Nick Next Door

By Nifty Ben

Published on May 25, 2024


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I stood in the entryway to Nick's apartment in my jockstrap and took it in. The lights in Nick's living room were off, but there was a muted glow coming from his bedroom. My eyes snapped back to my host, and I took him in. Nick stood in front of me, wearing a pair of black boxer briefs and nothing else. He stepped in towards me, put his hand on the back of my neck, and pulled me in for a kiss. Our tongues danced together, and then he pulled back. "Follow me." I did as I was told.

Inside his bedroom, he'd thrown his comforter on the floor. On the bed itself, he'd spread a large towel on top of the sheets. A bottle of lube was on the nightstand. Coming up from beneath the mattress and over the top were four straps, one from each corner, with a cuff attached at the end. Nick caught me staring at them and said, "Only if you can't behave yourself." He pulled me towards him by the arm and with his other hand reached up, gripped my chin, and then kissed me again, deeply. He ground his crotch into mine, and I could feel my dick already starting to harden. He reached down and massaged the pouch of my jock as we made out. He pulled back. "I fucking love how horny you are right now." There was nothing I could do but moan into his mouth as he leaned in again for a kiss.

We stood there for perhaps two or three minutes, just making out, before Nick maneuvered us both towards the bed, tongues still dancing. He pulled me towards him as he fell back onto the mattress, and we lay intertwined, our mouths never breaking apart. Nick's hands roamed across my body, first grabbing the back of my head, then pulling my hips (and hard dick) down into his crotch. His fingers roved across my ass crack, then up the sides of my torso. I was surprised at the passion: with all of his dominance Nick hadn't struck me as the sort of guy who liked a good makeout session, yet here we were. I was overwhelmed with lust and could feel a wet spot starting to form on the pouch of my jock where my erect dick was straining against the fabric.

After a few minutes of this, Nick pushed me up off of him and said, "Get on your hands and knees on the bed." As I flipped over into doggy in the middle of the bed, Nick hopped off and knelt by the side of the bed. "Now back up towards me." I did as I was told and was rewarded with Nick's mouth on my hole.

This was obviously not my first time having my ass eaten: I'd hooked up with plenty of bottoms who enjoyed eating ass. But Nick ate ass like no one I'd ever met. He feasted on my hole, voraciously. He would lick up from my taint and then tongue around the outside of my sphincter. He'd dart his tongue into my hole, slowly at first, then quickly. He'd push himself in between my cheeks like he was trying to actually devour me from the inside out. He ate my ass like a kid trying to eat a melting ice cream cone without spilling a drop. I truly don't have the words to describe it. The sensations were almost overwhelming, I think in part because of his skill and in part because I was so unbearably horny.

As he was tonguing my hole, he would periodically slide his right hand underneath me and gently trace the outline of my cock with his fingers. He teased my sweet spot (which he found easily given how soaked my jock was with precum there) with his index finger. He'd let his hand drop whenever he sensed I was getting too close, and then use both hands to pull my cheeks apart so he could get his mouth deeper on me from behind. After giving me a couple minutes to settle down, he'd repeat the process again, keeping my horniness at a low-grade hum the entire time he was feasting. I have no idea how long this went on: 10 minutes? Fifteen? Two hours? Literally no idea. Every part of my body tingled and what words I was able to form ("Oh, fuck, Nick, oh fuck, fuuuuck," mostly) eventually turned to gibberish.

Eventually his mouth broke contact with my ass, and I sensed him standing up. "Flip over."

I did and saw him standing before me at the foot of the bed, his own hard cock tenting out his boxer briefs. As I watched, he slid them down his thick thighs, and his erection bounced out. Without being told, I slid forward, sat up, and sank my mouth as far down on that magnificent penis as I could. I could taste his own sweet precum on my tongue and heard him moan softly as I tried to throat him.

"Jesus, Tay, that feels so good."

