Nick Turns Diapered Pup

By Boy Oli

Published on Apr 21, 2020



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The following is based on real events. There is a Nick, he is legal age, and a Philip, just as caring in real-life as in this story. Both people have contributed and read it. We both agreed to share this to nifty.

Nick Turns Diaper Pup

Driving for over an hour in traffic seems like one of the most irritating things in the world. But under different circumstances, I've been waiting for almost a year too. Going back about ten months or so I meet a man online who was just about to give me everything I didn't even know I wanted.

We talked for about two months just getting to know one another and develop a friendship. He's 33 years old and is named Philip. Philip works an office job as a district manager of a pretty well-known corporation. He tells me regularly about how his work is and what he does over the weekend. Over those two months, I've learned about the struggles he faced when he was my age and how he overcame them.

My name is Nick and I'm currently 17 but I met Philip when I was 16. Being a junior in high school and just started working at a small retail job, my parents finally got me a car of my own. Being gay in high school usually boils down to not having someone to date or that large of a friend group. Tired of being a lonely kid, I relied on the internet to get the friendship and possible romance I always wanted. Meeting Philip brought me just that.

Like most normal teens living in the 21st century, browsing porn online was almost a daily occurrence. Philip and I met through an 18+ website of a specific type of porn. This website included pictures, drawings, and videos of BDSM, ABDL, Furries, puppy play, and Daddy/son relationships. Looking at his profile I found out that he lived relatively close to me and that he posts and likes the same stuff that I have a great interest in. After following him I was shocked to see he followed back! I sent a message telling him about how I appreciate his follow and love his posts on his account. Philip responded with thanks and asked a little bit more about me.

Although terrified, I came out to him about me being 16, fully expecting him to block and report me. Philip said that it was okay and if I was open to just chatting. My face lit up when I got that message back and my cock got a little stiff. Finally, I found someone who was open to being friends even if I was younger than them. It was really great talking with Philip and opening up about the family problems I have going on at home.

When we first started chatting my parents were currently going through a divorce after 21 years of marriage. My self-motivation and body image was at its worse after they told me about themselves splitting. I needed a friend more than ever. Philip was able to tell me how he coped with his parent's divorce at my age and just help me feel like my normal self again. I think that's where we grew our friendship over those couple months to the point where we were both comfortable with being sexual with each other.

It came naturally to refer to Philip as "Daddy" and "Sir" even a little bit before we talked about anything sexual. He had a very caring but assertive way of talking that made my face light up many times. We both discussed boundaries and how to make the best out of our relationship together. I let him take control over how often I masturbated to completion to the point where I had to ask for permission to just touch myself sometimes. He also set a bedtime for me, which at my age was very uncommon, but I still agreed and always try my best to be in bed by the time he set.

Only being able to text each other meant that there wasn't a lot we could really do. The fullest extent was him teasing me with pictures of different parts of his body and giving me some requirements I'd have to fulfill by the end of the day if I wanted to cum. We both still talked about our common interests and just how our days were going that being sexual didn't come first regularly. We'd both plan what it would be like finally meeting one another and what we would do. I was still a virgin so I kind of just agreed with whatever Philip said cause I didn't know what I really liked yet.

Rough and very hard sex was both of what we wanted. I didn't want something soft and slow the entire time when getting fucked for the first time ever. I wanted to be used, controlled, overpowered, and have no say in what he wanted to do with me. lucky for me, he wanted the exact same. There must be hours of conversation between us about this. All the different possible ways he could use, abuse, and torment me. A safe word was still necessary, we both agreed on "Vanilla". Just a random word I thought of.

So after all these months of becoming friends and talking about meeting each other, it's finally happening! It was a great feeling getting sent his address and jumping in the car. I let my parents know I was spending the weekend at a friend's house, they didn't ask any more questions after that. I followed my phone's GPS commands and got off the freeway. At a red light I text Philip, "20 minutes away!", and only a few seconds later get a reply back, "Can't wait pup!!" I would be absolutely lying if I said I didn't love it when he calls me names like that. The most common ones are boy, kid, pup, and simply just "my toy". Philip calling me these different names helps intensify the feeling of being owned and used by him.

