Nfl Physical Therapist

By adam 812

Published on May 30, 2005


DISCLAIMER: The following story is FICTIONAL. It contains descriptions of Sexual activities between teenage boys and a man. If you are not over 18 Years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this Material is illegal where you are, and then please DO NOT READ IT!

NFL Physical Therapist 9

Gay/Adult/youth, incest, Authoritarian, nonconsensual

The next few days Adam and Kyle became closer then ever. Adam made it a point to spend more and more free time with his younger brother. After his classes or labs, he would pickup Kyle at the High School and the two surfers would hit the beach to check out the waves. Although the brothers did not repeat having sex together, their comfort level had grown higher and stronger. Adam wanted his brother to know, even though they had a rocky start, he was completely and totally there for Kyle.

Kyle loved the physical company of being close to Adam. Both brothers knew they didn't have to speak out loud to one another. Their love for one another was just a feeling that was out there, for both to enjoy.

Adam waited outside of Kyle's school, waiting for his little brother to come and hang out at the beach. Adam had both their surfboards mounted on the roof rack. After a few minutes of seeing high school kids pouring out of the doors, Adam spotted the lean blond headed hunk. Adam's eyes followed the hunk with pride. Kyle was wearing OP Surf T-shirt, board shorts and sandals. Adam watched his little bro glide over to his jeep with a huge smile. Kyle jumped in and greeted his brother.

"Hey Buddy!" Kyle said.

"How was your day at the office?" Adam joked.

"The usual!" Kyle answered.

Kyle turned at tossed his books and nap sack in the back seat. As he turned he brushed up against Adam. He could smell the natural scent of his older brother. And for a split second, Kyle contemplated kissing his brother. The closeness of the brothers was enough of a "High" for him at the moment.

"I need to stop by the college real quick and pick up my Cap and Gown" Adam said.

"No Prob." Kyle answered.

Adam was scheduled to graduate his 3 days. All of his classes were finished. He was doing a few Labs as a way to make some extra cash. Locals could go to the College and get massages done very cheap by students. Adam always had a long list of people requesting his services. The college made most of the money, but would give the students a small cash bonus. Since Adam would not have his license until graduation day, he could have any clients of his own. Many local people, told him, as soon as he graduated, they wanted to come to him for massages. But since Adam had accepted a Trainer position with the Miami Dolphins, he had to decline all the offers.

Adam parked the jeep along the street and told Kyle hopefully he would only be a minute or two before he got back. Kyle waited in the jeep listening to the radio. Kyle watched his older brother dash out in distance. He was proud Adam's accomplishments and having a wondering time spending all this extra time with him. He knew shortly Adam would be off to Miami and they would have a lot less time together. Kyle had replayed the other morning in his head over and over. He still did not understand what had happened to Adam. He would never bring it up. But whenever, he thought of Adam making love to him, he would instantly get hard. This time was no different. His cock was straining against the board shorts trying to get out. Kyle knew he shouldn't be thinking about being naked with his brother, but he wanted a repeat performance with Adam before he left after Graduation. He wanted Adam to fuck him again. He just didn't know how to bring up the subject.

Rick Bradford was walking across the campus lawn, when he spotted Adam's jeep. Rick was the Head Administrator at the local college. Bradford was 6'4 230 pounds. He was a huge strong man. He was responsible for Adam getting the interview with the Miami Dolphins. He was also responsible for Adam being fucked in his office. Bradford continued to walk towards the jeep and saw a blond head sitting in the passenger seat.

It was Adam, he thought. Bradford had been trying to find Adam the last few days. He wanted to get Adam back in his office for another hot fuck session. Adam had been avoiding any contact with Bradford. Adam didn't know that both of his previous visits to Bradford's office, he was actually being videoed for a new web site that Bradford planned on starting. Bradford knew now was his chance to get Adam back.

He walked up to the jeep and said "Well if it isn't my favorite Blond Surfer Jock!"

Kyle heard the stranger and turned and looked up at the older man. Bradford looked in the jeep and saw that it wasn't Adam, but a younger version of the college student. Bradford stared for a moment, taking in the beauty of the young boy. He had full thick lips, like his older brother. He also had a hard on his shorts that couldn't be mistaken.