As I bobbed up and down, he would periodically put his hand on the back of my head and push his dick just a little deeper into my mouth, far enough in that I'd almost start to gag. After a moment or two, he'd let me pull off. I'd tongue his big smooth balls for a bit, then go back for another round. Finally, he pulled his dick out of my mouth and chuckled softly. "I promised you a breeding, but if you keep that up, I'm going to nut down your throat again." His dick bobbed in the dim light.

He knelt down on the floor, grabbed me by hips, pulled me in close to him, and pushed my legs back so that his mouth could once again make contact with my hole. He tongued it again for a few seconds, then stuck his index finger in his mouth to get it wet. With both finger and hole lubed up with his saliva, Nick slowly slid his index finger into me. I couldn't remember the last time I'd had something in my ass, and I was definitely TIGHT. But Nick took his time, as he'd promised, and very gently began the work of opening me up. The tip of his finger touched my prostate, and it felt almost as if I'd been shocked. I felt an electric surge run through me from his finger to my G-spot to my balls and then all the way out to the tip of my penis. My dick somehow got even harder.

Nick slowly slid his finger in and out of my ass. As it started to get dry, he'd pull it most of the way out, spit on my hole, and gently fuck the saliva into me. Every time his finger made contact with my prostate, I'd get that same electric surge. After a few minutes of this, he pulled his finger all the way out, and began eating my ass again. I was moaning so loudly at this point that there's no way every neighbor on our floor couldn't hear me. I had no idea my hole could feel this good.

Nick stood and walked to the nightstand to grab the bottle of lube. He returned to his kneeling position with my hole in his face. "Spit works fine for one finger, but lube is better for two." He squeezed a few drops of the clear silky liquid onto his index and middle finger, and then gently slid both into me, letting them widen a bit as they sank in. The presence of the second digit was noticeable, but definitely not unpleasant. As before, he proceeded to slowly fuck me with his fingers, periodically brushing up against that little locus of sensation from inside my hole. My cock was so hard by now that it had become painful to have it trapped in the sticky confines of my jock any longer. I moved my hands down to dislodge it, only to feel a quick flick against my nutsack through the pouch.

"Nuh-uh. No touching. I'll let it out when it's time."

Nick slid his fingers out of me to squirt some lube into his other hand, then went back to finger-fucking me, this time with three fingers, while he started to stroke himself.

"Please, sir," I moaned.

"Please what?"

"Please fuck me."

"You want me to fuck you, eh?"

"Yes sir. Please," I whined.

"Why do you want me to fuck you?"

"I need to feel you inside me. Please, Nick." I looked down between my legs at his face and caught a little smirk. I realized that he had indeed made me beg him to fuck me.

"Don't forget, it's `sir'. And don't you worry, I'm going to fuck you."

Nick leaned forward, grabbed the waistband of my jock, and started shimmying it down my hips. I lifted my butt so he could slide it all the way down. The waistband caught my hard dick, of course, and when my cock snapped back to my abs, a giant stream of precum literally sprayed out onto my chest. He ran his hand through it, and then smeared the sticky juice all over my cock.

"Holy shit, you can't do that. I'm going to bust," I said.

Nick just snickered, then ordered, "Get on your hands and knees. Doggy's usually the easiest way to get things started."

I did as I was told, scooting up on the bed so I was atop the towel. I felt Nick clamber on the bed behind me, then heard a couple of pumps from the lube bottle. I jumped as his finger touched my hole, then slipped inside, lubing me up for his entry. A few more pumps for him, and then I felt the head of his cock press up against my ass.

"I'm going to slide in as slowly as I can, but I'm not going to stop until I bottom out. It might hurt a bit going in, but most guys seem to find it a lot more painful if I go halfway then try to pull out for any reason." He pressed against me a little harder. "Deep breath now."

I took a deep breath and let it out, then tried to push out as I felt him shift forward. There was firm pressure against my hole, and then I felt the tell-tale give as the head popped inside me. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck," I exhaled.