I embarrassingly missed his driveway three times. Maybe it was the pure excitement or fear of meeting him in person that caused me to not pay attention so closely. The fourth attempt was finally successful, I followed down a concrete driveway through a wall of trees blocking any sight of the house until I finally caught a glimpse of his home. It was a nice medium-sized two-story house with a balcony, big enough to probably fit an entire nuclear family. There was a decently sized well-kept lawn surrounded by a small grey wood fence. I pull my car up next to what I guess is his at the end of the driveway and put it into park. Taking a deep breath I grab my bag for the weekend from the passenger seat and exit the car.

Walking up the stairs of his porch was an entire battle within my head. Is there still the chance of leaving right now? Canceling everything I've wanted and been talking about for months? Would he be mad? Is this really what I want? I had to fully stop for a moment to get myself together. Of course this is what I want. I've thought of being with this man almost every day since we've first chatted. I drove over two hours to get here! This is what I want. Waking up to the front door I knock three times, now fully confident. It felt like forever but was actually like ten seconds till I heard the door unlock. The door opens and I look up from the floor to find the man I've been talking with for months, Philip!

"NICK!!! I'm so happy to see you!" is all I heard until my entire body got smothered by a gigantic bear hug. Dropping my bag to the ground I try to mimic the intensity of his hug but I could never be strong enough to compare. He smelled like grass and dirt but still has a faint musk of a man. It's heavenly. Philip then gives me a big sloppy kiss on my right cheek. Sadly, he pulls back from his suffocating hug, puts both hands on my shoulders, and looks me in the eyes.

"It feels so surreal to finally have you, still can't believe you're here in front of me."

"For the entire drive here there wasn't a single thought in my head that wasn't about you. Please let's go inside before I start to maybe cry."

I picked up my bag off the floor as he took my hand and led me into the entryway of his home. His grip was strong, felt like it would take chopping off his hand to let go.

"You can hang up your jacket right there on the hooks and if you don't mind taking off your shoes too," Philip said while closing the door behind me.

I set down my bag and take off my denim jacket. I hang it on a hook next to a dog collar with a leash attached to it. Slipping off my shoes and kicking them to the side, Philip then grabs my hand again, leading me down the hall from the walkway and into his living room. We passed a staircase going up to the second floor. In the living room was a large L-shaped couch with a coffee table in the middle. A big flat screen tv was mounted on the wall above a fireplace that was facing the couch. The other walls of the living room had posters of popular movies that came out when he was probably a kid and photos in picture frames which I can only assume are possibly both his family and friends. Some photos actually are of him playing at local rugby competitions. He looks visibly sweaty and has scraps and dirt on his knees.

Philip sits me down on the couch and comes to lay next to me. Still holding onto my hand he gives me a half hug. Pulling back he looks me in the eyes again

"Now. Tell me everything about your day leading up to now. I wanna know how you woke up, got ready, ate for breakfast, and then the drive here."

I give Philip a pretty lengthy summary of everything he asked about. I let him know that I didn't eat breakfast today and he got a frown on his face, I tried to reassure him with me eating a snack on the drive here but it didn't seem to help. I told him about how I rarely ever drive that long but it was still an alright drive, I did NOT tell him about my struggle of finding his driveway.

"What about your day huh? Spend all day just waiting for me to come haha."

"I've waited for months for you to finally come! I really just spent the whole day cleaning and making everything look nice and neat for my pup."

A huge smile went on my face when he said that. He knows very well that even being called "good boy" can get my dick hard in seconds. We're both in eye contact with one another. His eyes are hypnotic. I lean closer to his face and he does the same. I take my free hand and put it around his back. Tilting my head to the side and closing my eyes we finally both lock lips with each other and I experience my first kiss. His lips are soft but yet somehow manly. His recently shaved bread and mustache stubble rubbed against my cheeks and upper lip. No words can describe how much I loved this. We both pull back and open our eyes. He has the most genuine smile on his face. I think I do too. He let's go of my hand and put both arms tightly around my back.

Pulling me back into a kiss he starts to get more aggressive than before. Opening my mouth for a second and I can already feel his tongue exploring the inside of my mouth. I give in fully to whatever he wants to do and let him guide the way. I move my legs so that I'm sitting on his lap. We probably stayed just like this for at least ten minutes, just our lips together. Philip would pinch my nipples through my shirt causing me to wiggle. My cock was growing stiffer within my pants. I felt Philip's hands move and grope around my chest and belly, but never did he touching touch my crotch.

