Nfl Physical Therapist

By adam 812

Published on Nov 21, 2004


DISCLAIMER: The following story is FICTIONAL. It contains descriptions of sexual activities between teenage boys and a man. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DO NOT READ IT!

I walked out of both Mr. Bradford's offices stunned. I was in a complete daze, not to mention I was still in pain from the pounding my butt had taken. My hips ached from wear Bradford gripped them repeatedly. I walked up to Clair's desk.

"How did it go? Was it a productive meeting?" she asked.

I stood in front of her staring blankly. I had no voice. I wanted to run out of the office, but standing up right was a major accomplishment.

"It was fine. I need to make another appointment for tomorrow," I said.

"Did he say, what time? How long?" she asked.

I nodded a "No" in her direction. " Let me check." She said. She got up and walked in Bradford's office. I stood there motionless. My mind was running in a 1000 different directions. A middle-aged man had just fucked me. "Fucked". I thought. "How could this happen to me?" I wondered. I wasn't a faggott. There were a few gay guys in school. I never paid much attention to them. They kept to themselves and ran in different circles. But everyone knew they were gay. I was straight. Maybe I was a virgin, but I wasn't a queer.

Here I am barely 18 and I had sucked a mans uncircumcised penis and I let him fuck me. "Wait!" I thought. I hadn't let him, he forced himself on me. I didn't have a choice in the matter. His voice and actions were calling all the shots! This wasn't consensual. I never would have done anything like this. I kept saying this to myself over and over.

"HEY ADAM MY MAN". I heard.

All of the sudden, there were a set of arms reaching over my back around my shoulders. I looked around and saw Skip. Skip was a fellow student, and occasional surf bud. We had a few classes together and once in a while would hang out at the beach. Skip was a total surf rat. If he thought, he could make a living off of surfing; he wouldn't be here taking courses. He was 23, but looked the same age as me. He had brown hair with light streaks of gold from all his time in the sun and water. His hair was shoulder length while I always kept mine neat and trimmed. I wanted to keep a professional image. Skip and I were built just about the same. We both had lean, long muscles from all the surfing. He barely was passing any of his classes. But all in all, he was a good guy.

"Dude, you have a meeting with Bradford too?" he said.

"You going in to speak to him now?" He asked.

"I'm done." I said. "What did he say to you, Bro? Any troubles?" He asked.

I nodded. "Its just a meeting." I said.

"Cool, I don't need any more problems. I have an appointment now" He said.

"Want to meet at the beach around 4p? He asked. "With the wind kicking up today, should be some decent waves".

I told him I had some stuff I had to do, but maybe I would swing by. The truth was, I just wanted to get out of that office. Surfing was the last thing on my mind. I felt that herbal lotion in between my butt cheeks and needed to get to a rest room. Just then Clair walked in and said "tomorrow" at the same time. I turned and walked out without acknowledging either of Skip or her. They might have said something, I wasn't listening.

I knew I was late for my next class, but getting to a rest room was my priority. "That Fucker." I thought. He used me for his pleasure. I was taken advantage of. He could be fired for raping me. "Yes, I thought it was indeed Rape". He could even go to jail for assault! Then I remember his statements about calling his friend at the Miami Dolphins Training Facility.

I hope he was telling me the truth about calling and helping me out.

I skipped my afternoon class. It was the first time I had missed any class. I found a rest room and tried to clean myself up. I wasn't a pretty site. A man 60 pounds larger than I had used my body for his satisfaction and thrown me aside. I saw myself in the mirror and I looked like I had been in an accident. My face was still flush from the shear embarrassment of the whole incident. I got home and went straight to the shower to thoroughly clean my body. I stayed under the hot jets for over a half of hour washing myself very carefully. My butt hole was so tender, even the slightest touch of warm water cause wave after wave of pain.

After drying off, I stood in the mirror to examine the damage. He had left bruise marks on my hips from where his hands dug into me. I also had a burn mark on my chin from his beard. I squatted down and looked back into the mirror. I had a bruise on both of my butt cheeks from where he pressed his thumbs into me. The worst part was looking at my asshole. It was red and puffy. It looked like a swollen bulb from a garden plant. So this was what a deflowered cherry looked like.

