Nfl Physical Therapist

By adam 812

Published on Nov 16, 2004


DISCLAIMER: The following story is FICTIONAL. It contains descriptions of sexual activities between teenage boys and a man. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DO NOT READ IT!

As a little kid I was always told how cute I was. Blond hair, green eyes, soft smooth skin and born to Scandavian and German heritage. My Grandfather, who was full German, used to say I was a "Nazi's wet dream". I would sit on lap listen to speak in German then translate in English. My Nana would throw her arms and start yelling at him.

It would be years later that I would learn what a wet dream actually was.

My senior year of High School, all the other kids knew exactly what they wanted to do after graduation. I had no idea. I had grown into a tall, lean kid. I was still referred as cute but elders, and now often called handsome. I was athletic. I played all sports but never made the 1st string of any team. I was always sitting on the sidelines, or on the bench waiting and watching the more athletic jocks play. At 6'1 170 a blond kid living in South Florida, I hung out at the beach with friends all summer before our senior year. We swam, surfed and just goofed out, making fun of each other and checking out the chicks.

Although I was handsome, I was painfully shy around girls. I always preferred to hang out in a group then one on one. I was a virgin. I avoided any conversation about sex with my buds, because I didn't want to be harassed.

The beginning of our senior year, I decided to take the GED, skip the whole year and Enrolled a Physical Therapist Program at the local junior college. I figured if I took and completed all the required classes, I could get my license in just over a year. I would be just over 18 and making lots of money while my friends would just be starting college.

My parents were not thrilled with the idea, but by the time, they tried to put their foot down, I had already taken and passed my GED. I Started classes 3 weeks later. I had quit my part time job, so to be able to take as many credits as possible. The whole year was packed with nothing but school. I never had time to do anything but attend classes and study. The only benefit was that a lot of the class work time was dedicated in the gym. So I go to lift and work out a lot. I stayed lean, and put on muscle. My body looked better than ever.

A lot of the classes involved going to local hospitals and clinics and assist other physical therapists. Everything was literally hands on. I became stronger and stronger, not only from lifting at the gym, but lifting patients at the hospitals. I was always smiling, friendly and very outgoing to all the patients and instructors. Usually, I would have been quiet and sat in the back of a class or hospital room and just watch and listen. But I wanted to land a good job and looked to everyone as a potential opportunity.

I dreamed of moving out of my parent's house and finding my own apartment. My friends would be jealous when they came home from school, to see my apartment, instead of the cramp, little dorms they were stuck in.

A lot of the patients we dealt with, were older and bitchy. I would charm the socks out both men and woman. They end up laughing at my jokes and end up saying "Adam, How handsome you are" or "What a beautiful smile Adam has". Some even requested me to do their therapy. "Adam's big arms will support me". All those compliments just fed my ego that I was going to land something good.

I got along with all of my instructors. The one person I could not get to ever warm up was the Head Administrator, Rick Bradford. I didn't have much contact with him. He only occasionally would come in to a class and observe. He would ask a few questions to the students and then head out. If I past him in a hallway, I would nod or smile, but he never acknowledged my presence. I wanted to impress him; he had tons of connections, and any recommendation from Mr. Bradford, could leed to employment!!

Bradford was a big man. He was at least 6'4 230 pounds. He started out just like all of us students and worked his way to the top spot at the junior college. He had dark brown hair, cut very short and a full beard. There were flecks of gray throughout his head and beard. You could tell that he once had a very muscled body. But years of admin work, and sitting around, he had become soft in the middle. Every time I saw he standing, talking to someone, I thought that he could have a lean stomach if he hit the gym for a couple weeks and did a lot of work on his Abs.

During my last semester, Bradford walked up to and tapped me on the shoulder "Adam, I like you to make an appointment with my secretary in the next few days to come and speak to me". I was surprised he knew my name, let alone wanted to speak to me. As soon as I finished my Sports Massage Therapy Class, I went down to his office and made an appointment to meet with him. His secretary, Clair, said for me to call back tomorrow, and she would confirm the appointment. She needed to speak to Bradford about how long of an appointment would be needed and to get his date book.

I called the next day and Clair advised my appointment was scheduled for 12noon, 2 days later. I guess I would have to skip lunch. I spoke to other students and it wasn't unusual for Bradford to speak to students about their progress and classes. So I figured I wasn't in any kind of trouble.

