Nicks Awakening

Published on Feb 26, 2020


Lucas was all packed. He and Nick would leave the next day. Three months of traveling by plan and boat to Europe. And they both got college credit to the journey, learning about other cultures, history and whatever else they were exposed to.

He laughed thinking about the things they joked about doing in France, England, Amsterdam and even Germany.

He stood in front of his bedroom mirror admiring himself. The rounded shoulders and defined pecs were all thanks to Nick.

It was Nick who got him to being lifting weights and nearly daily swimming laps when they were both new to the teenage years.

Now five years later, the results and hard work displayed an attractive blonde boy to everyone. That was just one of the many thing he thanks his best friend for.

He heard his mother downstairs talking to his Aunt. They were busy planning to make dinner. It would be his last meal with them for several months.

Knowing they were busy he lifted his growing cock and ran his fingers all over it from base to tip, above and under it. It was his favorite toy.

"Hey member" the kids used to call him when his skinny body didn't match what his ancestors gave him, a penis that impressed others.

He was embarrassed at first but as puberty years progressed, Lucas learned he had something to be proud of and just smiled at any remarks or jealous based nicknames.

"Don't worry honey, girls are gonna beg to date you" His Aunt told him years ago when unexpected erections bulges his shorts.

"Watch out, MEMBER is coming" guys would yell when he joined them in the shower.

"Baseball today? Well I know someone who brought his own bat"

None of the comments were bad but any teen boy doesn't want to be singled out even if it's envious asides and jokes.

He held it now. Usually his mornings require manual attention even when Nick isn't showing up or he isn't sneaking into Nick's bedroom.

Nick and his Uncle were shopping today. They would have their last dinner that evening. So Lucas was on his own.

He turned and looked over his shoulder. His smooth, now broader shoulders flexed. His backbone pointed towards his firm buttocks.

Lucas got on his bed on all fours facing his butt towards the mirror so he could see the reflection of his desire.

The internet, his fingers, and some sex toys he has shoplifted and eventually Nick too provided weird pleasures there too.

But for now only his fingertips played there as his other hand stroked the full length of his "member".

Nick and he compared their bodies looking for signs of maturity. Armpit hair, pubic hair, testicle hair, muscle shape. Each appearance was something to brag to the other about.

When their unwanted boners began to worry them, they learned what was natural and compared the sizes they had.

Lucas would measure himself in the morning and call Nick bragging about inches. He listened to Nick's bragging perhaps even lies in response.

They held them by each other to compare and eventually when Nick announced he had a wet dream of sorts. Their comparison became shared sessions of masturbation.

Lucas was close, his mind flashing back to the days when discovering different ways to orgasm became a game he shared. Kneeling, crouching, standing, laying down, in the shower, in other areas of the otherwise empty house, at the beach, in the woods on camping was like an encyclopedia of experiences spewing out sperm everywhere.

He lay on the bed momentarily exhausted from his hurried handy work. Soon his Mother or Aunt would knock on the door to wake him.

Lucas glanced at the door to see if he had used the lock.

She found him on the bed intent on satisfying his newly discovered pleasure long ago. All she said was "So sorry honey I didn't knock".

When he got home from school that day, the lock was installed. There was no further mention about it. Lucas loved her for that.

He never knew his father nor birth mother. Adopted as a baby, Lucas was raised by the woman he called deservedly called mother and her sister, his Aunt. At times he wished he had a father figure, like Nick did with his step-Uncle.

But he liked the attention the two women gave him. Things a boy can learn from a father, he learned from peers, the internet, Nick and sometimes his Uncle John.

And then there was Horace the nerd looking Algebra and Computer teacher.

Most of the kids called him "chief nerd" or even "Horrible Horace" because of the difficult courses and exams he demanded they take.

Lucas struggled at first but found a natural ability to work with many of those accelerated math subjects. Computers too seemed natural extensions of his brain and hands.

Then there was that "special secret" he had.

Hippie Beach was an hour away. He and Nick decided to go one weekend hitchhiking their way to the cliffs above it.

