Nfl Physical Therapist

By adam 812

Published on Oct 23, 2005


DISCLAIMER: The following story is FICTIONAL. It contains descriptions of Sexual activities between teenage boys and a man. If you are not over 18 Years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this Material is illegal where you are, and then please DO NOT READ IT!

NFL Physical Therapist 12

Gay/Adult/youth, Authoritarian, incest

The next few days Adam prepared to start his new job with the Miami Dolphins. He had received a preparation guide from the NFL of things he would need to bring and what he could expect for his first few days. Kyle had totally fallen in love with his big brother. He followed him around everywhere. He wanted to be as close to Adam as possible.

Whenever they were alone, Kyle would take the lead and rub up against Adam. He wanted to kiss, touch, lick, suck and have his brother fuck him. Adam loved the attention and obliged his brother almost all of the time. Kyle would sneak into Adam's bedroom every night. It had become expected that Adam would fuck Kyle repeatedly. Kyle loved every second and was not looking forward to Adam leaving for Miami.

Adam arrived at the Dolphins Training Facility early Sunday morning. He was expected to be there anytime on Sunday, but he wanted to get there and start to settle in. He was given his room assignment and welcome package. He had his own bedroom in the Training Center but had to share a bathroom, kitchen and small living area with three other trainers.

He organized his stuff in the bedroom and met one of the other new trainers. Joe Mitchell was a few years older than Adam and from the Midwest. He was a country boy through and through. He was 6'2 215 with light brown hair, brown hair and a very pale complexion. At first, Adam thought Joe was a player for the team. He easily could have been a player if he had the talent on the field. Joe wore a t-shirt that said "HOME GROWN and CORN FED".

Joe was a good guy. Adam and he hit it off right away. They talked about their backgrounds, the team and the excitement of working for the Dolphins and the NFL.

The two other roommates were Jamie Rogers and Scott Morgan. Both of these men were in there 30s. They were both veteran trainers with the Dolphins. They were pleasant to the two new young guys, but the age difference, made it oblivious that they had little in common with the Adam and Joe besides work.

On Monday morning, Adam and Joe got up early, took turns in the bathroom and ran down to get to their Orientation. The first day had a complete agenda what the guys would be doing for the entire week. They had seminars with League members on guidelines that including everything from appearance standards to the benefits package.

Each trainer would be responsible for handling 7 players. Since both Adam and Joe were new, they would be assigned to rookies. Both guys would never work on the starters.

On the second week, Adam met his players. All were new kids just a few years older then him. They all were excited about playing the in the big league. They were also very cocky. Suddenly they had money and they were all flashy. They wanted everyone around them to know that they had money and to them having money was status.

Adam was assigned to Teshawn Morgan, a new 2nd round draft pick who believed that the world revolved around him. T as everyone called him was 6'2 200 running back. Recruited from the University of Tennessee, T was as flashy as they come. He felt that the training staff was there at his disposal. He especially felt that Adam would be "on call" for his needs, even though Adam had 6 other primary players to attend to.

Once the players "Training Camp" begun, Adam would spend half of his day on the field with the players, and the other half in the Training Center, attending the needs of his players. His squad, had breaks at different times, so that Adam could give them rubdowns, and gets the whirlpools and other equipment ready for them.

Adam was restocking supplies alone in the main equipment room, when Jorge Sinclair approached him. Jorge was the Agent for Mike Goodspeed.

"Hey, Kid!" Jorge said. "Come with me, I need you."

Adam stopped what he was doing and followed Jorge down the hall, thru a couple sets of doors, to the private training rooms reserved for the 1st string players. As they enter the private rooms, he was confused why he would be needed in this area. Adam was not assigned to any of the "starters" but he continued to walk with Jorge in silence.

Jorge opened a door to a room and leaning back on a massage table was Mike Goodspeed. Mike was Adam's idol as a kid. His bedroom was filled with posters of Mike. Mike was the proud owner of 3 super bowl rings. The last few years had been rough of Mike. He was traded twice and at the age of 39, he needed to consider retirement. The NFL and being a Quarterback in the League was all he knew his entire adult life. He wasn't ready to turn it all in yet. He still felt he could pull out another "come back."

"Mike needs some work on him hamstring." Jorge said.

