have sex with other guys. After we got passed that stage, Matt was about the sweetest man you would ever want to know. He was in the army and it showed. He was pure man. He went without a shirt when he could. He liked to work on cars and he had a serious hang up on camping, hence this trip. He liked guns and baseball. He was any gay man's dream.

It was funny how protective he had become over me. Always looking out for me, just like he did for all of the girls that he knew. For whatever reason, I liked his acknowledgement that I was weaker than him and I adored the attention that he was always shedding upon me. I am usually pretty masculine acting, but when he was around, I found myself acting like I was a airhead. Just so he would show me some attention. This is pathetic, but I even asked him questions that I knew the answers to, just so that he could be smarter than me. I actually make myself sick.

So there I laid on the floor with Matt standing over me. I moaned that I think that I sprained my ankle. He reached down and helped me up and over to the couch. He started to unlace my boot and he looked at me. I knew it must be bad. He got up and ran to the kitchen. He soon returned with some ice and I winced as he applied it. He sat on the floor with his back to the couch and I sat on the couch with my foot propped up on the coffee table while he held the ice on my ankle. I flipped the television on and we sat there in silence for a bit. I started to take my coat off, but the wiggling was causing my ankle to hurt something fierce. Matt hopped up and helped pull my arms out of the sleeves of the jacket. He went over and stoked the fire and then turned off the light. We spent the remainder of the night talking and laughing in the dark in front of the tube. Another thing about Matt and me. We were always flirting with one another, jokingly of course. He and I were notorious for talking about gay sex with one another, that was one thing that I admired him so much for, his openness. He would talk in his best feminine voice and hug on me. He was crazy. Even Laina wasn't able to be that open. That was a huge reason that he and I got along so well.

I fell asleep around 11 watching Jay Leno. I woke around 2 and I heard the wind blowing outside. The cabin was heated by the fireplace only and the fire had nearly burned out. It was quite chilly. I roused up and saw Matt asleep on the floor, without a blanket or anything. The television station had gone off the air and now the gray static was flickering. I looked at Matt lying on the floor. He was so handsome. He was so manly. He had his big masculine hands were under the side of his head. He was on his side facing me. He was wearing a tank top and a pair of briefs. He looked so peaceful as he slept. I saw him shiver so I threw a pillow at him. He woke up rubbing his eyes. I told him to get onto the couch and we would share the blanket. He sat there a minute and then crawled to the couch. He took off his shirt and I gave him half the cover and he leaned against the arm of the couch and drifted back to sleep. I leaned against the other arm of couch and soon fell asleep again. Around 6 I roused again. Matt had shifted sides and he was now laying on me. I could smell the shampoo that he used when he took a shower and I could feel the heat emanating from his body. His large frame covered mine. I scooted toward the front of the couch and Matt's body slid between mine and the back of the couch. I then scooted down toward the other end of the couch until he and I were lying side by side. I knew that I shouldn't be doing this, but I was lonely and cold. So I laid there with Matt's body next to me, then I felt his arm slide between my neck and his other slide across my side. He hugged me and then threw his up knee on my hip. I winced from the pain that it cause my ankle, but I would have taken twice that much more just to be right were I was then. I felt so safe. I soon fell asleep.

I woke sometime around 8 and Matt was still lying next to me. I smiled but I didn't move for fear that I would wake him. I didn't think that he would freak, but I just wanted the moment to last as long as possible. I felt Matt stir. He hugged me tight and I could feel his morning woody pressing into my bottom. He laid his face on the side of mine. Up till now I figured that he was still asleep, so I was surprised when he said good morning. He then jokingly kissed me on the cheek and laughed. He started to get up, taking caution not to put pressure on my ankle. The fire had gone completely out and it was cold. Matt danced on the hard wood floors with his bare feet. I laughed and he grabbed his crotch. His manhood was clearly visible and he said that he had to pee really badly. He went off to the bathroom and he came back with socks on, but he still was shirtless in his white briefs. He started the fire and then hopped back under the cover, to my surprise in the same position as we had awakened in. He leaned over and grabbed the remote and turned the television on. We laid there, talking and laughing until the fire was so warm that we were forced to get up because of our sweat. Once again he got up and stretched. I could clearly see his back muscles as he stretched his arms over his head. He walked over and opened the curtains on the window.

The weatherman wasn't playing when he said that the weather front would bring snow. It brought several inches of the white stuff. Thank goodness that Matt and I had done the shopping a couple of days prior. We had plenty of food and plenty of wood. I didn't have to be back at school for another two weeks and Matt wasn't due back to his base until mid January. We were set.

