Nic and Alex

Published on Jun 23, 2022


Nic And Alex - Part One

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Nic And Alex - Part One
Nicholas Patrick

I guess I should get all the vital statistics out of the way before I dive in and tell you how I ended up getting what I needed so badly and for so long.  I'm 22, five foot eleven, a thin hundred and fifty pounds with dark brown hair that curls into a mop on my head.  I finished college a year ago and that seems to be a good starting point for this story.  Early on, I always took more hours than required; so I not only graduated early but ended up having only 3 classes in my last 2 semesters at school.  This was helpful given that I had a full time job in my chosen field and was getting experience even though I hadn't gotten a degree yet.  Everything seemed great until one day I woke up, rolled back over and went to sleep. I knew I should have gone, but I didn't care.  I was lazy.  I figured after busting my ass for 3 years in college I could slack off a bit now that I was out on my own, living in a modest apartment biking distance from my office.  When I finally did get to work, no one mentioned me being late and no one seemed to care.  I thought at the time that it was pretty cool.  I started a habit of sleeping in, not because I was tired but because I could. Day after day I pushed the limits until finally my boss called me into her office.  I knew what she was going to say or at least I thought I did.  Instead of lecturing me on being late, she told me that she had noticed my lack of drive, motivation and self discipline on the job.  She pointed out that while the quality of my work was fine, it was clear that I either wasn't interested or didn't care.  I was taken aback.  Not at what she was saying but by the fact that she was right.

"As a courtesy, since you have been with us for almost two years, I'm going to give you a positive recommendation, but I think we both know you need to move on," she said as I pondered what that meant for my future.  I cleared my desk that afternoon and said "goodbye" to my various coworkers. I got home and thought about what I was going to do.  Not knowing where to turn I called my parents.  They were very understanding and told me that it might be best if I came home and lived with them for a while.  I thought that was a horrible idea at first but the more I mulled it over, the better it sounded.  It took me less than a week to buy out of my lease, rent a U-Haul and move back into my old room.  So that's how I ended up a 21 year old college graduate living at home with my parents.

After a week at the house I started to realize something: I wasn't looking for a job.  The odd thing was that I didn't really think it was that important.  My family isn't exactly rich but they are both successful, and we live comfortably.  I fell into the pattern of sleeping in and playing with our chocolate lab all day and hanging out by the pool in our back yard.  You would think that my parents would be happy with this arrangement but they were just glad to spend time with their only son.  Mom dotted on me and told me to "take as long as I need" while Dad reminded me that I was "still young" and I should "get out and raise some hell." I pretty much had license to do whatever I wanted, but all I wanted to do was lay about.

Now, this might seem odd to you, but as far as my personality goes, my sexuality is not at the forefront.  I didn't think that much about sex or having it and didn't really care to honestly.  You might call me asexual, but you'd be wrong; I was a closet case with no intention of coming out. The truth is that being gay is not something that ever defined me because I didn't like what I thought being gay meant.  I'm not limpwristed or faggy and I'm not a muscle bound stud looking to score a quick lay.  I'm just me and at that point in my life, I was lazy, apathetic and uninspired.  That is, until about three months after I moved home.  I woke up one morning, looked at the clock and decided that I couldn't keep being such a bum.  But I knew that I couldn't do it alone.  I knew that what I needed was someone willing to make me live up to my potential.  To me that meant one thing: I needed someone willing and able to haul me over their knee and motivate me.

So I thought about who I could trust with such a responsibility.  My parents were out because they had never spanked me in my whole life, and I'm pretty sure they would have committed me if I'd asked.  I also ruled out any internet hook up as there was no way to be sure that I could trust the person I met.  Finally I decided that it would be easier to list the qualities I was looking for in a disciplinarian, and go from there.  First, it had to be a guy, a young guy, someone my age; able to relate to what I was going through.  Next, it had to be someone I know, but not a close friend; someone who I knew to be trust worthy, but maybe I didn't know their middle name.  I didn't want someone just beating my ass then taking advantage of me.  That led me to what I thought was the failsafe in my plan: it had to be a straight guy.  What I wanted was someone to spank me and that was it.  With those criteria, I started my search.  Figuring out how to convince him to spank me would come later.