Adam looked at his idol laying there in a sweat soaked gray T-shirt and gray sweat pants. He stared at the man; he met briefly during his initial interview.

"I am not assigned to starters". Adam said. He was afraid he would get in trouble if he worked on Mike.

"Listen Kid, we need you to work on his leg and not mention any of this to the other trainers." Jorge said.

His point was his client, didn't need anyone on the team knowing that he might have pulled anything. If word got out that Mike Goodspeed has injured or hurt, the info would be leaked to the media and then his health would come into question. Both Jorge and Mike needed to project the image that he was healthy and ready to lead the team to a Championship.

"I can get one of the Senior Trainers to work on him." Adam said.

Both men responded "NO!"

Adam was nervous. He didn't want to question the authority of either man. So he walked up to the Quarterback star and prepared to work his hamstring to see if he had any damage. Mike lifted his hips up and pulled his sweatpants down to his ankles. Jorge pulled them completely off and stood back. Mike was his only client and the reason he had a big paycheck. Adam thought he would gasp out loud seeing this hunky 6'3 200 pound man leaning back in a sweaty jock strap.

As Adam worked on Mike, he occasionally looked up at Mike. The man's eyes were closed. He was relaxed at Adam kneaded and massage his leg. Adam knew that the strain was not serious. His leg needed to be wrapped and his should soak in a whirlpool and have the leg worked on every few hours.

"There isn't any serious injury, just needs to be worked on periodically to relax the muscle." Adam said.

"You should really let your assigned trainer work on it," He added.

"No way!" Jorge said.

"Mike is fine, no one needs to know any of this information. Jorge responded.

"If he needs to soak in a whirlpool, then he can do that in the privacy of the one at his house." "How often does he need to be massaged?" Jorge asked.

"Every hour for a half hour to prevent any cramping." Adam replied.

"The Kids right!" Mike said.

Mike had been in the business long enough that he knew exactly what he needed and what his body needed.

"Ok, here is the deal, I'm gonna take Mike home, you are gonna come over in an hour and continue to work on him. Understand?" Jorge said.

Adam knew not to question Jorge. Mike looked at Adam and nodded that was exactly what he wanted. Adam looked up into Mike's big blue eyes. Adam explained he needed to finish up his duties and then he would come over after work. Jorge gave him directions to Mike's house on Key Biscayne.

Adam completed all of his duties, ran back to his Dorm, and took a quick shower. He threw on a tight white T-shirt and jeans and hopped in his car. He followed the directions that Jorge had given him to Key Biscayne. He arrived at the address and found agate hidden upon the trees. He called from his cell number and Mike answered the phone. He opened the gate and Adam drove slowly down the paved driveway. After a minute or two, he arrived at the rather small house on the Biscayne Bay. Adam was a little surprised by the house. He expected a 3 time Super Bowl Champion to live in a huge mansion. The house was built in the 40s. It was a typical old Florida House. All rooms opened up to expansive views of the bay.

Adam parked and as he was about to knock on the door, Mike opened it.

"Thanks for coming, Adam!" He said.

Adam couldn't believe it when he heard the quarterback say his name.

"He knows my name!" Adam thought.

Mike shook Adam's hand and let the young teenager inside. Adam looked around the house trying to take all of it in. The inside of the house was gorgeous. It was filled with big leather couches and a large fireplace. Adam expected to see lots of trophies and awards, but none were to be found.

As Adam stood there staring out at the bay, all he could say was "Wow!"

"Yea, it's a great view." Mike said.

"Come on! Let me show you around." Mike added.

Mike put is hand on Adam's shoulder and lean the boy outside to the deck. The two of them stood and took in the view. Mike pointed out landmarks and took Adam inside to continue the tour. He showed Adam his office. Adam stood and his mouth dropped opened. This was where all of Mike's awards, trophies were displayed. Adam slowly walked around the office and looked at awards one after another. Mike stood back and watched the young blond surfer. It had been awhile since anyone had come to his house and would see all of the awards.

Mike suddenly had a huge sense of pride. He was a champion, and here was a young kid who was impressed by it all. Mike looked at Adam and thought of his own son, Tony. Tony was maybe a year or two older than Adam. Mike didn't get to see much of Tony. His ex-wife had always made his time with Tony difficult. 12 years after his divorce, Tony and Mike barely had a relationship. They would occasionally spend time together on holidays, but they were not what you would call close.

