Next Window Please

By Garrett Sparks

Published on Sep 15, 2000


Okay, after the sad stuff, this is a pretty happy chapter. Please send the comments - and thanks to all those that have been writing me - it's great!

You know the rules - please read this only if it's legal and this story is fiction - so nothing here applies to real life. Enjoy!

Chapter 17 - My lovelight burns for (him) alone

"What's wrong, Joe?"

Lance walked up to Joey, who was sitting by himself at one of the tables at the deli down the street from the theater they had been rehearsing in. It was the kind of rehearsal that Lance liked. They were performing on the Latin Grammys and not only did they not have any dancing involved, they actually only had to sing some of their latest song, "This I Promise You". Of course, they were singing it in Spanish, but they had already shot a version of the video in that language and they had practiced getting the pronunciation right for many hours. Lance had taken a few years of the language in school, but for the most part, the words were new to him. Lance was glad he only sang harmony and not the lead.

It was the morning of the show and they were doing the basic run-through of performances. Lance was standing next to Joey on stage (they put Josh way on the other end of the group) and he noticed that he missed some of the words and wasn't concentrating as hard as usual. If there was one thing Joey was, it was dedicated to getting things right. But, today he seemed like he didn't care.

Afterwards, Lance had asked him is something was wrong, but Joey shoved him off and told him no. Lance, as usual, pressed it and Joey threw a fit, storming off the stage. Lance groaned at this, since the last thing he wanted was drama. For the last few days, things had been great with JC and the other guys seemed to be acting just as normal.

But now that he looked back on it, Lance had noticed Joey was a little more withdrawn than usual. His wisecracks were less frequent and should have been a major indication that something wasn't kosher.

But, Lance had been so happy and relieved to be on good terms with JC again, he had sort of neglected the others. Not that they had noticed. Chris' girlfriend, Dani had come with them to LA and he was busy `entertaining' her. And Justin spent more and more time with Britney lately, so he was hardly ever in the hotel. She was going on a publicity tour in a few days and so Just had wanted to spend as much time with her as possible. They truly were acting like a couple now.

So, it shouldn't have surprised Lance that Joey would be on edge; but he had no clue why. So, he gave him a few minutes after the blowout and followed him to the place he knew he would head: a restaurant.

Joey looked up when Lance approached him, but returned to his milkshake and mumbled, "Nothing. Just leave me alone".

Lance ignored his friend and pulled up a chair, "Now, come on, tell Uncle Lansten what he can do for you".

Joey looked up and smiled, "I'm sorry I snapped back there. I'm having an off day".

"I can tell," Lance commented, "But, you've been down all week. What's up?"

Joey sipped his shake, "So, you noticed? I didn't think anyone had."

Lance was figuring it out. The other guys had been spending most of their free time with their significant others this week, somewhat leaving Joey in the cold.

Joey confirmed these suspicions, "It's just that you have Josh, and Chris has Dani and now J and Britney are becoming an item, it kinda makes me realize I don't have that. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you guys, it's just weird, ya know?"

Lance nodded, "Look, I'm sorry if we've been neglecting you. It's just that Josh and me have been on thin ice for awhile and we need to work on us".

Joey shook it off, "I know and that's fine. I'm not mad or anything. But, like I said, it just makes me want to be with someone".

Lance patted his friend on the shoulder, "I'm sure you'll find the right girl, buddy".

Joey lowered his head and sighed, "Can I tell you something in strict confidence?"

Lance replied, "Absolutely".

Joey stared at him, "This means you can't tell Josh either, okay?"

Lance crossed his heart with his hand and faced Joey, who took a big swig of his drink, "Well, the thing is I do want to find the right person someday, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a girl".

Lance sat back, amazed. Was Joey coming out to him? "Are you saying you're bi?"

Joey nodded and looked around to see if someone had heard, "Yeah, I think I am".

Lance put his hand on Joey's and squeezed, "That's cool that you told me. But, is this something new or have you known for awhile?"

Joey spoke, "Well, I've always had inklings towards guys. But, I liked girls too, so I just dismissed them. But, when you and Josh came out and then got together, it made me think about things and I realized I like guys".

Lance asked, "You don't like Josh or me, do you?"

Joey shook his head, "Oh no! It's not like that - I think of you guys - all of you - like my brothers. It's totally not sexual. What I meant was seeing two guys together made me realize I kinda like that idea".

"But, when Johnny asked us if anyone was that way, you totally denied it," Lance questioned.

Joey responded, "He asked if anyone was gay, so I didn't lie, right?"

Lance smiled, "Is there anyone you have a thing for?"

"No," Joey responded, "I mean there's some hot guys out there, but no one specific."

Lance sat there for a minute, "Well, we'll just have to help you find someone".

Joey replied sternly, "I appreciate that, but I'm not ready to tell the others yet. I just had to tell someone though or I would explode. But, I need to think before I go public with this, okay?"

