Nick and Jimmy

By The Goblin

Published on Mar 20, 2016


"Nick and Jimmy" By The Goblin

Nifty Archive: Gay Male: Celebrity

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of Nick Robinson or Jimmy Bennet or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

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Chapter 14

The look on her face said it all. As if it all made sense to her. Complete understanding of why I turned her down.

I looked at Jimmy and noticed he stared at the floor. Then I looked back at Christine.

At that moment I could come up with a million excuses. But they would all sound just like that; excuses.

"I get it now." She said.

Her smile was smug. She spoke while checking her face in a compact mirror then shut the lid.

"What do you want me to say?" I asked.

I was at a complete loss for words.

"No. It's okay. I get it."

She looked at Jimmy with the same smile. He couldn't bring his eyes from the floor.

"Are you going to tell her?" He asked.


Jimmy nodded.

"For what?"

He still did not look at her. Or at me. "I don't know."

Nobody said anything for a good thirty seconds. The silence was only broken by the patio door opening. Nichole was the first one in and she walked towards us while everyone else headed to sit down in the living room. They talked in the background and Jimmy and I were too frozen to even hear what they were saying.

"Hey. It's cold out there."

"Nichole we should get going soon."

Jimmy looked up for a brief moment. The look of fear was on his face but he tried to hide it by looking back down.

Nichole looked at Christine then at Jimmy.


"Because it's late and I'm tired."

"Are you going to drive?" I asked.

"No. I'm wasted. I'll call a cab or something."

"You'll be waiting at least ten or fifteen minutes."

"It's cool we can use the fresh air."

Nichole seemed very confused. "I already got enough fresh air."

"Yeah but I have to get home."

Nichole looked at Jimmy. "What's wrong with you?"

"I don't feel good."

He didn't appear to be lying. He seemed kind of pale and still looked at the floor. Given the circumstance I completely understood. I almost reached out a hand to his back but before the thought could even process to my arm I thought against it.

I looked in the living room and everyone looked like corpses dead on the furniture.

"Yeah I think everyone is just going to pass out soon anyway." I said.

I hoped to change Nichole's mind on staying. She looked around at everyone then at Jimmy.

"Call me?" She said as she reached out to give him a hug.

He nodded.

They gathered their things and put their sweatshirts on.

We said bye.

"I don't trust her." I said.

"Neither do I."

Jimmy swayed a little bit. Then he ran for the bathroom. Without hesitation I was right behind him.

"No!" He held a finger out to stop me from coming in.

He didn't have too much time to protest as he began to gag over the toilet. I didn't watch him out of fear for my own reflexes but I stood behind him and rubbed his lower back while he did what needed to be done.

After a couple of minutes of him just standing there and breathing. I put the lid down and flushed. He sat down on the lid. I filled a cup with water and gave it to him. He rinsed his mouth and after using mouth rinse he rinsed it again.

"I think I threw up your cum."

"That's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard."

He smiled and swayed again. I caught him before he overcorrected himself to fall in the other direction.

"Come on." I said as I pulled up one of his arms.




He stood up and leaned his face into the side of my chest. My arm was draped around him holding on to this other side.

He forcefully shoved his face into my ribs. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply with his nose.

"You smell so good Nick." He whispered.

I looked down at him and smiled. He was in a terrible state, mentally and physically. An absolute mess. So I just smiled for a moment and appreciated the rainforest for what it was. I probably didn't look much better.

"We're going to bed." I said.

I didn't realize that everyone was passed out already where they sat.

First I had to take my stumbling love to bed. I put a garbage can next to his side but he passed out on his side right away.

Then I had to help Kayla get Jake onto the inflatable mattress. Chloe and Peter laid out on the couches and Steve went to his room.

Then finally back to my bedroom.

"Where have you been?" Jimmy asked.

He still lay uncovered on his side.

"I had to make sure everyone was okay."

He rolled over on his other side and he started doing this weird, slow motion, fish out of water thing on my bed.

I laughed. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Taking my shirt off."

"Here. Wait."

I walked to the bed then pulled his shirt over his head. He started tugging at his waist line as if the tightness was going to give way to his slight attempts.

I undid his belt, then his fly. Then I pulled his pants down and off his ankles.

"Oh Mr. Robinson."

He did his best to put on a perverted smile.


"You don't want me anymore?" He asked.

"I just had you. Ten minutes ago."

"That's why you're not horny?"

I smiled at his awkward sadness, the simplicity behind his drunken questions.

