Nicks Awakening

Published on Feb 20, 2020


Nick heard his step Uncle yelled for him and trotted downstairs. He wore only his Calvins at home and that's how he appeared when he arrived in the living room.

He stopped surprised to see the neighbor Mr. Calvert approach him with hand outstretched. Nick took the hand as the man stood close to him.

"Hey Nick, how are you?" Nick shook hands and felt the man's other hand cupping his crotch. He started to step back but the man held him in place.

"Hey don't go anywhere" Then the man whispered "I've seen you thru your window, satisfying yourself and your friend too. One of the days, you'll have a real man, maybe me" Calvert laughed and squeezed Nick's balls punctuating his promise.

"Your boy is looking good" Calvert said to Nick's uncle.

"Yea he's been working out. Nick looks like you better go upstairs before you stretch your underwear"

Nick blushed, his noticeable erection entertaining the two men. They laughed as he turned to leave.

"Hmmm so when are you going to tap that cute butt" Calvert said.

"Shhhh, he's not 18 yet" Uncle John said.

The two men laughed and talked awhile. Calvert shook John's hand and started to leave. "By the way when is that boy 18?" and laughed.

Nick heard it all. Now naked, his hard cock was in his hand as he closed his door. He went to the window to close the curtain, but decided to leave it spread open making him visible to all who might be watching. He stood there holding his balls in one hand and masturbating with the other. Glancing up he saw the window curtains in the house next door opening. Mr. Calvert was naked too. He wanted to watch but concentrated on his own satisfaction, enhanced by being watched.

Lucas was going to come over. Their shared sex games had started the previous summer. Nick's mind recalled the first time they lay on the floor playing video games. Lucas saw his boner and made a grab for it. The two wrestled and eventually were jacking off.

It didn't take long for him to reach for Lucas dick and Lucas' hand went to his as the two splattered each other with their adolescent spray.

Nick glanced up again seeing Calvert holding binoculars aimed at him. That made him lift a leg letting his testicles swing low as he continued to jack off.

Lucas would find him exhausted from his needs Nick knew but that only meant it would take longer to achieve their mutual orgasms.

It was his birthday when Lucas snuck into his bedroom, stripped naked and climbed under the covers. They didn't speak. They didn't need to. Whatever Lucas' wanted to do he did that morning, using tongue, teeth, fingers and cock on Nick.

Nick had exploded and lay there panting when Lucas nudged him to look over. Lucas had rolled over on his stomach holding his butt cheeks spread apart. Nick didn't comment but moved to straddle his friend as he jacked himself back to a hardened state.

Nick's mental image was interrupted by his recent mental image of Calvert's naked body. Even at the distance between Nick's bedroom and Calvert's house, he remembered the hairy chest, thick arms. He had seen the man by his pool in his trunks too. And once during the night, he heard noises and looked to see a man, naked jumping into the pool. Nick assumed it was Calvert. There was another guy in the water Nick didn't know.

He reached around his naked body as he continued to play with his erection. He hoped it was obvious what he was doing as he pointed two fingers in plain sight before burying them into his butthole.

Fucking Lucas that first time made him almost orgasm immediately, but Nick clenched and kept pumping as Lucas got louder begging him to fuck him hard and harder. Just as his Step Uncle knocked on the door telling them to quiet down, Nick released his fluids in his friends intestines and collapsed on top..feeling the boy's nakedness with his own.

Nick shot arches of sperm now as he kept jamming his butthole and jacking faster. Panting he removed his hand and looked towards Calvert's house. The man was signaling applause. Nick smiled and bowed as if he was on stage ending a performance.

Eating the sandwich he made, Nick nodded in response to his Uncle John.

"So you've got an admirer with Cal" he said.

"I guess" Nick said with a mouthful of lunchmeat.

"Just be careful there. When he drinks, Cal can get out of control"

"Yes Sir" Nick added. He wanted to ask if the man was gay. But Lucas knocked on the screen door interrupting.