"Geez" I thought! "I always thought I would be the one taking a chicks virgin hole, nothing like this". I got dressed and when to bed. I needed to get all of this out of my head for a while.

The next morning, I avoided contact with my parents, my little brother, and once I had arrived at school, I sat in the back of my first lab class and tried to remain out of sight. I also had to make sure that I sat down very slowly. My ass was still raw, but not as painful as the day before. The night before I slept on my stomach, any turn sent pain through out my body. Now I just wanted to get thru my next 2 classes before I had to meet with Bradford again. He said we would call his friend at the Dolphins Training Facility. I prayed he was a man of his words.

After my classes, I walked to the Admin Building for my appointment. I walked in Bradford's office and was greeted by Clair.

"Hello Adam" she said. "You're right on time, He said for you go right in"

I didn't say a word to Clair, I just stood and listened and turned to his office. Once I entered, I looked around he wasn't in here, but the door to the side room was open and he appeared standing there.

"Ahhh, good! You're here!" he said.

His massive body cramped the doorframe. He held his hands up against the door and looked down at me. Once again, I felt so small near this man. "Come in.," he ordered. The sound of his voice, reminded me of yesterday. I would accept anything except a repeat performance. I walk towards the door, and he didn't move. He stood there wanted me to invade his space. I was being tested. I knew this. His stare was trying to throw me off or somehow make me know he was in charge. "Believe me". I thought. I knew he was in charge. Finally after holding my gaze, He stepped aside and I entered the room.

I walked in and immediately; I saw Skip sitting there staring at the floor. "Oh my God, What is Skip doing here?" I thought.

"I believe you know Skip" Bradford said.

I nodded.

"Say Hello Skip" Bradford barked.

"Oh no." I thought. There was that demanded tone in Bradford's voice I heard yesterday. I wasn't sure what Skips deal here was with Bradford. But it didn't sound good.

Hey, Adam" Skip barely whispered.

"Have a seat, Adam" Bradford said.

I sat down on the chair next to Skip. He was usually outgoing and carefree. Today, he seem defeated and slump over in the chair. Bradford sat on the massage table and just looked down at us. It was as if he was inspecting us. This big hairy man was looking us over and waiting for the right time to break the silence in the room.

"Well boys, I have spent the morning making a few calls on your behalf." He said.

"Adam, you have an appointment with Luther Timlin of the Miami Dolphins on Saturday morning in Coral Springs at 10am, Clair will give up all the details."

"The Miami Dolphins??" Skipped said. He had looked up to hear Bradford's voice and looked at me with envy.

"Yes, the Miami Dolphins" Bradford shouted back.

"Do you think I would waste the Dolphins time with a little useless shit like you Skippy?" he said. Suddenly, I felt embarrassed for Skip. I looked down at the floor to avoid eye contact with either of them. I wasn't sure if I should thank Bradford or just keep quiet. I decided to keep my mouth shut.

"But, Skippy, not to worry, I called The East Pointe Country Club and you have an appointment for a locker room attendant position there.

"Ouch" I thought. Not only had Bradford made me feel good about my interview, he made Skip feel like shit. I wanted to say something to Skip, but knew better. The "high" I was feeling was short lived.

"Skippy, as it turns out, Adam can't suck cock were shit" Bradford laughed.

I turned white as a ghost. How could he say this in front of my buddy? I wanted to run out of the office, but I was glued to the seat. Skip now knew I had sucked Mr. Bradford's penis. I prayed no more details would come out.

"But Adam, guess what? Skippy is a natural born cocksucker" he said. "Yep, he certainly knows his way around a big cock don't you boy?"

Skip sat motionless. Any movement could be used against him. I knew this fact as well. I just sat there and listened.

"Its very oblivious, that yesterday wasn't Skippy first time with a cock in my mouth" Bradford said. Bradford had this evil grin on his face. He totally enjoyed humiliating Skip. It was that look that I had seen yesterday. I hated that look. I hated him! Yes, he was getting me an interview, but it was my work and grades that made it possible. He wouldn't send anyone to an important interview with out the right credials.