"I'm tired." I said.

"I'm not."

I raised an eye brow at him and walked to my side of the bed. I undressed down to my underwear then pulled the blankets over him.

I laid on my side under the covers and pulled him back into me. His back felt cold to my warm stomach. His hair still smelled good. Despite his long day, his drinking, his sweating, his hair still smelled good. I kissed the back of his head. His messy short locks tickled my nose.



"Don't let me die?"

I chuckled. He was wasted.

"You're not going to..."

"Promise me!"

I knew he was perfectly fine but realized his drunken emotions developed into actual fear.

"I promise." I kissed the back of his head and held him tighter. "I'm not going to let you die."

A moment of rarity came when I actually slept in longer than usual the next morning. The birds in the backyard is what finally drew my eyes open. I had my back turned to Jimmy and faced the alarm clock which said it was already noon.

I could hear Jimmy breathing behind me. I could smell his scent. Waking up next to him every morning felt amazing. Like waking up to Christmas when you're a kid.

I very much enjoyed rolling over day after day and seeing that pissed off look that he always slept with. Watching him breathe in his sleep. Happiness was his comfort, even when he looks angry in whatever dreams he is having.

Without shaking the bed too much, I rolled over to face what I expected would be a sleeping Jimmy.

"Good morning." He said.

He was sitting up with the blanket pulled up and over his stomach. He was still shirtless as I was sure he didn't make it all the way out of bed yet.

"You're up already."


A hint of his sadness, of his fear from being caught was still there.

Then he smiled. I sat up next to him and draped the blankets over my lap.

"What's so funny?"

Jimmy shook his head with the same smile. "Nothing."

I leaned my head towards him. "Tell me."

"No I don't want you to feel weird."

"I never feel weird."

"I don't want to hurt your sensitivity."

A frown grew over my face. "I am not sensitive!"

"See there it is."

I smiled. Don't laugh at me.

"You're sensitive about being sensitive."

"You're mean."

I reached out and tried to squeeze his bare nipple.

"No I'm not."

I looked at him and gave him a small kiss on the lips. He didn't seem to return it.

"What?" I asked. "Don't you want to kiss me?"


I was starting to feel paranoid as I realized he wasn't joking.

"Seriously? Why not?"

He smiled. "You don't want to know."

"Of course I do."

I felt the slightest bit offended.


I waited.

"...I didn't brush my teeth after I threw up last night."

Then I felt stupid. Then I realized I already kissed him.

Quickly I made a face and began wiping my lips off. "That's nasty."

"Asshole." He pinched my arm.

"Ow shit!"

"Now you're being mean."

I looked at him with wide eyes. "You wouldn't have the same reaction?"

"Well duh but it's different when you do it to me."

I looked at him with playful disbelief.

"I see how this works."

He picked up my hand and kissed it. "Well now that you know."

He didn't let go of my hand. He held it for a few moments in his lap and traced his finger on the back of it.

"So..." I said.


"Are you going to tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"Whatever this thing I'm too sensitive to hear is?"

"See even you said it yourself."

I let my head fall slightly to the side and gave him a more serious smile. "Jimmy...really."

"Okay fine."

I waited.

"You talk in your sleep."

"No I don't."

I defended myself though this wasn't the first time I heard this.

He nodded his head with a huge smile. "Yes. Yes you do."

"So what if I do. It isn't that big of a deal."

He looked off away from me. "It wouldn't be. But sometimes..."


"You talk a lot of shit in your sleep."

My brows wrinkled. "Bullshit."

"No Nick. Seriously."

"Like what?"

He bit his lip as he thought about it.

"Last week. One night you passed out on the couch and asked for ice cream."

I didn't remember this at all.

"I told you we didn't have any."

I waited for Jimmy to continue but he did not.

"That's it?"

He shook his head.

"Tell me. What did I say?"

He sat up straight, "You shut your mouth. Don't you say that to me. Go to sleep."

My jaw dropped in disbelief. I didn't know what was harder to believe, that I would say that to him or that he used a very old man's voice to mimic what I "said".

"I did not say that. And if I did I didn't sound like an old man."

"Yes. You did."

I made a sad face.

"Don't be sad. It's cute."

"No it's not."

He brushed the back of his hand on my cheek as if he were wiping something off. "I love it."

"You know what I love?" I asked.


"The way you snore sometimes."




"Like two little snores a night."

He legitimate looked worried.

"I don't want to snore."

"It's really not a big deal."

"You're not the one snoring!"

