Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Jul 3, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

I just sat in Wyatt's lap the rest of the night while he was on the computer. When we finally decided to go to sleep Wyatt carried me over to the bed and made sure my head was laying on his chest. When we woke up we decided we would take another shower together since our last one was interrupted. Nothing bad went on besides a few make out secessions and some groping in places. We went back to our room and started getting dress and Wyatt thought he'd crack a little joke, "hey Chris try this on," he said tossing me his pants. I tried getting into them but they were to big.

"Wyatt I can't wear your pants," I said.

"Yep and thats how it goes, I'm the man and I wear the pants in this relationship and you can't wear them," Wyatt said smiling.

I was mad now, "hey Wyatt try these on," I said tossing him my pants. He tried to get in them but he could only pull them half way onto him.

"I can't get into your pants," he said.

"Thats right and thats how its gonna be until you learn to quit with the evil jokes that you keep saying," I said with a smile.

"You are mean you know that. I was just kidding you know I didn't mean it was just a joke that I'd thought you'd find a little hilarious," Wyatt said as he walked over to me.

"I was just kidding also you know I wouldn't do that to you especially not with your prom coming up soon and I know you'd want to have a little fun on that night am I right," I said.

"Oh you know it," he said pulling me into a kiss.

"One condition no sex," I said smiling.

"You dirty little rat," he said picking me up and tossing me on the bed and then jumping on top of me and holding my arms down, "now you said no to what on prom night?"

"I said no to sex," I said while he still had me pinned down.

"Well just see about that," he said as he started sucking on my neck, "give up yet," he asked.

"No I don't," I said still being pinned but trying to break free.

"You know you're not going to break free from me so why even try," Wyatt asked as he still held me down, "you know you're only making me more turned on by doing that,"

"I don't care just watch me get out of this," I said.

"Or not so have it your way but I'm still gonna win either way," he said as he held my arms down with one hand and started pinching my nipples with the other and went back to sucking my neck, "you give up yet," Wyatt asked.

"Yes now just stop turning me on," I said.

"Okay so what are we gonna do on prom night," he asked.

"Have sex," I answered.

"And how long are we gonna have sex," he asked.

"As long as you want," I answered again.

"Thats what I thought," he said as he got off of me and we started back to getting dressed and then we both went downstairs and saw Prudence was sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"Wow Prudence I thought you'd be gone by now I mean you stopped the Triad so not to be rude but what are you still doing here I mean wouldn't you be on your way back to the future," I asked as I came and sat in the chair I normally sat in with Wyatt coming and sitting next to me.

"Yes don't worry I've still got unfinished business down here to tend to so I won't be leaving for awhile so looks like I'll be sticking around a lot more often since I'm not ready to go back to the future," Prudence said.

"Thats great," I said as Peter and Chris entered and came and sat in their normal chairs.

"So Evans we still up for that day in the town again," Chris asked.

"You bet," I answered.

"Wait who's going where," Wyatt interrupted.

"Just me and Chris are gonna go for a day in town again without the baby and without any Warlocks this time," I told Wyatt.

"You didn't ask me if you could go," Wyatt said.

"Since when did I become your property," I asked.

"The day you said yes to marrying me," Wyatt answered.

"Okay then, Chris and I are going out for another day in the town is that cool with you guys," I asked

"Thats cool can Peter and I come with," Wyatt asked.

"No," Chris and I both said in unison

"Why not," Wyatt asked.

"Because we're gonna go into some real girly stores and try on stuff like thongs and other little things like that and I know you don't want to see your little brother in a thong," I said.

"Not but I do," Peter said.

"And I can just see you in the thong," Wyatt said, "noting would make my day better than to see you in just a thong,"

"Okay look can Chris and I just have one day to ourselves," I asked, "I mean we deserve a break after having to watch a baby and then having being told to come home in the middle of our fun," I said.

"Fine but when are we gonna get to see you guys today," Wyatt asked.

"We'll meet you guys at P3 later tonight," I said, "Chris ready to go," I asked.

"Yeah," he said and then he kissed Peter and headed out the door.

"What time?" Wyatt asked.

"Don't worry about it," I said as I got up and headed for the door but it was blocked by Wyatt, "Wyatt come on let me go you know I don't want to keep Chris waiting forever."

"Then tell me what time," he said smiling as he was still blocking the door. He knew what would get a rise out of me. I tried going around him but he kept moving in the same direction as me. "I'm not moving until you tell me what time to expect you at the club."

"Yes you are even if I have to kick you in the groin so you'll move," I said.

"You wouldn't do that," Wyatt said with that smile still on his face. I hated to see that I mean it made me feel like giving in to anything he wanted me to do and more.

"And why wouldn't I," I said, "if thats the only way to get you to move then tell me why wouldn't I do it," I asked.

