Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Jul 10, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Hey guys thanks for all the feedback you have been sending and thanks for reading my stories. Sorry this took so long but its a long chapter so enjoy.

Chris was just standing there in shock he couldn't believe that the girl who came back was his future niece. Prudence was in even more shock. She never thought that Chris would find out who she was. They just stayed in the kitchen talking for hours and hours. Prudence and Chris knew that if Wyatt and I don't screw by Wednesday she could disappear off the face of the Earth forever. "Why didn't you tell us before," Chris asked Prudence. He was real furious about the matter. He thought if he had known about the problem sooner he could have done something to help Prudence out.

"Look I'm sorry okay," Prudence said back. "I know this must be hard on you but its even harder on me. I mean if I don't get mom and dad to have sex by Wednesday then I'm gone okay so really I don't need the lectures on I should have told you guys this or I should have told you that," Prudence said. She was real frustrated now that Chris knew who she was and she knew sooner or later she would have to tell everyone else.

"Okay lets just both calm down," Chris said. "Can I ask you something though," Prudence nodded. "Why is it that when Chris went to the future twice he never saw you, I mean he saw Penelope and Patrica but he never saw you." Chris was also wondering why he saw Prudence but he wasn't going to ask that question because he knew he had already caused enough stress on her already.

"Its a long story," Prudence started. "Basically when I was born I mean my mom and I were so close."

"Your mom?" Chris asked.

"Yes you see I grew up calling Chris mom and Wyatt dad so I never got them confused," Prudence answered Chris's question. She was now walking around the kitchen as she told the story. "As I was saying when I was born Chris and I were so close. I mean we'd do everything together. He taught me how to ride a bike without training wheels, he took me to see my favorite movies, he was even there when I had nightmares I mean he was just there," Prudence was smiling as she was telling this story but as she went on her smile turned into a sad face. "But when Patrica was born I felt like I lost all the attention. I mean I kept thinking he loved her more than me and he was just so focused on her than me. So you know as I got older I just was out of control. I would sneak out of the house at night and he'd have to go look for me. I would just fight with Patrica all the time and you know force a guilt trip on him. I was just an out of control child and you know I felt that he didn't love me anymore so I was always either in my room or sneaking out of the house so you'd never catch me around."

"Wow thats deep," Chris said. "You don't seem like you're out of control now I mean what changed you. I mean what happened to make you like you are now. You seem nice and you don't seem like a terror."

"You see there's not a lot I can tell you about the future without messing it up but you have to promise me that what I'm about to tell you, you won't repeat it to anyone not even Peter," Prudence said. She had finally stopped walking around and just stood still with her arms crossed.

"Okay sure what is it," Chris asked.

"Well Chris sore of has a near death experience," Prudence said. Chris jaw then dropped wide open, "yes mom almost dies but I'm glad it happened because it showed me how to appreciate him and to love him now more than ever and put aside all the differences I had with Patrica."

"That was an amazing story but don't worry I know it has to happen for a reason so I won't tell anyone about it," Chris said. "You know though you're eventually gonna have to tell Chris and Wyatt that you're their daughter."

"Yeah see thats a big problem," Prudence said. "Chris already doesn't like me and telling him I'm his daughter now would cause him to have a heart attack plus he just might decide not to have me either."

"Chris likes you he just....well..I don't know Chris does that to a lot of people trust me," Chris explained. "I'm sure if he knew you were his daughter he wouldn't be treating you the way he does. I just think Chris has a problem with getting to know new people."

"He obviously took to you and Wyatt pretty well," Prudence said.

"Not true," Chris said in his defense. "When he first found out that Wyatt and I were his brothers he sent us flying against the wall and trust me it was not pretty when he did it."

"What?! Mom and dad never told me about that," Prudence said with a confused look. "I guess mom does have a problem with accepting new people since he did that to you and dad."

"So can I ask you if you don't mind what made you come back to the past and what are you here to change," Chris asked as he finally started moving towards Prudence so that they were now face to face.

"Here we go another story," Prudence said in a sarcastic way. Chris could tell that she didn't want to explain things but he knew she had to so he would know what was going on. "Okay well you know after you guys aren't the Charmed Ones anymore you know it goes to me, Patrica, and Penelope. There was a problem. When mom was pregnant with Patrica he was kidnapped and well some demons played a little spell on his stomach and it cause Patrica to grow up and become evil. So there was no power of three it was now the power of two. It hurt me so bad but once we knew that Patrica was evil, Penelope and I had no choice but to kill her. I came back to stop that spell from ever happening on mom."

"Okay but why did you come now I mean if you wanted to stop it from going onto Patrica why don't you go to the time where Chris is conceiving Patrica," Chris said with a confused look. "I mean I do enjoy your company but wouldn't it have just been easier to go to Patrica instead of coming back to when you were born."

"Look Chris there are somethings that I can't change but I had to come back to when I was born. It was the only way I could come into the past without any demons coming after me," Prudence explained.

"You know they'll still be there when Patrica is conceived so thats no excuse," Chris said. "Tell me the real reason why you came back to this time."

"Okay fine I was you bond with mom and dad while I was down here in the past," Prudence said slowly and she knew how mad Chris was gonna be when he heard this.

"Are you insane," Chris said. "I'm sorry but you know by being here you can change the future and I for one saw mine and I really don't want it to change," Chris said in an angry tone. "I know I have a kid but I don't know if its a boy or if its a girl."

"Its a boy," Prudence said.

"Shut up!" Chris exclaimed. "I don't want to know it could risk changing the future."

"Come on its not going to change that much and plus how could me letting you know that you have a boy could change," Prudence said. She was really annoyed by Chris over reacting, "I mean whats the worst that could happen it turns into a girl."

"Yeah that could happen," Chris said. "So no more telling me about my future alright now back to the real subject of you being here. First things first we have to figure out how we're gonna get Wyatt and Chris to sleep together without it being any suspicions," Chris said as he started pacing around trying to think. "And now we have to make sure they do it without using a condom."

"Well do you have a plan on how to do it," Prudence asked Chris impatiently.

