Nicks Florida

By Richard Hamilton

Published on Aug 23, 1999


Sorry about the delay guys. I've been busy busy busy. Anyway, this story is a long one, so please put up with the slow beginning. I am trying my best to create some atmosphere and background to it. There is some swearing in it, and I know it's not the best thing to do, but these are the `90s' and it does kinda add impact. Sorry to those whom it may offend.

Thank you very much to those of you who e-mailed me with comments over what I've written so far. Please keep the helpful hints coming. And if Mr Carter is reading this still, then let me know what you think. How's the Durango? :0) I need to know some more things about Nick that may help the story!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the next installment. Take care my friends.

Richie :0)

Boy Next Door (Nick's Florida) - PART 2

" are you getting it sorted?" Mum was speaking to me - I was in a daydream about Paul.

"Huh? Oh! Sorry mum..."

Paul and I had started getting kinda heavy... I had never kissed that seriously before, and never with another lad! It was amazing - it felt so good and yet daring, as if we shouldn't. I could feel these electric impulses shooting up my spine as we kissed. Paul was really getting into his stride and his hands were roaming around my ass and were pulling at my jeans. Our hands had been all over each other and I was so confused. He suddenly pushed me over and was lying on top of me.

"Hey" I whispered, "I thought I was the one was was meant to be gay!"

He stopped kissing me and we looked at each other, our arms still wrapped around each other. We were both panting. His eyes looked wild - I'd never seen him look so alive and he squeezed me harder in his embrace. Suddenly he sat up, as did I, so we were now sat cross legged face to face on his bed. .

"Well, I have always wondered what it would be like to kiss ya." He chuckled.


He cut me off mid sentence "I've always wanted to try this" He grinned and planted his lips on mine and started nibbling my lip. Oh God did that feel good! I shivered with pleasure. I could feel his warm hands on my back, which were still under my T-shirt. He ran his hands up my spine and onto the back of my neck, and as he did this, he pulled it off. I decided to take the lead and I pulled away from his embrace and, taking his hands in mine, put his arms up in the air. I pulled his T-shirt up over his head. Now I had a full and pleasurable view of his gorgeous teen chest - it was smooth, and he had a nicely developing torso. He sat with his head cocked on one side, his hair was getting in his eyes and he brushed it out the way with his hand. I LOVED it when he did that! He was looking at me seriously. I thought he was annoyed.

Then he grinned again "You don't know how long I've wanted you to do that!" He said

"You ARE joking!" I laughed.

"No way!"

"Rich, I wanna tell you something"

"Uh oh! This could be trouble" I grinned.

He put his hands on my shoulders

"I've had a thing about you since 5th year. Remember when we used to be in Room C1 for Design and we sat at those tables? There was that girl called Sarah who sat next to Kelly?"

"What?" I yelped. "Sarah Mitchell? Hell no! She was sooo annoying! She used to sing those Spice Girl tunes but she sounded like Barry White on a bad day! I couldn't stand her"

"Yeah, and she had such a thing about you"


"Yep, and not only that but she knew I was your best mate and she and Kelly asked me one day if you would go out with her"


Paul suddenly ran his hands over my chest and just looked into my eyes. It felt so intimate and so close.

"When she did that I just laughed and said no. It was strange - something inside me clicked and I just felt odd about it. I suddenly couldn't let them get you"

I then remembered what had happened that day. She had been pestering him and she and Kelly had been giggling as they always did. We were busy with a project that the teacher had given us but I had noticed that several times when I had looked up, Paul had been staring at me, and when I had waved at him, he went serious, kinda of signalled and looked down at his work

"That was the night your mum got her new Peugeot, isn't it?" I said


"I remember that because you were acting so strange with me. I thought you were feeling ill or something - I've never seen you like that before - you weren't even interested in the new car and I mean you are as crazy about them as I am"

He took his hands away. He looked down.

"I have been fighting these feelings for so long. I mean I wasn't sure what to think. And when you said you were gay, it confused me even more. I didn't know what to think. And after a while I came to one decision"

"And what was that descision?"

"Words are insignificant, Rich. Actions speak louder then words.."

He put his hands under my chin and our lips met yet again. We began kissing slowly, just exploring our lips, our mouths and our tongues.. I broke away from his lips and nuzzled under his chin and licked his neck with the very tip of my tongue. He shivered and I could feel goosebumps on his arms, which I were holding. He moaned out. "Jeeez Rich - why is this so good? Why have you got to go and leave me?" I just couldn't answer that. So I didn't say anything and just ran my hands down his chest and started pulling at the waistband of his shorts. Paul began to gently thrust his hips at the same time. I was feeling such strong, flowing emotions deep inside - it was like electricity. I opened my eyes and saw deep into Paul's. I couldn't hold back any longer and I just began to cry. I think Paul must have felt somethng along the same lines, as he too began to shed a few tears.

