Nick and the Ranger / Beginnings

By Randy Howard

Published on Jan 16, 2008



Nick and the Ranger By

Nick Staples could hear his heart beating as he jogged along the deserted path in the park. It was a sunny morning and the sun's heat had not yet warmed the day. The sweat ran down his brow as he jogged along, and gathered in the crevices of his abs. He was just eighteen and loved to run and this day was going good. He had just finished at his gym, his daily work out and now was doing his run. His body showed his strict regiment of working out. His chest and abs are nicely cut, and his ass is tight and round. His arms and legs are bulging with well-developed muscles, which show well as he runs. Ahead he could see some street thugs, they looked harmless, but he took no chances. He crossed the over to another path that led into the woods. The thugs took of running after him and he picked up his pace to out distant them. He glanced back to see how close they were and tripped over a tree root that crossed the path. He went down in a painful spill, and the thugs soon caught up with him.

"Thought you could out run us faggot, didn't you," they said to me as I lay in pain on the ground.

"What do you want with me," I ask them, considering that there is three of them and one of me. "I am not no fag either." I retort to them as they laugh at me.

"Fags come here all the time to run and hook up," they tell me. "So you must be a fag."

The biggest of the three reaches down and picks me off the ground. He pushes me hard and I topple over, landing back on the ground.

I look around hoping that a park ranger would be making his rounds, knowing that these kids cannot be more than seventeen or eighteen at the most and they mean to do me harm.

"Pick him up," the big one tells the other two. They grab me by the arms and they take me off, deep into the woods. We are out of view of anyone passing by on the path, as the two hold me by my arms.

"Strip off the clothes fag," the big one tells me, as the two release his arms.

"Why, I have done nothing to you," I tell the big one. He comes over and hits hard in my gut and I bend over in pain.

"Like I said before fag, strip off the clothes," he says with more authority to his voice. I slowly pull down my running shorts and they dropped to the ground.

"Step out of 'em," he says. I step out of them and he tosses them into the woods. He points to my jock and motions it down; I remove it and he tosses it. I stand there naked with my hands covering my front and he comes over and grabs my hands.

"Now its time to teach this faggot a lesson," he says looking at the other two with a grin on his face. He undoes his pants and drops them as he stands before me.

"Down on your knees fag," he orders. "Suck my cock, real good and maybe we won't hurt ya."

I slowly drop to my knees and he grabs me by my hair. He shoves his cock deep down my throat and I gag from the force.

"You give me pain and I will show you what pain is fucker," he says to me. I swallow to accommodate his cock and I move up and down his cock, as he forcefully fucks my face. He slams my mouth until I can feel he is ready to shoot and he pulls out. He stands me up and has me bend over a fallen tree. He spits on his hand, rubs it on his cock, and then shoves it in my ass.

"Oh fuck, please that hurts," I scream out in pain, but he laughs as he pushes all the way in. He forcefully starts to pound my ass as the other two hold me down. The pain is horrendous that I feel and I fear I may pass out, as he just keeps pounding away. I soon feel his cock swell, I know that he is close, and I soon feel him shoot his come deep inside me. He keeps slamming my ass until he has no more sperm to give, and he pulls out and another of the three comes over and takes his place. He, like the first just pushes his cock in and I am thankful for the come that is in there for lube. He is smaller also, he pounds me hard, and he soon shoots his load and pulls out. The last one looks at me and says to the big one.

"I ain't putting my dick in there after you two just fucking came in him. He can blow instead,"

The big one grabs me by the hair and pulls my head up, and the kid shoves his cock deep into my mouth and he starts to fuck my face. He aggressively slams my mouth for what seems like eternity. He is moaning and slamming and then he shoots his sperm deep into my throat. He pulls out, the big one drops my head, and he kicks my ribs hard. I fall over to my side; I grab my ribs, as I cry out in pain. They run off leaving me naked and in pain, as I wonder how I will get out of here. I am lying there for almost an hour when I hear the sound of horse's feet on the path. I cry out in pain, hoping that the ranger will hear me.

"Help me please, help me." I yell. It's a few moments and I see the uniform of a park ranger coming through the woods.

"Shit kid, what happened to you," he asks me. "Where the hell are your clothes."