I spent some time looking at my facebook friends and realized that I had a big pool to choose from.  I used the advanced search feature to narrow the field to: friends, 20-25, employed and straight.  I came up with 238 people.  Looking at this list I struck based on body type because honestly some of those kids couldn't haul me over their lap, while others had a little more lap than necessary.  Getting rid of the small and large guys left me with 114 potential tail warmers.  I then narrowed down further by eliminating guys that didn't live in driving distance of my hometown. Cutting that made me kind of depressed.  There were only 60 people from my high school still here (which doesn't sound bad but there were over 600 in my graduating class).  From these 60 I started actually looking at profiles. I looked in-depth at each one as I went nixing all of the fundamentalists right away thinking they would try to drag me to church rather than tan my hide.  I also took out the random crazies and guys who looked like they were on roids so I wouldn't end up not having an ass when they got done.  This left me with a nice and manageable 19 candidates.

Feeling like I had accomplished something, I did something that I rarely do: I went to the bar.  I got there at about six o'clock, early in terms of bar time but I didn't really care, I was there to think, not for company. I grabbed a beer and parked in front of the big screen playing March Madness predictions and thought about who I would choose, and then how I would convince him.  There were two guys on that list on my high school's basketball team and I thought I'd ask them, "Hey, where is Duke on your bracket?  Final Four?  Me too, want to spank me?" laughing to myself as the barmaid brought me another round.  Half thinking, half drinking I didn't notice when as the bar started to fill up.  When I finally got out of my haze I realized that some of my old friends were shooting shuffle board in the corner.  As I waited for my next beer I couldn't help but notice that three of them were on my list.  When the next draft came, I headed confidently, and probably a little clumsily, to the end of the table they were congregating at and shook hands with them and started chatting about what was up.  Everyone was shocked to hear that nose-in-the-books Nicholas was unemployed and living at home but I laughed it off and eventually so did they.  I kept trying to corner one or another of my prospects but either I was being too obvious or too subtle because they all seemed intent on shooting shuffle board not talking one on one with me about taking up a new hobby, that being spanking me. The night went on like that and I ended up pretty drunk and pretty disappointed.  This had been a wash; I would have to find a better way of contacting my prospects.  As I got up to go, someone grabbed my arm and said "You're not driving anywhere." I looked back to see my old buddy Alex from my A/V days in high school.  He was a year behind me in school so that made him a sophomore at community college.  Even in my inebriated state I realized that he had been one of the people I cut from my list because he mentioned church a lot in his profile.  I must have stood there for a while staring at him because he finally smiled and said "Let me drive you home, I'll bring you back to get your car in the morning." Who was I to argue?

Alex half carried me to his car and helped me into the passenger seat, with me exaggerating how drunk I was because I liked him gently but forcefully moving my body around.  It was as he walked around the front of his car that it struck me: this was the guy.  He had already demonstrated that he could control me.  I knew I could trust him because he wanted to protect me from driving drunk with out even being asked.  A quick survey of his body also revealed that he was not the Pringle eating editor in the swivel chair from high school any more, but a toned, tall, lean and defined young man that I would have dismissed if not for this chance encounter.  At six feet and 180 of pure muscle, I knew I had found my mark.

He got in and took me home.  I tried to talk to him about subjects I thought could segway into spanking but apparently it wasn't working because mostly Alex laughed at me and told me that I had changed since he'd last seen me.  I found out that he had a girlfriend, Anna, who he'd been dating for 3 years and that she was the reason he went to church so much.  On the short trip, in addition to finding out that I lacked talent in casual conversation, I found out that Alex was frustrated with Anna's lack of interest in him physically.  He had lost his "baby fat," given up junk food and started working out to win her over and still she seemed unwilling to explore a physical relationship beyond pecking him on the cheek when friends were around.  As we pulled into my driveway I blurted out "maybe she just needs a spanking." He glanced at me sideways and started laughing. "Get out of the car you drunk, I'll be by to pick you up in the morning."

I stumbled into my bed and slept like a baby.  Mom woke me up asking where my car was and I told her I got a ride home from the bar and she snickered as I heard her telling Dad and they both went to work.  After her seven am wake up call, I was unable to go back to sleep so I got up, took an aspirin and went to lay by the pool.  As the sun peeked out from over the house a plan began to hatch in my head.  I knew how I would convince Alex to spank me.  I just had to hope that he wouldn't freak out on me, and if he did, that he wouldn't tell the world that I was a freak.

I penned up Sandy, no telling what she would do if she thought someone was hurting me, and went inside to eat and wait for Alex to come get me. He didn't show up until around nine thirty.  When he rang the bell I yelled "It's open" from the living room and he walked in.  "Ready to grab your car?" he asked as I walked away from him into the kitchen.  He followed. "Not quite recovered from last night yet," I replied grabbing orange juice from the fridge and drinking from the bottle.  "You know you should get a glass for that," he said as my stomach jerked a little.  He certainly had authority down if I could just get him to channel it.  I put the lid on and chuckled at him heading back into the living room and gesturing for him to sit on the largest couch.