"Skippy!!!! Come over here and undress your man!!" Bradford commanded.

Poor Skip, slowly got up and without question walked toward Bradford. I wasn't sure why or how Skip got into this mess. He never seemed to be too concern with anything that had to do with school. Bradford had to have something over him.

Skip stood in front of Bradford and started to unbutton his shirt. I stared at the floor. I much as I felt sorry for Skip, I didn't want draw any attention to myself.

"Watch this Adam! Watch all of this. You need to pay attention," Bradford yelled.

I looked up and watched as Skip pull the shirt off of Bradford large shoulders. Without hesitation, he went for his belt buckle. I just sat there and watched it all. It didn't seem real; it seemed more like a movie. Bradford lifted himself up so that Skip could remove his pants. Skip pulled down Bradford's pants and hung them on the back of the door. There was a huge bulge in his white jockies. Inside was the fat thick uncut cock that had brutally used my mouth and butt for his pleasure the day before.

"Go away baby, show Adam the hot cocksucker you are!" He said. "But 1st take off your clothes, he want to watch your cock throb as you go down on me". Skip took off his T-shirt and slid his board shorts down to the floor. His cock was already semi-hard. He never looked my way. There was a very deep tan line where his board shorts once were. Bradford looked on with a smirk on his face.

Without any prodding from Bradford, Skip got back on his knees and reached up and pulled at Bradford's waistband. As he slowly removed the shorts, that thick head appeared. The foreskin was still protecting the thick mushroom helmet. It was throbbing, almost dancing to get out of the tight shorts. After Skip had the shorts completely off, Bradford just leaned back and propped up against his elbows looking down at Skip.

Skip stared at the uncock monster just inches in front of his face. He automatically lifted his head up and engulf the shaft. He opened his mouth so wide, he made at least 6 inches instantly disappear. This was all on the first attempt. It cause a large loud groan from Bradford above. He threw his head and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. It would take a few more tries to get the entire 9.5 inches down Skip's throat. I couldn't believe that my buddy could take it without all the gagging, choking and spitting up it had caused me yesterday.

I looked down at Skip's cock. It was standing straight up, totally vertical pressing against his tight abs. His cock was about 6 inches long, but the most amazing sight was his balls. They were hanging down so low, a good 4 inches. These are what would truly be described as low hangers. I couldn't believe what a sight they were. It was then that I realized I was getting hard in my shorts watching Skip.

The motion of his head and his shoulder length hair slowly bobbing up and down had me excited. And naturally, Bradford knew this.

"Take off your clothes Adam." He commanded. "Looks like your enjoying watching the faggott suck my cock".

Skip closed his eyes as he heard the insult thrown at him. He kept slowly taking more and more of the massive shaft. I removed my shirt, flip-flops and board shorts. And stood there with hard 7.5 inches standing straight out.

"Enough of this!" Bradford said. He grabbed the back of Skip's head and slammed his face into his hairy bush. Skip hadn't expected it, and gagged then just settled into have a 9.5 uncut cock lodged down this throat. "Come here Adam." Bradford said.

I walked close to him and he held 1 hand on the back of Skip's head and reach out and stroked my cock with the other. I briefly closed my eyes at the first sensation. I knew I was nervous and scared, but the heat of his thick hand on my cock, sent shock waves thru my body. As he stroked me, Skip was having difficulty breathing. His face was still pressed into Bradford's hairy crotch. "Feel that cock throb in the back of your throat, Faggot?" He yelled down at Skip. All Skip could do was grunt a small acknowledgement.

Bradford let go of the back of his head, and Skip withdrawn inch after inch of cock. It was unbelievable to see how much of that had been deep inside his throat. He fell back on his heels and was panting for air. Tears were rolling down his face. He wasn't crying out loud, but the tears continued to flow. He looked up at me with his bloodshot eyes. Here I was, standing there being masturbated and he must have felt so humiliated. He was forced to suck Bradford.