"Whatever you want, Joe. I just appreciate the fact that you feel you could confide in me".

Joey laughed and stroked his beard, "Well, I felt I owed you the truth after I yelled at you".

Lance told Joey that he shouldn't worry about it and that he would handle any questions about Joey's attitude, without letting anything spill. He was secretly worried about keeping this from JC. He had barely escaped losing his trust and didn't want to lie to him. But, he just hoped that Josh wouldn't probe too deep (at least not with the questions).

Lance got up, "We'd better head back. You ready?"

Joey finished his shake and stood up, "Yep, let's go make some music".

The show went off smoothly. NYSYNC did their thing, and Son by 4 came back out and joined them for the end of the song. Afterwards, everyone went out and the guys didn't get back to their hotel until well after 2 in the morning. Lance was exhausted and collapsed on the bed as soon as he walked in the room. He slid his shoes off and as he fell asleep, he felt the moistness of JC's lips on the back of his neck. He smiled as sleep overcame him.

The next morning, everyone slept in late. They had until Monday to do whatever they wanted, then it was back to the rehearsal grind. JC and Lance decided this would be there time to get away and while Lance packed their things, JC went out to make some arrangements. He had an idea of where he wanted to go, but he wouldn't tell Lance. Lance, not the biggest fan of surprises, let his boyfriend play games, knowing wherever they went would be fine, as long as they were with each other.

Lance finished packing and wandered out into the living room. It was quiet, as Justin had stayed with Britney and Chris and Dani had flown back to her house to spend the weekend. Joey sat alone on the couch, flipping channels.

Lance plopped down next to him, "You sure you don't want to come with us, Joe?" he asked. JC had, of course, asked what was up with Joey and Lance, not lying, had said that Joey was lonely and nothing else. Lance mentioned that he wanted to invite Joey along and JC, although not keen on the idea, went along with it after Lance's pleaded for an hour. Lance did want to keep Joey's spirits up, but secretly hoped he would say no, since he wanted to be alone with Josh. And, Joey was no fool. He immediately said no.

Joey turned to MTV, which was showing Sisqo's Shakedown and smirked, "I told you no. I have no intention of being a third wheel and I know you don't want me there. But, I do appreciate the thought".

There was a knock at the door and Lance got up to get it. He opened it to face Drew Lachay.

"Drew! What are you doing here?" Lance asked. He had not spoken to Drew since that night and had no idea he was in LA too.

Drew smiled, "Well, we were doing a benefit show at Universal and I sorta called around to see where you were. I hope you don't mind".

Lance was unsure what to think. He wasn't real happy at the thought of JC coming back to find them together, but he didn't want to be rude. After all, Drew really hadn't done anything wrong. So, Lance stepped aside and showed Drew in. He guided him to the living area. "Drew, I believe you know Joey Fatone here".

Joey got up and the moment he looked at Drew, Lance could almost feel the sparks between them. Drew paused, smiled and extended his hand, "Yeah, it's been awhile though since we've talked. I saw you at the VMAs"

Joey stuttered, "Yeah, I'm sorry I wasn't more friendly then."

Drew held Joey's hand firm, "Well, you had plenty of girls to keep you occupied".

Joey released his hand and came back to Earth, "Yeah, well they didn't mean a thing to me, I swear. Look, I'll leave you two alone," he walked out of the room, never taking his eyes off of Drew. He almost bumped into the wall, but caught himself and quickly exited.

Drew and Lance sat down. Drew looked nervous, but Lance broke the ice, "I wanted to apologize again for the other night. I was way out of line".

Drew stepped in, "Well, I probably was encouraging you more than I should have. I did - I do find you attractive and I guess that got the better of me. But, I wouldn't have ever let it go anywhere. I can't be the other man".

Lance laughed, "I'm glad, because I want to be friends, Drew. If it doesn't piss of Josh too much".

Drew looked up, "So, you told him about the kiss?"

Lance nodded, "And I took full responsibility for it. But, he forgave me".

Drew stood up, "Well, maybe I shouldn't be here. I would hate to complicate things."

Lance stopped him, "No, it's okay. I know Josh and he'll be fine," he hoped.

"Well, I wanted to make sure you were okay, what with the kid deal and all..."

Lance broke in, "Long story, but the kid isn't his".

Drew looked genuinely glad, "That's good."

The guys sat down again. Finally, Drew commented, "I forgot how cute he was up close".

"Who?" Lance asked, knowing full well whom he meant.

"Joey...does he - you know?" Drew shyly asked.

Lance wondered what he should do. He didn't want to out Joey, even to Drew, so he coyly responded, "Like boys? You'll have to ask him, Drew".

Just then, Joey emerged from his room and walked by the guys. Lance called to him and he turned around, "Where are you going?"

