Next Store Brothers

Published on Nov 30, 1997



We used to play dodge ball. As we got older we went to camp together, wrestled around in their back yard, went skinny dipping at camp, went to high school together. We even jacked off in circle jerks together once in awhile.

There were two of them, Jack older then me and his brother Mick the same age as me.

Like most teens, we lied about women, sex and even our agility during masturbation (although I was able to throw my legs over my head and almost tounge myself...but I did shoot into my own mouth from time to time).

On my 18th birthday, they told me I was going to be inducted into their club. I didn't know what that meant, but assumed it would involved pot, beer and hanging around...somewhere making a general nuusciance of ourselves.

Jack was about two years older and in college at our town. His brother and I had entered the same school as freshmen. I loved the campus it made me feel grown up, and all those healthy horny men and women created an aura of energy that kept me horny most of the time.

Just playing touchball in our boxer shorts on the lawn was an erotic experience. The guys didn't mind grabbing your nuts or butt when tackling you. And more then one guy's cock bounced out during the play. Crowds of guys and girls would gather to watch. And despite the fall weather, the intense sun in the middle of the day made these games fun.

Mick and I played often and found ourselves under a pile of other guys....his boner would stick out during these games and I'd kid him about it. He returned the kidding since my own cock seemed to be continually half hard too.

I went to their house at midnight...their folks were out, they said. Jack told me to follow them into the basement.

I had been there before....we smoked dope there...jacked off there..and looked at nude magazines there.

They had fixed it up a bit since I had been there in highschool. In fact Jack had comadeered the place as his apartment. He claimed the deal with his parents was he would have the basement to himself, if he didn't live on campus.

We went inside the back part turned into a room and he locked the door. There was a small kitchen, a bathroom, a king size bed, tv, desk and computer.

Mick said he wasn't allowed down there that often, but this was a special occasion.

Jack showed me his "secret private entrance". He had put in a small doorway that led into the furnace room. There was a door to the outside in the furnace room. So he would squeeze behind the furnace and crouch over to get through this little door. Jack was a tall guy so this was difficult. Mick and I were under 6 foot so it was easier.

I practiced it a few Jack's prompting. I was being given permission to come over he part of my induction.

I didn't know what was going on, I just took some puffs on the joint they handed me and got a buzz. Jack and Mick had both stripped naked and then put on gowns like the ones we used in graduation.

All lights were turned off and candles were lit all over the room. Jack told me to kneel in the center of the room.

Once I was there, they became serious....after seeing they weren't kidding, I figured they were into some kind of satanic stuff..and figured I'd wait to see what was about to happen.

I couldn't believe my ears as they pledged me to secrecy...and cut my thumb like we did as blood brothers years ago.

I was sucking the cut on my thumb when they told me what to do. My cock was already I stripped naked and handed Jack my clothes. He put them into a cabinet and locked it saying I would not longer be allowed to wear clothing in this place.

My cock was bobbing..there was no mistaking my arousal yet they seemed to ignore it.

I put my hands behind my head as Mick was ordered by Jack to shave them. My chest and stomach were shaven next and as I stood with my legs spread and hands still behind my head, my crotch became as smooth as I was when I was only ten.

I ran the razor down my legs and arms at Jacks order and then knelt as Jack put a leather collar around my neck...making sure it was snug but not to tight.

Mick grabbed my hair and turned my thick blonde head of hair into a skinhead.

My cock was pouring out precum...being manhandled like that was taking me beyond any level of fantasy I had had before.

I bent over as my asscrack was made smooth...Mick poked a finger in me making me gasp and Jack yelled at him.

Then Jack and Mick too their robes off and I saw that they both had similar collars on...armbands on their right arms and were shaven almost as smootha s I was. I didn't notice it before ..... I was too stunned by their sudden nudity.

"We are three now. But you must first be marked"

I was ready to object to any knife scars on they led me into the bathroom and pushed to the shower room floor. I looked up to object to what kind of marks they were planning..but before I could say a word, a stream of piss hit my face and mouth. A second one showered my shaven crotch. I didn't believe how much these two buddies of mine had in their bladders. Since both seemed to love to drink beer, I assumed they had been storing up.

"We have marked our are now one of us"

As Mick was sucking my cock back on the bed, Jack explained to me that they had wanted me to join them for quite sometime..but wanted to make sure I was into it. He revealed he knew about my occasional fuck/suck sessions with guys on campus.

And then he dropped the bomb. He and Mick had been having sex with men since high school..and for money.

"Hell they pay big bucks to see brothers do it. And now you'll be one of our brothers...ok?"

I turned and sucked Mick in a 69 session I had wanted with him for several Jack explained the rules.

I would be given a beeper and on call. Our booker, as he called him, would get a copy of my class schedule and set up jobs for us. Once I was paged, I HAD to respond.

"Tonight we three will be putting on a show for some businessmen at the Hilton" Jack said.."So dont' either of you'll be a long show".