"I was jogging and these three thugs jumped and raped me, ranger," I tell him. "They threw my clothes somewhere over in the woods," I say pointing in the general direction of where they threw them. He kneels down beside me and is feeling my ribs that I am holding, and I cry out in pain.

"I think you may have a broken rib or two," he says. "Lets get you to a hospital and get you looked at." He radios for an ambulance and it arrives what seems like forever later. They had a hard time reaching me and had to carry me out to the ambulance to treat me. I spent hours in the emergency room and was waiting for a taxi to come when the ranger came in.

"I wasn't sure if you would still be here," he says to me. "I wanted to see how you were doing and get a description of the guys that attacked you."

"I have no broken ribs, but a few badly bruised ones," I tell him. "I was waiting for a taxi to pick me up so I could go home."

"Why don't you let me take you home and I can get the information I need," he says. "We can call the taxi company and cancel the cab." I call the taxi to cancel and he pulls his car around for me to get in.

"My name is Paul Jacobs," he tells me. "I have been a ranger now for twenty years. I have seen that park go downhill quite a bit over the last few years."

"Well Paul it is a pleasure to meet you," I tell him. "Nick Staples the name. I thought I would be there forever until you came along."

"What happened today, son," he asks.

"I went for my usual run like I always do, and I notice these three guys ahead of me. To avoid trouble I cross over to another path and they soon come after me. I must have tripped on a tree root because I fell flat on my face. They caught up with me and started to call me a faggot. They dragged me off into the woods and they beat and raped me and then left me."

"We have had complaints about those three before. I think we have a pretty good idea who they are." He tells me. "Would you be willing to pick them out of a line up if we can pick them up," he asks.

"Definitely, if it gets them off the street." I tell him.

"This is my place right here," I tell him, pointing to an old brownstone. "I dread going in, I live on the third floor and the stairs will kill going up."

"Here let me help you getting up there." He volunteers. He is a gentle man of about forty-nine. He is tall and well built. He does not seem to have an ounce of fat on him so he must work out, I think to myself. His hair is brown with just a touch of gray starting to show, and his eyes are hazel that glows as the sunlight hits them. His arms are muscular and his skin is tan, from being outside all day. He runs around to my side of the car and helps me get out. He takes me by the arm and helps up the front steps. I stop half way up as I cringe with pain and he gently sits me on the wall.

"This is not going to work Nick. How are you going to make it up three flights of stairs when you can't even make up the front steps," he says to me.

"I have to Paul, I have no other place to go." I tell him. He is silent for a moment as I catch my breath and then he looks at me and says.

"If you have no objections, I can put you up until you are better," he says with a smile. "I live alone and have plenty of room and it would not be any inconvenience at all."

"Paul, I really appreciate the offer. You don't even know me and you are willing to help a perfect stranger." I say to him.

"I am sure that you are not perfect and I would love the company," he says with a laugh. "Now what do you say, how about it Nick."

"Well I would sure appreciate not having to climb three flights of stairs, and if you are sure that it is not an inconvenience, sure thanks." I tell him and shake his hand.

"How about you give me your keys and I go up and get you some clothes," he says. I give him my keys and give him directions as to where to find my clothes. He helps me back to his car, goes up to my apartment, and comes back down fifteen minutes later with my things.

"Nice place you have, nice and orderly," he says. "You can tell a lot about a person by the way they keep the place they live," he says smiling at me.

We drive off to his place and he lives in the nicer part of town. He has a beautiful three-bedroom ranch on a quiet dead end street. As I walk into his home, he has a spacious living room with a fireplace and a dining room just off it to the left. His kitchen is nicely appointed, with his pots and pans hanging from a pot rack above an island stove. He has a half bath just off the kitchen I notice, as he leads me down the hall to the first bedroom. He has converted it into an office that is filled with antiques. On one wall, he has all shelves filled with books. An antique mahogany desk just in front of them with a pair of leather wing backs chairs across from the desk. He takes me to the guest room and he sets my things down in there. It has an antique bed with marble top nightstands on each side of it. A high boy is next to the door leading to a private bath.

"This will be your room Nick," he says to me.

"I love the antiques Paul, they are beautiful," I tell him.

"They belonged to my grandparents."

He takes me to his bedroom and it is just as grand. He has an antique bed with a three-step staircase leading up to it on each side. The canopy is elegant and maybe fifteenth century I would guess. There is a pair of Louis the fourteenth nightstands and dressers to complete the room. His private bath is just off to the right of the entrance to his room.

