Nick and Jimmy

By The Goblin

Published on Mar 12, 2016


"Nick and Jimmy" By The Goblin

Nifty Archive: Gay Male: Celebrity

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of Nick Robinson or Jimmy Bennet or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

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Chapter 13

"I could climb out the window." Jimmy said.

I looked up at the small window. "No way."

"I'm sure I'll fit."

"Then you'll have to jump about ten feet."

"I can try."

"You're not jumping out the window."

"It's not a bad idea." Peter said.

Jimmy nodded in agreeance.

"What are you talking about?"

"They think you're in here alone."

"Me?" I asked.

"Obviously. Chloe told them that you were in the shower and that Jimmy went out."

"Where would I go with no car?" Jimmy asked.

"I don't know. But they bought it."

"Wait!" I said.

"What?" Peter asked.

"What do they think you're doing in here?"

"Really?" Jimmy said with a look of confusion on his face.

"They don't know that I'm in here. Steve distracted them."

"Shh then. They'll hear us talking." I whispered.

The three of us were quiet for a moment and listened to the conversation in the other room.

"I have an idea." I said.

I reached in my gym shorts pocket and grabbed my phone.


"Steve!" I whispered.

"Hey. How are you?"

"Distract them somehow."

"How do I get to that place?" He asked playing well into it.

I knew he was in the room with them and was doing his best to speak in code.

"I don't know. Think of something."

"Okay." He said. "Thank you. Have a good day."

The three of us listened for Steve to make his move.

"Hey do you guys want to go outside and smoke some weed?"

Jimmy smacked his forehead.

"Dumb Ass!" I whispered.

Peter let out a small laugh.

There was a pause where I could picture perfectly the disbelief on everyone's face.


We weren't expecting that.

"That was Nichole." Jimmy said with a smile.

"It actually worked." Peter said.

I wanted to wait a little bit longer but a knock soon came at the door.

"All good." Chloe said.

Jimmy and I both took a peak to make sure we were good to escape.

"No wait." I said.

"You go change in my room and I'll change in here."


"It will look suspicious if we both come out of my room at the same time."

He looked back at the door. "Oh yeah."

We went our separate ways and Chloe and Peter retreated to the couch.

When I finished getting dressed I went to see if Jimmy was done also. After I opened the door I found it empty.

"Loverboy is outside."

"Hey Nick."

I jumped. I didn't know she was there. Kayla caught me by surprise as she sat up on the love seat.

"Hi Kayla. How are you?"


"So Kayla didn't go out with everyone else."

I realized what that meant when Chloe said that.

"Oh. So you were laying on the sofa when..."


"And you heard..."


"Okay." I said.

I sat down on the couch with Chloe and Peter.

"You worry too much." Kayla said.

"Way too much." Chloe said.

I looked at them both, then at the group outside that was starting to come inside. "Not enough."

"Not enough what?" Steve asked.

"Oh you know."

I was glad he left it at that.

"Everyone," Jimmy said, "This is Nichole and Christine."

As the awkward greeting to the two newcomers was given I noticed the Christine girl kept looking at me. Nichole seemed fixed on Jimmy. Great. I already regretted my decision of welcoming strangers into my home.

"Peter." I said.


"Can we go to the liquor store?"

He held up his keys already in his hand.


"I'll take care of your house."

"Dude," Steve said, "You never leave me in charge."

"Uh huh."

"Where's the trust?"

"I trust you'll burn the place down." Chloe said.

"Damn girl."

She gave him a mean look from the corner of his eyes.

"Why are you always like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like you hate me."

"It's how I express fondness."

"I told you so." I said.



"I'm ready."

We left the house.

"Who are these girls again?" He asked as he started his car.

"I don't know. One of them is friends with Jimmy."

"The Nichole girl?"


"Does she know their just friends?"

"He already told me she has a thing for him."

Peter laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. I mean...I don't want to sound like an asshole, Jimmy is great, but it's just..."

We stopped at a red light.