"You're not Adam!" Bradford stated.

"I'm Kyle. Adam's brother." He said.

"I can see that." Bradford said. "I'm Mr. Bradford, Head Administrator."

"Hello, sir." Kyle said awkwardly.

The boy tried to place his hands over his shorts to cover his hard on. He was hoping the older man didn't notice his cock.

"I'm waiting for Adam to get his cap and gown for graduation" Kyle said.

He wanted to make conversation, hoping that it would somehow take thoughts off of his cock, and it would get soft. Bradford stood at the jeep with his dark sunglasses on. His eyes were glued on the boy. He could look back at forth at the boy's sweet face and his sweet cock.

"Kyle, why don't you step out of the jeep." Bradford demanded.

Kyle heard the authority in Mr. Bradford's voice. He was nervous and slowly got out of the jeep. He stood in front of Bradford with his hands folded in front of his crotch. He pressed them against the basket, to avoid seeing his cock standing straight up. Bradford smiled down at the boy. Kyle looked up at the tall bearded man.

"No need to be embarrassed Kyle." Bradford said. "Boys your age are always having physical reactions like that all the time." He added.

Kyle tried to look like he didn't understand until Bradford reached down and pulled Kyle's hands away from his board shorts. The mound was still very apparent. Kyle turned bright head.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of." Bradford said.

You know Kyle; I got your brother the job with the Dolphins. I made a very difficult road very easy for Adam." Bradford said.

"Getting a job with the NFL, isn't just handed to anyone. Its all about connections and calling in favors." He stated.

"Your brother and I are very good friends, Kyle." "He has done me some favors and I have gotten him in with some of my connections." It's a friendship that has had benefits for both of us." Bradford said.

"Do you understand, Kyle?" Bradford asked.

"I guess." Kyle answered.

Adam was walking across the lawn and saw Bradford standing next to his jeep.

Kyle was talking to him.

"Oh Shit!" Adam thought.

Adam didn't want Bradford near his little brother. Adam was ashamed of the two times he had been alone with Bradford. Not only had he allowed Bradford to fuck him. But he offered up his best friend's asshole up to Bradford as well. Adam picked up his pace to get to the jeep before anything bad could happen. As he approached the jeep, both Bradford and Kyle turned to Adam.

Bradford had been talking and he looked over at Adam and had a wicked grin on his face. Kyle turned and had a look of shock and fear on his face. Adam looked at both the older man and his young brother and tried to remain calm.

"Hey My Friend!" Bradford said to Adam.

"Your brother and I have been having a nice conversation about you and me." He said.

Adam was silent and just listened. Then Bradford added "And Skip."

Adam looked at his brother and saw the look of shock, Bradford had been filling Kyle in on the two occasions that Adam had sex with him. As shocked as Kyle was, he stood in front of Bradford and his brother with a raging hard on. Bradford's description of how Adam had loved sucking on his 9.5 inch uncut had Kyle leaking right through his shorts.

"Kyle and I decided that we all should go back to my office and you should give your little brother a massage!" Bradford said.

"Isn't t that right, Kyle?" Bradford added.

"Uh, yea, I guess." Kyle responded. He was looking at the ground, not sure what to say.

"We actually have some errands to run then need to get home." Adam said.

Bradford grinned and put his arm around Kyle and said "Actually Adam, I heard from your brother, you guys were gonna go surfing for awhile."

Kyle looked up at his brother as if to say 'Sorry Bro" he knows.

"Why don't we all just head over to my office, and can give Kyle a massage and I can see first hand, how well and professional a Physical Therapist you have become." Bradford said.

"I know I want to give my good friend, Luther Timlin a call and let him know, he made the right choice in choosing you to join the Dolphins." Bradford added.

Luther Timlin has the head of the Physical Training Department for the Miami Dolphins. Bradford had set up the meeting that led Adam to receive the job from the NFL team. Adam knew all of this. He knew he just wanted to graduate and start his job and then he would no longer be indebted to Bradford. He had successfully managed to stay out of contact with Bradford recently. He knew he was stuck. He had to think fast.

"Mr. Bradford, why don't I give you a massage later after I run my errands and drop Kyle at home." Adam suggested.