"Lucas come on in" John said "You boys behave. I've got to go into work for a few hours. Uncle John placed his hands on Lucas bare shoulders, his fingers sliding under the straps.

Nick noticed it and remembered how physical his Step Uncle was with Lucas now and then, patting his butt, buddy punching his shoulders and complimenting his development.

"Maybe we can ask your neighbor to use the pool?" Lucas said after John left the two in the kitchen.

"UH I don't know. I think the guy is.." Nick said


"Never mind. You go ask him and I'll get my speedos"

They two felt the water on their usually horny bodies. Calvert didn't join them but looked at them now and then. He brought out cokes and some chips and sat at the table while the two dripping wet, speedo wearing boys joined him.

"So what are your plans after graduation?" He asked.

Nick tried not to look at the shirtless man. When their eyes met, Calvert smiled looking directly at him.

The boys talked about college, summer school cruise that Lucas was going to take and just general chatter.

"So Nick why don't you go on that cruise with your friend. I bet you two would have lots of fun" Calvert said and winked at Nick.

Without thinking Nick replied, "There four to a cabin, not sure..." He stopped realizing what he was saying.

"Four? Wow that could be even more fun, right Lucas?"

"We get to see parts of Europe, Amsterdam, did you know things are legal there? I mean pot, women are in the windows there, you know prostitutes"

"A young man like you could get into a lot of trouble there. Maybe it would be safer to have a friend along to make sure you didn't."

Nick got up. His boner was obvious. "Gotta uh..."

"Maybe you should get some cold water on that bulge you got there to calm down" Calver laughed.

Lucas laughed too rising to follow Nick to the pool.

"You two have fun, I gotta do something inside"

"He's going to jack off" Nick said to Lucas.

"Yea he saw our boners" Lucas said

They shared the shower back in Nick's house. Their soapy hands washed each other's backs, butts and legs. Lucas stuck his finger into Nick's butt and he yelped but reached around and grabbed Lucas hand.

"You got anything bigger?"

"You have to ask" Lucas grabbed his friend's hips and started to do what was asked.

"Wait, come on"

Dripping wet Nick stood by the window "Come on" he said.

"You sure? That man can see us"

"He's seen us before"

Lucas looked out the window. Calvert stood in his window already watching. Lucas held Nick's hips and moved into him.

Maybe knowing someone was watching, or the hours they spent nearly naked wrestling in the neighbor's pool, Lucas was nearly an animal fucking Nick. His own butt twitched wishing he could be screwed at the same time. That fantasy too enhanced his concentration on feeling the tight grip Nick's sphincters had on his cock.

He didn't notice that the man next door who had been watching now held a camera aimed at the sight of the two naked boys sharing their sexual drive.

Nick was busy too. He was surprised at first how hard his friend was fucking him. Usually when that happened Lucas was gentler, slower. But this time, it was nearly the fantasy Nick had had of the boy acting like he was raping him.

He flexed his muscles gripping the boy's cock when it slid backwards. Nick had read how that enhanced anal sex. And it did make Lucas jam back into him.

It didn't take long for Nick's already hard cock to being dripping out precum begging for Nick's hand. He complied furiously then slowly jacking. When he felt his orgasm was close, Nick clenched and that made Lucas cock be squeezed at the same time.

Their near animal like sex continued to both boys delight and Calvert's too. The man knew the video he was recording would come in handy.

Nick couldn't help it, his gut released his cum in several short but powerful spurts. He nearly fell over from the force, releasing the cock that had been plowing him. He turned around to face Lucas just in time to receive his friends cum spray on his face and sweaty heaving bare torso.

The two reached helping each other remain in place. They moved together pressing cum splattered flesh against flesh.

Panting, Lucas said "that was fucking awesome. You think your neighbor enjoyed the show as much as we did?"

Nick looked over "Naw he's gone, probably got bored or had to go jack off himself" he laughed and turned his head back towards Lucas. They smiled at each other and moved close to express their emotions they had never discussed.