The day of my appointment, I was a little nervous but wasn't sure why. I arrived 15 minutes early for my appointment. I wanted to make sure I didn't get held up with any other projects I was working on. Clair buzzed Bradford "Adam Eastman is here to see you". Clair told me to go in. Mr. Bradford stood up to greet me and shook my hand. At 6'4, he was 3 inches taller than me, but seemed like a giant mass of a man. I sat down and he pulled out a file with my name on it.

"You seem to be excelling at all of your classes, Adam".

"I have been working and cramping like crazy, Sir" I replied.

"Not many students complete all courses in such a short time and with just positive results." Bradford said.

He a slight smile on his face and so did I. I started to relax and feel much better about this meeting, although I still didn't know the purpose. He continues to review my file.

"You are almost complete after you finish your Sports Massage Therapy Class and Sports Injury Class." "How are they coming along?" He said.

"I feel very confident I will do well in these classes" I replied.

"I hope so, I do have many contacts, and where they need someone who has not only done well in all of his classes but also has the personality that helps his patients"

"Yes, Sir" It was all I could say.

"I think, we may have find some promising employment opportunities for you Adam"

"Thank you, sir!"

"Follow me". Bradford got up and walked to a side door and into another office. I jumped up and grabbed my books and followed after him. The room had no windows, just a massage table and another door that looked like it led to a bathroom.

"You can set your books down over there," Bradford said.

"Lets see how your massage techniques and skills are" he said.

There was a sudden silence in the room. I wasn't prepared to give the Head Administrator a massage. "Shit" I thought. "What if I fuck this up?" My head was spinning with a thousand things. "What if he doesn't like the way I give a massage" "Will this destroy my whole year of nonstop study"? I had to relax. I had aced every massage that I was given for the past year. Of course, I had always been very friendly and personable to everyone. Maybe that was the reason, I did so well.

Bradford never had shown any interest in being friendly or personable. It felt like I had been standing there for an eternity. Actually, it had only been a few seconds. Bradford started to unbutton his shirt. As he open each button, wave after wave of hairy chest appeared. He pulled his shirttails out of his pants and undid his cuffs.

"Adam, check the height of the table and adjust it to the level that works best for you" Bradford said.

As I started to work on adjusting the table, Bradford turned and hung his shirt on the hook on the wall. The table hasn't cooperating with me, and I was having trouble changing the settings. Suddenly, It seem to be very hot in the room. I told myself "Just Relax and everything will be fine, Take your time Adam".

At that moment I heard, the sound of his zipper. "Geez!" I thought! The table settings finally adjusted. I got it to the level where I would be able to work. I stood up and saw Branford's naked backside. He had even taken off his underwear. As he hung his pants on the hook, I saw how truly hairy this man was. He wasn't ape like, but he did have a complete covering of hair. His arms especially were covered. For a smooth blond kid, like myself, it was a little overwhelming. I had a completely smooth chest and abs. I had a small patch of white bush and every small patch under my arms. My balls were naturally smooth as was my ass. My legs only had a small dusting of hair on them and it was so light, I looked as if I shaved them. If you didn't look closely u would have thought I put a razor to them.

Until he started to turn, I hadn't realized I was staring at this mass of hairy man in front of me. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist. I acted like was looking at the massage table, trying to act like everything was in place and ready to go.

Bradford said, "There is some herbal lotions and deep heating wraps in the cabinet". "Help yourself".

I went to the cabinet and took out a few of the items that I was familiar with from class. When I returned back to the table, Bradford was on his stomach, which face in the pillow cradle.

"Mr. Bradford, which type of massage would you like, sir" I said.

"Give me a deep tissue massage, I want to see how hard your hands are," He said.

I cracked my knuckles, very quietly. We were always taught, never to do this in front of a patient. I rub some of the Herbal Vitamin E and Aloe lotion into my hands before starting on his shoulders. Once I started the massage, I my mind took over. I was no longer giving a massage to the Head Administrator, but to just another patient. This patient happened to be very hairy. I had to be careful not to pull any of the tuffs of hair as I went in deep. My thoughts were on technique and accuracy.

Then Bradford made a small sound. It wasn't a grunt or sigh, but an involuntary sound that made me for a split second stop. I continue on. Then another sound. Again, it was a small, faint noise that spoke volumes. His body was responding to the massage. He wasn't saying out loud that I was doing a good job, but his body was. "YES!!!!" I thought. Now I could continue and relax. "This is going to be a piece of Cake".

After about 10 minutes of working on his shoulders, he said "I have a few contacts at the Miami Dolphins Training Facility in Coral Springs" I just listened and continue on his back. "They are always looking for good trainers".

"Really?" I said.

"They like young guys, that are willing to work their way up the ranks and be part of the team". Bradford said.

