Nick and Jimmy

By The Goblin

Published on Apr 26, 2016


"Nick and Jimmy" By The Goblin

Nifty Archive: Gay Male: Celebrity

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of Nick Robinson or Jimmy Bennet or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

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It has been over a month since my last update. Sorry for that, and thank you for your comments and support.

Chapter 15

"What are we going to do?" Jimmy asked.

I hated when he asked me this question. It always meant I wouldn't have an answer.

I shook my head.

"That chick?" Steve asked. "Really? She seemed like such a loser."

I looked at Jimmy across the table. The restaurant was dying down but the atmosphere was still in high spirits. Except our table.

I couldn't imagine what people would think. What all this would mean. The humiliation that I would feel, that he would feel.

I tried to think back over everything that happened. Tried to remember if we did something, anything in front of her.

"Are you guys still there?" We could clearly hear Nichole's voice coming from Jimmy's phone.

Jimmy shut his eyes. "Shit." Then he lifted the phone back to his ear. "Sorry. It's'm sorry but I really have to go." He rolled his eyes then looked at me. "Yes I'll call you tomorrow."

Then silence again.

For once Steve knew not to talk. Jimmy didn't have anything to say.

"Can I interest you guys in desert?" Our server asked.

"No. Thank you." Jimmy said.

Even with all the turmoil he still managed to be polite.

"Can we have the check please?" I asked.

"Of course."

He walked away.

I licked then bit my upper lip. Jimmy looked up at me with a sad smile.

"Like a fucking freight train." I said to him.

He calmly shook his head with a sad smile. "Just can't be stopped can it?"


He nodded.

I let out a long breath. The restaurant was beginning to smell like stale food.

"I'm exhausted." I said out loud.

Jimmy leaned back and maintained his sad smile. "I'm tired."

Our server returned immediately.

"I'll take this whenever you're ready."

I held my finger up to him and pulled out my wallet to give him my card.

On the ride home we didn't talk much. The weather outside was getting colder. It would never get too cold but the temperature wasn't comfortable either. The windows up in the car, the windows down at home, everywhere was becoming stale just like the restaurant. Winter was coming again, at least LA's version of it anyway. I needed fresh air.

We pulled up in the driveway and I put the car in park. Jimmy reached for his seatbelt but I put a hand on his to stop him.

I looked back at Steve. "Do you have your keys on you?"

He reached for his pocket. "Yeah."

"Take a ride with me?" I asked Jimmy.

"I thought you were tired?"

"I am."

"Where are we going?"

I smiled. "Nowhere special."

"He removed his hand from his seatbelt."

"See you guys later." Steve said before getting out.

I didn't wait to make sure that he got in okay. I turned back and reversed into the street.

"Where are we going?"

"I have somewhere I want to show you."

"What do you want to show me?"

"Just trust me."

I stopped at the red light around the corner, then looked at him.

"Always." He said.

I smiled and traced my fingers on the back of his hand. From the corner of my eyes I could see the brightness of the light turning. The green light illuminated his forest greens.

I pulled up and parked in front of a house with a six foot tall iron fence. The house seemed bland and was crème colored.

"Where are we? Why are we here?"

I got right to the point. "I want to buy this."



"No way."


"This place is huge."

"Three bedrooms two baths."

"How do you know all this?"

"My phone has this magical feature that allows me to see great and wonderful things, including real estate listings."

He smiled at me. "Ass."

I returned the smile.

"Can you even afford this?"

"It's fine." I shook my head. "Don't worry about that."

"But I do."

He looked at the house then back at me.

"It's safe." I said. "Secure."

"What does it look like on the inside?"

"I don't know. There were only a few pictures."

"Have you emailed them?"

"Actually I'm glad you asked that."

He gave me a quizzical look. "Why?"

"Because we have a viewing at ten thirty tomorrow morning."

He made a skeptical face. "We?"

"Yes...I mean...I don't want this to be a huge serious's just that I love you and I want you to come with me when I buy my first house."