"What Peter?"

"I just don't see what the big deal is."

I smiled at him, "To each their own."

"Yeah I just like my men to be men."

"And what would you call Jimmy?"

He seemed to think about it for a moment.

"He's like a boy-man."

"A boy-man?" I laughed.

"Yeah I mean he's adorable and everything, but I just need something to hold onto you know."

I laughed again. "Well I'm not really the one doing the holding."

"That's obvious."

The light turned green.

"What kind of man would be your type?" I asked.

"You're friend Steve is pretty hot."


"Really I mean..."

"I can't even...not in a million years."

"Yeah but you grew up with him."

"Doesn't his personality kind of kill it?"

"No way!"


"That's the most attractive part?"

"Really?" I still couldn't believe my ears.

He pulled his car into a parking stall at the liquor store and put it in park.

"I'm not the only one who thinks so."

"Who else?" I thought about it for a moment, "No way!"

I looked at Peter in disbelief and he just had an interesting smile on his face.

"She told you this?"

"Yeah right. She'd pull her own eye out before she admitted that."

"Then how do you know?"

"I see the girl almost every day. I talk to her on the phone at night. I see how different she is around him."

"But Chloe? She hates Steve."

"Yeah. To the untrained eye."

"You're full of shit.

"Cash? Please."

"Oh yeah." I dug out my wallet. "Get the same thing you got last time, but double."

"You're such a lush."

"I plan ahead."

Peter got out and went into the store. Just then my phone vibrated. It was a message from Jimmy.

"She's already asking about you."


"No Christine."

"Right. How do I say no nicely?"

"I've been trying to figure that out for a couple of years now."

"I just don't have it in me to pretend tonight."

"Put on a good face, we're going to need it."

"We'll be back soon."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

I watched Peter in line at the liquor store through the glass doors. This time he was smart and had a small shopping cart. In less than three months I would be twenty one and in less than two Jimmy would be twenty. I would have to remember to take him out for his birthday. Maybe we'd go down to Mexico and get wasted at a bar. Then I imagined him in jail or getting kidnapped. Meh, maybe we'll go to Canada.

After Peter put the liquor in the trunk he got in the car.

"Thanks for helping."


He looked at me.

"I'm underage."


I laughed, "I would have got out if you didn't park right in front of the door."

"I'm sure."

"Besides I don't want to do anything that would derail my workout from this morning."

As Peter backed out of the stall I remembered my excursion into fantasy and the guilt returned.

"Can I ask you a serious question?" I asked.

"Of course."

"You were in a serious relationship before..."

Peter laughed. "I'm always in a serious relationship, at least three times a year."

"Seriously Peter."

"Okay. Ask away."

"Did your eyes ever wander? Like did you ever find someone else so attractive that you imagined things...doing things with that person?"

"All the time?" He said as a question.

"Were you ever in love?"

"Very much so. Still am."

"How did you feel?"

"Horny obviously."

I gave him a look.

"Guilty. At first."

"At first?"

"Then I just found out it was second nature."

He turned his car in the direction towards my house.

"Why do you ask? Are your eyes wandering?"

"Not all the time. Today there was just this guy at the gym."



"Was he hot?"

"Oh yeah." I said with a smile but still carried that burden.


"Don't make fun of me." I playfully said.

"No. Seriously. Don't worry about it. It's in our nature."

"Our nature as animals?"

"No dummy, as men."

I looked at Peter and realized I never really looked at him as a man. I never really looked at myself as a man.

"But I kind of talked to him."

"You talked to him?"

"Well he talked to me first."

" exchanged numbers?"


"Friend requests?"


"Shook hands?"


"Fucked wildly in the locker room."

"NO!" I laughed and shook my head.

"You're worrying about nothing. Tell Jimmy about it. I'm sure he'll agree."

"I already told him. Right away."

"What did he say?"

"The same thing you're saying."

"Then why are you beating yourself up about it?"

"I just feel like shit."

