Nicks Secret

By moc.liamtoh@3yobyag

Published on Nov 12, 1999


This is a story about two guys having sex. If you don't like it leave. If you are too young leave. Everyone else please continue.

Looking at Nick's life on the outside, things were wonderful. He was 21, slim and nice looking. He was tall and semi-muscular; he had played soccer and ran track in high school. His dark hair was cut short, his face was clean-shaven. His green eyes sparkled and there was always a smile on his face. He was a sophomore in college, working on an engineering degree. He made straight A's and many envied his ability to pick up very complicated material and apply it as though it was the easiest thing in the world. His parents were well off and had given him a new truck for graduation. He loved to drive and he looked real nice in the drivers' seat of the truck. He had a beautiful girlfriend. They were together quite often. They had been engaged for two years now. Both their parents were delighted. Jennifer's father owned three restaurants and he was eyeing Nick for his business. Jennifer was a real nice girl, very pretty and very well liked. Nick and her were a match made in heaven. However, Nick had a secret that no one in the world knew or possibly suspected. This grand secret had the potential to destroy his very life as he knew it, not to mention what it would do to Jennifer.

Nick had a twin brother named Jonathon. He and his brother had been born the third of five children. His father was a doctor and mayor of a small town in Georgia. His mother was on the PTA and the president of the local chapter of the Southern Democratic Women's Club. His two older brothers were in medical school. His twin brother was in a college in Florida, planning a career in Law and politics. His two younger sisters were still in high school. Nick came from a southern Catholic family. He had been a member of the choir at the local Catholic Church. He was a member of boy scouts. His life had been one of luxury. He never had to work, he was afforded the finer things, and from the outside he looked happy. Deep down, things were not as perfect as Nick would like them to be.

Nick had decided to attend the University of Kentucky to get his engineering degree. His parents were proud. The day he moved to Kentucky, his parents flew up and his father paid for an apartment. When they finally left, Nick thought he was free. However Jennifer, who had originally planned to go to the University of Georgia, changed her mind and came to UK instead. Nick was happy to have her there but it did put a dampener on the fun that he wanted to have.

Nick had come to the realization years earlier that he was attracted to men. At first he told himself that it was experimental. After a while he convinced himself that he was bi-sexual. In the last year he had come to grips that he was solely attracted to men. He had no choice but to keep up the charade of heterosexuality. His family was very unaccepting. Besides, he could not bear to tarnish his family's reputation that way. Reputation is a big thing in the South. Southern pride was a strict policy and nothing was tolerated that may somehow detract from pride, not even family.

Nick walked out his door and picked up the paper. He loved to read the paper in the morning before class. He sat down at the table and sipped his coffee. Jennifer came out of the bathroom. She was dressed in jeans and a shirt. Nick looked at her and smiled, she did look nice. "I am going to class dear. I will be back around wait, I have that meeting tonight with my instructor, not sure when I will be home, if it is late, I will probably stay at the dorm, but I will call you ok?"

"Yeah that's cool. Have a good day at class." Nick walked over and kissed Jennifer goodbye. He waved at her from the door as she got in her car and drove off toward campus. Nick went back inside the apartment and sat down at the table. He cared deeply for Jennifer but he knew that he was misleading her. Two nights ago, after he had left his class, he decided to drop by a bathroom on campus that always had lots of writing on the stall walls that was very homoerotic. He had never had any contact with a man. He could not risk it. He liked to go here though and read the walls. He fantasized about carrying out some of the things that were written on the wall. This night however, Nick was destined to see things other than the writing on the walls.

He entered the bathroom and headed to the stalls that were located around the corner from the sinks and urinals. As he came to the corner of the first stall, he froze. He distinctly heard two men talking. He peered around the corner and he saw someone's feet on the floor. Whoever this was, he was on his knees. It finally dawned on him that someone was getting sucked off in the stall. Nick's heart raced, there were two men acting out the very things that he came to read. He started to leave but stopped. He just had to see. Slowly, he inched toward the two and he realized that the stall door was open and a blond headed guy was on his knees while the other man, who he could not see, was standing with his hands holding on to the outer edges of the stall where the door was. The guy standing was moaning. The two were very into their session and fearful that he would be seen, he backed away and slipped out the door.

