Nice Shoes


Published on Feb 18, 2005


Nice Shoes Part 4

By Deane Christopher

Copyright 2004

An hour or so later, as Amber snuggled ever so serenely with Ethan's manly embrace, she heard him ask, "So, what's the verdict? Am I keeper, or what?"

Playfully, knowing fully well that she had already made up her mind on the matter, Amber dreamily replied, "Well, while I have to admit that that was an absolutely phenomenal start, we're going to have to do it at least two more times before I can come to any sort of conclusion."

"Huh? Are you saying that you need additional convincing?"

"Yes. I'm afraid so," Amber began to employ her fingernail to trace a series of lazy eights about Ethan's chest and abdomen. As she did so, she continued on to add, "You see, Ethan, when it comes to the sexual considerations involved in contemplating a long term relationship with someone, I always employ what I have come to call my Three Time Rule.

"Okay. I'll bite. What, exactly, is this Three Time Rule of yours?"

"Simply put, we have to have sex three times before either one of us can make up our minds as to whether or not we're sexually compatible."

"So, basically, what you're saying is that this Three Times Rule of yours is akin to baseball's three strikes and you're out rule?" Ethan sought clarification.

"Pretty much...

"Basically, this Three Times Rule of mine allows for some wiggle-room when it comes to performance. I mean, let's face it. Everybody has an off night, due to nervousness, or fatigue or a hundred other reason that could have a negative impact on the overall outcome. That's to say that you could be having an off night. Or, I could be having an off night. Or, we both could be having an off night. But, if we have three off nights in a row, then I would say that there's a problem somewhere, and that we just might want to re-think everything."

"This is all sounding a little too clinical for my taste."

"Clinical or not, this Three Times Rule of mine seems to have always worked for me in the past, in that it has really helped me to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak.

"Hey, wait just a second here!" Ethan, believing he had detected a gapping loophole in Amber's logic, interjected. "Didn't you just say that what we just did was, in your own words, phenomenal?"

"Yes. Yes, I did."

"Well, doesn't that more or less pretty much negate that Three Times Rule of yours, given that there's no way I can strike out now?"

"You'd think that, wouldn't you? But, it doesn't actually work that way."

"How come?"

"Because, silly, what if what happened tonight was nothing more than a fluke, an anomaly if you will, an anomaly that's never to be achieved again? And, should that prove to be the case, you'd have me buying a pig in a poke."

"Hey, what's with all these barnyard analogies of yours?" Ethan felt compelled to ask.

"Oh, you picked up on that, did ya?"

"I most certainly did."

"Well, for your information, when I was growing up, I spent a fair number of summers at my grandparents' farm in Nebraska.

"Now, if you don't mind, Ethan, I'd kind of like to talk to Ginger. So, be a dear, and do whatever you do to get her to put in an appearance."

Though Ethan began the sentence, "Your wish..." it was Ginger who completed it, " my command."

With a silky elegance that spoke clearly of sensuality's promise, the ultra feminized version of Ethan seductively purred, "All right, so what do you want to talk to me about?"

Drawing the fingernails of her right hand up along the run of that lesbian lover-girl of hers inner thigh as a precursor of things to come, Amber impishly intoned, "I'm sorry, Ginger. I just told a fib. While I really do want to talk to you, there's something else I'd rather do first."

As she felt the apex of Amber's middle finger slip within the multiple lip-folds of her own womanly crease, Ethan's endeavored to return favor for favor, and clit tweak for clit tweak. However, her efforts were quickly stymied by Amber's harshly spoken reprimand, "And just what do you think you're doing, young lady?

"Just so you know, we're not playing tit for tat here. So, unless you lookin' to lose that hand of yours, you'd best get it away from that little you-know-what-of-mine this instant.

"Look, you already did me, and then some. So, regardless of the fact that you got those manly rocks of yours off while you were taking care of these rather quirky carnal needs of mine, I believe that it's now my turn to do you.

"So, for the here and now of it, all I want you to do is to lay back, and enjoy yourself..."

And, enjoy herself, Ethan did.


