Nick and Adam

By Divine Lightning

Published on Nov 4, 1999


Well, I'd like to thank everyone for such positive comments, thus far. This is fiction, and all the standard formalities apply. Please e-mail me your comments at [] Enjoy :)

I'd like to thank everybody for their comments... I have yet to receive any type of bad remark. And I'm sorry about the wait.

Part 11:

Morning came with our wake up call. Nick crawled over and answered the phone.

"Thank you," he said grogily.

"Come on. We gotta go bail them out, and hope we can slide by this," Nick urged as he pulled himself outta bed.

"I know," I said as I stretched.

I then flung myself outta bed, and ran into the bathroom to get ready.

I showered, got ready and went back to the bedroom where I found a dozing Nick.

"Come on sleepy head, they're waiting rather impatiently," I emphasized.

"I know," he complained as he dragged himself to the bathroom.

About twenty minutes later he was ready and we went down to the awaiting limo. It took about fifteen minutes to get to the station. Nick was dressed down so he wouldn't be recognized. We entered into the station right at three minutes after nine.

"Can I help you?" an officer asked.

"Yes, we're here to bail out my friends," Nick replied with a smile.

"Ahhh, yes. The five in for possesion of marijuana," he snickered.

"That would be them," Nick replied starting to get a little irritated.

"Well, there is no need. We are going to let you guys go on this one. Anymore drugs and we won't be so nice next time. They're being let out now."

"Thank you so much officer," Nick smiled.

The officer nodded and left to go get the guys.

"I can't believe this, they're actually being let off without a problem," I said happily.

The five of them came in to the lobby. They all looked very dishevled and upset. Brian had his arm around Mike, and looked as though he was supporting Mike. Mike was pure white. He seemed distant and totally emotionless.

We all walked to the limo in silence. Once inside, Nick leaned againt me, and I wrapped my arms around him. Everyone was quiet on the way back to the hotel. No one dared take the chance to be the first to speak. Kevin, AJ, and Howie refused to even look at Mike. Kevin occasionally gave Brian a very dirty look, and then would look away again. Nick and I just stayed to ourselves.

We finally pulled up to the hotel and we all piled out. Kevin, AJ, and Howie decided to take the stairs as the rest of us took the elevator. Once the doors closed, Nick looked to Brian in wonder.

"What the fuck is going on?" he yelled.

"Nick just stay out of it," Brian replied in anger.

"No I will not just stay out of it. I want an explanation, an I want one now!" he demanded.

I just backed away into the corner wishing the elevator would hurry up.

"You want to know what the problem is? I'll tell you what the problem is. Me and Mike are through. We're heading back to my room, and I'm flying him home. I was foolish to think I could maintain a relationship with my career. I'm sorry I wasn't blessed with mr perfect there, but I wasn't," Brian yelled and began to cry.

The elevator doors opened and I slid out of firing range. Mike followed as he pulled himself out of Brian's arms. Brian slowly followed after him. They both went into their room and closed the door. I only wondered what could be going on in there now, what words or thoughts were being expressed and said.

"Come on," Nick said as he grabbed my hand.

We went to our room, and he laid down on the bed. I laid down beside him, and we fell asleep like that. I was startled by the knocking at the door. I went up to answer it, and was shocked to see Mike in front of me.

"Hey," I said.

"Just thought I'd let you know that I'm out of your life, and glad to see all of this gone for good. See you in another life time, and enjoy," Mike said pissily and stomped off.

"Well, fuck you too!" I screamed back at him and slammed the door.

"Asshole," I said aloud and went back to the sleeping Nick.

His blonde hair laid slightly over his face, as he moved slightly with each breathe.

"You seem to be the only person in my life anymore that matters," I whispered as I sat beside him and slowly brushed my hand through his hair.

After about thirty minutes of this, the phone rang, and Nick woke up.

"Hello," I asked as I answered the phone.

"It's for you," I told Nick.

Nick started talking to Kevin, who sounded very angry.

"Fine, I'll be right over!" Nick yelled after there heated conversation.

"I'll be right back hun, " Nick stated after he kissed me.

