Nic and Alex

Published on Jul 10, 2022


Nic And Alex - Part Four

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Nic And Alex - Part Four
Nicholas Patrick

The evening that Alex and I had spent together was really a turning point as far as I was concerned. It made me come to realize that spankings were, to me something both disciplinary and sexual in nature and the line between those two concepts was very blurry. I was also thrilled that for the first time since we had become reacquainted, Alex had shown some initiative sexually and was very, very creative. I took these revelations in stride, thinking that they were all positive and thinking that my life was finally getting back on track. Boy was I wrong.

I fell back into the routine that Alex had set for me: waking early, posing for my morning photo, working out and so on. On Monday morning he sent me a message adding some more sets and reps to my program which I groaned about but ultimately did. It was easy to see the progress my body was making and I was actually beginning to fancy my self a bit of a heart throb. Everything was going great until Alex mentioned that he might drop by on Wednesday to check up on me. He never showed up in the morning so after I finished my laps I laid by the pool, letting the sun dry me off when I heard a car pull into the driveway. Alex had always come in through the front, not the side, so Sandy and I went to investigate. I opened the back gate and peered around the corner and saw that it was one of those big phone company trucks. I asked the group of men emerging from the truck if I could help them and they told me they would be trimming tree limbs and not to let them bother me. I didn't going back into the house through the garage and getting dressed.

Alex never did show up to check on me and I thought about calling him, but I didn't want to seem desperate so I just let it be. The next morning my alarm went off and I gingerly got out of bed. I had become slightly more accustomed to the early wakeup but it was still not something I enjoyed. As I prepared to take my picture my Mom walked in and asked what I was doing. I blushed and put the phone down mumbling "nothing" under my morning breath.

"Get dressed, I can't find Sandy," she told me with a worried tone. Sandy usually sleeps with Mom and Dad or in the hallway between my room, the guest room and theirs.

"She's probably in the backyard," I said becoming fully awake when I realized that I hadn't closed the gate the day before.

I pulled on a shirt and some pants and ran bare foot out of the house shouting her name. Just as my worry was about to turn to panic, I saw her trotting up the street having a good old time. I called her over and sat down on my front lawn rubbing her floppy brown ears. She had really given me a scare and I took her back into the house just as Dad was leaving. I passed Mom on the way back to my room where she asked how the dog had gotten out. "Back gate was open," I told her and she told me to make sure and close it. I turned and started that direction stopping when I reached the living room and came face to face with the clock on the wall. It was 7:55. Sprinting back to my room, I grabbed my phone and snapped a picture of my panting self, sending it to Alex before typing a shot text explaining why I was late in sending it and how I had been up and on and on.

He replied only seconds later saying, "It's ok. I'll be there in a few. Be ready for me."

I calmed myself down and went about brushing my teeth. I was glad he had understood and wasn't mad so I got dressed and ready for him to come critique my work out. Barking indicated that he was at the front door so I went to let him in. He wasn't carrying his bag like he usually did and wasn't wearing workout clothes.

"Tell me what happened," he said sternly and I knew right then that I had misjudged his note. I related the misadventure about the phone men and the gate and Mom walking in on me with the phone and chasing Sandy down the street. Alex had a look that was all together unimpressed.

"Take off your clothes," he told me in a rather annoyed tone. "I'm busy today and I told you to be ready."

He walked past me toward the kitchen and I called after him. "You've got to be kidding me Alex," but as I tried to form and argument I realized too late that I didn't have one.

Alex turned back toward me grabbing my arm and pulling me forcefully to the back of the couch. "You're going to make me late. You messed around and let your dog out. You didn't send you're morning picture in time. You weren't ready for me when I got here and now you want to argue with me," he said in a tone that I had never heard from him. He was past annoyed; he was angry and he was scary.

"I'm sorry," I said in a voice higher than my own, astonished not only by the harshness of his words but by his intense gaze. 'I'll get undressed.

"Good," he said releasing me and walking quickly to the kitchen, the dog following close behind him. I shed my shorts and shirt quickly and had to wait only a moment before I heard Alex close the door trapping Sandy in the kitchen as he emerged holding an ominous looking large wooden spoon. My jaw slackened and my mouth fell open as if to protest but no words came out. He closed the distance between us and turned me to face the back of the couch.

"Bend over." There was no more venom in the order but even scarier, it was almost devoid of emotion. As I leaned over the couch and grasped the cushions on the other side, Alex grabbed my hips, spread my legs and lifted me so that I was standing on my tippy-toes. I was so shocked by the quick turn in events that I couldn't really think.