Some while later, as a physically spent Ethan lay enveloped within the euphoric wonderment of post-orgasmic splendor, Amber sought to engage that lesbian lover-girl of hers in conversation. "Ginger..." she gently intoned. "As much as I hate to do this, I need to ask you a question. By any chance have you reached a stage where you're up to carrying on a reasonably lucid conversation with me? I promise, I'll do most of the talking."

Though her reply was less than what one might call enthusiastic, Ethan, knowing that it would be an exercise it futility for her to try to dissuade Amber, reluctantly relented, "Sure... By all means... Go ahead... Say whatever it is you have to say..."

"Ginger, I just want you to be the first to know that I met a man tonight."

The implication of what Amber had just endeavored to impart was lost on Ethan, who acknowledged as much as she lackadaisically responded, "That's nice..."

"No, Ginger. You don't seem to understand what I'm getting at here. You see, lover, what I'm trying to tell you is that I met a man tonight who I think I may be well on the way to falling in love with, if I'm not head over heels in love with him already."

That got Ethan's attention. "Oh... So, tell me about him?"

"Well, he's nice, in a kinky, cocky, coquettish sort of way, much the way you yourself are."

"Oh..." Ethan smirked. "I must say that I liked the way you sort of slipped that double entendre in there on me."

"I take it that you're referring to the cocky, coquettish bit?"

"I most certainly am."

"Well, it's like they say Ginger: 'if the shoe fits...'"

"Funny... Very funny..." Ethan, with that honey sweet voice of hers, drolly replied. "But nevertheless, very apropos.

"So, I take it that you really like this guy?"

"Odds are I will, but since he and I haven't really spent any quality time together, I'd have to say that the verdict is still out on that one."

"Oh! So when, exactly, where you planning on spending some quality time with this new beau of yours?"

"Well, since we've got nothing on tap for the next couple of days, I was kind of hoping that he and I might be able to spend the next day or so together. I was thinking that the two of us could maybe play tourist. Maybe we could take in some of the sites along the coast, or we could head out to the Napa Valley, and do the winery thing."

"Yeah... That sounds interesting. I do believe that he might be up for something along those lines.

"So, tell me, Amber, what's this new guy of yours like."

"Well, while he's not much in the looks department, from all that I have been able to gather so far. I'd have to say that he's a lot like you, save that he's all man, whereas you're about as feminine as feminine can be."

"And, I take it that you see that as a good thing?"

"Most definitely."

Ethan, enjoying the banter, and more than a little curious, giddily asked the very girlish question, "So tell me, is this new fellow of yours any good in bed?"

"Oh, yeah... He's good all right. The truth of the matter is, he's superb.

"I mean to tell you, Ginger, this guy I met tonight really knows his way around a woman's body, so much so that you'd think he has somehow managed to gain some first hand knowledge of how a woman's body actually works. I mean, I couldn't believe how he anticipated my needs. Hell! The way he had me going, you'd almost think that he had spent a fair amount of time as a woman himself."

"You don't say..." Ethan thoughtfully mused. "So, what you're saying is, as a lover, he's pretty good, as in you wouldn't necessarily kick him out of bed?

"Oh, yeah... Most definitely... Take it from me, girl, he's not just good in bed. He's phenomenal."

"So tell me, how many times did the two of you make love?"

"Just the once."

"Just once..." Ethan pretended to ponder that. "And, from everything I just heard you say, I take it that you think he's a keeper?"

"Oh, yeah... I'd say that that's more or less a given. No question about it, he's a keeper alright, if there ever was one."

"Hey, what gives here? What about that pesky Three Times Rule of yours? Aren't you going to apply it to this new fellow of yours?"

"No... I don't think so. While I still reserve the right to change my mind, I really don't think that it'll be necessary in this particular instance.

"Hey, let's get something straight here. It's my rule. That means that if I want to break it, I can. Besides, who's going to stop me? As far as I'm concerned, it's a woman's prerogative to change her mind. So, I guess you could say that when it comes to this Three Time Rule of mine, I can do whatever I want to do."

At that juncture, Ethan, endeavoring to change the subject, sought to test the waters, so to speak, "So, tell me something, Amber. Suppose this new guy of yours were to ask you to marry him? What do you think you'd say? Yes? No? Go shit in your hat? Or what?

