Next Window Please

By Garrett Sparks

Published on Oct 4, 2000


Hello readers! Well, there is bad news and good news...the bad news is, I think I am going to "end" this story after part 25...I just think JC and Lance are in such a happy place that there's only so much they can do now...I'm sure I could come up with situations to throw them in, but I want to explore other things, which leads me to my good news. I'm going to start a new story, which will be a continuation of these guys lives, but will focus on some of the other characters (namely Drew and Joey)...of course I still intend to devote some time to Lance and JC, since they are my favorites! Stay tuned for more info in the next chapter. And thanks to everyone who has been so supportive of the story thus far...please send me feedback!

You know it's coming...if this isn't legal for you to read - go away. I also make no claims on anyone's sexuality in this story - this is all made up, as I do not know them personally and their private lives are just that - private. Enjoy!

Chapter 23 - There is no me without you

Lance was awakened to the sounds of shouting coming from the living room. He turned over in the bed and didn't see JC. As he slowly became more alert, he realized the voices were JC and Justin. He scrambled out of bed, pulled on some sweat pants and ran out into the living room, where JC was sitting on the couch while Justin paced around the room.

They both looked up at him as he came in. Justin, who clearly livid, turned to Josh, "Have you told him yet?"

Lance was confused and curious as to what Justin meant, but a little scared about hearing it. Whatever Josh had said had upset him greatly and he wasn't sure he needed something else to deal with now that everything seemed to finally be going right in his life.

Lance looked at JC, who was clad in a T-shirt and a pair of Lance's boxers, "What do you need to tell me?"

Justin stopped pacing and laughed, "Oh nothing really. It's just that your boyfriend made out with my girlfriend and neglected to tell either one of us!"

Lance was frozen. This couldn't be true. First of all, he didn't believe JC would cheat on him and second, JC didn't like girls. Of course, he had been with women before and maybe he got so mad when he found out about the kiss with Drew that he went off and did something to get even. Lance was trying not to think too much, especially since he didn't have all the details, but he couldn't help it. He was hurt and angry and perplexed.

Still, he managed to ask, "When did this happen?"

Justin said nothing, but JC stood up and went to Lance, "Last year".

Suddenly, Lance felt a wave of relief. This had happened before he and Josh had gotten together. Sure, he wish he had told him, but he wasn't really mad anymore. And, honestly, Justin shouldn't have been too upset, but J had a temper something fierce and he didn't like to be kept in the dark about things.

Lance saw the sad puppy-dog look on his lover's face and pulled him into a hug, "It's okay. I'm not mad. I wish you had told me, though".

JC whispered into Lance's shoulder where he set his head, "I just didn't want to make things awkward with anyone."

Justin looked over and was disgusted, "I'm so glad you can forgive him Lance, because this is wrong."

Lance let go of JC and went to his curly-headed friend, "Look, J, it's ancient history and it's not like they were seriously dating or it was a regular thing," and turning to JC, "right?"

JC nodded and Lance turned back to Justin, "Josh is your best friend. Do you think he would ever do anything to purposely hurt you?"

Justin lowered his head, "Naw, I guess not".

Lance lifted Justin's chin, "Look, man. It's all good. I've seen Britney around you. She's really into you."

Justin smiled, "I know. I was just taken by surprise, that's all. I let my temper get the best of me".

Justin went over to JC, "Forgive me, bro?"

JC smiled and joked, "Only if you give me a big kiss!" Justin smirked and leaned in, planting a big one on JC. JC backed up and pushed Justin. All the guys laughed for a few minutes. Just then, Joey walked in the room, "What's going on?"

Lance looked at the others, "I swear Joey, you could sleep through an earthquake".

The guys laughed again while Joey stared at them, confused. Justin went to him to explain things, while JC and Lance returned to the bedroom. JC stripped off his clothes and headed to the bathroom. He looked over at Lance, "You gonna join me?"

Lance, who was laying on the bed, rolled onto his stomach and faced JC, "So, how did it happen?"

JC sighed and wrapped a towel around his naked body. He sat down next to Lance and began rubbing his back, "It's stupid really. You remember the MTV Awards last year?"

"Of course. I was there," Lance commented.

JC continued, "Well, you know we all partied afterwards and I got a little tipsy and Britney offered to take me back to the hotel in her limo?"

Lance remembered the event, "You don't have to go on. I can figure out what happened next".

JC stared out the window, "It was just kissing and stuff. I was really upset and wouldn't tell her why and she tried to comfort me".

Lance sat up, "Why were you upset?"

JC smiled, "I was upset about you," Lance asked why and JC replied, "Well, you were there with your date".