The kiss was long, deep, tongues met inside each other's mouths.

Uncle John's voice was heard stopping what would have been a more passionate physical encounter.

The days ahead were much the same as the two boys took final exams, contemplated the future, swam in Mr. Calvert's pool which the man said they could do anytime "day or night" he added once.

They held towels over their crotches one night after Nick's Uncle went to get them. Nick and Lucas had snuck out the back door wearing only the towels to swim naked in the dark.

"You two need to be careful" Uncle John said.

"He said we could" Nick reacted "day or night" Lucas added laughing "We both are good swimmers"

"That's not what I was uh concerned about" John said "Anyway, Nick congratulations, it seems you have won some kind of scholarship on that School Cruise, your friend here is taking"

"What? Uncle John you did that?" Nick blurted out dropping his towel. His growing arousal was obvious.

His Step Uncle tried not to stare too long. "No not me. I'm not sure who did it. Lucas did you ask someone?"

Lucas didn't know whether he should pick up Nick's towel and hand it back to him or not. "Uh no Sir I didn't do it. Maybe someone at school? Shit man that means we're both going to see all of Europe"

"And Amsterdam" Nick added grabbing Lucas towel.

"You two boys better calm down, yea however it happened, and you're going. I'll try to find out how it happened. You owe someone for this, not sure who" Uncle John had an idea he didn't reveal.

The two naked boys with erections trotted back upstairs to help each other calm down.

Graduation had come and gone. Nick's birthday too had occurred and was celebrated with friends.

He slept knowing that in a few days he would be on a plane with Lucas and others heading to where a ship would take them across the Atlantic Ocean. Nick stretched in bed feeling his bare skin be stimulated by the sheets.

His hands slide across his smooth skin finding his usual morning erection and begging testicles.

"Hey" Mr. Calvert had opened the door to his bedroom "I knocked did you hear me or were you too busy?" the man's eyes moved towards Nick's tented sheets. "I wasn't here to wish you happy birthday, did you get my present?"

"Uh that's ok. Present?"

"Yea you and Lucas, this summer"

"You did that, the ship and stuff" Nick sat up ignoring the sheet dropping off his body. His boner kept the tented sheet from falling lower.

Calvert moved close and sat on the bed. "Yea I did that. I knew you two would enjoy it. Lots to learn in other cultures. Did you know what you two do together has been going on for thousands of years?"

His hand rested on one of Nick's sheet covered legs.

"Thanks, I don't know what to say. I owe you big time" Nick said patting the man's hand.

"No you don't owe me anything. I like you and Lucas. I thought you two would enjoy it. And your roommates will probably thank me too" he laughed.

Nick moved the man's hand to his boner.

"Really?" the man asked.

"I'm 18 now." Nick reminded him.

"And Uncle John is at work" Nick removed the sheet letting the man touch his flesh "I've been waiting"

Calvert felt the boy's hard flesh. His fingers moved down its length. His fingers pulled the balls into his hand. His finger moved to the tip and brought the precum to his lips.

"I've been waiting too"

Nick smiled and reached to unbutton the man's shirt.

Calvert felt the boy's hands smooth over his hairy chest. His man-sized dick already half hard, kept growing.

"Shit kid this is going to be fun"

Nick got on his knees and put his face close. The man's kiss wasn't as gentle as Lucas, it was nearly savage as the two nearly ate each other's tongues, lips.

During the grappling, Calvert's shorts dropped down his legs and he was as naked as Nick.

The bodies each had seen over the years was theirs not to feel, explore, touch, grab, own and use.

Even as a little kid when Nick first came to live with his step Uncle, he had seen the neighbor, shirtless in his back yard lifting weights.

When the man had a swimming pool installed, Nick and his Uncle had gone to swim there. He eyed Calvert wearing what he learned was called Speedos. The obvious outline of his penis. Once wet, the white swim trunks were almost transparent.

Using the internet Nick searched and learned about what he saw and what his own body was doing as he grew older. He saw what men did with women and each other with the hard penis similar to his own.

