Nfl Physical Therapist

By adam 812

Published on Dec 28, 2004


NFL PHYSICAL THERAPIST CHAPTER 5 Gay/Adult/youth, Authoritarian , nonconsenual

DISCLAIMER: The following story is FICTIONAL. It contains descriptions of sexual activities between teenage boys and a man. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DO NOT READ IT! "I'm so sorry, Adam." Skip said.

Adam didn't understand why Skip was apologizing to him. But Adam didn't know that Skip had planned the night festivities. The only problem was that it all backfired on Skip when Papi decided he wanted Skip's hole for his pleasure.

"Skip, we've got to find our clothes and get out of here! NOW!!!!" Adam said.

Adam helped Skip off of the table. Skip was slow to move as his butt had just finished taking a beating from both of the father and son sleeping in the next room. He leaned into Adam for support. He hopped off of the table and with his arm around Adam's shoulder. Skip saw his reflection in the mirror and wanted to cry. All of his plans had backfired on him. He had planned that Dino and Papi would use and abuse Adam. Adam had set Skip up to be fucked by Bradford. Skip planned that the two older men would do the same to Adam. But Papi turned the tables on Skip. Somehow he offered Skip's ass to his teenage son, Jr.

Now the very guy, Skip wanted to get fucked was now helping Skip off the table and assisting him to get out of Papi's condo. Skip looked over at Adam, knowing his surfer bud didn't have a clue what his original plan was.

Adam was looking around the living room for their clothes. He was still half drunk from all the tequila and beer he had consume that night. He wasn't really clear on what happened, but he knew he and his buddy Skip, needed to get out of there.

"We need to clean ourselves up Adam. We can't go outside looking like this!" Skip said.

Both boys had dried cum all over their faces and hair. Adam saw his reflection as well and together, they both slowly walked back into the bathroom. Skip turned on the water and moved aside so that Adam could wash himself off as well. The warm water felt refreshing on their faces as they both tried to clean themselves up to look half way presentable when leaving the condo.

As they were drying off with a towel, Skip saw the vibrator that Papi had shoved up Adam's asshole. Skip felt overwhelmingly guilty. He knew he was responsible for the pain Adam endured and his friend without knowing his plan was helping him out of this mess.

Together the walked out of the bathroom and past the open bedroom door. Inside, Papi and Jr. were sound asleep. Papi was spooning his son and had his arms wrapped around the young boy. Skip stopped and stood in the doorway for a moment staring at the two sleeping figures. Adam stood behind him and looked inside the bedroom. Adam still wasn't sure who it was sleeping inside. It didn't matter to him; he just wanted to get out of there. He tried to pull Skip in his direction to leave, but Skip could not move.

"Come on, Skip." Adam whispered.

Skip turned and looked at Adam and the stopped and said "NO."

Skip's face had turned red. He was fuming at the fact that Papi was sleeping like a baby after he had used and abused his asshole. He had let his teenage son lose his virginity inside of Skip's hole. Skip wasn't going to allow Papi or Jr. get away with this.

"Adam, Follow me!" Skip said.

Adam looked at Skip not knowing what Skip was up to. He followed Skip into the kitchen. Skip was looking through the cabinets and drawers quickly.

"What are you looking for, Skip?" Adam asked.

Skip continued to look in each and every drawer until he found what he needed. He pulled out a small extension cord.

"Those assholes in that bedroom fucked us and used us Adam." Skip said. "They raped us, man and I am sick and tired of people taking advantage of us!" He continued.

Adam didn't quite understand everything that Skip was saying, but he knew from the pain in his butt, something definitely happened that was close to rape. He knew how he had set up Skip's ass for Bradford's pleasure in order to safe his own butt. Adam wasn't about to argue with Skip.

Skip had a controlling look on his face. This look scared Adam.

"Listen to me, Adam. You follow my instructions and everything will be alright." Skip said.

"No on is gonna hurt us any more or use our bodies for their sick pleasure." He said. "Do you understand me?" Skip asked.

Adam nodded and followed Skip from the kitchen into the living room. On the way to the bedroom, Skip grabbed the hand towel on the floor. He picked it up and walked over to the table where he and Adam were raped hours before. He wiped the hand towel across the table, scooping up the two puddles of cum that had leaked out of both his and Adam's butt.

The walked to the bedroom door and Skip turned to Adam.

"You take the kid and hold him down and I will take Papi." Skip said.

As Adam heard him say Papi, he realized that it was Papi that had raped them. Adam wasn't sure who the kid was. Skip ran into the bedroom and jump on the bed and right on top of Papi. Adam was slow to move. Skip yelled at Adam to take the kid. Adam then jumped on the small figure sleeping next to Papi.

As Skip hit Papi full force, he grabbed Papi's arms and started to pull them behind his back. He started to tie them with the extension cord he found in the kitchen. Papi and Jr. had been sound asleep. They had no clue in the first few seconds, what was going on. Adam held the young boy down, by using his whole weight on top of the kid. Papi started to yell and scream.

"Get the Fuck off of me you Faggot!" Papi yelled. "What the fuck do you think your doing?"

Before Papi could add anything else, Skip took the hand towel and rolled it up and shoved it into Papi's mouth. The hand towel had been soaked with the cum loads of Dino, Papi and Jr. All three had cum inside Adam and Skip and had dripped onto the table. Now Papi was tasting the loads. He tried to spit the towel out but Skip had it buried deep in Papi's mouth. Every time Papi tried to speak, he got a taste of jizz.