"I know you're being a very good boy right now and that this is something you've wanted for a long while. But don't think I forgot about your punishment. Mind telling Daddy how many times you have came without permission? Huh, kid?"

Philip saying this caught me by total surprise, you could see it on my face. At this moment I forgot about what he had planned for me when I first arrived. Over the long months of us talking, I've slipped up multiple times by cumming without his given permission. My punishment for my misbehavior was both a much longer wait time to cum again and also my first ever spanking from him. I was never spanked as a child so I've never known what it felt like. Trying to remember all the times I've misbehaved was hard so my best shot was just to guess.

"6 times, I think, Sir. It's so hard to remember."

"Well let's try to make you remember never to cum again without what boy? What do you always need in order to cum."


"Permission from who boy!" Philip barked at me and then gave my face a pitiful slap.

"Permission from Sir! I need permission from Sir before I am able to cum."

"That's damn right. Now it's time to make sure you don't forget that." Philip changes his sitting position so he is facing the T.V. and his back is against the couch "Put your stomach over my legs. Come on, kid!!"

I move very slowly, now realizing that maybe I should have never misbehaved that much. Laying my stomach down onto his lap and resting my face onto my hands, I feel Philip rub his hands up and down my back. Although everything is calm right now, I am still very much terrified of what he might do to me.

"Stop being so tense kid. You knew this was coming, you knew that misbehaving would lead you down this path. It's your fault you're in this situation. You may not like the spankings but you will take all of them. Maybe if you're a good little bitch and not fight them, you'll get a treat. But no promises. For now pup, just try your best to relax. It'll make this all easier. Oh almost forgot, Using the safe word isn't an option for punishments. You agree to that when you disobey me. This is what is best for you. You will learn that. Through all of this remember, Daddy knows what's best for you. Isn't that right boy?"

"...Yes, Daddy..."

Philip pulls my body up to where his face was against my ear and whispered "I want to hear you say it, little boy. Tell me who knows what is best for you."

I gulp and without turning my head I struggled to spit out "Daddy knows what is best for me."

"Good boy. Now take off your shirt and belt. Then lay back down."

I do exactly as he said in that order. Although I couldn't see him, I could tell his eyes were fixed to my chest. Laying back down he started rubbing my now naked back again. Feeling my sides and shoulders lovingly. Philip continued touching me like this for a few minutes, taking his sweet time and keeping me in suspense. He then had me move my body up more so my crotch was now laying in the middle of his lap. His hands started to progress more and more down my body until he was rubbing against my ass. I felt his hand slide underneath my jeans to then feel them being unbuttoned and unzipped. Philip slowly slid down my jeans until they were fully off my body and onto the floor.

"You have such a beautiful body pup. And your ass is so smooth and pale, let's change that," he said with a little chuckle at the end.

The two only pieces of clothing I have on are my pair of mid-calf white socks and a 5-month-old, never been washed before, jockstrap. What's special about this jockstrap is that as soon as I got it, Philip required me to wear it at least 3 days a week. Both him and I wanted them never to be washed and to be drenched in sweat, piss, and cum. I guess he wanted to leave it on cause he paid it no mind while my lower half was being massaged.

"Since this is your first time, I promise to go easy on you. But don't expect me to be so nice the next time you misbehave."

"Thank you, Sir."

Philip then struck me with his right hand onto the right cheek of my ass.

"OW!" I said while my body jolted from his swat.

"Stop being a baby! There's going to be more where that came from."

I felt two more spanks to my bottom. It seemed like Philip started to rub my ass again after every other swat which did relieve some tension. With three more continuous whacks to my ass, I gave a loud whine in hopes of having Philip lessen his blows. I then received five agonizing spanks one right after the other that was much more painful than the past others.

"Daddy, please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry" I cried out to him

"You sound so cute when you beg for me to stop. What's almost as cute is how much your butt is red right now."

He then gave me a spank that was just as gut-wrenching, if not more, as the past five. My eyes started to water. Philip was holding my body down with his left arm and spanking me with his right. I then earned four more spanks and the tears started flowing.

"Almost done kid. You're going to get ten more spanks. But after each one, I want you to thank me. Got it?"