"Get back on it" Bradford barked. Skip started for the next round without any hesitation. "Show Adam, how good you are." Bradford took my chin and directed it over to kiss him. I flinched at first; I had a burn mark on my chin from his beard from the day before. He pulled me tight to him and we kissed. His tongue darted inside and out of my mouth. He pushed to the pumping that his hips were giving Skip below. And he stroked me at the same time.

I was now leaking precum all over. A long string was hanging about 6 inches from the head of my cock. Bradford pulled Skip off his cock. "Stick your tongue out whore boy!" He yelled.

Skip held his tongue out. "Now lean over and catch the string of pre-fuck juice," Bradford barked. Skip moved towards me and held his tongue out underneath my precum. He slowly raised his head until the precum hit his open tongue. He continue to lift his head, catching the entire string. With a small flick of his tongue, he captured it all and swallowed it. His tongue just barley hit the head of my cock, and I groaned.

"Get down there with him Adam" Bradford said. "Get up close so you can learn to be as good as Skippy." I wanted to stay where I was. I wanted to be stroked and want the head of my cock to be licked. But I knew that was no discussion options here. I dropped to my knees.

Skip was now licking along the sides of Bradford's cock. I was just inches away. As he licked up and down, he eyes never left mine. He knew I had sympathy to his dilemma, I think he felt I was only bright spot of this horrible ordeal for him. "Get in there with him Adam! Just let him lead" Bradford hissed.

I moved up to the uncut cock and licked along the rubbery texture, just as Skip was doing. As he went up, I would go down, our noses would rub against each other somewhere in the middle each time we past each other. Bradford was above us moaning like an animal in heat. Here he was being serviced by two surf jocks. He must have been in heaven. Where else would he be able to have two lean muscular guys on their knees blowing him?

Somehow and somewhere Skip and I now were going in the same direction on his dick. Our mouths would have been kissing if Bradford's huge cock weren't in between. He didn't mind, he was just enjoying all the sensations two mouths could bring. I wasn't concentrating on anything I was just going with the flow. I felt Skip's hand on my cock. He was gently stroking me at the same pace we were licking the length of Bradford's shaft. I reached out to stroke Skip's cock as well. I was hoping Bradford would not notice, as I wasn't sure what his reaction would be. I also grabbed Skip's low hangers and rolled them in my hand. The weight of his balls was incredible.

It was a moment or two of us playing with each others cock and balls when I realized that we weren't sucking Bradford anymore, but kissing each other. Skip and I were fighting each other for the right to invade each other's mouth. His tongue would jump out to my mouth, and then mine would do the same. Our hands were still stroking each other's cock. We didn't notice, but Bradford was above us slowly stroking his cock watching us. He had the best seat in the house. Two young straight boys were kissing and queering out for one another.

"HMMMMM, Horny little fuck boys," Bradford laughed above us. We both stopped when we heard him speak. We looked at each other then up at him. He was still slowly stroking his meat. "Adam, you know where the Herbal lotion is, don't you baby?"

"Oh shit" I thought. My hole couldn't take another pounding like yesterday. I knew I had no choice but to get up and get the lotion. But I couldn't bare being fucked again. Not today. Skip remained on his knees waiting for his next clue from Bradford. I found the lotion and brought it back to Bradford. He took the lotion and poured it in his hand. I knew what was coming next.

"You banged me up pretty bad yesterday Mr. Bradford." Now Skip knew I had been fucked by him. "I'm not sure I have the muscle control to satisfy you."

I knew where I was trying to lead this and I wasn't happy about it but I had no choice. "Maybe you should fuck Skip!" I blurted out.

Skip looked up at me with his eyes about to pop out of his head. I had sold him out. I had offered his ass to save my own. I was his friend. Even in this awful situation, as we were forced to do unthinkable things, I put his ass on the line literally. Bradford busted out laughing. He saw the breakdown here and he loved it.

"You think, Adam?" he laughed. "Why?" he inquired.

"He has a smooth bubble butt. Look at the deep tan line." I answered quickly.

"You asshole!" Skip yelled in my direction.