"Because if you do that means we can't have little Penelope and Patrica like our future showed us," Wyatt answered, "and plus I know you'd never hurt me on purpose now would you?"

"No I wouldn't but still can you let me pass through you so I can get going please," I asked.

"Not until you tell me what time you're coming to the club," he said still standing there.

I finally just gave in, "okay we'll meet you guys there at 8:00 pm alright now can you please let me go," I asked again.

"8:00! Thats to long come on make it 7:00 please," Wyatt said. "I want to see you sooner than that,"

"No Wyatt you had us come home early last time so this is our time to go and have some fun okay," I said as I hugged him, "now I'll meet you at the club tonight alright," I said.

"Fine but you better be there at 8:00 and not a minute late," he said.

"I will I promise," I said as we kissed. Chris then came back from being outside and you could tell he was real frustrated with waiting as would anyone who's been delayed for awhile.

"Sorry to break up the party but we've got to go its now 12:00 and I'm starving so Chris lets go out for lunch now," Chris demanded as Wyatt and I broke our kiss and I started heading for the door, "lets go lover boy chop, chop," he said as he slapped me a couple of times on the ass but I didn't mind because I knew he was kidding.

"Hey!" Wyatt yelled causing Chris and I to stop where we were at, "don't you touch that Chris," he said referring to my ass, "that belongs to me and no one except me is aloud to touch that you hear me."

"Okay you said that was yours but what about these," Chris said as he started pinching my nipples. I started laughing because I knew how Wyatt was going to react to it.

"Those are mine too now get your hands off of them before I come over there and kick your ass," he said and Chris finally released my nipples. I knew he was going to try something else.

"Okay you said both of those things were yours but you never said anything about this," Chris said as he grabbed my crotch and started massaging it. I didn't get to much of an erection from it because I had no interest in Chris what so ever so it pleased me to see jealous Wyatt.

"Alright you know what," Wyatt said as he walked over to Chris and I and removed Chris's hand from my area, "this whole thing is mine," he said as he pointed to me. "From the hair to the feet all belongs to me and you keep your hands off you hear me."

"Calm down Wyatt I was just kidding," Chris said in his defense to help Wyatt ease his temper, "and besides why would I want your boyfriend when I've got one of my own," Chris said as he finally walked out of the house and into the car.

"You better not be doing anything with Chris," Wyatt said as he pulled me closer to him. It was finally good to see Wyatt fighting over me instead of me fighting over him.

"I'm not I mean why would I mess around with Chris when I've got you who is one, probably better in bed, two maybe have a bigger dick, and three someone I can boss around anytime I want," I said laughing as I made the finally comment.

"You know thats not true but whatever floats my angel's wings," he said as he kissed me again, "now go on I'm sure Chris is probably tired of waiting," he said and I turned around and he slapped my ass, "oh that was good let me try that again," he said as he slapped it even harder.

I just kept going and I finally made it outside and I saw Chris just sitting there in the car. I could tell he was frustrated from waiting so I just got in the car and hurried and turned it on and started driving towards the restraunt we were gonna go to, "sorry Chris," I said, "you know Wyatt doesn't want to let me go anywhere these days."

"I understand I mean Peter doesn't want me to go anywhere either," he responded, "looks like we're definitely without a shadow of a doubt going to be stay at home wives to take care of our kids," Chris said. After only about ten minutes of driving which seemed like only ten seconds. We decided we were gonna sit down at the table we sat at last time. This time not many people stared at us and we didn't have two strange guys come talk to us either, "Evans I have to talk to you about something brother to brother," Chris said, "have you ever thought about what happens after we're no longer the Charmed Ones."

"No I never thought that far ahead in the future neither have I seen it," I answered, "I mean yeah there is gonna come a time when we're not the Charmed Ones anymore but then our lives will be normal but I mean thats not going to happen for a long time I mean in fourteen years my daughters will only be eight and four and I don't think they'll be ready for that kind of commitment."

"I guess you right its just that I mean I feel that the only thing there is for me is being a Charmed One," Chris explained. I could see that he was being more serious now then he had ever been, "I haven't even seen my future to know if I have any kids and I feel that my only purpose is to be a Charmed One and thats it and once that is over there will be no need for me anymore."

"Chris that is not true and you know it," I said, "who knows what the future holds I mean it could change at any moment now and even if its me and Wyatt who brings about the next generation of Charmed Ones you're still important to them also. I mean who do you expect to give them guidance. There are somethings parents can't explain and thats what you'll be there for okay, I mean you're meant to be with Peter and thats how its suppose to be, I mean if it wasn't for you Wyatt and I would have broken up over that Justin guy, so you are important" I said to Chris very emotionally. I almost started crying at this conversation. It hurt me to even see my brother think nothing of himself.