"Getting them to sleep together isn't that hard I mean all I have to do is make Wyatt a bet that he can't get Chris to sleep with him on Valentines day," Chris said. "But the problem is getting them to do it without a condom," Chris said still walking around thinking with his hand on his chin. "Wait I've got an idea, okay this will only work if you're willing to do it," Chris asked Prudence and she nodded her head. "Okay well here's the plan while we're at school tomorrow you need to go through the house and make sure you take every condom you find. I'm sure by the time that they're doing it they won't want to stop and go get a condom from the store so they'll be forced to do it without a condom and then you're set okay."

"Alright I'll do it but only because my life is on the line," Prudence said. "The last thing I wanted to do while I was down here was go through my parents drawers and see what they've got in them."

"Its either that or you can disappear," Chris said. "Now if you don't mind I'm gonna go get some sleep and we can talk more about this matter in the morning alright goodnight," Chris said and he walked upstairs. Prudence decided that she would gets some sleep also. The next morning Wyatt and I took our time coming downstairs. We decided we were gonna take a long shower together without having sex again but still the groping and all. While we were in the shower Chris, Peter, Piper, Leo, Prudence, Paige, and Phoebe were all sitting down at the table and Chris just came out with the secret out of nowhere. "So everyone Prudence has something that she wants to tell you."

"Chris no you promised!," Prudence said as she hit her hand on the table.

"They're gonna find out sooner or later so you might want to tell them now before Wyatt and Chris come downstairs," Chris said. "Trust me they won't tell and it would help you out a whole lot."

"Tell us what," Piper asked.

"You better tell them or I will," Chris said.

"No I won't tell," she said.

"Could you two stop fighting and tell us what is going on," Leo said.

"Okay dad, Prudence is your granddaughter," Chris said.

"What?! Chris Halliwell, Prudence is your daughter," Piper said shocked. "Okay when you think things are weird they only get weirder. I can't believe Chris has already met his daughter."

"Wow welcome to the family," Peter said as he came over and hugged her. "Chris I can't believe we have a daughter this beautiful in the future I mean nothing makes me more happy to see this," Peter said as he was smiling.

"Oh no she's not my daughter," Chris said. Then everyone's jaws just dropped, "yeah thats right she's Wyatt and Evan's daughter."

"Wait so let me get this straight Evans and Wyatt have another daughter after they have Penelope and Patrica," Piper asked shocked. Everyone just froze into place as this news was being told.

"Not exactly," Prudence said finally speaking up. Chris was surprised because she didn't start speaking about the subject till now, "I'm well the oldest of the three of us," she said with an innocent little smile. Piper then fainted. Leo ran over there to help her back up and regain consciousness.

"Okay," Piper said as she got up. "When are you conceived I mean is Chris already pregnant with you or what." Piper was asking so many question. I mean I was surprised Prudence was handling all of this, "I'm sorry I just need to know I mean this is just a big thing for me."

"Its okay but well I was conceived this year on Valentines day," Prudence answered.

"What?! Thats not good that's tomorrow," Piper said.

"I know I'm working on it but I need everyone in the room to promise me that you guys won't say anything to Wyatt or Chris because I want to tell them myself on my own time okay," Prudence said. "So everyone promise me."

"We promise," everyone said in unison.

"Promise what?" Wyatt asked as both him and I entered the kitchen. Everything looked pretty suspicious like everyone was hiding something. Wyatt and I just walked over to our places at the table. Everyone just stared at us while we were sitting down, "okay guys why are you all staring I mean did Chris and I do something."

"No sweetie you guys didn't do anything at all," Piper answered with a sarcastic smile. It didn't take a genius to figure out that she was hiding something along with everyone else.

"Okay so if we didn't do anything why is everyone staring at us like we're famous movie stars," Wyatt asked. Wyatt and I looked around and everyone was acting funny. "Okay whats going on here and what were you guys talking about before we walked in."

"Nothing Wyatt I mean you know, nothing you would want to know about," Piper said still smiling. "So I guess you guys might want to be leaving I mean you don't want to be late to school," she said. I knew she was trying to get rid of us but it didn't matter.

"Okay lets go then guys since there's nothing going on around here," Wyatt said sarcastically as we all got up from the table and went to the car. While Wyatt was driving he turned around to Chris and Peter, "okay tell the truth what were you guys talking about in the kitchen," Wyatt asked.

"Come on bro you know we weren't talking about anything big," Chris said with a weird face, "we were just talking were talking about Valentines day," Chris finally said. "Yeah Valentines Day we were talking about what we all were gonna do on Valentines Day."

"If you guys were talking about Valentines Day then why couldn't you tell us," I asked with a smile. "I mean we're brothers I thought we could share anything with each other. You know we're so close that we should do a threesome," I said laughing.

"Hell no!" Wyatt shouted. "You're mine and mine only," Wyatt said, "and if Chris hasn't told you I'm going to tell you I don't like to share any of my prize possessions with anyone and that includes sharing my boyfriend or fiancé with my brother."

"I was just kidding first off and come on Wyatt though you might not like to share I know when you saw me and Chris kissing you probably thought that was pretty hot," I said. Wyatt was not to happy at the comment. I wish I could take it back.

"No I didn't and trust me if I catch your lips on Chris's again and you aren't on some spell I'm gonna kick his ass and then fuck the living daylights out of yours since you'll have a lot of making up to do to me," Wyatt said very aggressively. I liked it when he talked this way though sometimes it can be a real pain.

"Okay Wyatt how would you feel if I said no sex for lets say three months how would you feel," I asked. I knew how he was gonna react but I had to find a come back for what he said.

"Come on you know you can't resist me," Wyatt said, "you want it more than I do so if you say three months I bet you I could go for four if I wanted to." Wyatt was being so cocky so I thought I take him on that bet.

"Alright lets start right now. No sex for four months and whoever is able to resist the other wins and don't worry I'll be looking forward to the prize you'll be giving me," I said. "Make sure its something that I'll like."

"Oh its on don't worry I bet you I'll win," Wyatt said.

"What?! No!" Chris interrupted and got into the conversation. "Come on you guys I mean you should have fun," Chris said. I was surprised that Chris was trying to urge us to have sex I mean thats just plain weird. "How about you guys just put this off till Valentines Day I mean I know y'all are gonna want to have some fun then so what do you say."