Matt and I spent the day watching weather reports and putting a puzzle together. We kept the fire going and made sure that the plumbing didn't freeze. My ankle looked horrid. I had sprained it something awful. Matt took good care of me, bringing my lunch to the couch and taking me back and forth to the bathroom. It was funny but both times I had to go to the bathroom he stood behind me, holding my shoulders so that I could keep my balance. I had my back to him so I don't know whether he was checking me out or not. Even if he was, I thought to myself, straight guys are curious whether they admit it or not. It snowed all day long and by nightfall we had at least a foot and a half outside. It was cozy inside the house though.

Around 8 that evening, I decided that I needed a shower. Matt said that he would help, but I was curious as to how. He just smiled and said he didn't mind. I shrugged my shoulders. He helped me to the bathroom and I started to shave, and to my surprise he shed his shirt and shaved too. We talked about the weather and the fact that we didn't have a phone. But he said he needed a vacation and that he enjoyed the solitude that the mountains offered. I shed my shorts and socks and limped toward the shower and turned the water on. Matt shut the door because he said that the bathroom would hold the steam. Funny thing was that he was still in the bathroom and he shed his shorts too. I kind of looked at him and I guess he sensed my hesitation. He asked if I minded, and I said that it was somewhat different to have your best friends' husband naked in the same shower. He laughed and turned off the light. There was nothing but a light shining under the door and the glow of snow coming through the window. He laughed and said that it didn't matter, it was dark and no one would see anything. I laughed at him as he helped my naked body into the shower. When he lifted me over the side, I could feel his dick flopping against my backside. I was doing everything that I knew of not to get an erection and I thought to myself that at least he didn't have one.

The shower was a regular bathtub, but the wall opposite the showerhead had a small square window. Matt closed the curtain and the snow made the shower glow blue. The water was hot, but it felt good on my body. Matt stood behind me, holding my balance. I washed my hair and then soaped up my body. I had a semi hard on but I consoled myself that it was dark and he couldn't see me. I started to wash my legs and as I bent down to wash my calves, Matt released his hold under my arms and grabbed my hips. I nearly passed out. I had an instant hard on and I swear that I felt his semi hard on flop against my ass a few times. I stood back up and turned with my back to the shower facing Matt. As I washed the soap from my face, I opened my eyes. I could see Matt's dark shadow towering over me. I stood there for a bit, looking up at him. A million thoughts were flying through my mind. He then reached and pinched one of my nipples and told me to step aside. He reached under my arms and pushed against the wall of the shower and squeezed passed me. His hand brushed against my hard on but neither of us said a word. I told him that my one foot was getting tired and that I would sit down in the tub while he showered. He eased me down until my back was against the wall underneath the window. I put my injured ankle up on the side of the tub so that Matt wouldn't step on me.

The sights that my vantage point offered were priceless. There was enough light to illuminate the outline of his body. His skin was shinny as the water rushed over it. Looking up at him, I could see his dick. It was semi hard. All I could do was look at him. He stepped out from beneath the water and stepped toward me. He reached onto the window seal that was up above me. He was sort of stretched out and I felt his dick bouncing in my hair. I sat there for a second and when Matt didn't move, I looked up. My chin was against his balls and my nose was at the base of his dick. I was torn all to pieces now. Matt didn't move, in fact, he lowered himself so that his dick was at the same level as my mouth. I took the cue and started to suck on his dick.

Steam had filled the bathroom. The window above cast a bluish tint onto the edges of Matt's body. As I looked up towards his face, I could see that his head was reared back. I put my hands on his hips and he started to rotate them. His dick was fat, and it was hard to get in my mouth, but I sucked on it like he was the only guy on the planet with a dick. I heard the water smacking against his bare ass and his deep moans made his dick vibrate in my mouth. I closed my eyes, and gave him the best blowjob I possibly could. It was only a couple of minutes until he pulled his dick out of my mouth and I felt his cum splatter against my face. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth.

Matt stood above me under the water. A couple of strokes and my cum splattered onto my chest. After a minute I tried to scramble to my feet, but was unsuccessful without his assistance. Once standing, we were facing one another, him looking me in the face. He smiled and said thanks. Then he laughed and said I had cum all over my face. He stepped back and pulled me under the water with him. I washed my face and then he reached down and turned off the water. He stepped out of the shower and grabbed both of us a towel from the shelf. He assisted in drying me off. I slid on a pair of clean briefs, again with Matt's assistance. He didn't put on any clothes at all and helped me to the couch. Before I sat down, he bounced onto the couch and laid there with his back against the back of the couch. I stood there for a second, looking at him. He had a very nice body and he patted the couch beside him, motioning me to come and lay beside him. I was hesitant at first, but then said what the hell. I laid down and he wrapped his arms around me. We laid there, watching the news. I could feel his breath on my face and his chest against my back. Occasionally he would grind his hips into my bottom. I was in heaven. The only problem was Laina. I didn't know how Matt was feeling, but I could feel the guilt creeping up on me already. But for the moment I was happy, I'd deal with all the other mess later.


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