Nick Next Door

By Nifty Ben

Published on May 29, 2024


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I woke up grinding my crotch into the mattress about 9 a.m. Perhaps unsurprisingly, I'd been having a sex dream, but I awakened before it could finish. Even in my fucking dreams I couldn't catch a break and get off. I rolled over onto my back to take some of the pressure off my dick and tried to figure out what had made me wake up. And then I heard my phone buzz: lying on my desk, its vibrations were amplified. I had no intention of getting out of bed just yet, but then it buzzed again as another alert came in, followed by another buzz a minute later, then another buzz.

"Holy shit, what is going on over there?" I muttered to myself. I threw the covers off to see who was texting me so incessantly. I shouldn't have been surprised to see that I had 15 messages from Nick, all of them variations on "Are you up yet? Wake up!"

I replied to the most recent one. "Yes, I'm up now. What do you need?"

The reply I got was a visual one: Nick sent me a picture of his very hard morning wood.

"I've been fucking aching since I got up, and I need a place to bury this load. I decided I want to put it in you."

My dick had started to deflate a bit as I got out of bed, but just reading that sentence immediately set the blood flowing back. "Jesus, again?"

"Yes. I'm coming over in ten for a quickie. I want you lubed up and waiting."

I dashed down the hall to the bathroom and quickly swished some mouthwash around while I tried to will my erection away so I could pee. Once it softened enough where I could at least aim in the general direction of the toilet, I emptied my bladder and then went back to my bedroom to get myself ready. I fished my own lube bottle out of my nightstand drawer and tried to work some into my still-sore hole. I experimented with determining the best angle for him to find me waiting and eventually ended up laying on my back with a pillow under my ass and my legs in the air. Just as I started to get comfortable, I remembered that my front door was locked. I quickly hopped up, darted into the living room to unlock my apartment door, and then ran back to the bedroom. I got settled into place just as I heard the door open.

Nick walked into my bedroom, already naked and half-hard. "Did you walk down the hall like that?!" I asked.

"Yeah, you live fucking next door to me. Who's going to see me in the 3 seconds I'm in the hall? Where's the lube?"

I tossed the bottle to Nick and watched him squirt a few pumps into his hand. He smeared the lube on his cock, and then stroked himself to a full erection. Watching this stud jack himself was more than enough to get me fully hard again myself, and I didn't even have to touch my dick to do it.

Nick stepped up to my bed and grabbed me by the balls. I groaned--they were still sore. "There is nothing I love more as a top than getting close and using a bottom's orgasm to push me over the edge. So if you can hold back until I'm ready to nut, you'll get to cum too. But if you fucking cum again before I'm ready, I swear to God, Tay, I am going to beat your balls until they are black and blue."

Without another word, Nick pulled me towards himself, using my nutsack as a handle, and then pushed his cock all the way into me. "Oh, FUCK," I moaned.

"Yeah, you fucking love it. I knew you'd be such a good little bitch bottom." The first few strokes in and out were slow, but it didn't take Nick long to start really plowing me. He continued to keep his hand wrapped tightly around my balls, which in hindsight I was grateful for. The low-level pain helped offset the pleasure I was feeling as his dickhead assaulted my prostate again. The little electric surges were back, but this time they were battling with sharper throbs in my scrotum as Nick mindlessly kneaded my nuts while he fucked me.

Nick's text said quickie, but I would estimate he still spent a good 15 minutes pummeling my hole with his thick cock. To keep myself from touching my own dick, I would run my hands over his chest periodically. At one point I pinched one of his nipples, and Nick moaned loudly. "Yeah, fuck, Tay, do that again." I reached up with both hands and worked both of his nipples over while he worked my hole over.

I felt Nick's hand release my balls and grab my dick instead. The surprise alone almost tipped me over the edge. "I'm getting close, Tay. I want to feel you cum while I'm inside you. Get ready."

Get ready? I had no idea what that meant. Was he ten seconds away or ten minutes? I was so worried about cumming without permission again that I didn't know what to do. Luckily Nick settled the matter for me and began stroking my cock in earnest. Given my long-delayed pleasure, it was a very short journey to the point of no return.

"Oh, fuck, Nick, oh fuck. I'm really close."

"Yeah? You ready to cum for me?"

"Yes, please, oh fuck, make me cum, please." In my mind, I was silently praying that he wouldn't pull his hand away again at the last moment.

"Cum for me, Tay. I want to feel you cum."

With that, I exploded as he jacked me. There is no other way to describe what happened. I have always shot big loads, and now, semen sprayed out of my dick, coating my abs, my chest, my face, and even the wall behind me. The sensation of finally having a real orgasm after all this time was overwhelming, literally. My mind went completely blank and all I could do was ride the wave of intense pleasure. The pleasure was so intense, in fact, that it almost circled back to pain. I felt like my entire soul was being ripped out of me through the tip of my penis, in the best possible way. I closed my eyes and screamed.

"Hellooooo, Earth to Tay?"

I opened my eyes again and realized Nick was talking to me. "Sorry, kind of zoned out there."

"It's okay. I let you lie there and just giggle to yourself for a minute or two. But now . . ." Nick flicked my balls with one of his fingers.

I jerked my legs up. "Ow, shit, sorry, thank you, sir, for letting me cum."

"Good boy. You're a quick learner."

I looked down between my legs and saw Nick's soft cock dangling between his legs. "Wait, did you cum?"

Nick chuckled. "Oh, yeah, I came inside you, HARD. Your ass clenched like a fist when you blew--you milked a huge load out of me."

Caught up in my own orgasm, I'd completely missed Nick's. I realized that I actually felt a little sad about this. I felt as if I'd let him down by focusing on my own pleasure instead of his. Would I have traded that enormous orgasm just to feel him cumming inside of me in the moment? Probably not, but the fact that I was even wondering about it was raising a lot of uncomfortable questions for me.

"Get me a towel so I can get the lube off my dick."

I carefully got off the bed, trying to keep as much of my jizz from dripping off me and onto the floor as I could while I fetched Nick a towel. I was not particularly successful in this: I really was pretty well hosed down in my own cum. I grabbed a towel from the closet for Nick, tossed it to him, then gingerly went to the bathroom to clean myself up. When I got back to my bedroom, Nick had already left, leaving nothing behind but his load in my ass and the balled-up towel on the floor.

And at least for now, that pretty much ends this little tale. Despite the intense sexual connection we'd shared both remotely and in person over the previous 3.5 weeks, Nick was back to his old ways pretty quickly (though I suppose I should have expected that). I was treated to a new episode of the "Nick Bangs Out a Bottom" show that very night. This time, instead of jerking off while I listened through our shared wall, I just edged myself and imagined needing--and not having--Nick's permission to cum. The load I shot the next morning, replaying the events of the previous couple of days in my head, was huge.

Nick and I continue to hang out socially, and honestly, our interactions are pretty much unchanged. Indeed, he texted me like a day after we fucked to ask me over to watch basketball on TV. We got a little stoned and watched the game just like we did the semester before, as if he hadn't fucked me ragged earlier that week.

My experiences with Nick did inspire me to start trying to bottom more myself, though so far, the handful of tops I've met up with haven't pushed my buttons in the same way he did. Mostly they're too diffident, too solicitous. "Does this feel okay?" "What position works for you?" "Where do you want me to cum?" If I'm going to bottom, I want to give up control. I am just a hole, sir, and all that. I fantasize sometimes about giving myself up to Nick again for a few weeks, but just haven't pulled the trigger yet. Maybe one day.

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