"Sure if you answer me this one question Chris," I started. "Why do you want us to have sex on Valentines Day and as a matter of fact why are you so concerned with our sex life I mean what do you get out of it."

"Oh you know I just thought that you guys should have fun I mean you know Valentines Day comes around once every year and I was thinking that you guys wouldn't want to remember your first Valentines Day together as a competition for who can hold off on sex the longest," Chris explained. He did have a point I mean yeah it was Wyatt and I's first Valentines as a couple so maybe we should have some fun on that day.

"Alright I guess you're right but once Valentines Day is over, Wyatt, you and I are still going through with that bet," I said.

"Okay its a deal when Valentines Day is over," Wyatt responded and then we shook hands to make sure it was a fair deal. We finally got to school after the long conversation. When we got to class Peter said he had to go to the bathroom and it left me and Chris there to talk.

"Hey Evans you know speaking of Valentines Day in the car reminded me of something," Chris started but then he paused for a moment while I tried to figure out what it was. "We forgot to go get Peter and Wyatt their Valentines Day presents."

I almost fainted. I can't believe I forgot but I had and idea about how to fix it all. "Crap I forgot but hey don't worry today after school just you and me will sneak away and go get them alright."

"Yeah but don't you have to go manage the whole basketball team," Chris asked.

"I'll ask Peter to cover me since he won't be doing anything after school and plus we're gonna need him out of the way also," I answered. "Now we're gonna just go back to the house and get my car so we can get over to the mall I mean I saw a great store for Valentines Day stuff."

"Thats great," Chris said with enthusiasm.

"Okay so meet me at the front of the school after school so we can go together," I told him. Peter then came back in the room and we knew we had to silence ourselves. The school went on as normal so nothing unusual happened. I asked Peter if he could cover for me and he agreed. So Chris and I ran home right after school and got to my car and we headed for the mall I was talking about. Once we got there we saw a variety of stuff. I saw a large teddy bear and thought that would be perfect. "So Chris what do you think about this stuffed animal for Wyatt," I said as I held up the bear.

Chris just started laughing, "you know Wyatt is going to kill you for that one," Chris said. He was just having fun but I saw him pull out some boxers with hearts on them, "so what do you think about these for Peter."

"Sure thing I mean he probably won't be wearing those for long on tomorrow but hey what ever floats your boat," I said. We then proceeded to the checkout and paid for our stuff. We went back to the house and we could see that Wyatt and Peter were already there so we decided to leave our stuff in the car so they wouldn't notice it before tomorrow. I knew Chris and I were in trouble since we weren't home before they were. When we walked into the house we were greeted by Piper and Leo.

"Hello where have you guys been, I mean Wyatt and Peter said you took off after school without telling them where you guys were going," Piper said. I knew she was mad but not too mad.

"Oh come on mom we were just going for a couple of hours out on the town again like Chris and I like to do I mean we just thought we deserved a vacation after awhile of you know school and stress," Chris explained and then Wyatt and Peter came downstairs. Peter grabbed Chris's hand and led him upstairs while Wyatt just came right up to me.

"Okay spill," he said. He had his arms crossed and I knew he wasn't to happy either but Peter seemed okay I mean him and Chris were going upstairs holding hands in a couple kind of way.

"Spill what?" I asked trying to play stupid trying to stall for time. I knew I had to think of a good excuse and I knew I couldn't lie to Wyatt I mean he's like my other half so he knows when something is going on with me.

"Tell me where you went and why did you skip practice with me to go somewhere with Chris when I specifically asked you not to keep skipping practice because I want you there to support me," Wyatt said angry.

"I don't see why its a big deal I mean this was just one time," I said as I walked upstairs being followed by Wyatt. "Since when do I have to tell you where I'm going and who I'm going there with I mean yeah we're engaged but that doesn't make you my mother I mean I'm eighteen last time I checked my mom died," I said as I thought about it all.

"Don't you even pull those tricks on me," Wyatt said as we walked into the room. "I can't believe you wouldn't at least want me to know where you were going that you had to miss my practice. You know this isn't going to work if you keep leaving me high and dry and having me worry about you just about every second of the day."

"You know what maybe we weren't meant to be together," I said back at him even more angry than before. "That vision I saw might have just been a fluke. You're so controlling and I can't do anything without your permission and it drives me insane that you have to know where I am every second of the day," I then pulled the ring off my finger and threw it at Wyatt, "maybe it just wasn't meant to be," I said as I started walking out, "I'll sleep in my old room," I said as I slammed the door and went into my old room that was now empty. I had no clue that Chris and Peter were in their room listening to the whole thing along with Prudence.

"This is not good," Chris said.

"You're telling me if those two don't screw I'm screwed," Prudence said.

"Okay look you guys go talk to Wyatt and I'll go talk to Evans alright," Chris said.

"Why do you get to go talk to Chris while we have to talk to Wyatt," Prudence asked. "You know if we go in there Wyatt might blow us up, hello he has a bad temper."

"Because Chris doesn't like you right now remember and I can only handle one brother at a time and since Wyatt has a bad temper I'm sending both,you and Peter because I'm sure he can't blow you both up so go now," Chris demanded as they each departed to their separate rooms.

There was then a knock on Wyatt's door. He was just sitting on the bed in his room just holding that ring in his hand. He didn't feel like being bothered so he just thought he'd get rid of whoever was at the door. "Go Away!" He said in a very angry voice. The door then opened despite the fact and in came Prudence and Peter. "I said go away," Wyatt said.

"Hey Wyatt can we come in," Prudence asking already knowing he was going to say 'no.'

"No I said go away now could you please let me gravel in peace," Wyatt said, "I've already lost my fiancé so just leave me alone I don't want to be around anyone right now."

"Come on Wyatt this isn't like you," Peter said, "we want to help okay so can you just tell us what happened," Peter asked. "Trust me we'll get this thing resolved so just talk to us so we can figure this thing out."