Nick started to leave but then he had an idea. He walked down darkened hallway and sat in a chair that had been removed from a classroom for some reason. He sat down in the chair and this offered him an exquisite view of the bathroom door. He pulled out a book and pretended to read. He decided that he would wait and see the two guys that came out of the bathroom. A few minutes later, a guy came through the bathroom door. It was the blond guy that had been on his knees. Nick laughed to himself because the guy was wiping his mouth. A little later, another figure came out of the bathroom. He was a nice looking guy, darker hair, tall and thin. As soon as he rounded the corner, Nick grabbed his backpack and followed him. Nick rounded the corner and saw the guy standing at the elevator. He walked up to the guy and stood there, waiting for the elevator as well. Nick looked at him and smiled and the other guy smiled back. He was wearing a navy blue uniform with his name on it, Jarrod. The elevator opened and they both stepped on. In the elevator, Nick stuck out his hand and shook the man's hand and introduced himself. They started to talk about how nasty the elevator was. The elevator doors opened and both guys walk out. The two stood in the lobby and talked for a bit about classes before they headed outside into the winter air. Nick walked along beside him, talking, even though his truck was parked on the other side of campus.

Nick noticed Jarrod rearranging his crotch and a wave of bravery swept over him. He would never have walked so close to the edge, but his curiosity drove him on. After a couple of minutes of walking quietly Nick took a deep breath and said that he had to use the restroom but when he went in the bathroom upstairs he had heard two men in one of the stalls and it sounded like they were up getting it on or something. Nick glanced in Jarrod's direction and he could see him start to squirm. Nick reassured himself that he had just seen this guy getting sucked off and continued that he wanted to watch, but he didn't want to freak the guys out or anything. Jarrod stopped and looked at Nick with confusion in his eyes. Nick smiled at him. It dawned on Jarrod what Nick was suggesting. Jarrod looked at his feet and then at Nick and gave him a devilishly sly grin, "So you want to get with it or what?" Jarrod asked.

Nick laughed, not believing what he had led himself into and nervously said, "sure, when?"

"Don't know, when is good for you?" Jarrod inched his way closer to where Nick was leaning on the side of his car.

"Well I ain't really in the mood now." Jarrod laughed and winked at Nick. "How about we meet Thursday at King's Inn up by the interstate. I know a girl there and I can get a room cheap. Say 11:00. Sound good to you?" Jarrod glared at Nick with his brown eyes.

Nick was very nervous and started to look around to see if anyone was watching them. "Yeah. Yeah that's cool. I can meet you then."

"Cool man, I'll see ya then." Jarrod slapped Nick on the arm and hopped in his car. Nick stepped backward as Jarrod drove off and rounded the corner of a building. He agonized an entire 24 hours. The only relief that he could give himself was that he didn't really have to go if he didn't want to. But he knew in his mind that he just had to go. That would be the only way he would ever get through this.

Nick looked at the clock. It was nearly 10:00 am now. His stomach churned and it was as if he were in another world. He was driven by a feeling within him. He had so longed to be with another man, that he thought he would soon explode. Jennifer had wanted sex this very morning and he reluctantly agreed. But he was so turned on now at even the thought of meeting Jarrod, that he thought he could go at least a hundred more times. What he was about to do was wrong, and he knew it. He felt guilty that he would betray Jennifer and his entire family this way, but he could not help himself. His drive was strong, stronger than any guilt at the moment. He hurried into the shower so that he could get an early start.

Nick parked his truck under a large tree outside the King's Inn. The windows on his truck were tinted, so no one could see in. He scanned the parking lot but he did not see Jarrod's car anywhere. His heart was pounding and he started to doubt himself. "What the hell am I doing?" He thought to himself. "I am here to meet a man that I don't even know to do God only knows what in a cheap motel." Nick laughed to himself and started his truck to leave. He looked around and suddenly spotted Jarrod's car pulling in the other end of the parking lot. Nick froze. His heart leaped into his throat and even though it was 28 degrees outside, he started to sweat. He sat there and stared at the little red car that just pulled in. Sure enough, it was Jarrod.