"Is there anything else going on? How is everything else going?"

"Everything is the best. It also sucks."

"Why do you say that?"

"I'm tired of constantly hiding. And we're being followed anyway." Peter checked his rearview mirror and then his side mirrors. "There's no one behind us.

"No. Not us as in right now. Jimmy and me."

He turned down my street.

"Oh yeah Chloe told me about that guy. The jogger."

"I don't know what we are going to do."

"What can you guys do?"

He pulled into my short driveway with just enough room to squeeze in behind my car.

"I don't know." I said. "A part of me wants to find better ways to hide."

"And the other part of you."

"Just wants to pull the bandage off in one swipe."

"You mean come out?"

I nodded my head.

Peter looked down at his steering wheel.

"I just don't know what to do." I said.

"It's such a screwed up thing isn't it Nick?"

I looked at him not fully understanding what he said. He looked up from his steering wheel and back at me.

"To have the best moments of our lives constantly shadowed by fear."

Then I looked away from him. He was right. It took every part of my inner strength to not let it all get to me. The night was going to be good no matter what. Even if I had to fake it.

"What took you guys so long?" Steve said as we walked in the door.

I didn't even acknowledge that he said anything.

Peter and I put everything away and it was time to start drinking. At first we started off with a drinking game and within the hour I was on my way to being lit.

Jimmy was getting better at drinking wine. Steve was getting better at making up new rules. Chloe was already an expert at being Chloe. I loved my friends but I had to constantly remind myself to not let my emotions take over my reason. I had to remind myself not to touch Jimmy. Hands off.

I sat down next to him though when it was his turn to shuffle the deck of cards.

He turned the first one over and all the guys had to take a drink. It was no surprise to me that Nichole was on his other side. Every time he said something funny she would laugh and grab his leg, or touch his shoulder, or something.

Chloe played into it and would raise an eyebrow or tilt her glass to me in secret whenever Nichole hit on Jimmy.

At a certain point I lipped the words, "asshole," to her.

Halfway through the deck Steve got up and somehow before I could see it coming Christine sat on my left. She smiled at me and flicked her hair back over the shoulder closest to me. But it was my turn to draw a card. A lucky distraction.

By the time the deck was done I was drunker than I was before. I could tell Jimmy was at my same level. Christine became relentless in her flirtation and started to touch my limbs as well. Chloe secretly and quietly teased me more than she did before.

I lipped, "go to hell."

She smiled back and shook her head as if to say, "Thank you for asking though."

I could tell by Jimmy's face that he was uncomfortable with Christine's advancement on me. I must have had the same look on my face every time Nichole looked at him.

Although I knew the attraction was not returned to her it still made me a little bit jealous.

Every once in a while he would steal a smile for a just a micro second or two. Or he would accidentally bump his knee into my upper leg. How is it possible to miss someone you're sitting right next to?

"It's your turn." Kayla said to me.

"Actually I need to get some fresh air."

I needed an escape. I needed to get away from my new friend before her hands got any grabbier.

I looked at Jimmy and he was about to say something.

"I'll go with you." Christine said.

I had to play the part. The stupid part. I couldn't deny her or change my mind without her or Nichole becoming suspicious.

I glanced around the room knowing any minute that one of my friends would stand up and go with. I just needed one to chaperone. I looked at Jimmy but knew he didn't want to seem too clingy in front of either Nichole or Christine.

I was out of luck. No one seemed to notice that I was in desperate need of a life preserver.

"Okay." I said, then headed for the patio door.

She walked out right behind me and shut the door. I looked over her shoulder and could see my asshole friends just sitting as if nothing was going on.

"So you have such a nice house."

"Thank you but it's not mine."

"You rent?"

I thought the question was kind of inappropriate given that I didn't even know her.


"That's cool."

I was pretty sure if I said no that she would have had the same response. It was obvious that she was after me and I was pretty sure I could just start spouting gibberish and she'd say, "That's cool."