"Alright I'll talk but only because you guys said you'd help," Wyatt said finally coming to. Prudence and Peter just came and sat right next to him on the bed so they could listen better. "Chris thinks I'm controlling," Wyatt started, "and I really try not to be but I love him too much that I just don't want anything to happen to him. Right now I just want him back in my arms. I'd give up all my powers and everything just to have him back. I just can't go on in life without him. He's my other half and I know he's the person I'm destined to be with for the rest of my life. I know he's eighteen and he's old enough to do things without my permission but I mean I just wanted to know where he went that he had to miss my basketball practice. He knows how important to me that he's there and he's been spending so much time on other things that he really hasn't spent that much time with me," Wyatt then paused for a moment and looked at the ring again. "I just want him back so bad I mean what is it that I have to do to get him back."

"Wow Wyatt thats so sweet I never knew you loved him that much," Prudence said. "I wish I had someone who loved me that much but I think if you really feel that way maybe you should go talk to him."

"Yeah I'm gonna have to agree with Prudence here," Peter said as he finally spoke up. "I know Chris will sometimes go places that I don't know about and I do get mad so don't get me wrong but I've just learned to trust him and ask him about it later when I know he's in a good mood. That way he isn't mad at me for asking him about where he went."

"I guess you guys are right I'll try it," Wyatt said.

"Wyatt I hope you don't get offended by this but what attracted you to Evans in the first place," Peter asked. "I mean you know thats what made you guys come together so maybe it can bring you back together again."

"Truth is that I was on the football team while Evans was the manager," Wyatt started off. "He was always on the look out for me even when I had bad injuries he was always there. There was this one time I hurt my leg and you know Chris was the one who came and wrapped it and just his smile made my feel weak in the knees. I mean just thinking about him makes me weak. I've got to have him back."

"Darn Wyatt I can't believe that you feel that way about Evans," Peter said, "I mean I love Chris to death but I don't know if I'd go weak in the knees for him every time I see him."

"Yeah I know what me and Chris E have is special," Wyatt said as he started smiling. It was the first time he smiled since I left the room. "I just can't believe we had an argument over something that small."

"Well you know you can always go fix it," Prudence said.

"But what if he doesn't want to talk to me," Wyatt asked.

"You'll never know unless you go in there and try," Peter said.

"I guess you guys are right so I will do just that," he said as he got up and headed for the door. "Oh and thanks you guys so much," he said as he finally left the room.

Meanwhile back in the other room I was lying on the bed crying about what had happened. I couldn't believe Wyatt and I were over. It seemed to go by so fast I can't believe I did that. I love him more than anything so why did I have to break us up. It was my fault and I don't deserve someone like Wyatt. I mean yeah he's protective and controlling but what husband isn't. I wish I could fix it all but now its too late. What was the point of even thinking about all of this I mean it wasn't going to help. I then heard a knock on my door. I was crying so much that I didn't want to answer it. After a few more knocks someone came in. I had my face buried in the pillow so I didn't see who it was.

"Hey bro you okay," I recognized the voice and the person who came in was Chris. I was happy he came in though I didn't show it. He just came and sat on the bed and started rubbing me on the back while I was crying. "Whats wrong? I mean I heard you and Wyatt fighting."

"Its over," I said still crying. "Its all my fault. I should have told Wyatt where I was going instead of having him worry about me," I also said. Chris was still rubbing my back.

"Okay come on look at me," he said. I then sat up and my face was still red from all the crying I did. "Now tell me what happened I mean you guys were fine so what happened in the room."

"I messed up everything including my future life," I said. "Wyatt was worried about me and well today we had a fight about how I thought he was controlling and how I was eighteen and I could do what I wanted without telling him anything and then it just got to out of hand and I just threw the ring back at him."

"Everything is going to be okay," Chris said. "Now I have to ask you something and I need you to answer me honestly alright." I then nodded but was still in a lot of emotional pain. "Do you still love Wyatt after all of this."

"Yes," I answered. "I mean do you know how much we've been through I mean you remember that time I kicked Justin's ass, then I lost John and Wyatt was there, oh yeah and remember that time I had to take care of him when he was sick." I started going on and on but I was finally stopped by Chris.

"Alright, Alright all ready I just asked if you still love him not to tell me your life story about how you love him," Chris said. I could tell he was annoyed but he was my brother so he was use to it. "Back to the point if you still love Wyatt then why don't you go talk to him and tell him how you feel."

"Chris, after the stuff I said I don't even think Wyatt would want to see me again," I answered. "I mean I said some pretty bad things that I wish I hadn't and to make it worse I threw the ring at him."

"Hmm that's actually not that bad," Chris said. "I mean when mom was on a spell she's blown dad up before." I was shocked to hear that Piper blew up Leo before but I guess there are a lot of things that I don't know. "Also Chris just as much as you're sitting here thinking about Wyatt, he's in the other room thinking about you."

"You really think so," I asked as I was starting to cheer up

"Yeah do you know how much he loves you," Chris asked. "I mean when you left to go on your journey I mean he was miserable. He said you were his everything and he just can't stand the thought of not being around you."

"Wow I didn't know he felt that way," I said.

"He does now its up to you and him to fix things for the future's sake," Chris said.

"Well thanks for all your help Chris," I said as we started to hug.

"Anytime brother anytime," Chris said. Right then Wyatt had walked in and saw us hugging but I knew he wasn't mad or jealous I could tell that he knew what was going on.

"I'm sorry am I interrupting anything," Wyatt asked.

"Oh no you're not Chris here was just about to come get you but since you're here now I guess I'll leave you two alone," Chris said as he got up and headed towards the door. "Now Evans remember what I told you," Chris said and then he left out of the room closing the door behind him leaving me and Wyatt alone in the room.

"Do you mind if I sit down," Wyatt asked. I shook my head so Wyatt then came and sat right next to me on the bed. I was happy that he was finally about to talk to me again. He then tried putting his arm around me but then he pulled it back, "I'm sorry."

"No its okay," I said pulling his arm back around me and leaning on him. He smelled so good. I loved the cologne he was wearing it made me want to jump his bones right then and there.

"Look Chris I just wanted to say..." he started out but then I interrupted him.

"Stop you don't have to say anything," I said. "You weren't the problem it was me. I shouldn't have missed your practice like that without telling you where I was going and for that I'm sorry. I'm lucky to have someone like you who'd put up with me."