It was a joke that everyone seemed to know. A beach that belonged to some real estate company and thus was without scrutiny from the local police.

And it was known as the place hippies used to go to, stripping naked in the sun. Even though the hippie era was long since passed, it retained the name.

Nick and he climbed down the steep cliff, a deterrent for many lookie-loos and found themselves on a nearly vacant beach. They trudged towards the northern extreme, advised to do so by a description on some vintage website.

And slowly more and more naked people appeared; some sunning others playing Frisbee and the further north they went the more naked men were here and there.

Finding a place not too close or far from others, they spread their towels and nervously stripped naked. Lucas glanced around and saw others were watching. He hoped his usually impressive erection would not happen.

But thanks to his fear or the cool breeze it remained dangling though impressive. Nicks, however, curved upwards like the banana shape it always was.

"Shit" he muttered and yelled "come on" as he ran to the ocean. Lucas yelled "Hey I want a banana" trotting after Nick into the waiting surf.

By that time they had swam naked in Nick's neighbor's pool but the sensation of the moving water, the bright sun and their daring appearance on Hippie Beach turned their minds from other's eyes to just having fun.

Wrestling, laughing, diving, and swimming the two felt like the kids they were years before sex became a major occupation.

They noticed others had jumped their nude bodies into the surf as well. And nobody seemed to care who watched, evaluating or enjoying the view.

The sun backed them dry.

"Hey guys" a pleasant voiced male said. Lucas looked up to see the crouching man, his junk in plain view.

Moving his head to the sun was blocked by the man, he realized it was Horace Coleman.

"You guys know this is a uh gay beach, right?" he said

Nick responded without raising his head from the towel "That's what we heard".

"Ok then, just be careful. Some of these guys may be a bit aggressive"

"Thank you Sir" Lucas said impressed by his teacher's casual revelation as well as the equally casual revealing of his male glands to his face.

"Shit that was Coleman" he said in a loud whisper to Nick.

"Yea I always wondered about him" Nick said.

"I always thought he was watching closely when one of us stood with a boner" he said remembering the times it happened to him.

Lucas always wondered what would happen if he flirted with the man. But his grades were always pretty good so there was no point. Still, he had never had a sexual encounter with a grown man.

"Honey we're having lunch" His Aunt said outside the door "And your Mother and I are going shopping afterwards, need anything?"

Lucas jumped from the bed that stored his many sexual experiences and pulled on his usual shorts.

"There he is looking like a stud" His mother said as she eyed the defined pecs and flat stomach of her son.

"Those girls on the ship are going to go crazy" His Aunt added.

Lucas pulled the tank top he carried on and devoured the sandwich they made for him.

"So honey after dinner you better hit the bed early. Tomorrow's a busy day"

"Yes Mame" Lucas said knowing he had to do the opposite. "Nick and his Uncle is picking me up about 11 for the drive" he said "so you guys don't have to be up"

"Honey, we'll be up and make everyone breakfast, it's all arranged. They'll be here at 9" His mother said. Lucas knew now to argue.

"You'll have the house to yourselves for months" He did remind them.

"Oh no, your mother and I are going on a cruise ourselves in the other direction. There's a special group cruise to Hawaii islands, we'll be gone for a month ourselves"

Lucas knew this but reacted as if it was a surprise.

"Monica will be checking on the house. So if you need something from here send her an email or text"

"Yes Mame" Lucas smiled. Somehow he knew where his Mother and Aunt were going and who they were going with. It was never revealed or hinted at. Their relationship was close, closer then sisters. He never asked and they never discussed it. It didn't matter. He loved them both and they him.

"Come on" John yelled upstairs.

"You sure we shouldn't ask Lucas or his Mother?" Nick yelled downstairs.

"Well see them in the morning. Tonight is just you and me. I think they wanted to have dinner with Lucas alone too." John said "Now come on, the reservation is in 30 minutes".

Lucas talked about the cruise, the cities they would visit, answered the same questions, probably for the second or third time.