"Your home is so elegant Paul, I would never have guessed it from the outside."

"I like to keep it that way," he says. "Less tempting to thieves."

"Well let's get something to eat and relax." He says. "I am not that good a cook so please bare with me."

"Why don't you let me do the cooking, because I am a good cook and love to cook for others." I tell him heading to the kitchen.

"You're my guest," he says, "I can't have you cooking for yourself and me when you are hurting."

"Don't be silly, the pain pills have kicked in and I am fine. Besides I love to cook and it will be my way of thanking you for your hospitality."

He shows me what he has for food and I whip up and a Fettuccini Alfredo with chicken and broccoli. I send him out for a loaf of Italian bread and I make us some garlic bread. He picks out a nice wine and we sit to eat.

"Wow this is so good Nick. Where the fuck you learn to cook like this," he says then catches himself. "Sorry Nick, I didn't mean to swear." He says blushing. It looks so cute on him at his age, blushing.

"Don't worry about the swearing Paul, I don't have virgin ears." I tell him. We finish our meal and he tells me to sit as he cleans up the dishes. He grabs the bottle of wine and we take in out to the patio. The patio over looks a swimming pool and has an attached Jacuzzi. He grabs a remote and pushes a button and an awning comes down from the wall. We sit at a marble top table and enjoy our coffee.

"Maybe later you might want to go in the Jacuzzi for a bit. It might loosen up your ribs," he says.

"I didn't grab a swimsuit unless you did when you were upstairs at my place," I say.

"Hell Nick, we are both men," he says, "go naked like I do. Besides I have complete privacy back here." He says.

"Well we will see," I say, thinking it might do me some good in the hot water.

We sit and talk, mostly about me, for hours as the sunsets. The light gives Paul's eyes a romantic glow and they mesmerize me. His tan is radiant in the softness of the setting sun and I hang on his every word.

"I haven't heard you mention your parents at all, Nick."

"They were killed in a car crash three years ago and I lived with a cousin until a few months ago."

"I am so sorry, Nick for mentioning it." He says apologetically.

"Thank you Paul, I am over the shock of it now, but I do still miss them." I tell him. "My dad and I were best friends and my mom taught me how to cook."

"Well she did a right fine job, son," he says with a smile showing his beautiful teeth.

"You have a nice smile," I tell him.

"Well like I always say, 'sometimes one smile means more than a dozen roses,'" As he gives me that smile again. "It is getting late and if we are going to get in that darn Jacuzzi we had better be getting going," he says getting up.

I get up and fall right back down in my seat. The glasses of wine have an intoxicating affect on me and I stumble to my feet.

"Here let me help, son," he says putting his strong arm around me. "We don't want you falling and hurting yourself more, now do we," as we walk to the Jacuzzi.

His scent is invigorating and it caries me back to when my dad would hold me on his lap watching TV. I lean into Paul and drink in his scent letting it flood my senses. He sits me on a chair beside the Jacuzzi and bends down to remove my shoes. I lean forward and take a whiff of his hair and it has a faint smell of herbs and soap. He takes them off and my socks with them and he glances up to my eyes. The light now is dancing in his eyes and I lean forward to kiss him but fall.

"Whoa now son. I think you had a bit to much of the wine tonight," he says with that sexy smile. "Here stand up and let me undress you so we can get you into the water."

I stand and I put my arms around his neck as he unbuttons my shirt. He removes it and I let go long enough for him to let it fall to the ground. I put my arms once again around his neck as he starts to remove my running shorts.

"I feel like such a lushhh, because I can't even undresssss myselfff," I slur.

"Don't worry about it son, we have all been it this state at least once in our lifetime," he says. "Now this is going to be a little tricky," he says. "You hold on to me tight now, hear."

He pulls down my running shorts and my jock in one swift move. I loose my balance and fall forward shoving my cock right into his face. He grabs my hips, we freeze for a long moment, and then he helps me stand up.

"Almost lost you there, didn't we son." He says with a big teethe grin.