"And you're not the bitter verbally abusive asshole."

He smiled at me.

Noise could be heard from the rest of the house as it sounded like others were awake.

I sat up a bit. "Should we get up?"

He put a hand on my chest. "No."

I leaned back and he kept his hand on my chest while he rested his head on my shoulder.

At least five minutes went bye where we just lay without saying anything. Listening to the sounds of our friends, and to the birds in the back yard.

"I'm scared." Jimmy said.

"So am I."

"All the time."

I kissed the top of his head. "So am I."

The following day I noticed something was off. Something had changed. Not really something as much as someone.

Chloe, Peter and I met that morning for our weekly jog as the rest of the week we were all busy.

We stuck to the usual path. From our parked cars to the ocean and the beach. From the beach towards the rocks where Jimmy and his friends were surfing that day. Then to the pine tree park that led back in the circle to our cars.

We leaned against my car talking and drinking water. I couldn't concentrate as I looked around the lot and saw absolutely nothing.

"Earth to Nick." Chloe said snapping her fingers.

"What?" I asked a bit annoyed.

"Are you listening to me?"


"Because I asked you the same thing twice and you didn't answer."

"Really," Peter said, "You've been out of it."

I knew exactly what weighed on me but I didn't want to admit it to my friends.

"It's really stupid." I said shaking my head.

"Honey," Chloe said, "Everything everyone says is stupid."

"'s just weird."

"What is?" Peter asked.

"Notice that something is different? Like someone is missing?"

"Are you missing Jimmy already?" Chloe asked.

"No. I mean yes. But I'm not talking about Jimmy."

"Who then?"

"My stalker. Or anyone else for that matter."

Chloe looked around as she caught on right away. Peter still seemed confused.

I looked at him. "Where did he go? The paparazzi. Why is he all of a sudden not following me?"

Peter seemed skeptical. "Are you sure you're not just over thinking this? Maybe he's taking a break?"

"No. He was there. He was everywhere for a few days. I noticed it last night too. When I took the boys out to eat."

"The boys?" Chloe said. "You and Jimmy are definitely a married couple and Steve is your child."

"No way."

"It's true." Peter said.

Chloe took another drink of water. "You should sign up your man child for soccer."

"You would like that wouldn't you?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Why would I?"

"See him all hot and sweaty after a game."

She glanced at Peter then gave me a worrisome look.

"It's okay," I said, "He's the one that told me about it."

"You guys talked about this?"

"It's true then. You do have a crush on him." Peter said with a laugh.

"What am I thirteen?" She asked.

"No." I said. "But you do have a thing for him.

I stood up from leaning against my car.

She drank from her bottle again.

"It's okay." I said. "We're all adults here."

"But I hate him so much." Chloe said.

Peter laughed again. "Chloe, sweetie, that's just going to make the sex all the better."

I almost spit out the water I was trying to swallow. A little bit managed to drip on my shirt.

"Really?" She asked him.

He nodded. "Everyone could use a good hate fuck now and then."

I thought about what he said. I wondered if I would ever have a good hate fuck session. I'm sure. There would probably come a day where I pissed him off so bad that he'd just end up giving it to me without control. Of course I couldn't hate fuck him without tearing the boy in two.

"Right Nick?" Chloe asked. "A million miles away."

"I gotta go anyway." Peter said.

All three of us headed for our cars.

"Love you boys."

"Love you." Peter and I both said.

I let them both drive off first and we stayed in line for a few blocks.

I constantly watched my mirrors to see if I was being followed. Surprisingly enough there wasn't a car in site. I stopped at a red light and looked up to the sky through my windshield. Maybe they were in a helicopter?

I sat straight up with a smile and shook my head at how idiotically paranoid I was acting. But still when the light turned green I checked all the mirrors again. Nothing.

My paranoia still came home with me as I pulled up to the house. I never noticed before how wide out in the open I was. I didn't park my car in the garage. No fence, no gate. And half the time I left a few windows unlocked.

My neighborhood was safe and I absolutely loved my house but I realized I couldn't live out in the open anymore.

"Hey." Jimmy greeted me from the couch.

"Where's Steve?"

"Job interview."

I walked to the couch to kiss Jimmy.

"You smell good. And sweaty."

"I was running with Peter and Chloe. Did you sleep well?"

He nodded.

I sat down on the couch next to him but didn't watch the TV.

"What's wrong?"

I looked at the open window. "We have to move."

"Move? We?"


"You love this place."