"You're not in a hurry are you?" I asked, perhaps a little too hopefully.

"No, I just thought you'd want your car back.  I don't have work until two."

"Okay, no rush on the car," I said preparing myself for the moment of truth.  "I kinda wanted to talk to you about something."

"What's up?  Did you lose something last night?" He had a concern to him that was so genuine making it easier for me to see he was the right guy but also harder for me to ask.

"No, nothing like that.  I was actually wondering if you could help me with something."

"Sure man.  What is it?  You were always nice to me when the other kids picked on me for being chubby in A/V."

I guffawed and said "You're certainly not chubby any more," realizing after I'd said it how rude it was and possibly how suggestive.  "Anyway, umm…  I've been having a bit of trouble lately." And I went on to describe my situation, lack of motivation, loss of drive and slovenly ways.

When I finished he looked at me thoughtfully and said "So…  what do you need help with, finding a job?  I mean you're smart and have a degree, it shouldn't be that hard."

"It's not so much finding a job, it's just…  I used to be so self disciplined.  My parents never once when I was growing up grounded me or anything like that." I paused composing myself.  "I didn't need discipline then, but I need it now and I don't know where to get it from…"

"Um…  I still don't see what you're getting at."

"I need someone to be…  like, in charge of my," my voice trailed to a whisper as I said "discipline."

Alex shuffled uncomfortably on the couch and looked from the ground to me several times before asking "You want me to help get you back on track? Sure I can do that, you've got everything going for you, it'll be easy. What kind of help do you need?"

Realizing that there was no way around spelling it out for him, I put my plan into action.  "So you're going to help me?" He nodded.  "How ever you can?" Again, a nod, but a more tentative one.  "Then can we start right now?" I asked hoping against hope that my bait and switch would work.

"I…  guess, what do you want to start with?" he asked clearly confused.

"Did your parents ever spank you?"

"What?  Umm…  yeah, when we were kids, me and John both.  What has that got to do with…" comprehension blossomed in his eyes as he slowly said "you want me to…  I don't know Nic, that's…  kinda gay man."

"But you're not gay Alex.  You have a girlfriend, it's not like you'd enjoy," I paused before finally saying "spanking me." There was a long silence where he looked away from me as I trembled in my bathing suit staring at him.  After a while he spoke.

"Look, I don't think a spanking is what you need.  I think you are just in a slump, a weird place," he laughed and continued "a weird place: like being asked to take someone almost 2 years older than me over my knee." We both laughed.  And then something strange happened.  My bathing suit tightened a little as I found myself slightly aroused and I had no idea why. I knew if I got a boner, there was no way Alex would spank me so I took the initiative while it was still a semi.  I stood up and walked toward him moving the coffee table away from his legs.  He recoiled into the couch and I was on one knee just to his left and I looked him right in the eyes.

"Please.  I need this, I know I do.  I trust you Alex and I need help. Please help me." He leaned upright again and seemed to be searching for words.  After what seemed like an eternity I could wait no longer and cautiously slid my body across his lap.  I held my breath as I wondered if my plan had worked.  He had taken the "I'll do anything" bait.  He didn't run away as I begged on my knees in front of him.  Finally he only tensed as I moved myself into position.  Or so I thought.  Strong arms that were trembling slightly gripped me about the waist and scooted me up so that my groin rested right between his slightly spread legs.  My hands gripped the end of the couch and my legs lay flat across the other end while my swimsuit clad butt sat waiting over Alex's lap.  Again I lay there for what seemed like an eternity while he tried to figure out what to do.  Finally he spoke.

"I'm going to teach you a lesson about drinking so much," he said after clearing his throat.  He seemed to be waiting for something and as I lay there all that came to mind was "Yes sir." On hearing that he exhaled deeply and I felt his right hand come to rest against the cleft of my butt. He rubbed both cheeks sensually and I felt that familiar swelling in my crotch again.  My whole body must have turned beet red but before I had time to reflect on the embarrassment of having an erection, his hand lifted and came down in a quick sharp and surprisingly painful slap.  I held still wanting to prove that I could take it as the next came and then the next and then more.

After about 20 or so I started to squirm and Alex stopped spanking me for a moment and I feared he might be done.  Instead he reached up with his left hand and grabbed my right from where it had been holding on to the end of the couch.  He twisted it gently into the small of my back then adjusted his grip on my wrist.  He quickly resumed warming my backside with steady stinging swats from his palm.  Two minutes in I started to wonder whether I had made the right choice in wanting a spanking.  I was certainly mixed up about the pain coming from my rear and the now throbbing erection that had to be poking Alex in the thigh.  I continued to involuntarily squirm about until finally I grunted "ugh, please." On hearing this Alex immediately stopped.  He rested his hand back on my now toasty buns, keeping hold on my wrist and leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"Is this really what you wanted?"