Bradford, still with his strong arm around Kyle's shoulder, gave the kid a squeeze and looked at the older brother.

"That wouldn't be any fun for Kyle, now would it?" Bradford asked.

Kyle stood looking at his brother and didn't want to say anything to upset either of the two. He deep down wanted to be touched by his brother. His teenage hormones didn't care if this older man was around while it happened. It had been a few days since; he and Adam had sex together. This unexpected offer from Bradford came so quickly Kyle didn't want it to vanish. If what Bradford had said were true, that Adam loved sucking on his cock, maybe Adam would want to suck Kyle's as well.

"A back rub would be nice Adam." Kyle spoke up.

Adam looked at his brother in shock. He was trying to protect Kyle from a very awkward scene. Adam knew that Kyle didn't understand what Bradford ultimately wanted. Adam didn't want Kyle to see what Bradford was capable of. And Adam certainly didn't want Kyle to have to be involved. He knew that Bradford could be brutal. Adam stood for a moment then finally spoke.

"Alright, just a quick massage." Adam said.

He started to put his cap and gown in the jeep and lock it up. He turned and saw Bradford still had his arm around Kyle. And Kyle had a huge bulge in his shorts. The three turned to head in the direction of Bradford's office. Adam stopped and took hold of Bradford's arm.

"Just a Massage! That's it!" Adam stated.

Bradford smiled at Adam and said "Sure, Sure!"

The three of them entered Bradford's office. Clair, his secretary had already left for the day. Bradford led the two brothers past her desk into his office and then into a private room. Adam immediately felt very uncomfortable. This was the same room that he had been violently fucked by the older hairy man. Bradford pointed to a massage table in the corner for Adam to set up. Kyle stood by, keeping quiet.

"I will be right back!" Bradford said.

Adam started to set up the massage table. Kyle stood by and watched. Adam avoided making eye contact with his kid brother. As he continued to set the table up, he whispered to his brother, that it was just a quick massage, and nothing more. Kyle listened but was hoping for a lot more. His heart was racing.

Bradford entered the private room holding two jock straps. Both boys stared at him.

"Put these on." Bradford commanded.

He tossed the jock straps to each brother. Adam began to protest. Before he had a chance to speak, Bradford walked up to his and put both his big hands on Adam's shoulders.

"I don't want to hear another single fucking word out of your mouth!" He barked.

He whispered in his ear. "You do as I say and you will be working for the Dolphins, on Monday." "Otherwise, you will be looking for a job! Do we understand each other?" He added.

Adam looked up at the big man with fear and hate. He didn't want to lose this job opportunity. But he didn't want his brother to see what Bradford would make Adam do.

"When I get back, you both better have those jocks on" Bradford said as he left the room.

The boys stood for a second and watched the massive man exit. Adam was the first to slowly remove his shirt. Kyle followed. As the boys undressed, Bradford went to Clair's desk and started working on her computer. The private room the brothers were undressing was equipped with four hidden cameras. Bradford had the cams installed so when he finally had enough footage, he would start his web site. The thought of two real life blond brothers having sex would make him rich. The added bonus of the fact that they were beautiful young surfer boys would sell itself. From the desktop, Bradford could adjust the hidden cams, zoom in, check the sound volume and make adjustments. He sat there watching the two boys undress. His uncock fat cock jumped as he viewed the two of them and the awkward silence between them. He gave his cock a good hard squeeze through his pants. When the boys were finished undressing and had the jock straps on, Bradford stopped and waited to see if there was any interaction. They stood and waited. He got up and walked to the private room.

Bradford stood in the doorframe and smiled and the two near naked boys. His shirt was almost all unbuttoned. Kyle saw how hairy his chest was. The thick chest hair covered all of him, so much so that you couldn't see his skin at all. It was a mixture of salt and pepper.

"Very Nice, Boys!" Bradford said.

"Kyle lay down on the table and lets see how well this school has taught your brother." He said.

Kyle got up on the table and laid down placing his face in the headrest at the end of the table. The jock strap made his round bubble butt stick out further then ever. The straps accentuated his buns. Bradford took a seat on a near by couch, positioning himself for a good view and staying out of site of the cams. Kyle could only see the floor with his head in the headrest.