"I guess you're right I mean I still will have Peter after all of this is over," he said as his confidence started to build up. "You know I also have two brothers who are stubborn and who would always want to keep me around so I guess I do have a purpose after all."

"Thats the spirit," I said and then signaled the waiter to come over, "we've got to get going its now 2:00 and we only got six hours before we have to meet our boyfriends back at the P3," the waiter then gave me the check and I put the money into and gave it back to him and waited.

"Wow you're not leaving him that big tip like you did last time," Chris asked as he smiled.

"No the only reason I did that last time was because we had two psycho warlocks hitting on us," I answered, "so unfortunately for the waiter we don't have that this time," I said as the waiter quickly brought us back our change and I gave him a twenty five percent tip just to be nice. Chris and I then started walking again down the city stores while talking, "so Chris I've been meaning to talk to you about this Prudence girl," I said.

"Yeah what about her," Chris asked.

"She seems a little too suspicious I mean I think she might be a demon," I said, "I mean think about it why would she come back to now and what could have happened in the future that triggered her to come back I mean I saw the future and it looked fine from my perspective."

"Never know maybe it looked fine because she came back and saved it before," Chris said, "but we both know she can't be a demon I mean she has white lighter powers I mean we both saw her orb."

"Yeah but there are ways I mean you can steal white lighter powers," I said, "there's a potion in the Book of Shadows that allows people to steal another's power whether it be a demon, white lighter, warlock, or witch its possible I mean remember the story of Zanko that Aunt Piper told us," I said as we both continued walking on and on talking about this.

"Yes I remember that but I don't think Prudence is that type of person who would steal someones powers I mean she's too nice," Chris defended her, "I mean why else would she try to come back and save us from the Triad I mean if she wanted us dead she would have let them kill us," Chris said.

"I know I just don't trust her I mean......," I then paused and stared at what I just caught sight of. I can't believe it. I was about to blow something up because of it.

"Whats wrong Evans why did you stop," he asked.

"Chris look behind that bush without making it obvious," I answered pointing to a bush that was a few yards away from us. Chris then took a look behind the bush like I asked him too and he was just as pissed as I was. Behind the bush was Wyatt and Peter spying on us.

"I'm gonna kill them," Chris said as he started walking towards the bush

"No," I said grabbing him, "since they want to stalk us lets give them something to follow," I said with an evil grin as I conjured up an idea that would be splendid even for them.

"What did you have in mind," Chris asked.

"Come here," I said as whispered something in his ear.

"Oh you are brilliant," Chris said to the idea.

"It runs in the family," I said as Chris and I decided to put our plan into action. So we kept walking on down the streets like nothing was going wrong and we knew that Wyatt and Peter were still following us. We finally came up to an alley way and decided to go into it. "Hey Chris you know I've had feelings for you for as long as I've had them for Wyatt," I said now smiling at Chris as we were face to face.

"Oh really?" Chris said with a confused look, "because I've had feelings for you too I mean I always wanted to steal you away from Wyatt so you could be all mine," he said now smiling, "thats why I was slapping that ass of yours and it was nice and firm the way I like it,"

"Thanks so if we're gonna be together in a secret affair, on a scale of one to ten how good of a kisser are you," I asked.

"Well I can show you better than I can tell you," he said in a sexy voice and then started pulling me into a kiss. We were both rubbing each other as we kissed and it was fun. Just then Wyatt and Peter came from behind the trash can.

"Alright thats enough!" Wyatt said as he came over and broke us apart.

"That's what you get for spying on us," I said.

"It doesn't make up for what you just did," Wyatt said and I could see the anger in his eyes and I saw Peter grab Chris and take him aside. "Now when were you going to tell me that you had feelings for Chris," Wyatt asked but I just started laughing at the question. "What's so funny," he asked.

"Did you listen to what I said," I told him, "I don't have feeling for Chris and neither does he have any feeling for me," I explained, "we were just doing that to piss you guys off since y'all were spying on us. Come on Wyatt as I told you today I don't want Chris I want you."

"Okay you know I have to forgive you," he said as he hugged me, "but don't do anything like that again or else I'll have to give you a naughty spanking," he said as he smiled.

"I won't just as long as you don't ever spy on me and Chris again," I said.

"Fine I won't but you know I couldn't wait until 8:00 to see you I mean thats now five more hours away," Wyatt said.

"Wyatt you can go five hours without seeing me come on you've gone almost two weeks without seeing me so whats five hours compared to two weeks," I asked.

"It was the most miserable two weeks of my life," he said.

"Sorry but it had to happen now can Chris and I get back to our day of hanging out without you guys because I mean we were having some good conversations and well we want to continue," I said.

"Okay fine but like I said you better be at the club at eight and not a minute late," He said, "ok Peter lets go," Wyatt said as he grabbed Peter and they both just orbed away.