Nick bowed his head and took the man's penis in his mouth. Its girth was bigger than Lucas and Nick stretched his jaws wider to take it. His tongue savored the flesh and moved around it making Calvert moan.

"Shit kid you like your cock don't you?" he said "Get it as hard as you can cause it's going to be inside you"

That first time, Nick had inserted his own cock into a willing Lucas. He had wondered what it would feel like. The more he moved his hips, Nick felt his own anus twitching as if it wanted what Lucas was getting now. He saw classmates with new wonder. The bulges in jeans and shorts, the naked boys in the locker room. Would any of them want to do what he and Lucas was doing?

He wanted Lucas to return the favor but it didn't happen that first day.

"You have any lube?" Calvert asked the boy "I think we're going to need it"

Nick hopped out of the bed. "I'll get it"

Calvert watched the cute buttocks move as the boy left the room. He had wanted to explore him since that first summer he had the pool installed. He and Nick's Step Uncle had similar interests. The pool was going to attract others who might too.

"Naw gotta behave, I got Julie's kid now" Uncle John told him "But when he's old enough to be left alone, you and I can go have fun in the desert or wherever we can"

Calvert smiled remembering the times the two men went to special hotels where others like them went to meet new friends and bask in the sun and freedom to share desires.

Nick fumbled in the bathroom and didn't find the desired lubricant. Thinking he decided to look in Uncle John's bedroom. He found it on a side table.

"Hm I never thought about Uncle John jacking off so much" the jar was half empty. Nick took to back to his bedroom stopping to pee in the bathroom that was between the two bedrooms.

The stream shot out, long and strong as usual. Nick sighed as always as his emptying bladder felt good. It was one of the many sensations he had learned to enjoy. As he peed Nick closed his eyes enjoying the internal reaction.

It was Lucas who knelt in the shower stall and asked him. Nick thought it weird at first but complied as he showered his friend with his warm water.

"So you uh liked that?" Nick asked as the two boys lay in bed together. They had only begun to share each other's hard dicks by then.

"You boys sleep in your bed" His Step Uncle had asked. "Yes Sir, it's ok, we're friends" Nick had said

"You wear pajamas right?" the man had asked.

"Underwear" Nick lied not wanting the man to know what he and Lucas did together.

"Yea you saw how hard my cock got when you did it" Lucas said. Nick's hand was already on Lucas erection beginning another time the two would give each other their usual shared orgasms.

"You're looking good there" Calvert said interrupting Nick's memories.

Nick almost stopped pissing. "No go ahead I like watching you" Calvert said.

Nick smiled almost saying he liked to be watched. He had learned that standing in his window letting the man see him masturbate, using toys he had smuggled into his bedroom and seeing Lucas and he fucking each other.

The pee resumed and Nick was about to shake the last drop when Calvert stopped him.

"No let me" The man held the boys penis and squeezed and shook it. It began to grown in his hand.

"Boy you need my cock don't you" they kissed right there, their hardened cocks pressing against each other's bodies.

It hurt. Nick knew it wood. Calvert's cock was big. Despite the lube that the man spread on it, and stuffed into the boy's dilated anus, the cock sent new pain and pleasure shocks throughout Nick's body.

"Its ok son, just breathe normal, we'll go slow. Maybe just a bit in and out at first"

The man knew what he was doing, Nick realized as the girth allowed it to be fucking though not at full length inside him.

But the longer Calvert fucked, the more of it seemed to go inside.

Nick lay there eyes closed concentrating on his sphincter stretching open with each movement the man made. He relaxed realizing the neighbor was being careful, not jamming into him like some ass hungry rapist. As his body relaxed that too seemed to allow more of the cock to bury itself deeper.

"Hey Mac" he nodded to the classmate. The class had just finished another class in wrestling. Nick had felt his arms and hands on classmates and felt theirs on him without anyone objecting. He like those classes and knew why. He was grateful Lucas wasn't in the same class less their wrestling would result in telltale boners.