"Ok?" I said not very enthusiastic about where he was going to.

I waited in the room, pacing back and forth. I tried to think about what they could be talking about. Mike was gone, was I next?

It seemed to take forever.

After about 10 minutes of pacing, I sat down and started thinking about what Brian had said in the elevator.

'If Brian couldn't maintain a relationship with his career, could Nick?' I pondered.

'I had lost a friend over this whole stupid ordeal. I had left friends and family for Nick. What type of person am I? Nick is the best thing to happen to me. Kevin has been good to me and the others are nice too, now that we're getting to know eachother. But who am I to be this selfish, and put a damper on his career, and hurt the relationship the five of them have?' I continued to dwell.

In a matter of seconds my life had begun to crash in upon itself. Tears had begun to form underneath my eyes. Just then Nick burst in to the room.

"Go to hell!" Nick screamed as he slammed the door.

I quickly wiped the tears away.

"What's the matter?" I asked innocently.

"I don't want to talk about," he snapped, and locked himself into the bathroom.

I slowly crept to the bathroom door and knocked.

"Are you ok?" I said softly.

"I don't want to see you, Kevin, Brian, or anyone!" he screamed between gasps of air.

He was crying hard.

"What the hell is your problem!" I screamed and left the room.

Kevin grabbed me by the arm as I walked out.

"What the hell? Let go of me Kevin!" I yelled as I tried to pull away.

"Adam, you better have not upset him again," he said sternly to me.

"Upset him? He's the one who's upsetting me," I said irritably.

"Maybe this whole thing was just a big mistake. Things happened too fast, and we really didn't understand the long term effects of him having a boyfriend. Let alone someone with him on our tour," Kevin continued to say.

"What are you saying, you want me gone too? You want things back the way they were. Fine, I don't fucking give a shit anymore. I tried to be friends with all of you. I loved and still do love Nick, but no. That wasn't enough, it also had to include non interference, well what do you expect a relationship to be?" I forced through my tears and anger.

Kevin released me, and I ran away. I ran to the elevator, and headed for the lobby.

"Everyone hates me. No one cares, and my life is at a dead end," I said aloud as I ran, crying.

I ran and ran until I couldn't run anymore. I found myself lost in the maze of New York City with thousands of people scattering everywhere and skyscrapers all around me. I fell to the ground and looked up at the building beside me. After a minute I went inside the office building.

I found the main elevators and headed for the roof top. I reached the top floor, and headed for a small flight of stairs. When I exited the door, I was on the roof. I leaned over the edge and saw the busy New York life diminished into a small fair of tiny little people and vehicles. It reminded me of an ant farm.

I thought back on everything, and realized that this was not worth the fight anymore. There is no way I could date Nick. He has too many responsibilities and people to care for. I'm just in the way of his career and great potential. I wouldn't want to do that to him.

I stood up straight with new determination and stepped up on the ledge of the building. I continued to look down at the sidewalk below and the busy street full of cars. People were bustling in and out of the buildings. The sun shown down upon me as if I were it's only focus. Life seemed to stop, as if this moment could last forever. Things slowed to a near crawl. I turned my back to the street below and raised my hands towards the sky.

"God take me away!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

With a smile on my face, I leaned my body backwards. I closed my eyes, and saw everything flash before my eyes. My family waved good-bye and my mother kissed me on the cheek. My friends all saying there good byes and wishing me luck. Nick smiling him gorgeous smile at me. Kevin, AJ, Brian, and Howie each letting out a breath of relief, but also a look of sorrow.

I felt as if everyone would be happy now, everything was happening as it should. As fate and God wanted it to.

My body must have fell to the ground in a matter of seconds, but it felt like a whole other life time.

At the instant touch of the ground to my body, I sat straight up out of my bed. The clock read 6:43pm, and I was home. I looked around and saw everything as it had been.

"A dream?" I asked myslef.

Well, that's the final chapter. It has taken me a while. I almost didn't finish it, but one day I just decided to do it, and BAM!

Hope you liked it... also stay tuned for further updates to my other story "Just-JC"

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