Nickolas Rising

By Willie Hewes

Published on Mar 27, 2000


====================================================== The fifth and final episode of Nickolas Rising. I hope you enjoyed it, and that you'll let me know if you did, or didn't. Thanks to the Nifty Archive for publishing this story.


Nickolas looked down at Laine's light brown hair. His head was bent as if in prayer. His fingers fumbled with his belt. Nickolas could feel his old friend, Shame, swell in his chest. A secret for everyone, for so long. Never had anyone seen it, until now. Why did this boy have such power over him? Yesterday, when Laine had spied on him while he was dancing, he had become furious. Furious for being spied on, for being looked at when he didn't know. And yet, at the same time, he felt like he wanted to strip naked in front of him, show everything and yell: Look at me! You who think I'm beautiful, look at what I am!

Laine pulled his pants down and Nickolas closed his eyes, wishing this was all over. Wishing he didn't have to go through this, the shame, the inevitable guilt. Wishing this wasn't happening.

Laine looked. And it took him perhaps a second to realize what he saw. Nickolas waited for the horrified reaction, but it didn't come. Finally, he looked down, right into Laine's crystal eyes. They looked... not unsympathetic. Laine whispered, "Can I touch it?"

Nickolas was confused. He had anticipated many reactions, horror, sympathy, disgust. Can I touch it? He didn't seem to understand the words. But something inside of him did, and his exposed member responded by hardening slowly. Laine took this for a consent, and started stroking it gently.

Nickolas was dumbstruck, he could not have done anything if he'd wanted to. Very soon, he gave in to the pleasant sensations Laine was giving him. He looked down at Laine's face, that had come dangerously close now. Laine didn't look up, he looked at Nickolas' cock, now fully erect. He pulled back the foreskin with his soft, slender fingers and started to wash the exposed head with his tongue. Nickolas gasped. He had heard of this, of course, but he could not have guessed it would feel this good. Laine slowly worked Nickolas' cock deeper into his mouth, and he had to hold on to Laine's shoulders not to fall over. Laine in turn held on to his hips. Nickolas listened to his own breathing, he couldn't think anymore, couldn't keep his eyes open, but something told him he should. He too far gone to stop his orgasm when he saw through the distortions of his eyelashes a figure was standing in the dooropening. He realized two things at once: the man was Thomas Leff, and -luckily- his view was blocked by his son's head. Laine swallowed him deeply, and he couldn't control himself any more, his eyes closed, and he came, shuddering, his part buried deeply in young Leff's mouth.

The figure in the dooropening had disappeared as silently as it had came; Laine had no idea it was ever there. Nickolas brought his clothes in order. They looked at each other, not sure what to say or do, both new to the situation. Nickolas laughed, shortly, surprised by the strangeness of it all; this boy, this place, this act. Laine laughed too, though for a different reason.

"God," he said, startled, "if my father knew about this..." Nickolas looked at him, bewildered. Of course, the family drama. This was it, and he was in the middle of it all. He really didn't want to have anything to do with it now, the angry father, the tears, the accusations, but what could he do? What could he do but tell the boy what he had seen?

"He already does." Laine stared at him, in state of shock. "He, he came in just now, and looked, and he disappeared again without saying anything." Laine shook his head in disbelief. This could not be true. He was sitting in one of the armchairs. Nickolas stood beside him, his eyes on the bookcase in front of him, apparently lost in thought.

"No, that's not true," Laine said, getting up, "Nickolas, don't..." Nickolas shrugged. He didn't want to do this, but he had no choice. With his eyes cast down, he said:

"I'm sorry. Your father knows. He's seen you."

"Us," Laine corrected. If his father had seen them, his anger would not be directed only towards Laine, but also towards Nickolas. And that was good, Laine couldn't bear to be alone in this. Not now. But Nickolas had already exhausted his resources of human kindness.

"I have to go and change," he said and left the room. Laine stayed behind, alone and afraid. For a long time, he just sat, without any coherent thoughts whatsoever. Then he remembered who he had just been talking to. Nickolas Rising His idol. There was nothing he could demand from him. Even though he knew his secret now, he was still a nobody. A high-school kid, a child. Slowly, the details of what had passed came back to him, the feeling of that warm, living thing in his mouth, the surprised look on Nickolas' face when he asked if he could touch it...

"Nickolas, you got to help me, I don't know what to do!" Days later, the bombshell hadn't dropped, his father hadn't talked to him and Laine was beginning to think that the suspense was worse than the actual talk would be.

"You live your life, Lawrence," Nickolas answered him, "go to school, do your homework. Be a good boy, and your father will forgive you." He was packing things into a sportsbag. Leaving, again.

"You don't understand, my father will disown me, I won't be able to go to college, I won't have a..." He tried hard not to start crying. "How am I going to live? Can't you help me?" He bit his lip. His whole life was coming apart at the seams and Nickolas Rising, the man that had caused it all didn't even care.

"Don't you have a mother?" he asked, without even looking at Laine.

"A couple..." Laine mumbled. "Can't I come with you? Just for a little while?"

"Laine, I don't have time to take care of a confused boy that's coming out. Go to your relatives, go to your teachers, but leave me out of it." Laine felt his heart sink. He didn't care at all, the bastard didn't care at all. There was nothing he could do. Maybe he shouldn't try to do anything at all. Maybe he should just give up, go to his room and hide under the blankets. Nickolas zipped up his bag and walked towards the door. Bastard, Laine thought as he passed him. An evil little thought entered his head. His secret, Laine knew his secret. He followed Nickolas out of the guest-room. Nickolas was half-way down the stairs when Laine sharply whispered his name from above. He looked up.

"Nickolas," Laine whispered, "was I the first?" With the half-sneer that was Nickolas' normal smile, he answered:

"You were the only one."

Laine knew he'd never use his knowlege, but still, the thought that he was the only one that ever had sex with Nickolas Rising made him feel just a little better.


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