Lance interrupted, "You mean Julie? She's like one of my best friends from high school".

JC nodded, "I know, but when I saw you dancing with her, and that mixed with the alcohol, just sent me into a funk. Remember I was in love with you".

Lance got up and pulled off his sweat pants. He stood in front of JC, who leaned in and rested his head against Lance's bare torso. Lance rubbed his head, "Well, that's all in the past and you won't ever have to worry about me not wanting you".

JC rose up and pressed his body into Lance's. Lance kissed him, "How did this whole thing start anyway?"

JC kissed him back, "We were watching the umpteenth rerun of the awards show and Britney's act came up and I made some comment about her tongue. You know she does that thing with her tongue when she's singing? Well, we started talking about things and it kinda came up. I don't even know really what preceded it specifically".

Lance kissed JC to stop him from talking, "I'm glad it's out in the open".

JC ran his hands down Lance's back, stopping just short of his butt, "I'm glad you came in and talked some sense into Curly".

Lance brushed his hand against JC's chest hair, "Well, I had to. Chris is coming home today and all he needs is you guys fighting." Lance pinched JC's nipple, causing JC to lightly bite his lip. Lance felt his boyfriend hardening between them, which made him do the same. He smiled at JC, "You know, I think I will join you in that shower".

JC grabbed Lance's hand and pulled him into the bathroom. JC switched on the shower and in a minute, the whole room was filled with steam. Lance felt the moisture begin to stick to him body as he followed Josh into the shower stall.

The warm water cascaded over their bodies and soon they were both totally wet. Lance gLanced down and noticed JC was still semi-hard and he wanted to make sure he stayed aroused. JC reached over Lance's shoulder for the shampoo and Lance seized the opportunity to softly kiss JC's neck. JC backed away and shook his finger, "We need to clean up a little first".

Lance kissed JC again, "But, we're just gonna get dirty again".

JC put some shampoo on his hands and began rubbing them through Lance's hair. Lance felt a tingling sensation as his lover caressed his scalp slowly, working up a foamy lather. Lance never thought something so routine could be so sensual, but he soon found himself fully aroused and this wasn't lost on JC, who lowered his soapy hand down to Lance's cock and slowly began stroking it.

Lance protested, "I thought we had to get clean first".

JC shrugged, "I changed my mind. But, you do need to do my hair".

Lance got some shampoo and put it on JC's head. JC was taller and Lance told him to lean down some. JC complied and slowly dropped to his knees. As Lance began to work in the shampoo, he felt JC move closer to his crotch and soon, the hot wet shower water that was on his penis, was replaced by the warm lips of JC's mouth. Lance felt his knees go weak as JC surrounded his shaft and began sucking him. Lance tried to finish washing JC's hair, but he was too aroused to concentrate and he placed his hands on the walls of the stall to steady himself.

JC sucked for a while longer and Lance felt himself getting close to orgasm. Lance's cock swelled slightly and JC suddenly backed off. He stood up, the remnants of the shampoo dripping down his chest and pulled Lance into a kiss. Lance hungrily took JC's tongue into his mouth, passionately kissing him. Lance worked his way up to JC's ear, sending the boy into a frenzy.

As Lance suckled his ear, JC reached over and grabbed the washcloth and soap. He reached around and began lathering Lance's back, making sure to rub his butt as well. Lance moved down, sucking on JC's neck. JC nearly dropped the soap, but managed to hold on as he took one slick finger and pressed it against Lance's hole. Lance moaned and but down on JC's neck, showing he was pleased.

JC inserted the finger, causing Lance to sway his head back. JC leaned in and kissed Lance on the front of his neck. Lance's hand found it's way to JC's cock and when JC pulled way, Lance turned around, grinding his ass into JC's crotch. Lance grabbed the soap from JC and worked a froth into his hands. He reached behind to lubricate JC's cock. JC moaned as the slippery hands rubbed his swollen member.

Lance leaned forward and guided JC's penis into his awaiting hole. JC slowly entered, sending a wave of intense pleasure through Lance. The pain he had felt previously barely registered this time as JC shoved himself in to Lance all the way to the root. Lance felt the tingle of JC's pubic hair as his lover began grinding his pelvis.

Lance dropped the soap, causing a loud thud on the floor. This caused JC to momentarily stop, but once he saw everything was okay, he continued. Lance, who was now facing the glass door of the shower, could see his reflection in the mirror over the sink. Most of it was fogged up, but part of it still was clear enough for him to see the look of extreme delight on his face as JC pounded into him from behind. He closed his eyes as JC's movements became more rhythmic. He felt JC's hand reach around and take Lance's dick into his fist, slowly stroking it like before.