He helps me get in the water and the heat from it makes my head spin. I am smiling from ear to ear as he steadies me in the corner of the tub. I watch as he slowly pulls he shirt over his head, and his chest has a light dusting of chestnut hair. His pecks are firm and his nipples stand tall and plump. I follow his hand as it goes to his pants, lightly feeling along his abs. He definitely has a six-pack and not a bit of fat. He undoes his belt and unbuttons his pants and when he unzips them, they fall. They puddle softly around his ankles as he kicks off his shoes. He steps out his pants, removes his socks, and then places his thumbs into the waistband of his boxer briefs. He quickly pulls them down exposing his cut manhood. He gives them a kick and the fly across the yard and he gives he balls a tug. He turns and steps into the Jacuzzi, and his ass is round, white and firm. I start to reach out to touch it, then think better of it and pull my hand back in as he turns and sit down.

"Now isn't this nice," he says. "Nothing like a good soak to loosen up tight muscles."

We are both just lying back and soaking and my mind is on his hot body. What a well-maintained man, I think to myself, when so many his age let themselves go. We soak for maybe an hour and I am starting to fall asleep.

"Hey son, why don't we get you into bed, before you fall to sleep and drown in here." He says.

"That might be a good idea."

"Will you be all right while I go grab us some towels," he asks.

"Yeah," I say, "as long as I don't stand up."

He gets out and I watch as his cute fucking ass goes waltzing across the patio. I can feel my cock start to rise as he pauses at the door and glances back. He goes inside and soon returns with two jumbo towels.

"Here we go little buddy," he says reaching a hand down to me. I stand up and walk forward and pause, my face now is level with his cock. I stare at his manhood still wet and glistening in the moonlight. I want to reach out and take it in my mouth but his voice calls be back to my senses.

"Up now Nick, both hands buddy," he says taking my other hand. I get out of the water and he wraps me in the fluffy white towel. He slowly starts to dry me off starting with my back. He rubs my back from my neck on down to the small of my back.

"Lean into me some Nick," he says.

I lean in to him holding on for dear life, even though I no longer need to. He starts to dry my ass paying much attention to its valley. I softly moan as he hits my rosebud and he seems to linger there. He straightens me up and then drops to his knees, as he dries each one of my legs. When gets to my feet he says lift, and I life each one and dries it. He dries the other as he goes up it and stops at my cock. He is facing my cock, he looks up at me, and I am looking down at him. His eyes are sparkling from the moonlight and the water on his face glistens. He looks back at my cock and he puts the towel around it and starts to dry it. I moan as he gently massages me, and my cock start to rise. He looks up at me and I am looking down at the most handsomest man I have ever known. I bend and I pull him up to his feet and I put my arms around his neck.

"Are you sure, son," he says looking deep in my eyes as I place my lips to his. He parts his lips and welcomes my tongue inside, and we kiss a kiss of passion. His arms envelope me and pull me tightly to him as I surrender myself to him. He lips are like honey to mine and I drink in the taste of them. He breaks our kiss, stands back, and says.

"You know Nick, this is not why I asked you to stay with me. I don't want you to think you have to do this because you owe me or something." He looks like a man lost to the world as he stands there hoping for acceptance.

"Paul I have been so taken by you ever since the park. You have captured my heart Paul. I know you feel that your age and mine, is something of a concern. I do not care about age love; I look at the man, and mostly what is inside. The way that you cared for me when I was feeling drunk, no ordinary man would ever do that. You were tender and loving in the way that you handled me, I knew then that I was falling in love. We kissed as young lovers that first kiss of true love, one of promise of time immortal. He took my hand and led me inside to his bedroom. As I climbed the steps to his bed, I thought to myself, I am climbing the stairway to heaven and in his arms, I will definitely find it. We made passionate love that was tender and sweet, as I gave him my most precious treasure for his taking. When we climaxed together, we felt as one as we rode the wave of emotion. We embraced each other and kissed passionately until we came down from our loves high. He lay over me, stared in my eyes, and told me how much he loved me. How can two people fall in love, this quick you say, I do not know, but one thing I do know. That was over twenty years ago and we have never been more happy and in love than we were in those years. I had a man that had taught me what it meant to love and be loved. He was slow in teaching me the ways of love, making sure that I would remember. I know that we had many years between us, but what years God gave us were filled with love for one another. Paul had given me more than I could have ever given him. I miss my man but I know that who ever I find to love again will have a man that was taught by the best in the ways of love.

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