"Or, do you think it's way to soon for you to even be contemplating something such as that?"

Without any equivocation whatsoever, Amber replied, "Oh, I'd marry him all right. The truth is: I'd marry him in a heartbeat, just as long as he understands that you, my love, are part of the deal."

With the merest hint of a giggle infusing her voice, Ethan tittered, "Well, I must say that it warms the cockles of my heart to hear you say something like that, Amber. And since this new man of yours and I have what you might call a passing acquaintance, I don't think that will pose any problem for him whatsoever. Fact is: I think he'll enjoy this, shall we say, double sided menage a trois of ours as much as you and I will..."


Though they wished that they could have accomplished the deed much sooner then they did, roughly six months later Ethan Samuels made an honest woman out of one Miss Amber Evers. The day following their nuptials, the couple boarded a 737 bound for the Pacific Island paradise of Tahiti for a two-week honeymoon. As one might expect, Ginger was not left stateside to wait on the couple's return. On Amber's insistence, Ethan's female alter ego put in an appearance on at least a daily - make that nightly - basis. That's to say that once Ethan's sexual prowess had been sufficiently tapped, Amber would call upon Ginger to sub for him, thereby allowing the two of them to extend their love-making trysts into the wee hours of those ever so pleasurable tropical nights.

There is one related sidebar issue that maybe of interest to some. A few days after Ethan came clean about his sexual duality, Amber began to put two and two together and came up with a rather startling discovery that revolved around her Uncle Paul, and the agency's top model, the stunning blonde bombshell, Ms. Cassandra Newman, a.k.a. Paula Newman.

"Hey, I just realized something," Amber bemusedly quipped as she and Ginger climbed into the agency's mini-van.

"And what, pray tell, is that?" Ethan felt obliged to ask.

"I don't know why I didn't realize it before now, but you and Paula seem to have the same taste in shoes, in that you both like spiked heels."

With an uneasy feeling beginning to gnaw in the pit of that girlish stomach of hers, Ethan guardedly replied, "Hmm... Now that you mention it, I guess we sort of do at that."

Much to Ethan's dismay, Amber continued on to press the issue. "Actually, the more I think about it, her heels look to be exactly like yours."

"You think so?" Ethan dubiously replied, in a concerted effort on her part to introduce a little doubt into the conversation. "I mean, while I'd be the first to admit that hers are somewhat similar in styling to mine, I'm sure if you were to examine them up close and personal, you'd see a few differences."

"I seriously doubt that I would," Amber curtly replied. "I've been eyeing up Paula's heels for several years now, and I can tell you that as far as I'm concerned, they look exactly like those magical high heels of yours.

"And, here's something else that I find interesting. Now that I think about it, I don't believe I've ever seen my Uncle Paul, and Paula Newman in the same room, at the same time. That's to say while I've seen them attending the same function, such as parties, and galas and the like, I can't recall even one occasion where I saw them together. I remember seeing my uncle in the company of my aunt, or Paula standing there next to her, or somewhere nearby, mingling, and chatting up some of the other guests, but I've never once saw Paula, my Uncle Paul and my Aunt Janice in the same room together.

"And I find that really odd, so odd in fact as to be down right bizarre, to the point of being beyond belief."

Knowing that Amber had already come to a conclusion, Ethan, who was not about to confirm or deny anything, sought to pin her down, "So, in a roundabout manner, I take it that what you're suggesting is that your Uncle Paul and Paula Newman are one and the same person?"

"Yes... Well, of course I am, silly," Amber, with a little laugh, gleefully quipped. "Now," she pointedly charged, "all I need for you to do is to confirm that I'm right."

In an effort to skirt the issue, Ethan played dumb, as he countered, "Confirm what?"

"Confirm that Paula and my uncle are one and the same person."

"Amber..." backed into an ethical corner, an exasperated Ethan tactfully replied, "It's not my place to confirm or deny anything.

"Tell you what. You're going to have to ask your Uncle Paul about this, because I have nothing more to say on the matter."

Amber was giddy with the excitement of it all. "So, I'm right. My uncle lives the same sort of double life that you do..."

The End

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