Struggling to even talk while crying "MMHM."

SMACK! I burst out into a wail and try my best to spit out

"T...t-hank you, Sir!"

He started massaging again, maybe to give me a second to calm down. After almost a minute I stop breathing as heavy and I am not crying so much anymore.

"Ready to start again kiddo?"

"Yes, Sir. I'm sorry for crying so much."

"It's understandable. Just trying to teach you not to cum without my permission again."

I receive my second spank out of ten and although it is painful, calming myself down really did help.

"Thank you, Sir!"

I go through three more spanks, only five left. My tears are streaming more and more. I've just gotta get through a few more and I'll be done! At least if I don't misbehave again.

"THANK YOU, SIR!" I howl after my 8th spank.

My ass was on fire. Even the slightest touch could make me wince. I'm very certain that my entire behind is bright red cause it sure feels that way.

"You're doing very good boy. Only two more."

The ninth spank was just like the past 8. It made my body jerk and me sob but I still thanked Sir after.

This tenth spank however really put the nail in the coffin. Philip must have but all his strength into it. It was the most painful and unbearable one out of all the rest. My entire body fell to the floor and I let out a deafening shriek. Burying my face into his rug and my hands on my burning ass I start sobbing uncontrollably.

"Thank y... you S-Sir. Thank you. Thank you. Thank..." My tears must have made a wet spot in the rug.

Philip picked me up from my armpits and lifted me so I was sitting on his lap. He started to cradle me and rub his hands up and down my back. All I did was cry into his shoulder. I have never experienced any physical pain that severe before. Philip started whispering praise into my ear of how well I did. He would say things like "You did very good kid." , "I'm proud of you." , "You took those spanking better than I expected." and "That's a good boy. It's ok to cry. That's my good boy." which was definitely my favorite hearing. He stayed holding my body until I finally stopped crying. It felt nice hearing him say all this and having his hands rub my back. It made me happy to have him as my Daddy. My ass stopped burning and all my tears were now wiped on his shoulder. As I pulled back to look at him, I started to laugh!

"What's so funny?"

"I made a big puddle on your shirt!" I chuckled while pointing to his shoulder.

He looked over to his right shoulder to find it soaked in my tears. He looked back at me and started laughing too! It was like this for about a minute. Just me sitting on his lap, both of us laughing. It made the spanking worth it.

After we both calmed down he looked down and notice my boner peeking out of my jockstrap.

"Looks like someone enjoyed their punishment more than I thought."

I try my best to cover my hard cock with my two hands and look away from him in embarrassment. I can't believe I didn't even notice that I got hard from my spanking. Philip pulled my hands away from my cock and forcefully turned my head towards his.

"Don't hide it, kid. Don't be ashamed. Let Daddy take a peek."

He pulled down the waistband of the front of the jockstrap and my dick flopped down.

"Good boy keeping it all shaved! even got your balls too? Looks better in person than in photos." He wrapped his hand around the shaft and gave it a slow jerk. A small stream of pre-cum came out of my cock in seconds. Philip took it all in his finger and put it in front of my mouth. Instinctively I took it into my mouth and started to suck. Just sucking on his skin with the taste of my pre-cum mixed in caused more to spurt out. Philip laughed and gave my cheek a small pat with his other hand.

"Go ahead and take my shirt off kid." He said after taking his finger out of my mouth

I couldn't be more than happy to. I lifted his shirt up slowly, wanted to take in every curve and hair of his chest. His nipples were buried in a sea of black chest hair. He lifted his arms up and his armpits were full of hair. After taking his shirt fully off and throwing it to the side, I could stare at this body of hair for hours. I don't think my chest could ever get even close to how much hair Philip has. The only piece of chest hair I have is a very faint patch in the middle of my chest and a little bit of hair around my nipples.

"As much as I appreciate and love your admiration for my chest and belly, we're going to have to wait till you can sniff and lick it all."

I grew a frown on my face and wondered why I just can't suck on his nipples now!

"I've got something else planned for you right now. I think you might like it. I know I definitely will."