"Adam, you remember where we keep the massage oils!" Bradford stated.

Adam walked over to a cabinet and found the oils that he had used the first time he came to this room. Kyle could only see Adams feet as he walked by the table. Adam took a bottle of oil and returned back to his brother. He poured the oil into his shaking hands. He was so nervous about giving his brother a massage. He slowly rubbed his hands until they were well lubricated. He placed both of his open hands on his brother's shoulders. The first contact with the warm oil sent a shock wave through Kyle's body. A small moan escape his mouth and caused a big grin on Bradford's face. Adam slowly rubbed his brother's shoulders in a small circular motion. At first in the same direction, then in opposing directions. Any change in motion or direction, would cause Kyle to gasp. The sensations his older brother was giving him had caused his cock to grow to its full eight inches inside the jock strap. Kyle's body would involuntarily throb at the touch of Adam's hands. He would grind his groin into the table without care. His body was trying to relief itself. The grinding was putting on a great show for Bradford. He stared with his eyes glued to the perfect blond butt cheeks that would periodically flex and contract before him. Bradford watch as the smooth mounds would rise and fall from the sensations that his brother's hands were delivering.

Adam knew that Kyle was enjoying it. Adam had to admit to himself that he was enjoying rubbing his brothers smooth skin. It was a pleasure to be working on someone like Kyle. Not only smooth, but young strong muscle tone, Adam found the muscles in Kyle's back and would feel them tense up. He would target a muscle group and then concentrate on them until they relaxed. Most of the clients Adam worked on were older and out of shape. Working on the young teenage was a treat. As much enjoyment as he was getting, Adam was standing over his brother with an equally strong hard-on. He tried not to lower his hands to Kyle's lower back, as he didn't want to let things get out of control.

While Adam worked on his brother's back and shoulders, Bradford had removed his shirt and pants. He sat on the couch in just his white briefs. His huge uncut cock was running along the side of the briefs. He was enjoying watching the two near naked boys, but knew it was time to move things along. He stood up and slowly walked up behind Adam. He pressed up against the older boy. Adam felt Bradford's hairy chest rub up against his back. Kyle could see facing the ground that Bradford was standing behind his brother. Bradford reached around Adam and placed his hands over Adams. He slowly guided Adams hands down Kyle's lower back. As he directed Adam to where he wanted, he nipped on the back of Adam's neck. The touch of Bradford's beard against his skin, made Adam jump.

Kyle could tell something was happening. The sudden stop of hands on his back and then the added pressure, told him something was happening. He kept his face in the headrest and waited. The continual soft kisses that Bradford was giving the back of Adam's neck were sending chills through his body. Adam's mind was lost in the sensations he was feeling. The sexual energy was going into overdrive. Bradford guided Adam's hands down over the smooth globes being held in the jock strap. He would show Adam the motion over the hot ass that he wanted Adam to make. Occasionally, Bradford would slip his hands off of Adams and feel the hot butt cheeks for himself. Kyle's ass would clamp up for a second, as he would feel four hands on his naked butt. He automatically and without thinking spread his legs a little to give the two above him more access.

As Adam continue to rub his brothers beautiful ass, Bradford took a cheek in both hands and spread them apart so that he and Adam could view the asshole.

The sudden air on the hole made Kyle moan softly. The view of the hole made Adam and Bradford both stare with pleasure.

"Now, that's what I call a Boy Pussy!" Bradford said.

Adam just stared at the pucker and remembered eating the hole and then pushing himself deep inside his little brother.

"Hold his cheeks apart for me!" Bradford ordered.

Adam spread the boy butt apart and watched Bradford slowly bend down. His beard gently hit the boy pussy and cause Kyle's body to spasm from the touch. The whiskers tickled the boy in a way he had never imagine could happen.

"Ahhhh." Kyle moaned.