Suddenly, there was a bang. Paul's door had flown open. "Ooooooh my GOD! What are you two doing!" It was the screaming, raucous voice of his eldest sister, Louise.

Paul and I let go of our embrace, and jumped up simultaneously. I was shaking, Paul was shaking and Louise was wide-eyed.

"That's disgusting! Two lads kissing! Oh my God!"

"Shut up you bitch - it's none of your fucking business! " Screamed Paul. His eyes were wild. I pulled my t-shirt back on.

"You shouldn't go barging in on us anyway" I yelled. She stared at me with disgust.

"Don't you dare tell mum about this or I'll fucking kill you" he yelled at her, almost screaming.

"What's going to stop me then?" She was being defiant. She thought she was on top. I stared at her. "You stupid bitch" I muttered

"I know what you and Terry got up to when mum and dad were in Dorset that weekend. Mum is still suspicious about it. I've got you nailed and there's sod all you can do about it"

"You little twat - you were in that night, weren't you?"

"Yes, I was. So, you mention this, and you'll be in up to your neck in it. I'll nail you net"

Louise was horrible. She had always picked on Paul. His younger sister, Holly, was cool - she and Paul were very close, but I think it was because Louise was jealous of them that she caused so much heartache.

She slammed his door shut and we heard her footsteps going down the stairs. "I had better go Paul". I looked at my watch - it was nearly 11pm. Paul looked really wound up.

"I'm so sorry about that - she always sticks her bloody foot in it. I'm sorry Rich".

"Don't be - it's my fault - getting you into all this!"

Paul was looking away, avoiding eye contact. I decided it was best to go and made for the door.

"I'll ring you"

"Yeah, whatever" He sounded so cold. It made my heart sink.

I closed his door behind me, made my way down the stairs, grabbing my coat on the way out the door. I could hear Louise banging something in the kitchen. I was hoping it was her head in the dishwasher door... It was quite a mild evening, and my head was spinning as I walked the short walk home. There was a nice breeze stirring the trees and I tried deep breathing. I was only taking in passing scenes as I walked along - a lady sat on her sofa watching tv, someone on the phone, the flashing red LED on parked car, a street lamp. And I could see Paul's face. I could see our embrace. I could still taste his lips. I couldn't hold back the tears from my eyes...

Mum was talking to me.

"Wake up lad - the lights are on but no-one's home!" She laughed and gave me a hug. I felt so depressed, but I couldn't show it. I didn't want to ruin her fun, either. We'll have fun. You are right son, it's an adventure. I am actually really looking forward to it all now - just think Rich, we can have a gorgeous house like that one you spotted in Homes & Gardens - that one with the big porch and the huge windows...

I thought about those gorgeous houses I'd seen to take my mind off what had happened.

Our house was virtually empty. There were brown Pickfords boxes everywhere. They all had International Freight' stamped all over them and as I looked at all those boxes, it struck me suddenly that we really were about to go and live somewhere foreign' and it was soooo exciting! And Florida, of all places!!

Everything except a few things were packed. Pickfords were due to arrive in the afternoon to collect all the boxes. The house felt strange with everything gone and it had lost all it's `homely' feel.

"Go and move those last things out your room and finish packing your case and I'll make you a cup ot tea" said mum. She patted me on the back, and gave me one of those thoughful `I-can-tell-something-on-your-mind' looks and smiled. " I know this is hard, but it is also a good change for us. Your dad is so excited!"

"Yeah, I know! I am too, really! Anyway. You got any of those blueberry muffins left?"

She grinned and pointed at the half empty cupboard. I ran upstairs to my room. Everything had been cleared. All my model cars were stacked into boxes to protect them, and the rest of my belongings were in several Pickfords boxes, which were waiting on the landing and had `RICH' scrawled all over them. Most of my clothes were in one suitcase, and I had one cabin bag to take with me. I had a few important things to put in the bag. One was my JVC microsystem I had got that for my 18th bithday - it's one of those with the chrome finish and walnut speakers - I was very proud of it! Music was my fave pastime, so I was determined that the JVC would go witrh me so I'd have it as soon as I got to Florida. I had a stack of CD's and tapes (of course, I had BSB at the top of the pile!). I had a few copies of MaxPower and some other car mags, and my walkman to listen to on the plane - they don't allow Discmans on planes apparently! It interferes with the navigation systems or something I was told. I laughed to myself as I imagined the scene in the cockpit with my CD player messing with the captain's radio:

Captain: "Miami ATC, requesting permission for ffzzzzztt ...One night in heaven, one night in heaven... ffzzzzztt runway Zero Fourty Niner..."

