Nfl Physical Therapist

By adam 812

Published on Dec 2, 2004


NFL Physical Therapist Part 3


Gay/Adult/youth, Authoritarian

DISCLAIMER: The following story is FICTIONAL. It contains descriptions of sexual activities between teenage boys and a man. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DO NOT READ IT!

"Skip" Adam said.

"Stay the fuck away from me." He yelled. He ran in the opposite direction.

Adam knew things would never be the same between the two of them. Adam stood there for a moment and watched his good friend dart away towards the Computer Lab Building. He knew Skip was probably going there because it was the closest bathroom. Adam remembered clearly the day before he was in the same position that Skip was now enduring.

Adam walked to his car and felt a wave of guilt overwhelm him. He had sold Skip out to Bradford. He had offered Skip's ass for Bradford pleasure. Adam could still see the smirk of Bradford's face when Adam volunteered Skip's asshole for him to fuck. Skip had every right to be pissed at him.

After returning home, Adam's thoughts returned to his upcoming interview with the Dolphins. He decided to call Clair and get all the info, directions and contact stuff. He didn't want to go near that office. Lately, everyday he did, he left miserable. He called Clair and she was very cheery and friendly.

"You and Skip seem like great friends, Adam" Clair said.

"Yea". He answered.

"I know Mr. Bradford thinks a great deal of you". She added.

"Thank you." Adam replied.

Adam just wanted to get the phone call over and get the information he needed for the interview. He had no idea that Clair was in on the secret sessions that were going on behind close doors. Adam had no clue that for the last two days, while he was being raped and having sex with his surfer bud and watching Skip being plowed, Clair was operating various cameras from her computer. The entire episodes were recorded for future use. Clair and Bradford really didn't plan on blackmailing the two surfer boys. They wanted to make money off of them. They wanted to use these amateur movies to sell on the Internet.

Clair gave Adam the interview info and directions to the Dolphins Training Facility. While Adam was writing down the info, Clair said. Hang on a moment, Adam". There was a moment of silence. Then she returned back to the phone. "Mr. Bradford would like to speak to you, Please hold" She said.

"Shit" He thought. The last thing he wanted to do was to speak to him. Every time lately, he was forced into something that ended in humiliation.

"Adam, my boy!" Bradford yelled into the phone. "How are you baby?" he continued.

Adam did not like the sound of his tone and his usage of the word "baby" scared him.

"Fine" Adam replied.

"Getting ready for the interview, kid?" Bradford asked.

"Yes" Adam said.

There was a silence suddenly. Then Adam added "Sir." He didn't want any more problems from this man.

"I want you to remember, that you are representing this school and my reputation down there." " Do you understand me?" Bradford asked.

"Yes Sir" Adam replied.

"Good, Very Good" "Next week, come by my office, I want to talk to you about the interview." Bradford said.

Adam hung up the phone and knew in addition to being worried about his interview, afterwards he have to deal with Bradford again.

The next two days Adam concentrated on his classes and lab work. He never ran into Skip. He wasn't showing up for any classes. Adam wanted to speak to Skip, but right now his priority was the upcoming interview.

On Saturday, Adam arrived at the Training Facility early. He wanted to make sure that nothing would make him late. The facility was brand new. It had just opened a few months earlier. You could smell the new carpet in the air.

The receptionist gave Adam a packet with his name on it. She instructed him to fill out all of the forms and once he was finished, she would call Mr. Timlin's office.

He tore through all the forms very quickly. There were job applications/background info and other personal forms to all be completed. Once he was finished the receptionist called Timlin and Adam sat and waited.

After 10 minutes, Mr. Timlin appeared. Luther Timlin was at least 6'5 220 pounds. He was a huge hunk of a man. His hair was completely gray cut in a short military crew cut. He had steel blue eyes that looked like they could hurt a man. His size reminded Adam of Bradford. But unlike Bradford, Timlin was all muscle. There was no fat on this man. He wore a tight white polo shirt with the team's logo on it. His blue slacks stretch across massive thighs. The man was a giant.