I didn't know what would be the right amount of time. Was it too early to go in? Should I count out one more minute than announce that I was done with fresh air?

"So do you guys do this often?" She asked.

"Not really." I answered her shortly.

I was done playing nice and just wanted it to be over.

"Because you guys are pretty cool." She tried being nonchalant. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. Especially you."

I didn't say anything.

"Do you think I'm pretty?"


She smiled seductively assuming that I was going to say yes.

"Good." She said.

"Well I..."

Without warning she started caressing my arm. It was a familiar touch as I had been with girls before. But it was unwelcome altogether.

I pulled away and she instantly responded with confusion.

"I'm sorry. I have to go back in."

I left her out on the patio and since it was dark outside and the lights were on inside I wasn't able to see her.

"Where's Christine?" Nichole asked.

Jimmy looked at me and I didn't know what to say so I just blurted out, "Shit its freezing."

When she turned towards the door I could tell she had a hard time making out Christine's form on the patio. She sat back down.

I sat down next to Jimmy. I felt awkward as I knew my seat faced the sliding glass doors and I could almost feel her watching me. I caught the slightest look in Jimmy's eyes and we only made eye contact for a single second.

"Does everyone want to play again?" Steve asked.

"No!" Chloe and Peter both said.

"Come on!" Steve gestured towards us. "You guys are more hardcore than they are."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Jimmy asked with a slight slur.

"You're drinking wine."

"Wine is stronger than beer."

I looked at Steve. "He's got a point dude."

"I'm in!" Jake said across the room almost passed out in the arm chair and not once lifting his head.

"Really Jake?" Kayla said.

Steve started shuffling the deck.

Kayla looked at Steve. "No."

"Just one more?" Jake's head still rested back but he held up his bottle and Kayla picked it out of his hand.

Without protest or argument he let his hand drop to his lap and curled onto his side.

Christine came back in at that point and she smelled of smoke. I wondered what was taking her so long to come in but didn't realize that it was because she was trying to hide the fact that she was a smoker. Little did she know that all her efforts were lost on me. I felt bad but at the same time even if I were straight I don't just fuck with people I just met.

I guess some people don't have boundaries. She sat again to my left. She looked at me and I didn't know what else to do besides smile and nod.

Instantly she turned to Steve and started talking to him. Of course he was putty in her hands and did not waste a moment in returning her playful flirtation.

I was relieved to have her off of me if even just for the moment.

Something else happened though. Something I would have never expected. I caught the look in Chloe's eyes. It was the same that I caught in Jimmy's eyes. The same look that I was certain I was painted with throughout the night.

It was jealousy.

She must have caught my disbelief because she tore herself away from watching Steve long enough to realize that I saw everything. I looked around the table and grabbed what I was sure was my beer, then I silently toasted Chloe, raised an eyebrow then winked my eye.

She shook her head and lipped what I believe was, "Don't you dare." Then she shook her head and took another drink.

So Peter was right. She did have a thing for Steve. I was so happy, and so grossed out. So confused and still surprised.

Steve didn't seem interested but I was sure that Christine did it to try and make me jealous anyway.

After another thirty minutes I started getting that feeling that came with being drunk. I couldn't help but look at Jimmy more and more and start to bite my lip as I remember how we were interrupted in the shower earlier.

I started to think about what we were doing and tried to stop looking at him. No one seemed to notice so I stole a few quick glances at his bulge. He was skinny and wore tight jeans so they didn't leave much to the imagination.

I was sitting with my legs stretched out but when I sensed my growing hardness I pulled my knees up until my feet were flat on the floor. I leaned forward and hoped it shifted further down my leg but it didn't take. It got harder as I tried to lean forward again to trap it in my pant leg. On the third try it finally stuck and I was glad that no one noticed what was going on.

But someone did, and I was glad that he did.

From where Jimmy sat he could easily see what was going on with me and I could tell that it piqued his interest. I had to constantly make sure that Christine wasn't watching as she would have the same vantage point but from the other side.

