Nick and Aj

By Trent Diaz

Published on Jun 12, 2010


So many of you wanted the end to this story and there is more, but it's not so much that it's really that interesting or something that would fill up an entire chapter. But soooooooo many people wrote in to ask about the rest of the story then here is what I wished would have happened:


Nick woke to a room flooded with light.

He lived so high up in the dorm that he rarely closed the curtains. No one could see in anyway.

His eyes fluttered for a moment in the bright light and he thought that he'd had some kind of wonderful dream. He looked straight up at the ceiling and thought for a moment.

He reached down to scratch his balls when he realized he wasn't wearing boxers at all. He paused for a moment, sat bolt upright and then looked over at the couch. There was AJ sleeping soundly. He was covered by a single thin sheet, but there was no question that he was still there and he was still very much naked.

Nick slipped to the edge of the bed and reached down for his shorts and paused. He was going to take in the sight of AJ a bit more. It was only 10:30 so AJ didn't have to be at work for a few hours yet, so there was no need to wake him. There was plenty of time to take in the sights.

AJ was on his side with his back turned to Nick. The sheet was draped over his legs, but not completely. The sexy curve of his right hip made it clear that he never put on his shorts back on in the night.

Nick looked down. Those white micro-fiber shorts of AJ's were still on the ground where they fell. Nick got up and walked over to them. He picked them up and sat back down on his bed.

He unfolded them and opened them up to crotch level. He'd never smelled a guy's shorts before and took a very cautious sniff. It had the musky smell of manhood mixed -- for some reason -- with the smell of sawdust. He smelled again and looked down. With each drag he took of AJ's shorts his own penis began to inflate until he was hard. If AJ turned around he could blame it on morning wood, but for now he was content to sit there naked ... on his bed and looking at AJ.

But Nick paused and looked at the shorts and threw them to the floor. There was no way he'd go without touching AJ in some way in this state. He stood and walked over to the sleeping Adonis. AJ's fine blond body hair was apparent now and absolutely positively glowed in the new morning light.

Nick reached down and hovered his hand above AJ's back and hip. He could feel the heat radiating from AJ's body, but didn't want to touch him. He felt bad about taking something or taking advantage of him. But there was nothing wrong with trying to gently wake AJ, was there?

Nick knelt down and put a hand on AJ's back and another on the curve of his exposed hip and gave a very gentle push. "AJ, you awake?" he asked cautiously?

Nick realized his morning wood was now dripping and that would be hard to explain. So he grabbed his towel and wrapped it tightly around his waist.

And then back to AJ. Nick slipped a hand from the hip to the lower back partially pulling back the sheet at the same time and gently pushing on his shoulder at the same time, but very so gently.


Still nothing.

Nick really wanted to peek under that sheet some more, so he slid his hand gently under it blurring the line from resting his hands on AJ's "lower back" to `upper cheek". He pushed to find very soft skin with a foundation of very strong muscle. Nick's penis strained against his towel.

"AJ, you up?" But he stayed sleeping, and breathing contently as ever.

It was too much for Nick. He reached under his towel and gave himself a few generous strokes. Almost as soon as he started he stopped. The sound of pre-cum forming around the tip of his penis gave off a soft kissing sound, so he stopped. Plus he knew there was no way he'd last more than twenty seconds. This was just too much for him and he let out a frustrated sigh.

AJ stirred at that moment. Nick quickly checked to make sure his towel was secure and gave another quick gentle nudge. On the back and hip again.

"Hey man, you still sleeping?" Nick asked.

AJ turned around slowly to his back and turned to face Nick. AJ rubbed his eyes and Nick quickly glanced down to the sheet to see it drop down a bit to reveal those neatly trimmed pubes.

"What time is it?" he asked.

"It's about 10:30. What time do you have to be at work?"

AJ dropped his hands at his side and didn't answer.

Nick realized that this was a key moment for AJ. He could wake up and be any one of many emotions, including regretful, sad, freaked out or even angry. Nick began to think of what he'd say in each of those situations and was about to get up from his kneeling position when AJ spoke.