"Do you think they're gonna stay away," I asked Chris.

"Nope they're like boomerangs," Chris responded, "no matter how far or how hard you throw them they always come back," Chris said as we both started leaving the alley way and went into a clothing store. We both picked out a set of clothes that we wanted to try on and went into different closets that were next to each other. Chris then came out in his first outfit. He was wearing a tight shirt with some tight jeans and i was wearing some normal jeans with a stripped shirt and a cowboy hat, "So what do you think," Chris asked me.

"Chris are you sure you want to wear something that tight in public I mean what size is that," I asked.

"Its a small, why whats the problem," He asked.

"Its tight on you and so are the jeans," I answered, "they show your whole body figure and I mean its flat out saying that you're gay and you want people knowing that," I asked.

"No and first of all I'm bi and second of all why does it matter if I show the world my body figure," he said, "I think I look very sexy and I think I have a sexy body," he said as he strike a pose.

"You know if you weren't my brother I would call you a man whore," I said, "I wouldn't show a small to anyone except for Wyatt. He's the only one who needs to know my body figure not the world. Now if you want to show that to just Peter thats okay but don't go off showing that to everyone," I advised him.

"Okay Mr. I shouldn't show off my figure lets see what you've got on," Chris said as he looked me up and down, "what's with the cowboy hat I mean you don't have any boots or bandannas," he asked.

"Oh please you don't have to have the whole outfit to where a cowboy hat," I said, "I mean this is one thing that turns people on is when guys wear cowboy hats so how sexy do I look," I asked.

"Not sexy at all but you know who would look real good in that sexy cowboy hat," Chris asked as he smiled and started staring off into space, "Peter he would be so sexy in that hat,"

"Ha dare to dream I know I look sexy in this and you nor your boyfriend could top me I hope you know that," I said.

"Lets just go," Chris said as he went back into his closet and I went into mine and we quickly changed clothes and hung them back on the rack where we found them. I was actually having a great time and so was Chris. This was even better than the last time we went out because this time there were no warlocks and no kids. Chris and I for the most part just kept wondering around and going into different stores and trying on different outfits. At one time or another we both did make fools of ourselves and tried on some dresses but we made sure no one was looking when we did that. We then were just walking along the sidewalks talking, "you know Chris I'm glad we're brothers I mean this past year has been part of the best time of my life and I owe it all to you and Wyatt and everyone else in the family," I said, "I can't wait till we're done with being Charmed because I mean we can do this all the time you get my drift," I said.

"Yeah I guess but have you ever thought about I mean how are you gonna train your kids to become the Charmed Ones I mean its gonna be a lot of hard work and you might not have time for me and you to hang out," Chris said.

"Please you know I'm always gonna have time for us I mean come on you're my brother why wouldn't I have time for you," I said as we were both still walking. "And you're also gonna be there to help train little Penelope and Patrica aren't you?"

"You know it," he said while he was smiling, "I guess we will have time to hang around each other," he said.

"Yeah but you know what I'm more worried about?," I said.

"What?" he asked.

"That Prudence girl," I answered, "I know we were talking about here before Wyatt and Peter interrupted but I was saying that I don't trust her because why would someone like her try to save us from the Triad and she knew we could take them on. I mean she herself even said that we had enough power to take them on but she wanted us to become the Greek Gods for some little reason. Plus she knew all about the elders taking cover and didn't warn us and worst of all she knew the Triad had put that spell on me and she didn't even get here in time to stop me from having sex with John, eww just thinking about that makes me want to vomit," I said.

"Yeah but come on you can't blame her I mean what was she suppose to do," Chris said, "I mean she probably didn't know that even happened though she might have been from the future. Just give her a chance I mean she can't be all that bad even if you do have your suspicions."

"Alright I'll try but the minute she does something demonic or evil I'll be right there to tell you and everyone else I told you so," I said.

Chris laughed a little, "if you say so but do you know what time it is," he asked.

I then looked at my watch, "crap its ten minutes till eight," I said, "we've got to hurry before the guys kill us for being late," I said. Chris and I then ran to the car as fast as we could not stopping for anything. We had to run through a couple of streets and almost got ran over in the process but we flicked them off and kept on running. We finally made it to the car safe and sound. I hurried and drove to the club and I swear I almost got a few speeding tickets but I managed to avoid the cops. I then looked down at my watch and it said 8:05 pm, "crap Wyatt is going to kill me and Peter is going to kill you," I said.

"Its okay they'll forgive us," Chris said, "especially since we're the ones who control when they have sex and we've got the power to rob them of it for months at a time," Chris said smiling, "you just do that and I'm sure they'll forget all about us being five minutes late."

