Nfl Physical Therapist

By adam 812

Published on Dec 3, 2004


NFL PHYSICAL THERAPIST CHAPTER 4 Gay/Adult/youth, Authoritarian

DISCLAIMER: The following story is FICTIONAL. It contains descriptions of sexual activities between teenage boys and a man. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DO NOT READ IT!

"Dad???" He heard. Papi looked up with his cock still in his hand to see his 16-year-old son standing there.

Carlos Jr. was looking at his naked father and some young guy with his ass up in the air on the dining room table.

"Oh Shit" Papi Thought. How was he going to explain this to his son! He stood there frozen with his semi hard cock with a hand towel and nothing else on. Jr. was standing there looking at his naked father and the naked body on the table. He stared at the guys butt up in the air, his legs were spread apart and Jr. could see his asshole. It was puffy and pink. Jr. continued to stared and as he moved slightly closer he could see cum dripping into a small muddle of the table. Jr. was floored by what he was witnessing. He looked back to his father and asked. "Dad, are you gay?"

Papi didn't know what to say or what to do. He was caught red handed by his 16yr old son. He wanted to run away. But he stood there as a proud father and said "Fuck NO!" He told his son that Dino had brought the faggot over. He made it sound like it was all Dino's idea. He explained to his son that finding hot pussy was so hard to find. He told Jr. every time he found a hot babe, she would end up pregnant and wanting marriage. Jr. had heard this story many times. He had 2 step moms. He listened to his dad bitch and moan about how he would fuck these women and then they would screw him. It was the same old story.

Jr. in the last few years had grown by leaps and bounds. He was already 6'0 and a lean 160. Like is father, he had jet-black hair and dark features. He wasn't as hairy as his father, but he was shaving. Today, was the first day, Jr. had ever seen his father naked. He was a little shock to see his dad with a woody. Or what looked like a semi-woody. Papi had told his son many times, that all women wanted to get knocked up and have a kid and get married. Papi warned Jr. that he would kill him if he ever came home with the news that he had gotten some cunt pregnant.

So Papi walked over to his son, and explained that fucking this faggot on the table was the next best thing. He told Jr. they didn't have to worry about getting the bitch pregnant. Unlike most women, the faggot loved taking a big cock up his cunt. And he told his son the best part was 'better head, less work'. You didn't have to buy the faggot dinner to get laid like all the bitches out there.

Jr. stood listening to his father, and stared at the faggot on the table. For good measure, Papi added," And you know, there aren't many babes, that can handle Martinez Meat."

Papi gave the boy a push in the direction of the faggot. He told the boy he gives a great blowjob, why not try it. Jr. was a little nervous. This was his father telling him this stuff. He wasn't sure he could pull his cock out in front of his own dad. Jr. looked beside him and saw his dad's cock was no longer semi hard; it was throbbing right next to time. Jr. knew he wanted to pull his cock out and feed it to the faggot on the table. He walked along the table and looked down at the faggot.

Jr's mouth dropped open. "Is that Skip?" he asked his father.

"It sure is!" Papi replied. "He is a total faggot slut," He added.

Jr. wouldn't believe it. Skip was such a cool dude down at Double Roads and the Dune Shack. Here he was now on his Dad's dining room table with cum leaking out of his ass. Jr. put all his thoughts aside and pulled out his cock from his shorts.

His cock was dark just like his dads. It was also uncut. But Jr's cock was standing straight up. It was a teenager's cock and it was about to get its first blowjob. He pointed the cock down at Skip and pushed until he opened his mouth. Jr., started jamming the mouth in every which direction. He started pumping so fast he pulled all the way out and then would go to jam back in and completely miss his target.

His father stood there stroking his own cock watching his boy use Skip's mouth for his pleasure. Papi realized Jr. didn't have a clue what he was doing. He told the boy to slow down and enjoy the face fucking he was giving Skip.

"He's not going anywhere, son," Papi said.

Jr. slowed down and started really to enjoy the sensations that Skip's mouth was causing on his virgin cock. Papi smiled as the boy started to find some kind of awkward rhythm. Papi walked over to Jr. put his arm around the boy.

"Let me show you how to do it Jr." Papi said.

Not only did Papi want to show his son how to face fuck, but also he wanted those sweet lips around his cock again. Jr. was disappointed but stood back and watch his dad feed Skip the big uncut cock. Jr. looked up and down Skip's beautiful white body. He loved the white boys smooth tan skin.

Jr. decided he didn't want to wait any longer for his cock to be buried in a warm tight hole. He headed for Skip's ass. His father watched as he grabbed Skip's ass cheeks and pulled them apart. Without handling his cock, Jr. aimed his meat right at the pink puffy button before him. Once the head was at Skip's ass lips, Jr. drive home. The ass was wet and juicy. Jr. didn't realize that under normal circumstances, he would have had to lube up his cock. He started pumping Skip's hole like a mad man. He was frantic in his technique. Actually he didn't have a technique, he just got into this warm tunnel and wasn't going to stop until he shot his load.