"I had the most amazing dream," he began with eyes still closed tight. "My old girlfriend Jenny was here".

Nick smiled broadly. At least he wasn't mad, but what if he really believed that it was a dream? Who cares? They had some time together last night and if AJ needs to call it a dream then fine.

AJ slid his left hand to his crotch and began to scratch his balls. "Yea, she gave me this totally amazing hand job. It was like nothing I've ever had before." As he spoke his sheet drifted down and his very limp penis slipped into view.

It was beautiful, about five inches long, very pink and thick. It looked totally different in sunlight and when soft. It curved up and over his balls and draped partially down his leg. But it twisted to the side slightly exposing the small pink triangle on the underside of the tip of his penis. The gordita-thick skin of his penis held two faint blue veins buried deep within. But for the most part it was pink, thick, soft, meaty and inviting. Nick instinctively raised his hand to it, but then, of course paused. It was not his penis to touch. Not without permission at least.

"It was so real. Very nice. I think I may have spunked your bed too bro, sorry," AJ added with smile.

Nick's breathing started to change, but he tried to sound reassuring. "I'm sure its fine," he began "it just happens . . ."

AJ twisted at the hips and his soft penis seemed to flip up and stretch at the same time too, before falling back against his thigh.

"Man, that was good," his back popping slightly.

"So, in your dream, what did she do that you liked so much?"

AJ smiled and kept his eyes closed, as he draped his arms at chest level. "Well, she played with my balls and started jacking me. Then she started to juice me," he smiled before adding, "which was completely new." It was great. He laughed. I'm getting hard thinking about it actually.

Nicks eyes drew downward to see the pink sausage grow slightly and seemingly inflate right before his eyes.

"Well, who knows, maybe you could go back to sleep and you'd have another dream?" Nick suggested softly.

"Hmmmmmmmm", AJ moaned.

Nick wasn't so sure what this meant exactly. While he did suggest sleep, AJ hadn't exactly committed to the idea of another hand made wet dream. It left Nick wondering what to do. Hey stayed in the kneeling position for a few minutes and watched AJ's breathing return to normal as his penis slowly deflated back to sitting position.

Nick was sure that meant the party was over. He stood from the kneeling position and walked over to his bed to get some fresh shorts. Walking back past AJ he took one more view of that lovely pink penis. He reached down and gently pulled the sheet back up to AJ's waist and turned to walk into the bathroom for a shower.

"Mmmmm, Jenny." AJ called.

Nick froze.

AJ continued in a soft quiet voice. "Jenny . . . hand job."

Nick's penis started to inflate. He turned to face AJ. Nick wasn't sure, but wasn't going to pass this up. He quickly walked back over to AJ and leaned in to make sure he was hearing correctly.

"Yea, Jenny get the lotion if you want to use it, sure."

Nick turned and got a bottle of lotion off the shelf and then turned back down and knelt beside AJ as his towel opened up exposing his own 8 inch erection. He put the lotion down and tied the towel back around his waist. He looked back at AJ.

"Yea, Jenny stroke my cock." AJ whispered softly.

Nick brought a tentative hand out and slid it down AJ's belly.

"Mmmm, that's it Jenny." AJ whispered.

Nick paused for a moment. Clearly AJ was not sleeping, but since he couldn't come right out and ask for another handjob in the morning of this sober light he had to call out to Jenny. Or maybe he was sleeping. Nick had no idea if AJ talked in his sleep or if he did dream out loud like this. He paused and lifted his hand away from AJ's belly. It was a risk he couldn't take.

He stood and snapped the cap of the lotion back into place and turned. He took a step, but paused when he felt something catch on his towel. He turned and looked down to see AJ's hand holding the bottom corner of the towel between his thumb and forefinger.

With his eyes closed in mock sleep and with a quiet almost trance like voice he added, "No Jenny don't go. I need a warm hand job." AJ shifted and let go of the towel. He twisted and pushed his sheet down to his knees, lifted his balls and gave his penis a couple of courtesy stokes.

In a flash Nick was on his knees. Lotion squirted into a palm and he rubbed his two hands together and brought them down simultaneously on AJ's soft penis. It was so thick and warm. He massaged and pulled lightly on AJ's balls and shaft and watched AJ's penis inflate like a fire hose.