"And it was a good first place."

Jimmy sat up. "You're serious about this."

"Yea. I am."

"What brought this on?"

"We need more security."

Jimmy looked worried. "Did something happen?"

"No. Not at all. But I don't feel safe here anymore."

"So are you talking about moving into a high-rise?"

"Hell no." I laughed.

"Why not?"


"Probably just stay here. In this area. But we need a gate. A two car garage. Maybe a private back yard."

"You keep saying we." Jimmy said.

I looked down in embarrassment. It was a subject that we never talked about.

"Well. We are...kind together right?" I asked.

The room was so quiet I could hear his smile.

"I guess we are." Jimmy said.

Just then the door burst open and in walked Steve.

"Oh look hon our son is home." Jimmy said.

I laughed loudly, "Don't say that!"

"Well how did the interview go dear, did you get the job?"

I laughed and tried to cover Jimmy's mouth. Steve gave us both a weird look as he slowly walked in.

"They don't hire you on the spot. Nobody really does that any more. They'll call me. Or send me a rejection email."

"Really?" Jimmy asked. "They reject you through email?"

" anyway I hope I get the job."

"Dude. Sorry." Jimmy said.

I looked at Steve. "Hey after we take a shower and get dressed do you want to go get with lunch?"

"I'm down." Jimmy said.

"We knew that." Steve said. "I'm down too."

I nodded to Jimmy and he got up to follow me to our bedroom to pick out some clothes.

As was the norm he shivered away from the shower while I adjusted it to a decent temperature.

When we first got in I even felt cold but the warm water quickly made up for it.

"A place with a master bathroom."

Jimmy smiled. "And maybe two shower heads with separate controls."

I realized he still crossed his arms around his midsection and shivered.

"You're still cold."

"The water kinda is."

I reached back to turn it up. It felt hot to me but he seemed to find comfort in it. I was fine with that.

He began to shampoo his hair. "I need to get a haircut soon."

"Oh yeah?" I asked.


He reached out his hand to run it through my lathered hair. "Your hair is getting long."

"Yeah. It's for my role."

"We never talked about that."

"We'll move before I leave."

"Not that. The leaving part."

I began to rinse my hair. He was right. It was a conversation I avoided having.

"Where should I stay while you are gone?"

I rubbed my eyes and looked at him. "You can stay where we live. Wherever that may be."

I moved so he could rinse his hair.

"And Steve?"

"I want you both to be there."

He didn't say anything while he finished rinsing his hair. I began to soap up and he stood under the water for a bit longer.

Then he looked me in the eye. Those rain forest greens.

"I'm going to miss you Nick."

"I'm going to miss you. I'll come see you every weekend."

He smiled. "No you won't"

"Why not?"

"That's too much. You'll need your rest. I'll come see you."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm not really doing anything else at the moment." He said with a hint of sadness.

"Turn around."

Without question he turned. I used the bar of soap to wash and massage his back. From his glistening shoulders to down to the water run off of his back side.

"You have very hair legs." I said.

"So." He smiled.

"You're very hairy for a smaller guy."

"And you're hairless for an over grown man."

I laughed. "I am overgrown in some places."

"And I'm not small where it counts."

"I wish you were." I said.

He had a look of disbelief on his face. "Why?"

"A friend of mine once said, everyone could use a good hate fucking."


I laughed again, "Nothing. It's just that if you were maybe about three inches and not as thick I could handle you better."

"I get your logic but isn't size what everyone's after."

"I guess so, but it's overrated."

"Says the guy with a monster cock."

I smiled. "Point taken."

"Now you turn around."

He massaged my back the way I did his. After my morning run it felt good to have a few kinks work most of the way out.

He didn't stop there.

He continued to work his way down until he reached the crevice of my ass. He deeply massaged those areas causing me to tense up a moment before feeling completely relaxed.

Then he went further down until he massaged my globes in circles. Every few rotations he would let a finger brush into the crevice giving me quick sensations. I began to grow in hardness as his brushes became rubs until with one finger he was rubbing the entrance of my hole.

I shuttered a bit and let out a moan. I turned around and realized he had his finger in his mouth, sucking it. This caused my breathing to deepen.

"If you can't handle me then my finger will have to do."

To give him the go ahead I turned back around and leaned forward until I rested my forehead on the tiled shower wall. I arched my back to give him better access then I could hear the suction as he pulled his finger from his mouth.

It felt cold and wet against one of my most sensitive areas. He pushed it in to the first knuckle and I jumped a bit.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Fucking great."

