Nfl Physical Therapist

By adam 812

Published on May 30, 2005


DISCLAIMER: The following story is FICTIONAL. It contains descriptions of Sexual activities between teenage boys and a man. If you are not over 18 Years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this Material is illegal where you are, and then please DO NOT READ IT!

NFL Physical Therapist 10

Gay/Adult/youth, Authoritarian, Nonconsensual

As Bradford was in the bathroom cleaning up, Adam slowly lifted himself up off the floor and walked over to check on his little brother. Kyle was still lying on the massage table. His entire body was limb from the brutal attack at the hands and cock of Bradford. Adam stood over the helpless boy and didn't have the courage to speak; he lightly stroked his brothers sweat soaked hair. Kyle looked up at him searching for words, but nothing came out. Adam leaned down and kissed a tear that was falling down Kyle's cheek. Kyle lifted his arms to embrace his older brother. All Kyle knew was that he needed the support of his brother, both physically and emotionally. Adam helped Kyle up and off of the table.

Together the two naked brothers started getting dressed. It was a very slow process for Kyle. Every part of his body ached. His legs had been pulled backed to his shoulders as he was violently raped by the older man. He could barely stand up. His muscles should have been relaxed after a massage instead they just burned. The two boys finished dressing and got out of the office. They rushed past Clair's desk not noticing the screen had 4 cameras viewing the private room. All of the attack was recorded.

On the drive home, neither of the two spoke. Both of their minds were racing. Adam was overwhelmed by the guilt of allowing Bradford to use his brother for his sick pleasure. Kyle was thinking of the physical pain he was in and yet how much at the time he thought he wanted contact with another man. Since he wanted to play with both the older guys, he started to wonder if he was gay. The thought was too much for him to handle at the moment. He tried to put it out of his mind.

On Graduation Day, the entire family was getting ready for the Ceremony. Kyle walked down the hall to Adam's room. He knocked on the open door. Adam was sitting on his bed tying his shoes.

"Can I come in?" Kyle asked.

"Sure." Adam replied.

Kyle walked in and sat next to his brother on the bed. He looked into Adam's eyes and almost started to cry.

"I love you Adam." He started. "I know we haven't really talked much since... you know." He continued.

"I know Kyle." Adam answered.

"I am going miss you so much." Kyle said.

"I know buddy, me too." Adam said. "I love you very much." He added.

Adam started to apologize for letting Kyle down. He explained how guilty he felt about the whole Bradford situation. He told Kyle that he couldn't believe that he watched the whole episode when he should have stopped it. Kyle told Adam that it wasn't his fault. He wanted to play. But as much as he wanted to play, he would have rather it just had been Adam and him alone.

Kyle reassured Adam that everything was fine. Nothing could ever break the bond between of them. Adam couldn't believe that his little brother was now the one making him feel safe and secure. That had always been Adam's role.

The two embraced each other and got ready for the Graduation. Kyle rode with his parents to the campus. Adam drove separately; as he was suppose to go to a Graduation Party afterwards. It was a bright sunny day on the campus. All the preparations were complete. Rick Bradford sat in his office with a few papers that we would need for the Graduation. He needed to meet with the Board of Trustees briefly before the start of the ceremony.

Bradford headed over to the Facility Center where the Board of Trustees was holding its Annual Reception. There were about 50 attendees. The Dean, the Trustees, and other VIPs all mixed among one another. Some talking business, some just trying to get a buzz off the free booze. Bradford made his way through the crowd, greeting members and making small talk with others. He hated these functions, but his appearance was mandatory.

As he was leaving, he ran into the one person, he was hoping he wouldn't see, Jim Brooks. Jim was a local banker and member of the Board of Trustees. His Father dedicated the Political Science Building a few years ago. Jim was responsible for making sure the school always got its loans and grants approved. He was also a no nonsense businessman. Both Jim and Bradford went to College together. Bradford always felt a little insecure around Jim, since he decided to go into Education and Jim went into the family business of Banking.

Jim shook Bradford's hand. Each man trying to out do the other in his strong grip. Jim was in his early forties, 6'2 190. He had jet-black hair and was clean-shaven. He was a lean muscular man with a hairy chest and thick legs. The two man made pleasantries and ask how each other's wives and kids were doing. Bradford spoke for a few moments, and then quickly departed. He didn't want to get into any awkward budget talks about the upcoming school year. He just wanted to get through this day and kick back and watch all the videos he had made recently.