His mother asked about clothes, books, computers and other things she thought he should pack.

"Mom I'm all packed" he said knowing that a third of what she suggested he had stuffed in his backpack after repeated discussions with Nick.

"We're going to miss you" His Mother said "Come here"

Lucas acted embarrassed "Mom I'm almost a man now"

"You are my man" She grabbed him and hugged "Remember that no matter how many on that ship tell you otherwise"

"Why would..." Lucas stopped and kissed her instead "I'll miss you, both of you too" he said feeling his face blush with his honest admission.

"We're going to a movie. Can you load the dishwasher? Are you and Nick getting together?"

"No Mame, not tonight, I think we both need to get some sleep" Lucas said convincingly.

It was one of those times he wanted to indulge himself. Hearing the car drive away, he stripped naked to do the chores he promised.

He liked being naked at home, anywhere in the house. It felt sexy and somehow satisfying even when he wasn't milking his member or having games with naked Nick. He felt free somehow.

The dishwasher loaded and started. Lucas went to his bedroom to do what he said he would, sleep. But first he set his alarm clock.

He had made a promise and tonight it was the time to fulfill it.

"How could I do that?" Mr. Calvert had asked when they were in the pool.

Lucas still wet faced the man. He didn't cover himself with the towel. "I dunno Sir I just thought if anyone had an idea you would. There are scholarships, but Nick doesn't think he'll qualify"

"OK, I'll check into it, but you owe me" he said, the man's eyes lowering towards Lucas impressive penis.

"If you can do it, I'll let you do whatever you want. You'll literally own me" Lucas said as he moved close and wrapped his arms around the equally naked man. He stayed there pressing his body against the man.

They were swimming and wrestling around. Lucas felt the man's hands on his hips and fingers inside his speedos.

"I need some help" Lucas said

"I can feel that" the man said his hands having felt the enlargement.

Lucas' hands moved underwater and pushed the man's shorts down. Calvert responded by doing the same to Lucas speedos. They played naked in the pool.

It wasn't Lucas first time doing that but those times were with Nick. This was different.

"I'll let you know"

Lucas knew Calvert had power or money. Over the years he solved problems for people. He had a set of weights suddenly appear after the four of them talked about it. He had a pool installed in his back yard. He cause a gate to appear in the fence between the two houses. He took everyone to a mountain cabin near a lake which he said he owned.

And he liked watching Nick masturbate, Lucas knew because Nick told him.

He didn't care the man was gay. Calvert never talked about it. He seemed to like Nick, Lucas and was a lifelong friend of Nick's Uncle John.

"So you promised" Calvert said after showing Lucas the letter he was going to give John.

"Yes Sir. When?" Lucas seemed over willing.

"The night before you go" Calvert said "Get some rest"

Lucas slept despite his cock hardening in anticipation.

He heard the door open. It was later, and the two women were looking in before going to bed. Lucas knew they'd do that.

And he silently slid the lock closed after they left. The man had left instructions. At first that seemed odd, then arousing.

After reading a text from Nick, Lucas prepared.

He was already naked so all he had to do was put on his high school gym shorts and sneakers. No underwear, shirt or sock.

He opened the window and climbed out making sure no sounds would disturb his mother or Aunt.

The run was a long one. But he had done it hundreds of times to Nick's house. So going to Calvert's next door, wasn't a chore.

But the instructions said he had to run and text when he started.

Lucas texted and put his phone on the bed.

The run began. He clenched his arms, buttocks, chest and even stomach as he ran. The man said he should arrive sweaty.

That helped. Nearly half way there, he felt the wall of his physical challenge. Lucas sped up his pounding legs.

By the time he arrived, Lucas was gasping for breath and as he slowed down his body added more perspiration from the effort.

There were no lights on.

He found the side gate opened as promised and entered. Shoes and shorts went into the fire wood box on the back porch leaving him naked. It wasn't the first time Lucas had been naked in Calvert's backyard but somehow that night he felt vulnerable.

He had never had sex with a grown man. Despite the array of physical games with Nick, what was about to happen made him apprehensive?