He grabbed underneath my thighs with both of his hands and stood up, picking himself and I from the couch. I wrapped my arms around him to make it easier to carry me. We end up going back to the hallway of the front of the house and up the stairs. We pass by two other doors and in the end we enter into his bedroom. I know this because all of the pictures I have been sent from Philip, It has been in this room. He lays me on the bed and tells me to stay. Philip leaves the room and comes back only a minute later with black and red leather padded handcuffs.

"Sit up and turn around kid."

I sit up from laying down and my back is facing Philip. He forcefully grabs both of my wrists and takes them behind me. He spent about a minute fumbling around with the buckle to get it locked around my wrists. Once he got it all snug and tight he placed me laying on my back with my head laying off the mattress. I watched him take off his belt and jeans till he was only left in his green jockstrap and socks. His jockstrap compared to mine was a lot cleaner. He must wash this one regularly.

"You've spent months training and preparing yourself to suck a real man's dick for the first time. It's finally going to happen now pup. I know we both want it rough to start out with but I need to make sure your throat can take my cock."

He walked towards me and set his bulge on top of my face. The smell of his dick through the jock would probably make millions as a candle. It was absolutely perfect. I rubbed nose all around his bulge to make him know I want his cock. He moves his bulge further up my upside-down face so his ball sack is on top of my mouth. I started licking and sucking through his jockstrap up and down. Philip would lean over to pinch into my nipples and flick them. He kept his bulge on my face for a long while, probably until he felt satisfied in how hard his dick is.

He stepped away from the top of my face and I was slightly blinded for a second since my eyes were kept in darkness from being suffocated by Philip's jock. I watched him very slowly pull down his underwear. Looked like he shaved his bush almost a week ago. Finally, he pulled down enough till all that was left was his hard cock and hanging ball sack. The underwear was now fully slipped off and hanging in front of me was the perfect sized dick. Not big enough to kill me by suffocation but still large enough to make me gag and choke. He walked back towards me.

"I just want you to sniff and lick for now kid. Savor it."

He took one last final step towards my face. His cock was now resting on top of my lips. The ball sack laid on my nose. I took in a long deep sniff. One-hundred percent man. My tongue stuck out of my mouth to wrap around Philip's hard cock. Just like his smell, the taste was the musk of a god. Philip then started to grind his cock up and down across my mouth. My tongue was now able to reach and taste more areas. I don't even know how long he stood in this position. The aroma of his sweaty balls overfilled my senses. Philip then stepped back from my face.

"Open your mouth now kid. I don't want you to suck. Keep in mind that how much spit you get on my cock is going to be all the lube you get when I fuck your tail."

Obeying his command, I open my mouth as wide as possible for his invading cock. The head enters my mouth and Philip just sits it on the roof the mouth for a couple of seconds. He pulls it out and puts it back in. This happened about 4 times until he finally decided to enter further. More of his shaft is in my mouth and the head is barely touching my uvula. I do not quite gag yet from this but once he starts to go further in, I think I will. There are only about 2 more inches left to his cock, not in my mouth. Philip continues to rest his cock for almost 30 seconds then pulls back out again. I feel my jaw starts to slightly ache cause I'm keeping my mouth open the entire time. Philip then pushes in his cock much more forcefully than any other time. His two other inches are now fully in and the head is at the back of my throat.

I try my longest not to gag or choke. My whole year of practice really helped out cause after 25 seconds of his cock resting in mouth, I finally start to struggle for breath. Philip pulls out and smiles.

"Good job pup. Now I hope you're able to take more forcibly."

After I gained my breath he pushed his dick back in and started to throat fuck me. The pace was smooth and predictable at first but soon quickly picked up to have me full-on begging for air. Philip didn't show any resistance to when I started to choke and get tears in my eyes. If anything it made him want to go faster, which he did. Keeping my mouth steady he gripped painfully onto the sides of my head, preventing any possible movement. The breaks given for a catch of breath became less and less. My head started to get dizzy, and it didn't help that I was upside down. Drool got everywhere on my face. I'm sure I looked like a sloppy little puppy. Philip face fucked me for five minutes. What I was scared about the most wasn't suffocating but however throwing up on his rug.

