Nfl Physical Therapist

By adam 812

Published on May 25, 2005


DISCLAIMER: The following story is FICTIONAL. It contains descriptions of Sexual activities between teenage boys and a man. If you are not over 18 Years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this Material is illegal where you are, and then please DO NOT READ IT!

Gay/Adult/youth, incest, Authoritarian, nonconsensual

NFL Physical Therapist Part 7

Adam dropped off Skip at his car without speaking a word. Skip got out of the car and didn't look back. Adam drove home in a daze. He his head ached from all the booze he had consumed the night before. As he sat at a red light, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a van drive by with "Cole Electric" on the side. Cole Electric was the company that Dino worked for. Adam's eyes followed the van as it turned the corner and disappeared.

Adam thought of Dino for a moment, and suddenly the image of Dino pushing his fat beer can cock into Adam flashed before him. A horn honked at Adam letting him know the stoplight had turned green. He was forced back to reality of traffic for a moment. On his drive home, Adam kept having flash back of the night before.

He had images of Dino grabbing his hips and trying to get inside of his asshole. He remembered Dino holding him firm as to not let him get away from him. He recalled his screams of pain as the older surfer raped him and used his body for his pleasure. Adam arrived home and sat in the driveway reliving most of the rape. His body stilled ached from the brutal attack it had endured. He was beyond tired when he finally lifted himself out of his car and walked into his parent's house.

As Adam walked towards his bedroom, his younger teenage brother, Kyle was coming out of his bedroom. Kyle stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his older sibling. He mouth dropped open. He saw his older brother looked like he had been in a huge fight. His face was swollen, his lips were puffy and his was white as a ghost. The look on Kyle's face must have scared Adam. As soon as their eyes met, Adam hurried past Kyle and ran into his room.

Kyle was three years younger than Adam. A junior in high school, he was just a smaller version of his older brother. He had blond hair, green eyes and smooth German skin. At 5'11, Kyle hadn't reached the height of Adam, but he still had a few years to catch up. He was also a surfer. No one was more proud of Adam then his kid brother. Kyle looked up to Adam in every aspect. If Adam liked a certain rock band, then so did Kyle. Kyle had bragged to all of his friends, that his big brother was going to be working for the Miami Dolphins. Kyle wanted to be just like his brother.

As Kyle stood in the hallway outside his brother's door, he was confused what had happened the night before to Adam. He wanted to knock on the door and make sure he was ok, but the look on Adam's face, told Kyle to leave him alone. Kyle stood there for a moment not knowing what to do when the door open and Adam appeared with just a towel wrapped around his waist.

The two brothers made eye contact for a split second and Adam walked past Kyle and headed to the bathroom. Kyle could see bruises on Adams shoulders and hips. Adam quickly closed the bathroom door. Having seen the bruises, the swollen lips, Kyle knew something bad had happened. He wanted to help his brother, but didn't know what to do. He stood motionless for what seemed like an eternity.

From the bathroom, Kyle could hear grunting and groans coming from his brother. The sounds of someone in pain came right through the door. Kyle wanted to go inside and help his brother. He stood, leaning against the door and heard the crying. Tears started to flow down Kyle's face. He didn't know what was wrong, but he knew his brother, his idol, was in pain.

Then he heard the shower.

Kyle slowly slipped down and sat on the floor. He waited until he heard the shower stop. He had to be there, when Adam came out. He had to let his brother know, whatever was wrong, he was there for him. Just like the million times, Adam was there for his kid brother.

Adam came out of the bathroom and saw his little brother sitting on the floor. Kyle looked like a scared kitten as he looked up at his older brother. Adam stopped for a second then walked past him without saying a word. Kyle jumped up and said "Adam!"

Without looking back, Adam said, "Leave me alone!" He shut the door in Kyle's face.

Kyle stood at Adam's bedroom door wanting to help him. He mind was racing on what could have possibly happened. He would never suspect that his older brother had gotten drunk then was violently raped. After a few moments, Kyle could hear his brother sobbing in the next room. Adam was laying on his bed shaking. He was recounting the memory of Dino's beer can cock pushing and pushing inside of him. Thoughts of Papi shoving a vibrator flooded his mind. He wished he could forget all of it.

Kyle listened to sobbing and decided he couldn't stand outside his brother's door, when he was oblivious in such pain. He opened the door and walked into the dark bedroom. He slowly walked towards the bed and saw his brother curled up in a ball wrapped in a blanket. Adam always seems so tall and strong to Kyle. As Kyle approached the bed, his older brother seems so small and so weak.

"Adam, I'm here buddy". Kyle whispered.

Adam did not respond to his brother. He was still crying and holding on to his pillow. Kyle kneeled down beside the bed and reached out to comfort Adam. Adam still did not respond.

"It's ok now. I am here". Kyle said. "Everything is going to be fine". He added.

Of course, had no idea what had happened. He did not know everything was going to be fine. He knew he had to offer his brother some reassurance that would help him. Adam continue to shake as the tears filled his eyes. He couldn't open his eyes. He didn't want his little brother to see him like this. He held on to the pillow for comfort. Kyle reached out and stroked his brother's still wet head. He tried to offer support; the same support he had been given his entire life.