Mike saw parts of Tony in Adam. He remembered when Tony used to be impressed with his Dad's accomplishments. Adam hopped around the room like an excited kid on Christmas morning.

Mike pointed out facts and trivia on different pictures or plagues Adam was looking at. Adam would turn and stare at Mike, and then look back at the subject matter. His mouth was dropped open the whole time. Mike loved seeing someone enjoy all his success. It had been a long time since he felt such pride.

"Should we get the massage started?" Mike asked.

"Oh yes!" Adam replied. He came back to reality. He knew he could spend hours looking at all those awards.

"Have you soaked at all?" Adam asked.

"No, not yet." Mike answered.

"You probably should soak for in a hot tub for 20 minutes first." Adam said.

Mike led Adam outside on to the deck again. They walked down a few steps and around a corner to find a sunken outdoor hot tub. It was on, and the jets were fired up and the hot steam was rising. Adam followed Mike to the hot tub. Mike turned and pulled off his shirt. Adam took in all of the sight before him. Mike had big broad shoulders that tapered down to a nice "V" shape and slender waist. He probably had a 34-inch waist, but since his shoulders were so wide, it made his waist look smaller. His pecs were covered in fur. The dark hair was thick and full up top and led down to a treasure trail. Mike stood there for a second, knowing the young boy was taking in the view in front of him. Mike puffed out his expansive chest a little to give the kid a show. He was proud of his body and the hard work of keeping himself in great shape. It wasn't often that he got to show it off.

He unbuttoned his shorts and let them drop to the deck. He stood in front of the young boy, in his jock strap. Adam stared at the man in awe. This was the kind of man, that artists would want to model for them. This was the kind of man that women would drop to their knees to service. This was the kind of man, that little boys wanted to grow up and be like. Mike watched the kid stare at him and he had to grin to himself. It felt good to see the silent admiration.

He slowly got in the hot tub and watched Adam's eyes follow his every move.

"Why don't you grab us a couple beers from the frig right over there." Mike said.

Adam went and open the small frig and took out 2 beers.

"Are you legal to drink?" Mike asked.

Adam started to say no, when Mike laughed and said he thought 1 beer would be ok between buddies.

Adam liked hearing that he and Mike were buddies. Adam handed Mike a beer and he sat on the edge of the hot tub on the deck. The two of them made small talk. Mike asked Adam about his family, school and how he liked the team. After 20 minutes, Mike got out of the hot tub and sat on the edge. Adam's eyes immediately went to the soaked jock strap in front of him. There now was a big difference in the bulge when Mike originally got in the hot tub. He didn't have a hard-on but his cock was engorged. The jock was soaked to the big bulge. Adam could see puffs of hair through the pouch. Mike also looked down and saw what Adam was looking at.

"Pull that pool float cushion over here." Mike said.

Adam grabbed the pool float and Mike laid down on it.

"You don't mind working on my leg out here do u?" He asked.

Adam just nodded "No". He moved over Mike and leaned down and started to massage the quarterback's leg. He worked slowly to feel if there was any knots or tension. After a few moments of massage, Adam felt Mike's hand in his hair. Mike had looked up and saw the young blond boys hair, and had to stroke it.

"That feels great Adam." Mike said as he gently ran his fingers through Adam's hair. Adam looked up briefly and saw the look of approval Mike was giving him. He continued to massage his leg and continued to enjoy the sensation of Mike's hands in his hair. Adam was instantly hard. His jeans were begging to let his cock out. Adam also saw Mike's cock jump inside the jock. Adam knew both were enjoying the sensations, but he didn't dare make a move and change any of the massage. He didn't have to. Mike's hand gently guided Adam's head down to the jock. Adam hesitated, but Mike was now on a mission. He knew the kid was impressed with his house, his trophies, his body, and now he would be impressed with his cock in his mouth.

He pressed until Adam's mouth was down on the wet soaked jock strap. Adam automatically started to naw and suck on the pouch. He could taste the chorine from hot tub. He slowly worked his lips on the jock while the huge cock inside throbbed and jerked for release. Adam stuck his tongue out and licked at. He lowered his head and lapped below the straps below where Mike's balls were confined. His gently lapping caused Mike to groan and the thick head of his cock to pop out of the waistband.