Adam at 6'1 felt small as he approached him.

"Adam Eastman!...Luther Timlin!" Timlin said.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Timlin" Adam replied.

"Call me Tim, everyone does" Timlin said.

Adam smiled an acknowledgement but didn't feel comfortable enough to call this huge bulk of a man "Tim". He was nervous and excited all at the same time. He just hoped he would not start sweating in front of this man. Adam was wearing a crisp white dress shirt and dark suit pants. He opted not to wear a jacket, since it was a Saturday and he didn't want to seem too formal for an interview as a "Physical Therapist Trainer".

"Follow me, we can have a talk in my office." Timlin said.

The two of them walked up a flight of stairs and down a hall full of offices. The New Headquarters were plush. Adam tried to keep his focus on the idol chitchat Timlin was making. They walked past a secretary's area and into Timlin's office. Since it was Saturday, there was no secretary at her desk. Timlin opened his office door and stood there allowing Adam to enter. Because Timlin was so huge, Adam I had to squeeze by Timlin, nearly brushing against the man.

The office was filled with memorabilia of Timlin's football past. The walls were covered with pictures of a young Luther in various football uniforms. Various Universities and Professional Teams were displayed on each wall. If Adam wasn't so nervous, he would have loved to spend hours looking over all the pictures. He just scanned the entire office quickly.

Timlin stood back giving the boy the once over. "Pretty Impressive, isn't it? He asked, as Adam looked at all the photographs.

"Yes, Sir, it certainly is" Adam said.

"It's Tim" Timlin said.

"OK" Adam said smiling.

As they sat down, Adam started to give Tim some copies of letters of recommendation that he brought along. He placed them on the desk in front of Tim. He also put some copies of the certificates of his courses on the desk as well.

Tim sat back and had a slight smile on his face.

"I thought you like to review these credentials," Adam said.

Tim folded his arms across his wide chest. His biceps became so huge; that Adam thought the cotton in his shirt could rip apart with a flex like that.

"Adam, do you know why you are here?" Tim asked.

Adam looked at the big man and didn't know how to answer. He stared at the man.

"You're here, because I got a called from Rick Bradford" Tim said.

"You did something very special for Rick" Tim explained.

Adam sat motionless. He was afraid that Bradford had told Timlin what had happened this week. He was frightened that Timlin knew that Adam had taken a huge cock up his ass and sucked cocks! Adam wondered if Timlin knew he even kissed and masturbated Skip.

"Rick, only refers special guys to me, Adam" "Rick thinks you are special". Bradford said. "So, I wanted to meet this special guy".

Adam was still confused. He didn't would if he would thank Tim, or run out the floor. He wasn't sure what Bradford had told Tim about him. He sat glued to his chair waiting.

Adam looked in the folder he was holding to see if there was anything else to offer Tim.

"Adam, listen to me. There are hundreds of trainers out there that have more impressive resumes and backgrounds than you do." Tim said. "That's just a fact, Kid." He added.

Adam felt defeated. He had worked so hard this past year and this important man wasn't interested in any of his accomplishments.

"But, you do have a quality that we like here at the Miami Dolphins" Tim said.

"You are a team player. You want the team to win, don't you Adam?" Tim asked.

"Yes, Sir, I mean, Yes, Tim." Adam answered.

"Good Deal Kid." Tim said. "We are a family here. Once you are part of the family, its forever." "You can write your own ticket." He said. Tim went on to explain how the dynamics of the organization worked. He told Adam that he would be expected to start at the bottom and work hard and grow with the team. He would have to be very service oriented. And he would have continued to use his same service skills that Bradford had seen in him.

"Oh Fuck" Adam thought. "He must know." He wondered.

"I want to meet our Training Manager, Zack Myers" Tim said. "Let me buzz him and get him in here."