I pulled back my cock just in time...and let it subside. Mick's cock was still in my mouth however.

The hotel room was huge..a suite I guessed. men were standing around drinking and socializing like any party. There were no women there. Allot of Japanes men and others from other countries were there..I know because I could speak bits of a couple of languages.

Our Booker turned out to be a graduate student who had played in some of our football games. "great place to recruit more workers" he said with a smile and evil twinkle. I knew what he meant.

The thought of not doing this, or backing out never occured to me. There was somthing exciting about having sex with Jack and Mick in front of other people.

I was introduced as one of the brothers and I was to be the youngest. Actually Mick was yougner by months, but I looked younger I guess.

We were talked to by the men who seemed thoroughly interested in me, my schooling and so on. We three were dressed in nice shirts and trousers..looking wholesome and obviously dressed up for the guys.

Jack was specific about what we each would wear...I had white jockeys on under neath and a white tank top. Mick had a jockstrap on and Jack had on a pair of calvin klien like Marky Mark used to model.

Hotel bellhops were busy in the next room...preparing it. Booker took us there to show us what to do. The beds were turned against he wall and on the floor was a king size mattress..and several pillows. Lubricant and rubbers were on the floor nearby and the booker put a bag down. Jack held up some double headed dildos and looked them over.

The men crowded into the bedroom and it was soon so hot and smokey I was if in a steam room.

Lights were dimmmed except around the mattress where Jack stood and began to strip. There was music, but he wasn't stripping to it...ti was background..a deep steady beat that made me want to dance.

Hell on campus I loved to get into the late dances where men stripped to their waists and writhed like animals. Maybe that's why the booker and jack knew I liked to show off...or maybe it was those sexy lawn football games of grab and tackle.

Jack was down to his calvins and Mick joined him acting like he ws mesmorized by his older brother....he ran his hands all over Jack worshipping his body..and then mouth on his cotten covered crotch. Jack becan to strip him until Mick was in his jock.

Booker pushed me a bit and I tried to imitate the two..but I was knew so I acted awkward...they stripped me and I was soon mouthing them as Mick had done.... Jack lifted me upside down and was going down on me thru my jockeysa s I continued to mouth him. Mick was licking my butt and puttin ghis hand inside.....

Mick was the first to be naked...I was licking the sweat off his body...there ws plenty of sweat that's for sure...I was next and Jack was licking my buttcrack making me crazy.

I did't know how long this would go on...and I was about to shoot.

Booker yelled BREAK and the music stopped and the men applauded. They went back to their drinking and eathing and talking. I figuredit was over.

But Jack told me that this was only a break. I didn't realize we had been at each other for two hours already. I fel totally drained.

But we couldnt rest, we had to mingle..while still naked. The men again talked to us as before..the only different treatment they gave us was a pat on the butt or gentle holding our cocks or balls, a friend pinch of our nipples.

Booker took us into the bathroom and we each bent over as he put something in our assholes. I didn't know what it was..but I did start to feel energetic again and totally turned on. The music has started as we left the bathroom and went back to the mattress.

Dildos were everywhere and Jack had one in me so quick I didn't feel the usual pop when something or someone is inserted in me.

Mick and Jack too were soon inserted by me or each other and I imitated them as we moved around pointing our asses to the men willing to grab the dildo and fuck us a few strokes.

Micka nd I were soon bouncing butts with a double headed dildo in us and jack as sticking his cock in our mouths going back and forth.

I was the first to get fucked by Mick in my ass and Jack in my throat....cum spewed inside me....but I knew I wasn't done. they started iwth me because the crowd wanted the youngest first..figuring I'd recharge the quickest.

Jack and mick were in a 69 as I watched then I moved in to do all the things I had fantasized abou tdoing for years..fingers, tongue and cock was in their asses and mouths...they let loose too and soon the three of us were animals eating, licking, biting, sucking and fucking.

If the men who watched us were keeping track I don't know how...

The chant began and I knew our performance woudl be over..or so I the three of us handled each other pointing our cocks and jacking each other or ourselves until we were all three spraying our cum all over each other.

Applause told me the show was done.

We three showered, exhausted and fulfilled by our satisfied needs for each other. I asked booker would be taking us home and Jack answered "no, our work has just began."

We stood on a coffee table as the bidding began and one by one were sold to little groups of the men.

Dressed again, we followed our new owners to theri hotel rooms for a night of sex ahead.

I counted the money and couldnt' talk. One thousand dollars was in my hand. That was my share. That meant that the men had paid the group of us about four to five thousand dollars.

I had joined their club..and doing what I had fantasized about doing...making love to Jack and Mick...and getting paid for it.

I rarely slept in my own room after that....slipping into their basement and behind the furnace where I entered the room in which I was allowed to wear only my collar.

I had chores to do, I could do my homework there, but I was there to please Jack as my price for becoming his new brother.

There was something odd about that..but being owned by him was a new part of my life too....a part that would expand in time.

But that's another story.

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