"OH that's good, baby, that's real good!" Mike said.

Adam saw the fat head appear and it was covered with precum. He raised his head and went for a taste. He swirled his tongue over the head and the sweet nectar hit his taste buds. Mike shouted out "Oh yea, baby boy, make Daddy feel good!"

Adam reached up and pulled down on the jock. The huge cock, at least 8.5 inches long slapped against the quarterbacks hard abs. Adam engulfed the shaft and attempted to take as much of the cock in his mouth. He went down slow with his tongue running along the sides trying to add as much sensation as possible for the man.

"That's it baby, take all of Daddy's cock" Mike said.

Adam picked up speed from the encouragement he was receiving from Mike. When Mike moaned when he sucked down on his balls, Adam concentrated on that area. When he lapped at the hairy pucker, it drove Mike wild. Adam would stop. He didn't want it to end. He wanted to pull his own cock out, but he didn't want to disrupt the flow of sexual pleasure he was giving to an NFL Quarterback.

"Work Daddy's cock, baby!" Mike commanded.

Adam went back and started to bob up and down on the fat baby maker. Mike shouted out how Adam was to worship the cock. Mike could slowly feel the eruption that was going to come. His chest started to rise and fall, his hips automatically began to feed the hungry young boy. His hands were on the back of Adam's head to make sure that the boy didn't try to escape.

And suddenly he knew the cum was rapidly exploding into the warm teenagers mouth. The 1st jet caught Adam off guard. As soon as he realized that the cum was flowing, he welcomed all of the hot jizz in his mouth. Suddenly, he couldn't get enough of the warm fluid. He didn't want to swallow it, he wanted savor the warmth on his taste buds.

Mike's body was jumping uncontrollably. The kid was talented. Very talented he thought. After his orgasm subsided, Adam slowly pulled his mouth off the swollen cock. He looked up at his idol whose chest was rising and falling from the intense after glow. When Mike's eyes met Adams, the boy looked away. Mike reached up and put his hand on Adam's face. He slowly turned Adam's face so that they could see one another. He wanted Adam to know everything was ok. He sat up and put both hands on Adam's face and leaned in and kissed the teenager. Adam's mouth opened automatically to accept the quarterback's tongue. Mike could taste his cum in the boy's mouth. The two of them kissed passionately for 5 minutes, until Mike broke away and said "Stand up."

Adam stood up and looked down at his naked hero. "Take your clothes off!" Mike said.

Adam removed his white t-shirt and showed the football great, his tight lean tan hairless chest. Mike starred at the tight dark nipples of the boy. He wanted to lick them. He nodded at Adam and the boy knew to remove his jeans. Adam kicked off his shoes, reached down and pulled out his socks and unbuttoned his jeans. He took his time, as he wanted to show off for his hero. Adam could see the hunger in Mike's eyes waiting for Adam to reveal his cock. Adam turned away from Mike and slowly pushed his jeans down to show Mike the smooth blond bubble butt. As the cheeks slowly appeared, Adam could hear the gasp escape from Mike's mouth.

Adam pushed his butt out to Mike. He wanted Mike to want him. He wanted Mike's huge cock inside of him. He turned around and pulled the jeans completely down to the deck His cock waved straight up in the air for Mike's viewing pleasure. Adam stood over the older man with one leg on each side of him. He shifted his hips so that Mike could see his teenage cock waving in front of him. Adam looked down at the man. He knew Mike was transfixed on his young hard smooth body.

"Stroke in boy!" Mike said.

Adam placed his hand on his throbbing cock, and gave it a long slow stroke. That was all it took. He couldn't tease the man anymore, his body couldn't allow it. His body had to shoot. One stroke and his teenage boy cum began to fly out of his young cock and land all over the hunky quarterback laying below. Adam just held his cock at its base and jet after jet landed on Mike's hairy pecs, on his abs and even a long jet on the side of his handsome rugged face.

Adam's legs were about to give out when Mike reached up to the boy.

"Come here, baby" Mike said.

Adam fell down on the man. He allowed his body to be swept up into the powerful arms of the champion quarterback. Adam and Mike were both in heaven.

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