I think he is really gonna like you!" Tim added. Tim got on the phone and dial Zack's line. Adam's mind was racing. All of the things Tim was saying was confusing him. Did he have a clue what he had done with Bradford? Adam began to think he was being set up. But he also realized that he was an excellent student. He had aced every single class, lab, and test. He had worked extremely hard to succeed. He knew he needed to chill out. There was no way Tim could know the truth about Adam's sessions with Bradford.

"He's on his way" Tim said.

Tim went on talking to Adam about the Organization and a lot of the expectations. Adam sat there and just listened. There was a knock on the door.

"Adam, this is Zack Myers, one of our Training Managers... Zack, Adam Eastmann" Tim said.

"Nice to meet you." Adam said as he stood.

Zack Myers was just as built as Tim. Another huge man with no fat, all muscle. Adam was beginning to see a trend here. Zack was in his mid thirties. He shook Adams hand firmly.

"Good to meet you Adam" Zack said. "I understand you were recommended by Rick Bradford. He is a good man"

"Yes, sir" Adam replied.

"According to Rick, he feels you are the best man for a position with us" Zack said. "This can be a tough place to work. Long hours, on the road, and a lot of ass kissing". He added.

Zack went on to explain to Adam that the position would require him to adapt well to the needs of the players and the organization. He was told he would be on-call at all times. He would have to start at the bottom and work hard to be promoted. He would be dealing with the players and many of them were in Zack's words were 'ANIMALS'. Adam would be there to service them. A lot of the players were from the ghetto. They were from broken homes. And they got a lucky break to play in the NFL. They had newfound fame and they liked to throw around their fame and money and power. A new recruit like Adam would be the one who would be there to take the grunt of their authority. Adam was told that these guys all got beat up, week after week on the field, then they had to practice in the heat until their bodies wanted to break down. Adam, as one of the trainers would be the one who had to fix everything. He would physically work on them. He would listen to all their aches and pains. He would endure the nonstop bullshit of dealing with a bunch of street hoods that now had money and prestige. As a trainer, Adam would make things better for the management. They didn't ever want excuses why a player wasn't in peak performance. They wanted results. And if the players couldn't produce the product that the team demanded, those players would look for any excuse, including blaming a young trainer like Adam. These players would even take their frustration out on him. Adam sat and listened to Zack go on and on.

As bad as Zack tried to make it sound, Adam still wanted to be a part of the team. As much stress that he would have to deal with, Adam knew this was a golden opportunity.

Tim jumped in and said. "How does that sound to you Adam? Something you be interested in?"

"Yes! It certainly does" Adam answered.

"Good, we will be in touch." Tim said.

"Zack, why not give Adam a little tour of the Facility" Tim added.

Adam stood up and shook both men hands. He felt very good that he could handle anything that was thrown his way. He just hoped that neither man knew how he landed this interview from Bradford.

Zack escorted Adam through a couple sets of double doors and down various hallways. Zack briefly explained the different areas and what went on in each office. They headed down to the main gym. The complex had 8 different gyms. Some of the top starters on the team would train privately. When they entered the main gym, Adam's mouth dropped open. It was over 30,000 square feet of the best equipment in the business. There had to be at least 10 of each type of machine. The place was spotless and had every state of the art comfort. It was amazingly quiet. There was only 1 person lifting way in the background. Zack walked Adam through the gym and towards the one guy lifting.

"I want you to meet someone," Zack said.

They approached the man sitting on a bench between his reps. "Mike!" Zack said.

"This is Adam Eastman. He is considering joining the Team as a Trainer."

"Hey Kid, Mike Goodspeed" Mike said.

Adam shook his hand. He was in awe of the man. Mike Goodspeed was a 5 time Pro-bowler. He had led the Chargers to a Superbowl. Adam grew up watching this man play every Sunday afternoon. Mike was now 39 years old. He had been traded to the Dolphins two seasons ago. The hope was Goodspeed would help the Dolphins passing game. He became the starter that season, but after a hip injury and poor start, he now was just the back up. Mike Goodspeed was still in excellent shape for a man of his age. 6'3 200 pounds, He was lean and tight. His speed was his trademark. Of course over the years, he was getting slower and slower from all the hits he took.