Philip stepped back from my face and I started heaving. Never have I gone without air for that long. Philip then scooped up all of the salivae around my face with two fingers. Walking to the other side of the bed he reached to my lower half. Philip forcefully pushed the two fingers into my exposed hole. I tried to clamp my hole tight but he just pushed in anyways. Once he ran out of saliva on his fingers he would get me to suck them for more spit. The taste from my hole was nothing that I haven't tried before. If I needed less friction when riding my dildo, I'd just suck on it some more even if it was just in my hole. I licked and sucked onto Philip's two fingers till he felt satisfied and returned them to my hole. Philip's finger banged me till he was able to fit 3 fingers in effortlessly.

He walked back over to my face and used my throat one more time, getting it nice and wet again on his cock. Now standing up on his knees on the bed, Philip pulls my body forward so my head is no longer hanging off the bed and flipped me over on my stomach to then push my legs open with just his knees. I felt the head of his cock circle around my hole. He would slight push it in and then back out. Teasing me. Philip layed me on my back again, slipped off my jockstrap, and whispered closely into my ear.

"This is going to be intense puppy, and it will hurt. But Daddy needs to claim his property. It's ok if you need to struggle or cry but Daddy is going to fuck you until he's done and then I'm gonna fuck you again and again. I won't really hurt you but your body is not going to like this at first. Now beg me to fuck you boy, beg Daddy to rape your hole and fill you full of cum".

Now I was terrified.

"Please Daddy! Fuck my boy hole! Breed me for my first time. Rape my fucking tail till I beg for you to stop." I couldn't believe the words coming out of my mouth. Remembering how I felt back on his porch.

"You asked for it boy. Remember no lube bitch. If I need more spit then it's going in your mouth."

I couldn't have picked a better spot. I start to whimper. Philip pushes his head into my hole. And slowly but forcefully he pushes in all the way without stopping. I immediately start to cry and let out a soft scream. Philip pushes a pillow into my face and I start to struggle, trying to get free. I then feel Philip lay his full body weight onto mine, his cock still in my hole. He removes the pillow from my face, tears are running down. Philip smiles at seeing this.

"Hush now bitch. We're just getting started."

His cock retracts from my hole but not fully and pushes it back in deeper. Now gently thrusting his hips, his cock is just barely moving deep into my hole, I quite down to just whimpers and winces. Philip finally pulls all the way out of my hole.

"Time to lube me up boy. Get Daddy's big dirty cock good and wet again. If you don't like the taste, maybe be cleaner next time."

Philip sits on my chest, making it harder to breathe than it already is with his cock in my mouth. I gag and choke, tasting my hole and working up a lot of salivae as Philip plunges his cock deeper down my throat a few times.

"Ok boy, now it's time to fuck, the first part was easy. I want you to show me how much you love my cock and don't fight me, ok? If you do, I will have to punish you more when we're done"

"Yes, Sir." I sat with a whimper at the end.

Philip gets off of my chest and back behind my spread legs. I let out a loud sob as he pushes his whole cock back into my hole. Philip starts thrusting hardly, Diving his cock deep. My hole starts to burn like it's almost on fire. I guess Sir doesn't like how much noise I'm making and he crams my filthy jockstrap into my mouth. He holds his and over my mouth, preventing me to spit it out. I thought that after him skull fucking me and now taking my virgin ass that he would cum anytime now. But he just keeps going. His speed and positions change so often that my hole doesn't hurt as much anymore. It actually feels good. I start pushing back onto his dick, hoping to show that I do love him fucking me.

He flips me onto my back sits back onto my chest. His cock is covered in my hole's juice, spit, and pre-cum. The smell is dirty and It seems like I didn't clean my hole out enough. I keep my mouth closed but Daddy pushes his cock through my lips and holds my head. Telling me to suck. My body can't help but struggle and shake from it. Knowing how painful my last punishment was from him, I was not about to ask for a second. I try my best to stop my whining and just accept Daddy's dirty cock into my mouth. I thought I was able to take a musty cock that had just been out of my hole but sucking on Sir's made me feel sick. As I suck, Daddy pushes two dry fingers into my hole and they come out with juice. He finally pulls his cock out of my mouth and rubs the two fingers on my nose and lips and into my mouth.

"Get used to the smell and taste boy."

Both are fowl and gross. I regret not cleaning as much cause now all I can smell is a dirty hole. Sir keeps me laying on my back. Daddy sets both of my legs on top of his shoulders, my hole fully exposed to his cock just inches away.