"No Chris I'm sorry," Wyatt said. "I have been a little bit controlling and I should have known that you missed my practice for a good reason. You should have the right to go wherever you want without my permission."

"Wyatt you have no reason to be sorry," I said. "You're doing only what a normal husband would do and thats look after his loved one to make sure they're okay and you've been just perfect. I just hope you can forgive me for what I said to you because its not true and you don't deserve it."

"Lets just promise not to fight like this ever again okay," Wyatt said. "If there's an issue we can sit down like normal couples and discuss it next time instead of just arguing like crazy people."

"Okay," I said.

"I love you angel," he said.

"I love you too Wyatt," I said back and then we both kissed.

"Alright now that its settled," Wyatt said reaching into his back pocket and pulling out the ring. "Are we still on," he asked as he held the ring in his hands smiling at me.

"Oh thanks," I said snatching the ring out of his hands and putting the ring back onto my finger. "I just hope this doesn't turn my finger green because then I'll have to take it off."

"Hey," Wyatt said reacting to me snatching the ring out of his hand. "I'm suppose to put that on your finger since I'm the one who proposed so let me have it so I can put it on your finger like I'm suppose to do."

"Sorry Wyatt you took to long," I said back to him. "So looks like I got to put it on myself. You snooze you lose and looks like I just won this little thing right here."

"Give me that back," Wyatt demanded.

"Come and get it," I said taunting him and waving the ring in his face.

"You're gonna regret that," Wyatt said grabbing me by the waist and pulling me down onto the bed. I then tried getting up but he just pulled me right back down and we just started wrestling. He got on top of me and kept trying to grab the ring off my left hand but I was more worried about getting him off of me. Wyatt somehow managed to grab my left hand but I quickly put the ring in my right hand and then stuck it in between my legs. Wyatt then just gave me a weird look. "You know I'm not afraid to go down there," he said smiling as he stuck his hand in between my legs and pulled out the ring. "Now let me see your hand." I knew what he was asking about but I gave him my right hand. "Other hand," he said. I then gave him my left hand and he slipped on the ring and kissed my hand. "Looks like we're still engaged so how about you get in my kitchen and make my super since you're my wife."

"Wyatt!" I said.

"I was just kidding," he said laughing.

"Guess we'll be sleeping in the same bed tonight," I said.

"Yes we will," Wyatt said as he came over and picked me up. He was holding my legs in one hand and my head in the other. Wyatt then carried me back to the room and threw me on top of the bed and then got on top of me and we started making out. I then stopped, "okay whats the problem this time I thought we were fine."

"We are I just think we should save our energy for tomorrow I mean since its Valentines Day and all and it would be better on that day," I said. "So what do you say?"

"I say good idea but you know that I'm going to have a major hard on once we do so I hope your ass is ready to take it," Wyatt said.

"Sure," I answered back. Wyatt then got out of his clothes and I got out of mine and we went to sleep together. It was some of the best sleep I had ever gotten. I guess arguing brings a relationship closer. The next morning when I woke up I noticed that Wyatt wasn't in the room so I decided that I should get his Valentines present while he's away but I was to lazy to get out of bed so I just said "BEAR" and it orbed right into my hands. I then heard someone coming into the room so I hid the bear under the bed and just laid there like I wasn't doing anything. It was Wyatt coming in with just his boxers on as usual. "Hey sexy where'd you go I've missed you," I said smiling.

"Very funny I only went away for three minutes," He said as he closed the door behind him. He then walked over and crawled back on the bed towards me, "Happy Valentines Day angel," he said as he kissed me.

"Thanks," I said, "but hey I got you a present," I said as I reached under the bed and brought out the bear and handed it to him.

"Thanks Chris," he said kissing me again.

"So what did you get me," I asked.

"I can't believe you even asked me that question," Wyatt said. "I thought it was the thought that counts."

"So you didn't get me anything," I said.

"No I'm just kidding, I'm just gonna take you out for dinner after school and then we're gonna come back here and you know have out little fun," He explained. "Is that okay with you or do you want to do something else."

"I'm happy with what you give me, Wyatt," I said. "Even if you didn't get me anything I'd still love you so don't worry I know its the thought that counts like you said."

"You see thats why I love you," Wyatt said. "I know you'll always love me no matter what." The day went by pretty fast except for the whole school part I mean I had made Wyatt carry the bear I bought him around with him at school. He wasn't to happy about it but it showed me that he loved me and would do anything embarrassing for me. I was so happy when school ended because Wyatt took us home and we got ready for the romantic dinner he was taking me to. We decided to dress formal and when we got there we had our own little table where no one was. So since we had the whole place to ourselves we decided to have some fun. We asked the waiter to bring us some strawberries and cream. We'd dip the strawberries in cream and feed them to each other. Sometimes we even got cream on our fingers but then we'd clean it off each other. It was pretty fun because a couple of times Wyatt got cream on my neck and came and licked it off. We could have just done it right then and there but the waiter might have come in. I was getting turned on so Wyatt then just paid and we hurried back to the manor. We were making out before we even got through the door. I didn't think we were even gonna make it to the bedroom. "Wait here," Wyatt said leaving me down in the living room for a few minutes. I was anxious to see what he was doing but I knew it was a surprise. "Okay you can come up now," Wyatt said finally. I then went up the stairs and saw rose petals leading to the bath tub. I followed the rose petals and found Wyatt naked in the bath tub. "Come on you get in here," he said. He didn't have to tell me twice I just stripped down and got in with him and I was sitting in his lap while he just kept kissing me on the neck. We were in the bath tub for half an hour before Wyatt then got out, "Chris I need you to stay here for five minutes there's something else I've got to do," he said as he left with a towel wrapped around him. I just waited and it was the longest five minutes of my life. I then got a towel and wrapped it around me and then I saw another trail of rose petals leading to our room. So I followed them and saw Wyatt just lying naked on the bed with his crotch area covered in rose petals and he was holding a rose in his hand. "Come here angel this is all for you. Now lose the towel." I did what I was told and jumped in bed with Wyatt.

Meanwhile downstairs Chris and Prudence were talking. "So do you think they're up there screwing or not," Prudence asked Chris.

"I'm sure they are you have nothing to worry about so chill out," Chris said. "Now did you remember to take all the condoms out of the house."