Goodspeed was in the gym all alone, off-season for many reasons. He wanted to prove to the team, he still could play and play hard. He was there everyday, for hours pumping, doing cardio, to stay in top-notch form. As hard as he worked in the gym and on the practice field, it was unlikely he would ever return as a starter. Many, especially in the media, thought he should have retired while still in San Diego. Goodspeed still had the fire in him. Even though, he had lost his edge on the field, the desire to be out there with his team was all he ever knew. He couldn't give it up.

Being a part of the team, even on days when he was alone working out was all he wanted. He not only wanted to prove the media wrong, he had something to prove to himself.

"Well, Kid, the Dolphins run a tight ship. Hope you consider it seriously" Mike said.

Adam had to laugh to myself. Was he considering joining the team? No, he thought. They were considering him. He would jump at any offer. Mike shook his hand and turned back to his workout. Zack and Adam continued the tour and ended at the main lobby. Adam thanked Zack for his time and the tour. Zack told Adam to expect to hear from Tim soon. He smiled and left.

The next few days, Adam was walking on air. He told his parents and little brother about the entire interview. He talked nonstop about the facility and the complex and all the benefits of that were included. He went on about meeting Mike Goodspeed. His dad and Kyle, his little brother just smiled and was both very proud of him.

That next week at school, Adam never saw Skip. The two same classes they were in together, Skip never showed up. Adam was worried. He wanted to talk to Skip. He wanted to smooth things over with him. Adam was afraid things would never be the same again with Skip. He tried not to think about the fact that he had thrown Skip in front of a speeding train. That train, being Bradford's big cock. Adam volunteered Skip's ass to be fucked in order to save his own. Now Skip was nowhere to be seen.

Adam got home from school and his mother was standing there grinning from ear to ear. She told Adam there was a message on the answering machine for him. Adam ran to the machine and hit play!

"Hello, Adam, this is Luther Timlin of the Miami Dolphins, It was great meeting you this past Saturday. We would like to offer you a position in our Training and Conditioning Department. Please call my office at your convenience. We think you are just what we are looking for"

Adam started to jump up and down. His mother hugged him and Kyle his little brother ran in just in time to hear the news. None of the Eastman Family could believe how wonderful this new was. Adam grabbed his books and ran up to his room. He wasn't going to waste any time. He had to call Tim's office immediately and accept the position.

Tim wasn't available to take the call, but his assistant, Betty did. She said that Tim would be thrilled and that they would send out a letter of employment to Adam right away. Adam was on cloud 9 for the next few days. He avoided calling Bradford's office or even going by. He knew Bradford would want some kind of payment. Staying away from that man was the best thing for him.

Friday afternoon, after Adam's last class, he decided to hit the college gym for a short workout. He walked in the locker room and ran in to Skip who was just about to leave. He hadn't seen Skip since he was brutally rape by Bradford.

"Skip" Adam said.

Skip looked up and stared at Adam. He didn't know if he should speak or ignore him.

"Skip, we need to talk." Adam said.

"About what?" Skip asked. Before Adam could answer, Skip said "How you sold me out to that asshole?"

Adam knew Skip was right. He knew nothing he could say could help the pain Skip was feeling. He stood there and listened as Skip said how they were buds and Adam destroyed their friendship. He told Adam that they both were put in a situation that was horrible and yet Adam saved himself at Skip's expense.

Adam listened and watched as Skip's eyes were turning red and tears were beginning to flow. He felt so bad for Skip and for what he did to him. Adam knew what it was like to be brutally fucked by Bradford's huge uncut cock. He understood the humiliation that Skip went through. And no matter what he said to Skip, he knew it wouldn't change anything between them.

"All I can say, is I'm sorry" Adam said.

There was a moment of silence between the two guys. Skip looked into Adam's eyes and saw the tears also. Skip saw that Adam knew the pain and humiliation of the situation.