"Boy, this position is the most intense, and I'm gonna fuck you hard until I breed you. You're going to beg me to stop and you might even want your safe word. I'm going to fuck you until I'm done, period. Now ask me to rape your hole boy"

I start to cry again and nod. "Please, Sir! Rape my hole, I deserve it! Please cum in me and let me clean off your glorious dick Sir!"

Accepting my request, Daddy begins fucking my sole hole hard. He's pounding directly into my prostate. It becomes so much more overwhelming.

I cry out to him "Daddy, please! Stop! Please, Daddy!! Vanilla! Vanilla!"

He pushes my knees back and starts fucking harder. I groan and cry harder and louder to him.

"You like that little pup? You like me raping your little virgin hole? You do huh? Bet you want more. Take Daddy's cock bitch. This is what you wanted."

I nod. Although my body hurts and I'm crying, I still want this.

Daddy continues to fuck and rape me for what seems like forever. I lost time. To both my sadness and delight, he slows down and gives me three deep thrusts into my hole. And then I felt It. Sir came inside my hole. He bred me! Even though I had tears coming out of my eyes, I still had the biggest smile on my face. As he pulls out I am instructed to push. Cum comes out of my hole. He catches most of it in the palm of his hand and brings it towards my face. The smell overpowers everything else and it's surprisingly very erotic.

"Open up boy. You don't waste Daddy's cum."

I lick Master's palm clean. His cum tastes just like I thought It would've. Fucking amazing. He sits back down onto my chest and puts his soft dirty cock into my mouth. I take this as the instruction to clean it up. I lick and suck his dick and balls clean, enjoying all the nasty flavors of my ass.

"That was a good start bitch, but we're not done. I know your hole hurts but it's time for more cock"

"Please, no more. Please give me a break Sir. I can't take anymore."

As I continue to lick Sir's cock, another naked man walks into the room. This is Daddy's partner. He has talked to me before about him, telling me of how they met, the kind of things they do in bed, and how I was going to get fucked by him also. I didn't even know he was in the house, maybe in a different room upstairs listening to me cry. I felt embarrassed knowing how much of a baby he sees me as. His cock is almost an inch longer than Master's but just as thick. Sir tells him to come in and it's his time. As the other man walks over to the other side of the bed, Daddy pivots to sit his ass onto my face. He holds my legs up while his partner teases my hole with his cock.

He starts fucking hard and deep. Just as much as Master, if not even more. Each time I cry out, Sir sits his ass on my face, Suffocating me with the smell and taste of his hole. I can tell that he hasn't showered today. I also remember how he said he was cutting the grass earlier. The smells and tastes are very musky and earthy. A part of my mind just breaks. I can no longer fight any of this anymore. crying or screaming just might make it worse. I don't want to get Sir angry at me. Sniffing his ass is surprisingly amazing, and my tongue hits his hole. The taste of sweat, dirt, and musk can take a while to grow accustomed to. Still wanting to please him and makeup for my crying, screaming and struggling when getting fucked, I lick and suck onto his hole. Hoping to make him happy with my inexperienced tongue eating a hole for the first time.

Master's boyfriend gives me three more pounds to my hole, now cumming inside me. He pulls out and I wince from the feeling. Sir climbs off of my face and pulls me into a kneeling position on the floor. He reaches behind my head, gripping onto my hair, and pulls it back. A hand then covers my crying eyes and pinches my nose. Opening my mouth in an attempt to breathe and whine, A cock is pushed in. I immediately taste Sir's cum, his partner's cum, and pre-cum, but gag at the taste of my ass. By the taste, I assume it must be dirty. I'm hesitant to start cleaning. Daddy reaches down and slaps my balls.

"Clean him, boy. You made the mess now clean it up."

He knows that my balls are sensitive. The slap caused my whole body to struggle, I whine and try to break free from all of this. Sir's partner forces my mouth open wider. He is throat fucking me like before. I try licking and sucking his cock but the taste makes me gag. After a bit, his soft cock lays in my mouth. He then speaks for the first time to me, telling me to "Swallow." He's pissing down my throat! I start crying more through whoever's hand is blinding me. His stream is too fast for me to keep up. I'm unable to take his piss all at once and gag. A whole mouthful of pee comes out of my mouth. It lands onto my naked body and rug. I get a smack to my face and the stream continues. He finally finishes and I laid on the bed. Thankful to get a break and not taste my dirty ass anymore. Sir comes between my legs and pushes my knees open again.