Jim watched Bradford leave and then got back to speaking with some of the other Trustees. As Bradford made his way across the campus, he greeted students, facility members and families all here for the graduation. As he was making his way through a small crowd, Bradford saw Kyle standing there with his parents. Kyle looked like a young angel to Bradford. He was wearing a white dress shirt and khakis. The khakis were hanging low on Kyle's hips. With the sun shining on his blond hair, Bradford had the urge to pick the kid up and throw him over his shoulders and drag him back to his office for a repeat performance. Bradford walked up to Kyle and his parents.

"Well Hello, Kyle." Bradford said.

Kyle turned and looked shocked to see Bradford standing there and speaking to him in front of his parents.

"Uh, Hi." Kyle said.

"I'm Rick Bradford, Head Administrator." He said towards Kyle's parents.

Bradford's smile was warm and inviting. He spoke to Kyle's parents that Adam had introduced Kyle to him a few days early. Bradford told them that all about his recommendation to the Dolphins about Adam. The parents were so grateful to Bradford for all he had done for their oldest son. Bradford told them, he was also impressed with Kyle. He felt Kyle had a lot of potential in academics and athletics. He mentioned that although Kyle was still only a junior in high school, it was never too soon to think about his college and the possibilities of a scholarship. Naturally, Bradford mentioned to his parents that he was on the board that approved all scholarships. He suggested that after the Graduation today, that Kyle stop by his office and they could discuss a few ideas he had.

Kyle's parents thought that was a great idea. Bradford said he would expect Kyle to come over immediately after. Kyle just looked dazed. He knew his parents had no idea, what Bradford really wanted. They would freak out if they knew the man wanted to fuck their underage son. Bradford shook both parents' hands and departed for the start of the ceremony. Kyle and his parents went off to find their seats.

Jim Brooks had been standing close by and over heard the entire conversation. He wondered what Bradford had in store for the cute young blond kid he had been speaking to. He followed Bradford on stage and took a seat directly to him. Bradford looked a little uncomfortable having Jim seated right next to him. It was oblivious that Jim would want to talk business the whole time to time.

"Fuck!" He thought.

Who is the blond kid?" Jim asked.

Bradford looked at Jim for a moment and said just a kid whose older brother is graduating today.

"Have you done him?" Jim asked.

"Don't be crazy! I'm a married man, I don't go for that shit!" Bradford said looking straight out into the audience.

"I'm a married man too, Rick! But we all like to have a little fun." Jim said.

Jim leaned over to Bradford, and said he thought it was a little interesting that Bradford invited the kid back to discuss his college future so well in advance.

"The kid looks like he has a sweet ass." Jim said. "I want a piece!" He added.

Bradford stared at Jim and couldn't believe his ears. He thought Jim was making a joke on him. Jim lifted the program he was holding in his lap up and Bradford got a view of a thick bulge. Bradford looked down at the mound and then back at Jim's face. He had a shit-eating grin on it.

"So we are on afterwards at your office?" Jim said.

Bradford just stared and nodded. He was speechless. The Ceremony started and was going smoothly. As Adam walked across the stage to get his diploma, Bradford leaned over to Jim and motioned towards the graduate.

"That's the older brother!" He said.

"Very nice! Anyway of getting him in on the fun?" Jim asked.

Bradford grinned and told Jim it has been known to happen. Jim instantly had another hard on watching the tall blond accept his award. Both grown men's eyes were glued to Adam. Both were sitting there fantasying about getting the guy and his younger brother naked.

Immediately following the ceremony, both men slowly headed back to Bradford's office. They expected Kyle to show up anytime. They hadn't bothered with Adam, as he would be surrounded by friends and family. Jim went directly into Bradford's office and took a seat. Bradford told him he would be right in. He needed to check something on his computer. Bradford set up the web cams to record the scene that would take place. As he finished getting the cams up and running, Kyle walked in and stood looking awkwardly.

"Hi Kyle!" Bradford said.

"Hey" Kyle answered.