"I know we were both put in a bad place together, Adam" Skip said. "This week has been so hard for me." He added. "I want to forget all about it and move on."

"Can we still be friends?" Adam asked.

Skip couldn't bring himself to answer. His mind was running 1000 miles an hour trying to answer Adam. Then Skip said. "Come by work tonight. We can hang out."

"OK" Adam said. He wanted to do whatever would heal things with Skip.

"I'll see you later, Adam." Skip said.

Later that night, Adam headed down to the 'Dune Shack'. It was a local hang out bar for the surfing crowd. It was actually a large Tiki Hut sitting along the ocean just down the way from ' Double Roads' where all the local surf rats played. Double Roads had the best waves in town. Any one who surfed in front of the Dune Shack really didn't know the area too well.

Adam arrived around 9p and saw Skip behind the big bar. He was standing there talking to two old surfers. Ralph and Carlos. They were fossils in the local surfing community. Ralph was nicknamed "Dino". It was short for Dinosaur. He was a local legend. Dino was in his mid-forties. A handsome man, of 6'0 170. He still had the tight lean body like any teenage surfer out of Double Roads. From the neck down you couldn't tell the difference between Dino and any other young surf rat. His hair was completely gray and had short tight curls. His chest was broad and very hairy. Some guys trimmed or shaved their chests. Dino was proud of his hairy pecs. When he was first called "Dino", he was pissed. But as years past, he started to embrace it.

Back in his day of surfing, Dino had won a few contests in Hawaii and Australia. He would have tried to make a living at it on his own, even though back then it was hard to surf full time. Dino would have continued to travel the circuit, but he knocked up a girl in Laguna and had twin girls and eventually settled down. Dino became an electrician. But everyday after work and some times on his lunch hour, he was out at Double Roads.

All the young kids, would come up to and talk about the daily surf, the winds, the tides, Dino knew it all. Dino had that "ALOHA" spirit.

Carlos was also in his mid forties; everyone called him "Papi". Papi was Cuban born. He was in decent shape but not as lean as Dino. Papi also bitched and complained about everything. He always missed the perfect wave because someone cut him off. Or he arrive too late. There was always some lame excuse. Most of his negativity came from the fact that he had 3 ex-wives and 4 kids, he had to support. Papi was 5'11 170 dark skin and a hairy chest. He had a dark goatee.

When Dino and Papi saw Adam, They each waved. Skip turned and saw Adam and just looked blankly at him. He stared at Adam for a moment and turned back to the dinosaurs. Adam waved back at them and took a seat across the bar. After a few moments, Skip walked over and gave Adam a handshake. It was more two closed fists bumping up against each other. Adam knew after that, everything could be cool with Skip.

"Come over and sit with Dino and Papi." Skip said.

Adam walked over to the two and they parted so that Adam could sit in between them. Skip placed a coke in front of Adam. Since he was only 18, he wasn't legal to drink. Skip then placed another beer in front of Dino. Adam could easily reach over and take a sip of the beer in front of Dino without anyone knowing. The three of them made small talk about the days waves and other bullshit. Skip came and went in between serving drinks to other customers.

After 45 mins and 3 beers, Adam was starting to feel a buzz. Skip told him that they all were going to party after closing at Papi's condo down the road. He invited Adam to come along. Adam hesitated a first. But he could see that Skip was disappointed and he agreed to go. Adam and the dinosaurs had a couple more beers. Then Skip told them to head down to Papi's place and he would be there after closing.

The three of them headed down to Papi's condo. It was a nice place right on the beach. It was basically the only thing that his ex-wives never got a hold of. After inviting Dino and Adam in, Papi brought out a large bottle of tequila. The 3 of them started doing shots. Adam was loaded, they all were.

After about 4 shots, Skip arrived. He grabbed the bottle and did a couple just to catch up. Skip seem to relax a little. He was grooving to the music.

Every one was mellow and laughing and getting wasted. Papi was bitching about never getting any pussy. Dino complained that he wanted to get some young teenage puss. Adam sat on the couch, sunk in deep and just laughed at them all.