"Good boy," he said, and then he began to push himself slowly and inexorably deeper inside me. Despite the earlier foreplay, the sensation wasn't wholly enjoyable if I'm being honest: Nick had a very big dick, and I felt every single inch of it slide into my hole, stretching me open. But he really did go slowly: I would estimate it was a full 30 seconds before I felt his pubes brushing up against my backside. Once he was fully inside me, he just held himself there. My hole burned from his girth, and I considered asking him to pull out. But I knew that giving up wasn't an option: my long-awaited orgasm would surely be denied if I tapped out, and I wanted to cum very, very badly.

Nick slowly began sliding back out. He got perhaps three quarters of the way out before he reversed direction and pushed back into me, a little more quickly now. "Jesus, I need to fuck tops more often. I can't remember the last time I felt a hole this tight. You feel fucking incredible."

With that Nick began to fuck me properly. He didn't pound me, not immediately, but he settled into a steady rhythm. The burning sensation slowly abated, and I began to try to enjoy the feeling of being so "filled up." The discomfort certainly hadn't affected my erection: with every thrust, my dick bounced back and forth, slinging precum all over the towel below me.

After a few minutes, Nick shifted his weight, propping one leg up to give himself a bit more leverage and then leaned forward to push me down into the mattress. With this new angle, he fucked me harder and I could feel his cock pressing deep inside me. Whatever pain remained was now fully subsumed into the pleasure I was feeling. All I could do was moan as he assailed my hole.

Finally, he pulled out. "Flip over onto your back. I'm getting too close already, and I want to see your face when I cum."

I obediently rolled over. Nick hopped off the bed, grabbed me by the hips, pulled me to the edge of the mattress, and then threw my legs up onto his shoulders. I watched as he lined his dick up with my hole again and pushed himself all the way into me. As he fucked me, I ran my hands over his pecs and his tight abs. I couldn't get over how fucking hot he was, and this was a pretty killer view.

There was only one problem with this new position. Before, in doggy, Nick's dick wasn't making direct, hard contact with my prostate. Now, the upward angle on his dick meant that every thrust slid the head of his cock against it. Those electric surges I'd felt earlier while he was fingering me were coming fast and furious now. Intense pleasure was radiating up from my hole and through my painfully hard penis, building on itself with each pass of his cock. My eyes rolled back in my head as Nick railed me. I had truly never felt anything like this before and was reconsidering my entire identity as a top.

Suddenly, the electric surges reached a strange, tremendous crescendo and I realized that what was building was an orgasm. I had never had a truly handsfree orgasm before (or since), and not knowing what was happening, I was caught by surprise by what suddenly felt like an overinflated balloon reaching that moment of tension just before it pops.

"Oh, shit, I think I'm going to cum!" I cried out.

"Don't you fucking DARE," Nick yelled as he pulled out. Too late: the orgasm was by now unstoppable. But without his fat cock applying pressure in my hole, what had felt like a balloon popping morphed instantly into the sensation of air slowly leaking out. The strange, tremendous crescendo completely dissolved, and instead of an earth-shattering orgasm after three-plus weeks of edging and denial, it felt as if my insides were shriveling up. I wailed, and then a steady stream of cum throbbed out of my penis and onto my stomach. But there was no joy to it, no relief. All of the pleasure had been snatched away at the last instant. The last orgasm in December had been ruined, and now this one had been absolutely destroyed. I thought for a second I was going to cry.

"Oh, Jesus, fuck," I moaned. There was nothing else I could say.

"I told you not to cum without permission." Nick reached his hand down, scooped up a little of my jizz, and used it to stroke my still-erect dick. Far from being too sensitive, I was on the edge again almost immediately. I hissed sharply and bucked my hips up as he stroked. "Yeah, I figured you'd be good to go again," he said. He dropped my dick. "Flip back over. I don't want to take any more chances."