"Yes I got them all but I just hope they're really doing it," Prudence said.

"Look I'll be right back," Chris said. "I've got to go upstairs Peter is waiting on me alright," Chris said and went upstairs very quickly leaving Prudence downstairs by herself.

Meanwhile back in our room Wyatt and I were having the Valentines Day of our life. I thought I'd tease him a little before we had our little fun. I came over to the foot of the bed and started doing a lap dance. Wyatt couldn't stand it much longer so he just pulled me into the bed. Wyatt then pulled me on top of him and we just started kissing like crazy. I then got off of Wyatt and started laying down beside him while pinching his nipples and jacking him off after awhile of that Wyatt sat up and I just went over into his lap and started taking in his cock. Wyatt was loving what was happening so he just started slapping my ass with one hand while holding my head down in the other. He started fingering me then while I was still on his dick. I just kept doing it like I loved. I heard Wyatt telling me that I was the best but I didn't pay him much attention I was more focused on his hard on so I started taking it deeper till he started going in the back of my throat. I could taste his precum and I knew he didn't want to end it then so he pulled me up and kissed me. He then pushed me down on the bed and just started fingering me for awhile. He started out with one and then he went on with two and he then pulled those fingers out and the he buried his face in between my cheeks and started eating out my ass. I was just enjoying it all over. It made me feel like I belonged to Wyatt. As he was pulling out I felt his kiss my cheeks. Then he just started looking for a condom but couldn't find one. "Sorry I can't find a condom so looks like we're just gonna have to do without. Is that okay with you?" I nodded but I told him to make sure he pulled out in time. He then moved in inch by inch pausing sometimes and waiting till the pain I had was going down. I knew I couldn't stop him but once he was in he just started off going fast. It hurt so bad and I begged him to pull it out but he said I was going to be okay. He was right I mean it started feeling better and better. "AHHH I'm about to cum," he shouted as he was still going in and out. There was a problem because he was still in me and I couldn't let him cum in me I tried to get his attention but he was moaning so loud that he didn't hear me.

Chris finally came back downstairs to where Prudence was still standing, "so are you okay," Chris asked.

"Yes I'm fine. Do you know if Wyatt and Chris are doing it now," she asked.

"It sounded like it up there but I didn't pay to much attention," Chris answered.

"What do you mean you didn't pay to much attention. What else could you be doing that you wouldn't hear if they were screwing or not," Prudence asked in a very mad tone.

"Hey its Valentines Day and Peter and I were just having our little fun. I can't believe I left him laying asleep in the bed just to come down here and check on you," Chris said.

"What time is it," Prudence asked.

"Its 11:55 pm," Chris said looking at his watch.

"I've only got five minutes," Prudence said. Then Chris's jaw just started dropping, "whats wrong," Prudence asked. Chris then just pointed at her and she could see that she was fading away, "come on mom and dad do it." As minutes went on Prudence was fading away more all that was left of her now was her head.

Wyatt and I were still back in our room fucking even harder than normal. You could hear him pounding my ass. I still felt his precum and kept trying to get his attention and let him know that he was about to cum inside me but he just kept moaning and I couldn't get his attention. "I'M CUMMING!!!"Wyatt shouted as he finally just shot all 4 loads in my hole and then collapsed on top of me.

"Prudence look," Chris said pointing at her as she was coming back together and her body was whole again.

"Yes they did it!" she shouted in happiness. She thought that she wasn't going to make it but she did.

Wyatt and I were just lying in bed for awhile, "Wyatt you know you came inside of me and I was trying to get your attention so you could pull out in time," I told him.

"You're fine don't worry you didn't see any other kids besides the two we had so I doubt that doing this would have made a difference," Wyatt said.

"I guess you're right," I said as I finally was okay with it.

"See," he said and then came over and kissed me. "I've got to go the bathroom real quick I'll be right back," he said as he got up out of the bed and wrapped a towel around him and left. I started having a weird feeling in my stomach. I wonder what it was. Wyatt was in the restroom and he had just washed his hands. He then heard Prudence and Chris coming up the stairs and talking and he didn't want to come out in front of Prudence in his towel so he just peeked out the crack of the door and waited for them to go. He then heard them talking about something interesting.

"Alright Chris now that its done we've got to keep this going," Prudence said.

"Okay I got ya," Chris answered.

"Chris I'm serious," Prudence said. "Wyatt and Chris must not know that Chris is pregnant and I'm their daughter alright." Wyatt then busted out of the bathroom door and he was furious.

"You're my what and Chris is what!" Wyatt shouted and had a angry look on his face. He didn't care anymore that he was only wearing a towel in front of Prudence his future daughter.

"Oh no look Wyatt or dad," Prudence pleaded, "let me explain you see just things happened in the future and well I just wanted to come back and fix them but there's only so much that I didn't want to change so I couldn't tell you and mom that I was your daughter."

"I guess I can't be mad at you since you're my first born daughter," he then started smiling. "Come give your dad a hug," he said as they came into a hug and Wyatt kissed her on the cheek. "Now Chris that was a good one yesterday about the bet."

"What bet," Prudence asked. "Oh never mind but dad look you can't tell Chris that I'm his daughter yet."

"Why not," Wyatt asked.

"I want to tell him when the time is right so promise me that you won't tell," Prudence said.

"Okay I promise," Wyatt said.

"Now we've got to act like everything is normal alright Wyatt don't worry about everyone else they all know about me it was only you and Chris that didn't know but now you do," Prudence explained.

"Yeah but I've got to get back to Chris I'm sure he's probably wondering whats taking me so long but I'll talk to you guys in the morning," Wyatt said as he left them and came back into the bedroom with me and saw me about to light a cigarette. He then leaped onto the bed and grabbed the cigarette out of my mouth before I could light it. "No smoking its bad for you," he said ripping the cigarette up.

"Come on Wyatt I just wanted to have one and see what its like to have a cigarette after sex," I said.

"Not while you're my fiancé," Wyatt said back.

"Okay then I'll just go get a beer," I said and was about to get up but Wyatt pushed me back on the bed.

"No there will be no drinking," Wyatt said.

"Why not," I asked.