I turned as much as I could and gasped my reply.  "What I needed." He lifted his hand but before he struck again I said "Please, don't stop until you know I can't take any more.  I trust you.  I…" but he cut me off.

"I'm the one giving the spanking here young man." Young man, my cock twitched as he said that.  "Now get up," he said releasing me.  I was dismayed thinking he was done and leaving but he shocked me by turning me away from him and reaching for the sides of my swim suit.  "Untie the drawstring," he commanded and I, with shaking hands undid the knot as fast as I could.  He tucked his thumbs further into the sides and with a yank brought them below my thighs.  I was so embarrassed because he must have heard the obscene plop my dick made as is bounced free of the suit onto my belly.  He made no comment though and slowly lowered my trunks to my ankles tapping me on each in turn as I stepped out of them completely.  I remember feeling his course blonde hair gently caressing my exposed buttocks and had only a moment before he guided me back onto the couch.  He then shocked me by grabbing my full blown erection and placing it securely between his thighs.

"Dad stopped spanking me when I got those," he said coolly.  "I can see why." And with that he released my oh so hard cock, gripped my wrist and once more rested his hand on my pink, now bare bottom.  He ran his strong hand over each cheek softly before saying "You put up a good show.  It's okay to cry now.  The longer you wait, the worse it will be." His first spank on my unprotected buttocks hurt infinitely more than the previous and I almost jumped.  He paused one last time and asked me a very odd question. "I almost forgot, how many drinks did you have last night."

"Eight or nine," I breathed wondering why he was asking me about last night.

SLAP!  "Sir!  I had nine drinks Sir!" he yelled at me, leaving his hand pressed against the flesh of my rump for a moment before slowly removing it and once more stroking.

"Sorry," I said feebly.  "I had nine drinks Sir."

He resumed spanking me and talked while bringing his hand to bear. "Nine is more than you can handle, isn't it Nicholas?"

"Ow!  Yes sir!" I'm certain I would have bounced right off of his lap if my penis wasn't anchored between his powerful thighs.  After only a few minutes of the resumed spanking, I began to softly weep into the cushion of the couch.  Alex made no note of this other than to readjust me when I started to slither away from him.  He covered my entire ass from upper thighs to lower back until I stopped feeling each spank and started feeling a common numbness that wasn't numb but pain.  I started to cry in earnest as he continued to pelt me again and again with his unforgiving hand.

He kept up a steady pace which left me bawling and babbling and begging for him to stop.  Eventually he did, releasing my arm and I just lay there, limp and defeated.  I would do anything to make the pain in my butt and the throbbing in my dick go away.  Once I had composed myself to simply crying softly, Alex carefully pressed against my side.  I went to get up but he stopped me on the edge of his knees so I flopped back down onto him.  Then, to my horror, I heard and felt him take off his belt.  I turned to look at him, seeing the brown leather pass through the last loop as he doubled it over and pulled me back into him.  I tried to get up again but he swiftly and painfully cracked me on the back and I lurched into the couch right on top of him.  I then felt something that surprised, confused and ultimately aroused me.  As my ribs and side slid against him and he moved me back into position over his lap, I felt unmistakably a very hard, and somewhat thick dick pressing through his cargo shorts.

He either didn't notice or didn't care because he went right back to moving my body so that it was just where he wanted it.  I was now kind of pouting or whimpering and he gripped me under the chin turning me to look back at him.  "Count," he said evenly.  "One for each bad decision last night, understand?"

"Yeah," I mumbled under my breath and was rewarded with the most pain I had ever felt to date as he brought his belt crashing down on the curve where your bum meets your thighs.

"YES SIR!" he said forcefully as I shouted louder than I ever had before. Whatever composure I had regained in the interim was now gone as I as wailing.  He rested the belt across my buttocks and pressed his hand into my lower back to steady my uneven breathing, leaning in close to my ear and whispering "You asked for this boy.  The least you can do is show me some respect.  Now start at one."