He smiled at my attempt to make light of the seriousness our relationship developed into in such a quick time. I'm not dumb, I know we moved things way too fast, so I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable.

"Of course I'll go with you."


We shared in one last look at the house, then we drove off.

Fifteen minutes passed before I pulled into the park by the beach.

"Where are we now?" Jimmy asked.

"Walk with me?"

I opened the door and the dashboard bell chimed as the overhead dome light went on. Jimmy reached to undo his seatbelt then got out of the car. The air was chilled and in the background you could hear the night waves. From the parking lot you could almost smell the salt coming from the sea.

"This is where I go jogging with Chloe and Peter."

Jimmy smiled as we began walking down the path along the beach.

"I know." He said.

I gave him a questioning look.

"I was surfing with a friend of mine and his friends."

I smiled and nodded. "I remember."

"I freaked out when I saw you with Chloe that day." Jimmy said.

"I didn't expect to see you either."

"No. I mean...I didn't expect to see you together. I thought you were together."

"That was really dumb of me."

He lightly ran his finger down my sleeve. "I didn't mean that."

"No really. I regret it every time I think about it."

"Why did you say that you two were together anyway?"

I playfully walked into him. "To make you jealous."

"I see." He said with a smile.

We continued to walk for a few more minutes. Listening to the waves. At first glance I thought the moon was full, but it wasn't entirely.

We made it to the spot where we ran into each other those few weeks back.

"I miss surfing." Jimmy said.

"When was the last time?"

"That day."

He walked away from me and stood where he stood that day.

He looked down then back up at me. "I thought about you all the time before that day."

His words made me blush.

"So did I."

"I hated myself for how I treated you."

It was dark but I tried to find his eyes. "It's okay."

"No it's not."

"I don't want you to feel that..."

"I wanted so bad to know you better." He said. "But I was scared."

"So was I."

"I didn't think I would be able to go this far."

I continued to look at him.

"I never thought I would be this comfortable with...what I was." He said.

I laughed. "I know what you mean."

"I thought you deserved better."

I looked at him with a hint of anger and shook my head. "No." Then I walked the few feet towards him.

"I've had time to think about it." I said.

He smiled and looked me in the eye. "Think about what?"

"I'd let you reject me a thousand times before I ever gave up.

He laughed. "Only a thousand?"

His smile made me smile.

"I have my limits."

The waves broke the short few moments of silence.

"I never meant for things to go so fast." I said.

"I know."

"I didn't want to force this on you."

He looked at me. "You didn't."

"I feel like I should have waited..."

"You didn't make me do anything I didn't want to do."

"I know but..."

"I needed this." He said. "I didn't know it then but I get it now."

"Get what?"

"How much I needed this." He squeezed me tight around my side.

He looked back at the waves then at me. "I've had time to think also."

"Oh yeah? About what?"

He turned back towards the ocean and wrapped his arm around my lower back. In turn I draped mine so that my hand rested on his far shoulder.

"I've had time to think, about how much I miss surfing."

I squeezed him tight with a smile. "Jerk." Then I kissed the top of his head. We stood like that for a little bit.



"What if someone sees us?"

I thought about it for a moment.

"I don't think that matters anymore."

He was quiet for a moment before responding. "Yeah."

I took him by the hand, completely okay with not making sure that no one else was around.

As I tried to lead him away he stopped me.

"Where are we going?"

"To the water."


"I don't know." I said.

He didn't question my motives any longer and allowed me to hold his hand all the way to where the water washed up to our shoes.

I turned to look at him. "You are so beautiful."

"I thought you said you're not supposed to call a guy beautiful."

"I say a lot of things."

"Do you think we're alone?"

I looked around and no one was in sight. "Never."

He laughed. "I don't see anyone."

I looked around again. "Neither do I."

"Then we're alone."

"No. We're not."

He stepped closer to me. The sound of the next wave came as it hit the rocks.

"Who is watching?"

I looked around again and saw no one. "Mother Nature."

He smiled. "You're weird."

I stepped closer to him until there was no more space between us. We stood face to face. "You love it."