Once Skip had Papi out of commission and unable to communicate with his son, He told Adam to switch places. Adam got on top of Papi to hold him down and Skip got on top of Jr. Both father and Son struggled to get free, but neither were any match for the buff surfer jocks holding them down. Jr. tried to plea for help from the hot surfer above him.

"Please Man!" Jr. said.

"Shut up Jr." Skip yelled.

Adam realized now that the young kid was Jr. This was Papi's teenage son. Adam wasn't sure, but Jr. must have been in on the scene that took place earlier.

"It's pay back time, faggot!" Skip said as he pulled Jr's hair. He grabbed a fist full and made Jr. scream out in pain.

"Hey Papi!! Know what you did to Adam and me?? Well pay attention or else you are gonna watch your boy lose his cherry!" Skip laughed.

Adam looked on and watched in confusion. He saw the twisted look on Skip's face. He was not going to argue with Skip, but he wished he wasn't there.

"Adam, show Papi who is in charge now." Skip said. Adam remained motionless on top of Papi. "He fuckin used that Jack Rabbitt Vibrator on your butt hole for hours man." Skip added.

"You gonna let him get away with that?" Skip asked.

Papi tied to defend himself, but the hand towel prevented him from communicating.

Adam's butt still burned from the abuse it had taken from the vibrator that had been lodged up his hole for hours. The Jack Rabbitt teased and pulsated inside of him nonstop. Now he knew who was responsible for this pain. Adam grabbed Papi by his short salt and pepper hair, pulled his head back and with his other hand swung his fist against Papi's face.

As Adam hit Papi across the face, Papi moaned in pain and his ears were ringing. He wouldn't hear Skip telling him to watch, as his boy was about to lose his cherry. Jr. could hear this and tried with all his might to escape but he couldn't move. He lay on his stomach and Skip reached down and started to play with the boy's hole.

"Oh yea, baby. Virgin cunt!" Skip whispered in Jr's ear.

"Just what I need." Skip said. "You were a losey fuck, Jr. But I am going to show you how to break in a faggot's ass. Jr. started to cry and beg Skip to let him go. He tried to apologize to Skip fucking his mouth and ass, but it was all too late.

Adam sat in daze on top of Papi. He started to remember pulling the vibrator out of his ass and vaguely thoughts of Papi shoving it inside of him came back to him. Adam got up and ran into the kitchen. He started going through all the open drawers and found the AA batteries. He ran into the bathroom and saw the Jack Rabbitt vibrator in the bathtub. After a minute or two, he got the batteries inside the device and walked into the bedroom. Adam was playing with the speed control on the vibrator and watching the two antennas spin and rotate in the air.

Skip was still playing with Jr's hole and whispering in his ear. He knew he was fucking with the kids mind. And Skip loved every minute of it.

Adam kicked Papi's legs apart, as he lay motionless on his stomach. He turned the vibrator on its highest level and jammed it right inside of Papi's asshole. Papi yelled out into the hand towel. Barely any sound escaped at all. Adam jump on top of Papi's back and started to laugh.

Skip saw Adam's actions and started to howl out in laughter as well. He told Adam to make sure Papi paid attention, as his son was about to lose his boy cunt. Adam pulled Papi's head up and pointed it in the direction of the teenage. Just as Papi looked over, he saw Skip holding his cock in his fist and aiming it at his son's virgin butt. Papi wanted so desperately to help his son, but he knew there was nothing he could do.

In one fast thrust, Papi watched Skip's cock disappear inside the boy's butt. Papi closed his eyes, knowing he couldn't bare to watch. He felt the vibrator moving wildly inside his ass. The two antennas were going in different directions at high speed hitting his prostate.

"Adam!!! He isn't paying attention! His boy is being raped" Skip yelled. With that, Adam slapped Papi across the face and Papi watched and Skip pumped his boy's asshole. He saw Skip pull completely out and then slam back inside the boy. Jr. moaned and cried out each and every thrust. Papi finally realized that he had to watch the entire scene or he would be hit again and again. He decided to keep his eyes glued to his son's ass. He couldn't bare to see the tear stained face of the kid.

Adam was still on top of Papi and stroking his own cock. He was totally getting off on watching the young kid lose his virginity. He also was having fun knowing that Papi had that vibrator up his butt and it was driving him crazy. As Adam as getting close to cumming he yelled over to Skip to pull the Kid's face up off of the bed.

Jr's head was lifted a few inches of the bed, just in time for Adam to aim his cock at him and unload rope after rope of jizz all over the young boy's face. Skip seeing this, got totally fired up and started pounding the boy butt below him nonstop. He was a total machine until he felt his cock shoot deep inside the boy.

Skip was covered in sweat and collapsed on the teenager. Adam fell back on Papi. The room was completely silent except for the humming coming from Papi's hole. The Jack Rabitt continued its nonstop pace.

After a few minutes, Skip regained his composure. He leaned down to Jr.

"When you get over the hurt and start to get angry over all of this, Jr. Blame your father!! He is responsible for all of this." Skip said.

"Let's go Adam! We're done here." Skip said.

Both Adam and Skip jumped up and found the clothes and ran out the door.

Your comments and ideas are always welcome. Let me know what you think! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!

Next: Chapter 6

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