"Because its bad for you," he said. "So promise me that you won't be drinking or smoking for lets say a couple of years."

"Why?" I asked.

"Just promise!" he demanded.

"Alright its only because I love you," I said.

"Thanks," he said as he kissed me and we both fell asleep.

Three months had now passed and things were seeming pretty strange. I would still come downstairs and everyone would just stop talking and stare at me only now Wyatt was in on it and I was the only one who didn't know what was going on. Wyatt always was looking at me and making sure I was careful in everything I did. I kept waking up with morning sickness and my stomach has gotten bigger and is still getting bigger overtime. I thought it was because of all the food I had been eating. Lately I've had a big appetite and I didn't know why. It was now two weeks from prom and I hadn't gotten my tux yet. I was scared because I had gotten larger so I didn't even want to think about what size tux I wore. I now wore a 2XL in shirt size and I didn't even want to see what other sizes I had grown. I didn't think I was attractive but Wyatt thought I still looked good. Tonight we were sitting down in the living room to watch a movie. Wyatt had his arm around me the whole time we were watching it. "Hey angel I've got to go check on the popcorn I'll be right back," he said as he kissed me and went to the kitchen. His phone then started vibrating.

"Hey Wyatt you just got a text message," I yelled at him and he was still in the kitchen.

"Thanks can you tell me who its from," he asked.

I then picked up the phone and it said from Chris, "Its from Chris," I answered.

"Thanks I'll get it when I come back." I then decided to see what it said so then I opened it and what I read couldn't have made me even more mad. The text message read 'make sure you don't make anything suspicious, Chris mustn't know that he's pregnant and Prudence is his child.'I then looked at my stomach and wondered how could I be so dumb. Wyatt then came back in and I stood up, "hey so the popcorn needs to cool but hey it'll be good," he said and he saw that I had a mad look on my face, "whats wrong?" he asked.

I then just walked up to him and slapped him, "when were you going to tell me I was pregnant and that Prudence was my daughter," I asked in a very angry tone. I was really pissed at him.

"How did you find that out," he asked.

"Maybe you should tell Chris not to send you text messages that I can get to," I said throwing the phone at him.

"What, you went through my phone," he said.

"Don't change the subject why didn't you tell me this," I said with a few tears coming down my eyes. I couldn't believe he would keep a secret like that from me after all we've been though.

"Look calm down angel," he said as he put his hands on my shoulders but I just pushed him off.

"Don't touch me and don't call me your angel," I said. "How long have you known about this," I asked.

"I just found out about this when you conceived," Wyatt said. "But look I promised Chris and Prudence that I wouldn't tell. We thought it would be best if you didn't know yet."

"So you just wanted me to walk around here vomiting, going to the bathroom, being drowsy, oh and best of all me gaining all this weight and not suspect something was going on," I said. "I can't believe you. I thought you were committed to me and not Chris and Prudence but I guess they're more important to you than I am." I then just started heading for the door.

"Chris wait," Wyatt said as he was trying to stop me but I just ignored him and walked out of the door. I was just walking in the street taking time to process all of this. I didn't know where I was going but I know I wasn't going back to the manor. I didn't feel like talking to any of them since they didn't tell me this whole time that I was pregnant and Prudence was my child. I was also wondering why I never saw Prudence in the future both times I went there. I knew it was something that I had to ask her but I just didn't feel like even being around them the more I think about it. I was also thinking about a lot of other things like how was I going to go to college like this. I mean once my baby is born I'm going to have to take a month off and then demons are probably gonna be after my baby since I'm a Charmed One. To make things even worse I was having a baby without even being married. I mean yeah Wyatt and I could tie the knot before six months is up but I don't want to rush into things. I knew I had to stop thinking of these things things because it was stress and I couldn't have that on the baby. I then saw car lights flash on me. I was scared I didn't know who it was but then the person let there windows down and it revealed to be Daughtry.

"Hey Chris," he said. "What are you doing out in the street like this at this time of night," he asked.

"Long story," I answered.

"You need a ride," he asked.

"Sure," I said running over to the passenger side and getting in.

"So where ya headed," he asked.

"I don't know," I said.

"Well I'm on my way home so you want to come over my house," he asked.

"Yes," I answered.

We then went back to Daughtry's house. He didn't live to far away from the manor. He lived alone since he was able to afford it. He had a very nice two story house. "So Chris what were you doing out in the street?" he asked again. I knew I couldn't escape the question this time. I was sitting on a couch and Daughtry was sitting in a couch across from me. He and I haven't talked for awhile so I explained everything to him about my mom dying and me finding out about my real family and all. I told him about how Wyatt and I were engaged and made sure I never told him anything about being a witch. I finally got to the part about me being pregnant and Wyatt and I having a fight and I just left. "Wow that was a long story," he said, "but you know no matter what they're always gonna be your family. Friends come and go but family is forever." I had to agree with that. "By the way what ever happened to your adopted son Trevor," Daughtry asked.

"He died of AIDS a few months ago," I answered.

"Oh Chris I'm so sorry," Daughtry said as he came over and gave me a hug, "but you can stay with me as long as you need but I'm letting you know that you can't keep avoiding your family forever."

"I know I just need sometime to process all of this," I said. A whole week went by and I just avoided them all at school. I would go sit somewhere else in math class. Wyatt kept trying to come sit near me but then I would just keep moving until he left me alone and I did the same thing with Chris and Peter. I started eating lunch with Daughtry. Wyatt and Chris tried calling me but I never answered I just let it ring. I got a lot of voice messages but I didn't even check them. Everyday when I went to my locker there were notes from both Chris and Wyatt and a couple of days there were some from Peter. I just ripped them all up and threw them in the trash. I really just didn't want to hear it. I got a ride to school from Daughtry and a ride home from Daughtry. I would sometimes sneak over to the manor to get some clothes but before I did I made sure that no one was home. If I didn't have enough sometimes Daughtry would let me barrow his though I was big since I was pregnant and all. He would give me lectures just about everyday about how I needed to face my family instead of running from my problems. One day out of the week I was going to go get some clothes while no one was home and I caught sight of that picture Aunt Paige took of me, Wyatt, Chris and Peter that morning after I had to kill my brother. It was just sitting on the drawer framed next to that picture of me and Wyatt at our engagement part. Those were some of the best days of my life. I then heard someone coming through the front door and I knew I couldn't stay so I hurried and orbed back to Daughtry's house. Later on that night I was just up thinking about all the good times I had with Wyatt and how much I missed him but I just couldn't deal with him right now. Right then I saw John shimmer in. He was the last person I wanted to see.

