Niall and Bieber

By james jones

Published on Jul 31, 2012


Niall and Bieber.

This is my first celebrity story on the Nifty website. I have uploaded a story on the `Young Friends' section of Gay Male so if you would like to check it out, here's a link :

This story is about British boy band artist from One Direction, Niall Horan and Canadian star Justin Bieber. It is pure fiction. This story contains sexual situations between males. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. If you are under 18 years of age or you are not legal to read this story, please leave now.

The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the websites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author.

One Direction had just finished they're tour around America and were heading back to the UK. The tour had been a massive success and the boys couldn't wait to get back out there.

It had been two months or so since One Direction had finished they're tour and they had started working on some songs for their new album. They had written 3 songs on their own and one of them needed a verse from another musical star. They all sat around a table with a management and thought of stars they could ask to provide a verse for their song called "Party". It was a male vocal that they needed and they all chipped in to find a big musical star.

"How about Justin Timberlake? He was big back in the day, maybe we can bring him back to sing with us?" said Louis. It was a good idea but Justin Timberlake was too big a movie star to provide a verse for their new song.

"Usher? He knows how to write good music!" Liam suggested. Usher was too busy on tour though so he had to be ruled out also.

"This dude has to be fresh, current, someone who knows how to sell records and is popular with fans. But who?" announced the One Direction manager Bob Jeffery. It was a silent pause for about 30 seconds.

"I've got it!" shouted Niall, "Justin Bieber! He's fresh, he's current and he is very popular with the fans, and he said he would do a vocal on a track for us if we wanted him to!". The management looked at each other and gave a little nod.

"Okay, we'll get in touch with Justin's management and see what we can do" Bob announced.

Niall had never been so excited in his life. He loved Justin Bieber ever since they met on X Factor 2010 when Justin was performing there. They met backstage and talked for about 5 minutes before Justin had to dash and Niall hadn't seen Bieber since that very day. Niall was secretly gay also, the boys in One Direction didn't know, his family didn't know, no one knew. Niall liked to keep things to himself.

The boys were told that management would get in touch with Bieber in the next couple of days and that they will hold a meeting with One Direction next week to tell them if he would do it, or not.

To Niall it had felt like the longest week ever. They days dragged, he was bored so it made the days drag even more, he just didn't know what to do with himself. It was Friday night and Niall got very excited as tomorrow was the day he would find out if Bieber was going to duet with 1D or not. He stayed up all night watching TV as he couldn't get to sleep, but finally went off at 3 in the morning.

Niall was awoken at 10 that morning by Harry screaming in his ear. "Wake up fuck face, we have the meeting remember!?". Niall jumped off the couch and went upstairs to change.

It was 1pm when they arrived back at management and were sitting down waiting for the meeting to start. Niall was anxious, and so were the other boys of One Direction, Bieber would a good move for all of them.

Bob Jeffery, head of management walked in and sat down. "Right then boys, I have got in touch with Mr Bieber's management and we are delighted to tell you that he would love to do a verse for your new song and is flying over here to record, tomorrow". The boys looked at each other with grins on their faces especially Niall, he couldn't wait.

Niall had another sleepless night that night as he was so excited to meet Bieber once again. The boys were pumped too but not as much as Niall. They were meeting Bieber at they're recording studio and it was there where they were going to write the verse with Bieber and record it.

It was 2pm when the boys left for the studio. They arrived there at half 2 and Bieber was already there. 1D walked in and Bieber was sitting in the chair looking right at the door, Niall had to try hard to keep his excitement in. "Hey guys, you alright?" said Bieber, giving each boy and handshake and a quick hug. "Yeah we're fine, pumped for our new song that's all" said Zayn. All the boys were pumped and so was Bieber.

Justin Bieber was around the same age as One Direction and he was around the same height as Niall. Justin was very excited when he found out he would be meeting the 1D boys again to do a song but was especially excited to meet Niall again. You see, Justin was bisexual and had this thing for Niall. It was as if he loved Niall, even though they had only talked for about 5 minutes and that was 2 years ago. Like Niall, Bieber told nobody he was gay because it might ruin his popularity as most of his fans are female.

The 1D boys and Bieber were left alone to come up with a verse Bieber would perform in the song. It didn't take them too long to write it out as they both had experience with song writing. After about two hours of laughing, mucking about and having fun the boys had finished they're song writing and Justin had finished performing the verse in the studio.

"Thanks so much for doing this Just, I think it's going to be great! Do you want to, I don't know, come for a walk around London with me and the boys? Maybe go for a Nandos?" asked Niall.

"Sorry Bieber but me and Zayn can't, we've arranged to do a fan meet up just down the road, I'm sorry" said Liam.

"Yeah, me and Louis have arranged to go to the cinema to go watch the new Spiderman film, sorry, maybe another time" said Harry.

"I'm only here for a today and half of tomorrow, I though we could hang out but oh well, I'll just head back to my hotel and see you boys another time" Bieber announced.

"Well me and you can still go around London and go to Nandos, can't we? Just us guys hanging out?" asked Niall to Bieber.

"You know what, that sounds like a great idea!" Bieber pronounced.

Niall took Bieber back to the 1D house for Niall to get changed. He took Bieber up to his room and found some clothes in the wardrobe. "You don't mind me stripping off in front of you, do yah?" asked Niall. "No go ahead it's your house!" said Bieber. Niall took off his t-shirt and revealed his smooth stomach and nice nipples to Justin. Justin felt his dick twitch in his pants but tried not to stare at Niall. Niall then put a shirt on and took off his trousers revealing his boxers bulge to Justin and his perfect round ass and nice long hairy legs. Just had a semi and luckily his trousers hid it. Niall put some trousers on and they left for a look around London.

Thank you for reading the first chapter of the `Niall and Bieber" story. It took me 4 hours to write two chapters and the second chapter will either be up tomorrow or the next day. I'm sorry that the first part doesn't involve any sex scenes or stuff like that but it sets up the sex scenes for the second chapter, so please remember to check back within the next few days.

Also feedback really does help with this. Without feedback I don't know how you feel about my story which makes me think you don't want me to post anymore chapters, so feedback really does help. My e-mail can be found at the top of this post and the next chapter.

Also please remember to donate to the Nifty website, without your donations they can't upload stories like this that you love to read every single day. Just take a minute of your time to consider donating and to eventually donate.

Thanks again for reading. Remember, I love feedback and suggestions! Thanks.

Next: Chapter 2

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