Miami Airport: "Flight BA131. Are you having radio trouble ffzzzzzztt ...when I say, I want it that way... tell me why ain't nothin' but... ffzzzzzztt try again please"

Captain: "Sorry Miami, please repeat that"

Miami: "Head on course Zero Fifty fffzzzztt ...1, 2, 3, 4 c'mon baby say you love me... ffzzztt over"

Captain: "I beg your pardon?"

Miami: "ffzzzzzzzt ...Hi, my name is, my name is Slim Shady... ffzzzzzt drop your flaps, and keep your engines at 45% throttle"

Captain: "Look, Miami, it seems that fzzzzzztt ...Backstreeets Back - alright!... ffzzzzzzzztt and I'm running out of fuel!! "

Miami: "Don't worry, just aim for runway Zero Fourty Niner, there are fire crews on standby. Just ease her down, I have you in visual contact now"

Captain: "ffzzzzzzt ...Say ooh, la la, say zoom, c'mon c'mon... ffzzzzzztt HELP!!!"

I finished packing my cabin bag. We had only our suitcases to live out of for the first few weeks - it would take about 2 weeks for our freight to arrive, but by then, we would have sorted out a house.. We had been booked into a hotel in Tampa, where we would stay until we had sorted out a house. The company had apparently arranged quite a few properties to look at when we arrived, so that would be pretty cool. It was really exciting. I looked at the empty walls in my room. This was the last time I would see them. We were going to the airport that night to fly out. Mum called from dowstairs to go and get a drink.

I tried to ring Paul, but his mum said he'd gone out and she wasn't sure where he was. She sounded chirpy as usual. That was good, I thought. It would mean she hadn't found out what we had been up to last night. She wished us good luck for our journey. She wasn't one to show too much emotion if it wasn't a happy situation, and that was good - it didn't make me feel so sad. I told her to get him to ring me as soon as he got back. She said he had seemed quiet when he'd gone out this morning. I told her we were leaving for the airport at about 8pm so he'd better hurry. She said she'd do her best and asked me to put my mum on. I called mum and handed her the phone, at which point the doorbell rang. It was the guys from Pickfords. They had come to collect all the boxes. They had brought a large lorry and I began to wonder just how much we were taking.

Just as they started to move the stuff, dad pulled up on the drive in our rented Ford Mondeo (a Mundane-eo I called it cuz I didn't like it). He had sold our Laguna the week before. I loved that car - it was a V6 Executive and we had had it since new - I used to wash it every weekend. It was stupid, but I feel really jealous as I saw it drive away with it's new owner..I was going to learn to drive, and the insurance was too expensive on the Laguna, so hopefully I'd get chance to drive some cool cars in Florida! I told dad he'd better get a decent car and he promised to get me driving there as soon as he could! Cool. I couldn't wait to go cruising along the beach with the stereo pumpin'!!! That would be such a buzz.

I was getting nervous. It was 7:45pm and everything had gone out the house -we were waiting for a taxi to take us to Manchester Airport.. Mum, dad and I were stood in the kitchen, and we hugged each other. We were silent for while. "Well" said dad "This is it guys. A new chapter, a new life. Just think, no more British weather for one thing!"

"I wonder what it'll be like, us being out there, we don't really know anyone there! We're going to have to get into top social mode when we settle in - get the barbecue going and get folks round" I laughed. I didn't want to leave my friends here, yet I consoled myself by the thought that I'd meet new people - I had found it fairly easy to meet new people in the past.

"We'll be fine" said dad. "We'll have a great house. Bob has sent me a lot of details of different ones, so we can look at those on the plane - I've go them here in my carry bag. Give us something to drool over!"

"I hope there are plenty of shops. I need shops" said mum, grinning

"Shops shops shops shops - you're a shopaholic, do you know that mother dear? You and Gloria were never away from Cheshire Oaks!"

"And Bob tells me there are some amazing shopping malls in Tampa - you'll be in your element..." Dad laughed and kissed her. Mum tried to look annoyed, but that melted away into another smile. There was a knock at the door. A taxi had arrived to take us to our new future...

Well, there you go folks, I had to cut it off somewhere. The next chapter should be done by next week, so please come back and check it out.


Next: Chapter 3

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