Hearing the pleasure he was giving, Bradford continue to work the hole with his whiskers and occasionally adding a swipe of his tongue. The butt cheeks were trying to clamp down, as the sensations were so strong. Adam had to grip the cheeks and use extra pressure to try to keep the young boy from jumping off the table. As Adam watched Bradford eat and dine on the boy butt, he grew jealous of Bradford. Without asking, he bent down and nudged his face in to get a taste. Bradford smiled and moved aside. He watched as one brother ate out the others asshole. He saw one brother wanting a taste so bad and the other about to climb the walls from the sensations he was receiving.

"That's what I was talking about!" Bradford stated. "Brother on Brother!" He added.

Bradford thought his commentary would go over well on the web site. Adam was lost inside his brothers smooth pucker hole. The pucker was swollen and Adam couldn't get enough of the young stud. He tickled and teased the hole nonstop. Kyle moaned and beg for more. Suddenly without warning, Kyle was past the point of no return. His legs buckled, his hips started to thrust in the table and his entire body began to shake and spasm. As he started to cum into the jockstrap, he looked like someone having a seizure.

He had no control of his body. He was swept away by wave after wave of orgasmic bliss. Adam too was in heaven, knowing he was giving his brother this beautiful gift. Bradford stood and watched the entire episode with his mouth dropped open.

Bradford told Kyle to turn over. The boy heard him but still did not have control over his body. He tried to follow the instructions given to him, but his body was still in a state of shock. Adam helped Kyle turn over on the table. The jock strap was completely wet from precum to the huge load deposited into it. Bradford took his hand and pressed it against the back of Adam's neck. He wanted Adam to suck the cum through the jock. Adam was so hot and turned on by his little brother's butt, all common sense was gone. Without hesitation, he went down and started licking and chewing on the jock. The taste of his brother's jizz filled all of his senses. He loved the taste, the warmth and the texture. He even loved the smell of it.

He wanted to eat it forever.

Bradford walked over to the head of the table and Kyle's sweat coated face. The boy was eye level with Bradford's briefs and the huge package inside. He stared at the big meat and the wet briefs.

"Take it out, Baby." Bradford said.

Slowly Kyle reached and pulled on the waistband. All of the sudden, he was face to face with the biggest cock ever imaginable. 9.5 inches of thick uncut cock was throbbing right before him. Without being told, he immediately lifted his head to taste the monster. He had never seen an uncircumcised penis before, let alone tasted one. But he was now working on the huge head like a pro. Bradford above him, moaned with pleasure, letting Kyle know that he was enjoying it and he was doing a good job. He started to pump his cock in the boy's mouth. Kyle took as much as possible, but 9.5 was just too much for him to handle. He tried to take more and more, but he would choke and gag on the fat rod. He would spit and try to take more, but his throat physically could not accommodate the cock.

"Adam, your brother is a natural cocksucker!" Bradford boasted.

The sound of Bradford's voice ended all the pleasure Adam was enjoying, feasting on the cum soaked jock strap. Adam ignored Bradford's comments, and now was sucking on his younger brother's hard cock. Within two minutes of cumming, Kyle was hard and ready for another round. The sweet taste of Kyle's precum gave Adam chills. Adam licked and slowly took all of Kyle's cock down his throat. He noticed that Kyle's cock was actually bigger then his own. At that moment, size didn't matter to him, but getting another load from his brother was his clear mission. This time he wanted to taste it directly from the source!

Since Bradford knew that Kyle wasn't going to be able to deep throat him the way he wanted, he called Adam over to get up on the table and 69 with his brother. Adam pulled off his jock and climbed on the table. He immediately went down on his brother's beautiful wet dick. Kyle tried to match Adam's technique on cock sucking. If Adam was concentrating on the head, so was Kyle. When Adam was working on the shaft, so was Kyle. Kyle figured his brother must have more experience, and he wanted to be just as good as his big brother.

Bradford pulled a small stool over to the end of the table. He grabbed the massage oil and poured it in his hands and along Kyle's butt crack. Slowly and softly, he started to massage a finger into Kyle's hole. The butt immediately contracted and squeezed the invading finger. Bradford found Kyle's prostate and starting a little dance rubbing it and teasing it. Kyle started to moan loudly. He still had his older brother's cock in his mouth.

The moaning and humming just added to the sensations Adam was feeling.