"Now I know you're my brother because we both think alike," I said, "I can't believe you said that but it won't work on Wyatt see I already promised him something and well I'm sure he's gonna want it and plus you know Valentines day is on Wednesday have you thought about that," I asked.

"No but hey lets go see if we can buy them something tomorrow after school okay," Chris said, "I'm sure they won't notice if we're gone for just an hour or so,"

"Maybe not Peter but Wyatt surely would notice that I'm missing," I said, "you forget since I said yes to being married to him my whole body now belongs to him and I can't go anywhere without asking him now."

"Evans you know he's just kidding I mean he's not trying to control you," Chris told me, "Wyatt's not a controlling person I mean yeah he does have a bad side but otherwise he's a cool guy."

"I know," I said as we finally pulled up to the club, "we better hurry its now ten minutes after and we've got some kissing up to do so I won't be having to take it up the rear again like I always do to make things up to Wyatt."

"You poor soul," Chris said as he and I got out of the car and started walking inside. "I can't believe Wyatt does that to you to make things up to him, I can only imagine that pain because I know one thing. Us Halliwells are not small below the waist."

"You're telling me but I still love him despite his ways," I said as we finally entered the club and we were now talking over loud music, "he might not be the perfect guy but there's nothing I would change about him and I wouldn't trade him for any guy in the world."

"I saw that when you rejected John," Chris said, "I find it hard to believe that you don't have feelings for your ex."

"There will always be a place in my heart for John because he was my first," I said, "but you just got to move on and so does John I mean I know he and I were together for two years and all but he chose his way and he needs someone who will love him for power since that's all he's about," I said as Chris and I finally approached the bar. We saw Piper there still serving drinks. She looked like she had her hands full.

"Hey mom have you seen Peter," Chris asked her.

"I'm right here," Peter said coming from behind Chris and grabbing him by the waist at first then turning him around to kiss him a few times, "what took you so long I mean you said you wouldn't be a minute late and now looks like you're at least ten minutes."

"You know how it is with things," Chris answered.

"Oh and yeah Evans Wyatt is in the bathroom he'll be right out," Peter said, "I told him not to drink to much water but he said it was 98 percent of the human body." Peter and Chris then went on the floor and started dancing together. I was happy to watch that scene I mean they looked like a perfect couple and were made for each other. Then out of nowhere I saw Prudence coming over. I didn't feel like being bothered so I turned back around to talk to Piper.

"Hey Chris whats up," she said to me but I didn't answer her back, "Is there a problem I mean why aren't you talking to me," she asked but I still didn't answer, "did I do something wrong."

"No I'm sorry I just didn't notice you were there over all of the loud noise," I started to speak trying to be polite. I remember telling Chris that I would give her a chance, "so how do you like the past is it better than the future," I asked.

"I wouldn't say that," she answered, "I mean yeah there are things that I would want here that aren't in the future and there are things in the future that I would want here," she said, "so I guess it works both ways so its probably about the same."

"So by chance do we even know who your parents are," I asked.

"Yes you guys do I mean why else would they name me after one of your ancestors," Prudence answered, "I mean they have to know you guys pretty well," she said.

"Well I want to meet them so can you tell me who they are," I said, "I'm sure you would want to say hi too while you're down here," I said also. "So are they here right now in the club or are they somewhere else."

"No you can't meet them and they're not here right now," she said. "Even if they were you can't meet them now because if you do it risks changing the future and I could disappear off the face of this earth and I really don't want that to happen," she explained.

"Do you know when I can meet them," I asked.

"All in good time trust me you'll know who they are when you see them," she said as she smiled and went away to the dance floor and started dancing around with other guys.

I then turned back around to speak to Aunt Piper, "that slut," I said pointing to her on the dance floor. "Look at her over there dropping it like its hot for all those guys she doesn't even know."

"Chris she's just trying to have some fun relax," Piper said, "your mom would go out and have fun at the club also, though when she did it was very rare because she was always looking after me and Phoebe but thats not the point. I think you have a problem with Prudence."

"Yes I sure do," I said, "she just weird I swear I mean what is she doing here I mean come on why do we need her we're the Charmed Ones."

"You know everyone needs help at one time or another even the Charmed Ones," Piper said, "even though your mom died she still helped us in spirit. When we needed to find a vanquishing potion in the Book of Shadows we just knew Prue was there helping us." Piper was then called over for a drink, "Chris don't move I'll be right back," she said as she went over to make the drink. While Piper was away some good looking guy decided to walk over to me. I tried to ignore him but he was coming right over and he just sat at the bar right next to me.

"Hello I my name is Jay," he said, "Hernandez," he finished as he held out his hand.

"Hello Jay Hernandez nice to meet you," I said as I shook his hand, "I'm Chris Evans."

"So can I buy you a drink," he asked. I looked at him and saw he was smiling and I hated to do this to him but this comes with being committed to one person.