"So I hear you're pregnant thats nice to know," He said walking over to me where I was sitting on the couch.

"Get lost," I said.

"Come on I can't believe you're still mad at me," he said smiling.

"What's there not to be mad about. You attacked my boyfriend, you caused me to have to have an abortion, you decided to be the source instead of being with me, and worst of all you took advantage of me while I was under a spell," I said.

"You know I only did all those things because I love you," he said.

"Well thats a funny way of showing it now what do you want and why won't you just leave me alone," I said still frustrated.

"I thought you know since you left Wyatt maybe we could you know get back together," he said.

"Okay like I said its not happening," I said, "how many times do I have to tell you that."

"I don't know until you say 'yes'," he said. "Chris come on be with me. I'll be the father of that child and we could have a child of our own. So what do you say about it."

"I say get lost right now or else I will send you back to hell where you belong," I said. He then shimmered out.

All of a sudden I saw orbs in my room. I didn't know who to expect since just about everyone in the family was either a white lighter or could come with a white lighter. Out of the orbs came Aunt Phoebe and Aunt Paige.

"Hey Chris," Phoebe said as her and Paige came and sat next to me on the couch. "How have you been sweetheart?" she asked.

"I'm fine no thanks to my family," I answered. "first of all how did you find me?" I asked.

"We decided to scry for you," Phoebe answered.

"Chris we thought it would be best if Phoebe and I talked to you so please can you give us a chance," Paige said begging.

"Alright five minutes go," I said.

"Look Chris first off we just wanted to start off by saying we're sorry we kept this from you, but we just thought it be best if you didn't know right then," Phoebe started explaining. "Prudence thought that you didn't like her so she just wanted to wait for the right time. We really didn't want you to find out this way."

"Chris believe us we wouldn't do anything to hurt you," Paige interrupted. "If we knew that it was going to hurt you this much we would have told you. The whole family is worried about you. You're three months pregnant and we're scared since we don't have the power of three and neither do you that you and your baby are just sitting ducks."

"Wow everyone's worried," I asked surprised.

"Yes and we all need you to come back to the manor," Paige answered. "Especially Wyatt."

"Wyatt? How is he?" I asked. Though I was mad at him I still cared for him.

"Not good Chris not good at all. He's been really depressed since you left. He hasn't been sleeping that much, he hasn't been smiling at all, he's not being Wyatt. He needs you really bad Chris. He's miserable without you and so is Peter and Chris. Your brothers need you Chris so what do you say," Phoebe explained and asked.

"Okay I'll come back," I said.

"Thats great," Phoebe said smiling. "Look at little Prudence isn't she going to be cute," Phoebe said rubbing my stomach.

"Alright, alright that's enough," I said getting Phoebe to stop.

"Oh sorry Chris but lets go," Phoebe said standing up along with Paige. "Do you want to orb back to the manor yourself or do you want to come with me and Paige," she asked.

"I'll come with you guys," I said as I got up and hugged them both in a group hug. Phoebe went on the other side of Paige and grabbed her hand and I also grabbed Paige's hand and we orbed back to the manor. Once we got there I saw everyone just sitting there waiting. They were excited to see me.

"Oh my goodness Chris!" Piper yelled as she ran up and hugged me and kissed me on the cheek, "I'm so glad you're back and I'm so sorry we kept this from you," she said.

"Its okay its in the past now," I said. Piper then started rubbing my stomach and talking baby talk to it. "Okay why does everyone keep doing that I mean am I Buddha or what?"

"Oh sorry," Piper said as she backed away.

Then Leo came up and hugged me, "I'm so glad you're back," he said. "Remember I'm your dad and I'm always here for you."

"Thanks dad," I said.

Then Peter and Chris came up to me and hugged me at the same time, "Brother its so good to have you back home we're sorry we knew and we didn't tell you," Chris said. "And I promise never to hide anything like that from you again."

"You guys are my brothers don't worry I can't stay mad at you," I said. "Where is Wyatt?" I asked.

"He's upstairs," Piper answered. "Don't worry I'll get him WYATT SOMEONE DOWN HERE WANTS TO SEE YOU!!" Piper shouted.

Prudence finally came up to me. I couldn't believe I was staring at her. My own daughter face to face. "Mom I would just like you to know that I'm sorry I lied and I'm sorry I've kept all of this from you," she said with tears in her eyes.

"Its okay," I said hugging her, "but don't ever do something like this again," I said.

We could finally hear Wyatt coming downstairs and he wasn't too happy. "Alright mom whats the big deal couldn't I just have my alone time in peace without....," he then paused as he caught sight of me. "Peter!" he yelled as he ran up and hugged me tightly.

"Okay Wyatt calm down I know you love me but the baby," I said. He then let go of me.

"Chris I'm sorry angel I never meant to do that to you," he said.

"Wyatt its okay but look you better promise me you'll never keep anymore secrets from me okay," I said.

"I promise," Wyatt said and then we kissed. Later on that night everyone decided that it was late and they wanted to go to sleep. I couldn't sleep since I didn't have anything to eat that night so I went into the kitchen but Wyatt came in there with me and said he'd cook for me. I didn't like what I was seeing.

"Wyatt what are you making," I asked.

"Spinach," he answered.

"What?! I'm not eating spinach," I said.

"Come on I read its good for the baby," he said. "Come on please just do it," he said now begging but I didn't budge. "Okay fine I'll put some chocolate sauce on it," he said taking out the bottle of chocolate sauce and pouring it on the spinach.

"Yes!" I shouted as I started eating it.

Wyatt then walked over to me and knelt down and lifted my shirt and kissed my stomach. "I can't wait till this one comes out," Wyatt said.


Just kidding or maybe i'm not. Tell me whether I should continue or if I should let the story end like this. Email me at or if you have gmail email me at

Next: Chapter 16

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