Jimmy looked forward with a soft smile and bit his own lip. He crossed an arm over his lap and pretended to pay attention to the drunken group conversation.

A few times I watched him try to cross his legs. He tried very hard to find a comfortable way to hide himself. In those jeans though, he never had a chance.

I was one to talk. I fidgeted as much as I could until I made it look like I was massaging my foot so I had an excuse to lean forward with my left ankle resting on my knee.

If we both stopped looking at each other, then maybe it would have just gone away on its own. But I couldn't stop thinking about what we did earlier.

"Does anyone want to go out and smoke?" Steve asked.

"I do." Nichole said.

"Me too." Christine said.

Saved by the bell. I was grateful for Steve.

"Nick you coming?"

Stupid Steve!

"Yeah are you?" Christine asked.


"Babe let's go out and smoke." Jake pointed from the chair in the fetal position.

Kayla already had her sweatshirt and shoes on and she lifted a finger to her lips to the rest of us.

I nodded in understanding and Jimmy laughed quietly to himself.

"What about you?" Nichole asked Jimmy.

"Nah I'm cold."

"Chloe?" Steve asked.

"Yeah. Fuck it."


"Calm down boy. Just because I take you for a walk doesn't mean were going for a ride."

"I'd like to rid..."

"You'd like to keep your tongue?"

Steve laughed. "Right."

"Everyone," I said, "be quiet out there. I don't want the neighbors calling the cops."

"Fuck the police." Steve said.

"Steve!" Jimmy said.

"You know I'm good."

The door was shut after the last person was out.

"Are you okay over there?" I asked.

"Yeah why?"

"I see you're, uh, having a hard time."

He smiled. "Just as hard a time as you're having."

"What are you thinking about?" I asked.

"Dylan O'Brien."


He laughed at me.

"What do you think I'm thinking about?"

I smiled but not at him. I had to remember that though they couldn't hear us that well they could see us.

"What are you thinking about Nick?

"Getting deep inside."

"Oh really? What else do you want to do to me?"

"No not you. Dylan O'Brien."

Jimmy laughed and threw a pillow at me.

I smiled but this time it was directed at him. I didn't care as much as he did. He looked away first but this did not change our conversation.

"What would you do to me now if no one was here?" He asked.

"As fast as I could I'd help you tear your clothes off before I took your hard dick in my mouth."

"Dude that's nasty!" Fetal position Jake said out loud.

We forgot about him being passed out in the room. Both of our eyes bugged out as we sat up straight.

"Holy shit!" I whispered with a smile.

Jimmy shook his head.


"He never remembers everything."

"How do you know?"

"I just know."

"Are you sure?" I whispered.

"So what if he does." Jimmy said out loud and with a shrug of his shoulders.

I smiled and looked down. I knew he was coming around and it wasn't just the wine. He was getting better at this. He was getting better at being himself without shame.

I wish I could hug him. Kiss him. Fuck him. But the world was still outside my doors. Everything just waited to tear us apart.

"We're too drunk for your friends to leave." I hated to admit it.

"I know."

"They can sleep on the floor."

"Oh so Christine's not sleeping with you."

"Only if Nichole shacks up with you."

"No way."

"Have you ever...with a the way?"

"Yes he has." Jake slurred.


"Yeah. Have you?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

"But tonight," he said, "For one night only! I sleep with you."

I smiled. "For just one night?"

"Maybe." He said with a suspicious look on his face.

"I want you so bad." I whispered.

"You have no idea." He said out loud.

"My car?" I suggested.

"No one is watching." He said.

We both got out and snuck out the front door. I hit the remote to unlock the doors but forgot that my car beeped when I did that. We both got in.

"How fast can you cum?" Jimmy asked.

"How fast can you suck?"

I sat up to undue my belt and it took a bit of creativity but I was able to pull it out, hard as a rock against my stomach. Jimmy did the same. I tried reaching for him but was blocked when he dove down and wrapped his lips around it. I put my arm around his back to reach around and stroke him.