Joey glanced at Drew and then back at Lance, "I was going to do some shopping".

Lance figured out his plan and stood up, "Well, I think Drew - didn't you say you needed some new clothes. Maybe he could join you?" Lance was being blunt, but he didn't out Joey - not really.

Besides, Joey appreciated it and began beaming, "Is that true, because I would love some company."

Drew stood up and got his bearings. Lance glared at him and Drew finally caught on, "Oh yeah. I definitely could use some new clothes. Thanks for reminding me Lance". He walked by Lance, and smiled at him. He went to Joey and Joey opened the door just as JC walked in.

JC's smiled suddenly faded upon seeing Drew, but he tried to remain neutral and spoke to him, "Drew. What a surprise. What are you doing here?"

His tone was a little accusatory, but Lance fully understood. Still, he wanted to do damage control and walked up, "Drew came by to make sure things were okay and now he is going shopping with Joey".

JC was confused slightly and Lance realized he might get those probing questions about Joey he had avoided earlier. But, JC's demeanor changed and he smiled at Joey, "Sounds like fun. You two have a good time".

Joey and Drew said good-bye and walked out of the door. JC went up and pulled Lance into a kiss. Lance was now the confused one and JC spoke, "Joey told me this morning before I headed out. He said he didn't want you to have to lie to me".

Lance was a little angry Joey had said nothing, but realized he didn't really have the time to tell him. Lance followed JC, who was heading into the bedroom, "So you aren't mad I didn't tell you?"

JC began grabbing the luggage, "Nope, you promised him - I'm okay with that. And as for the Drew thing, I'm not mad about that either. I trust you, Lance."

Lance felt warmth in his heart and went to JC, kissing him. JC smiled, "That's great, but grab a bag so we can get going".

"Where are we headed?" Lance asked as he got the other suitcase.

JC winked, said nothing and walked out of the room. Lance shook his head and followed JC, unsure of what lay ahead.

JC had rented a car - much like the one they drove in 'Bye, Bye, Bye' video. As they sped up the California coastline, Lance glanced over at JC and thought how lucky he was to have someone so caring, so forgiving, so hot.

He placed his hand on Josh's thigh and squeezed it lightly. JC turned around and smiled at him. He was wearing sunglasses, so Lance couldn't see his eyes and he suddenly longed to look at them up close. He wanted to make love to JC so bad right then, but knew he would have to wait some.

Still, he was curious, "Are we there yet?" The truth was, they had only been on the road for half an hour, but he hoped they weren't going to far.

JC said nothing, but kept driving. Lance turned away and looked out the window. The sun was high over the ocean, which they were parallel with and he marveled at the beauty of the glare it cast on the pale green water below.

"You know Lance, the water reminds me of your eyes," Lance turned back to JC, who was grinning at him. "The green tint, not to mention how calming it can be. Every time I look in your eyes, I just feel so relaxed all over".

Lance returned his hand to JC's thigh, "I intend to make you real relaxed tonight".

JC pulled the car off and exit and Lance suddenly had a feeling of deja vu.

He had definitely been to this area before, but he couldn't quite place it.

As JC pulled into a small white beach house a few minutes later, Lance finally remembered. This house was the place the guys stayed when they were in town for the VMAs last year. They had rented it for a little R&R while they sorted through some of the legal crap they were dealing with. Lance would just sit on the porch, staring at the ocean for hours. It was so tranquil and he remembered how he had gushed about it and how sad he was to leave.

JC turned off the car, "I called the owners and it was available for the weekend".

Lance leaned over the gearshift and kissed JC, "I loved being here last year".

JC opened his door, "I know. And lucky for you it's the off-season or I would've never gotten it on such short notice."

Lance climbed out of the car and walked to the trunk with JC. JC began removing the bags and Lance grabbed him and pulled him close, "I would be happy anywhere with you, as long as we were alone".

They stood there for a few minutes, kissing before heading inside. The house was pretty much as he remembered it: tacky furniture and knick-knacks, but the breeze coming from the water was refreshing and he couldn't get enough of the salty sea air.

Lance made his way to the porch and stood for a minute, staring at the beach. JC joined him a minute later and handed him a glass of champagne. Lance took it and asked, "Isn't it a little early for this?"

JC held up his glass, "I just wanted to make a toast to this new phase of our relationship - may these be the happiest days ahead for us".

Lance ticked his glass against JC's and repeated, "The happiest days".

That evening was pretty romantic - JC had thought of everything. They began the evening with some Chinese take-out. Josh had set up a little picnic on the beach by the house and with the breeze from the ocean, the air was just right, if not a little chilly. But, this only gave Lance more reason to snuggle close to JC. The beach was deserted and Lance didn't fear any intruders and frankly he didn't care.

They sat there, in each other's arms and watched the sunset, before JC got up, "You wanna take a little stroll?"