He smiled as his eyes lit up. "I do."

I placed my finger under his chin to draw his head up. As always I had to lean down to catch his lips with mine. His breath tasted of him and his scent was prevalent even on the windy beach. During our kiss I looked around and saw that there was a large boulder before the water.

I took him by both hands and walked backwards until we were behind the rock, a decent distance from the trail. I pushed him against the rock and he didn't hesitate to lean back. Still with his hands in mine, I held his arms above his head and started to kiss him again. I held his hands up against the rock and pressed my tongue into his.

The part of him that was afraid of being caught seemed to be lost as he kissed me back with lots of strength. I released one of his hands to run a few fingers down the sweatshirt that clothed his body. Even through the layers of cloth I could sense his warmth.

The salty scented wind was no match for his embrace.

I pulled away from our deep kiss to look at his face. His soft full lips quivered and moved with no words spoken.

I smiled and released his arm. He ran his hand down my side and let it rest on my hip. His simple and slight grip sent shivers up my back.

"Do you think this will ever get boring?" He asked.

"I'm already bored." I said with a wink and a smile.

He pinched my side.

I leaned down to rest my forehead against his. Our eyes were only an inch or two apart.

I could feel his breath on my lips. His hair on my forehead. His scent in my nose.

"I could be here all night." I said.

"At the beach?"

"With you."

He held me tighter on my side and I moved in closer to kiss him some more. His breath tasted of mint, the one he ate after dinner.

His tongue was the perfect mixture of hard and softness as it barely passed my lips.

"Did I ever tell you that you're a good kisser?" He asked.

"No. But I already knew that."

"Oh really? How?"

I kissed him again and allowed my hand to reach up and touch the back of his head.

"I'm a natural at everything."

He laughed.

"No you're not."

"Name one thing I don't do well."

"Drink from a glass?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You're always spilling stuff on your shirt."

I smiled. "Okay name something else."


"My legs are long."

He brushed the lock of hair that fell over the top of my eye. "Uh huh."

"What else do you got?" I asked.


I reached up to feel the right side of my chin. "Did I miss a spot?"

He reached up to touch the left side. "No, you just cut yourself all the time."

"My face is chiseled."

He didn't say anything. The look in his eyes showed his playful doubt.

"Tell me I'm not good at this." I said before leaning down to kiss him again.

He closed his eyes and went with it.

He shook his head. "I never said you were a bad kisser."

"Then why are we arguing?"

He looked at the waves. "Because it's fun."


With another kiss I could scarcely hear him breathe over the breaking waves.

A shiver went through him and I held him close. He head in my chest and my arms around his shoulders. He hugged around my stomach and we both watched the Ocean. Soon our zipper sweatshirts would not be enough to stop the cold.

"Let's go home." He said.

"I am home."

We kissed again. Then again.

He whispered "Gaaaaaaaaay."

I pinched his side and he pulled away laughing. I reached out and he grabbed my hand. I nodded towards the car and we walked from the water, past that spot by the trail, and all the way back to the car without letting go of the other's hand.

No one was around to see but if they were I don't think we would have pulled away.

I tapped the remote button twice but before either of us got into the car I had an idea.


"What's the matter? Did you forget something?"


I walked around to his side of the car and held out the keys.



"You drive."


I still held the keys.

"Here. Take them."

"Are you sure you want me driving your car?"

"I let Steve."

He smiled. "I see your point."

I was in the passenger seat before he even made it all the way around to the driver side door.

I shut my door and right away I had to push my seat back as he adjusted his forward.

I let a small laugh escape me.

"Don't make fun of me."

"I'm not."

He put the keys in the ignition and the chime began to sound.

"What's wrong?" He looked around for a button. "Why won't it stop?"

I leaned over him and pulled his door shut. The chime went silent.

"Oh yeah." He said.

He started the car and we both pulled our seat belts on. He put the car in revers and looked into the rearview mirror. Then he squirmed trying to look over his shoulder.

"I suck at this part."