Normally we took our time. We always enjoyed taking our time. In our drunken haste we knew we just had to do what needed to be done.

He didn't play with it like he usually did. He didn't lick my balls or up and down my shaft. Instantly he just went into suction mode and I could feel his intense desire squeezing me with those red thick lips.

"Oh shit." I said loudly.

I had to keep watch on the house to make sure that no one inside looked outside. My yard was dark and you really couldn't see anything from inside but the paranoia was always very real.

Though my arm was very uncomfortable I loved how his hard cock felt in my hand. Somehow even when he was hard he still felt soft on the surface. He precummed a lot and it served as good lube without drying up.

I knew it wouldn't take me long so I tried to prolong it even if just for a minute or two.

I could feel his body shaking as I stroked him with my right hand. His sucking talents were at full use as he balanced his body over my center console in an intoxicated state.

The warmth enveloped me. With a flicker of his tongue at the tip of my head then the wet warmth that slid down my shaft. He repeated this over and over again.

"Your precum tastes good."

With my left hand I rubbed his head and his short hair felt soft between my fingers. This was a contrast from his short prickly pubes against the base of my hand as I stroked him from around the side.

Our breathing became heavy and the windows were beginning to steam up.

After only five minutes I could feel him begin to convulse and his dick got harder. I cupped my hand around his head and as he began to shoot warm liquid I was able to catch it all, spurt after spurt. He never missed a beat and continued to suck me though his body shook and his moans tickled the tip of my head.

When he had finished my drunken perverseness made me act without even second guessing myself. I took my cupped hand and licked all of it off. I held it in my mouth for a minute. It was still hot from his body heat but tasted so good.

As the sensation and the taste of his cum in my mouth hit me I could feel my own convulsions begin. Being that drunk I felt like I began to cum harder than I ever had.

"Oh fuck!" I yelled out, confidant that the car muffled my excitement.

Spurt after spurt I shot into his warm wet mouth and he moaned even more still sucking.

That familiar numbness returned to my face and limbs as he literally took the breath out of me every time he brought me over the edge.

My breathing was heavy and when every last drop was drained from me he let up to catch his own breath.

He rested his head back on the head rest and looked at me with a smile. He looked down at himself. Then he checked his pants. He pulled his shirt to stretch it out and saw nothing.

He grabbed my hand and unfolded it but still found nothing.

"Where did it all go?" He asked with a bit of confusion.

I made a sound with my lips and patted my stomach. My own shaft was still kind of hard.

"Perv." He said.

"Right, because you just didn't do the same exact thing." I said with a smile.

He looked around then leaned in for a quick kiss. I could taste and smell the cum on both of our lips.

By the time I was half soft I was able to adjust it back into my pants. He had as much of a difficult time as I did due to the tightness of his pants.

"We should get back inside." He said.

"Wait. Look at me."

I checked his face to make sure that he didn't have any white residue left.

"Am I good?"

"Yes. What about me?"

He checked my face as well.

"No!" He laughed.

I don't know why it turned me on so much but he leaned in and with the tip of his tongue he licked off the drop of his cum that was on my lower lip. I began to get hard again and bit the side of the lip that he licked.

He laughed at me. His green eyes caught in mine.

"Stop. We have to get inside." He couldn't help but say with a smile.

"If I can walk."

"Well now you have three legs."

"Be quiet."

We got out and headed for the door.

I could see the living room from the front door and it was empty.

I opened the door. "They're still out back smoking."

"Good then..."

"Where did you two go?" Christine asked from the breakfast bar.

I didn't even think to look to the right. I just assumed that if anyone came back in they would have sat back down in the living room.

We couldn't help but freeze. Had I been sober I probably could have played it off better but our best judgement was left back in the daylight. But of our hair was messed up. We were still a bit out of breath. Our faces flushed.

I could tell by the look on her face, and the look on ours, that we had been caught. be continued...

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Next: Chapter 14

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