For the last few days, Kyle had replayed the scene that had taken place in the back room of the office in his mind. Parts of it would get him so hot and turned on, and others made him scared like a kitten. He loved to be touched and kissed and sucked. He was frightened of being fucked again by the huge man. His ass, 4 days later still hadn't recovered from the pounding it took.

"Come on back" Bradford said.

Kyle followed Bradford into his office and saw another older man sitting there in a suit and tie. Kyle stopped and looked at the man with confusion on his face.

"Kyle, this is Jim Brooks. He is a Trustee here at the College." Bradford said.

"He is going to help conduct our interview today." He added.

Jim sat there and didn't say a word. He took in the beauty of the young surfer. He was definitely the All American boy. Blond, smooth and clean cut. Jim couldn't wait to get his hands on the kid. He sat there with his legs spread apart. The kid was looking at the woodie he was sporting thru his suit pants.

"Let's go back into the other room," Bradford said.

He held the door open for Kyle. The young boy slowly walked into the room where he was fucked just days before. Jim followed Kyle and took a seat on the couch. Bradford entered the room and shut the door. Kyle stood in front of the two older men and was very nervous. He realized his brother wasn't there to help him if things got out of hand.

"Why don't you take off your clothes for us, Kyle" Jim said.

Kyle listened to the stranger and removed his shirt, and pants. He stood in front of them in just his A & F boxer briefs. Both men took in the sight of the smooth tan boy.

"Turn around Kid!" Bradford said.

Kyle turned around and knew the men were appraising his butt. He stared ahead as each man was enjoying the cock teasing he was giving them.

"Get a load of this." Bradford said to Jim.

Bradford reached out and pulled the down the boxer briefs. The contrast between Kyle's deep tan back and his white bubble ass was stark. Jim started to lick his lips. He loosen his tie and unbutton his shirt. He sat on the couch with his exposed hairy chest and started to unbuckle his pants.

Bradford wasted no time stripping. Where as Jim left his shirt on and opened , Bradford was completely stripped down to his socks. Kyle still had his back to the men. He could hear the undressing, but waited until he was instructed what to do next.

"Alright, turn around!" Jim shouted.

Kyle slowly faced the men. His teenage cock was standing straight up. As nervous as he was, his body was turned on by standing in front of two middle-aged men naked. He looked and saw both men on the couch slowly stroking their cocks. He saw Jim's thick 7.5 cut cock with a very hairy bush. He then saw Bradford's huge 9.5 uncut cock before him. He stood waiting for the next command.

It didn't take long. Jim told the boy to get on his knees and suck his cock. Kyle automatically dropped down and started to service the Trustee. Kyle went down on the cock and started teasing it. From all the moaning and gasping, he heard from above him, he knew he was doing a good job Kyle even reached up and started to rub the hairy man's chest. He did it for his own pleasure, but when Jim started to moan louder and thrust his hips back and forth, Kyle realized the man loved it also.

Bradford reached back and started to play with the kid's ass. Unlike last time, Adam wasn't around to nudge his way into the ass. He would get to lick and eat the hole as much as possible without interuption. Again he remembered that his beard drove the kid crazy last time. He rubbed his whiskers against the smooth pink pucker. The results were the same. The kid moaned on top of the cock he was sucking. He began to wiggle his ass. Kyle didn't realize that his cute ass was having such an effect on the Administrator. Bradford licked and teased the ass for what seems like an eternity.

Jim had to pull the kid off of his cock a few times. He wanted to make the load he was going to shoot last. The kid was a talented cocksucker. Jim wasn't sure if he had a lot of practice or was just a natural born cocksucker. Either way, he was enjoying all of it. He looked down and watched Bradford devour the young boy's hole!

"How does he taste?" Jim laughed.

"Very Tastee! You taste this ass, you will definitely want to fuck it!" Bradford said.

"Lets switch!" Jim said. He stripped out all of his clothes and the two men traded places.

Adam had made his way through the crowd, and found his parents. Both his parents greeted him with big hugs and kisses. They took photos of him. They were so proud of his accomplishments.

"Where's Kyle?" Adam asked.

His mother explained the wonderful news that they all had run into Rick Bradford before the ceremony. Mr. Bradford had taken a special interest in Kyle just like he did with Adam. She continued to say how nice and sincere he was. Adam's father also explained that Kyle was meeting with Mr. Bradford in his office to talk about a possible future scholarship.