"IN" Calvert opened the door. His eyes surveyed the naked young man standing there.

Lucas obeyed.

And he was surprised by Calvert's big hands pulling his head close so the man's lips and tongue meshed with him.

It first it was forceful. Then something changed. Lucas wasn't sure if it was the man or him but the forced entry of tongue became sensual and he began to feel with his chest, stomach, legs the other man pressing against him.

Lucas melted into the man flesh he was brought against. His lips moved and tongue slid on the man's orifice. He felt his cock harden like a tree that suddenly shot up from the ground.

Calvert's hands moved from the back of Lucas head to his butt pulling the boy's hips even tighter against his groin.

There was not time measured, no apprehension felt and no time to think.

They were on a bed. Somehow Lucas moved with Calvert further into the house, up the stairs and on the bed with the now naked man.

Flashes of being naked in the man's pool, of seeing the school coach naked in the locker room, of seeing the anonymous naked men on the internet appeared in Lucas brain.

He felt the hands on his body exploring, sliding, pinching and poking. His own hands felt the body hair on the man with whom he lay as well. Parts of his body skin were smooth as his and others weren't.

The man's ball sac didn't fit in his younger hand. The cock felt thick, thicker than his own or Nicks. For a brief moment Lucas feared the thickness inside him, then he wanted it inside him. He mentally begged for it but having no control, Lucas quieted his brain but not the precum that seemed to flow out of his cock slit...he could feel it.

He licked the man's arms and chest. His tongue felt the raised nipple and discovered the nipple ring that dangled from one of the man's tits. He flicked it and heard Calvert groan.

Fingers moved over his smooth buttock and a finger pressed against his butthole. A hand pressed his head and Lucas knew what he should do.

He flicked the tit ring again and again, feeling the finger move inside him. All Lucas could think of was the thick cock.

"So are you excited about the trip?" Nick's father asked as the pizza was delivered. He could have gone to any restaurant but Nick wanted the one where he remembered going as a little kid with his Mom and "Uncle".

The man may not have realized the significance of the choice but he agreed.

"Yea, I'm kinda still amazed it's happening" Nick said reaching for his first of many slices.

"You're going to see things, meet people and have uh experiences, probably unlike any you thought of" The man said glancing at the pizza on his plate.

"I uh put a few things in your backpack you may need. Not to encourage you but, you know you gotta be prepared for uh, well you're a healthy..."

Nick smiled and nodded. He knew what the man was talking about and was taken aback that his Step Uncle, usually frank was being embarrassed.

"Yes Sir I saw em. If anything like that happens, I'll be safe" Nick said thinking about the many times he and Lucas had fucked without concerns about being safe.

"You uh don't do this with others right?" It was Lucas who asked Nick after one of their wilder exchanges. Nick lied.

"Good. Stuff will happen, let it. It's how we all uh grow" The man smiled and looked at Nick now, his embarrassment dissolved by Nick's response.

The subject need no further mention. The man knew his ward and best friend had already been intimate of course. He couldn't criticize their youthful exploration of sensual satisfaction. In a way he hoped both would gravitate to the welcoming arms of some girls. Perhaps during the upcoming months, peer pressure, maturity and availability would make that happen.

Or Lucas and Nick might continue their mutual desires and make other friends, explore other experiences and grow as a male couple in an increasing acceptance that many parts of the world exhibited.

Lucas hurt. His legs were pushed backwards making his target more readily available. The man had pressed his face there, tongue jabbing where only his fingers had explored. The warm wet feeling wasn't like Nick's. Lucas wanted the warm like substance to slide deeper inside him.

And then he heard the deep voice advising him to relax, breath and open up as the thick cock pressed where the man's tongue had lubricated.

It hurt. It hurt at first with Nick too. Lucas sighed and felt the cock stop. He opened his eyes seeing the man in the dark room above him. Despite the dim light, he saw the expression and the eyes looking at him. One eye blinked.