With me back on my hands and knees, Nick lined his cock up with my hole again. He fucked himself all the way into me, going as deep as he could. "Mmm, fuck, this hole is still so tight." After a few strokes, he pushed all his weight down on my back and I fell down onto the bed, his torso pressing against me and his dick still lodged deep in my ass. "I'm so fucking close now." He shifted his hips to make short, quick thrusts of just the tip of his dick, using the pressure of my ring for maximum friction. "Oh, fuck, yeah, Tay, here it cums, I'm going to breed this ass now, it's fucking mine!"

With that last word, he thrust all the way into me, and I felt his cock thicken and explode. I'd never "felt" someone cum inside me before, but I could this time, with hard pulses of his load shooting in my hole. It was the most intensely intimate experience of my life. For a brief moment, I thought the pressure of him on me pushing me and my crotch into the mattress was going to make me cum again, but it was not to be.

He lay against me for a few seconds after his powerful orgasm abated. He chuckled lightly in my ear. I felt moisture fall onto my cheek and realized he was sweating. He pulled out of me and rocked back onto his heels on the bed as I groaned at the sudden void inside me.

"Fuck, Tay. I haven't shot like that in a while." He chuckled again. "Oh, man, I am out of breath. That took it out of me."

I rolled over to look at him and ran a quick internal assessment. My hole was sore, but not painfully so. I was embarrassed to admit to myself just how much I'd enjoyed what had happened. Not just the fucking, but the sense of being manhandled and in Nick's control. Perhaps his gay ESP was accurate after all. My balls absolutely ached, of course, and I looked down at my own crotch to see that my erection hadn't flagged a bit. I wondered if his prohibition against cumming was still in effect because it was taking all my willpower not to grab my cock and finally give myself the orgasm I needed.

As if he had read my mind, Nick reached over and idly thumbed my sweet spot. "Shame you couldn't hold it. Sounded like you didn't enjoy your orgasm as much as I did mine." He picked my penis up in his right hand and gave it two very light strokes, down and up. "How does that feel?" All I could do was pant. Responding verbally wasn't possible because I was too focused on the sensations in my dick to speak. Just a little more of this and I could finally get a proper orgasm.

But rather than keep stroking, he let go of my aching cock. "Spread your arms out above your head." I did as I was told; Nick straddled me, and I was surprised to see that he was still hard himself. He scooted up my torso, and then leaned over to fasten first my right and then my left hand into the straps coming up from under the bed. The cuffs were soft, and "locked" around my wrists with Velcro. He scooted back down my body until he was straddling both my thighs. With his left hand, he grabbed my balls, looping his thumb and forefinger around the top of them. He pulled my sack taut, which lifted my erection up off my abs.

"Now what are we going to do about this?" Using my nuts as a handle, he made my dick waggle in the air to indicate exactly what "this" he was talking about.

"Fuck, please, make me cum, sir," I whined.

"You want to cum, huh?" he said, teasingly.

"Fuck, sir, I really need to cum. Please?"

Rather than answer me, he spat into his hand and wrapped it around my penis. I had never been hornier in my life than I was at that moment. I was sure that just a couple of strokes would be enough to give me an absolutely explosive orgasm after all this buildup and delayed relief. But Nick didn't give me a couple of strokes. Or rather, he didn't give them to me quickly enough. He gave me one firm stroke up my shaft, from base to tip, and then pulled his hand away to stroke himself. He waited a few seconds and then repeated the process. Every stroke for me was discrete: no up-and-down, no feeling of being jacked off. Just a single stroke up my cock, and then he'd stroke himself for a bit.

But even this one-off stroking was going to be enough to finally get me off. Each of those single strokes was inching me closer and closer to orgasm. After perhaps 7 or 8 of them, I felt my balls beginning to boil.

"Oh, fuck, I'm so close! Stroke it, stroke it, stroke it!"