Bradford added another finger and continued to use the hole and tickle the young boys prostate. When he hit the prostate, Kyle's body would suddenly jump. There was no denying the physical pleasure that the prostate was receiving. The jump from his body sent Adam over the edge. He yelled out "I'm cumming!" Kyle continued to suck and Bradford continued to hit the prostate. As Kyle's entire body jumped, Adam unloaded squirt and squirt into his brothers open mouth. Kyle tried not to swallow the semen at first.

He wanted to enjoy and savor the taste. But as shot after shot continued to flow, he knew he would drown if he didn't start to swallow some. He wasn't disappointed; he ended up with plenty to taste.

Adam pulled himself off the table and tried to regain his composure. He was huffing and puffing from the scene that had just taken place. He was covered in sweat. Bradford pushed Kyle's legs up against his chest. The asshole before him was puffy and waiting to be fucked. He ordered Adam to hold Kyle's ankles. Adam took hold of his kid brother's ankles and pulled them close to shoulders. Bradford stood up pouring the oil on to his pulsing cock. He had the look of a mad man on his face. He was going to fuck this young kid, and nothing was going to stop him.

As he stood there massing the oil on to his cock, Adam yelled.


"Not a word from you Faggot!" Bradford barked.

Bradford walked over behind Adam and spoke to him in a commanding voice.

"Your job is to talk your brother through this and keep him calm!" He said.

"Do you understand me, Mr. Miami Dolphins?" He added.

Adam didn't reply his just held his brother's ankles and kept his face close to the side of Kyle. Bradford walked back down the end of the table. With his hands on his hips, he waved the huge uncock back and forth in the air. It was for all to see, especially the four cams that were running. He never took his hands off his hips; he slowly bent his knees and pointed the head at the entrance of the pucker. Adam whispered into his brother's ear to try to relax. "Relax your butt, Kyle!" He said.

With that said, Bradford pushed the head inside. Kyle screamed out! As hot and horny as the kid was, he wasn't ready to be invaded by this monster of a cock. The asshole was tight and warm. Even with all the eating and finger fucking, nothing could prepare it for a cock of this size.

"Try to relax buddy!" Adam said.

"Here we go!" Bradford stated.

And then he started to push and push and push. He had to grab the kid's hips. Otherwise, he would have slid across the table. Kyle thought he was being ripped apart. He screamed and begged Bradford to stop. He even pleaded with his brother to make him take it out. Adam was heart broken listening and watching his brother take inch after inch of the massive organ. Bradford loved hearing the kid's begging. It got him hotter than ever. Finally with one last lunge, Bradford had hit bottom. His thick pubic bush was resting against the boy's balls. He held the kid tight, letting him get used to the fact that he was completely impaled.

Sweat was running down Kyle's face. He was panting and crying. He never expected anything in his life to be this painful. When Adam first raped him days ago, it felt like nothing compared to this.

"Its ok, buddy, its ok." Adam tried to reassure him.

Then Bradford told Adam to hold his brother tight. He began his assault on the young boy and it was merciless. He began to pound the hole in a quick succession with deep long strokes. He didn't hold back even though he thought the kid was a virgin. He wanted that boy cherry and he wanted to make sure the kid knew he was taking it. Kyle begged and pleaded for him to stop. The begging was the fuel, Bradford wanted and needed. He banged the kid for all he was worth. He fucked him long and hard, and then gave him short jackrabbit quick strokes. He felt like he was going to shoot his load, any second. He tired to hold off and stay still deep inside the kid. But the hole was throbbing and pulsing. Bradford knew he couldn't hold off as much as he wanted with that kind of ass movement. He started a few last thrusts and dumped all of his baby batter deep inside the kid. He dropped forward and forced his tongue down the throat of the crying boy.

Adam fell to the floor and started crying himself. He felt the wave of guilt all over him as he allowed his brother to be abused by this evil man. Bradford lifted himself off of Kyle. The long exit was equally painful as the entrance. Kyle felt paralyzed. He couldn't move a muscle. Just breathing hurt. He watched as Bradford huge butt muscles walked towards the bathroom.

He turned to the two broken brothers and said, "Get cleaned up boys. See you at Graduation!"

He then walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

Your comments and ideas are always welcome. Let me know what you think! Should the story continue?

Next: Chapter 10

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