Skip walked over to Adam sitting on the couch. He knelt down in front of him. He looked into his eyes and asked Adam and told him to get up! Adam looked at Skip like he was crazy. He was too buzzed to argue so he got up.

Skip said, "Dance with me!" It wasn't a question or a request, it was a statement. Skip started dancing to the music that was playing. Adam started to move to the beat also. The two of them were just chilling out, dancing and acting like drunken frat boys. Skip pulled his T-shirt over his head and kept moving; now dancing in just his cargo shorts. He reached out and pulled Adam's shirt over his head as well.

The two old dinosaurs were sitting on the couch watching the performance. They had front row seats seeing to surf jocks dancing with one another. Dino and Papi had their eyes glued to the boy's chests. Their pecs were both smooth with high tight dark little nipples.

Adam was definitely in another world. He just jamming to the music and had lost all of his inhibitions. The beer and tequila had taken its toll of my young guy. He was dancing when Skip came up behind him and put his hands on Adam's hips. They were now moving to in the same direction at the same tempo. Skip lean forward and brushed his lips against the back of Adam's neck. It sent chills throughout Adam's body. He automatically threw his head back for more sensations. He wasn't really aware it was Skip that was causing the fantastic feelings; he just knew it felt awesome.

The back of his head lean back on Skip's shoulder. It felt wonderful to both young kids. Skip's hands traveled all over Adam's body. They moved gently along his sides, forward to his abs and settled in on each nipple. He gave them a little twist and a low gasp escaped from Adam's mouth. Adam's mouth was open and his eyes were closed. Skip continued to tease Adam by lightly hitting sensitive spots all over his body.

Dino and Papi continue to watch with uninterrupted pleasure. Both men were extremely excited watching the two boy's erotic dance. Each man concentrated on the show in front of him. Neither noticed that they both were rubbing their own cocks through their shorts. Each wanted to pull out their cocks and enjoy the sexual energy in the room.

Skip slid his hands down to Adam's waistband. The board shorts hung very low on Adam's hips. They were so low, that the older men could see just a small bit of blond bush peaking out of the top. Skip nipped at Adam's neck and then pulled apart the Velcro zipper. With more access, he slid his hands down into Adam's shorts and push them down. Adam's cock jump right out and was standing straight up, 100% vertical.

"Fuck!" Papi gasped.

Adam's 7.5 cock was waving back and forth and he was still dancing with Skip behind him. The board shorts completely fell to the ground and Skip help Adam step out of them. Skip's cock was as rock hard as Adams. He would grind it through his cargo shorts into Adam's crack. He would occasionally look over to the two older men, to make sure they were enjoying the show.

Like clockwork, they both at the same time, lifted off the couch, to pull their shorts down. They let their cocks free. Dino's cock was just under 6 inches long, but was equally thick as it was long. It was what would truly be called a beer can dick. It wasn't made for fucking or even sucking. Who ever had to deal with this thick stump of a cock would be in pain, in any hole.

Papi had a long thick 8 inch brown uncut cock. The head was still being protected by the foreskin as he removed his shorts. Papi was very proud of his manhood, after all, this big cock, made 4 babies. It was truly a baby maker.

Skip watched the men and knew his plan for revenge on Adam was taking place just how he intended. Adam was his bud. But Adam had to be taught a lesson. He promised the two men, free beer all night at the bar and a hot young hole to bust, if they would go along with his plan. By the looks of the two of them sitting on the couch stroking, he knew it was almost complete.

Skip never removed his shorts. He just kept on teasing Adam and guiding him over to the dining room table. Once Adam was standing in front of the table, Skip pushed him forward so that Adam's was now leaning over it. Skip grabbed Adam's right leg and push it on to the table. Adam's crack and asshole were now exposed. Skip looked over at the two dinosaurs and asked.

"Who wants to be first?"