"Sorry Jay I'm taken so I can't accept it," I said.

"That's alright by any chance where is this girlfriend of yours," Jay said, "I'd like to meet her, she must be pretty hot for a guy like you I should have known you couldn't be single."

"Well he's a guy and he went to the restroom and he's suppose to be out any minute but I think he just doesn't know that I'm over here at the bar but he'll find me soon he always does," I answered.

"Just let me buy you a drink just as a friend okay," He said.

I thought it would be rude not to take it so I decided to agree, "okay but I'm underage so I can't have any alcohol," I said.

"Thats fine I'll just get you a coke," he said. Piper then came over and he ordered a coke for me. I didn't see it but he put something in it. I should have never been that stupid enough to take a drink from a stranger. We just kept talking. I talked about my relationship with Wyatt and he just talked about himself just coming over here to California. I was very impressed that he wanted to take classes here in California. As we were talking I kept sipping more and more of my drink till it was finally gone.

Then a woozy feeling just came over me and I felt drowsy, "hey I'm sorry Jay but I'm feeling a little woozy and I think I'm gonna go home now," I said getting up off the bar stool but could barely keep my balance. Jay then walked over to may aid and took one arm and put it around his should.

"Hey I'll help you out," he said as he smiled while he had my arm over his shoulder and I could barely stand up. He started walking with me through the crowd but luckily Wyatt caught sight of us and Wyatt then jumped in front of us.

"Hey what are you doing with my boyfriend," Wyatt asked. He looked very angry like he was gonna kill someone. I'd hate to mess with Wyatt when he's in this kind of mood.

"Oh so you're the guy he's been talking about," Jay answered, "nothing I was just helping him out." Jay was stuttering a little while he was talking

"No you weren't," Wyatt said. Then he punched Jay in the face leaving me unable to balance myself so I just fell on the ground. I then heard Wyatt calling for Piper to call 9-11 and he told Chris and Peter to come help me up. It was all real fuzzy to me because next thing I knew I blacked out. When I woke up I was in a hospital with all sorts of different tubes attached to me. I saw Wyatt holding my hand sitting in a chair right next to me. Then I looked around even more and saw Chris and Peter sitting in chairs on the opposite side. Chris was sleeping on Peter's shoulder. I finally then sat up, "you're awake!" Wyatt shouted and then kissed me a couple of times. "Hey you guys he's awake!" Wyatt shouted again and then Chris and Peter got up and hugged me.

"What happened," I asked.

"That guy Jay Hernandez put the date rape drug in your drink," Wyatt explained, "don't worry he's been arrested, but I need you to promise me something. Don't you ever take a drink from a stranger ever again. No telling what plans he had for you if he had gotten you out of the club."

"I promise," I said and we hugged. "Wyatt I owe you again I mean I can't believe you just saved me from being taken advantage of."

"Hey its my duty to protect you," Wyatt said with a smile. "As your fianc I vowed to love, honor, and protect, though that vow doesn't come till we're married but hey it started for me when you said yes." Right then Piper entered the room with Leo.

"Oh my gosh you're okay," Piper said as she ran up and hugged me, "I was so worried about you," she said.

"Me too," Leo said as he came up and hugged me also, "now don't ever let me hear about you taking another drink from a stranger."

"Okay dad geeze I already got the lecture from Wyatt on doing that I promise I won't do it again," I said.

"Wyatt you are smarter than me," Leo said smiling, "like father like son."

"Okay thats enough love and affection for one day you boys go on and get to school," Piper said, "Leo and I will look after him until you guys get home alright now go on," Piper urged.

"Bye Chris take care bro," Chris said as he and Peter walked out of the room.

"I'll see you later on tonight okay angel," Wyatt said as he hugged me one last time before he left the room

"Is it okay if I go to school," I asked.

"How about not you just lay here and I've got to go check you out of the hospital and we'll be heading home okay," Piper said as she left the room and leaving it to be just me and Leo.

"I'm sure you must be pretty board," Leo said, "lets see what on TV," Leo said as he grabbed the remote and turned on the news. This time it was more shocking than ever.

"Last night 13 prisoners escaped prison and are now roaming the city of San Francisco," she started and it got me scared. "Leading this escape was this man," she said and then I saw a picture of a guy a recognized, "Jay Hernandez who was put in prison last night for drug use. He is said to be armed and dangerous please be on the look out." Leo then turned off the TV.

"Sorry Chris I'm sure that's not something you probably would want to be exposed to after last night," he said, "but don't worry nothing is going to happen to you he'll have to get through me and everyone else so you're gonna be fine," Leo told me. Piper then told me I was set and ready to go. I then went into the bathroom and changed into my clothes and got into the car with them and we drove home. They told me I needed to go get some rest. So I didn't have the strength to argue so I went upstairs to my bed and I just collapsed and fell asleep. I then was in a beautiful dream. I was on top of a 20 story building. There was a table set for two. I just went and sat in one chair and I was hopping Wyatt would appear out of nowhere and come sit in the other. Was I ever wrong. My dream just turned into a nightmare when out of a puff of smoke Jay Hernandez appeared and came in sat in the other chair.