Kyle got up and got on the bed and laid down side by side with Adam. He held Adam and wrapped his arms around him to help him stop shaking. Kyle pressed up against Adam and kept reassuring him everything would be ok. Over and over, he would whisper in his ear "I'm here" and "don't worry".

After a few minutes of stroking his brother's hair, running his hands along his arms, Kyle gently kissed the back of Adam's neck. Adam stopped shaking and slowly turned to Kyle. He opened his tear filled eyes, and looked at his younger brother. He could barely speak. He tried to speak but no words would come out. Finally he was able to utter, "I'm sorry". Kyle looked at his brother, not knowing the meaning behind the apology. Kyle tried to give his brother a look of confidence. Adam's eyes were looking to Kyle for strength. Kyle looked all over his brother's face. Never before had Adam looked so small and weak. The brothers looked into each other's eyes and closely moved towards one another. Adam gently kissed his brother's lips. He winced as they made contact. Kyle allowed his older brother to kiss him.

The brothers each open their mouths and their tongues started to dart back and forth. Adam's motions were letting his brother that he needed his intimacy. Kyle accepted the kissing as a way of letting his brother know he would protect him.

Adam began to run his hands along his brother's body. Kyle lay in bed with his brother wearing only t-shirt and cargo shorts. Adam was naked. Only a blanket separated the two boys. As Adam pressed against Kyle, he wrapped his arms around him for support, both physical and emotional. Kyle responded to the physical intimacy by pressing up against his big brother. Kyle ran his hands against his brother. The blanket slipped and Kyle's hands felt his brother's naked skin. When Kyle realized he was touching his brother, he didn't freeze up because it felt so natural to be offering himself to Adam. He was giving his brother the comfort he needed. Kyle felt his cock start to throb at the touch of his brother.

Adam's lips and hands were exploring Kyle's mouth and body. His lips never left Kyle's mouth as his hands push and pulled Kyle's t-shirt off. As the t-shirt came off, Adam got on top of Kyle. With his body on top of his brother, Adam continue to run his hands along the sides of Kyle's smooth body. He pulled at Kyle's cargo shorts, not bothering to unzip, he just pulled the shorts down. He looked into Kyle's eyes and spoke to the boy without speaking a word. Kyle looked up into his brother. He didn't know what led him to this naked state, but he knew he could trust his brother. Two naked brothers pressed up against one another. Chest to chest, hard cock to hard cock, they both were matched up equally.

The two boys rolled back and forth each taking turns pressing their bodies into the other. As they continue to passionately kiss, Kyle was now on top of Adam. Adam placed his hands on Kyle's shoulders. He firmly pressed down on his shoulders. The pressure was telling Kyle to move down. Kyle wasn't sure what to do. He tried to resist, but Adam's hands kept moving downward.

Kyle gave in and he slowly moved south. He face rubbed against Adam's chest and abs. The pressure continued. He never had a chance to stop and pay attention to his brother's chest. Adam finally stopped pushing him once Kyle's face was next to his hard throbbing cock.

Adam removed his hands from his brother's shoulder and now placed them behind Kyle's head. He guided the boy to the place where he wanted satisfaction. He wanted Kyle's mouth on his cock and he wasn't taking no as an answer. Kyle knew what his brother wanted, but he had never thought he would put a cock in his mouth. Kyle tried to pull away, but Adam took a handful of hair and forced his brother to take a mouthful of cock. He rammed the hard cock all the way down his throat. Kyle gagged and choked on his huge cock. He tried to pull off but Adam was intent on face fucking him.

He pumped his cock into him nonstop. Kyle had no choice but to try to relax his throat and take as much of the cock as he could.

Adam continued to pound his brother's mouth. He knew he was going to spill his seed in his brother's mouth. He tried to keep his breathing in an even rhythm, as not to let Kyle know when he was going to shoot. Kyle kept his eyes closed. Suddenly without warning, Adam started to unload his cum. Kyle started to panic as the first spurt hit the back of his throat. He couldn't pull off the cock, as his brother's grip was too strong. Rope after rope, continue to fill his mouth. He thought he could spit the load out, but realized his only choice was to start and swallow. The taste of his brother's seed was overpowering. The cream slid down his throat in one long string.

As Adam's climax subsided, he let go of the grip on Kyle's head. He released his cock from Kyle's mouth. Kyle remained down next to the cock that just had unloaded in his mouth. Adam lifted Kyle's chin up. Kyle looked up into Adams eyes. He was completely embarrassed by the act he had just performed.

"Come up here". Adam said.

Adam pulled his brother up to him. He kissed Kyle passionately. He could taste his load on Kyle's mouth. As humiliated as Kyle felt, his brother's kiss and arms around him made him feel safe and secure.

The two brothers spooned one another and drifted off to sleep. Finally Adam thought he could sleep peacefully. He had no idea that the dream he would have would become a real nightmare for his younger brother.

Your comments and ideas are always welcome. Let me know what you think!

Next: Chapter 8

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