Lucas closed his eyes, deciding to concentrate. He could relax more now. And the cock moved deeper eventually freeing the tight clutch of the first sphincter. It slid more easily to Lucas relief and delight.

He breathed deeper and felt the cock move faster.

"Not yet" the voice said. Lucas realized his body had pushed itself on the invading member.

"Let me" he was advised. Lucas felt his back muscles relax. He had no control of what was happening. He was merely the orifice to be fucked, the body to offer pleasure and the boy the man wanted to control.

The cock was moving in and out in short movements now. His internal reactions were familiar, wanting to expel the thick flesh cylinder. And then accepting its own insertions. He breathed outward to accept and squeezed to tighten the grip as it moved backwards.

The man didn't complain as his thrusts became deeper and continued as if to play with the boy's body's reactions.

Lucas didn't know how long this would continue, he vacillated from wanting it to end to enduring to want it to never end. His hand felt for his own cock, hoping it would welcome his stroking.

It was limp. The soft cock surprised him. Either it was a sign that he wasn't really enjoying the experience or that he couldn't. His fingers stroked anyway, assuming blood flow would be encouraged.

The cock inside him had taken him over. It changed speeds from time to time, making Lucas insides guess what was going to happen next. He felt the man's hands taking his own away from the unresponsive cock.

There were no words spoken. The stillness of the room was interrupted by groans and curses emanating from both the man and Lucas.

Then pain occurred once again as the cock began to press further and the man's hips smacked against Lucas upturned buttock.

He knew what was going to happen and imagined the thick cock moving upwards against his intestines and organs. He even imagined it popping out his throat and mouth and laughed inwardly at his impossible fantasy.

"Shit" The man said. Lucas opened his eyes in time to see the thick cock in the man's hands spurting.

In a moment of confusion Lucas wondered how the cock he still felt inside him was now splattering him with the man's lava of sperm.

Calvert was smiling and his throat emitting a laugh. He pulled Lucas legs down which relieved the boys' back pain.

And just as he sighed relief the warmth of the man's mouth on his limpness seemed to immediately reverse his blood flow.

His hands felt Calvert's head of hair then move to the man's bare shoulders. Lucas had long ago ignored his priority of paying the debt he owed. Instead he wanted only sensations to escalate his male lust.

He was hard and hip thrusting into the apparently hungry mouth. But all Lucas could think of was the thick flesh tube that had stretched him open.

"Wait" he said moving

Calvert looked up. "You ok?" His deep voice graveled concern.

"God yes" Lucas pushed the man over on his back and straddled him like a willing steed.

He felt for the man's cock behind it. It wasn't as hard as before but it wasn't soft either. He positioned it.

"Be careful" Calver said but before he finished the warning, his cock was moving inside the warm nest of Luca's body once again.

Lucas grabbed his own cock and began to rock on the man's cock. He had done this with Nick several times but this was something different.

A chill seemed to make his body tremble as he rotated his hip bones ass swallowing the full length inside. What was buried in him earlier with several thrusts, now seemed to worm it's way easily.

Lucas felt it against whatever wall it had bounced against earlier. His cock hardened in his hand. He wanted to feel it and indeed it felt even better than before. Swiveling his hips, the walls of his intestine slide against the sides, the swollen cockhead. Lucas begged to nobody but to his own body to milk it like a farm boys hand on a cow's udder.

"Shit kid take it easy we got all night" Calvert said. Lucas looked at the man's face. In the low light of the room he was eyes closed and expressions that showed the man's pleasure.

Lucas closed his own eyes so nothing would enter his brain except his own pleasure. He clenched to keep from cumming and heard Calvert groan at the ass clutching on his member.

The boy gasped feeling the man's fingers on his nipples now, teasing and gripping.

"Shit yea, hard please" Lucas did beg now. His flesh triggered even deeper sensations in him. "Harder Sir" he begged and Calvert complied.

Each nipple squeezed seemed to make the boy's ass clutch his cock harder. Calvert hadn't imagined the boy being this aggressive or ass hungry. He had only thought of fucking and sucking the kid. He had fantasized that for months, maybe years.