"Hello Chris," he said as he smiled. He was all dressed up in a black suit and tie. "I'm sure you're wondering why its me and not Wyatt who's sitting hear." What he was saying was shocking me. I was wondering how he could read my mind. "You see the reason I can read your mind is because this is my world and don't worry I'm not a demon just a normal mortal with some tricks up his sleeve. You know Chris I can't believe you rejected me I mean come on I'm way better looking than Wyatt."

"Please why would I want to go with a scum like you I mean what do you have to offer," I said, "looks aren't everything and who gave you the right to drug me and to make it worse you invade my dreams."

"Yep I sure am invading your dreams but don't you worry there's a little something that you don't know," he said with an evil grin on his face. "You know that if you die in your dreams you die in the real world," he said as he picked up a knife and then cut me on my arm. It was deep enough to kill me but it was deep enough to let me bleed a lot.

"You bastard," I said. "So what do you plan to do cut me to death and for what because I rejected your sorry ass," I said with a real furious tone. "Thats why no one wants to be with you because you can't take rejection well so looks like you'll never find love."

"Shut up, its time for you to die," he said as he got up out of his chair. I tried getting out of mine but I was stuck. "You know why you can't get out of the chair? Because I don't want you to." He then started rolling me away like I was in a wheel chair and he rolled me over to the edge of the building. I was scared for my life I started shouting for Wyatt and Chris. "They can't here you say good bye," he said as he rolled me off the edge of the building. I then heard Wyatt yelling for me to wake up. I then opened my eyes and saw Wyatt over my bed.

"Chris you okay I mean I heard you screaming for me and I kept trying to wake you up up what happened," he asked. I was so happy to see him that I just hugged him real tight.

"Oh my goodness Wyatt it was awful," I said as I started to cry a little while I was still hugging him.

"Its okay everything is gonna be okay," he said as he kissed me on the forehead. We finally broke our hug and I saw Wyatt had blood on his hands. The problem was it wasn't his. "Chris your bleeding, hold still let me fix that," he said as he put his hand over my wound and healed it with his white lighter powers. "What happened," he asked.

"Its Jay Hernandez he's now in my dreams," I said. "I don't know how but he just is and he broke out of prison. So now I'm scared I mean if I fall asleep again I could die."

"Come on we're gonna go talk to mom and dad about this," he said as he grabbed my hand and led me downstairs and into the kitchen where they were. He then told them what was going on and they knew what was happening. Piper came and sat on the other side of me. I knew this meant something bad.

"Look Chris I know you probably get tired of hearing about the old Charmed Ones but the same thing happened to your mom," Piper said. "I mean back before you were born and this was even before I was with Leo I use to work at this place called Quake. This one day there was this guy who sent Prue a drink and well Prue turned it down. Not knowing that this guy was the man who was going around and killing women who had rejected him in their dreams. So turns out your mom was one of those women."

"How was she ever able to defeat this guy," I asked.

"She got over her fear of him and was able to use her powers in her dreams which is something you're gonna have to do if you want to ever stop that guy," she said. "Remember he's just a mortal and you have the same powers and courage as your mother so use it next time you go to sleep."

"Come on angel," Wyatt said as he grabbed my hand and led me back upstairs and back to the room where we just sat on the bed and talked.

"Wyatt I don't know how I'm suppose to handle this I mean it all just came on me when I least expect it," I said.

"You can do it Chris I have faith in you," he said. " You remember when you took on Barbus the demon of fear," I nodded. "Well this is just like that. If anyone from the Charmed Ones can handle this guy its you no don't let me hear you say that you can't do it," he said as he hugged me.

"Thanks," I said.

Meanwhile when Chris got home him and Peter had a talk about their future. Chris told him how he felt that he had no meaning after he was a Charmed One and wanted to know what Peter thought. Just like any boyfriend would Peter comforted Chris and said he was destined for much more but then Chris didn't believe him so he decided to do what I did. He then orbed and went to go see the Seer. "Hello Chris Halliwell I've been expecting you," she said.

"Why thanks for the greeting but how'd you know that I was coming I mean not to be rude but I didn't even know I was coming down here," Chris said.

"Lets just say I know a lot about people that they don't know themselves," she said as she was stirring things in her cauldron. "Now I've met your brother who was coming here for answers as are you," she said.

"Yes, okay this is getting weirder and weird as you talk," Chris said.