Lance almost shot his load right there, but held out. He wanted to come when JC did and he knew he wasn't ready yet. Lance threw his head back and JC leaned in so they could kiss each other. It was a little awkward, but Lance wanted to taste JC's sweet kisses as he fucked him.

Soon, JC started speeding up and Lance returned to his own approaching orgasm, letting it come full force this time. Soon, he felt his climax rush through him as his come sprayed the wall of the shower. JC was still pumping, but a few seconds later, Lance felt his lover's jizz coat his insides. JC's knees buckled and he leaned on Lance as he orgasm subsided.

The two stood there, their breathing labored, for a few moments, before JC slipped out. Lance turned around and grabbed the washcloth. He began cleaning up his lover, who looked spent. The two finished washing up, Lance making sure to clean to shower door. They held each other for several minutes, Lance taking in the scent of JC's clean skin. Soon, the water started getting cold, so they exited the shower and dried off.

They went into the bedroom and stared getting dressed. As they finished, there was a knock. It was Joey, who called out, "Hey guys! You done screwing in there? Cause Chris is on his way up!"

JC looked over at Lance and smiled, "We gotta be more quiet!"

Lance finished buttoning up his shirt and went to JC, "There is no way I can be quiet when you're in me".

JC cocked an eyebrow, "Well, I guess I'll just have to stop".

Lance grabbed him, "Like hell you will!" JC laughed and Lance pulled his close, "God, I love you so much".

"You know I do too," JC replied as he kissed Lance.

Chris still looked pretty sickly when he came in, followed by his mom. She looked tired too, but Lance figured she probably hadn't had much sleep in the last couple of days. Lance offered her a drink, but she refused, "No thanks. I actually have to catch a flight back in a couple of hours. I just wanted to make sure Chris got settled in okay".

Chris was led to his bedroom, where he immediately passed out. Mrs. Kirkpatrick explained that he was still drugged up and would have to sleep it off. Joey and JC dragged Chris' limp body under the covers.

Chris' mom kissed her son on the forehead and Lance walked her to the door, "Dani is coming up on Friday to see him. Until then, he's all yours. Thanks for your help".

Lance smiled at Mrs. Kirkpatrick, who leaned in, "Can I ask you something Lance?"

"Sure, what's up?" Lance replied.

Chris' mom opened the door, "Chris muttered something to me and I was just wondering if it was true. He said something about you and Joshua being a couple. Is that true?"

Lance sighed, not sure what to say or how she would react. So, he simply told her the truth, "Yes, ma'am. We're dating".

Mrs. Kirkpatrick smiled, "Interesting. I always figured you would end up with Joey. But, you two do make a cute couple," and with that she walked out of the door, waving good-bye. Lance shut the door and shook his head, grinning.

JC came up behind and put his arms around Lance. Lance relished the hug for a second, before turning around, "So, what are our plans for today?"

JC eyed Chris' door, "We have nurse duty. We're splitting up the time and Joey's got a lunch date with Drew and J's dad is in town for the day. So, I told them we'd take the early shift," JC saw Lance's disappointed expression, "Well, it should make us free tonight to spend some quality time together without having to worry about being interrupted."

Lance smiled. It wasn't that he didn't want to take care of Chris - he loved the guy and would do anything for him - but, he wanted to spend as much time with Josh as possible, since he knew once the tour started, their relationship would not be the primary focus for either of them. But, he guessed he would be with JC, even if it meant staying in. So, he hugged JC close, "That's great. But, I refuse to wear a candy-striper outfit!"

It turned out that there really wasn't much to do. Besides giving him his medicine every four hours, the guys just left Chris pretty much alone. This first shift was good, because he was still sleeping off the drugs and he had no real appetite. So, he slept and JC and Lance sat in the living room Lance reclined in JC's lap, watching TV.

There wasn't anything on, so Lance switched off the TV and turned to face JC, "I'm bored. Let's do something".

JC brushed a hair off of Lance's cheek, "What can we do hon? We're stuck here until dinnertime".

Lance got up and went to the kitchen. He opened a drawer and pulled out a deck of cards. JC whined, "You know I hate card games! I suck at them".

Lance sat down on the other side of the coffee table, "Well, then, it'll be fun for me when I take all your clothes".

JC's eyes opened wide, "You wanna play strip poker?"

Lance shook his head, "Don't really know poker all that well. I thought we could play Strip Go-Fish."

JC laughed, "You're kidding? How would that work?" Lance thought, "Well, everytime someone gets a pair, the other person has to take something off. How's that sound?"

JC scooted onto the floor, "Sure, but you must know I was the Chasez Family Go Fish Champion for three years running".