"In his office? Now?" Adam asked.

"Yes! Isn't it wonderful?" His mother said.

Adam stood there in shock. One of the happiest moments of his life had just turned into one of the worst. He could only imagine what his younger brother was being forced to do right now. And he knew what ever horrible act Kyle was performing right now, he was to blame. He looked at his parents and said that he had to get going, there were a lot of parties to attend. He gave both his parents a quick kiss and he ran off.

As he rushed across the campus, his one and only thought was saving his little brother from anymore-brutal attacks from Bradford. He ran into Bradford office. He was very quiet. He could hear moaning. But the sounds were coming from the desk he was standing next to. He hit the keyboard and right before his eyes, flashed four camera images. He looked closely and could see Kyle, Bradford and some other older big man on the screen.

Kyle was bent over the massage table on his stomach. On one side Bradford was feeding him his huge cock. Kyle was trying to take as much as possible.

He was gagging and choking, but Bradford continued his assault on the teenage mouth. On the other end, a tall lean man was ramming his cock inside Kyle's ass. Adam stood there and watched the man pound his meat deep inside. He could see his low hanging balls banging against the hole.

Adam was about to storm in and stop this brutal attack, when he realized that Bradford was recording all of this. Adam thought if he ran into the private room, there would be no way he could over power the two large men. Ultimately they would attack him as well. He sat at the computer and looked to see what software Bradford was using to record his brother. He briefly stopped the cameras and found the files. He then attached the files to an email and sent it to his home account. Thank GOD, that the College had a fast DSL, which could send the files quickly. Once the email was sent, Adam jumped up and quietly walked into Bradford's office.

He pulled off his belt, and slowly opened the door to the private room. Both men did not notice Adam's entrance, as they were both enjoying Kyle's mouth and ass. Adam walked up behind the stranger and placed the belt around the man's neck. He pulled quickly and yelled at the man.

"Get off of him, you asshole!" He yelled.

Jim was immediately pulled out of the boy and was gripping the belt around his neck. He was gasping for air. Adam pushed the man to the ground as he ran over to Bradford. Bradford had been face-fucking Kyle. As soon as he saw Adam, he started to unload his cock, partly in the boy's mouth and partly all over the room. Adam ran full force into Bradford's massive body.

He caught the man off guard and he tumbled on to the couch.

"Let's get out of here Kyle!" Adam yelled.

Kyle jumped up to grab his clothes. He just wanted to get his pants on before running out the door. As they were about to exit, Adam felt Bradford's arms slam him up against the wall.

"You're not going anywhere Faggot!" Bradford yelled.

Jim managed to loosen the belt around his neck and get to his feet.

"You and your little brother are going to pay for this little stunt!" Jim yelled.

Adam looked up into Bradford's eyes. The big man held him in place. Jim was holding Kyle up against the wall. The two brothers stood side-by-side held captive.

"You're never going to touch my brother again!" Adam said to Bradford.

Bradford laughed and spit in Adam's face.

"Listen Pussy Boy, I'm going to fuck your brother right after I finish raping your ass" Bradford stated.

"Right after I'm finished with the kid." Jim added.

Adam looked at Bradford and said he would make sure that Bradford and the other man are thrown in jail. He told both men that they would be arrested for raping a student and an underage minor.

" You fucking think the police are going to believe two kids, opposed to two professional married men?" Jim said laughing.

"They will when they see the video of what you two just did to my brother." Adam shouted back.

Adam told Jim that Bradford had set up cameras of the fuck session. He went on to tell Jim that he had attached files of the live sessions and email them to his home computer. Right now images of Bradford and Jim raping the underage kid were just waiting for Adam to show the police and anyone else, he wanted.

Jim looked at Bradford. He could tell by the look of his face the older brother was telling the truth. Suddenly, Jim and Bradford let the two brothers loose. The two older naked men stood there dazed and confused. Jim wanted to beat the shit out of Bradford for being so careless.

As the two brothers ran out the door, Adam looked back at the two men.

"If you ever touch or come near my brother or me, I will make sure the video is sent to the police, your wives, your employers, and your fucking kids" Adam yelled.

Adam scooped up Kyle, took him in his arms and left the building.

Your comments and ideas are always welcome. Let me know what you think! Should the story continue?

Next: Chapter 11

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