Skip was now a Martinez sandwich. He had the father face fucking him and the son pumping his asshole for dear life. Papi looked at his son with pride watching him lose his virginity. Jr. had his eyes closed. He was concentrating so hard on the pleasure he was receiving from Skip. Seeing his son pump the bubble butt, sent Papi over the edge. He grunted and groaned and dumped more hot baby batter into Skip's waiting mouth. Skip choked and gagged, but was too drunk to fight anything.

Papi held his cock inside of Skip's mouth and continue to watch Jr. go at it. He could tell Jr. was getting very close to popping his seed. His young body was covered in sweat. He was starting to involuntarily shake. His body was losing control. He was about to explode inside of Skip. Papi knew the boy was enjoying himself, but he looked like he was about to have seizure. Papi quickly walked behind his son, just as Jr. unloaded stream after stream on boy jizz inside the tight hole. Jr's body started to betray him. He started to shake uncontrollably. His eyes were rolling into the back of his head. His heart was trying to keep up the beating the blood was sending through his body.

Papi grabbed Jr's underarms to support the boy. His legs gave out, his arms gave out. The orgasm he just experience, totally shocked every being in his body. The boy's body was like a noodle. There was no support anywhere. He shook and rocked back and forth. His father held him tight. Papi whispered soothing words in the boy's ear. Jr. began to cry uncontrollably. Papi turned him around and hugged his son closely. He lifted the boy and carried him into his bedroom. He laid the boy on the bed and wrapped his arms around him. He kept telling Jr. everything was all right and that he would take care of everything. After a few moments, both of them fell asleep.

Meanwhile, in the bathtub, Adam slowly opened his eyes. It took him a moment to clearly see where he was. He looked down at his body, but didn't understand that he was sitting in a bathtub, naked with cum and piss all over him. He tried to think clearly, what was going on, but he was still too drunk to comprehend the situation. He slowly lifted him self up out of the tub. It took a minute to stand up and get his balance. His body ached all over especially his ass. He stepped out of the tub and stood in front of the mirror.

Adam looked like he had been in a fight. His body certainly felt like it did. He thought maybe there was an accident. His mind still couldn't concentrate on anything for long. He leaned against the sink for support and turned on the water. He splashed some water on his face. He tried to wiped off the caked cum from his forehead. He had no idea that it was dried semen he was cleaning out.

He also had no idea that the electric vibrator was still in his ass. It had been in there for over 3 hours. The vibrator with its two antennas had driven Adam to 5 orgasms through out the night. The batteries were all but dead from the nonstop action it had performed. But when Adam could occasionally move, the batteries would suddenly come to life and send a shock wave in his hole.

As he tried to wipe the cum off of his face, the batteries sparked one last juice of energy and the device shook violently inside of Adam. He stood there in from of the mirror not knowing what cause the fluttering in my butt. He turned away from the mirror then looked down at the reflection of his ass.

"Oh my GOD." He thought.

He saw that there was some kind of contraption stuck up his ass. As he again turned, the device moved inside of him hitting his prostate. He didn't know what to do. He had no idea how this thing had gotten there. Little did he know, that the man responsible for shoving the vibrator up his hole was asleep in the next room with his arms wrapped around his son.

Adam squatted down and reached under himself and tried to pull the vibrator out. It wouldn't budge. It had some kind of base that needed to be turned in a certain direction to release. He tried over and over to get the vibrator out. Finally, he pushed and pushed his butt muscles and he was able to move the huge sex toy out of his ass. He held it in his hand and stared at it. He had never seen anything like it. The batteries started up again and the two antennas that cause his prostate so much pleasure earlier started to wave. The sudden movement scared Adam and he dropped it in the bathtub.

Adam stumbled out of the bathroom and still had no clue where he was. The first door he saw was a bedroom. He looked in and saw Papi sleeping with his arms around someone. Suddenly Adam remembered where he was. He had come here with Dino and Papi, and then Skip joined them for beer and tequila. Other than that fact he didn't remember anything.

He wandered naked through the condo and walked into the Living area. That's when he saw Skip. He stopped straight in his tracks. With the sight of Skip lying there naked and obliviously raped, Adam started to cry. He had no idea how something this awful could have happened. He hoped he had nothing to do with the fact that Skip had been abused. But he couldn't be sure.

He walked over to Skip and shook him to wake him up. Skip finally looked up to see Adam with tears in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Adam." Skip said.

Adam didn't understand why Skip was apologizing to him. But Adam didn't know that Skip had planned the night festivities. The only problem was that it all backfired on Skip when Papi decided he wanted Skip's hole for his pleasure.

"Skip, we've got to find our clothes and get out of here! NOW!!!!" Adam said.


Your comments and ideas are always welcome. Let me know what you think!

Next: Chapter 5

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