Lance nodded and JC helped him up. They removed their shoes and began heading down the shore, hand-in-hand. After a little while, they returned to the house, sandy and salty. Lance suggested a shower and was obvious that he had more devious intentions than just getting clean, but JC told him no and that he should just have a seat on the couch. Lance knew something good was coming and obeyed.

Lance was so relaxed and found himself on the brink of falling asleep. But, before he could doze off, an arm came from behind him, and began to caress his chest. Lance looked up and found JC standing there in nothing but his birthday suit. Lance immediately sprang to attention and got up. Lance began to speak, but JC put a finger over his mouth to shush him. Lance seized the opportunity and opened his mouth, taking in JC's finger. He began to suckle it and noticed that Josh was getting aroused.

JC spun around and Lance released the finger. JC grabbed Lance's hand and led him to the bathroom. He opened the door and Lance was overcome with emotion at what he saw. The room was lit with candles and soft music was playing on a radio on the counter. The bathtub was filled up and bubbling over with suds. JC looked at Lance and slowly undressed him. Lance was fully erect and as JC lowered his boxers, he brushed past his penis, sending a chill up Lance's spine.

The two went to the tub and Lance climbed in. JC got in behind him and Lance laid back in his arms, feeling the warm water envelop his body. He could feel JC's erection pressing into his back, which only excited him more.

JC removed a sponge from the tub rim and began scrubbing Lance's chest. The rhythmic moves caused Lance to get even more aroused and he wanted JC so bad he could taste him. JC continued scrubbing Lance, making sure to not touch his penis, because if he did, Lance was sure he would come right there.

After 15 minutes or so of relaxing, JC stopped his spongewash and began to grind into Lance's back. Lance heard JC's breath escape his lips in a short gasp and he knew exactly what his boyfriend wanted.

Lance climbed out of the tub and grabbed a towel. He helped JC up and they got out of the tub. Lance began to dry off Josh and made sure to carefully pat his throbbing cock. JC then did the same for Lance, but when he had finished drying Lance's penis, he opened his lips and wrapped them around Lance's swollen member. Lance gasped and grabbed the counter to steady himself as the ecstasy overcame him.

JC began moving his mouth up and down Lance's cock, sending a shudder through the blonde. Lance could feel himself getting close and warned JC, but JC refused to move and in a second, Lance felt his orgasm explode, sending waves of come down JC's throat. After his dick had stopped spasming, JC released it from his mouth and stood up.

"Having fun yet?" he joked.

Lance caught his breath and kissed JC, tasting the salty remains of his jizz in his lover's mouth. He looked at JC and smiled, "I like this take charge attitude of yours, but now it's my turn".

This intrigued JC and Lance led him into the bedroom, where he promptly laid him on his back. He went to his bag and pulled out a bottle of lubricant and a condom. He went back to the bed and JC reached for the rubber, but Lance pushed his hand away. He opened up the packet and placed it on the tip of JC's cock head. He had read how some people put them on with his mouth, but he wasn't about ready to try that, so he just slowly rolled it down, making sure to use his whole fist to surround the cock. JC moaned as Lance finished putting it on and reached for the lube.

He put some lube on his fingers and gently pushed them into his ass. When he felt good and ready, he climbed on top of Josh, and positioned his ass over JC's cock. He gently lowered himself down on top of the penis and guided it into his aching hole. The pain quickly gave way to the pleasure and soon Lance could feel JC's balls pressed against his butt and he knew JC was all the way in.

JC's face was that of pure bliss as Lance began moving up and down on JC's pole. JC grabbed Lance's dick and began stroking it as Lance sped up the rhythm. Lance was fully hard again and even though he had just come, he could feel that he was on the verge of shooting another load.

"Oh, God, I'm getting close," JC managed to eke out. He looked at Lance, "I want you to come on me".

As if that was the cue he was waiting for, Lance felt another orgasm come and he saw his milky jizz spray across JC's chest. His butt clenched tight around JC's cock as he came, which was all JC needed. Lance felt JC's cock stiffen as his own orgasm arrived. Soon, Lance was out of breath and collapsed onto JC's chest. JC began to move so he could exit Lance's hole, but Lance stopped him, "Not yet. I want to feel you in me some more".

JC nodded and the two lay there in each other's arms, the smell of come and sweat filling their nostrils. Eventually, Lance dismounted off of JC and the two returned to the bathroom where they washed off. The bathwater was cold by now and JC emptied the tub. They walked into the living room and fell onto the couch, wrapped in each other's arms. Before they knew it, Lance and JC were both falling asleep. As he drifted off, he relished the time he had with JC and hoped that it would never end.

Cheesy ending, I know, but it was all I could think of. Anyway, more JC and Lance next chapter, then we'll get back into another story - and I promise - no direct trouble for the happy couple. As always, write me!

Next: Chapter 16

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