But he did notice some classmates did have some excitement reacting. Or perhaps they had bigger dicks then he.

"Yea Nick, what's up?" The guy came close still drying his body after the shower.

"I gotta ask you a favor" Nick said taking a deep breath.

Mac sat on the bench next to him. His towel rested on one bare thigh not covering the long dick that Nick had noticed more than once.

"I want to try something but it's got to be a secret, ok?"

"OK what?"

"I've seen guys on the internet, straight guys" Nick hastily added "You know do stuff to each other"

"Not me man" Mac said

"No not you on the internet. I mean you got a long one, nice, wish mine was ... anyway"

"Hey man you got a nice dick too" Mac revealed he had, like most guys in the locker room, looked at each other naked.

"Uh thanks, anyway, I've been jacking off all the time"

"We all do that man" Mac's hand patted Nick's bare leg, his fingers close to Nick's crotch which was growing in size as he talked.

"I want to see what it's like and thought you ..."

"You want me to screw your ass?" Mac said "Sure, anytime, now? Want the guys to watch?"

Nick was blushing. The image of being fucked while the entire class was watching matched some visuals he had seen on the internet. His cock was growing hard.

"Hey relax man, I was kidding" Mac said "You better calm down"

"Shit, sorry I didn't know it would do that" Nick said covering his crotch with Mac's towel.

"We all get em, hell mine is probably going to pop up thinking of fucking, right now. Just let me know when and where"

Nick nodded

Mac was standing "And obviously it's our secret"

Nick watched as the totally naked classmate walked away leaving his towel to hide Nick's erection.

"Ahhhhhh" Nick said as the thick cock inside him slide easily now. Nick felt himself hip pressing on it to swallow its entire length.

"Hey easy kid I don't want to hurt you" Calvert said his pubic hair now rubbing against the boys taint.

"Fuck me please" Nick was entering a zone he had visited before without thinking his voice betrayed his desire "Fuck me forever sir god" His hips swiveled.

"Hey" Mac welcomed Nick. They went downstairs to Mac's bedroom. "they put me down here so my sisters could get their own bedrooms. It's ok, room for the wrestling matt"

Nick saw the wrestling matt, trophies on shelves.

"Those are my brothers. Dad wants me to compete too. Hey why don't we do a little, kind of warm up I guess you'd say before...." Mac stopped talking. "I got singlets or we could just strip down" he said

"Won't somebody uh know?" Nick eyes darted upwards.

"Naw folks both work night shift, the sisters are at some party for the weekend. We got all weekend" Mac began to strip leaving his anticipation of what was to come visible.

"Looks like you're ready" Nick said as he began to strip. Until now Lucas was the only other guy Nick had been naked with in private.

"You too" Mac eyed Nick's telling erection that revealed itself as Nick tossed his shorts aside.

The two got into positions they had learned and tossed each other around on the matt. There was not hiding their degree of horniness...and once Mac had piled himself on top of Nick, the next step began.

"Shit" Nick said feeling for the first time a dick trying to open him up.

"You use fingers or something sometimes?" Mac grunted

"Yea how did you know?" Nick said feeling the cock stop from pushing inside.

"Scout camp" was all Mac said as he returned to pushing his growth further "Just relax"

Nick tried but had to stop. "Maybe this isn`t a good idea" he said

"Naw it's ok. First time hurts even my sister says that."

They two remained on the matt talking, Nick felt Mac's cock and he didn't refuse. In fact Mac seemed to like Nick's too.

"I got an idea, don't freak out" Nick said as he leaned over and began to lick Mac's cock and then suck it.

"Shit you've done that before" Mac said as he lay back enjoying the tongue that no worshiped the cock that Nick had asked for.

It hardened, and saliva slickened moved against Nick's anus which opened like a baby's hungry mouth and slid all the way inside.

Nick felt it, clenching and releasing the way he had read on the internet. The fucking didn't take long before Mac began to jam it harder releasing his fluids inside.