Jarrod got out of his car and scanned the parking lot. He saw a truck with someone sitting in it. He looked closer and he could tell that it was Nick. He smiled and walked toward the truck. Nick was so nervous that he felt like he may throw up, instead he forced a smile. Nick rolled down the window as Jarrod walked up. "Hey guy." Jarrod said with a smile. "Nice truck man. I wasn't sure if you'd be here or not."

"Yeah I decided I'd come. You ready?" Nick asked quickly.

"Yeah sure, let me run over here and get the key, I'll be right back." Jarrod turned and walked toward the office. Nick was nearing a panic attack now. He wanted this so bad, yet he was so afraid. He glanced over at a couple coming out of a nearby room. They hurried to their car to escape the cold weather and quickly drove away. That pretty much left Jarrod and Nick there alone. Nick looked back and saw Jarrod heading toward one of the rooms. He motioned for Nick to come too. Nick hopped out of the truck, locked the door and walked toward Jarrod. Nick put his hands in his pockets and looked to see if anyone was watching them. The wind was cold and Nick shivered as he noticed his breath fog as it left his mouth. Jarrod opened the door and they both went in.

The room was like most other motels. There was a bed and a chair and a television. There was a bathroom off to the right. Jarrod took off his jacket and pitched it in the chair, then walked to the bathroom. Nick could hear him taking a piss. Nick sat down on the bed and pretended to read some pamphlet that was lying on the bed. Jarrod came out of the bathroom with his pants still unzipped. "We better get started. I only have an hour for lunch."

"Oh yeah. Sure." Nick stuttered. He was unbelievably nervous now. He looked over at Jarrod. Jarrod had that same devilish grin on his face as he took his shirt off. Nick could here his shoes hit the floor. Slowly he started to undress himself as well. He took his shoes off then his shirt. He stood up and Jarrod walked over to him.

"Need some help there man?" Jarrod reached down and started undoing Nick's pants. Nick felt Jarrod's hands on his stomach and chills ran up his spin. He smelled so good, CK1 he thought to himself. Jarrod reached in and grabbed Nick's aching cock. "Nice one dude." Jarrod commented, smiling and looking into Nick's eyes. It was about 7 and a half inches. Nick followed Jarrod's lead and reached hesitantly into Jarrod's pants. For the first time, Nick had put his hand on another man's penis. It felt wonderful. With one quick movement, Jarrod had Nick's pants down to his ankles. Nick stepped out of them and massaged his cock as he watched Jarrod take his own pants off. There they stood, both naked. They started to feel one another's bodies.

Jarrod put his hands on Nick's shoulders and gently pushed him down to his knees. Nick had never been this close to another man before. Jarrod's cock was just inches from his face. Slowly, Nick started to lick the head. Jarrod responded with groans of pleasure. Encouraged by Jarrod's moans, he started to suck on his dick. It was probably about 7 inches and he took half of it into his mouth and he felt Jarrod shiver. Jarrod put both his hands behind Nick's head and he gently started to rock his hips, forcing his cock deeper and deeper into Nick's mouth. "Man that feels so good. You suck my cock a lot better than that little fag on campus."

Hearing Jarrod compliment him on his suck job, Nick started to play with himself. This was totally wonderful. This is exactly what Nick had bee craving. Suddenly Jarrod pulled his cock from Nick's mouth and walked over and sat on the bed. "Come over here. You 're sucking my cock so good that you are making my legs weak." Jarrod laughed. Nick crawled over to the bed and once again buried his face in Jarrod's crotch. Jarrod leaned back on one elbow and watched down his chest at the dark haired, dark skinned guy that was working on his dick. "You ever been fucked?" Jarrod asked after a few minutes.

"No," Nick said as he looked into Jarrod's eyes.

"Come on man, I want to tear your ass up." Jarrod said with his usually cocky attitude.