Even while fucking Nick on his birthday, Calvert wondered what it would be like to have both boys as his sex toys.

"Shit" Lucas knew he wouldn't be able to control his body too much longer. He slowed his stroking and wiggled his body on the cock worshipping it and the pleasures it gave him.

Calvert twisted each extended nipple now and Lucas yelped and clutched and orgasmed at the same time. The man felt the warm sperm landing on his face and his own orgasm inside the warm receptacle of Lucas intestines.

They boy panted as their orgasms subsided. Lucas felt the big hands bringing his head down. This had occurred before but far less forceful. The man wanted his skin licked, the puddles of boy sperm, lapped.

Lucas did it greedily trying to hold the cock in him at the same time. Fortunately its length allowed that to happen...even while his cum coated tongue was sliding on Calvert's own tongue.

"Shit where is he?" Nick asked his father. He had texted Lucas when they got home the night before and during the night when he awoke.

"Relax its only 7" His Uncle said "We don't leave until 11" the man continued making Nick's favorite pancakes with chocolate chips inside and blueberries and syrup covering them.

Nick remembered it was the first breakfast he had when his Uncle brought him to the house what quickly became his home. His own memory of the Pizza restaurant probably prompted this to the man. Nick felt sad as if he was leaving the home forever, rather than just 4 months.

"Shit he's still not answering" Nick slammed his phone down.

"He'll be here" the man laughed.

Calvert looked down at the naked body on his bed. Lucas was lying face down, his back flowing into his butt and legs was almost a work of art. The several pics Calvert took on his phone would remind him of the incredible night for months to come. He kissed one of the round firm buttocks and then slapped it hard.

"Owe" Lucas yelled out and turned his head.

The man was still naked from their fuck fest. More importantly his cock was still hard. It was amazing to Lucas that that thing had been inside him several times and that it emitted fluids that still coated the insides of his intestines.

"Shit that's huge" he said.

"You didn't complain last night" Calvert said stroking his member a few times.

"I'm not complaining, in fact" He slapped his own ass "Maybe you can bury it somewhere warm again"

"Kid you are insatiable. No wonder Nick always looks happy" the man reached for the jar on the bedside table.

"Here let me" Lucas stuck his fingers in the same jar brining its lubricant to the man sized dick that pointed at him. He smoothed the goo on the base, the hanging balls full of fluids he hoped would soon be in him and then the full length of it and over the ridges of the head. He saw the pearl that appeared and licked it with his tongue.

"You like that it's your breakfast" Calvert laughed.

"Shit breakfast. We're supposed to be at Nicks for breakfast" Lucas jumped up.

"Yea maybe we should ... "Calvert started to move away.

"No, just do it fast maybe a quick one before we go" Lucas lay back face down spreading his legs and grabbed the pillow with his teeth in anticipation of whatever the man would do to him with the fast jamming cock"

"Christ where you been?" Nick yelled when Lucas bounded into the room.

"I didn't sleep, uh just ... "Lucas sat down so fast it made his face grimace.

"You ok son?" Uncle John asked putting his hand on Lucas bare shoulder.

"Uh yea just slept funny"

Nick stared at his friend reacting to the words, but Lucas was busy devouring the pancakes.

"I guess I better make more" John said. "You want more Nick?"

"Yea I want what he's having" Nick laughed as the two watched Lucas nearly finishing his plate already.

"Good morning all" A shirtless Calvert opened the kitchen door. "Anyone got time for a dip before you guys head to the airport?"

"Maybe a quick one before we go" Nick said

"I've heard that one before, let's go!"

Lucas coughed as he looked at the man who had kept him from sleeping the night before. He smiled.

As the group left, Lucas still carrying his plate of pancakes, Calvert whispered.

"By the way, thanks for repaying your debt" he laughed.

"Now I owe you for something else" The boy responded not minding Calvert smacking his butt in response..

Nick saw this and wondered what the two were talking about.

His Step Uncle too saw it and knew.

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