"Shit that was nice" Mac said "You like it?"

Nick knew he did. "Not sure, can we chill awhile and try it again?"

Sunday morning Nick wearing only his gym shorts and shoes trotted towards his Uncle's house. He had left his jockstrap and shirt behind. Several times he had relived the sensations he had read about.

Mac was willing as well. Throughout the afternoon the day before, that night and this morning. The long cock had educated and treated Nick to orgasms of his is without Nick touching his own self as the cock inside him rubbed against his prostate.

"Kid you are tight" Calvert said groaning and fucking faster and faster, his body aching to deposit his sperm in the body he had watched in recent years grow from a boy to a young sex ravenous man. He had thought of this moment many times he and his friend, Nick's Uncle met and screwed younger men at the desert motels.

He had asked John if he ever thought about Nick when doing it, but the man just laughed and said the kid was a child.

"He won't be for long" Calvert usually replied revealing his own lust.

"Shit take it take it" Calvert slammed into Nick's upturned butt covering his intestines with man sperm.

He put cooling lube on Nick's stretch butthole and held him afterwards.

"You ok kid?" he asked as he pet the smooth skinned boy.

"Yes Sir" Nick said wallowing in the man's attention still feeling the cock stretched anal muscles inside him.

"Maybe we should relax" Calvert said his fingers moving over Nick's erection.

"Uncle John won't be home until late" Nick said as he moved to straddle the older man. Nick reached around him and found the cock that had finally fucked him. It was half hard. He positioned it.

"You ready for more?" Calvert looked up at the naked boy while his cock easily reentered the dilated butthole.

"It feels good inside me" Nick said

He moved Calvert hands his nipples. "They're yours I can take it" Nick said

Nick spit on his own hand and began to rub his cock as his hips began to move on the cock that was growing harder inside him.

"MacDonald?" Lucas asked when Nick told him. "He did that to you?"

"Several times, the guy was a fountain of cum," Nick smiled then noticed Lucas seemed angry. "Hey don't get pissed, I wanted to try it"

"Hell I been wanting to fuck you too" Lucas said

Nick had seen it on a video, he knelt over Lucas spreading his knees to straddle him. He found the boys hard cock.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Lucas asked

The cock wasn't a big as Macs but it still hurt a bit going in. Nick knew the pain was also going to be pleasure and let it go all the way up into his body.

"I had to try it with someone first to see if I liked it and could you know do it" He explained reaching for Lucas nipples. He had learned his sex buddy like his nipples played with even hurt a little. As he teased and twisted them, Nick could feel the cock inside him grow harder pressing his sphincter wider.

"OH yea" Nick began to rock his body while holding on to Lucas pink flesh. Lucas began to push his body upwards jamming into Nick's ass.

"Harder please Sir harder" Calvert gladly pulled and twisted Nick's tits seeing the boy's face reacting and feeling his hips squirming on the intruding cock.

Without touching his own cock, Nick orgasmed shooting his sperm all over the hairy chest of the man whose cock had spewed its own source of sperm up inside him a second time.

Both man and boy panted for a few second before Nick bent forward, his ass clutching the cock so it wouldn't leave. He licked his cum from the man's chest and tits. Stretching his head further Nick kissed the man with all the gratitude he could muster even though it meant releasing the flesh imbedded into him.

"Don't worry kid we can do this again" Calvert said.

Nick heard the man on the phone as he pissed again.

"Glad to help out. You two will have to visit me when you get back. Maybe we three can go to the desert and have some real fun. Yes before then. You promised and I'm looking forward to it. And by the way when you come over, I have a video to show you. See you tomorrow" Calvert hung up.

Lucas stared at his phone. Nick didn't answer his call. And he had to call Mr. Calvert anyway. He owed the man. Lucas had asked if it were possible and was excited that the man made it all happen. Three months in Europe with Nick. His boner either reflected his anticipation of the summer or the next night at Calvert's house. After all a promise is a promise.

Next: Chapter 2

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