"I see you've come for answers of what lies ahead for you in the future," she said. "I think you'll be pleased with what you'll find I would tell you but it would spoil everything," she said as she took a spoon full of the liquid she was stirring in the cauldron, "drink this and you'll find the answers you've been searching for," she said.

"I hope this is worth it," Chris said as he took the drink. Chris then blacked out and when he woke up he found himself back at the manor in the future but he didn't know what time. He then got up off the ground and entered the kitchen and saw future Wyatt holding a baby.

"Hey Chris do you think Penelope looks more like me or Chris," he asked while smiling. Chris could tell now that the baby that Wyatt was holding was little Penelope.

"I think she looks like you both," Chris answered.

"You think so I never thought about that I always thought she looked more like Chris," he said as he kissed little Penelope on the cheek. "Hey Patrica don't move out of that chair you're in time out!" he shouted as he pointed to a little girl who was sitting in a chair at the table. Chris now was able to tell that, that little girl was Patrica, "hey sorry you have to see this but Chris will take you to the doctor in a few."

"The doctor for what?" Chris asked.

"What do you mean for what," Wyatt answered, "for that," Wyatt said pointing at Chris's stomach. Chris then looked down at his stomach and saw that he was four months pregnant.

"Oh my I'm pregnant," Chris said he then looked at his ring to make sure he was married to Peter and he was relieved to see that it was the same ring Peter proposed to him with.

"Yes Chris are you on crack or what," Wyatt asked. "I sure hope not for the baby's sake," Wyatt said.

"Hey where is Evans I need to talk to him," Chris asked.

"He's in the living room but are you sure you want to go in there I mean its pretty bad," Wyatt said. "He'll be right out to take you to the doctor just give him some time."

"No I need to talk to him now," Chris said as he rushed into the living room. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He saw me standing up arguing with another girl.

"I hate you!" the girl yelled. "You always treat them better than me!" she said.

"Go to your room now!," I yelled and the girl started storming up the stairs. She took a look at Chris and they stared at each other for awhile and Chris knew he had seen her somewhere but he couldn't remember. The girl then went back to storming up the stairs. The future me then walked over to Chris, "sorry you had to see that but I'm ready so lets get you to the doctor and see about your little baby," he said. Just then Chris blacked out again and found himself standing back in the Seer's lair.

"So did that answer any questions for you," The Seer asked.

"Yes it did but I have to go now," Chris said as he orbed in a hurry back to the manor.

Meanwhile me and Wyatt decided that I was just gonna go through with trying to face my fear of Jay because there was no point in running from it. Wyatt then gave me some medicine to make me sleep. I then saw myself back there again on the top of a twenty story building. Jay wasn't there yet so I decided to go sit at the table and wait for him. It wasn't to much longer after I came and sat at the table that I saw that puff of smoke and Jay coming from it again. "I knew you'd come back," he said as he came and sat in the chair across from me. "I knew you couldn't go without sleeping forever."

"Yeah but I can go without you forever," I said.

"You know its not wise to talk to someone who is about to kill you the way you are because you know I could just kill you right now as we speak," he said.

"Then why don't you I mean I rejected you so come on do it," I urged him.

"All in good time but I thought I'd torcher you a bit," he said with an evil grin. He then got up and started walking around and talking, "you see I'm reading you mind and looks like your mom went through the same thing. You think you can beat me with your little witch craft. I've never found anything more funny," he said while laughing.

"Well we'll just see about that," I said, "KNIFE" I said focusing on the knife and sent it towards Jay and it went right into his chest. I heard him scream real loud. "Now its time to finish this job," I said as I flung my hand and sent him right off the roof." I then smiled knowing that I faced the guy and he was out of my life forever. Later on that night everyone including Chris, Peter, Wyatt, Piper, Leo, me, and unfortunately Prudence decided to go have a nice family meeting and well I told them about what happened

"I'm proud of you," Piper said, "now everyone you all need to get some sleep because tomorrow is gonna be a big day," she said as she and Leo started walking upstairs. Wyatt and I soon decided to go to but Peter went up the stairs by himself and Chris said he would catch up with him later.

"Hey Prudence can I talk to you in the kitchen," Chris asked.

"Sure," she said as they both walked into the kitchen, "now what did you need to talk to me about," she asked as they finally made it into the kitchen.

"Okay I need to ask you something and don't play any games with me because I'm better at it," Chris said.

"Okay I won't just ask the question," she asked.

"Are you Patrica and Penelope's older sister," Chris asked.

Prudence paused for a moment because she was in shock, "if I can get Wyatt and Chris to sleep together by Valentines Day," Prudence said.

"What?! Thats this Wednesday," Chris said.

"I know," Prudence answered.

So should I continue this story or not. I'll let you be the judge because Chp 15 won't go up without any feedback just email me at

Next: Chapter 15

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