I went into complete defense mode. "You seem to love sucking cock, I figure since you love it down your throat and can take it all, I'm sure your hole can take it also" I said. I truly didn't mean those words, but I had to protect myself. I would have done anything to avoid being fucked again.

"And what about you, you let him fuck you before and you came back for more. You're the one who really wants to be screwed." He yelled back.

I wasn't going to argue with Skip. I turned to Bradford and said, "Let's fuck this faggot and work him over." I then added. "You take his ass and I will take his queer boy mouth." And for good measure I threw in... "This loser was made to service us."

The surprise look on Bradford's face was priceless. "Let's do it" He said.

"NO, wait!" Skip shouted. Bradford didn't give him a chance to go on. He just yelled out "Bend over the table Faggot." Then he looked over at me and said "Fill his mouth quick so he don't have to listen to his wining.

Bradford pushed Skip forward over the massage table. I quickly ran around the table and grabbed a handful of hair and force my cock into his mouth. I didn't wait for him to complain. I held both hands on his head. He gagged a little, but I knew it was all an act. Moments before he took all of Bradford fat cock without any problem. Mine would be a welcome relief.

Bradford held the tube of lotion above his preys butt cheeks. He squeezed the tube and let the wet lotion run down the crack. He was also dripping it along the length of his shaft. His cock was pulsing to life, knowing that in a moment, he would be thrusting it deep inside of him. I continue to pump my dick in his open mouth. Skip's head was propped up and gave my shaft easy sliding access. My cock too, was coming to life, as I was getting my first blowjob ever. His warm mouth was so inviting, I couldn't push deep enough as each thrust sent chills through my body. I could see Skip clamping down his butt cheeks together. I almost felt sorry for him. I had been in the same position yesterday. I too had thought I could prevent Bradford from invading my body. I watch as he helplessly tried preparing myself for the inevitable.

"Poor Guy." I thought. I was a total asshole. I put him in this position. I volunteered him before he had a chance to negotiate. Just then I felt a grunt on my cock. Bradford started to thrust inside of him. He pushed the head inside. Skip's natural instinct was to clamp down. This just caused Bradford more sensation, and made him hotter. I could feel the sensations it cause Skip physically. As Bradford pushed in, Skip's tongue would wag and pulsate around my cock. These sensations forced me into an animal like state, and I face fucked him with all my might.

Bradford looked at my smooth body pumping and he matched each and every thrust with his huge hairy body. As Bradford fucked Skip wildly, he heard Skip choke and sputter. I just held Skip's head and dumped my load into his waiting mouth. He had no choice but to take the load and swallow it all of it. I wanted it all discarded. There was no telling what Bradford would do if he saw cum on the massage table.

Bradford knew I had just cum inside Skip, even though I didn't make a sound.

The gagging and choking got Bradford so hot; he dug his hands into Skip's hips and unloaded deep inside him. Then he collapsed on top of Skip's body. I suddenly felt completely guilty. Skip was laying there with a low moan coming from his mouth. He was completely defeated. A 230-pound man was on top of him panting. He couldn't move even if he tried. I wanted to run from the room, but knew I would be told when I was allowed to leave.

In a swift move, Bradford pulled completely out of Skip's asshole. His hole yawned out air in relief of being violated.

"Get Out!!" Bradford yelled.

I jumped out of my skin hearing his tone. Skip looked up shocked, and jumped towards his clothes. We both grabbed our t-shirts, shorts and flip-flops. We took our books and left quickly without looking back or waiting for any other direction from Bradford. We both wanted to be out of there!

The two of us ran past Clair sitting at her desk staring at her computer. We zoomed by and didn't speak to her. As soon as we got outside and continue to walk, I turned to Skip to apologize.

"Skip" I said.

"Stay the fuck away from me." He yelled. He ran in the opposite direction.

I knew things would never be the same between us.

Meanwhile, Bradford came out of his office and walked up to Clair.

"Did you get it?" He asked.

"I got all of it! The new zoom lenses work great! It was as if I was in the room myself." She said with a huge grin on her face.

"Gonna make one hell of a movie" Bradford said as he returned to his office smiling. I wonder how good this is. Let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 3

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