I stood there in this awkward position for a moment before Alex spoke. "I thought you were doing better Nic, I really did." A whooshing noise was followed by a crack as my right butt cheek erupted in pain. My cry out was interrupted by another swat on the other side and then another before he spoke again. "How immature are you that you can't do simple things like close a gate?" CRACK! "Or send a picture?" CRACK! CRACK! "Or follow instructions?"

This was the shortest time it had ever taken me to cry since Alex had first spanked me. I guess the emotions of that morning; Mom walking in on my with the camera phone, Sandy getting lost, Alex being so mad, all just got to me and when coupled with the intense and blistering barrage my backside was taking, I lost composure in less than a minute.

My crying did nothing to deter a determined Alex, who had his left hand bracing the scruff of my neck while his right swung wildly at my exposed ass. He hit with such force that I left my feet several times and the only thing that kept me from going over the edge of the couch was him holding me. After what seemed like forever (actually only 5 minutes) Alex abruptly stopped spanking me and I slumped lifelessly over the couch. I hadn't begged or pleaded for him to stop like I normally did because deep down, I knew I had screwed up.

"Get up," I was instructed in a cold tone. I promptly complied, ignoring my sore ass hoping my compliance would spare me further pain, but that was not to be. He led me around to the front of the couch, the same one where I had received my inaugural spanking and told me to lie face down on it. He moved the coffee table out of the way as I stretched my body out across the cushions.

Without warning his belt whipped through the air and crashed into my already rosy cheeks. I cried out and turned to look at him only to see his all too familiar belt wrapped twice about his palm, slashing through the air before slashing into my flesh. My arms curled up of their own accord and I bawled ferociously into them. Lash after lash he laid into me unmoved by my now violent heaving. Inevitably, my body began to protest, my legs thrashing, my butt retreating away from the belt dancing up and down on the couch.

When it became too much for him to overcome, Alex grabbed me by the hair, not painfully, but forcefully and lifted my up off of the couch. I fell into him hugging his chest, my snotty nose pressed into his t-shirt. My momentary reprieve was cut off when I heard his phone ring. I snapped out of my childish state, to the extent that I was able. Alex looked at me sternly and said: "Go to the corner, and be quiet."

I scurried foolishly over to the corner and tried to calm my breathing (I say foolishly because I was hopping from side to side). If I had enough presence of mind, I would have overheard Alex on the phone apologizing for being late to someone, but for my part all I could do was let out long, half muted shudders while I tried in vain to deal with the burning coming from by butt.

Alex wasn't on the phone for that long. I heard him sit down on the couch and sigh, but I didn't dare turn to look at him. Our other sessions had been painful, but he always seemed to care for me, about me; like he didn't want to hurt me. This time, I felt like he had beaten my ass with no regard for me but as a vengeance for me not doing what I was told. For the first time, I was genuinely afraid of him, and I didn't like that feeling one bit.

"Come here Nic," he called out to me, surprisingly with his voice cracking slightly.

I hesitantly marched back to him, standing to his side, not sure if he was done with me yet. Still sitting, he reached forward and pulled me in front of him, then down to my knees. He wrapped his arms around me in an embrace that was a tender stark contrast to the violence he had just exhibited. "I'm sorry. That was too much." He paused seeming to search for words. "I'm sorry Nic," he whimpered and he softly started weeping into my shoulder. Needless to say, I too exclaimed how sorry I was and started crying again as well.

After a few moments he stopped crying and started laughing at the absurdity of the situation, "I'll come by tonight after work. Please don't be mad at me, I just… Are you okay?"

I felt so ashamed of myself. I had allowed myself to think that he didn't care about me. "Don't feel bad. I… I deserved it Alex. I'm sorry I let you down." Our embrace felt so good and yet I knew that I had to let go. I had already messed up his day and I wanted to try to start and make it right.

"You have to go," I said quietly, pressing my forehead onto his and reaching up to wipe his eyes. "I'm sorry Alex."

Our heads resting against each other he replied, "I'll try to tone it down. I won't ever spank you when I'm angry again," he said before quickly adding, "Next time you can just wait in the corner until I have time to give you a proper spanking."

We both smiled at each other and despite the pain I was feeling, I was glad we had this experience together. He got up to leave, but not before kissing me in a passionate and reassuring way which left no question in my mind about his intentions.

© Copyright Nicholas Patrick June 29, 2015

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Next: Chapter 5

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