Dino didn't wait for Papi to answer. He got up and walked immediately to the table. Along the way, he kicked his shorts off of his ankles. His eyes never left Adam's smooth pretty ass. His rear was definitely a bubble butt. It was big, round and looked very tight. Skip was rubbing the ass and teasing Adam when Dino got right up there. Dino was stroking his cock slowly, knowing he was going to bang the kid in just moments.

"In my bag, there is sun tan oil" Skip said.

Dino reached for the bag and pulled out the oil. He held it up over the kid's ass and squeezed it. The oil hit Adams crack and ran down his cheeks. Dino aimed the oil on to his beer can cock and greased it up. He gave the shiny blond bubble butt a few slaps with his hard cock.

Once Skip knew Dino could take over, he stepped back and walked over to the other side of the table. Adam lay there with his arms stretched out and his head resting on the table. Skip lifted his head up and said, "Here you go, little buddy."

Skip pulled his cock out for Adam to suck. Adam was so out of it, he just opened his mouth freely. Papi was still on the couch watching everything. He was still slowly stroking his big uncut cock. Dino had decided it was time to penetrate the boy. He started to push and Adam began to groan. Dino took hold of Adam's hips for leverage. He didn't want the boy to try to get away from him, although he was ready for a good fight. Adam's butt cheeks immediately clamped shut, trying to prevent the invader. It took Dino a few good tries until he slammed into the boy. Adam screamed out yelling.

Skip took both his hands and gripped the side of Adam's head. He shoved his cock down his throat and prevented much of the noise. Dino began his assault on the kid's hole. He started to bang him fast and hard. If his hands weren't on his hips, the kid would have slid across the table. Each thrust pushed Adam forward and making him take more of Skip's cock in his mouth. Skip loved seeing Adam in the same position is was forced into the week before.

Papi stood up and walked over to Skip. He got in real close. He wanted his cock in that mouth at the same time as Skip. Skip moved a little to accommodate the fat Cuban cock. Papi put his arm around Skip for leverage. Adam couldn't deep throat both of the cocks at the same time, but both men above him were pumping him as if they would succeed.

Dino had found the rhythm he was looking for. The kid's ass was magic. Every thrust would cause an automatic muscle to clamp down around his cock, sending shock waves through his body. He knew it wouldn't be long before his load was erupting inside of Adam. He continued to pump. His eyes were locked on the hole and watching his cock disappear inside the boy. He was so focus on the ass below him; he couldn't hear the moaning coming from Adam. He started pumping like a jackrabbit. His load flew from him and he buried it deep inside of the kid. His body was covered in sweat and he was panting as he unloaded stream after stream of jizz.

He held himself deep in the boy, feeling his cock pulsate in Adam's warm cunt. Papi pulled out of the kid's mouth. He was getting tired of sharing the mouth with Skip. He took a step behind Skip and then grinded his cock against Skip's shorts.

"Back off" Skip said.

"I promised you both a hot hole to fuck, and it ain't mine," He said.

"You can fuck him," Skip added.

Papi continued to play with Skip's butt. He told Skip he wasn't interested in sloppy seconds, after Dino's fat cock just invaded Adam. Skip still feeding Adam's mouth was getting nervous. He pulled out of his mouth to let Papi stick his cock in Adam's open mouth. Papi pushed Skip forward. He wasn't going to take no for an answer. Skip turned around to say something, when he received a hard slap across the face.

Skip thought he blacked out for a moment. By the time, he could think clearly, his cargo shorts were around his ankles and he felt the sun tan oil on his ass. He gripped the sides of the table and Adam's lifeless body for support. In a split second, Papi's huge uncut cock was driving its head inside of Skip. Papi's hands were on Skip's shoulders as he was banging the boy. Skip's mind was yelling out 'NOOOOO'. But the older man behind him was determined to fuck his sweet ass for all it was worth.

Skip and Adam's faces were nearly touching each other. Adam looked in Skip's eyes and saw the pain. Adam was so buzzed; he had no idea that Skip was being raped. Adam looked at his buddy blankly. Skip tried to use his upper body strength to pull himself away from Papi. But the Cuban was power fucking the boy to no end.