"Sounds great, sir" I replied.

"I could put a call into my colleague Luther Timlin, about seeing if they have a position, you may be qualified for Adam"

"That would be awesome, Mr. Bradford, I really appreciate it" I said.

This was unreal! "What a wonderful break this would be" I thought.

"Damn, it's getting hot in here" Bradford said. "Turn down the A/C for me Adam". As he said this, he reached back and pulled the towel from his buttocks and lifted his head to wipe some sweat of his face. I turned down the AC and came back to continue. He had kept the towel up against his face. As I started again, I stared at his hairy buttocks. They were at one time a bubble butt. Big and round and covered with hair. Most the patients we had worked on were elderly, none built like Bradford.

I moved down to the back of his legs and thighs. As I worked, I would smile, thinking about the chance to work for the Miami Dolphins. I grew up watching the Fins every Sunday. Everyone in my family was a huge fan. To think I could actually work for them, would make me the envy of everyone I knew. I also grinned every time; Bradford would make those little involuntary sounds. I knew I was doing my job, not only well, but great!

"Ahh" he said very quietly. Then Bradford lifted himself up just a little bit and reached under to adjust his genitals. This wasn't unusual. A lot of men get a little bunch up on occasion. Bradford spread his legs apart a little and suddenly his penis and scotums were in full view. I watched the whole movement in slow motion and continued to massage his legs.

Finally 25 minutes had past and I knew I was almost complete. Bradford suddenly lifted up again and turned over. As he turned over, he rested his head back against the pillow cradle and the towel and relaxed. As I stood there, his penis was completely erect. I looked at it for a split second then looked away. I didn't want to embarrass him. And certainly didn't want him seeing me looking at it. His eyes remained shut and he had this total look of relaxation on his face. I worked on his thighs for a minute of two. Every once in awhile I would glance up at his penis. It was huge! It had to be over nine inches. " So I looked," I thought. "What guy hasn't checked out another guy to see how he compares"? The interesting part was it was uncircumcised. I had never seen one before. Although he was erect, and had that extra skin over the head, it was as if it was retracting. I was captivated by this big hairy mans penis. As I stared it would pulse and jump. I would quickly dart my eyes away as if I was caught looking. Bradford eyes remained closed. His penis had a drop of precum oozing out. I decided I needed to concentrate on my job, and my future job.

"Why is he not covering himself up?" I thought.

Bradford looked up and I thought I was finished with the massage. I looked at the floor.

Very Nice, Adam" He said. "You did a great job and appreciate your professionalism".

"Thank you, Mr. Bradford," I said.

Still lying on the table on his back, Bradford reached over and took my hand and placed it on his erect penis. As he held my hand around his penis, I looked at the door.

"Clair's at lunch Adam" he said.

He slowly stroked he held my hand and had me stroking him. I closed my eyes. I was so embarrassed.

"Use both of your hands, Adam" Bradford stated.

"Mr. Bradford... I don't think..."

"Quiet, Adam. I am going to do you a favor that many people dream of. I am going to introduce you to my friend Mr. Timlin of the Dolphins" he said.

There was an awkward silence between us.

"Use both hands," he said again.

I reached up and wrapped both my around his erection. I slowly stroked it, just the way he had a moment early.

"Open your eyes and look at me," he said.

My eyes met his and then I looked away. I looked to the uncircumcised penis that I was masturbating. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this. Never in a million years, would have I have thought this was the reason I was asked to make an appointment with Bradford. Each stroke up, the skin nearly covers the big fat head. Then each stroke down, the skin retracted and a new drop of precum appeared.

"That feels soo nice, Adam" he said. "It's a big cock isn't it, Adam". He asked.

"Yes" I answered awkwardly.

"A little faster" he requested.

"I said, faster, Adam," he said firmly.

"You like my cock, Adam?" he asked.

"Mr. Bradford, I really, ahh, I think..." I said

He interrupted me and said. "Tell me how much you like my cock! NOW"

This was the first time he raised his voice. He was showing his authority. And I knew he wasn't kidding around. His face changed from pleasure of seconds ago to irritation.

"Fuck" I thought. I was going to lose my opportunity of a chance to be a part of the Dolphins. I know there was no guarantee of a job. But in the last half hour, I had day dreamed about all the success, it could bring.

I blurted out "I like your cock". I couldn't believe I said the word "cock" in front of an adult.

"How much?" he said.

"A lot! It's a huge cock. And its uncircumcised too" I said.

"You like uncut cock, Adam" he asked.

