Nice Weekend in Atlanta

By Tara Reid

Published on Apr 16, 2007


We rested a few minutes before Pete started getting dressed. I stood up and smoothed down my skirt and waited on him. We went down to the lobby and were walking through it hand in hand when Lynda, another t-girl in the group spotted us. Lynda is a prude and professes loudly that she is a heterosexual cross dresser and that the only satisfaction she needs is from wearing feminine clothing. I need more myself but leave each to his or her own, which is what Lynda, did not do. She met us by the door and says in a rather catty way, "Tara, dear, I heard that you had a rather nice evening last night."

I smiled my sweetest and answered, "Yes, Lynda, I did. In fact, I have never had a better time in my entire life."

She came back with, "Well, dear, I hope that you didn't do anything that I wouldn't do."

I nearly laughed but kept my cool somehow. I did say, "Lynda, I except that you wouldn't do anything that I did last night and this morning."

She huffed off which is what I wanted.

Pete asked, "What was all that about?"

I smiled and gave him a little kiss, "I'll tell you over lunch."


There was a small mall within walking distance that had a nice restaurant that many of us girls used when in town. In fact, several of the girls were there when we walked in. I waved at them as we took a booth and sat facing each other and held hands across the table as we waited on our waitress.

Pete asked, "So, what was the conservation with the lady in the lobby all about?"

I laughed, "Lynda is only a lady in here own mind. There are a few girls in the group that make a big deal about being heterosexual. She is probably the most outspoken on the subject, and she thinks that girls like me who like guys shouldn't be allowed in the group. So, she goes out of her way to be snooty whenever she can. I try to avoid her but sometimes I just can't."

"What about the rest of the girls? Are they gay or bi or what?"

"I would say most of the are what I call t-girl bi. By that I mean they will play around and maybe do oral sex with another t-girl but will leave guys alone. Then there are a few who are outright gay and a few like myself who consider themselves bi although I haven't been with a woman in years."

He thought about that a few seconds as the waitress took our drink order. I had sweet tea and Pete had un-sweet tea. He smiled at me and asked, "You used to like women?"

I laughed a little and answered, "Yes and still do but not in a sexual way.

I even used to be married but that changed."

"Was your dressing up part of the reason you are no longer married?"

"Yep, that is it. I lost my mind and told her all about it and at first everything was cool but in about six months she changed her mind and we didn't last after that.

"How long have you been dressing up?"

I smiled, "All of my life."

"All of your life?"

"Yep, my sister who is seven years older than I, used to dress me up as her doll when I was very small. Way before I ever started school. Mom thought that she made us stop about the time I did start school but she didn't. I have always loved dressing up nice and pretty."

He next asked, "Have you always liked men?"

I had to think about that one before and took my time answering, "Not really, but sort of. I really don't know but I didn't have my first affair with a man until after my wife left. And, that was another t-girl. We were together and dressing and," I blushed, "sitting on a sofa together and I just leaned over an kissed her and before the night was over I had my first oral sex with a man." I laughed, " I doubt you want to hear all about this."

He gave my hand a squeeze, "On the contrary, I want to hear about everything. I want to know everything there is to know about you." I blushed. "You are so pretty when you blush. Please tell me more. Have you played with other t-girls very much?"

"Yeppers, a few times. Dianne was the first. I met her in Columbia in the mall and we hit it off but her job took her away and we got out of touch. Then I met Lena. She was a member of this group and a total bottom.

She is the first and only person I ever topped. She was young and not very self confidant so she let Lynda and her group run her off."

"What do you mean by bottom and topped?"

I giggled. "I guess you don't know all the terminology. A bottom is a guy who is made love too. He is the receiver in maybe better term. A top is a guy who makes love to someone else or the giver."

Pete nodded, "I more or less thought that was it."

I nodded, "It kinda makes sense. Then I met Rachael and she was the first person to top me. I hate to say that I met her online and we only met once.

I was very very nervous but she was real sweet and made it very easy for me." I smiled as I remembered the wonderful feeling of being penetrated that first time.

I continued, "The only other t-girl I have been with is Dana. She doesn't live to far from me and we sometimes go out together. Her favorite is to 69 but I would rather make my lover cum first and them if it happens to me great, if not," I smiled at him, "It is no big deal."

I stopped and we gave our order. I ordered the chicken pilaf with steamed vegetables and Pete ordered a sirloin with a salad.

When the waitress left he said, "I know a man should not ask a lady about past lovers but do you mind talking about being with a man?"

I gave him my best smile, "No, not at all. I have been with two men before you." I laughed, "Believe it or not, one was my minister. He came over to the house unexpected and caught me dressed and made love to me." I blushed, "That was the first time for me with a straight guy. The other guy was a guy I met through one of the girls here. He was real nice and we had a nice time but it was kind of fake too." I took both of his hands in mine and looked him straight in the eye, "I feel very special with you."

He smiled at me and said, "You make me feel very special too."

We finished our lunch and walked out in the mall. I showed him the wig shop that most of the girls used and we stopped by a dress shop and my favorite, a jewelry shop. There was a pair of darling pearl earrings with a matching necklace in the little window advertising the shop. I mentioned how pretty they were, and Pete took my arm and pulled me the store. He spoke to the sales person and soon the earrings and necklace were out of the window and I was touching them. "Pete, there is no way."

"Yes, sweetie, I want you to have them."

"Darling, there is no way. They are way to expensive."

He gave me a kiss and took out his wallet. "They are my present to you. You have already given me more than I can ever repay."

I was dumbstruck. He stood behind me and put the necklace around my neck. I took out my old earrings and put in the new. Then I face him and gave him a really big kiss right there in the store. I didn't care who saw. He kissed the tears off my face and suggested that we return to the hotel.

When we returned to my room, I walked over to the table to set down my purse. Pete walked behind me and took my waist in his hands. He then began rubbing his crotch against my butt. OMG! It felt wonderful and I pushed back against him. He may never have been with a t-girl before but he certain knew how to treat a lady. I felt the pressure back away and then felt his fingers on the snap of my skirt and then the zipper. My skirt felt to the floor, and he pushed my panties and half-slip down too. I looked over my shoulder at smiled as I saw him sliding his pants down. I picked up my purse and handed him the lube. He squirted some lube on his finger and then lubed my love hole by sliding his finger in me. I gasped and bent over the table and leaned on my elbows. The nest thing I felt was his cock as he entered me. He entered very slowly until I felt his balls against my buns. Then he just waited a few minutes before he began fucking me. OMG! Again! I had never been made love to this way and it was the absolute best. He was rocking me and the table and getting faster with each passing second. I could tell that he was about to cum and I tighten my muscles for him. He cried out so loud that I was afraid that the people in the next rooms might hear him. If they did, they would certainly know what he was doing. He shrank out of me and sat on the sofa. He was nearly spent but not quite. I got on my knees and began teasing his cock with my fingers and tongue. It was just a few seconds before he was hard and ready again. I stood up and turned to face away and sat down on his cock taking it in my hand and guiding it to my love hole.

He cried out, "Oh my God! Tara, what are you trying to do to me? Oh, baby you are really so special."

I smiled over my shoulder and said, " I am just trying to make you feel good and nice."

"You are, honey. You are."

I took his hand and put it on my clitty. He began stoking me as I rode up and down on his cock. I had only thought that the previous few minutes were the ultimate in sexually pleasure. I was really in heaven now. I exploded. I mean that my cum shot out of me at least 12 inches high. Pete filled my love hole at exactly the same time. Now, we both were totally spent and happy and crawled to the bed for a much deserved nap.


Next: Chapter 4

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