Papi began to cuss at Skip in Spanish. He called him a dirty little whore boy. He yelled that he wanted in on the fun as much as Adam did. And that the huge Cuban cock lodged deep inside of him was about to breed him good. Just as Dino didn't last long in Adam's hole, Papi knew he was going to blow his wad any second. He made sure each thrust counted and pounded the boy below him. Papi yelled out when he dumped his seed in Skip. Papi then collapsed on Skip's back! After a moment or two, Papi pulled out of Skip's gaping hole. He looked over to Adam who was still moaning. "I think I have something you might enjoy Blondie" Papi said in Adam's direction.

He left the room for a moment and returned with a vibrator. He yelled over to Dino to watch this. He explained to Dino that his last ex-wife loved the "Jack Rabbitt" It was a pulsating vibrator with 2 extended antennas on it. Papi walked up behind Adams exposed hole, and jammed the Jack Rabitt inside.

Adam groaned not knowing what was inserted in him. Papi asked Dino which speed he thought Adam would like. He decided on the rotation speed. It would start out slow and gradually increase speed and vibrations. As he turned it on, Adam began to moan and wiggle around not sure why his butt hole was being teased.

Papi returned to the couch where Dino was sitting, the two older men sat there drinking beers watching the two young boys lying across the dining room table. Skip was trying not to move from all the pain he had just endured. Adam was slowly moving back and forth from all the sensations the Jack Rabbitt was causing. After a few minutes, Adam lifted himself up and headed for the bathroom. The older men just sat there watching him with this big electronic device lodged up his ass, and laughed.

Adam stumbled into the bathroom. He thought he needed to take a piss. He looked down and saw he was naked. He was confused. He lost his balance and fell backwards in the bathtub. He was unconscious. He would remain in the bathtub with the Jack Rabbitt pulsating in his asshole for a half hour before anyone would notice.

Dino finally walked into the bathroom and saw Adam lying there. There was a hum in the room from the Jack Rabbitt. Dino could actually hear the batteries grinding each time the antennas hit Adam's prostate. His ass would clinch the vibrator and the batteries would moan. Adam was completely out! But his body was responding to the device. His cock was rock hard and throbbing. Dino reached down and stated massaging Adam's pretty pecs. With in seconds, his cock started to jump and he shot a load all over himself. The jets of jizz landed in his hair, on his face and chest. One long string of cum that was running down his face was going to fall into his open mouth.

Dino laughed as the kid was going to eat his own cum without even knowing it. He turned to take a piss and decided to wash the kid down with his urine.

He aimed his fat cock at Adam. The first hit was to his chest. The golden stream was hitting his face and Dino guided and waved his cock so he could rinse the boy down completely. He managed to get his blond hair completely soaked, his face and mouth were now wet. The warm piss caused Adam to stir for a moment. Dino finished unloading on the boy and left the bathroom.

Dino came out and grabbed his clothes. He told Papi, he needed to get home, before his wife had a fit. He also told Papi, that the kid in the bathroom loves piss! He laughed and left. Papi then walked into the bathroom and saw Adam in a muddle of cum and piss. Papi decided it was only fitting that he should wash the boy down also. And he did! Papi sighed as he let loose his warm piss all over the boy. He too, made sure he didn't miss a single inch of the young kid with his urine. Adam would only occasionally moan or grunt. The Jack Rabbitt was still turned on inside of him.

After Papi finished pissing all over Adam, he turned and washed his cock in the sink. It was still greasy from Skip's asshole. He took a hand towel and started to wipe his cock and walked out of the bathroom back into the living room.

"Dad???" He heard. Papi looked up with his cock in his hand to see his 16-year-old son standing there.

Carlos Jr. was looking at his naked father and some young guy with his ass up in the air on the dining room table.

"Oh Shit" Papi Thought. How was he going to explain this to his son!


Your comments and ideas are always welcome. Let me know what you think!

Next: Chapter 4

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