"I don't know man. I've never done that before. Don't know if I can handle it or not." Nick said nervously,

"Sure you can. I will take it easy on you. If it hurts too much, I will stop. I promise." Jarrod smiled another mischievous grin and patted the bed beside him. Nick stood up and sat down on the bed. Jarrod pulled him toward the head of the bed and gently pushed him back. Jarrod leaned over and took Nick's cock into his mouth. Nick gasped at the sensation. Jarrod's goatee tickled his skin. Jarrod repositioned himself between Nick's legs. Jarrod crouched on his knees, sucking his cock and slowly shoved a wet finger into Nick's ass. Once again, Nick gasped. Jarrod's finger slid in and out of Nick's ass and the sensations were almost more than he could bear. Nick started to squirm as Jarrod added another finger. Jarrod looked down to see Nick smiling up at him. He had two fingers in Nick's ass and the other hand stroking his cock. "You like that?" Jarrod asked. Nick could not speak. He moaned and shook his head.

Jarrod raised Nick's legs up and hooked his knees on his shoulders. He spit in his hand and rubbed it on his cock. He looked down at Nick and he could tell that he was a little afraid. He was obviously new to this. That turned Jarrod on even more. He placed the head of his cock at the entrance of Nick's ass and gave it a gentle, but firm shove. The head slipped in and he felt Nick tense. He pushed a little more and a couple more inches slid in. Nick reached up and grabbed his arm and started to squeeze. The look on his face was one of pain. Given Jarrod's inclination for rough sex, this only served for him to push more in until his cock was buried in Nick's hot ass.

Nick was starting to panic. The pain was intense. This was far from the enjoyment that he had envisioned that this would be. Nick clenched his teeth and closed his eyes tight. He started to hiss through his teeth. "I can't take this," he thought to himself. Jarrod started to pull his cock back out and this caused a tingling, burning sensation for Nick. After a bit, the pain subsided some and that tingling sensation became more prominent. Nick loosened his muscles and let Jarrod bind his knees nearly down to his shoulders. The feeling that he was getting now was one of pure ecstasy. This was one feeling that he had never experienced while having sex with a girl.

Jarrod could tell that Nick was really getting into it. Nicks muscles relaxed and he grabbed Nick's ankles and pushed them down towards his head. Nicks eyes were closed but the look of pain had changed to one of enjoyment. Jarrod started to pound his ass now. He let go of Nick's ankles and let them fall back to his shoulders. With one hand he reached around and felt of Nicks chest. His chest muscles were flexed tight and his back was slightly arched. His skin felt like velvet. He looked so good lying there. This turned Jarrod on even more. The thought of this hot little guy, who had never been fucked, lying there with his legs around his shoulders taking cock like a man, it was nearly enough to send him over the edge. Jarrod grabbed one of Nick's feet and started lick the arch. He glanced down and saw a smile come across Nick's face. That told him immediately that he liked it, so he continued with the rest of his foot. Jarrod reached down with his other and started to jack Nick off in the same rhythm the he was pushing his cock into his ass. It wasn't long before Nicks face started to twitch and he started to moan.

Nick laid there while Jarrod fucked his ass. He opened his eyes and saw Jarrod's eyes looking down at him. He looked at Jarrod's chest. It was tanned and the muscles were flexed. Jarrod was considerably lighter skinned than himself, but he had a hint of brown on his smooth chest. Nick looked at Jarrod's hands as they grasped his ankles. His fingers were very muscular and manly. Nick looked back to Jarrod's face and saw that he was watching his own cock slide in and out of his ass. Nick closed his eyes and reveled in the feelings he was experiencing. Nick was turned on by the idea that this man was in control. He had complete control of his ass and Nick gladly surrendered his body. Nick felt a most erotic feeling and then realized that Jarrod was licking the arch of his foot. It sent chills through his entire body and he started shaking uncontrollably. This feeling was compounded as Jarrod reached down and grabbed hold of his cock. He was massaging it to the same rhythm that there were fucking to. It wasn't long before Nick felt the beginnings of his orgasm. He started to breathe harder and harder until his cock erupted. He let out a very loud moan and he started to thrash underneath Jarrod. Nick's first shot hit him on the neck, followed by several more that landed on his chest. Jarrod never stopped his assault on Nick's ass and that tripled the sensations of Nick's orgasm.