"You know," I said, "the parking lot is empty, you can just pull forward."

He sat back down and looked straight ahead.


At the first light he said, "Your car smells good."

"Like a new car?"

"No like you. Especially here in your seat."

"That's weird." I said with a smile.

"No its not. You always talk about how I smell."

"I could smell you for hours."

Then in a mocking voice he said, "That's weird."

The light turned green.

"You can't use my words against me."

"Says who?" He asked.

"When I'm king that will be illegal."

He laughed. "Oh when you're king?"


"And when is this going happen your majesty?"

"Probably never but anything's possible."

"I see. And you said I was a dork?"

"Well you completely are."

He stopped at another red light and smiled at me. "We'll see about that."

I bit my lip. "Are you threatening me?"

A thoughtful look came over him as he squinted his eyes and said, "maaaaaaybe."

Twenty minutes later and we were home.

"How did I do?"

"Fine. It took forever but fine."

He smiled at me. We walked to the house and I opened the front door to let him in first.

Steve was on the couch watching TV. He looked extremely tired. I was tired and so was Jimmy. It was almost eleven o'clock.

Jimmy unzipped then pealed his sweatshirt off.

"Are you ready to sleep?" I asked him.

He yawned and nodded his head at the same time.

Steve looked up and began to yawn the moment he saw Jimmy yawning.

"We're going to bed."

"Good night." Steve said in a broken voice. Then he cleared his throat.

"Good night." Jimmy said.

I was exhausted and my legs and shoulders were sore. We both stripped down to our underwear and sat on the bed. I rubbed my left shoulder but I couldn't seem to reach the spot just right.

"What's wrong?" Jimmy asked.

"My shoulders are killing me."

He spread out his leg on the bed while the other dangled then he pat the area of the bed between his legs. "Come here."

I got up to walk around the bed and sat in front of him. The bottle of lotion was always conveniently on his night stand and he squirted some on my back.

I flinched.

"What's wrong?"

"That's cold on my skin."

He responded by scooping it in his hand and rubbing them together. Then with both hands he began to squeeze and kneed my shoulders. The lotion was warm from the friction. His grip was tighter than I remembered and instantly I was starting to feel good.

"Have you been working out?" I asked.



"Yeah. Kind of."

He began to rub the back of my neck and I leaned my head forward to allow him better access.

"Why so secret?"

"No reason really." He went back to my shoulders.

"Tell me?"

"I didn't want you to judge me."



"You know I work out three times a week."

"Yeah but..."


"You're better at it than I am."

"No way."


"That's why you didn't say anything?"

He didn't say anything back. His motions and technique had mostly relaxed my muscles. While he worked his way through my stress, I squeezed the muscles in my legs.

I thought about it for a moment. "Can I ask you something?"


"Will you work out with me?"


I grabbed his hand to stop him and turned around.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm just beginning, and lifting ten pound dumb bells. I don't want you to laugh at me."



"No. I wouldn't. I couldn't."

He smiled.


He let out a sight. "We'll see."

"That means yes."

He smiled at me. "We'll see."

"Mm hmm."

"Turn around I wasn't finished."

I complied and he began to rub my upper back between my shoulders. To this I let out a small shudder and light moan.

I close my eyes and let his hands take away all of my troubles.

"Do you like that?" He whispered into my ear.


"I know you do." He whispered again.


He slid a hand from my shoulders and around to my chest. His finger grazed my nipple then traced down to my belly button. Then he ran his finger over my hardness that held my underwear straight up.

I let out a breath I had been holding.

"That's how."

Then he went back to rubbing my back. After a few more minutes I was fine and back on my side of the bed.

As much as I wanted to taste him, we were both too tired for anything. He spooned himself into my hardness and we almost feel asleep before either of us could say goodnight.

The following morning I woke up before he did. His unconscious state of being was too much to pass up watching for at least five minutes. I always felt like a creeper watching him sleep but I couldn't resist that scrunched up face. I always wondered what it was that he dreamt about so angrily but I would never ask.