Lance started shuffling, "I thought you said you sucked at these games?"

JC replied, "Well, those three years were from age 9-11. It's been awhile."

Lance started dealing and the game began. Immediately, JC had a pair in his hand and tossed it down on the table. Lance frowned and pulled off his shoe. He was suddenly glad he had put them on.

The game continued and JC seemed to be getting pair after pair. In less than ten minutes, Josh had 11 pairs to Lance's two. Lance was down to only his boxers. And as JC pulled another card from the deck, Lance saw on his face what was about to happen. JC smirked and tossed a pair of twos on the table and loudly emoted, "Time to pay the piper, nudeboy!"

Lance threw his cards on the table, "This isn't fair!"

JC reached across the table and grabbed Lance's hand, "Come on. You know you wanna show me".

Lance did love taking off his clothes in front of JC and he rose up. JC held up his hand, "Wait. I think you need some mood music". He ran to the stereo and switched it to a blues station. Lance shot JC an ugly gLance. JC giggled and pointed to his lover, "Now, dance I said!"

Lance did like to be naked in front of JC, but he didn't like to dance around him by himself. Still, he was getting into the idea upon seeing JC's intense gaze and knowing how much he wanted it. Lance began swaying his hips around, which JC laughed at. Lance was slightly offended until he gLanced at himself in the mirror over the fireplace. He did look kind of silly in his Mickey Mouse boxers, shaking his bon bon.

Still, Lane tried to remain serious and turned back to JC. He made his way over to the floor lamp in the corner and began using it as a pole. This caused JC to burst out laughing even harder and Lance gave up any sembLance of seriousness. He began riding the lamp and soon made his way to the couch. He jumped on it and started shaking his crotch in JC's face. JC reached into his pocket and pulled out a dollar bill, which he shoved down Lance's boxers. Of course, it fell right through them and onto the floor.

Lance jumped down and got on all fours. He bent down and picked up the dollar with his teeth. He turned around and growled at JC, who was now rolling on the floor. Lance spit out the dollar and crawled over to JC and began humping him like a dog. JC was laughing so hard, Lance was afraid he would pee in his pants.

So, Lance backed off and stood up. JC sat up also, tears running down his face. Lance continued his faux-erotic dancing and reached a hand down to his waistband. He lowered it slightly, revealing his hips to JC, who began hooting and hollering at him. Lance turned around and lowered his underwear slowly, revealing his butt. Soon, he had them all the way down to his knees and he bent over, mooning JC.

Suddenly, he heard a noise from across the room and he swung around to see Chris standing there, a dazed expression on his face. Lance quickly pulled up his pants. JC switched off the music and Chris just stood there, staring at them. Finally, he muttered, "Please tell me it's the medicine".

JC went over to Chris while Lance got dressed, "Is everything okay buddy?"

Chris responded, "Nope, I just wanted some water".

JC sat Chris down on the sofa, "Well, I'll get it for you. Just relax." He went into the kitchen as Lance finished dressing and sat down.

Chris just smiled at him, "Nice ass, Scoop".

Lane blushed as JC returned with the water. Chris downed it and stood up, "Well, back to bed. You two may continue your reenactment of 'Showgirls'".

Chris returned to his room. JC sat down next to Lance. Lance sighed, "Enough of the card games".

JC squeezed Lance, "Yep, but you still owe me a full monty, hon".

Lance turned to him, "Oh don't worry. You'll get that and a lot more tonight".

They sat in silence and JC turned to Lance, "Do you ever think we do it too much?"

Lance sat up, "You mean sex?"

JC nodded, "I mean we always do it at least once a day and usually more than that".

Lance hadn't given it much thought. He liked it so much, and he always craved it. But, he knew what JC meant and tried to explain, "Well, it's not all about sex, you know. I mean, sure I love making love with you, but it's not because I get off. It's because I get to be close to you. I get to share something with you that no one else does. That's pretty special to me."

JC felt secure and leaned back into Lance's chest. Lance kissed the top of his head, "I love that I'm the only one."

JC sat up and deadpanned, "Yep. You and Britney".

Lance pushed JC off the couch, "You prick! Better not let J hear you say that".

JC got up on his knees and faced Lance, resting his head in his lap, "I'm kidding! You know you're the only one for me".

Lance knew it and as he caressed JC's hair, he smiled. He knew what they had was right. He knew all that really mattered was his love for JC and vice-versa. And he knew it would last forever.

I know not much happened, but I am still kinda proud of this chapter...I just like the writing (is that too egotistical?)...anyway, stay tuned for more stories and write me!

Next: Chapter 22

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