Carefully he slid in and stopped at the second knuckle. I let out another moan.

"You like that."


I could hear him stroking himself.

"Do you want more?"

I nodded.

Very slowly he pushed his finger the rest of the way in. I stood up a little bit which made my muscles clench tight around his finger. My own hardness was starting to beg for attention and could not deny it any longer.

He slowly began to pull his finger outward. I bent down again to ease the tightness. He pushed all the way back in. I was loosening up.

I began to rub myself faster, keeping a motion with his finger going in and out of my hole. Wanting more of the pleasure and pain that came with it.

The craziest part is, the whole time he was violating my ass with his finger, the whole time I enjoyed being in bottom mode, all I could think about was fucking him. While bent over in the shower with Jimmy's finger up my ass, I imagined the whole time that it was me fucking him. What a weird fantasy to affix to such physical sensations.

The feeling was fantastic. He prodded my ass well while we stroked ourselves faster than before. I made a mental note that the next time I buried myself into his ass that he would have to finger me at the same time.

I was getting close. By his breathing and shaky finger I could tell that he was too.

Without warning, he pulled fast out of me. He leaned forward and without looking I knew what he was trying to do. I squatted down enough to feel his dick pressed against my hole. Hid head slightly slid in just in time for him to start spewing warm cum within the shallows of my ass.

The feeling of it all brought me over the edge and I painted the wall with many thick squirts. Right after he pulled out of me I could feel his emission leaking out and down the back of my leg.

He looked down and laughed. "Sorry."

I turned around and shook my head. I kissed him full on the lips and pressed the end of my tongue into his.

On the ride to the restaurant Jimmy's phone vibrated.

"It's Nichole." He said hitting the silent button.

"Aren't you going to answer it?" I asked.

"Nah. It can wait."

The restaurant was thankfully dead but I still could not get comfortable with the idea that we weren't being followed. It wasn't out of vanity, I just saw all of this as the calm before the storm.

We all ordered. Jimmy and I got something involving chicken, Steve ordered Steak.

Jimmy's phone vibrated again.

"Dude just answer it." Steve said.

Jimmy looked at me and I nodded right away.


I tried not to eavesdrop but I could clearly hear her as she was a natural loud talker. Jimmy looked at me and knew right away that I could hear her.

"How are you?"

"Good." Jimmy said.

"So the weirdest thing happened."

"Oh yeah?"

I could tell that Jimmy was not interested as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. He always did that when in fake conversation mode.

"Did something happen between Christine and your friend Nick?"

Jimmy looked at me quizzically. I shook my head as if he had to ask.

"No. Why?"

"Well since we left your house the other night she's been ignoring me.

"Really?" Jimmy became interested.

I was kind of relieved. If this Christine stopped talking to Nichole then we didn't risk her finding out.

"Yeah but that's not the weirdest part."

Jimmy rolled his eyes, "What's the weirdest part?"

"Right when we left she said her dad was picking us up. She sent a text message and we didn't even make it down the street before he picked us up. Except this guy was older, but I don't think he was old enough to be her dad. And it took him less than a minute to pick us up but Van Nuys is at least twenty minutes away."

Jimmy looked as confused as I felt. I thought about it for a few more moments only slightly distracted by Steve trying to blow the paper wrapper from his straw.

Then it hit me. My heart began to race.

"No!" I said.

Jimmy and Steve looked at me.

"No fucking way."

I reached my hand out for Jimmy's phone.

He asked "You want to talk to..."


"Okaaaay." He gave me the phone.

"Hi Nichole?"


"No. It's Nick."

"Hi Nick." She said nervously.

I had no time to waste.

"This guy. What kind of car did he have?"

"I don't know. Something black?"

"How long have you known Christine?"

"For about a week maybe."

My heart beat harder.

"The man. Did he wear a jacket?"

"Yes Nick. What's going on?"

"What color was it?"

"Why are you asking me these...?"

"The color...please?" I rudely interrupted.

"It was black. Not it was white. No wait, it was khaki.

My breathing stopped. How could I be so stupid? At times like these I amazed myself at my own foolishness.

I handed Jimmy back his phone and could hear Nichole say, "Hello...Nick...Hello...Jimmy?"

"What's going on?" Jimmy asked.

"Christine isn't Christine."

"What?" Steve asked.

"Christine is paparazzi."

"That's why we're not being followed."

Jimmy said. "They have everything they need." be continued...

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Next: Chapter 15

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