After a few more minutes I could hear Steve making noise in the kitchen.

I carefully moved my arm from under Jimmy's head then moved my leg off of his. He rolled over to his other side facing away from me.

I got up and put on a pair of pajama pants but didn't want to dirty a clean shirt. I could still feel the overdose of lotion on my bare shoulders. It was time to wash the sheets anyway.

I kissed sleeping Jimmy on the side of his head and quietly left the bedroom.

"Hey." I said to Steve on my way to the bathroom.

It was obvious by the smell and moisture build up in the bathroom that he had already taken a shower.

All the liquid I drank the night before caught up with me and it seemed to take forever to squeeze out every last drop. I used a towel to try to wipe away the excess moisture from my shoulders then washed my hands and face before returning to the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" Steve asked.

"I can eat. What are you doing up this early?"

"I don't know...I don't really want to sleep in anymore."

I sat down on a stool at the bar. "Why not."

"It's just kind of weird. I'm trying to get some shit together."

I nodded. "Do you make any coffee?"

"You drink coffee?"

I rested my face in my hand. "Sometimes."

"I can make some?"

"No. Make me food." I got up. "I'll make the coffee."

I pulled the water from the fridge and began to open up cabinets. I opened the fourth one and looked at Steve.


"Uh. Where do I keep my filters?"

He smiled and reached over to grab them. "Right in front of you."

"Right." I took them from his hand.

"So what brought this on?"

"I'm hungry." He said.

"No not breakfast. The whole being up early thing."

"I just...I don't know...I feel bad for living here like this."

"We talked about this before."

"Yeah but, it just doesn't feel right."

"Don't worry about it."

"I should be giving you something."

"No seriously. Don't worry about it man. Find a job, buy a car, do what you gotta do. But don't worry about giving me anything."

He didn't say anything. And he didn't look at me.

"What are you making anyway?"

"French toast."


Then we just stopped talking about it.

It didn't take him long to finish cooking. As we ate we didn't say much. I began to load the dishwasher but half way through I noticed the time on the microwave.

"Shit." I said.


"Yesenia will be here soon. I have to get dressed. Can you finish this?"

He nodded.

Back in the bedroom Jimmy was still asleep. I changed out of my pajama pants and put on a pair of sweat pants, a t-shirt and a warm pair of socks.

Steve finished loading the dishwasher before I returned. Yesenia was right on time.

I didn't talk as much with either her or Steve as I usually did. I spent the morning on my phone doing research. I still kept it old school and wrote things down.

Later on Jimmy finally woke. Yesenia had already left and Steve was on his laptop.

Jimmy sat at the breakfast bar and I walked over to sit next to him.

"I'm starving."

"Where do you want to go?"

"Did you eat already?"

I Smiled. "Yeah but that was breakfast and it's practically lunchtime."

"What time is it?"

"Eleven." Steve called out.

"Eleven." I said.

"What did you eat?"

"French toast." Steve said.

"French toast." I said.

Jimmy smiled. "Yeah...I can hear him."

"Get dressed." I said.

"I haven't showered."

"Neither have I."

"Eww nasty!"

I laughed. "You're one to talk."

"Come on. Let's just get dressed and go somewhere."

"This is going to be great for publicity."

"People barely notice us anyway."

Jimmy laughed. "Not for long."

Then I looked down. He looked down. The reminder of what could and might happen hung heavy over our heads.

Steve looked up from his laptop but then right back down again.

"Come on." I said quietly and nodded.

Fifteen minutes later I was back to being the driver. At first we didn't say much. At the first light I spoke first.

"This might end up not being that big of a deal."

"How do you figure that?"

"We didn't do anything in front of her."

"We were pretty drunk Nick."

"I know. But I'm certain."


"No really I am."


The driver behind us honked their horn.

"The light's green." Jimmy said.

I stepped on the gas.

"Let's get away."

He looked at me but I didn't take my eyes off the road.

"Really. Let's go somewhere?"

"Where? Seattle?"

I laughed. "No."

"Then where?"