Jarrod smiled as he drew Nick closer to orgasm. He watched as Nick's cock exploded. The first shot landed right under Nick's chin. The white cream streaked Nicks chest. Seeing this young stud erupt beneath him caused Jarrod to lunge into a powerful orgasm of his own. Jarrod started screaming "Oh God!" over and over. Jarrod then closed his eyes and made a face that resembled that of someone in pain. Nick watched his face as he started his orgasm. Jarrod pulled his cock out and started to shoot onto Nick's chest as well. Nick looked down and watched each spurt blow from Jarrod's cock. He watched until the cum had slowed. Nick glared at Jarrod's strong hand gripping his cock and gently pushing forward and back, massaging the last bits of cum out of his softening cock. Nick looked at the streams of white cream that was streaming across Jarrod's hand. Jarrod leaned back on his knees, panting like an animal still gently massaging his cock. Nick felt every muscle in his body go limp.

Jarrod positioned himself so that he was sitting with his feet under Nick's arms. Nick raised his head up and looked down at Jarrod's feet. They were similar to his hands, sturdy and manly. Looking at Jarrod's face, Nick could tell that he had enjoyed it. Jarrod wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at his watch. "Damn! I am going to be fucking late." He stood up on his knees and shook the remainder of the cum from the head of his cock onto Nicks belly. "Sorry to fuck and run, but I got to get back to work." Jarrod stood up and wiped his hand on the bed spread and started to put his pants on. He grabbed his underwear and shoved them in his pocket. He put on his shirt and slipped on his work boots. "Just leave the key in here when you leave. My friend said that she would stop in and get it later." Nick raised up on his elbows and looked down at his chest that was covered with both his and Jarrod's cum. He then looked at Jarrod hurriedly putting on his clothes.

"Jarrod, are we going to uh, I mean if you would want to..."

"You want to meet and fuck again?" Jarrod asked bluntly.

Nick laughed. "Yeah I guess."

"I guess if we happened to run into one another again we could hook up."

Nick looked at Jarrod as though his heart had been torn out. He felt like he had been used and then thrown out as garbage. Jarrod looked over and saw the look on Nick's face. It was a look that he had seen several times before. He felt bad for running out on the poor guy, but he was afraid to hang around afterwards. That was when things would usually become intimate. It was hard enough for him to have sex with a guy and not be consumed with guilt, much less stay for a heart clincher afterwards. It was much better that he leave now and then he could avoid the topic altogether.

"Look man, I don't really get into the gay scene. I like to fuck. You were a really good fuck. But I don't do relationships. I suck at them. So it's best that I leave. You don't know me and I don't know you. You can go and grab yourself a man that would treat you good." Jarrod grabbed his jacket and opened the door. He took one last look at the poor guy that was lying on the bed, still covered in cum. "Have a good one man." He closed the door, walked to his car and drove off.

Nick laid on the bed for a minute, thinking about what had just happened. He had come here, met some guy, got the hell fucked out of him, had the most powerful orgasm ever, then the guy got up, said some meaningless shit about not having a relationship with a gay man and then left. "What a day" he said to himself. He scooted to the side of the bed and sat there. He looked down at his soft cock. He reached down and wiped a droplet of cum from the head and said, "So this is what sex with men is like." He laughed and then walked over to get his clothes. He passed by the mirror and stopped. There he stood, covered in the proof of his homosexuality. Suddenly he was overwhelmed with guilt. What had he done? He had just done the one thing he had fought all of these years. He thought of Jennifer. He had totally dogged her. She was such a sweet girl, she definitely deserved better than this. How could he go home and face her? He was so ashamed. Not only had he given in to what he feared most, he had done it with a jerk. He knew that his life would never be the same. He looked down at his feet and then turned and walked in the bathroom. He used a towel to wipe his chest off. His ass was tingling still. He felt so guilty for liking it so much. He slid his clothes on and then looked at the room once more before he left. He walked into the cold air and closed the door behind him. He knew that he could never tell another soul about what he had done on this day. He would try to forget about Jarrod and concentrate on he and Jennifer. Their relationship would definitely need work after this. He would probably never see Jarrod again anyway. It was the best sex that he had ever had. He was so confused about his life now. He needed a drink now, in the worse way. He hopped in his truck and took off toward is apartment. He cleared his head for now; he would have plenty of time to think later on.


Hi all! I hope you enjoyed. Let me know what you like and what you don't. Email me at I will respond to everyone.

Next: Chapter 2

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