"Push out boy, let's get his cum out."

He collects it all into his palm, pouring it into my mouth. Daddy uses his other hand to keep it open. Some get on my chin. I start crying again as I swallow the cum. I didn't know I'd be used and abused like this from the man I wanted for months. He wipes my tears with my jockstrap.

"Now little puppy, it's time for a nap before we use your hole again." I see him pull out from the bedside table a pretty big adult diaper with a colorful design. "Ok puppy, since we worn you out so much you can't be trusted not to make a mess. So you're gonna wear and use this. Don't worry, they hold a lot- but you must always ask me permission before you potty."

Before I have the chance to respond he pulls the diaper under me. Sir applies baby powder generously all around my lower half. Taping it on tightly, he completely ignores my little boner.

"What?! No, no, no, no. I'm not taking a nap! And I am definitely not going to wear this or ask for permission to use the bathroom!"

"Hush now. Puppies don't talk. Puppies obey. You'll figure it all out." He pulls a black and dark green pup hood over my face. Master uncuffs my wrists and his boyfriend hands him thick locking mitts. He slips them onto my hands and tightens them with a lock. My hand is now completely incapable of grabbing anything. I whimper and look down at the large diaper around me. As much as I hate it and it's stupid childish design, It's kind of comfortable to wear. I poke it with the mitts on my hands, my little cock grinds against the cloth inside. I wish I could argue, maybe scream again. But Master said puppies do not talk. A loud drawn-out whine came out from the pup hood. Sir looks down at me, him standing over me on my knees.

"Does puppy want me to rinse that cum and shit out of his throat? I know it must taste terrible."

I nod excessively, giving him a yip of agreement. Master smiles at this and pets my head. I hope he pisses down my throat. Master puts his soft cock through the hood's muzzle and into my lips.

"Now be a good boy and drink. No spilling."

He's stream starts to come out, it's a lot slower than his partner's. It's just fast enough that I have to keep swallowing. For each gulp I wanted to drink more of his piss, not knowing if I'll be given any other thing to drink for who knows how long. The taste is a lot less vile and more watery. He starts talking smoothly as I swallow. Saying things like: I'll make you be a good puppy, it's your own fault for having a dirty ass, I know you want to be a good boy, good boys are always eager to be fucked and suck a man clean, no matter what.

His words are almost hypnotic and I start slipping in a trace as more cum slip from my sore hole. Slowly all I can think about is being a pup. thinking of my owner fucking my dirty tail in public for other pups to see. always trying my best to be a good boy for my owner, which means obeying whatever he wants. The last few drops of piss come out of his cock and I give one last swallow. He takes his cock out of lips and gives me more pets on the head.

"Good boy! Didn't even spill a drop! Got all that bad taste out of your mouth with my piss. Bet you're really tired now. Let's go and put you to bed for a nap."

His boyfriend hands him a dark green collar and he buckles it around my neck. Grabbing me from the collar he walks me, while I'm on all fours, into the walk-in closet of his bedroom. Underneath a rack of clothes is a wire dog crate. Inside are two fluffy blankets covering the floor and a brown teddy bear. Master opens the front of the crate and motions for me to crawl in. Once fully inside it's not as cramped as it looks on the outside. The blankets feel nice to lay on and the stuffed bear is soft and smells like Daddy.

"I need you to go to sleep pup. I'll check in on you every now and then. It's okay if you go potty while sleeping, I won't blame you. But if you wake up and your diapers still dry, do NOT go potty till you get my permission. You heard my words. Now close your eyes and rest. You did very well taking both of our cocks and drinking my piss. I'll see you soon."

He closed and locked the crate door. I watch him walk to the doorway and shut off the lights.

"Sleep good puppy."

He leaves the room and closes the door behind him. I reach for the stuffed animal in the dark with my paws, holding onto it tight. My hole is sore and my jaw hurts. I curl up and lay on the blankets. What time even is it? How long will I be in here? Do I really have to use this diaper? I try to stop thinking about those things, it probably doesn't matter now. Closing my eyes I drift to sleep. Thinking of my Master.

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