"Is your passport up to date?"


"Then let's go to Fiji."

"Fiji? Where is that?"

"Pacific Ocean."

"We live by the Pacific Ocean."

I laughed. "It's on the way to Australia."


"There's a tiny island shaped like a heart."

"How do you know this?"


He laughed. "Ass."

I continued. "The island is called Tava, or Tera-something-or-another?"

"You don't even know the name?"

"I have it written down.

"What exactly is there to do on this Tera-something-or-another?"

I made a left turn.

I held up a finger a made a serious face. "Well for starters we're legal drinking age..."

"...good..." Jimmy nodded.

"Then of course there's a beach, and some swimming pools, and it's hot, and...and..."


"Oh yeah, its absolute paradise with world class surfing."


"Yes. I googled paradise, then best surfing, then bam, Teravova?"

Jimmy started laughing hysterically.

"What? What's so funny?

"Don't you mean Tavarua? Jimmy said.

"You know it?"

"Well now that you mention surfing."

"Really, it was the surfing that made you remember the place?"

"What can I say? I didn't get it `til you started speaking my language.

I made a right turn and there was a break in the conversation.

"And when would this whimsical trip take place?"

"Tomorrow at ten am."


"Yes. I know it's soon but..."

"That's less than twenty four hours from now."

"I know."

"What about work?"

"I'm off for a few more weeks. Until after Christmas."

"Just like that?" He asked.

"Why not?"

"No way."

I pulled the car into a small diner. The place smelled like deep fried bacon but neither of us cared. We were seated right away as its only patrons was a table of elder people.

"How long would we go for?"

"A week. Maybe a week and a half."

"You mean we wouldn't be back until right before Christmas."


"No way. We couldn't. That's too long."

I smiled at him. Then he smiled back at me. I wanted to sway him, had to convince him. I had to see the person I love happy again. I wanted to take it all away. To make him forget for just awhile. I wanted this whole problem to just disappear.

Just then a chair was pulled from our table and he sat down. I sat up almost as if I were in attack mode. Jimmy recoiled in confusion of the unwanted stranger.

"Good day boys." The man spoke after removing a toothpick from his mouth.

I looked at him with the longest hatred I ever thought I was capable of. This ugly man and his ugly khaki jacket.

"What the fuck do you want?" I loud whispered.

"I was hoping for an official statement, but judging by your re..."

"Fuck your statement."

"NICK!" Jimmy said.

"What do you even know?" I asked.


I aggressively leaned forward. "Then why are you here?"

"Calm down Nick..."

"...don't call me by my name..."

I leaned even closer.

"...there's no need to get violent."

Everything inside of me. All of my self-control completely evaporated. I stood up and my chair fell back. I saw fear in his eyes as he also stood up.

"Nick!" Jimmy said.

Everyone was watching us.

I grabbed the man by the collar of that damn jacket, I clenched my fist tight and pulled it back ready to come down.


It was only Jimmy's voice that brought me back. I quickly swung my hand forward and the man flinched. Instead of hitting him I grabbed the other side of his collar so that I held him with both hands.

My breathing was heavy and our faces were only inches apart. Despite everything I wanted to do to him I pushed him back and he almost fell over his chair.

"Hey!" A lady called from the kitchen door. "If you all don't leave I'm calling the police.

"We're leaving." Jimmy said. "Please. We're leaving right now."

I took out my wallet and slapped a twenty dollar bill on the table. I began to walk for the door but stopped to go back to the chair for my sweatshirt. Jimmy saw this and grabbed it on his way past the man.

We got in the car and I calmly backed out of the stall. I didn't know what to say to Jimmy. I didn't know what he was thinking. What he thought of me.

I noticed that he didn't look at me, he just looked forward.

"Jimmy I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault."

"I almost hit him. I still want to."

"So do I."

I shook my head. "Fuck!"

We grew quiet again when I stopped at a red light. Jimmy let out a long breath.



"Fine. Let's go to Tera-something-or-another." be continued...

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Next: Chapter 16

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