AJ slipped his hands behind his head and grabbed his pillow and dropped it on his face covering his eyes. "Yea, Jenny, stroke it.".

Nick wanted this to last and he wanted to please AJ all at the same time. But he had to play with AJ's balls. In the sunlight he noticed they were hairless and small faint line ran up the center of his pink scrotum. He lifted and played with those big bull balls.

Then he ran a hand to the tip of AJ's penis and started juicing him again. AJ thrust his hips up involuntarily. He knew from last night that AJ could only last so long like this so he let go and started to go back to some simple stroking. He squeezed AJ's penis and felt the hard shaft wrapped in extra soft skin. He played with AJ's balls more and then back to his penis. He gave it a squeeze as pre-cum oozed onto AJ's stomach.

Nick flipped open his towel and gave his penis a squeeze of his own and got some of his own. He mixed the two man-made lubes like he'd just down with the lotion and then rubbed it on AJ's penis and started stoking in earnest and then slowly. Fast and then slow for a few minutes. Fast and then slow.

Positioning AJ's penis straight up the pre-cum now started to froth at the tip of his penis. He couldn't help but moan. Nick got up on his knees some more and leaned in, putting his hand on AJ's stomach.

Without thought or hesitation he leaned in and did a snake-tongue flicker across the tip of AJ's penis. 24 hours ago he'd have never dreamed of this. He couldn't believe himself actually. He played with AJ's balls and then did the unexpected as he wrapped his now oval shaped mouth over AJ's penis and started to pound AJ in earnest. He was determined to get the honey, this time, right from the pot.

"Oh yea, Jenny that's great. I think I'm goanna cum. Yea, do it."

Nick pulled off and kissed the sloppily kissed the tip of AJ's penis and started pumping furiously. A small bead of sweat formed on his brow. AJ flexed his abs and then lifted his ass into the air and slightly off the couch. He was very close.

Nick went back down to AJ and rested his check on AJ's stomach and pointed the supposed sleeping man's penis toward his open mouth and pumped away. His left hand found his own penis and so he gave a couple of strokes before he deciding again that he'd better stop. At least until AJ shot his wad.

That moment was about to come.

"Jenny, oh, this is it. I'm goanna shoot, faster!"

Nick grabbed his own penis with his left hand and pumped two penises quickly together.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" was all AJ could say.

The first ribbon of white sperm shot high and into Nick's cheek and neck. The next spurt his its open mouthed target. Nick began shooting his own load on the open towel in front of him at the same time. Two more spurts from AJ and Nick opened his mouth and tried something new. He pushed forward and forced AJ's penis down his throat in an attempt to eat his very first cock. He went a little too far, but licked off all the sperm he could on the release. He let AJ's penis pop free from his mouth with a wet kiss.

As it slapped back down against AJ's belly, Nick stayed kneeling naked covered in sperm breathing hard. He noticed that when he's shot his own load he'd missed some of his towel and sperm was on the face of the couch and on the carpet. He continued to pant and try to catch his breath. He reached down to lift AJ's big heavy balls just one more time.

He looked at AJ and saw he was breathing hard too, "Oh Jenny thanks. That was the best ever." And with that he turned over on his belly and turned away from Nick. His sheet crumpled around his knees.

Nick was wiser now. He knew what AJ was up to now and what he'd want. He rubbed a hand across AJ's back and whispered, "get some sleep." But he slid his hand down and across AJ's smooth muscular ass and he reached down and pulled the sheet up to AJ's upper legs.

Nick stood and looked at himself in the mirror. His cheeks were flushed red, his penis was still semi-hard and AJ's sperm was no dripping down to the small of his back. He smiled at the sight of it all, licked his lips and stepped into the bathroom to shower.

He looked back at the now sleeping blond stud and wondered if AJ would have any more future dreams about Jenny ... and how far they would take him.

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So what do you think? More? Give me a scenario and I'll write around it. Really. If your idea is really thoughtful, I'll give you credit at the start of the next story too.

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