I could do this I thought. "I like your cock, Mr. Bradford" I said. Everything I said sounded so immature.

"Good boy" he said with a wicked grin.

Bradford got up off the table and stood up in front of me. His naked hairy body was towering over me. I felt small and weak next to him. His cock, "Geez, his cock was standing straight up right in front of me. He reached out and held my chin in his big hand.

"That's very good Adam" he said.

I looked up to his eyes, trying to read what he was saying. I was confused. But I stood there not wanted him to raise his voice again like before. He moved my chin with his hand to make sure he had my attention. When he thought he didn't have it, he gave it a little shake in another direction. I would look directly into his eyes.

"Your going to be a very good boy for me aren't you Adam?" He said.

After another awkward moment of silence I answered "Yes, sir"

He smiled, and then he lean into me and kissed me while holding my chin and now my face in his hand. His kiss was forceful. The touch of his full beard against my skin tickled. He kept pushing his weight toward me until I fell back against the wall. His hand, the whole hand held me tight. So tight that I couldnt fall to the ground, even though I felt like my legs had given in. His mouth on my mine continued to explore me. His tongue came out and I knew he wanted to be inside my mouth. My mouth was shut, for a second or two, but knew if I fought him, I would get hurt. This man out weight me by 60 pounds and was 3 inches taller then me. His arms could break me in half, without trying.

My mouth opened. His tongue darted in and moved around as if it had a mind of it own. As his tongue moved from side to side, his breathing started to get heavy and I could feel him grunt into my mouth.

"AHHH" he moaned into my lungs. "Hmmm, Baby" he spoke in between his tongue swallowing. "Like that?" he said without waiting for answer. He continued for what seem like ever.

"Oh, my God" I thought. "I am a virgin, and here I am letting this man, stick his tongue in my mouth"

He was using my mouth for his pleasure. I was so embarrassed. I know my face was red! Bradford then stopped and pulled back and looked me squared in the face. He was breathing heavy as was I. He had big smile crossed his face. "Good Boy!" He said.

"Take off your clothes" This wasn't a question. It wasn't a request. It was an order!

Before I could respond, He took my chin in his hand again. His hand, told me everything I was to do. I was wearing a navy blue polo short sleeve shirt and a pair of board shorts and Teva sandals. This was the typical attire for the school. A lot of times, after classes, a bunch of us would head over to the beach. I pulled the polo shirt over my shoulder and off. I held it in my hand, while Bradford inspected me. He took his forefinger and thumb and licked them and reached out and pulled on my nipple.

"AHHHHH" I moaned as he twisted his two fingers around. "You're a very sensitive boy!" he stated.

He lean back against the table to get a good look at me. My board shorts hung very low on my narrow hips. The were so low that my blond bush was peaking out the top of the waistband.

"Turn around" he commanded.

I turned and he got a view of my butt crack showing off.

"Now that's what I call a bubble butt", He said.

He place his hand on my hips. His hands were so huge that I thought he almost could completely have his hands touch each other. He pulled me back and my bare back hit his hairy chest. The hair brushed my back and felt warm. His breath was on my back of my neck and his lips gently kissed my skin. My eyes rolled back in my head. I started to feel my cock hardening. He was whispering in my ear, how much he wanted me, how beautiful I was. I felt like that little kid sitting on my grand father's lap. As his hands were all over my hips. I heard the sound of Velcro ripping. He was pulling my shorts down! His hands were rubbing my sides and down to my butt.

"FUCK". He said!

And without notice, we spun me around and push me to my knees. My board shorts around my ankles; he pointed his huge uncut cock at me and said, "Eat it!" I looked at the big wet head up close and was stunned. His hand reached my chin and I knew I once again was being directed. I opened my mouth and had my first taste of cock. It tasted rubbery. As the skin move as it touch my tongue and lips, it had a unique texture to it. Above me I heard Bradford grunt in pleasure.

"That's it boy! Show me how much you love cock," he said. "Be very careful with your teeth"

I moved my tongue over and around the head of cock. He was starting to push his hips back and forth. He placed his hands on the back on my head guiding me and directing me to him. I had four maybe five inches of him inside me, but I couldn't take any more. Each thrust, he tried to give me more, and I would gag and spit and choke. He was persistent. He knew he wanted me to take all of it. My eyes started to water, my sinuses stated to run and I couldn't breathe. I was gasping for air. It didn't matter to Bradford; he was enjoying all the sensations of a newfound cocksucker. I gripped his hips to get some leverage for air. Finally I managed to free myself from his cock. I was coughing, choking, crying and my nose was running all at the same time. I looked up at him with my blood shot eyes and he said. "You really don't know how to suck cock very well".