But rather than touch my dick again, Nick just pulled firmly on my balls. The tautness of my sack pulled the skin of my dick taut, and it provided just enough sensation to tip me over the edge. Without his hand on my cock, though, I was once again left with that sense of awful buildup and nothing to actually provide the stimulation I needed to really, truly cum.

"No, no, no--touch it, please, don't do this again! Fuck, fuck, fuck, stroke it!" With Nick making no move to do as I begged, I thrashed around on the bed, trying to get my own hands in range of my dick, but they were firmly strapped in still. I absolutely needed something to touch my cock in that moment. The six or seven seconds of awful hangtime felt like agonizing hours, and then I watched in horror as yet another ruined orgasm pulsed out of my dick. An inhuman shriek came out of my mouth. Rather than exploding out like a volcanic eruption, the lava flow just trickled sadly down my shaft and into my pubes. By this point I was nearly doubled over trying to get my hands to my penis--if I weren't so angry and frustrated, I would've been worried about breaking his bed.

It was too late anyway. The orgasm, such as it was, subsided, and I flopped back down onto the bed. My dick was still hard.

"Oh my God, that was insanely hot to watch. I've never made a boy make a noise like that before. Makes me want to cum again." With no warning, he shimmied himself up my body and stuck his fat cock in my mouth. I was too surprised to object, and so Nick proceeded to face-fuck me for 20 seconds before moaning and shooting yet another huge load down my throat. I nearly choked trying to get it all done in the awkward angle at which he had me.

He pulled his now-softening dick out of my mouth, and then spun around so that he was sitting atop my stomach facing my feet. Nick reached down and flicked my right ball with his finger. "Thank me for letting you cum."

"No fucking way!"

Nick flicked my ball again, harder. I grunted and reflexively tried to move my hands to protect my nuts, but they were still locked in the straps. "Don't be such a bitch. You got to cum twice today. It's not my fault you can't obey the rules. You're lucky I even let you cum that second time." He flicked my right ball again, then the left, going back and forth between the two.

"Ow, fuck, fuck fuck, ow, ow, ow, ow, stop, please, fuck, thank you, thank you, thankyou, thankyou . . ."

The assault on my testicles continued. "Thank you for what?"

"Thank you for letting me cum."

One last hard flick to my poor right ball. "`Thank you for letting me cum,' what?"

"Thank you for letting me cum, SIR!" I screamed.

"Good boy. Don't forget next time."

Nick hopped off of me and off the bed and began uncuffing my hands. My first instinct was to try to grab my own dick as soon as I was free, but I froze halfway through the movement. Nick hadn't yet let me touch myself in his presence, and I was afraid doing so now would trigger more punishment. Instead, I just put my hands by my side and waited.

"Use the towel to clean yourself up. I'm going to hop in the shower and rinse off real quick. Don't even think about getting off while I'm in there."

On this, I disobeyed him. I definitely thought about getting off while he was in the shower. Despite (maybe because of?) the two ruined orgasms I'd had, I was still desperately horny and needed to cum. But any hope I had of being able to enjoy my long-delayed pleasure was crushed when Nick came back into the bedroom. He was naked and toweling his hair dry, and it caused his big dick to sway seductively. This man had me down bad.

He threw his towel on the bed, strode over to me, and grabbed my boner. He gave it a couple quick strokes. "You broke the rules tonight, so your dick is still off limits to you until you learn to obey. Don't touch this tonight, understand?" He didn't wait for a response. "Grab your stuff and get out of here."

This time, I didn't make the mistake of trying to put my clothes back on first. I picked my jock up off the floor and headed for the door. I said a quick prayer that no one was in the hall, opened Nick's front door, and dashed to my own door, penis bobbing in front of me. I let myself into my apartment, and then took a quick shower of my own to rinse myself clean. I eventually had to turn the temperature quite cold in order to get my junk to settle down.

Back in my own bed, I never even considered jerking off as I tossed and turned. Sleep finally came for me after midnight.

Next: Chapter 5

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