I had nothing left.  Between sobs I blurted weakly "yes…  sir," before breaking out in fits again.  He lifted the belt again and all I could think was "one." I didn't have to wait long and as soon as I felt the lash land I howled "ONE!" and clenched my ass as tight as it would go.  I held it that way hoping to offset the pain but the second I relaxed the second stroke fell with the force of a freight train.  "TWO!" I bellowed coughing from the exhaustion I had endured, hoping that the next…  CRACK!  "Th…ree." And so it went…  By the time I got to nine, I might has well have been speaking German or Swahili.  All I knew was that it was over and if there was a lesson to be learned I didn't know what it was or if it mattered. All I knew was pain.  From the dizzying haze of my pain I heard him toss his belt onto the table and felt his hands, both of them, caressing my wounded bottom.  I cried the tears of a little boy shamed and I cried for a long time.  Alex remained, gently at first, rubbing my rump before more firmly kneading the flesh eliciting moans of pain and pleasure from me.

Once again I was merely sobbing into my elbow when Alex sweetly asked "Do you think you can stand up?" to which I replied by crying deeply into the cushion.  Eventually he lifted me in to a crouching position but I fell to me knees beside him.  When he stood up something that would forever change this new relationship happened.  His shorts, unencumbered by his belt, which had just ravaged me, fell in a smooth motion to the floor and as he moved to retrieve said belt, he nearly tripped and only saved himself by grasping my head for support.  When he did this, I buckled falling forward, my tear stained face planting right into something hard, and reasonably thick.  He immediately removed his hand from my hair and froze but I stayed with my check pressed to his dick.  When I did move, it wasn't away but to look up.  I peered up into Alex's sea green eyes and he looked down nervously into my bloodshot eyes.  From somewhere, I found the strength to reach with both hands around his body.  I hugged his midsection before my hands slackened their grip and found their way to his ass.  I squeezed each cheek in turn and he let out a shudder.  My fingertips then found the waistband of his boxers and before he could object, I tugged them below his knees and his cock flew free bobbing for a moment and coming to rest on the line of my neck.  Inching away from Alex, I saw for the first time his beautiful penis.

It was only a little longer than mine, just over six inches but much thicker around and strait as an arrow.  I relate this to you now, but at the time I didn't wait to drink in the sight, I rushed to swallow the real thing.  When my tongue met his head for the first time it was rewarded with a glob of precum and I absolutely purred at this new taste.  My joy was short lived because he grabbed two fist full's of hair and yanked me off of his masterpiece.  I in turn clung to his ass with my hands and inadvertently pressed forward with such force that his cock penetrated right into my mouth and right to the entrance of my throat.  Not surprisingly, I gagged, and whether Alex decided he liked that or whether his baser urges took over, I will never know, what I do know is that he let up his grip on my hair and as I pulled my head back and his cock fell free again he didn't stop me when I licked from the head, down the underside of his shaft to his acorn sized balls, which I took into my mouth one after the other.  He threw his head back and moaned incoherently and as I went to lick the under side of his sack, I inadvertently sat on my heels.  As the pain from my rump reappeared, I sprang back up in to a full kneeling position and looked up at Alex one last time before taking him fully into my mouth.

"Thank you," was all I could manage in a deep raspy voice before I wet my lips and went down on him in earnest.  While my left hand continued to molest his perfect posterior, my right came to grope his gonads and my mouth got a bounty greater than either hand.  As I bobbed my head slowly and purposefully up and down the length of his shaft I regretted that I had never practiced because I consistently gagged each time his head hit the back of my throat.  Alex on the other time seemed to have no problem as he shivered and quaked each time that retching vibration traveled up his cock. He didn't last long as I sucked as hard and as deep as I could.  I felt his balls tighten and eased back so that just his head was in my mouth.  When he came, again he gripped my hair tightly pulling me back down the length of this cock forcing me to gag again before releasing me to enjoy the fruits of my labour.  His seed was saltier that I had expected, though not off-putting, and I had also expected to swallow it on instinct.  Instead when his 6th and last jet of semen landed on my lower lip I looked up again at Alex and waited for him to look at me before showing him my cum covered tongue licking my lips and the purposefully swallowing it all in 2 gulps.

He fell backward onto the couch and I inched toward him and licked the salty concoction that I had missed earlier from him.  Once I had finished I eased away and became suddenly conscious of my nudity and my state of arousal.  Before I had time to think on either of these things, Alex had drawn up his boxers and cargo shorts and brushed passed me grabbing his belt and hastily threading it, missing several loops.  He hurriedly moved the coffee table back into place as I finally got to my feet, naked standing before him fully clothed.  He looked at me and then to the door and said "Sorry" as he walked away.  As he reached for the handle I called behind him "I'm not!"

I hope you liked it!  Feel free to comment.

© Copyright Nicholas Patrick June 21, 2015

Your comments are appreciated.

See more of my stories on my web site:

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Next: Chapter 2

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