Not only was I embarrassed by the situation I was in. Here I was on my knees naked sucking a 40 something year old mans cock, but he was telling me I was no good at it either. Due to all the embarrassment my cock was deflated.

"You need to breathe through your nose", He said. "But you cant do that when its running, Kid" "Your cock isn't even hard, Adam, don't you like sucking my cock? "I haven't ever..." Before I could finish my sentence, "Get up!" He demanded.

He guided me over to the massage table with my back to him. Once again, he started kissing the back on my neck, telling me he would make me happy. Telling me that he would get my cock hard. His hand on the back of my neck pushed me forward, leaning over the table. He squatted down against my butt.

"That's one hot boy cunt," he stated.

His big hands were each cheek of my butt. They were both making circular motions. He spread my cheeks apart and said "Look at that hot pink button", "Oh baby, that pucker needs attention. He rubbed his beard against my asshole. The rubbing of side to side was sending me to outer space. I never felt any sensations like this before. Then his tongue started darting and lapping at my hole. I was moaning and biting my tongue all at the same time. As he continue to tease my hole for a few minutes, my cock rose and was banging the bottom of the table. All 7.5 inches was throbbing. Every once in awhile, he would lick the underside of my balls that would drive me crazy. Bradford stood up and looked down at me. I hadn't moved. I knew he would tell me what to do.

"Get me that Herbal Lotion," he said.

I look back and saw him stroking his cock slowly and staring at my ass. I said, "Let me suck your cock again".

His eyes never left my ass. "Get me that Herbal Lotion," he said again.

"I will be better this time". I said. "Let me try"

"Get me that Herbal Lotion," he now demanded.

There was no way to discourage him. I walked over to the counter and picked up the lotion and brought it back to him. He spurted the lotion into his hands and then back to his cock. My mind was racing to think of a way to divert his attention off of my ass. His eyes were like lasers. They had found the target and there was no turning back. He didn't speak; he just pushed me back to the position of bending over the table.

"Mr. Bradford" I said.

"Not a word, boy" he hissed.

Then once again his hands were on my hips. His thumps were parting my butt cheeks. And he was aiming his huge 9.5 uncut cock at my hole. His cock was greased with lotion, but I knew this was going to be painful. The head of his monster cock was pressed against my hole. His eyes were glued to it. Any words I could speak would have gone unheard. He was in another zone. He started to rock back and forth, trying to push his head inside. I tried to clamp shut.

"That's it! Fight Me," He whispered.

He kept pushing the head, but it wasn't going to go in. I was winning! I was a runner, a biker, and a surfer. I had strong legs; I knew I could keep him out. He would give up. He was persistent that's for sure. I kept hearing him grunt and make comments how tight I was and how I was going to love this. I knew he was mistaken. I was in control now.

"God Damn it" He shouted. It was over, I won! I won! I relaxed for a second and just then he shoved once again and he was in. "UGHHH!!!" I cried. And with 1 long stroke he pushed and pushed until he reached my cherry. His hands dug into my hips as he started fucking me.

"Oh my God, he IS fucking me. I am being FUCKED," I thought.

He pounded and pounded as I cried out for him to please stop! He didn't hear a single word. He wasn't even in the room any more. He was in another place that I couldn't communicate with him. I was begging him to please stop. His huge, thick cock was tearing apart my ass. My hard-on from the ass licking he gave me moments ago was long gone. I was praying for this to all end.

"Baby Boy, Here comes my Baby Batter". He cried out and he dumped his load of hot seed into me. He collapsed on top of me. His hairy sweaty body engulfed all of me. He was breathing so hard on top of me, he still hadn't heard my low crying.

We were lying still together for a few minutes. I was in such pain; I didn't want either of us to move for fear it would hurt even more. Then he slowly started to pull out of me. It seemed like forever until all of him was out. I stayed still.

"Get up" he said.

I turned and looked up at him. Our eyes met, again. I thought he was going to kiss me again.

"Get moving!! Your late for your class" he said coldly.

May I use the bathroom?" I asked. My body felt like it was all torn in pieces.

"I said you're late for class, have Clair make another appointment for you tomorrow" he said.

Stunned, I picked up my clothes and put them on without using the bathroom. I felt dirty and used. And now I had to speak to Clair on my way out. As I reached the door, Bradford said "Tomorrow, we will call Mr. Timlin at the Dolphins Training Facility"

I looked at him blankly then turned and walked out.

I wonder how good this is. Let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 2

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